Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, November 05, 1794, Image 4
To-Morrow, &i!lbe Landed at Sims'j wharf from on board of the Brig Polly, William B, ad- Jhanv, mafier. Malaga Wine, Of a very superior quality, in butts and Quarter Calks, FOR SALE BY Ph'tlips, Cramond C5 8 Co. Q&. 29 d PORT WINE. A choice parcel of Full Bodied Old Red Port Wine, This d:iy arrived, by the Snow Truily, Captain Cook, from Oporto, For Sale by PETER BLIGHT. Also by the fame Snow, 5000 Bushels St. Übes Salt. Oft. 29. To-Morrow, will be landed at iuharf, from on board of the Jhif Eagle, David Williamfon, Hiajidr, from Oporto, RED & WHITE PORT WINE, In Pipes, Hogsheads and quarter Calks, For Sale by Philips, Craniond & Co. Who have also arrived for (ale, about 400 a Bufliels Coarse SALT, and 28 Firkins of BUTTER. Oct. 2' ARRIVED, "This day a few pipes of the firfl quality French Brandy, Fourth Proof, Esteemed equal to any that has been in this fV . r i~ ~ y city for a number of years, ALSO, Forty Hog/heads of jirji quality of St. Croix Sugar, And a few Tons of Good Black Pepper, FOR sale BY Levinus Clark/on, / No. 316) south Water street. OA. 8 d Lately Imported In the Br H ftor, C&ptain Baker, from H 'urdeauk, aucl for Sale by Joseph Anthony & Son, Cnoice .Old Cbret, 111 Hgglheids and Cafies Excellent White Wine, in Quarter Calk? and Boxes Florence Qil, in Calks audCafes. They haw also on hand, Choice Lifbon.&Port Wine, Soft She I'd Almonds and Bo*-Raifln«,> N. E. Rum, B 'ftoo Beef offuperier quality Tdw aiid'Taniiets oil, English and Ruffi' Canvas, Boftoo I>uck,fine Cotton Card Wire, 8, &7 by 9 Window GtofSj arM > . " ' Spermaceti Candles. 2g daw. To be Sold, The House, Stables & Lot of Ground. Ip Second street, between Spruce a*nd Onion streets, in the occupation of his Britannic Majesty's Mtnifter. ALSO The Adjoining Lot. j6 feet front, and 149 feet deep. For terms of sale, ap> to Win. Craxnond. Aug. 14 For Sale, Three trails of Land, LYING in Culpepper County, Virginia, o»M"unta>n Run ; one tract is within 25, the other two, 33 miles of Fredericklburg, on Rappahanock river. The trad that is within 25 mile?, contains about 1400 acres 50 of meadow land, in two separate plan tations ; on it is an extensive tivo-ftory dwelling house, 4 rooflß below, and four a bove, with 6 fire places, a large barn, lia ble, and other out-houfes.* a grift and saw mill, with a large house, which can very ea - filyand with little expence, be turned in to a manufaflory mill. A large quarry of lime stone, very easily come t, which is very profitable, as there is none of any ac count within 40 miles of the place. The other tract has a good dwelling houfe, 2 rooms below, and 2 above, a good franie barn, and other out-houfes, and a good orchard on each place. The other two tract , one of which con tains 456, the other »66, only, the said run divides them : they are in a fine situation, and afford beautiful profpeifts j there are good dwelling houles on each, one has I'otlr rooms below, the other two, and other out houses, some fruit trees, ten acres now in grass on one of the tra&s, and a stone diftil ]cry house 20 feel square in the clear. ALSO, A Small Tra3 cf Lease Land, For two Live?, lying on Rsppahanock ri. ver, 25 itiiles from Frederickfburgb, with a good mill ou it. Apply to Joseph Robert Of Culpepper County. 3t Oft. 2* PROPOSALS PRESIDENT fcf DIRECTORS OF THE INSURANCE COMPANY NOR'rtl ° AMERICA. WHERE 4S by an alt of the Legislature of the State of Pennfyl-vania incorporat ing the Infarance Company of A' ' y?. merica, the President and DireSur* are authorised to extend their affurahce to Goods, Wares and Merchandise, or 0- ther perfonalproperty in Dwelling Ihuf es, Warehouses or Stores, or to Buildings again/I the rifi ariftng from Fire, and having afcertaincd that it is a general desire that Property of this description Jhould be assured from so Jatal a risk, tbe President arid Directors of the Insu rance Company of North America are induced to offer the following TAB L E dtf. Of Rates and Terms. Tables of Rates of Annual Premiums to , be paid for AJJurance againjl Fire. No.I Upon common infuraneea, or hazard s of the firft class, within the city of Phila delphia and Northern and Southern Liber, ties. B ick or Stone houses. or Stores. Furniture or Merchandize not hereafter fpe cified astxtra hazardous, contained in Brick or Stone Houses For sums not exceeding 8000 dollars at and after the rate of 30 cents for every hundred Dollars. Aft- For sums not exceeding 16000 Dollars at and after the rate of 45 cents for every hun dred dollars. For sums not exceeding 25000 dollars at and after the rate of 60 cents for every hun dred dollars. N. B. As the neighborhood of framed buildings, orother circumrtances, may ren der a rifle ineligible which is within the tet ter of these proposals, the company feferve a right to reje£l fufch an afturance at pleasure. No. I I,—Upon hazards of the fecondclafs• Houses or Stores of which the walls are not wholly of Brick or Stone. Furniture, or merchandize, inclndng ex tra hazardous Goods, as Pitch, Tar, Tur pentinc, Wax, Hemp, Oil, Tallow, Spirit ous Liquors contained in houses or ftoiei of which the walls are not wholly brick or (lone. These last recited extra hazardous articles in any building whatf jever* Ships whilst building ; the premises arid property therein contained of Carpenter Joiners, Coopers, Tavernkcepers or Inhol ders. Stable keepers, Bakers, Ship Chandlers and Boat Builders, Malt Driers, Brewers, Tallow Chandlers, Sugar, Bakers, Aoothe caries, Chemists, Dialers, Printers, Oil and Colourmen, China, Glass and Earthen ware Sellers. Mills and Machinery: Porcelain, Glass and Pottery Wares in Trade. For sums not exceeding Bcoo dollars at and after the rate of 75 cents for every hundred dottars. For funis riot exceeding t6ooo dollars at and after the rate of 150 cents for every hun dred dollars. CONDITIONS. ift A written application must be licit at the ComparriyV Office ftatinp the sum desired to be infurrd, by wholri, and a description of the kind of property, whether Buildings or Goods ; what kind of goods, and how much upo^eachbuilding, of the goods in each, wheie there are out honfes or stores. Wbtfn Household Goods are intended to be insured the application (hould fpecify as follows, Dollars On Household Furniture sad* Linen On-Wearing Apparel On China and Glaffr On Printed Books On Liquors 2nd. The Premium nfuft be p»id when &e order is given and accepted, the Infur. ance to commence the instant it itpaid, and (Jonlinue in force (o long a.< the payment (hall be annually made at the office before 5 o'clock J. ihe day when each revolution ol the (jerm. Is complete ; or if that day shall happen on a Sunday or 4th July, or any other Holi day kept at the Office, then on the day pre ceding. 3d. If any other insurance be exifling'on the fame property fiotice theteof rtuft be iiven with the order,otherwifc the Policywilt be void. 4th. Goods held in Truftornn Commif. fton, must be declared to be so held, other wise the Policy will notcovtr such Property. sth. This Company will not be accounta ble so' any loss or damage caused by any Fo reign Invasion, or by any Military or Usurp ed Force, or by reason of any civil Commo tion. w&stf 6th. Bills of Exchange, Bonds, Securities, Title Deeds, Ready Money, and Bank and other Promissory Notes are not included un der any insurance. Paintings, Medals, Jewels Gems, Antique Curiosities and Mirrors, a bove \ol, each, may be lofured by|fpecial A greement. 7th. No Insurance will be made for a less term than One Year. Bth. Perrons Choosing to Insure for Se»en years (hall be allowed One year's Premium, by way of discount ; also one-third of a year's Premium upon a tricnnal Insurance. gth. When any loss by Fiie is sustained on property insured at this Office, the fufferer (hall in thirty days furnifli the bed docu ments he is able of the value of the Goods damaged or dedroyed'; this ascertained, the loss within the sum insured (hall be paid without dedufiion in thirty days after proof thereof. N. B. It is expetted a little experience may authorize the Company to extend idnr ance from Fire to other Cities ; at present they confine this branch of their business to Philadelphia and its Vicinity, In Penofylva nia. By Order, EBENEZER. HAZARD, Sec'ry Oft. 21 iawtf PHILADELPHIA:—Printed by JOHN FENNO, No. 119, Chemiut Street.—Pmce Six Dollars Per Annum. BY THE CLARET, White Wine, Of a very Superior Quality, JUST ARRIVED, In Hogsheads aud Boxe-;, and for fate at a very reasonable Rate by David Gurdon Mumford Of -- »V YC'rtK. Any ord.-is ■ sem. rfiil be duly at o. Jftw-York, O®. 3» t'ir Li> pool 7® Be Sold Fig..,. rhe Ship Thomas, The second wharf below Pine-Street, ap ply at said wharf, to Jehu Hollingfworth, & Co. Aug. 16. d. AT THE Card & Nail Faffory, No. J9, north Front street, Webster, Adgate & White, Have confiantly for sale, Cotton, Wool, Tow, and Machine Cards, Of all Kinds, Cut Nails of all sizes, Floor Bradi; Sprigs and Tacks, Fullers Shears, Gun Flint! and Woo< Hats, A quantity of kiln drisd Indian Meal in barrels A new Edition of Adgate's Philadelphia Htrmony, containing both the firfr and fe cqpd partsj being the aioft aproved sys tem of Rules and the bell cole&ion of Tunes now in use, Also for Sale, A complete set of Machinery for making Cards On an Improved Conltruftion, Oft. 2 Scheme of a Lottery, To raise 39,900 Dollars, on 266,000 Dollars, Ded»Bin> 13 per Lent, from the Prizes— This Lottery confi/is of 38,000 Tickets, in. which there are >4,531 Prizes, and 23,461 Hlmis, being about one and tin half blanks to a prize. ' Btreiilorsof the Society for establish- JL ing UCefnl Mamifa6tures, having refoiv cd to erefct LOTTERIES for railing Ons Hundred Thousand Dollars, agreeably to an Atl of the Lcgiflature the State of New-Jerfty, have appointed the following perjons to superintend and direS the draw ing of the fame, viz. Nicholas Low, Rufus King, Herman Le Roy, James Watson, Richard Harrifou, Abljah Hammond, and Coritefius Ray, ot the city of New-York Thomas WiHmgj jofepb Hall, Matthew M'- Connei a;. -I ■Andrew Bayard, of the city of Philadelphia—His Excellency Richard How ell, Sftj. Jtliar BoitdincSt, General EliasDay tonj James Parker, John Bayard, Doctor Lewis fJnnliam, Samuel W. Stockton, Jolhua' M. Wallace, joseph Bloomfield, and Elifha Boudiuot r ol Ncw-Jerfey, who offer the toHowlrig Schcnie of i Lottery, affd pledge themfefves to the pubkic, thfct they will take every assurance and precaution in their power to have the Monies paid by the Managers fro hi tirae to time, as received, into the Banks at New-Y6rk and Philadelphia, to remain for the purpofr of paying Prizt-j, which (hall be immediately discharged by a check upon one of the Banks. j SC H E ME: i" I a Prizeof 20,030 Dollars it to,ooo 10,000 10,000 5> 00 ° 10,000 2,000 10,000 1,000 10,000 10,000 100 10,000 a® 15,000 20 so,ooo 15 30,000 1* 36,000 10 81,000 » 10 20 ♦ 100 3°° 1000 2000 3000 8100 i » »4>539 Prizes. 262,000 >3,461 Blanks. First drawn number, 2,000 Lafldrawn number, 2,000 38,000 Tickets at 7 Dollar* each is 266,000. The drawing' will commence, under the tnfpe&ion of a Committee of the Superin tcndants, as soon as the Tickets are fold, of Which timely notice will be given. The Superintcndants have appointed John K. Cumming, of Newark, Jacob R. H*r denberg,of New-Brunfwrck, and Jonathan Rhea, of Trenton, as immediate Managers thereof, who have given ample security for arfchargirtg the trust repdfed in ttiem. In order to fecur* the pun&ual pay ment of the Prites, the Superintcndants of the Lottery have dkefted that the Managers (hall each enter into bonds in 40,000 dollars, with four fuflicient fecilriries,to perform their inftiuftionsy the substance of wnich is I. That whenever either of the Managers shall receive the sum of Three Hundred Dol lars, he (halt tmmdiateJy place the fame in one of the Hanks of >Jcw-York or Philadel phia, to the cieditof the Governor of the Society, and such of the Superintendants as ive in the city where the monies are placed, to remain tKcre until the Lottery is drawn, for the payment of the Prizes. 11. The Managers to take fufificient fe eurity for any Tickets they may trust, other, wife to be rtfoomiblefor them. 111. To keep regular bocks of Tickets fold, Monies received and paid into the Bank, abftra&s of which (hall be sent, monthly, to thcGovernor of the Society. Paterfon, January t. 1794. On application to either ofthe above gen tlemen, information will be given where tickets may be had. February 24. Just Arrived, And will be landed to-morrow morning it Hamilton's wharf, the CARGO of the Schooner Industry, Captain Hylander, from Havanna, CONSISTING OF 85 hhds. Molafles, Of superior full quality. 10& Boxes and Barrels White & brown Sugar Parcel of Ox-Hides ; diOt FOR SALE BY Peter Blight. ALSO, A PARCEL OF Salt, COFFEE, Just arrived in the Hibernia, Captain Irwin, from Jamaica. • Sept. d Dancing School. Win, M'DOUGALL preftnts his com pliments to the Public —Thanks them for the great encouragement he has experi enced these twenty odd years. He will open his School for this Season on Monday the 13th Odtober, at 10 o'clock in the morning, in that large and elegant Saloon in Harmony street, leading from Third to Fourth street, turning the corner of No. 70, South Third street. His Employers may be allured, the ftridl order arid decorum that has always been observed in his School, fh2.1l still be pur sued—and that their children will be taught in the moll approved and modern stile Note—An Evening School for young Gentlemen. * Oil. 10 Forty dollars reward. RAN AWAY from the Subfcribet on Sa turday night the lith inft. A Mulatto lad, named Bill, gerterally called Bill Madden, about J 7 or 18 years of age, 5 feet 7 or 8 in ches high, of a Aim make, has ilrait black hair, which he sometimes wes tied, but generally loose; he has been accuftoined to wait altogether in a house, and having been much indulged, has'become too idle to wo k for a support. He took with him a brown ftiftian double breasted long coat, one drab coth coat, with red cuffs and cape, the pocket flaps and skirts trimmed with red edge,a ftiftain wailtcoat a pair df 'oucklkin bieecbes, a pair of red llriped trowffrs, and several other cloaths, also a pair of boots, baifworo, It is probable he has a forged pass, and will endeavour to pass as a free man. From every circumstance, 1 am led to believe lie went off with a white woman, and that they had taken their pal fage in a veiftl bound" to Philadelphia. The above reward will he paid to any person deliveringjme the said fervanf, and reasonable charges for bringing h honre. . Daniel Carroll. w&stf Of Duddington. City of Washington, Oft. go Oft. 7 *3taw2w James M'Alpin, Taylor, No, 3, South Fourth Street, Returns his grateful acknowledgements to hislriends and the Public for their libe ral Encouisgement, and begs leave res pe&fully tofolicit a Continuance of their Favours. At his Shop Gentlemen ciX be furnilhed with the best materials, and have them made up and finilhtd in the neatest and nioft falhionable manner. He will thankfully receive any orders & pay a prompt and punctual attent ou t Q Ofl-. 3 ? Money to be Lent, On Mortgage of REAL ESTATES, liVithin the City and Liberties of Philadel phia. Apply to Nicholas Diehl, jun. Attorney at Law. No. 19, south Fourth Jlrctt. Aim. 4 mw&ftf Asfheton Humphreys, Attorney at Law y Notary Public & Conveyancer, AT his Office No. 65, Walnut street Corner of DOCK Street, continues to tranfadt biifinefsin the above-brafldhesj as heretofore, ?nd draws at a moderate Charge, Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, Powers of Attorney, Bills of Sale, and Bottomree Charter Parties, Memorials, Petitions, and other Inflruments in Writing. Heal fo continues to buy and fell- Real EftAtcs, upon Commission ; and has at t>re!fcnt a few valuable Farms, &c. for faJe. October It, 1794 Stock Brokers Office, No. 16, Wall-Artel, New-Yoak. THE Subscriber intending to confinrhim rell entirely to the PURCHASE and SA*.E of STOCKS on COMMISSION,t>. Ks leave to off rhisfetlicrs to his friends' and Others, in the line o(a Stock Broker. Thofc who may pl.afe to favor him with their bufi oefs, may dopuiri upon having it tranfa&ed with the otmoft fidelity and dilpaich. Orders Philadelphia, Bolton, orany other part of the United States, will- be ftriaiy attended to. ' * tu&ftf and A eodtf 2awtf eod4w, LEONARD BLEECKER. micthtf Iriiii Linens, Cork fail Cloth JVELL ASSORTED, Imported and for Sale by Rumford & Abijah Dawes, At their Store, No. 7, south ioth Mo. 31 d , 4t Burlington Pork. Best Burlington Pork, A QUANTITY OF FOR. SALE BY Levi Hollingfworth & Son. oft- 31 d Madeira Wine. A few pipes of very Extraordinary good Quality London Particular Bill Wine, Will be landed on Monday next, fr oiri on boa<-d the Ship Catharine, at MeiTis. Simi's wharf, and TO BE SOLD IST John Craig, Who has also for Sale, Sugar and Coffee, In Barrels, COTTO in balf, HvTon and Souchong TEAS WINDOW GLASS of different- fixes- Nov. 1 d John Miller, jun. No. 8, Chesmut near Front Shut, Hath Imported in the late Yefftis A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OP WOOLLENS, SUITABLE TO TJIC fCASOM. ALSO, (by the packagf,) RATTS well ajforted, Beys' coloured, and Mens' black Mcnchejler Cotton Goods Slippers and Sandals Flowers and Feathers Black and White Lace. Fans. IRISH LINENS, Brown and White, by the Box, laid in on the BEST TERMS. Tieklenburgs, BY TH-*. 1«U ORPIiCg o<a. 15 To be Sold -dtA immediate given-, A Large three f-'tory , Dwelling House, and Lot, In Lodge Alley, next to the Batok of - Pennsylvania, THE Houfc cfmfifts of ten Lodging roorrts, one'forty feet losg, tlw otlirr rtxSut ililrty four, each containing twojiarlouri, a large kitchen, WithtXlen five cellar*'under, and gaoiets over the whole. A pump and rain water cittern -in {lie yard. With rtfr .above.may be taxi a Lot of Ground, Adjoining, about nin»ty-fix feM m>' front, and forty-two deep. For further particulars, please to En quire on the ,Premises. Oft. 30 the Public. To A SUBSCRIPTION Is opened for Printing the Theological Writings O F Emanuel Swedenbourg, At Francis Bailey'j Book Jfore, i\o. 116, Market Jireet> Philadelphia, WHEN a Sufficient /übfcription uke» place, a meeting will bfe adverttfed to con iider most eligible mode for eondufting the printing of futli of the Work? as (hall be-tboufiht to be of the greatest utility in the firft inftsuce. 7he following Treatifcs may be now had at Mr. Bailey's : The Doftiine of Life, or the Spiritual sense of the Ten Commandment*. Tlie Universal Theology of (he New Church ; which was foretold by the Lord in Dan'tri, chap. 7, v. J, ij, 14, and in the Aptocaij t ;<>, chap. 21, v. 1, 2, &c. A fuminary View of the Heavenly Doc- twines of the New Jerusalem Church. As various opinions have been en tertained refpefhng tliefe iuvaluable w*itivgs and yet no perlbfi hv rational argument lias been able to refute them-, bat instead there of, invidious and gioundlefs re ports have been it dnftrioufly propagated todifcredlt the horouial>leandenhghUi»ed Author, as well as hin Works, we doubt hot the candid and finctre inquirers after Truths of the bigheii importance, will fe rioofly examine those Wmks for lfierajehfs y in which it is to be hoped, thet being in the puifuit and Jove of the Truth for ihe fake of its native excellence and vfe, they will regard them as tbey justly deierve, and in the end reccive both profit and delight. Oft. IA V' osdtf eoilvr eTul2 vr