Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, November 04, 1794, Image 3

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    It is fmgolar that in the late debates of
■he Convention, the two men who were
•he original denouncers of Rpbcfperre,
1( 1 who firfl plotted Ms deftrufUcm, Tal
lin awl Bourdon de L'Oiff, to have
-mbractd different parties, /allien fup
ngrtsthe plan of Cambon,Ar the organ.
£don of the affeftmg to
dread more than tlw revival o.
the system of RoJ>*P>erre. Bourdon dt
L'Oife plan of Barrere, be
etle he fe ? -> th « lf Cambon s were
tdoped, >- ,ere would be an end of all unity
of and the Revolutionary govern
meii would be dissolved. It is not therefore
a (jntelt between Tallien and his friends,
who firft projected the ruia of Robespierre
and Barrere and his friends who joined
them only a few days before that event
took place, but between those who are for
giving left power and authority to the Re
volutionary Government. We do not
think it impossible that the question may
be decided without the deftru<£lion of ei
ther of those parties.
Mr. Phillips, of Leicester, who has
been confined eighteen months, was li
berated on Thursday lafl. The charge for
which Mr..Phillips has fufferejl a severe
fente*Cc was having fold in the course of
his bufiri'efs as a bookseller, one copy of
Paine's Rights of Man, thirteen days be
fore the trial of Paine.
The great Colonel Mack has now again
come into play.' From the proofs he has al
ready given of consummate generallhip,
and invincible valor, what mighty feat s
might not again be expe&ed:
<« And thrice he conquer'd all his foes,
" And thrice he flew the flajn".
The French, by the capitulation of Sluys,
have acquired the enormous number of
400 pieces of brass cannon, 4000 pri
soners, and a proportionate quantity of
military stores.
Last night the following notice extrabr
dinary was stuck up at Lloyd's, which ar
retted the'attention of the merchants and
under-writers. .
. Operations on the book for August.
Arrivals $00
Captures with loflcs, 103
The mode of raifmg recruits for the
Austrian armies is as follows :—Each
parith is dbliged to furnifh a certain
number of men, who are chosen by lot
from the whole number in the place,
capable of bearing arms. Whoever is
drawn is at liberty to find a substitute
but he must be as tall as himfelf.
We yeflerday received letters by the
Henry from Calcutta, lad from St. He
lena, which informs us, that the
Fort William, General Coote,
Marquis of Lanfdowne, Boddington*
From Bengal.
Royal Charlotte, Hindoftan,
Lord Thurloxv, Triton,
Earl of Abergavenny, Warley,
Henry Dundas, Exeter,
Lord Walfingham, Glatton,
Ofterly, , Ceres.
Jiawke, and two others.
From China.
were to fail from St. Helena the Ift
{if Jtily, under convoy of the Lion and
Eiampfon men of war, of 64 guns, and
the Argo of 44 guns.
The Duke of Buecleugh, outward
bound Indiaman, had arrived at St. He-
Several foreign veflels failed with the
Vidia fleet from St. Helena.
Orders have been issued from the War
office, that all officers belonging to re
giments at present in the Weft-Indies
/Hall proceed to Portsmouth, where
tmnfports are ready to convey them to
that part of the world.
All officers of Independent Compa
anies have received fciders to hold them
selves in readinefe to be employed.
A very alarming report has prevailed
in the city during the last two days, that
nine fail of French line of battle (hips,
full of troops, failed from Brelt the be
ginning of last month, for Weft-In
diej. That a hostile fleet of that force
was out, has been ascertained by the
testimony of the matters of several neu
tral viefiels; but it was at firft general
ly imagined, that their object was the
intercepting of the homeward bound
India men, which took (helter in Gal
Tfoefe, however, having so fortu
nately escaped, it is now much feared
that tlie defoliation of this squadron was
differe nt from that at firft apprehended,
and th »t apprised of our weakness in the
Weft-Undies, the French Government
have d ctermin'ed to attempt the annihi
lation Ips our power in th; 1 * quarter of the
globe 1 an enterpriie in which, (hould
this b<: the cafe, there is too much rea
son to believe that they must inevitably
fucceefl, unless the most speedy and
yowei ful reinforcements are sent out
from uhis country.
Tht French have fuffered extremely
before Sluys—and the officer who com
mands the garrison seems to have adted
vifh great flcill and We
look upon the noble (land which the
Dutch have made at this place, as a
g >od«arneft of the reception the enemy
are likely to meet with in their attack
upon Holland, if they still attempt to ,
push their conquests in that country.
It is curious to remark exactly the
fame reproaches thrown out against Ro
btfpierre and his party, with which
they themselves had loaded the Briflfo
tines : we find the fame determination
avowed by their fuecefTors, of chang
ing the fyltem of despotism for that of
Liberty ; of cruelty and injullice, for
that of mild and equitable law. But
in the midst of this succession of parties,
and of the attendant cruelties and hor
rors, with what pity and contempt mull
we behold the deluded wretches of
France, who can have been taught that
ihere has ever existed any thing like the
shadow j>f Liberty in the sanguinary
tyranny of Robespierre: or that,
while they have been robbed of theii
property, and forced for bread to the
army, they were living under a Repub
lic, which distributed to each individual
the rights which really belouged to
Robespierre is now admitted by the
party prints to have been a very gujeat
rascal, though, for Come reason or otner,
he was a great man and a great patriot
while he lived. There is an old proverb
which may perhaps be applicable upon
this occasion, "No longer pipe, no
longer dance."
The disturbances at Copenhagen a
rose in the. dock-yard, where the arti
ficers having mutinied, and behaved
very riotously, the government ordered
them to be seized ; and 125 persons
have been sent on board of (hips, to be
tranf orted to Rostock. At the date
of the letters received yesterday, tran
quility was restored at Copenhagen.
HULL, Sept. t.
On Monday twenty-three Romish
ecclesiastics arrived at Leeds in a vessel
from this town. They came from Liege
in Germany, bring forded away by the
French, and are 00 their way to Colne,
in Lancalhire, where it is supposed they
intend to ei'cablifh a seminary. One of
them has in his pofleflion an image of tfie
Holy Virgin worth 1: 001.
His Excellency the Governor has di-<
rested the several managers of the elec
tion diftri&s in the diftrift composed of
tlx diltrifts of Beaufort and Oraiige
burgh, to hold the eledlions on Monday
and Tuesday the tenth and eleventh
days of November next, for a person to
serve, in the House of Representatives
of the United States, as a member of
the said diftrift, until the firft Monday
in March next, vice Alexander Gillon,
Esquire, d^ceafed.
We hear that a new entertainment is
getting up by the Old American Com
pany, to b« performed on the benefit
Night of Mrs. Marriott. This piece is
called The Chimera—lt is a produdtion
of that Lady, and is said by those who
have perused it, that the lovers of taste
and delicate humor may anticipate a
rich repast 011 the occasion.—An origi
nal Prologue by the fame hand, will be
spoken by Mr. Hodgkinfon.
Calvi, in Corsica surrendered to the
Britifli on the 10th August after a
siege of J 1 days—this capture difpof
fefTw the French of every part of that
Two frigates fell into the hands of
the English—the Melpomene of 40
guns, and the Mignonne of 3 2.
A lift of French (hips of war destroyed
by the squadron under the command
of Sir J. B. Warren, K. 8.,0n the
23d August, 1794-
Guns. Weight, Men.
La Felicite, 40 18 Pdrs. 350
L'Efpion, 18 9 ditto. 200
Alert, 18 9 ditto. 200
The two last (hips formerly belonged
to the British.
ExtraS of a letter from an Officer of the
Ift Regiment of Ptnnfylvania Militia,
dated at Bedford, 220 miles W. from
Philadelphia—Orf. 19 ih, 1794*
" Stupendous hills, without inhabi
tants ; narrow valleys badly cultivated;
huge rocks, where nought but moss
has ever ventured ; giddy precipices,
which the most daring approach with
dread j headlong dreams, murmuring
loudlv at the roughness of their beds,
and sickly vegetables contiafted iu size
by tlie bleakness of their situation, and
by deficiency ef nutriment, are the on
ly objedls which have for several day#
pad presented thcmfelves to ny view
in continual fueceffion. We hare how
ever at length_anived, and are low en
camped at, a place where th* erterprize
and industry of man has reand more
memorable monuments.
" The town of Bedford doe; not in
deed contain many houses, butfome of
them are fufficiently large &veijr conve
nient. A number of the buildings are
(lone a few of them Brick, and th: work not
illy executed. Two or threehoufes are
now rising which promise fa be very
convenient habitat ions.
" The town of Bedford (lands in a
circular valley surrounded by mountains
on every fide except the north, where
the rising ground descends to. the deno
mination of hills. The dimtufioiu of
the valley lam not able to leain. The
mountains to the N. W. are not fuffi
ciently defend this village from
the impression of the wind , and there
fore mud render its situation intense
ly cold in winter, when they come from
that quarter.
" The inhabitants are in general,
healthy—to this however, the present
season has c'onftituted an exception. Ir
termittents and some fluxes made their
appearance here, about the doling
months of the lad furfimer, and in the
beginning of the prefesrt autumn.
" Of autumnal dlfeafes, scarcely the
veftage remains among the troops of
our regiment—nor has the difcafes of
winter yet made their appearance. I
have endeavored to prot<& the troops
from these more to he dreaded than the
foe of which we are in feaich, by ditto
ing them to procure for themselves a
panoply of flannel.' 1
By this Day's Mail.
Lift of votes for Governor, as ?oui)ted
and reported by a committee of the two
ho.ifrs, 1794.
i" : lit <1 I. Tichenor feat, votes
Btnning. county 303 221 II
Windham do. 236 642 36
Windsor do. 218 138 61
Orange do. 262 331 166
Addifon do. 418 137 16
Rutland do, 72a 146 62
Chittenden do. 464 39S 70
2623 2000 43,2
243* 431*
Majority for Chit. 119 243&
The Hon. lfaac Tichenor, Esq. is
cle£led Chief Judge, Enoch Wopd
bridge, Esq. fiift, and Lott Hall, Esq.
second Judge of the Supreme Court
for the year ensuing. -
By a gentleman from Vergennes we
are informed, that on the 13th or 14th
instant, a melancholy aocident happen
ed between the mouth of Otter Gteek
and Bason Harbor. A canoe in whjch
were Mr. Philander Vaughan, his wife,
Mr. Tracy, and Mr. Thomas
Burt, overset in a squall of wind,'when
Mr. and Mrs. Vaughan and Mr. Tracy
were drowned: Mr. Burt fwatn to
f Singularitits.
A correspondent informs that the
firll white: child born in the town of
Worcester, MafTachufetti, is now a resi
dent in Orwell in this state, his name is
Adonijah Rice ; —And we are further
informed that in the course of last sum
mer he cleared a handsome spot of
ground for wheat, with his own hands.
Worcester has two handsome .meeting
houses, and large societies, and has in
the course of this man's life, eretfted and
worn out one strong prison, and lately
built a spacious new one.
In the courTe of a few years, how
rapid has population been in Vermont !
At the close of the late American war
not a family resided in Shoreham in this
state ; there are now upwards of two
hundred families: and most of them
possessed of handsome improved farms.
Foreign Intelligence,
LONDON, Aug. 27.
Advices were received yesterday at
the Duke of Portland's office, from
Lord Dorchester, at Quebec, of the
date of June 26, by which we are hap
py to be enabled to contradict the idle
rumours of American News-papers,
with which we have for feme time palt
been amused, rtfpedting the state of af
fairs in that country —no holtile incli
nation having, at the date of<his Lord
ship's dispatches, manifcHed itlclf, either
on the fide of the British or American
government. All was perfeflly tran
quil, and the universal with wa£ decided
j ly in favour of peace.
Charles Bannijler.
The great vocal performer, is no less
celebrated for his Attic fallien, than his
musical powers, Being mi a faftiioiv
able party, in company with the late
lorj Barrymore, his lord (hip in expefta
lion of some ingenious repartee told him
that he had been dreaming all night of
vermin, which he thought unacrount
able. "Nofuch myltery neither, re
plies old Bannister, it is very natural for
people to dream at night, of what hfes
been running in their heads all day.
Yeflerday several Spaniards and Tou
lonuefe, who had been employed to af
fiil in clearing the Impetucufe, of 74
guns,'one of the French (hips captured
by Lord Howe's fleet on the lil June,
were tip on fui{)icion of having
willfully set flic to the fame, and weif
«xainined before a magistrate, when it
clearly appeared to have happened en
tirely from accident, as the men had
that day been (hovelling out the dama
ged powder from the magazine with
iron bound (hovels, and it is imagined
one of them struck fire sgainfl i'ome of
the nails, which occasioned the accident.
The Impetueufe was supposed to be
worth 30,0001. and tho' not thclargelt
was looked upon as the fineft (hip of
the fix taken by Lord Howe.
Hxtrafl of a letter from Bedford, ditted
OSober 21.
" ytiianhy trembles, and order tri-
Hmphs—Confternation rides post haftc
throughout the whole territory of sedi
tion. The martial appearance, the
health, the spirits and the good order
of our military, exceed the most san
guine expectations of the waimelt friends
to order and good government. —A
spirit of fraternal' harmony breathes
thioughout our whole line.—Horle and
Foot, Jerfeyans anil Pcfinfylvanians, re- j
gard each other in all their transitions j
as brethren embarked in a common
cause, and appear determined to co
operate, on every emergency, for that
noble ft. of objefls, the public good.
We have now in the common prison
of this place, several infractors of the
laws, whom the a&ivity of our scouts
have brought in some from the distance
of 40 or 50 miles—Those of them who
may be clearly convicted of the greatest
atrocities, will be doubtlcfs ae.noved
from the poflibility of future action.
No violence is however offered to any
man iri making him prisoner, unless he
either relists or attempts to fly—thus
lenity marks the conduct of the friends
to government in all their measures for
re ellablifhing order, and more perma
nently securing the future peace of our
On the day after to-morrow we (hall
again aflume the line of march, and in
two days pass the Athrghany, those
everlasting hills that still rear their heads
in the Weft. Our route will doubtlcfs
extend as far as Pittsburgh—l have a
strong inclination to take a round in
Braddock's field—the spot where he
roes formerly bled, and where an army
of licentious lnfurgents lately aiTem
bled—afterqbled for the purpose of dic
tating to a powerful nation."
Short account of the principd places in the
Netherlands—Ex trailed from a late
Klundert—A strong town of Hol
lend, fitliated on a river or canal which
runs from the Merwe, and -forms the
country on which this town and Wil
liamftadt stands, into an iiland. It was
taken by the Frcnch in 17931 and soon
after evacuated. Long. 4 0 , 34', E. lat.
sl°>5 l °> 37*> N. 19 leagues S. from Am-
Iterdam, 12 W. from Bois le Doc,
6 1-2 S. from Rotterdam, and 1 1-2
E. S. E. from Williamftadt.
Breda—A handsome and strong ci
ty of Brabant, belonging to the Dutch,
situated at the confluence of the river
Aa and Mercke. It is the capital of a Ba
rony comprehending 17 villages. It
was taken by the Prince of Orange in
1637, after which the fortifications were
confideiibly augmented, and are e(teem
ed some of thecompleteft in the Nether
lands, It is furiouh'led on all fidesby
wstter, and morasses, notwithstanding
wliich, it surrendered to the French the
24th Feb. 1793, after a short siege of
io.days. On the 30th March, it was
again given by capitulation. The city
is of a triangular form, and contains
220C1 houses. 8 leagues E. from Ber
gen op Zoom, 10 W. from Bois le
Due, 25 N. W. from Mi-ftricht, 11
S. S. E. from Rotterdam, 6 E. from
Williamftadt, and 93 N. from I'aris.
German Paflengers.
Healthy Iradifmcn^
; Ai» ju& arrived ■iv the from
Amfterdiim, whole time- are to be agreed.
Ji'r, bv on hoard fiiip, 01 l»
• Rundle & Murgatroyd^
No. 11, Walnut flreet
; Nov. 4 / . fvtbl&f
We haar that about three tfiJufand
of the army are on their return froui the
welters expedition.
A majority of the House of Repre
sentatives a {Tumbled this day but
adjourned without proceeding tobufinefs
the members of the Senate who are
present not being Efficiently numerous
to con Hit ute a quorum of that body.
Last night a quarrel arose between tvro
Mulattoes, who were at a Dance in South
wark ; and a combat ensued which termi
na fd in the death of one of them, named
Jcfilh Johnson. He was a Ship-Carpenter,
in the employ of Mr. Penrofc. A Jury of
inqucft fat on the body, who brought in a
vti Jivfl, munjlaugbtcr.
At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of
Wyalnfia g Township, in Luzerne
County, held the 4th day of October,
Justus Gaylord, Moderator.
Samuel Gordon, Clerk.
Refobvid, That as all authority ori
ginates trom the people in Republican
Governments, as Citizens of such, where
the voice of the majority becomes the
law, we think it our duty to lupport
our own laws.
Resolved, That we <(teem v the Con
stitution of the United States as it now
is framed, as the basis of our Liberty
and happiness, and we arc fully deter
mined to support it with our lives and
Rejoined, That if our Reprefentativej
delegated to make laws for our fafety,
and government, do oppress us by making
unequal or unconstitutional laws, it is our
duty to remonstrate and obtain-redrefs in a
conttitiitionat way.
That we disapprove and re
probate the unconstitutional steps taken {as
we believe) for a redress of imaginary
grievances by l'ome of the people in the
weiteni counties of this State.
Rejoined, That the forgoing Refolvesbe
publiihed ft>t the confederation of our fel
Ship Peggy, Elliott,
Br/g Enterprize, Sattafield,
bchumur Ihza, W'akijieid,
Jndujlry, Starback,
Dolphin, Bodum,
We \moulh, Stevens,
Sloop laurunia, Church,
Mar), L'Hommedieu,
Charlotte, fa qui net,
Nancy, Bunker,
Hazard, Foster,
Sarah, Tas lor,
Delight, Price,
Ship Gujtavus Adolphus, Bloomfler, Leghorn
Brig Two forte, Hatannak
Planter, Hawkins, St.Cioix
Pomona, King, y \ Ate-andria
Edward, Linnet, HorfalK
Sloop Pairhuven, Babcoik, Aew York
Sally, Potter, W'fM
Nonpareil, Guthrie, Alexandria
Maitha, M'WiUiams, Fredcrickjburgh
Betsey, Petc'fon, Newbc n iV.C,
Thefollowing vejfelt are at the Fort, viz : the
Schooner Betsy, Rnckwll, Barbadoes, 15 days
Fiiendjhtp, Cutler, Jaqucmrl
Shop Betsy, Newton, s ' L'roiX
bally* Lewis y ' Aut U es
Brig fox, Antigua 1 5 days
Lapt. Cochran zoas to Jail from Jaqutmcl, the
dux after capt. Lewis lejt Aux C ayes.
Lapt. George of the ship Bacchus, about ic
days ago, m Lai. 38, 3°"> W- 6 9- Jt oh ' the
Ship Ehza of Bofion, Jrom New York, 3 days
out, all well,
( apt. Taylor of the Sloop Sarah from Virginia, .
on Friday loft, out/idt tU capes, spokefpoke the flip
Goddejs of Plenty, Thonffm, Jrom Uarbaaoes.
Two Brig, with French palfengers, a„a ajchoo.
ner, wire yeferaay seen cor. 'ig too at the Fort.
The Ship Goddqiuf Plenty, and another Ship
with a head, quarter badges, and black fides, be
fide'Jeveral Bugs, Schooners, and Shops, were
also seen coming too.
The following vrjfcti arrived yejieriay at the
Fort. viz. Shirt Andromache, Moore, Jertmi'e;
Bri? Satl\, ( Oiftran, Jux Layes ; Brig Swallow,
Smith, New Orleans, and two fchoorer,.
An English Utter oj Marque, shewing 16
guns, arrived tajl evening at the Fort.
NEW YORK, November 3.
Ship Leedi Packet, Sinclair,
Brig Julia, Fanning,
Schooner Began, Qrcenlur,
Decatur, JjtftfMi
S/o<>f> Betf\, Wade t
Nancy, M'Cregor,
Rirgin, Carman, Bird Hill
The Office of the Insurance
Company, of the State of Pennsylvania,
will be open for the Tranfaiftion of Busi
ness on Wednesday the jth November,
inflant, at No, 137, South Front-Street.
Nov. 4. dst.
This Day will be Landed,
Front the Jloop Delaware, Captain Bird
from NtwY'or/i,
Souchong and Hyson
Of the Firjl Quality, Ij
Lately arrived in the (hip Waihington at
New-York, from Canton,
CramoncJ & Co.
Nov. 3 3 t
dmflerdam 70
Charlejltn 12
York 1 ozon 5
Virginia »
North Carolina 4
A'iu York 5
G corgi* 7
,Ntu York 5
North Carolina ■ 7
Nantucket 6
Ditto 6
Vtr d ima 5
ConntSiLut River
Chat Ujion
St. Johns
N. Provide, net
New Providence