DAILY EVENIiNG [No. 124 of Vol. Vl.] J. M. 3art, No. J 70, North Second Street, ftefpe&fully informs the Citizens, that be intends to opeaen Eveping School, FtomSIX to NINE o'clock, b«&i»«ving ne»t Monday, a;tb nft. where be will tf^chtlie French & Italian languages ArithjpetJck and Book-keeping. On themoft reasonable Perms. A ftrift attendance may be depended upon by-thofe who will favour him with cooploymeoft oa. 27 d FOR SALE, . At the STORES of Jefle & Robert Wain, WIIJE in pipes, hhds. and quar t«r calks I.fSBON do.in pipes and quartercaiks Souchong and Congo TEAS, in quarter , c lie (Is . 'v- A quantity of Cadiz SALT Soft shelled ALMONDS in bales Velvet CORKS, in do. JRnflia MATTS. jMHrr ' ' d JUST PUBLISHED, And to be fold by Benjamin Davie s, No. 68, Market Greet. Price 4 Delj. 33 cents per dost. and 44 cents Jingle, THE American Repository. This neat Pocket Almanack, isfirlt of the kind that hath been executed in Phila delphia, or perhaps, in any of the United States; and contain*, besides, A Compleat Calendar, OR ALMANACK, for the Year 1795. Cists of the Officers of the American Go vernment, Civil aud Military. The terms of the Federal Circuity Dif tf iA Courts. The Latitudes and Longitudes from r»he Meridian of Philadelphia, of all the Capi tal Cities in the Union. The dates of the periods*wbcn each of (lie States was firft fettled; Their refpeftive Territories and num bers of People; The number of Inhabitants of each, in' earfJb ftjuare mile—and a brief State of tiieir relative progress in Population; to- with varjoui other Articles of In formation. Ornamented with an elegant Frontis piece, Title Page, and twelve VIG NETTES, alluding to fanes in Thomp son's Seasons, engraved by the mofl inge nious Artifls in the City. Speedily •will be publi/bed, and fold at the fame place, APL A N OF THE City and Suburbs --XXF PHILADELPHIA. Taken from late and accurate survey. This Map will be 36 inches fqutire ; and will be delivered at may best suit the pur chasers, either in (heets plain or coloured, or .canvafled and affixed to rollers; or to fit them for the pocket, they will be cut and folded in cases. Those who have been so abliging, as to receive Subscriptions for this Plan, are re quested to forward the names to thi Edito r at tfo. 68, in Market-Street, as above di rected ; as he intends to close the lift in a Ihort time, and to fend it to the Press, to be inferred in the front of the Pamphlet which will be delivered with the-Plan. OS. 44- 4w3taw. Whereas an attach ment at the suit of the adminifirators of all and lingular the goods and chattels rights and credits, whic|i w?re of William Bur net dcceafed, at the time of his death, hath been iffuedoat of the Inferiour Coujt of common pleas, in and for ihe Countyof Middlesex, against the Goods and Chatties I La«ds and Tenementa of Irenius Martin' late of the county aforefaid, returnable to the tbirdTuefday in July last. NOTICE is tvsreby given to the said Irenius Martin, that unless he appear and file special bail to the said a&ioD, on or before the thindTuef day in January next, judgment will be en tered against him by default, and the goods and chatties, lands and tenements so at tached, fold for the fatisfaftion of such of his creditors as shall appear to be justly en titled to any demand thereon, and fhal lap ply for that purpose, according to the form of {be ltatute in such cafe made& provided By order of the Court, DEARE, Clerk. I awtf. if, #apfte of tljf|irafes3 States For Dublin, Wiifbington, T O fail 011 t e 2jih November; has good accommodations fbr paflengcr-, hav ing been built lor the Dublin trade. For freight or paffagc, apply on board at Cuth bert's wharf, toCa.pt. Geddes, or to HOLMES ,nd RAINEY, WILLI AM SMITH, jun, and Co. or George Latimer. d ££l Tor LONDON, J*"l'"8^ co PP er *"*' SBSe Adriana, K. Fitzpatiuck, Matter. Will fail with all convenient speed. For treight or paflage, ipply to the Captaji on board, at Ha7lehurft's wharf, or Thomas £s* "John Ketland. October 14. d. OA. 31 For LONDON, CjLj. The SHIP , mmfc, WILLIAM PENN, James Josiah, Matter. To fail with all convenient speed. For freight or paflage, apply to JOHN FIELD & SON, Or, JESSE & ROBT. WALN. OA. 14 d For Hamburgh, The SHIP PERSEVERANCE, James IVi/liamfon, Majltr. Now ready to receive a cargo on board. This veflel is completely found,built of live oak and cedar, and has good accommoda tions for pafiengers, to fail with all con venient speed. For freight or parage, apply to the Captain on board, or Tbos. £3° John Ketland. OA. 11 d Charter, Lady Walterjlorffy "Jacob Benny J, Majier. BURTHEN about. 17DO barrels Flour or 8500 buihels grain, fails remarkably fact and will be ready to eceive a cargo in a lew days, For terms, apply to the Captain on hoard, or to 9 Jofepb Sims, Who has tor Sale, A few CheJfj of Red and Pale Peruvian Bark, Of the First Quality, Madeira & Sherry Wines, Fit for immediate use, &rc. fcc. Oft. 22 d For BRISTOL, The SHIP WILMINGTON, y: MARINER, Master, Burthen about 460 Tons, has excellent accommodations for passengers, to fail the ad November, and i* intended to return very early in the Spring, to this Port. For freight or passage, apply to Capt. Mariner on board, at Stamper's wharf, or JOHN MAYO. dtf. OA. 16. For Amsterdam, THE SHIP HOLLAND, Christopher Franklin, jun. M e rvt accommodations for paffcn gers, will fail with »" convenient fp«d, hav ing (he greatest p»« of her targo ready to go oq board. For freight or passage, apply to the matter oa board, to PETER BLIGHT, Or PRAGERS & CO. Apg. 26 For Charter, The SHIP pm^STLVANIA, David Harding, Master- BIfRTHEN about jioo barrel*. For terms apply to . Gurncy & Smith. Oil. 29 Tuesday, N«/emisEr 1 Captain Roter, TO fail positively on next Tuesday.— For freight or pallage, ?pply to JOHN WELSH, No. 81, south Water ftrcet, WHO HAS OPORTO SALT, Afloat for sale, and a few quarter caiks Malaga Wine, SEVERAL YEARS OLD. Nov. 1 -jt LANDING From on board the Birmingham Packet« Lockyer, and the Henry and Charles, from Hamburgh, HEMP, Prterjburgb's jirft quality B/tk IRON, Swedes, aborted TIN, in plates, do. do. GENEVA in hhds. BAGGING, Gemma affortfd GLASS TUMBLERS; and Black Quart Bottles, DEMIJOHNS, tVindo-w Glnfi, Feathers of superior quality, MA'TS, &c. &c. FCR SALE BY Thomas •& John Ketland. AuiJ. 26 rl City cf Waihington. SCHEME OF THE LOTTERY,; No. 11. IMPROVEMENT FEDERAL CITY. 1 A nagnificem ) 20,c00 Dollars, and dwcling house, J cash 30,000 aip 1 ditto >5,000 & caf>i 2,5,000 1 ditto 1 j,ooo & cacti >5,000 1 ditto >c,ooafe'cafti 10.000 1 ditto 5,000 It c»lh 5,o«o i' 5,03»5& cafe 5,000 1 Ca(hp" lf «l a ditto s o 20 d»tto 100 ditto fioo ditto tiiuo 1)000 ditto 15,000 ditto *6,739 Prizcf 33,261 Blanks 50,000 Tickets at 8 dollar! Thi» Lottery will afford an e.egant speci men of the private buildings to be creft'd in (he City of Walhington—Two beautiful de signs are already,feic £ted for the entire fronu on two of the public squares j from these drawiugs, it U proposed to eredl two centre and four corner buildings, ai soon as pofliblr after tjiis Lottery is fold, and to convry them when coipplrte, 10 the fortunate adventurers, in the manner described in the fchemc for the Hotel Lottery. (l A nett drdu&ion of five per cent. will be rrudr to defray rbe iwcrf fary expeuces of printing, &c. and the fui plus will be made a part of the.fund intended for the National University, to be erefled within the Cily of Walbington. f£T The drawing will commence as fpon as the Tickets are or at a'.l events on Monday, the 22n, 'ic flodtf 794- A FEW PIPES Of Btjl Quality Holland Gin, Will be landed THIS PAY, from on board the sloop Maiy, A fetv very heavy hogfhuids of Port-au-Pri»(£ Sugars, BRANDT, w fiifies, And very good Gu ada loupe Melafles, FOR SALE BY Levitius Glarkfon, No. *16, (outli 'VVu'ter S;iect. ALSO, A FCW H("OSHEADS OF Prime Antigua Rum, 3d. & $th proof fine favour. Sepi. 29 ,) nor i c AT THE NeW Castle Pier Lottery Examining and Regiffering Office, At Mr. SAMUEL CRAWIORD's No. 75, north Front street, 2 doors I'rora Arch ur, and much; ck, on Vcdnef ciay evening, the jth of November, at Sharplefs's Sclk'6l Kooni, in FromWrger's Court. To accompHfti the Views of it« Institu tion, it will be r*q»U>te> th»t Society fttould poffcfs much information ; as, what parts of the United will afford t lie gre ate ft probability of fucceft to Mechanics of dif-. ♦erent drfcriptions, and to persons calcula ted for various other employments, and poflefling certain degrees of capacity and ial«nt«j where and for what purposes the unemployed are immedijtely wanting j aiid '91 order to contribute, as much as poflible, to the immediate comforts of Emigrants in general on their arrival, it will be necef (try to know the names of the persons who keep Ledging Houfcs, their Places <)f A bode, and Terms of Accommodation. Any aomippnicationupoo there particular heads fill be received withpleafure by Mr. Tho mas Pearce, at No. 4J, in south Third street, who is appointed Register by the Committee : and all information of a more general nature, by the secretary. By order of the Committre William Turner, Sec'ry. No. 149, Chefnut Sti «et. codiw 0&. 29 Wanted, A man and woman kitchen Servant. Accustomed to cooking, to whom generous wages will be given. None need but fucb as can be well En quire of the Printer Oft. 20 d Pursuant to the dire&ions of the Law for incorporating the Insurance Company of North America, a Meeting will be held at the Company's Office, on Thursday the 13th day of November ensu ing, when Two Directors are to be chosen for the remainder of the present year, to supply the places of two Gtntle men «'ho have been elected Dircftors of a - nother Insurance Comptiny. Votes may be given by the Stock holders either in person or by Proxy, but none may vote " unless the stock ihall have ftond in their names at Icafl three months preceding the time of Election." By order of the President and Directors Ebenei&er Hazard, See ry. oft- 2 4 tu&ftijN. To be fold by Audtion,> On Tuesday the nth day of November next, at lioon, at the hoiifeof Archer Gijford, in New arh, tietv Jerjex] if not premoujly dijpojed of (>y private contra ft, THE FOLLOWING Tracts of Land, Belonging to the American lion Company, jituate at Ringwood, Lonp Pond, and Ch»rlottcl>£urg, in the Counties of Bergen aud Morns ill ihe laid {late of New Jer fcy, vit. jg tra&s of land, contain ing ab9ut 6533 acrea. filuatc at Ringwood, on part ot which tne Ringwood Mansion- Houfc and Store arc erc&ejl. 4 tralb of containing about 6156 K rrjy lituate on Long Pond River. 7 trafls of Land, containing about 6)55 Acyca, lituate at Charlntrrfiburg. Thcfe Eftatea are well worthy of the at tention oS any Rtntleman or Company in cli»rd to engage cxtcnfively in Iron Works: There are (everaJ Buildinpa and some confi. dfraUlr Imptovririrrrtf op these i.andi; about ago 4c'« of >nccU«fll Meadow, axe already cleared, and much more might be added ait a trifling Ejtpeqce. Qu the Prerei fe« t hcj/: arc fcvcral very cjo/iycnicot Seals torFurniCea, Korgri, Mills, See. There are alio some vfry vahj.ible lion Mines. Most ot the unimprov ed pji't.t ol thrfe l.ands are covered wilh line healthy Timber. Tiirfe F.ftates wiU be ftiewn by Captain feleph Soiid, of Ringwood, and ihe Term* of $al* made knows by applying iohim,ot to Edward Edwards, In PliiUdrlptiia, u liie coroir ol S jttli jrtf R-jce-Strffts. Sept. It, filwtf.