7 Or. Morrow, ffiulbe Lcnded at S:ms's -u/jaf from 07 board of the Brig I'ollf, titlham Brad- Jhaw, maJUr. Malaga Wine, Of a very l'uperior quality, in butts and Quarter Callcs, FOK. SALE bY \ Philips, Cramond & Co. Odl. 29 d PORT WINE. A choice parcel of Full Bodied Old Red Port Wine, This d;ry arrived, by tlie Snow Trully, Captain Cook, from Oporto, For Sale by PETER BLIGHT. Alfa by the feme Snow, 5000 Bushels St. Übes Salt. Oft. 29. To-Morrow, will be landed at from on board of the Jhii Ragle, David IVilLiamJoUy ntajier, from Oporto, RED & WHITE PORT WINE, la Pipes, Hogfheacls and quartet Cafcs, For Sale by Philips, Cramond & Co. Who have alio arrived for folie, about 4000 Biifhels Coarse SALT> and 28 Firkins of BUTTER. Oct. 29. ARRIVED, 7 h'ts day a few pipes of the jfijl quality French Brandy, Fourth Proof, Esteemed equal to any that has been in this city for a number of years, ALSO, Forty Hog/heads of firfl quality of Sr. Croix Sugar, And a few Tons of Good Black Pepper* FOR SALE BT Lfvinns Clark/ott 9 No. u6, south Water flreet, 0<?l. 8 d_ Lately Imported In the Brit* Hc∨ Captain Baker, from < >jitch»anx, a#d so Salt hy °jofeph Anthony & C-o.ce }Oid CI .ier, in Hoglhead and Cases Exe-'Jlent White Wine, in Quarter C: 1 Ik'. a<«d Box* s Florence Oil, in Calks arcfCafts, *Tbey haw also on hand, Choice Lisbon & Fort Wine, jwift and N., E. Ki>m« Beftotrßeef offupex : or quality Tbw Ifrrn, a* d 'f amwetsoii, .Engliib and Xtiffh Cii.vis, Bf»ftoir Duck, fin€ Co-ton •Card W te, 8 bv u, & 7 by 9 Window «lh(t Spermaceti Candles. O'* - 2t) To be hold, The House, Stables of Ground. frtigecoiK) Hfeet, between Sprue* a*icl' Union ftreets> in the occupation W his Britannic JWaj%4y'» Mfnifter. ALSO The Adjoining Lot. 26 leer *ronj,. and 149 feet d®ep. terms of sa le, apply to Wm. Cramond. Auj;. 14 FOR SALE, In the C )urtty of Fairfax and State of Vic- ginia, i Traft of Land, THE Land on Blands ford, containing 189 acres, the foil is good bur hilly, about tsn acres o£ it low ground si' for meadow. Thete is on it two good dwelling houses, ft ore houfc, stables, kitchen, and a still house with two (tills, one of 113 and the o ther 53 gallon sj in order for immediate tife, there are alfogood apple and peach t>! Chards on it. All the house": are new ex cept one of the dwelling houles,.that how ever is completely repaired and in good or der. It is a good situation foraStoreTavern and Di(littery, and tb£>t is a good Mill feat on it. Enquire# the Printer di* oft. a Madeira Wine. A- few pipes of Very Extraordinary good Quality London Particular Bill Wine, •\,Vill b- landed on Monday next, fr«mon board the Ship Catharine, at Messrs. Sims'swharf, and TO BE SOLD BY John Craig, IVho has also for Sale t Sugar and Coffee, In Barrels, COTTO 1 in bales, Hvfon and Souchong tEAS WINDOW GLASS of different sizes. Nov- i PROPOSALS PRESIDENT £jf BIftECTOJtS OF T H I INSURANCE COMPANT NORTH AMERICA. ff 'IEREAS by an <?" of the Legislature of the State of PennJ)h>ania incorporat ing the Infarance Company of North A merica, Prefident and Diredors are etuthorifed to extend tlxir a/pj ranee to Goods, (fares and Merchandize, or o ther perfonalproperty in Dwelling Hous es, iVarehoufes cr Stores, or to Buildings ago njl the risk arifuig from Fire, and having ascertained that it is a general dejire that Prbperty of this d'feriptian fhouli be ajfured from so Jatal a risk, t'Je President and Direftors of the Infii ranre Company of North America are induced to offer the following dtf. TABLE Of Rates and Terms. Tables of Ralls of Annual Premiums to be paid for AJfurance againjl Fire. No. I Upon common infuran. < s, or hazard* th<» fv 1) c'.afs, within the ciy of Phila delphia and Northern and Soirberft Liber ties B iek or Srone houfrs. orStOTe*. Furniture Or Merchandize not hereafter fpe cified as * xtr* hazardous, contained in Brick or Stone Houses For sums not exceeding Bojoo dollars a't ancl after the rate of 30 ceots for every hundred Dollars. dtf. For sums not exceeding 1600® Dollars a' and after the rate of 4$ cents for every hun dred dollars. For sums not cxreeding 25000 dollars et < aod after the rate of 60 cents for every hun j died dollars. N. R. As tbe neighborhood of framed buildings, ofothr* circumstances, mav ren derarifk ineligible which is within the let ter of these proposals, the company referv* a right to rejeft such an assurance at plcafure. Nb. Upon hazards of the second clafs tfJoufes or Stores of which the walls are not wholly of Brick or Stone. Furniture,, or merchandise, inc'udn** ex tra hazardous Goods, as Pitch, Tar, Tur pentine, Wax, Hemp, Oil, Tallow, Spirit ous ivquors contained in houses fto'rs of which the walls arc not wholly brick or stone. These taft recited ex'ra hazardous articles in any whatf>ever« Ships whilst budding ; the premises and property therfein contained of Cardcnter Joiners, HVern keepers or, Inhol <!/"•*. Stable keroers, Biker", Ship Ch'MijAle*> • nfi Hoar Builders, Malt D r,rr l* Ucwrt, Tailoifc Sw&ar Ifrakcrtj, /Vpoihe eatie*, Chemists, I>Vft.iHc r s. I*'inie»S, Oil ■artd Chin*', Glass and Earthen v."rr SeWnrsi I .VTi'ls and Machinery: Porcelain, Glass and Pottery Wares in *i^rade. for sums hot exceeding 8006 dollars at and : aFter the rate of 75. ct Jitvfor every hundred dollars. For fiims not exceeding 16000 dollars at and after the rate oj Itp caots for every hun dred dollar®. conditions. ift A written application mud be left at fh« Company'- Office the sum defirrd to be infurrd , by .whom, and a defcripriftn of the kind ot property, whether Bui Id mgs or mticb upon each or the goods m rach, whete there are out or stores; When Household Goods are intended to be insured the application (hould fpecify as foilp*;«. Dollars d2*<* & Lot O" Furniture and L»ncn OnAVearing Anpar<l On China and G'afs On Printed liooks On Liquors For 2nd. The Premium in 11 ft He paid when the order is given and accepted, the tn-ftir ance to commence the instant it is pa»d, and continue in force lo long a« the payment (ball be annually made at the office before 5 o'clock p. M. on the day w.heneach revolution of the is complete 5 or if that dav shall happen on a Sunday or 4th fuly, or arty other Holi day k e P l at Office, then on the day pre ceding. 3d. If any other in(uranc<* be exiflincjon the fame property notice thereof mull be given with the order,otherwifc the Policywill be void. wfrstf 4th. in Tfuftor e»n Commis sion, mnft be declared to he so held, other wise the Policy will not cover fitch Property. sth. Thi* Company will not be accounta ble. Car any loCs or damage caufcd by a»v Fo reign Invasion, or by any Military or Usurp ed Force* or by reason of aoy civil Comm#. ; tiom 6th. Bill* o r Exchange, Bonds, Securities, Title Deeds, Ready Money, and Bank and other promissory Notes are not included un der any infurar.ee. Pa iotings, Medal*,J'Hifk Gems, Antique CUriofuies and Mirrors, a boVe idl, each, may be Ins ired by special A grdemrnt. ytb. fro Infurahce will be made for a less term than One Year. Bth. Persons choofin* to Infitre for Seven vears (ball be allowed One year's Premium by wav of discount . alfp one-third of -a year's Premium upoh a tribunal Insurance. 9th. When any loss by File is fuftainrd on property insured at this Office, the fuffcrer (hall in thirty days furnilb the bell docu ments he is able of the value of the Goods damaged or destroyed ; this akertained, the loss within the sum insured shall be paid withnu' dedu&ion irf thirty days after proof thereof. N. B. It is expe&jd a little experience may authorize the Company to extend aflur nce from Fire to other Ct'tes; at present thry confine this branch ol their business to Philadelphia ard its Vicinity, in Pennfylva- EBENEZER HAZARD, Sec'ry Oft. 21 lawtf PHILADELPHIA:— Printed by JOHN FENNO, No. 119, Cheskut Street.-*Pkice Six Dollars Per Annum. BY THE O F Bv Order, CLAkET, White Wine, Of *Wy Superior. Quality, JUS 7 ARRIVED, In Hogflieads ai d Boxes and for Ul« at a ««f» r*!riiMsbk( H«t* hy [David &c Gurdon Mumford OF NEW YORK. Afly <> r d«fs fcnt them, will f* duly at tenrferf to. f <rw-Ytwk 4 Oa. 3* f'ilie Liverpool Sold Front the Ship Thomas, The second wharf below Pine-Street, ap ply at said wharf, to Jehu HoHingfwbrth, & Co. Aug. i 6. • d. AT THfi Card & Nail F»Bi'r.y s No. 59, north Front street? Adgate & White, Have conjlantiy for fitle, Cotton, Wotol, Tow, and Machine Cards, &/ all Kindt, Cut Nails of alVfiaes, Floor Brad?, Sprigs nnd *F»ck», Fullers Shears, Gun Flints and Wool Hats, , A quantity *f kitn dritd Indian Meal in tia/r«ls A new Edition Of Adgatc's Philadelphia Harmony, containing both 'He firft andfe. cond parts, being tlie ra'>Jtt aptoved fvf tcm t>l ftules arid the bitft coleftion of Tunes now in u'e, lAlfa for Sale, A complete set or Machinery for making Cards On an Improved Cdnllruftion. Oft. 2 w&s'F Scheme of a Lottery, To rarfe Dol/art, on 266,000 Deiiiedtti" 15 per €erit. from the I'rizes — 7 his Lottery conjtfh of 38,000 J'icketiy in which tfocre ure 14*531 Vrizes, and *3,461 BimkSy being about one and art half blanks to a prize. THE D»re&orsof the Society foreflablifh 111$ Ufctul Miimfaftmrs, having rcf<>lv to erett LOTTERIES 'or ratiuig One Hundrcu Thousand Dol l a r s, agreeably lo an Aft of the Lcgifl-nurc of thoStaeoi N'cw-Jerfey, have appointed the following persons to fuptrintend and dircft the di»w iivgofr the rrtc, vjz. Nicholas Low, Ruins King, Herman Lc Roy, Janies Watson, Richard Harrtfon, Abtjah Hammond, and Cornflius R?y* «t ihe city ot Nrw-Yoik Thoruis Willing, J«>£eph. Ba-11, Matthew M*- Conncl and Andrew Bayard, ot the ciry of Philadelphia—His Excellency Richard How e-H, Esq. J?li»S Koutfinot, General El as Day ton, James Parker, John Bayard, D«»&ur Lewis Donharn, Samuel W. Sti ckton, JofHus I M. Wallace, Joseph Bloomfield, and fcltlha Boudinot, of N< w-Jerley, who offer the following Scheme ot a Lottery, and pledge themselves to the public, that they wilftake rt-ery aflurancc and precaution in their power 10 have the Monica paid by the Irom ttn*e to time, as received, jnro the i*anka. at New-York *»d Philadelphia- t to remain for the purpole of paying Prix i h which (hall be immediately discharged by a check upon one of the Bunki. S C H E M Et Priifcof 20,#00 Dollars 20,c00 10,000 s*ooo »«oov t > 5 10 1,000 500 100 20 *5 12 lO so 100 '3«* 1000 2 COO 3000 0100 ■ 4*539- P r ' MS> e6a,coo 23,461 Blanks. First drivrn «umher, 2,000 Laftdrawn number, 381,000 Tiehets at f Dollar* eaclrii. »66 ( ooo The drawing will commence, under the infpe&ion of a Committee of the Superin tend ant*, at soon as the Tickets are sold r ol which timely notice will be given. The Superintendants have appointed John N. Cumrrting, of Newark, Jacob K. Har denbtrg, of New-Brunswick, a-nd Jonathan Rhea, of Trenton, as immediate Managers thereof, who have given tmple security tor discharging the trust reposed in them. In order to secure the punctual pay mem of the frizes, the Superintend ants of the Lottery have direfted that the Managers (hall each enter into bonds in 4C,ooodollars, wrth four fuffictent lcturitirs,to perform theit infttu£lions> thefuSftance of which is I. Thai whenever either of the Managers j (Kail-receive the sum ol Three Hundicd Dol lars, he (hall immdiaiely place the fame in one of tile Banks of New-York or Philadel phia, to the ciedit of the Governor of the tociety, and such ol the Superintendants a> ive in the city where the monies are placed, to remain thereuntil the Lottery is drawn, for the payment of the Prizes. 11. The Manager* t» take fufficient se curity for any Tickets they may trust, other wise to be responsible for them. 111. To keep regofar books of Tickets fold, Monies received and paid into the Bank, ahftrafts of which (hall be fern, nonthly, to theGov*rnor o( the Society. Paterfon, January 1, i 794. On application to either of the above gen tlemen, information will be given where tiekeis mav be had j February 14. Just Arrived, And wiU be landed to-morrow morning at Hamilton's wharf, the CARGO of the Schooner Industry, Captain Hylander, (torn Havanna, CONSISTING OF 85 hhds. Molafles, Of fuperhr full quality. 106 Boxes and Barrels White & brown Sugar AND a Parcel of Ox-Hides ; diet FOR SALE BY Salt, A PARCEL OF COFFEE, Just arrived in the Hibarai*, Captain Irwin, from Jamaica. Sept. %3 4 Dancing School. Wm. M'DOUGALL prefcn's his com pliments to the Public —Thanks them for the great encouragement he ha* experi enced tbefe twenty odd years. He will bpen his School for this Season on Monday the I3MI O<flober, at 10 o'clock in the morning, in that large and elegant Saloon in Harmony fireet, leading from Third to Fourth street, turning the corner of No. 70, South Third street. Hit ErapUyers may be allured, tfce ftruft order and decorum tliat has always teen observed in his School, (hall still be pur futd—and that their shildred vriil be taught in the moll approved and modern stile Note—Aft Evening School for young Gentlemen. o<sh to Fortv dollars reward. RAN AWAY from the Subfcribei on Si turday night the nth inft. A Mulatto LADy named Bill, generally called Bill Madden, about «7 or 18 years of age, J feet 7 or 8 in ches high, of a dim make, has strait black hair, wliiell be Iblnetimes wes tied, but generally loofc; he has been accudomed to wait altogether in a house, and having been much indulged, has become too idle to wo' k for a fuppori. He took with him a brown futtian double breasted loijg coat, one drab cothcoH, with red cuffs and cape, the pocket fl;:p* ?• d flcirt* tiiinmed with red edge,a sustain a pair df bietchei, a pair of red striped trowlers, and ffvrral o'lier cloaihs, also a pair of boots, halfworn. Iri< probable he lias a forged pal's, at d will endeavour to paTs as alice man. From every circunrftance, 1 amlettto believe lie went off with a white woman, and that they hail taken tbair pil lage in a vessel bound to Philadelphia. The above reward will be paid to any per Ton delivering! me the said servant, and leafonablc charge' for bringing h home. Of Duddington. City of Walhington, Oft. 20 o.<>. 7 * gtaw2W lr r, James JVl'Alpin, Taylor, No, 3, South Fourth St*»e+, Returns his grateful acknowledgements to his friends and rhe Public for their lihe ral fciicouiagrmer.t, and begs leave res pefHulty tofolicit a Continuance of their Favours. At his-Shop Gentlemen can be furnlfhe with the best materials, and have them made up- and finiihed in the neatlft and nioft ffelhi unable manner. 10,000 10,000 10,000 He will thankfully receive a«y orders & pay a prompt and- punctual atient on to thrm. r\i > c 1 0,000 I°,ooo 10,000 15,000 80,00© Money to be Lent, 30,000 36,000 8 1,00 c REAL ESTATES, Within the City and Liberties of Philadel phia Apply to Nicholas Diebl, jun. Attorney at Law. No. Ig, fvuth Fourth Jlreit. Anp. 4 mw&Of 2,000 Asfheton Humphreys, Attorney at Law, Notary Public AT his Office No. 6j, WaJnut ftree* Corner of DOCK Streetj continues to tfanfttt business in the above branches, as hrretoforej and draws at a moderate charge, Deed?;, Bends, Mortgages, Power? of Attorney, Hill tot Sate, and Bottomree Charter Parties, Memorials,, Petitions, and other Jnßruments in Writing. He at so continues to bu? and felt Real Eftatcs, upon Corrmviff * ; and his at present a few valuable Farms, &c. for file. 0&ob«r ii, 1^94 Stock Brokers Office, No. 16, W»ll-ft»«et, N«w-Yo»k THE Subscriber intruding to cobhro hiwi fell enrirelv so the PUKCH"ASK and SALE or STOCKS <.ll COM MISSION. I,,jr, lea»e to off r huft'rvicct to bis frreiiri? others, in the line ol »Stock Broker. Thrift who may pleafr to favor him wiibtlreirhnl'h ness, may drprnd upon having it tranfailed wilh the utmof) fidrliiy ar.tl difpMch. Orders ironv PhUarlrtpfin, Bofinn, or any other part of the Untied Stwej, will be llrifliy attended to. tu&ftf Peter Blight. ALSO, eodtf Daniel Carroll. 2awtf O*i Mo' of eeH4\v. LEONARD BI.EECKER. m&ihtf Irifli Linens, AND Cork fail Cloth, WELL ASSORTED, Imported and for Sal; by Rumford & AMjah Dawes At their Store, No. 7, south Water Street. th M< toth Mo. 31 di 4 t Burlington Pork? A quantity ok Best Burlington Perk, FOR SALE BY Levi Hollingfworth & Son. oa. 31 • a ' NOTICE. ALL Persons wishing to fend let ters to Camp may, until further notice, hav« them conveyed by Exprefj evtry other day, Sunday excepted, by having them left at the Office of the Secretary of State for the United States, prtelfcly at nine o Clock in the morning of the day of darting. As this arrangement will commence to-morrow, and as one of its objetts is the accommodation of those who have connexions and friend* in the Army, punfluality, as to the time of lodging the letters is expefted, othervnfe they will be necessarily delay., ed to the next succeeding Express. Oftober 24. d 6t John Miller, jun. No- 8, Chfsnut near Front Street, Hath Imported in the late VefTclj A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF WOOLLENS, SUITABLE TO THE SEASON. ALSO, (by the packagf*) HJTTS tuel/ aforted, Boys' coloured, and Mens 1 black Manchejler Cotton Goods Slippers and Sandals Flowers and Feathers Black and While Lace. Fans. IRISH. LINENS, Brtrwrn and White, by the Box, laid in on the BEST TERMS. Ticklenburgs, BY THE BALE OR FfICE oa - 15 osdif To be Sold And immediate fojpjficn given, A Large- three Story Dwelling House, and Lot, ' In Lodge AUey, next to the Bank of Pennsylvania, THE Hotife conlifts of ten rooms, one forty feet long, the otl;eT about ihtn-y four,each containing two fii f plsrel iwo parlours, a large kitchen, witMaten five cellars uader, and ganets over lh« whole. A pump and rain water cittern in tbe y-swd With the above may He had w Lot of Ground, Adjoining, about ninety-fix feet in front, and forty-two deep. For farther particulars, plcafe to fin quire on the Premises. Oft. 3» To the Public. A SUBSCRIPTION' Is opcned for Printing the Theological Writings OF Emanuel Swedenbourg, At Frantis Bailey's hook Jiorr, Ao. n6, Market firtet, WHEN a fufficWnt fnbfvrtpttfott- l»ktr Iplare, wilVbe •dv«rct4f.£t» «na> riittff the flioft cligibfe mode tapet'mkiftivf ■ißfc'lHtittfagot* filch of the WorJcs. as dis!L b? rt)»uchT to be of the greateß* utility in : tlie firft.inftance. i I Thr foUouemg Tiratijis may be now bad at Mr. Bailey's : The- Doftrine of fcifa,; or the Spiritual fei>fe of the Ten Commandment-. The' Univerlal Theology of the New Ghnrttr.; xttMcfi was foretold by the Lord in Daniel, chap. 7, v 5, tj, 14, and in tbt Apecalypfr, ch.ip. 11, <r. », 2, Sec. A fiimmai y V>-:w of the He:iv«nly. LMc" trines of the New JerufiWen) Ctm-ih. i-' (£3* As various ofiwoo*h*Yr bt<« :terrained reip<fl:tig il.efe iuvaLuat/'r wttifjt j#* ix»pMf#rt sty rfttlniiat afj umi iit'h't bsen able rarefototAfift-, V iM infrarf tf>enf« ■ it, iiwi<liooe o*lii4Mnir<; «nri ■rorte Save been induftrlputtv to ciifcreclit tlx- ho!.«urai>l£undenii£fcta*t4 Author, n Well Aj fiis \Vo>ks, we doubß not caiif 1 W- .wri Tinctre <nqutien »ftcf Truths ni the litghwft'i» l *itl <V <-iouAy examine W«rl«'' til which it is tube hflpert', tlirt b«l*g ;»Hl* jjrtifuft-and'loveof iho "fxuth (W'b* <*fc* of i» nat4*e**rt)fcnce and life, they will regard them as they j«My- deterve", tndit she end receive both profit and delight- Oft. 14 cTnmr M •odiw
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers