pre vious to the movement of the British «Vni)j which has rendered the Coun try round Breda a perfeft marsh ; a circumstance that will effeftually impede the progress of the French army in that <junter. Tire last letters from Paris {late, hru Sir John Lambert, Lei Coutcux the bankers, and the daughter* of Sour telle*, have rejeafed frdm confine ment. Deleflart, the banker, has been CJtnmitteJ to the Cuoctergerte. September 4. Such has been the want of nece.Ta rirj in the Pruflian camp before War saw, that even gardcnltnfF has been brought from the mofl diltant provin ces in Silesia. The latcft letters from Watfaw mention that the kingof Pruf lii's head quarters had been removed to a greater distance from the Polish in trenchmeilts. A great quantity of hea vy at tilleiy was expeftcd from Breflaw aid other places. Many private letters complain of a great mortality in the Pr.tfliau army in consequence of the flux. SWITZERLAND. The Revolution y Committee at Geneva, have called for a declaration from every citizen possessed of more than 12,000 livres, within eight days ui>der pain of being treated as a counter revulutionift. AH the plate has been taken from the rich, to be coined Into money. The public debt, the yearly iotcred of which is upwards of 8000 thai era, it is said, will be discharged; of 500 persons, in confinement, some are fentenedd to three months, and o thers to from one to ten years imprifon menr. "The Swvfs have taken poiTcffion of all the heights towards France, and very rflrrotvljr watch the motions of the French tfoops. By the advice of the Cnptons, it is said that a nutbber of Swiss officers, have chosen rather to give up their pensions from France, than to frnd back their crofles of St. Louis. 1 September 6. By the Dutch Mail we have account! from Holland, that reports prevailed there, brought by the way of Baflc, in Switzerland, that tumults prevailed to a great excess in Pari;, and that Bai rere had been mailacred. Prince Cobourg lias resigned his Com roand, and has been /uoceeded by Ge neral Glairfai* Letters from Ais-ie- Chapelte of the ith infiant state, that both Le Quefnoy and Valenciennes fttrrcndered to the French on the ijth ult. Th« taking of Bilboa is not confirm ed by the letters brought by the mail yesterday from Corunna.—The report originated in the Jacobin Prints here, without any authority. There is a cordon of about thirty thousand men between Ddverand South ampton, a proof at once of the vigilance of government, and the internal strength of the country. The Jacobins are moving heaven and earth to excite the citizens of London to an opposition of the militia adl. We trust, however, that the citizens are too sensible of the advantages of a proper military prote&ion, to be influenced by such efforts. Camp, near Breda, Sept. t. 1 formerly acquainted you, that it was supposed that three Columns of French were to march against Holland : «ne against Breda, another against Ber- f en-op-Zoom, and the third against >ois-le-Duc. The Column against Bre da ha* appeared, that against Bergen op-Zoom has perhaps, done so ; but we have no communication with that place, and can know nothing of what pafles there; the third column it may be inferred, from the following circum stances, is on its way from Maeftricht. The Commandant of Bois-le-Duc sent out a party to reconnoitre, some days ago, as far as Eyndhoven, on the road to Maeftricht; but with orders not to attack. The party, forgetting their orders, fell in with some advanced ports of the French, which they imme diately attacked. They were repulsed with the loss of near twenty men killed ; the reft got back to the garrison. The French, according to custom, plunder ed the place. Bois-le-Duc is a conliderable Town, and by nature and art may be accounted strong. On the fide of Breda, it it well fortjfied; and on that of Grave, there is a natural morass, which will not permit the ereftion of batteries, or any approaches by an enemy. The French cannot therefore mean any at tack upon that place. By the ground which the Duke of York has chosen, he ia at hand to suc cour cither Boi* le Due or Grave, (hould they be threatened : he is' also near Cleves, by which he may co operate with the Allies, in ihofe measures which hereafter be pursued. This place affords a ft riking contrail to mod other towns in Holland, or those belonging to the Dutch. Few or no Orange Cockades are worn by the rriafs. They would readily mount the French Infurreftion colours. Were a perma nent guillotine erefted among them for three months only, it might work a wonderful change* or were the Republi cans to convey to France all their cafti and goods, and leave them only paper, or take off their heads, if they com plained, it might be a ufcfill leflbn to themfelveg and poßeriry. The army paficd through the town with all the potrtp of War: they no doubt <vifhed it had been an army of Carmagnols and mult have fuffeVed the tortures of the difaffe&ed, in feeing so great a force, as a bar to their secret, j but feditiou* wishes. BERGEN-OP-ZOOM, Atiguft 28 A French patrole of horse, about 100 strong, advanced under the cannon of this place yesterday, and near Galg fell upon fomc foldieri who tvere leveling some heights. A ferjeant and about to men were carried prisoners to An twerp, whefe a gieat number of trctops have been aflem'olitig for several days part ; all thi villages in the environs are also full. The French patrols frequent ly approach Btcda, which occasion Ikir mifhes that generally termindtf in favor of the Dutch. UNITtb STATES* ALEXANDRIA, 0&. it. GENERAL ORDERS. He ad-Quarters, For! Cumberland, 03 18. A corps of light troops confiding of twd battalions of infantry, two battali ons of riflemen, a detachment of artil lery, and one squadron of dragoons to be immediately formed, to consist df four complete companies, and will be commanded by a Major, and the whole by a Lieutenant Colonel Commandant. The army will hold themselves in rSa dinefs to move at a moment's warning i Major General Morgan with his corps under his order, will join the main bo dy, the time and place of jun&ion will be communicated to the General. The President of the United States has been pleased to appoint Gen: Hand Adjutant General } he is to be refpc&ed accordingly. Hit Excellency Governor Lee, Com ttiSrider in Chief. . —Mifflin 2 Howell 3 Major General Tron 4 Morgan 5 Brigadier Gem Smith 6 Chambers 7 Proftor 8 ' Darke 9 1 Matthews 10 ' White 11 Major General Miller, M. Gen. Hand, Adj. General. Colonel P. Neville, Pay-Master-Ge neraL CHARLESTON, Oft. i 4, On Monday and Tuesday last an E leSion was held in this city, for one member of Congress for Cbarlefton jif triti ; one Seriator and fifteen Repre sentatives, to represent this city in the state Legislature. On counting over the votes for a Representative in Con gress, the state of the poll appeared to be as follows: For William Smith, 332 John Rutledge, jun, 256 Dr. Tucker, 85: And on counting over the votes for Senator, Major-General Pinckney was declared to be ele&ed. The votes for Representatives in the state Legislature aie not yet counted. Odtober 20. On Saturday, the orphans were re moved to the new orphan house. The commiflionerß had requested the counte nance of their fellow-citizens to the pro motion of that laudable charity by their attendance. In consequence, a proces sion was formed at the Exchange, of the troops of horse, some of the uni formed companies, the Ancient York Masons, the wardens, commifiioners, and the inhabitants in reneial. The Rev. Mr. Frost, pronounced a well a dapted oration at the orphan house to a 1 most numerous aflemblage of people : after which a liberal colle&ion was made at the doors, and some fubferiptions ob tained. Died in England, Mrs. Elizabeth Pinckney, wife of Thomas Pinckney, Esquire, AmbaiTador to the Court of Great Britain. NEW-YORK, Oft. 31. From a correspondent. Every filend to our powerful allies the French Republic, mull rcleft with pleasure on the humane and generous conduit, the captains and crevs of the fliips captured on the Banks of New. foundlahd experienced fiom apt Bert rand, and the whole of the 'afficers of the Semillaute frigate under his com mand. Whatever could tend to reader their situation comfortable on board his ship was administered with an unsparing hand ; and as some of the palTengers taken in the Antelope Packet, rank high in the British atmyj it gives us addition al fatisfatlion toiv.iil,that lug treatment of them, has heen ipV>ken thcii landing here, -with the. rtfett lic.vtfelt gratitude. Generous man—'tis by fiicli afts as those, you can serve the noble caufc i:i which you are embarked, and prove to the enemies of youc country J that, though at war with them, 'humanity to the conquered fhati be itfl leading fea ture. Died oil board the Frigate Semil lante Richard Kempthorne,' eft}, com mander of his Britannick majelly's Packet boat Antelope, which was !imi in a prize ; a gentleman much refpeft ed and lamented. PHILADELPHIA, NOVEMBER t Governor has appoint' Edward Catbufh, M. 15. late senior fuigeen in t)ic militia of this It ate, to.befurjreon 'enerai in the place of Dr. N. Dortry, who 011 accouht of indifpolition has beert Obliged to return to this city. Mr. Fenno, Please to inferttbe following answer to the piece signed—Fair 'Qubstion, insert ed in your Ga/ette of Friday, under the New York head. R. IF this quelllon is honestly proposed, it is Worthy of the attention ol' a Philosopher —but it is founded on a'falfehood. The writer fays that 41 tiuu thirds of the Convention have been condemned for treafori and conspiracy." There has not been one half nor rne quarter of the members condemned; the whole does not amount to more than one sixth ; what iS one sixth part in compari son with the majority of the members of the Englilh parliament, -who in continuing their support of Pi it have betrayed their constituents, and merit the fame punish ment that has been inflicted on the minori ty of the National Convention. A Pr 'unet to Truth. t Mr. Ricketts, with real refpefl, present* his compliments to the Gentle mart who has l'o obligingly taken no<- tice of the Equeßian Performances at the Circus, in Saturdays Paper, under the signature of Jvtenis. He a {Tares that Gentleman, that his gratitude to the Citizens of Philadelphia, will ever keep pace with his desire to please them : Ajnd that altho' there are several performances which have appeared in Edinburgh and other Cities of Europe, that have not yet been exhibited here. The delay has not arisen from any ne gleft of Mr. Ricketts, but frotn cir cumstances that rendered it hitherto im pra&icable. The want of a convenient covered Circus, together with several obstacles, which might be mentioned, will plead Mr. Ricketts's exewfe. Desirous, nevcrthelefs, to exert every means within his capacity of giving am ple fatisfa&ion to his kind Benefaftors, he is preparing the neceflary apparatus to perforin the Feat which Juvenis quotes from the I' dinburgh papers, al tho' when he advertised it, and there was an immensely crowded Circus— the Gentlemen of the Faculty in that Ci ty, declared their opinion, that it would be altogether impoflible for a man of Mr. Ricketts conftru&ion, to execute a Leap over Ten Horses, withont the molt fatal consequences, viz. The burst ing of blood vefTels, or deftru&ion of some of the vital parts. Mr. Ricketts however persisted, went over the ten hotfeg with ease, without the aiMance of a spring-board, and, without fuffering any ill consequences. In like manner, Mr. R. hopes to get through the fame feat before his depar ture from this City, and will advertise it in course, with foroe other New Per formancet that have never yet appear ed. He returns sincere thanks to Ju nevis, for his Friendly- advice refpe&ing the hour of commencing at the Circus, and will readily comply with whatever may appear to give the mod fatisfac tion to the Public. By this Day's Mail. NEW-YORK, No*, i. A heavy fire of cannofl yn» diftin&- j ly heard l>y a nijmbcr of p?rf,ins oft Thursday morning, as they it vVe com ing from Smdy-Hoolc. The-fliip Pact«t, Capt. Waddcll, which failed tu.s ;;.>rt, about twelve months since, bou.ij for Brell, and was taken by a;i Eriglifh pri vateer i:rto Liverpool, on luipicion ot having French property on board, ar rived here ycfterday. We learn, that the above (Hip and cargo was decieed ti> be American property, and the cap tors ordered to pay all expences. Frtm an Antigua paper received yejler- day. St. JOHN'S (Ant.) Oft. 13. We are informed that upwards of (Vventy transports have arrived at Spit head wnh British troops from Holland, so thv the proftcution of the Continen tal War feerr.s now to be entirely aban doned. The British camp at Guadaloupe which General Graham commanded, has capitulated; and we understand, the General and the little army are to be sent to England, not to serve again!! ihe French during tin- present war. Br the lail veflels from Guadaloupe, we are informed, that the French were within vtTv few miles of BafTeterre, By the brig GovernorJohufon, Capt. Nelson, whieh arrived this morning trom London, out live weeks, we are inforrt cd that 25 lail of transports with troops on hoard, were lying ?.t Coves, ready td fail for Baibadoes with the firft fair wind ; and tjiat he saw the fleet under the command of Earl Howe, in the Bay, confiding of 35 fail of the line and j frigates. CONGRESS, Tin's day being appointed by Law for the meeting of Congress, about lor'y mcmbn s of the House of Representa tives afiethbled in their Hal! in Chefnut ftrcet—A quorum of the Senate not having convened at 12 o'clock, the lioufe adjourned to to-morrow morning at 11 o'clock Fifty three members of the house ftiake i quorum. . Accounts from the Army left it at the Liurel Mountain on Friday last. For Liverpool, Manchejler, ra~jjjy John Cox, Master. HAS a confidcrnble part of her cargo ready to go on boa'd, and will fail f<> as to return to this port an early Spring fliip. Fur Freight or paflage, apply to the Cap'ain 011 board at Walnut lbret wharf, or Rundle & Murgatroyd, No. 11, Walnut ft i eet 50 Dollars Reward. . RAN away very unexpectedly from the Subscriber, on Saturday tlie 11 tti Oftober, A Mulatto Man, named George, by lii» acqnaintance called (Seerge Evans, about as years old, 5 feet 9 «r 13 inches high, straight and well made lie has longbuftiy black hair, which he com monly wears qnid, his cheek bones rather high, his laugh (imple ; he lias always reiv ed as a waiter, was a favorite re vant,md fpoiltd by excefiive indulgence, under* fiands drefling and lhavirg, and plays well OVI the viclin : he took with him a brown fuftian coatee and jacket, bound with yel lowfilk ferrett, a pair of light coloured la gathy breeches and half boots; »• l e had many other cloaths of cloth and light funi mer wear, it is prftbablehe msy changefii* drefs,it is fuppoled he has crolfrd over in o Virg nia. Who'v«r secures the above man fh 11 re ceive the above reward, and reasonable chavgM i f brought home. All Maftcrs of Vessels will receive him on board at their peril. Marfham Waring. George Town, in Columbia Nov. 3 , d 4* POFT OF PiillAUfL PHI A. Ark »v£D. Ship Manchejicr, Cox, Liverpool Bacchus, George, Hamburgh 70 Barque Hopty Joknfi** Dwo 97 Snow Bojion, Morgan, f ape Nnhola Moi e Brig Martha & Mary, Travers, MuUet'a 42 Kickehy Hcjion 1 j Ghyojo, Gra\fb*rry t Martinique 1- s*.boor>cr DaU t Kurth (aiohna j Frier,d/hrp, Forney, Ditto »< FAiza, Smithy j .iratta 9 W*!ttrt' % S/.lro/x 1, Afancy, t.dridge, Fdenton 21 Fiarmory, E/ziwd t * Virginia I Sal A, I jridge, Liveiy y hunker % Morning Star, Wharton l Delaware, Bird, Capt Cox on tht 13th Septemfer Jpoke a bxig ffOJn Mjrtin'qve bcund to Hrijl«l. 01U Q weeks— -14f/r, to the Southward and Wefliva'd, Jju ifieet of 60 fail, part oj af>eroJ near sA, jreni the \\ejl Indies, bound to England, whtckhad been djt'crfcd by a gale 0} tu • d. On the Ift Odobcr, in Lat. 47, Long, gr, Jpoke the Jhip Colurrbm, Mor:imcrj jrern Sew i ork, btond to out 18 dft/t On ihe the brig Pjlfcf S. / m, frm AVw York, hound to London, fat. 4 1, Jmtg On the f/th, fioke the hi* Safrr, la// 'mi>, fr?m Baltimore bow dto Hamburgh, out >8 jt. 41, iong. gs. On the «jU/j>He cap'. Cirr, •'» aJhipjrem Hamburgh., bound ta PWlod I phi a, 0 f7O dan: lot. 38, 33", bong. 70, 71". Cft' left ct Liverpool the flip Vxhidge, ant! I 1 t frig Hannah. Baker, J*r Philadelphia, 10 f i'about teiylh of Septemb eT. 2 iJ! Sept. coming sut, Jpokeeon Engt'/h ship in ,orpiny :<~'b. f* fail mote, ««"* lievei Jor the IVeJt Indies. The cu/nain oj[ Ihi-eAip injormei hiK, Hat he oti' 15 days from London ; and, that tre vious Ithij fuiiir.g, accounts had arrived Uerf from thtfontuent, confirming the taking of SU\s i) Ihe trench. ihe 28M in l,i t. jg, 39", /poke the brig Airp t**C of Boflon,Jrom Kimingtan, North Cart >ta, bound to Lor,dun, in Jjtreji. The Ncftuve hid fp'ung a leak, c few days before, hktch obliged the captain lojteer his ttnrje'jvr the ntartji port. Jn the Manchefier, came 41 at: in good health itr. Rets, M'. S,mple, and Mr. ( roham, cabin pajjevgrrs. (a: t. M-Callam oj the /hip Catherine, in 4a days from Usdeira, lejt there the [»llcwin£A"ic tican vejfrli, viz, Brig George, frowis, of Acta /lamp/hire; to fail in 9 days Jor Bojlon ; Polly, P.ilmer, oj New York, tofiil in 5 d*}jJ; Pallas, Allen, of B/ftm, tor Alexandria, in 1 c <tays \ V -lanl a, Gore, of New York, Jor thettejt and fchooncr fagle, Ke«n /or haltihorc, 8 days, and the fchooncr Prince & Liberty, Prince oj AV;t' York, tofiH ii 10 days hone- , Capt. M'Callum fulled ou! in company u ith tht I'ig Eliza, Goodrich, oj New York, loKcwcrd bound, and /he brig Inteiprizc, Ward, cj N{W Yorh,fji Tenrijpe. The iiig Reify, Grifwell, is arrived at the Fort. Ship Manila, Ajcugh t Menfego )}a* Amjlerdan, HadUtlf Liverpool Brig ]i c tf, ? Decker, • Ditt* f*fx. Miller,. An tig us s(hiK>ner Hiram, White, St. Enjiati% Experiment SJwrt, . laentoH Sophia, fiy.r, C*Jcn. b*y GoUah, Hat hazed), St.' t hmas Two Sijlers, sebajlran t A'in>b?r* Sloop Ji4nn* r i> Tutticf, JJitt* Fifcovery, Chafe, Philadelphia NY. & Phu'hd. Packet, Ftzpatiick. Lhail'Jton Snow Hope, Buttnan, Bourdeaux Brig Two Sifters, St. Croix Schooner Retj), M~ luicnny, Wilmington N.C. Pe'fy, W effing ton, A'afjau N P. Sloop Lucy, Sutton, Rhode JJland oSober 14. / efterday arrived the brig Alert, riiliirgJiam f from Savannah-la Mar, bound to s London ; Jkt failed on the 10th September, and teas talcn cn the 16th by the Sam Calotte privateer, capt. Dor* man, of '/he prize mounts Bguns, 6 and 5 pounders. and 4 fwiviii l leaded with fu jar f Ciffee, p'mcrto, cotton and logwood. arrived the fchooser Sally, Fuijord, jtremic. French Privateer fchoonei, L'av.i de Point Pefrg. from a cruijd.» ring whichJhe captured the brtg Sctnerjet capt. Ormond, Jrcm t xuma, bound to Loudon, laden with cotton \ aljo brig Sukex, ionroi. , Port ov P'ince, 25 day 1; brig fancy, prize majler, from Grenada, << 1 days ; mounting 8 guns \ a prize to the French / riyateer Jndujliy, her cargo 256 puncheons of ruiti. Oflober 17. Ytjierday dtrjvrd the brg Hope, Wvliams, N. York, 22 days ; Ifridgt Packet, Moore, Savannah \JloopPcgiy v Lr d, New York, 8. A k rived. (haudfjaady Fancy, Peltier, Sukey, Coti6H\\ Schooner Sally, Fulfrrd, Ot!ob:r 18. eodtf Yeflerday arrived tie fnij> Mary, MNtii, in 49 days from London'-, brig Ju/in, Fanning, N, York, 6 days ; biig 7homal, iVt'ch. A'cut Yoik, ■ O days ; Jhip Jtebeica, Noycf, Bremen, gO da\ Pafingtr, in thi Jhip Mary, dpt. M'MeiL Jront London : Mr. and Mrs. Gough, Miji Thompson, Mr Citt I r &, Mi. Xul g Mr, A'.een, Mr. lahner, Mr. Crumby, Mr, A;.. Laugh/in, M'r MKay. LONDON, September 6. ■ On Wtdntjday morning fiUed from St. Helens ivith a fr-Jh br t rze a t A'. £. the Channel Fleet a*-. der the command oj F.arl Howe, and bi fx o'. {/ftk in the afternoon, the Jhips were all oil vfj:glu. SAVANNAH, 08 r ■ Arrived on Monday tafl, the Brig Eagle of logons ; andjbip La Erafmetane, frc,in La Ke r a Cruz, bound to Hai onu, 10. ti.d ivithgfis pG<w der and ball, and mounting 12 gum ; boto prizes tj the French priia teer Republicna, Capt. Ceroone. POOLE., September g Pajfed b Vf I ord Howe, with the Grand Fleet, also the outward bound Ntufoundlavd fleet, under convoy oj a frigate and an aimed brig. The trade from Bilboa, under convoy of the America and Carysjort at Corunna. The Duke of Alcvdia Packet, <wkich fai led from Falmouth the iltbof Angufl, was not arrived at Corunna on the iotb. The J:\ia, , from Guernsey, to Spain, and the Lively, Leroy,from Guern sey to Gibraltar, are taken and carried in.'o France. Capt Cro<wninfhield,of the Henry,arrived at Ce<wes from Calcutta, fill in vvilh on tie 30 tb Jttigujl, in /at. 49,10, 7 j leagues from foundings La Surieiliante, La liberte\ and A'aiade French frigates, who had keen cut 2 5 days and had taken %l prizes. The Exchange, Thomfon,from Galipo 'y to Exeter ; the Cro-ve/lien M'Fie, from Ma' tinico to London ; the other vejjel: are taken and fcnt for Breji. The Fanny, Templernan, from Lotidin 10 Grenada, is taken and carried it. t Breji. The: Beckford, Houlton,from the coajt of Burhary, <was taken on the i<)th ult. by three French frigates, andJtnce retakin by fame pilots from Scilly, and carried in North Carolina 9 l'ojlon 7 Vitgrria. 4 A\tu York 4 Tlx Mercury, Pringle of Simierlar.d, the Duke of Bar.lfuortc, BjlJmcb, a d the ludujtry, Croi .(a retaken nej[ej,)iuitb zi Spuni/h i JJlti are taken by the ijcueb at Saint Sch<<fiian. * November i. fIEW YORK, /\ R RIVED. CHARLESTON, Oclober 13. Arrived. Oclobcr 16. C rerc.di Port-aid- Prime jjertmit LLOYD'S LIST, SEP. 5 . Jam ica
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers