D A I [No. 122 of Vol. Vl.] J. M. Bart, No. 170, North Second Street, JtefJ>eftfu!ly informs the CitUeni» that be intend' to open an Evening School, From SIX to NINE o'clock, beginnirtt next Monday, 27th nft. where be will r-nchthe French Italian language* Arithmetick and Book-keeping. Oh the mnjl rcafanable Tefms. ' A ftrift attendtnc* may be dep®nHed npon l>y tko*c who will favour biai with entpioynient. OA. If d FOR SALE, At the STCfRES of jefle & Robert Wain, POttT WINE in pipes, hhh November ; has gond arcomm >dation» fbr pafleiigt*., hav. iog brtn built for the Dub>«p trade. For freight or pafl'agc, apply on board at Cuth bjrl's wharf, toCapt. Gedd*<, or to HOLMES »nd RATNEY, WILLIAM SMITH, juo, ard Co. or a>. rati For LONDON, I"be fajl failing copper bot a!Bs Adriatic, K. Fitzpatrick, Master. WiH fail with all convenient fptei For freight or passage, ipply to the Captain on board, at HarJehurft ♦•.wharf, or Thomas CS 5 John Ketland. October 14. d. =£jL-n SHIP PENN, James JosiAff, Matter. To tail with all convenient speed. For freight or pafiage, apply to JOHN FIELD & SON, For Hamburgh, PERSEVERANCE, James Williarilfan, Majitr. Now readjr to receive a cargo on board.' This vessel found,built of lire oak and cedai*, and has good accommoda tions for paflengers, to fail with all con venient speed. For freight or passage, apply to the Captain on board, or Thot. John Ketlaitd. o<2. it d , Jacob Rentierl, Majler. BUAjHEN about 1,700 barrels Floorer SjVQ boflteh grant, fifili remarkably fact and will be ready to eceWe a cargo in a 'few4»rij ■ For terms, apply to the Captain en board, or to Joseph Sims, Who Jias lor Sale, A few Chefls of Red and Pale . Of the FiHl Quality, Madeira & Sherry Wines, For BRISTOL, The SHIP WILMINGTON, J- Mariner, Master, < Burthen about arto Tons, has excellent , accommodatiotis fdr paflengers, to fail the id November, and is intended to fetupn very early in the Spring, to thiiPort. For freight or paflage, apply to Capt. Mariner on board, at Stamper s wharf, or JOHN MAYO. f-jl-l THE SHIP tiggfc HOLLAND, Christopher Franklin, jufi. HAS excellent accommodation! for paffcn gera, will fx I with all convenient speed, hav ing the greatellpart of her cargo ready to go on board. 4*3 taw. For freight or paflage, apply to thf matter cm board, to PETER BLIGHT, Or FRAGERS & CO. Av». e® YANIJ, David Harding, Master- BURTHEN abmit j-000 barrels. For. terms apply to Gurney Smith. Oil. 2$ 4- For Dublin, Gecfge Latimer. tor LONDON, Or, JESSE & ROBT. WALN. Oft. 14 d Lady Walterjlorjf, Peruvian Bark, Fit for immediate use, &t. &c. OA. 22 0&. i. Henry and Charitj, frtm Hamburgh, HEMP, Peterjbvrgb's firjl quality BAR IRONy Swedes, afjbrted TIN, tn plates, db. do. GEAEPA in hh4s. BAGGING, German assorted GLASS TUMBLERS, and Black Quart Bottles, DEMiyOBNS, Wind™ Glass, Feathefs of superior quality,' MATTS, (Sic. Wt. for sale by Thomas & John Ketla'nd. Aug. 26 d City of Walhirigton. SCHEME OF THfc LOTTERY, No. It FOR THE IMPROVEMENT FEDERAL CITY. t A margnificrni A 20,000 DoJlit., an d ■dwtHing house, J ctflh 36,000 are j ditto 1-5,000 Sc c»Ti 35,000 1 ditto 15,000 Sc casfti 15,00® 1 ditto to,ooo & cath 10,000 t, ditto 5,000 A c»4tt 5,00 c t ditto $,°oo & ca^l 5,000 1 Calti prize ol s ditto 5,000 e»eh, are ditto i,oco io ditto 500 jo* ditto 100 200 ditto 50 400 ditto. »5 1 ,troo d*ttto so 15,000 ditto 10 «&.T3si fr **" 33,«|r» flhflln 50,000 Tickets at & dollars This Lottery will afford aft e.egant fneci mtrt of the or ivate building; to be erect d in the City of Walhlngton—-Two beautiful de rtgns are afrcady frle fled far the ehtfre froms on- two of the public fqWfes ; from these drvwingt, it '*» frlipateJ n» frrflr two cerrtre jnd (Our corner b*ntrfirig», aafoon at poffrbl* after cbrs Lottery i% f<»M, and* to convey them when complete, to the fortunate in the maivi«r deTcribed if> the fehetne for rfi« Hotel Lottery. A nett dcduftion of five per cent, will be made to defray rhe neces sary txpences of pointing,. ijc. and the sur plus will be mSr the Natiorial Univrffflty, to be ere&ed within the City of \#alltirfgtcm. (f3~ The drawing wi-ll as foed at more than hats the aatotmt ot the Lottery. The drawing will be under the management of 94 gentlemen approved ■hry the cortinnlEoirers tor the City of Walb ington, for the time being, aid a fling 00 oath. *.* Ticket* may be had at tltt BaiA of Columbia'; of James Writ tc Co. Baltimore?" of Gideon Denifon, Savannah 1 ; of Peter Gil%i3«, Boston ; of John Mop kin*, Rich mond : and of Richard Welti, Cooper's fer ry. dtf. Thomas M'Euen, Stock and Land Broker, No. 7S, Chejwct-sTr-eet, INFORMS hii Friends that during his absence from Philadelphia (on the Weftem Expedition) ttiS Btifiriefs will tie Carried cn at his Oifice as usual, by Mr. Thomas HaJe where-Ordirrs m His fine wHl'be tbankfbliy received, and ereiy Attention paid to them. Oft. 10 d Epkraim Clark, ClotH and Watch Maker ', 1 biladelpbia Has received by the *r George Barclay from London, and Penn sylvania from Liverpool, Warrant ad Watches, silver, And n extensive supply of all forts of Foo]s,Files& confiding of Clock laces and Movements,Caft Brass it Bells,, arge and small Vice», Watch Glass and Springs, Chains, Srali, and Keys, &c. &c All of wMck are (felling it the nTual m*- darate Terms, Wlwlcfalt aitd Rmil. 0a.24 AN D * ADVERTI ber 1, 1794. OF T H ¥ • io,do'6 40,000 36-, 000 20,000 <0 000 10,000 10, too IC,O o 10,000 10,•OOO 1 o,oco 10,000 13,000 ao,Qno 150,000 40c,e*0 S. BLODGET. •adtf &c. *inus Clark/on, No. a>6, south Water Sfieet, ALSO, ; , < tiw hoGshkußs of Prime Antigua Rtifp, 3J- 4th proof fine flavour. SepK29 t! WOOLLENS'. A variety of low pficfd well aflbrted V/OOLLtNS, in final! Bales, for Salt* by Rirttdlt & Murgatrojd, No. ii, Walnut-Street Wharf. Also, Bfst Lisbon and Liverpool Salt, German Steel, Hosiery, See. 0&.6. NOTICE. AT TrfE New Caille Pier Lottery Examining, and Rrgifltring Offitc, At Mr. SAMUEL CRAWtOIID's Ni 75> north Front street, 2 doors from Arch ftrectj Tickets are ckamined and Regiffered by correfj numerical and Re gifffer fii'Oks, at the following moderate charges, viz. For examining* srNGl'i TiciET t-i6th of * Dollar. For regillering a single ticket I —4«h of a Dollar. And notifce #ill be sent by letter (rf fortunate or unfortunate) to any part of the Continent. ALSO TICKETS . In the City of Wafturigton Lottery, Nb. a; 1 (Which will commence drawing very fonn) Regiltered, and the earliefi atcount sent of their fucceis. N. B. The Earliest Intelligence of each Da-y'* dva-wing will be reteiv< tf at this Of fice. And the flips thereof wiH re figued inn to y be^Sdfd r L tobe £o ' ltft! there '° re Purfuanttothedireaions of Sipt. 24 d the Law for incorporating the Ir.furance 1 Company of North America, a Meeting wil' be held at the Compary'i Office, on Thursday the 13th day of November enfii-» ing, \vhen Two Di*ec*oks are to be chosen for the :emait>dcr of the present >*ar, to supply the places of two Gcntl«. men.whit have been elefled Direfto.s of a nother lnfurance Company. The' Votes may be givtn by the Stock holders either in person or by Proxy, but none may vote " unless the /lock Jhall have stood in their names at least three months preceding the time of Eleflion." By order of the P'efident and Din ftorj Ebetrezer Hazard, Sicry. 0&-tu&'ti^N. A PARCEL OT Prime Sugar, Received from St. frfarlU, in the ftitp Fame, ton SAL A XT Louis Ofmont. O&. 23 Dijiarit Silbfcrlbtrs Forthi; Gaiette, are hereby refpedlful ly reqtoefted to pay up their Stipfcriptions to ib» fii ft of January nrtii. The ErfitOi wiUbennder the neceflny of confiflorinrg tl.ofe who do not then renew theiT Sub scription by paying Si* Months in Ad vance, as declining to take the Paper any longer. A* tbere U a considerable Sum dn« ftom remote SttWcrilmsfor tfcelJtta half Week ly Paper published by the Editor, he most earnestly requcfts thofc Who may be delire. r4 S E R. [Whoje No. 672.] from the Ship AAriana Kit-ran FfrzpalrLl Majlix, from sfmfltrdam. Holland Sail Duck, „ Ditto—Sheeting, Ticklenburgh, Ofnaburgfh, White and Brown Linen, Diaper 1 , fine Checks, Bedticks, Hair Ribbon, '< GreatCoatS, boxes Window-Glass, Dittb Tutr.blers, Ginn in pipes; Ginn Cases, Steel, Mill Saws 6 feet, Anchors, from 7 to 14 cwt. Frying Pans, Junk, Oakum, &c. FOR SALE BY Thomas & John Ketland. Odlober it. J, " Philadelphia Society, for the Information and AflUlance of Pvf- fens .Emigrating frem Foreign Coun tries.". , . «' A Monthly Meeting \viM \e be>W, ath»lfpali Six Wedre > . Hay cvmiug, tbe jth q!" Noveirbrr, 85 Shajplefs's Sth ,ol Koonij in Froj^befger'j 1 6 accomplish tie Vieu-j ;0 ' jtion, it will be ret)ui(ite ; riia ■%<** (Kmilil pofftf* much iofo:tua» ; Iparts-of the United will . rjtii*»H(K piobflbility of ftiKffi t« lC«VrW&icj »F*>- ifeent drftnptions, per>nt>] cafiu.'*- ,te(J for various other tntplayineitts, ar.ill be received with p'eafure by Mi. Tho mas Pcarce, at No. 45, in foutli Third ftitet, who is appointed ltrgifter by the fCommittee : and all infoinutinn OS a mort jgereial nature, fay the feeretaiy. f By order of tiie Committee * gtawi-w- Willkfri Turner, Sec'ry, oa. 29 Wakted, A man and •woman kitchen Aceuftometi to cooking, to whom gererovs wages will be Riven. None need apply but filch as can be wejl recommended. Ens quire of the Printer Oft. 20 d To be fold by Audtion, Git Tucfdaytke 1a th day of November next, at noon, at the hovfeoj Archer Gijford. in New arkj Netu Jcrfey, if not prtviovjly dijpojed of iy private contrail { THE FALLOWING Tra&s of Land, belonging to the American Iron Company, fituafe at Ring wood, Long Pond, and Charlottenburg, in the C< unties of Bergen auri Morris in the said stare ol New Jer- fey, vil. 12 traits of land, contain inj about 6533 acres, situate at Ringwood, on pait of which tfhe Ringwood Mansion- Heufe and Stoiaare eresed< 4tra£hof Land, containing 6156 acrca y htuafe on Long Pond River. t rafts of Land, containnig about 616$ Acres, fruate at Chariot fenburg. THese Eflhtes are we4l worthy of the at tention of any Cmteman or Company in dined ro engage extenfivcly in lion Works: There are several Buildings and some conli 'cferable Improvements on thrfe Lands; about Actes ot cxce/lent Meadow, arc already cltrarrd, and much more might be added at a rrlfHng Expetice. On the PrertliWt here are several very convertirnt tfrarts for FurnaCe*, Forgei, Mills, Sec. Tht te aie alio lomr weiy rdtiable Iron Mines. M of iht unimprov id Pans of these Lands are covered with finr healthy Tin b,r. TWfV Ettftrt wfll be (h*v»n by Captain Joßrpfl BrytWV, of Rrnjfworxi, alid tße Tirtnt .ol Site made known by applying Hid ;a» tf LANDING, No. i 49» Clieflit Street. , .»