Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, October 31, 1794, Image 4

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president y directors
H'HEftEAS by an a,7 of the Legijlature
Of the State ofPennfyhmnia incorporat
ing the Ittfitrance Company of North A-
Merita, the PrtfdJnt and Di' eflors are
rnthorifed to extend their affurajice to
Goods, Wares and Merchandise, or o
ther personal property in Dwelling Houf
ej, IVarthoLtfes or Stores, or to nuildings
a%a nfi the rijk arijing from Fire, and
having ascertained that it is a general
desire that Property of this description
Jhould be assured from si Jatal a risk,
the Prejident and Directors of the Infu
"* ranee Company of North America are
induced to offer the following
•r A B L E
Of Rates and Terms.
fables of Rates of Annual Premiums to
be paid for AJfuranze Fire.
N».I Upon common infuranrri, or hazards
of-ihe livll class, witliin th~ c< y of Phila
delphia and Noiiherri and Southern Lilnr
B ick or Stoii<-houfes. or Stores.
Furniture of M'-rctvand'.ze not hereafter fpe
€ fied astxxva hazardous, contained in Brick
ttr Ston-" Houfcs,
For Turns ntft xceedinj* 8000 dollars at and
Wtcr the rate of 30 cents for every hundred
' f6t sum* nrirtitienJing 16600 tJoHtfrt ftl
■irfflVFwr-fbe rjNt of 45 tfnts for cvti'y hu"-
WWt not exceeding 55000 dollars at
M&Ufccrihe nte of 60 cenu for every bun
•3*4 «*»*.- / s i: • . •«,.
X. H' As Ae ii|tJjs&or»<>»a m framed
IbbiftiWilj! ofc<«flier ciftiimftrateii, J»i»V ren
4tti rVfliinetlji'bVe which H witffin tlie let
" tncTe propof»]« , ifc* company rrfcrvt 1
rtgtu tp r*jeftfii«h »n »tf>rjrKe »t pleifurr.*
No. ll.— Upon hazards of the
ftcond class-
Houses or Stores of which the walls 3re
not wholly of Brick or Stone.
Furniture, or nv ChVndize, -x-'
tra hazardous Gocidi, as Pitch, Tar," Tur
pentine, Wax, He<np, Oil, Tallow, Spirit
ou* JLiauors contained in houses or H<>vcs
of whirh the walls are not wholly brick
or (lone.
Thcfe last recited ex'ra hazaidous articles
in any building whatfjever.
Ships whilst building ; the premjfes and
property therein contained of Carpenter
Joiners,' Cooper*, Tavernkeepers or Inhol
o&*. ''table keepers, Bakers, Ship Chandlers
and float Bulld**rs, Malt Driers, Breviers,
Tallow Chandlers, Sugar Bakers, Apotba-
CiriVs, CheiTiifts, OHli'.lers. punters, Oil
and Colojrmeo, China, Glass and Earthen
ware Sellers. J
Mills and Machinery: Porcelain, Glass
»»d Wares in TVatfe.
For funis not exceeding Sooo dollars at and
after the rate of 75 cents for eveSry hundred
For sums not exceeding 16000 dollars at
and alter the race of bents for every hun
dred dollars.
lft A written aonlicat'on m ifl hp at
tV Companv' Office stating the sum desired
to be infui-d . by whom, and a tlefcription
«F the kind <>l property, whether Buildings
or Goods ; kind of goods, nd how
much unon rach Sui'.ding, or the goods in'ach,
where there art- out houses or stores. When
Household are intended to be insured
the apjylication fhonld fpecifyits follows.
thrHmrfAofcf tfuiaituft Mt
On A*Wfl
fa' CW»i rnfGl.«
fin WnteA ftooki
,nThe Premium mat be paid when
■he order it given and accepted, the Intir
inre IO commence the instant it ij paid, and
continue in force (o long a> the payment shall
K- annually made at the office before 5 o'clock
p. M. on the dty when each r*»olhtion of the
lerm i» complete; or if that day (ball happen
o„ a Sunday or 4th [uly, or any other Holi
day kept >t the Office, then on the day pre
3d. If »ny other infuranee be
the fame property notice thereof mart be
jiven with the order .otherwise the Policywill
be .
. 4th. in Truftor »n Commif-
Aon. mull ha 4«fcfere<) to be (a beM, other, ■
arffctfce Will «w>t to»CT fach Property".'
jth. This Company wiH not be acofctmu.
Me fw arty lofi or fimagc caused by sow
Ifign Inrtfion, * by »"v'&ilit»ry or Usurp.
*a Tarce, or by rctfon of tiiy civil Commot
tkin. v •■ ■
6ih. Bi'lt o' E*ch»»ige, Bonda, Setorttiei,
TWr Dfeedi, Money, aixt Bank »ni
ether Promissory Notea arc not rtidudrd urv
•W any iofitraiiee. P«intingt,Medal»,J-wch
r.tnw, Antique C»rio(hie» «nd Mirrors, **
bove (01, each, may be lafured byifpecial A'-
• r e^n>t.
, 7 th'.' No Infuranee will be made for a left
fir m than One Year.
gih. Persons ehoofing to Insure for Seven
■years foal) be allowed Ore year'i Premium
bv w»V of difcoum 5 »lfo one-third of •
. e , r 's Premium upon a tricnnal Insurance.
qth. When any loss by Fhc it futoincd on
proneitv insured *t thh Office, the Tuffer.*
(Vi»tl in thirty ,Vs furnifti the bed doci>
merits he is able of the value of the GooHi
damaged or destroyed ; thia afceitained, the
lof* within 'he sum insured Hull be paid
w ,iW deduflion in thirty dayi after proof
K. B. It ij expefied « little experU-nce
niav authorise the Company to extend affnr
«i,ce from Fire tn other Citiea ; »t preOrtt
iheyconfine thi* branch of their bufinrfs t»
Philadelphia •"d '"'Vicinity, In Pennfylvi
ni«. By Order,
HAZARD, Sec'ry
Oft. J. jSJ l*wtf |
Fine Liverpool
To Be Sold
From the Ship Thomas,
The second wharf below Pine-Street, ap
ply at said wharf, to
Jehu Halliflgfworth, & Co.
Aug. 26. d.
Card & Nail Factory,
No. 59, north Front Itrcet,
Webster, Adgate & White,
Have conjlantly for sale,
Cotton, Wool, Tow, and
Machine Cards,
Of all Kinds,
Cut Nails nt all sizes,
Flour Brads, Sprigs and Tack?,
Fullers Shears, Gun Flints and Wool
A quantity of kiln dried Indian MeSl in
A new Edition of AHgate's Philadelphia
Harmony, containing both the si' ft and fe
cond parrs, being the most aproved )y'-
tcnj oi Rules and the best cotetffcon of
Tunes now in u(e,
Machinery for making Cards \
On an Improved Conftm&ion.
Oft. 2 w&itf 1
Scheme of a Lottery,
To raije 39,900 Dollars, on 266,000
15 per Cent.Jrom the Prizes—
This Lottery lonfjls of 38,000 Tickets, in
which there are 14*531 I'rites, and 23,461
Blanks, being about one and an ha!J Hunks to
a prize.
THE Dkeftorsof the Society forcftablifh
mg Ufeful ManufaSurrs, having rcfolv
ed to cre£t LOTTERIES for raifiog One
Hundred Thousand Dol l ARs',agreeably
loan Afil of the Legifljture of the State of
New-Jersey, have appointed the following
perfonsto superintend and dircft the draw
ing of the fame, viz. Nicholas Low, Rutus
King, Hlrman L« Roy, James Watson,
Kichard Harrifon, Abijah Hammond, and
Cornelius Ray, of the crty ol New-York—
Thomas Willing, Joseph Ball, Matthew M'-
Connel and Andrew Bayard, of the city of
Philadelphia—Mil Excellency Richard How
ell, Efq'. Elias Boudinot, General EliasDay
toil, James Parker, John Bayard, Doctor
Lewi' Donham, Samuel W. Stockton, Jolhua
M. Wallace,'Jofeph Bloomfield, and Elifha
Bondinat, ol New-Jersey, who offer the
following Scheme ol a Lottery, and pledge
thtmfek'is to the public, that they will take
every alWrance and precaution inlheir power
10 have tfie Monies paid by the Managers,
Irom time to time, as received, into the
Banks at and Philadelphia, to
remain tor the purpose ol paying Friz s,
which (hall be immediately discharged by a
check upon one of the Banks.
14.539 Prizes. 262,000
13,461 Blanks. First drawn number, 2,000
Laftdrawn number, 2,000
38,000 Tickets at 7 Dollars each is 266,000
The drawing will commence, under the
infpefiion of a Committee of the Superin
tendants, as soon as the Tickets are fold, of
which timely notice will be given.
The Supcrintendants have appointed John
N. Gumming, of Newark, Jacob R. Har
denbcig(ol Nrw-Brunfwick, and Jonathan
Rhea, of Trenton, as immediate Managers
thereof, who have given ampl# security for
discharging the trull reposed in them.
03T In order t'o secure the pun&ual pay
merit of the Prizes, the Superintendents of
the Lottery have diretted that the Manager#
shall each enter into bonds in 40,000 dollars,
with four fufficient fecuritics, to perform then
itißiu&ions, the substance of which is
>- >6
I. That whenever either of the Managers
(ball receive the sum of Three Hundred Dol- 1
lars, he Ihajl immdiately place the fame in
one of *he' Banks of New-York or Philadel
phia, to the cieditof the Governor of thfc
society, and such of the Superintendents as
'ive it) the city where the monies arc placed,
to remain th«re»r>til the Lottery is drawn,
for the payment of the Prices.
11. The Managers to take fufficient se
curity for any Tickets they may trull, otheit.
wife to be refponiible for them.
111. To keep regular books of Tickets
fold, Monies received and paid into the
Bank, abftiadls of which (ball be sent,
•nonthly, to the Governor of the Society.
Pater Ton, January 1, 1794.
On application to either of the above gen
tlemen, information will be given where
tickets may be had.
February 24.
The Lottery published by the
«Society for eflahlithing ufet'ul aianut'ac-
Vnre-;," will commence drawing the firft
Ttiefdav in November next —
To the
Watch Making and
Repairing Business,
Apply TO
C. Campbell.
No. 3, foutU Fourth street, two doors
from Market-street.
' PHILADELPHIA:—Printeb by JOHN FENNO, No. 119, Chiskwt Str£
AJo for Sale,
, a 'coM»Lc»* tir or
PiUeof 20.006 Dollars it 20,000
10,000 10,00 c
5 00
i 00
• 1 5
An Apprentice
To-Morrow, will be
landed at —— ivbarf, from on board
of tbe ship Eagle, David Williamfon,
mattery from Oporto,
In Pipes, Hogsheads and quarter Calks,
For Sale bt
Philips, Cramond & Co«
Who have also arrived for sale, about
4000 Bulhels Coarfc SALT, and 28
Firkins of BUTTER. «
Oft. 29.
■„! be Landed at Sims' s wbarf from on
board of the Brig Polly, William Brad
fhww, mafitr.
Malaga Wine,
o • J
Of a very superior in butt 9 and
Quarter Calks,
Philips, Cramond & Co.
Q6i. 2i) _ <l
A choice parcel of Full Bodied
Old Red Port Wine,
This day arrived, by the Snow Ttully,
Captain Cook, from Oporto*
For Sale by
Also by the fame Snow, 5000 Bulhels
St. Übes Salt.
Oft. 29. dtf.
Lately Imported
fn the ftrig Hfftor, Oaf>i«in «ak«r, from
B.Mjrdtfain^,'iad for Sale by _
"Joseph Anthony Sow,
Choice [Old v'l let, ill Hogflieads and
Excellent White Wine, in Quarter
Cate* Boxes
Florence Oi , in Calks and Cases.
They kcrvt aijo on band,
Choice Lisbon & Port Wine,
Soft Si elt'd Almoi ds and B i x-Raifii »,
N. E. Rum, B >fipn Beef of luperior quality
Tow |ine», and 'fanneisoii, Engliib and
Ruftw Canvas, Bolton Duck, fine Cotton
Card Wire, 8 bv <o, 8.-7 by 9 Window
Cleft, a"t!
Spermaceti Candles.
October 2g 2 *'•
This day a few pipes ef ihe jirjl quality
French Brandy,
Fourth Proof,
city for 3 of ve?rs,
Forty Hogfieads of JirJl quality of
St. Croix Sugar,
And a few Tons of
10,000 I
Good Black Pepper,
Levinils Clarkfcn,
No. 216, south Water ft ret-1.
oa. 8 d
Hoff and Derrick,
No. 8, North Fijth Jireet,
Have just Fublifhed, price 9-ioths of a
Embtlhjhed iv'uh a neat Engraving:
And to be had of the following Booksel
lers, vi 7. Me firs. T. Dobfon,\V. Young,
R. Campbell. J. Ormrod, and H. Kam
A New and Concise History ef the
Revolution in France,
From its Commencement to the Execu
tion of the Gironde party, and
the death of the Duke of
OA. l 6
■ Ctunty of Fairfax and State of Vir
ginia, a
Tract of Land,
THE Land on Blands f< rd, containing
189 acres, (he foil is good l u hilly, about
ten acres of it low ground si for meadow.
There is 911 it two good dwelling houses,
ft ore house, (tables, kitchen, a;id a.ftil
house with two dills, One of 1 1 3 »"<1 the o
ther .13 gallons, 'f order for immediate
use, there are affo good npp e and peacfl
oichards on it. ■ All the houfe 1 : are new ex
cept one of the dwelling hmife',ttiat how
ever is completely repaired and in good or
der. It is a good situation foraJtoreTavern
and Distillery, and the; e is a good Mill feat
[ on rt.
* '
Oft. 2*
To be Sold,
The House, Stables, &
of Ground,
In Second ftreei, between Spr»c« 4n<l
Union ftreefs, in 'be occupation of his
Britannic Majefty'* Minister.
The Adjoining Lot ±
16 feet frnnt, and 149 f ee *
terms of sale, apply to
Wm. Cramond.
Aug. 14
Just Arrived,
And will be landed to-irtorrow morning at
Hamilton's -wharf, the CARGO of the
Schooner Industry, Captain Hylander,
from Havanna,
White & brown Sugar
*dz l»w
Enquirto' tlie Printer
<\ t W
85 hhds. Molafles,
Of superior full quality.
io(S Boxes and Barrels
and A
Parcel of Ox-Hides ;
Peter Blight.
Just arrived in the Hibernia, Captain
Irwin, from Jamaica.
Sept. 23 d
Dancing School.
Wm, M'DOUGALLprefcntshis com
pliroeuts to the Public—Thanks them for
the great encouragement lie has experi
enced thefc twenty odd years. He will
open his School for this Seafonon Monday
the 13th G&ober, at 10 o'clock in the
morning, in that large and elegant Saloon
in Harmony street, leading from Third to
Fourth street, turning the corOer of No.
■ 70, SouthTliird ftveet.
His Employers may be allured, the ftrift
order and decorum that has always been
obfervrtl in his School, ih2.1l still be pur
sued—and that their children will be taught
ih the most approved and modern flile
Note—An Evening School for young
OH. io
Fortv dollars reward.-
RAN AWAY from the Subfcribci On Sa
ttfl'd'ay oiglit tt* 1 itti h\fl
A Mulatto lad,
named Bill, generally called Brtl Madden ,
about i 7 or 18 years of age, 5 leer 7 or 8 in
ches high, of a ftirn make, has tlrait black
hau , which he lometimes we> tied, but
generally loose ; he has been accnftomfed to
wait altogether inja house, and having been
much indulged, has become too idle to wo k
for a support. He took with him a brown
fuftian double breasted long coat, one drab
cotllcoat, with red cuffs aftd cape, the
pocket flaps and Ikirts ti immed with
edge,a fuilai.ll a pair df buckf»<in
bi ecches, a pair of red Itriped trow;
and lev« ral other cloatlis, also a pair of
boots, haifworn. It is probable he has a
forged pass, ai d will endeavour to pass as
a free man. From every circumstance, 1
am led to believe he went ess with a wh te
woman, and thaf they had taken their pai
fage in a velTel bound to Philadelphia.
The above reward wiN bepatd to any
pel ion UfcHVtfJ lKgjHJi —J
reafoiiabk charges . for bringing li home.
Daniel Carroll.
Of Dvddinglon.
Cry of Waftiington, Oct. 23
■ '
No, 3, Sovr.i FboißTfl SnilT,
Returns his grateful ailuid j£etriei ts
to his f) ieuds 3r<l tlvc jptfhlic ~tft llteir flbtf.
Tal EncimtageiJienvand'begif teava rfcf .
peSfully tofolicit. * Cp«ti«u?ere of
favours. . . '
At his Shty Gcfttlemcncsn be furnime
Atfth the Bell rtmt-eriiri', a«d IwVt ifcfm
■raade upaHd fbilhed in the ntateft in#
most l'afctno«l!le maimef,
■He w ill thankfully rereivp aOS 9tdei sSt
pays prompt and pur.flual attent or, to
Mofvey to ii^Xen&g
O I Mo'. tJtaceof
Within the City and Liberties of i'hiladil
olva Apply to
Nicholas Diehl, jun.
Attorney at Law.
No. lq, fnuth Fourth J/reet.
Ami. 4,
Asfheton Humphreys,
Attorney at Law,
Notary Public & Conveyancer,
AT his Office No. 65, Walnut ftteet
Confer M' DOCK Stmt, continue*
to t.anfcft bufinel's in the above branches,
as heretofoir, and draws at « moderate
charge, Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, Powers
of Attorney, Bills ol Sale, -rnd B>ttomrev
Charter Parties, Memorials, Petitions,
and other Inft'omenrs in Writing. Ht al
so continues to buy Sr.d fell Real Eftat. s,-
opon C.pnlTnifliioii; and fans at preleitt a
few valuable Farms, &c. for sale.
October 11, i7V4 tod4w.
Stock Brokers Office,
No. 16, W«ll-flrcct Niw-Yomt
THESub{c>.be> i«Wf»di4'e :<1 l ' fl ' tinrfiim
tctl enlirclv to the fl RCHASfc and
off-r hislrrA io . 10 hit-friend* and
others in the line ola Stock Broker. Thofr
who may yleaff to favor htm with their hufi.
tie's, tn's dcp<-n« "P"" ha\ ing it «r»nki£trd
w'nh the umicft fidfhry arid ettfpircfc.
Orders tiom Philadelphia, Bolton, orm)
othrr part of the United States, will bt
ttri&lv attended to.
N o Tlc E,
J nine o'Clock in &***£
day of starting. Ai this an,J,
will commence to-morrow, and 8
of .tsobjeas is thea ccommo(ia ;
thole who have connections and
in the Army, punaualUy as
time of lodging the letters'is ex
otherwise they will be necelWil
ed to the next fucceecW Exn-
O&ober 24.
John Miller, .-jun.
No. 8, Ca ssrtur ticar F/tour Sir >
Hath Imported in the late Veff;
(by the package,)
HATTS ivell ajforted, Boys' cokurii. r
Mens' black
Manchejler Cotton Good*
Slippers and Sandals
Flowers and Feathers
Black and White Lace.
Brown and White, by the Box, laii si
Oft. 15
To the Public.
Is opened for Print if g the
Theological Writingi;
o F
Emanuel Swedenboui ;
At Francis Bailey's Book Jiore, ht.
Market Jlrect, Philadelphia,
WHKN a fufticient fubfciipiion
place, a meeting w-ill be ailvertifed tj 1
Side' the molt eligible mode for cum i,,
ihe printingof futh of thr Woiks is 1
he thought to be of ihe grcjtcft ui
the firft infiance.
The following Treati/eS may i&cii
Mr. Bade/ s :
The Dnftrlne of Life, 'or the S,vn;n
sense of the Tu> Commandment .
Tlie Univetfa! Tf«eol<,®' of th(
riifirchwhicl' was foretold '
LorTl in Tjanici, chap, 7, v. 5,
and in the Apocalypie, chap. 2
2. & c - —
A luminary View of the j
trines. of t- c New Jerusalem Ch
* 3t)VMr ,
03" As vatyjus opinions -avit-:*!
f«tp*d>Ag djrfe iwMMt (I
ami yet r»\wn»l arjiHijli
been able to cci'ute t^icm f h»t
of, invidious caJyianie* and
ports baVe iAiJuftrioufly.
tttdifdedVt tWW^«*tf» w Ww
Author, as wcH as his we <13
not the cane id and fincerc jnquui i
Truths of the highest in,pm tencc, *'
rioufly examine those Winks r\
in which it is to hoped, thet bei t
ptlrfuit and love of the Trirffc' I ' ll
c.f its native excellence o.i<d use, tlx
Kgard them as they juftjy
the end receive both grvfit and dd •}. •
oa. 14 eTu: 1
Essence for the Tooth-
Square, Lotiiton. ~~
THE publin are offeuo one of
efficacious and fife Mcdicinw, tte'
appeared, for that mofl
The numerous inftar.ces of its bay P
e&s in relieving the affl fled, have •
brought it into "univtilal eftinia « c
; snot only relieves the Tooth-A<
of the tnmoft service in curing t «
Scurvy in the Gusts,
In preventing the
that is produced from uufoi"" }
occasioning a iweet brci"! %
prevents the teeth from decavirfc.
be found a general preserver cl l - 4
and Gums-
Sold in Philadelphia, onl? t
Povntell's stationary 'toi
No. 21, Second wut'•
Oft. 15 -
Alphabetical L'
Payable bj la* on all Gof"is >
fare***}*' impot'irf mt» 1
S « tes of Ajre. ica, aTter the
June 1J94, dift' n
on thole impart**' tn " l> P 5 *3
iWUd States—anri tlictatcfy
r»lgn Blips or vefftls,
| timtal duties, to whichthe »»»f
I c 'ps arc liable.
* .•':■*