DAILY EVENING ADVERTISER. [No.. 120 of Vol. VL] J. M. Bart, Nc- 170, North Strand Strut, Refpeftfully informs the Citizens, that he intend 1 ; to opsn an Evening School, Fifßi SIX to NINE o'tiock, n.xt Monday, 27th 11ft. where he will t ach rt«r French Italian languages Arithmetic and Book-ke«ping. ' Oh tie mojl reasonable Terms. A stria a nee may K« depended npoo <>y ,»v jil favour him with c »,)l»yn»ent, „, h 37 FOR SALE, At tKe STORES of Jefle & Robert Wain, PORT WINE in pipes, hWb- and quar fer cafltj LISBON do.in pipes,find quarrct-calk* Soncbongand Ganfc»TEAS, in quarter cbefis A quantity of Liftion and CedizSALT Soft (hilled A LMO NDS i 11 bales Vef»«f CORKS, in do. Rufiia MATTS. 4 JUST PUBLISHED, And to be fold fay Benjamin Davies, No. 68, Markfi ftrcet. Price 4 Dol>- 31 "tits per do%. and 44 ccnti finglt't THE American Repofkory. This neat Pockst Almanack, ijfirito,' the kiud that hath been executed in Phrlrf .delphia, or pork«p<, in »ny of ihe United Sratts; ami contains, A Compledt Calendar, ok ALMANACK, for the Year i 7^5. Lifts of tbe Officer! of the American Go vernment, Civil aud Militaiy. The termi of the Federal Circuit & Dif trift Courts. The Latitudes »rld Lonjiftides from "be Meridian of Phil?dd» when each of the States was firft fettled; Their relpc&ive Territories anfl num bers of People; TIM oufflln* tt Ikbabitanti 4>f curb,in ••sit mtki—*nd ft brief State, of their rclMiM progr«ft in Population ; to ptlMr viU| vtrlagi otter Articled of In forfnatiou. Ornamented +>hh an elegant Frontis piece, Tdle Page, and twelve FIG NETTES, alluding to scenes in Thomp- Jon'i Sea/oar, engraved bf the mejl inge nious jfrtiflr & the City. Sfttdify will ht puhii/hedy and fold at the J'ame place, A PLAN OF THE City and Suburbs RHBLABEIrPHIA. Taken froth late and at citrate furvej. This MAp-toUf be 26 inches square ; and wili be delivered 3*; m*y heft fmt the pur chasers, either in (beets plain or coloured, or cmvafTed and affixed to rollers; or 10 fit them for the pocket, tliey will be cut and folded in cases. Tbofe who hare b»en so obliging, as to receite Subfcri|Jti»n& J<>r this Plan, are re quested to forward the names to th- Edito r at No. 68, in Market-Stteet, ai above di reeled ; as lie intends 16 close the iift in a ftort time, atid to fetid it to the Pwfs r t» be inferwd in tbe fr«ut of (he Pamphlet which will be delivered with the Plan. Whereas an attach- ment »t the suit of the adminiQratorsof all and lingular the goods and chattels, ri hts and credits, which were of William Bur net deceased, at the time of hit death, hath been iffuedout of the lnferiour Coujt of common p)eas, in and for the Countyof Middlesex, againftthe Goods and Chatties Lands #nd Tenements of Irenins Martin' I«te of the eonnty aforefaid, returnable to the thitdTuelday in July last. NOTICE it hereby given to the laid Irenius Martin, that nolefs he appear and file special bail to the said action, on or before the thifdTuef- «er«d him by default, and tfce goods afid chatties, lands and tenement* so at tached, fold f»r ihe fatlrfaftion of fach of his creditors as (hall appear to be justly en- Aug. #ajefte of ibt l&ttito |J> For LONDON, The fajl failing copper bot- Adriana, K. Master. Will fail toith'all convenient speed. For freight or passage, ipply to *h £ Captain on board, at Hazlehurft s wharf, or Thomas & John Ketlani. Ocflober 14. ' For LONDON, £-5 - The SHIP PENN, James Josiah, Matter. To fall with all convenient speed. For freight or paflage, apply to JOHN FIELD & SON, Or, JESSE & ROBT. WALN. Oft. 14 d For Bojlon, The Schooner £MKL PHOENIX, Joseph Weiks, Matter. To fail in four diys. For paflage apply to the Captain oil bosrd, near Cnrfhut- street wharf, or JOHN WELSH, No. ti, Seuth Water-Street. ' Who has just reccivtd by said vessel, a quantity of the best PICKED MACKAREL, And a few barrels of Lirer Oil. He lias aifo Salmon, Beef, Pork and Butter, Molafles, A quantity of Men's and Womt-n's Coarle and Fine Shoes, French Brandy, Flax, Mould Candles, jO Ilhde. Maryland heavy Tobacco, \Vhale Bed:, Dry Eifh, loco Barrels Superfine and Common Flour, 4000 Bushels Liibon Salt, Rufiia and Salem Duck, Hyfcn and Souchong Tea, Cloves, and 13 cwt. New Cordage. Gift. 27 d4t. Lady Walterftorjf,\ 'Jacob Benners, Majier. BURTHEN abou. i 7*o barrels <$520 bufliels grain, fails 'emarkibfy fact and wiH be ready to cceive a cargo in a lew days, For terms, apply to the Captain on board, or to yofeph Sims, Who lias tor Sale, A few Chejls of ReJ and Pale Peruvian Barks Of the First Qualify, Madeira & Sherry Wines, Fit fbr immediate use, &c. tic- Oft. 22 H For BRISTOL, WILMINGTON, J. MARINER, Master, Eurthen about 2.60 Tons, has excellent accommodations for pafleligers, to fail the j 4d November, and is intended to return very early m the Spring, to this Port. For freight Or palTage, apply to Capt. Mariner 1 on board, at Stamper's wharf, or JOHN MAYO. dtf- 0&. Ib. For Amsterdam, THE SHIP |a HOLLAND, HSScSuI Christopher Franklin, jun. HAS excellent accommodation? for passen gers, will fail with all convenient fptcd, hav ing the greatest p»»< of h James Williamfon, MaJLtr. Now ready to receive a cargo on board. This veflel is Completely found,built of live oak and cedar, and has good accommoda tions for paflcngcrs, to fail with all con venient fpetd. For freight of pafiage, apply to the Captain on board, or Tbos. & John Ketland. Oil. 1 * d A PARCEL OF Prime Sugar, Received from St. Marks, in the Ihip Louis Ofmont. Oft. 13 LANDING From on board the Birmingham Packet, Lorkyer, and the Henry and Charles, from Hambnrgh, H EM' P, Pi-tf/jhufgb'i firjhjHalitj BAR IRON, Swfyes, affarttd TIN, in plates, do.ilo. GENEVA in hbdi. BAGGING, German ajjorted GLASS TUMBLERS, and Black Quart Bottles, , DEMIJOHNS, Window Glass, ' Feathers of fyperior quality, MATTS, &c. &c. FOR SALE BV Thomas & John Kttland. Attg. 26 d City of Washington. SCHEME LOTTERY, No. 11. FQR THE Improvement federal city. I A magnificent > 20*000 Dollais, and dwelling house, $ ca(h 30,000 are , 5°> 000 t ditto 15,000 Acjfti 25,000 40,000 1 dine 15,000 Jc cflh ijjotto $6,000 J 1 dino 10,000 & cjfti io/x>o sO,boo 1 ditto 5,000 Sc ca(h 5,d«« io.oco t ditto 5,000 & c>(b j,oo<> 10,000 i Csft) pnre ot 1 10,000 x dirlo j,eo6 eaciby fcM io.oco ,o ditto J,«0o 10,000 so dittd 500 |o|ooo ,00 ditto 100 10,000 200 ditto S° 10,000 400 ditto *$ lo,odo 1,000 ditto , e Pi oo ° 15,000 ditto »° _ . tjPfoo® 16,739 Pri*e« 33,261 Blanks 50,000 Tickets at 8 dollars Thi» Lottery will afford an e.egant speci men of the private buildings to be ere&td in the City of Walhington—Two beautiful de signs are already fele fted for the emire ftoms on two of the public squares ; from ihefe drawings, it is proposed to ercft two centre and tour corner buildings, as Toon as poflrble alter this Lottery is fold, and to convey them when complete, to the fortunate adventurers, in the manner defcribtd in the scheme For the Hotel Lottery. A nett deduction of five per cent, will be made to defray rhe neces sary expences of printing, &c. and the fur pins will be made a part of rhe fond intended for the Rational University, to be ereffced within the City of Washington. 03T The drawiijg will commence as soon as the Tickets are ioM, or at all events on Monday, the a2mi of December next: The money prizes will be payable in thirty days after it is finilhed, and any priies for which fortunate number! are not produced within twelve monttis after the drawing is closed are to be confideied as given toward* rhe fund for the University, it being determined to fettle the Whole bufmefa in a year from the ending of the drawing and to take up the bonds given as fectirity. The real securities given for the payment of the Prizes, are held by the President and two Directors of the Bank of Columbia, and are valued at more than half the amount of the Lottery. The drawing will be under the management of 14 gentlemen approved by the commissioners tor the City of Walb ington, for the lime being, and a&ing on S. BLODGE.T. « 4 » Ticket! may be had a! the Bank of Columbia; of Jarnei Weft & Co. Baltimore; ot Gideon Denifoo, Savannah; of Peicr Gilttun, Boston : of John Hopkirts, Rith mond : and of Richard Wells, Cooper's fer. Hr. Aug. 3* AND Fame, FOR S.4LR BY ot TW® OF THE 40©, 6«e 79 4- A FEW PIPES Of Bcjl Quality Holland Gin, Will be landed TlitS DAY, iVom on board the Hoop Maiy, ■A fetu very heavy of Port-au-Prince Sugars, BRANDT, in pipes, And very good Guadaloupe Melaffes, * FOR SALE BY ' Levinus Clark/on, No. 216, fiiuth Water Stieet. A tiw HOGSHEADS of Prime Antigua Rum, %d. & proof fine favour. Sepi- 29 d WOOLLENS. A variety of low priced well aflarted WOOLLENS, in frtiall Bales, for Sale by Rundle Ess Murgatroyd, No. ii, Walnut-Street Wharf. Also, Best Lisbon and Liverpool Salt, German Stei'J, Hosiery, See. OA. 6. NOTICE. New Castle Pier Lottery Examining and Regijlcrtng Office, At Mr. SAMUEL CRAWfOJftD'j No. 75> north From street, 2 doors from Arch ftreri, 'Tickets are examined and Registered by correct numerical and Re fjifter Book 4, at the following moderate charges, viz. For examining a singh ticket i-i6tfa of a Dollar. For registering a sibols tiCkxt J-4ih ot a Dollar. And notice will be sent by letter (if forturtate or unfortunate) to any part of the Continent. TICKETS In the City of Washington Lottery > No. 2, (Which will commence drawing very soon) Regiflered, and the earliest account sent of their success. fJ. B. The Earliest Intelligence of each Day's drawing will be received at this Of fice. And the flips thereof will be signed by the Managers to be correftj therefore to be depended on. Sept. 24 d TWO of THREE Single Gentlemen May be accommodated with Boarding and Lodging In a private family, and a central part of of the City. Enquire at this Offict. OA. 14 DiftaM Subscribers For this Gazette, are hereby refpeftful ly requested to pay up their Supfcriptions to the firft of January next. The Editor will be under the neceflity of eonfidfring those who do not then renew their Sub scription by paying Si* Months in Ad ▼ance, as declining t® take the Paper any longer. there is a considerable Sum due fiom remote Subfcribersfor thelatc half Week ly Paper published by the Editor, he most earnestly requests those who may be delin quent, to take the earliefl opportunity of remitting hito the balance they may ref peftively be indebted—the sums are indi vidually trifling—the want of the Aggre gate is severely felt. Twenty Dollars Reward. RAN away from the fubferibers in Woodbury, Gioucefter County, New-Jer sey, on Sunday morning thfc i2thjnltant, Two young Negro Fellows, named Jack and Tort, each about 23 years of age ) Jack Hof a dark black colour and a four look ; Tom is of nil Open counte nance, Of a yellOwifti colour, And much | disposed laugh. They are sprightly active fellows, and but little ftiori of fix fee thigh } they wcrt both well drefTed j Jack had on a bine bioad cloth coat and different kinds of clothe*. Whoever takes up said (errant;, and frcjires them in any goal in the United States, fothat their mailers may get them, again fliall receive the above reward and reafonab'e expences. John Sparks, Andrew Hunter. 2aw tf e*dtf oa. >4 tote# ALSO, 3tawa\». U.s o eodit [Whole No. 670.] LANDING, from the Ship jfalriaua Kieran Fitepatrick Mcjicr, from Amjlerdam. Holland Sail Pugic, Ditto—Sfceetiifg, Ticklenburgh, Oftiaburgh, White and Brown Limn, Diaper, fine Cheeks, Bedticks, Hair Ribbon, Great Coats, boxes Window-Glafa, Ditto Tumblers, Ginn in pipes, Ginn Cafea, Steel, Mill Saws 6 feet, Anchors, from 7 to 14 cwt. Frying Pans, Junk, Oakum, &c. FOR SALE BY Thomas & John Ketland. Oflober ai. d. Thomas M'Euen, Stock arid Land Broker, No. 78, Chesnut-street, INFORMS )iis Friends tint dwring his absence from Philadelphia (t>n tlrWcftern Expedition) his Eufiirti's will be tartict cut at his Office as usual, by Mr. Thomas Hale where O r