I'OR SALE, » CrJiity of Fairfax a id State cf Vir ginia, a „ Tract of Land, THE Lmd nn B'aiJs furtj, containing ißj 'he f«l is ijoid hd hilly, about tf 'e.e-sof it liw g ou id fii Cor nv.»S»>w. There is n 1 it t »o-gnd dwelling lioufes, ii >ra ;;oii*e, ftih'ji, kiGcUaa, aftd a fti il hoofs w.o «wp fliljs, one of 113 a>d the o 1,2r ii order for iiunisdia til', tiierc a e al'b jnol a,)|) e and peacn o c urdi on it. AM the houfesare new ex-' • eptoiie of the dwelling limiTe ;,t-hat how ever is completely ie,»aired and in good or er itisa 40 >d iituation fnraSjorgTavern and 0 IMlery, and there is a gojd Mill feat 011 it. Enquireof the Printer diw Oft. 22 We the Chief Mate and paf fengifi vyipeke'« lhip Sant FranciJ'fo d. Pan o of Genoa, from Naotz In prance;, bjuui to New York, Niclio line nvtfll?r unfo tunately drown ed ; t »ke in s opportunity of publicly ac know ed.;m<; <>41 to er Tuck-r Ef to believe wish >uUI have lived pro perty from the wietk to a c.jifid rahle a m-iunt. \Viri\efs our lian-Js at the Port o! Lit tte Egg Harbour, this ij:h day of Oft >ber 1794. Ghrrardt? Mate Schnotighaufer, Gu'Hon. P, S Any vty, ha* wM »njt o.^ a r,ar*y> of f»-t Ifa'p, and deliver Kde]p!|i-i, it-Av T' ,r K or Egg Harbour,fhall hav; a Salvage according »o law. Oft. 22 4t The Medical lectures In the University of Pennsylvania, will ro'tunence the full M »ntl y in November C. W. PEALE. EVER felicitous to render his MUSEUM ft'll m>ieand t}; v ::q »o mje6t a£ rational enterwiiijft?«i.t, and fuhferv ent to thf in tere(ls-"<>f tifefutfcf'nee, lias Oii.Fhe'fh tion and withthi- advice, of a number of bis friends, provided a, which will \>e always ojen'(V> book it is prapofed to inl'ert all fori) ventions, improvements, obfer vatiiKiij. eaji-'twenti, |wt»J«{ls, hints or qneries Mating to, rbe art* ar ay #nv of his vifttoi'S, or correspondents,may from time tatirne Ainminiicate. Such a', imy chulfe t> conceal their nanjes in ly cither fend t'!ieiccomjtiuiitcati®ns ano ny n >m, or at tlvejj; tlafijr#, C- \V. Peale will inO-Tt their names, vv.lfib t{ie namberor of {Jijjjr refpe&ivt tions in a jtivaVe baok wljch he 'ihtMeeag format Wfrpofa» fucha puW«; irp It from ol>kvifln, many afefai MtyA. wjitsb,might Tthywife have cied'wfth tlieir authors, ft may ft. cure t(> their jfHt.cfouns, aqdp-?.- renl taking the honor or profit ot iMiftovifj \o which tbejs »r* not wx-. titled, and as the Mureum is. n»w I by pcrfons from almost all parts of world, fuce airegifferV if'is will fooh contaL»,andU« : tbe rmsms of domi nating a vail ami promote that^fjjiri tot fiiquiry and inven lion, for which the paopie- of the United' States are already foja(Hyc£l (be chaw' WJ of the fame, viz. Nicholas Low, lluius Hcrtna» L« *«f, firniet Waifon, Richard Hi'iifrip, Abijah Hat^mioqd.iiiuJ I .ftynehus' Riy, of thecity hf ffrw-Yoik Wilting, Joseph Ball, Matthew M'- Bayard, ot the city of Pkii«lMph'>krfH» B*tcikeney Richard }ipw feftt- BlVat Gtotrai fcliasDay '"I I *. MRU''- JP ,, 'W r > l"h» Ij*>&sr Dofihara, SamOct W. Stockton, Mfc VVallacc, JoTepb, >ul Elifba BAiidrnot,, of wh£; th( ■ lojl.owriig Sihcitie of •*'Loiter,y, and pledge "thpn'filvfi tothe pnbHcj thai they wirlukt r»rry .ih-dt*n'V precaution inrheir power to. luve the' Monte*, paid by tfi« Managers, frfß) til** tp fciar, as received, lf>ta the' at NowrYoiki tndi 9hil»dcJ:p,l>ia, to reityii* for tb« of the Ba*k,v eodrp SCHEME : Priz?bf 20,606 Dollars i* 20,c0c J 1 2 5 26 too 3°° . r lOOC* • eooo gOOO 8100 14|>599 262,000 Blank*. First dxawn. aiiraber, 2,000 Laftdrawa number, fi,opQ Tickets at 7 Dollars each is 266,000 The drawing wilt commence, under the infpe&ion of a Committee of the Superin tcodantf, as soon as,the Tickets »re fold,, of which timely notice will be given. The Sitpcriniend ants have appointed John N. Cummin#, of Newark, Jacob R. Har dening, of New-Brwifwick, and Jonajhan Rhea, of Trenton, as immediate Managers therrot, who have given ample fccurity tor discharging thetruff reposed in them. (pf" In order to fccure the pay mpoi ofthe Prizes, the Superintepdants of the Lottery have dire&ed that the Managers Avail each enter into bonds in 455,000 dollars, with four fufftciem fvcurnies, to perform ihei* inft»udtons, the fubitence of whifhis I. That whenever either of the Maimers fKall receive tbefumof Three Hundred Dol lars, he shall immdiatcly place the fame in one of the Banks of New-York or Philau'elr phia, to the ciedit of the Governor of the 'Society, and such of the Superintendents as live in.the city where the monies are placed, to remain thereuntil the Lottery is drawn, for ibe payment of the Frizes. 11. The Managers to take fuflfixient te nuity for auy Tickets they .may trust, other wise to be responsible for them. 111. To keep regular books of Tickets Told, Monies received and paid into the Bank, abft»a&s of which be frnt, monthly, to thrGovcrnor of the Society. Paterfon, January 1, 1794. On application to either of the above gen tlemen, information will be given whete tickets mev be had, February 24. The Lottery published by the "Society far ufeful nanufac tures," will commence drawing the firft Tuefda* in November next — WANTED, An Apprentice Watch Making and Repairing Business, Apply TO C. Campbell. Kok 3, south Fourth street, two doors frqm Market-street. t Sept PHILADELPHIA:—Printed by JOHN FENNO, No. 119, Chbsnwt Street*—Price Six Dollars Per A«invm. 'lC>,Oeq $!° so -e',ooo 10,000 10,000 10,00 c f 0,000 10,000 i,coa fiQP 100 iP i 9 '5 12 'so 1 i,o&c 5.0,0c0 30,000 36,000 B>,ooo tu&ftf To the iawtf ARRIVED, This day a fttv pipe: of the jirji quality French Brandy, Fourth Proof, E.fteeraed equal to cny that has been is this city for a number of years, ALSO,' Forty Hog/heads of JirJi quality of St. Croix Sugar, And a few Tons of Good Black Pepper, FOR SALE BY Levtnus Clarkfon, No. ii 6, south Water street. OA. 8 d Hoff and Derrick, No. 8, North Fijth Jireet, Have just Published, price 9*i6ths of a Dollar, Embelbjhal with a neat Engraving', And to be had of the following Booksel lers, vi 7. Mi ffta. T. Dobfon,VV. Young, K. Campbell, J. Ormrod, and U. K:;m mcrtr, A New and Cencije History of lie Revolution in France, From its Commencement to the Execu tion of the Gironde party, and the death of the Duke of Orleans Oa. 16 I. Neale & H. Kammerer, Junior. Have just publish*®, And noiv far Sale, Price half a dollar, neatly bound, at the Boolftores of Meflrs. T. Dobfon, I\. Campbell, J. Ormrod ; also at H. Kamtuerci 's No. 24, north Third street, Sc. eel Stories, . For the iujtru3l)ii and amujement of 2 outu. tzduptcd to the uft ' of Schools. From the French of M. Berquin ErtraSi from the Preface. " To thf hfln#>r oi' Mr. B»rquin's lafte, it may be kid, that lie has iimt«d simple .Bt*af»hce with varie.t), bijt ri, gidly fep.uatf d both, si 0111 tie fligi tcfl ap proach of whatever is vulgar or- puerile : a m*i it m.icb moreeafil praif<*hfca» imi- Pa.tedj Tie art of ajy.iifi.ig child en.whiift at the fajiu tiiue ti*? luCun fceniu.e h ed and th« Heart inei-d. d, ap - a : s tiom hia works t.o be no cpntejnptil - -'Tart of the mind. Wherever, tlierefu. , the uti lity of such an undertaking is aick iii-w(edg ed, the reputation of Mr. Beiquin must ever be held in del'^rvadcfleem. " Happily fuch.is.ihe agt«eal>!e r ■tyof Mr. Befquiu's liyle and gfniys, that it would be. dilhtu't t,o pronounce in what department he excels : whether in the lively 01; tiie patlietit; th« limple language of narrates, or the animated points «tf cqnverfation : whether in ilirewd remarks 110011 priva'e life, or in florid defcriptiqai of the beauties of nature. " Pieces of rvery Vwious excellence tliat is to be t'fnmJ in tltc writVngs of Mr. Bfrquin, fotfowiiig vojume, wjiich-, it is hoped, will be thoughl a valu able iubftitute (whe.e such may.be pref Ladies Literary Companion, j/g Mifcellanics, moral and inftrudtiv.e, I.ouifa, a-poetical Novel, 2/6 Courtlhipapd Matrimony, 2J6 Sylvan letters, if\o Life of Baron Trenk, abtid&ed, IJiO Fablrs for Ladies, IJIO Letters from Yorick to Eliza, IJ4 Fallen Cottage, Jovial Sougfter, &c. &c ALSO, At the abova place may be had Blank Bpoks of different kinds. O&ober. 8 To be Sold, The Honfe % Stables y & of Ground, In Second iireet, between Spruce and Union ftreins, in tbe occupation of his Britannic Maiefty's Minister. AESO The Adjoining Lot, 26 seer front, mid 149 teet deep. For terms of sale, apply to Wm. Cramond. Aug. 14 }uft Arrived, And will be landed to-morrow morning at Hamilton's wharf, the CARGO of the Schooner Industry, Captain My Under, from Havanna, CONSISTIIfcG OF 85 hhds. MolafTes, ' Of superior full quality. 106 Boxes and Barrels White & brown Sugar Parcel of Ox-Hides ; FOR SALE BY Peter Blight. ALSO, A PARCEL OF COFFEE, Jull arrived in the Hibcrcia, Cajitain Irwin, from Jamaica. Sept. A3a3 d Dancing School. Wra, M'DOUGALLprefentshis com pliments to the Pulilic—Thinks them for the great encouragement he has experi enced those twenty odd ye%rs. He will open his School for this Sffafon on Monday the 13th Odtober, at 10 o'clock in the morning, in that large and elegant Saloon in Harmony ftrect, leading from Third to Fourth street, turning the corner of No, 70, South Third street. jaw His Employers may be aflured, the flricft order and decorum that has always been observed in his School, (hall still be pur- that their children will be taught in the rpoft approved and modern itiU Note —An Evening School for youyg Gentlemen. Oft. 10 Fortv dollars reward. RAN AWAY from the Subfcribei on Si tii'day night the 11th lilft. A Mulatto LAD, najited Bill, generally cal'ed Bill Madden, about 17 o: 18 yea sos age, 5 feei 7 or b in dies high, of a Aim males, has llrait black ha>r, which he fomeliuics wes lied, but generally lonfe; he has been accullomed, to w?it altogether ti": a house, and having been much indulged, lias become too idle to wo k for a fupporr. He toak w 11h his, a brown fnftian doob'e hreafted long coat, one drab cothceat, with red cuffs and cape, the pocket flaps and trimmed wuh red edge,a sustain unlhoat a pair o Oft. i 7 * 3ta\v2w James M'Alpin, Taylor, No, 3, South Fourth Street, Returns hi& grateful ackivowJcdgemAfctft tq bistriendi ar.d rhe Public for their Jil« ral Encouiagement, and begs leave, rsf pe&fuUy lofoiicit a Conti*ir.ai. r c of their- Favours. At his Shop Gentlemen can be futnifhed with the be ft materials, an«J have tlvjji made up and finilbexi in the i,eatefi and ny>ft faftiionable manner. \ He will thankfully receive any orders Sc p»Y a prompt* and pun&ual pttent on to rhr-m. Oft. 25 Money to be Lent, REAL ESTATES, Within the City and Liberties of Philadel phia. Ajm>!v to Nicholas D 'tehl, jun. No. ABP.. 4 Asfheton Humphreys, Attorney at Law, Notary Public & Conveyancer, AT his Office No. 65, Walnut ftrtet Corner of DOCK Street, continues to t;anfa& trufinefs in the above as heretofore, ?nd draws at a moderate charpe, Deeds, Bonds,, Mortgages, Powers of Attorney, Bills of Sale, ami Bottomree Char"*.- Parties, Memorials, Petitions, and other Instruments in "Wntirg. He a!- so continues to buy aV.d fell Heal upon CommifTion ; and has at preterit a few valuable Farms, &c. for fa!e. 2aw2w Oflober 11, 1794 Stock Brokers Office, Lot No. 16, Wall-street Nfv-Yokk THESublciibei intending to corJir.f-h'm felf emit civ to tbe PURCHASE »nd SALE of STOCKS on tCM M i sS]ON,b< g 4 i-svc to off. r histcivirt $ to his iriends and others, in the line of a .Slack Brr ker. Thofc who may pieafeto favor him wi:h their byfi. ness, may dep.* i>d t>pn» having »♦ trartfafted wiih the uimoft fidelity and difpajciv. Orders troir, Philadelphia, oriii) other part of the foiled £tate<, will be !lri£Hy attended rc>» w&stf .A N"D A" eodtf ?»wtf On M"nrtp;age-of Attorney at Law. 19, foulh Fourth Jlreet. mw&ftf < od4w LEONARD BLFECKER. m&thtf '. ■ < NOTICE. I ALL Persons wlfhing t0 fcnd j ters to Camp may, until further „ O ,; M have them conveyed by Express every other day, Sunday excepted, hv hav=r^' them left at the Office of the Secma.f of State for the United States, prcnfell at n,ne o 'Clock in the tnorning of J day of ftarfng. -As this BrJ gem J will commence to-morrow, and « ore of * ohjefts » the acco mmcdatiQn of those who have conneaions and friend, in the Army, punctuality, as to ;V ---time of lodging the letters is expected otherwise they will be neceffa.ily delav' ed to the next succeeding Eiprefs Odtober 24. ( j 6t John Miller, jun. A r o. 8, Chrsnv t near J'kout Strut, Hath Imported in the late VefFeli' A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF WOOLLENS, SUITAW.E TO THE SIASON. ALSO, (BY THE PiCMCE,) Iljrrs Boy,'coloured, and Mens black MancljeJler Cotton Goodt Slippers and Sandals Flowers and Feathers Black and White Lace. Fans. IRISH LINENS, Brown and White, by the Box, laid 0B t the BEST TERMS. TickJenburgs, BY THE BALi OR PUCE Oft- 1 S oodtf To the Public. A subscription Is, opened for. Pi lilting tiic Theological Writings OF Emanuel Swedenbourg, At Francis Bailey's-Bock Jfore, Ac. 116, Market Jlreet> Philadelphia^ WHEN a fufficient fubfci ipiion takfi place, a mee ting v ill be advert.fed to con. lider the most eligible mvdc for conducing rhe p: inringof luch of the Work.'! as fliall be thought to be ol rbe greatest utility in the fir ft in fiance. The following Treatises may be nonßtSl, invidious calumnies and ports have been induflrioujty prqpaWt«t to di fcredir the 1 hono.ijrMi!c*riij«ri|i|M»neh u» is tp b* '•* pwluit and Iqve of Wf*; of ifs native excellence ant{ tjfi, they wilt regard tliem a« i hey jrrfHy tkefeive, *wt *> tbe,eiid. recciv* Vothjprcfit ani'.d* G., 14- EfFence for the Tooth-ache, Prepared and fold by Dr. LEE, Colic Square, London. THE public are ofie frihat nioft excruciatingp»' n the Tooth-Ache; The numerous instances of its happy th efts in relieving the jifH &ed, l ave i.oy brought it into V tiniverlal estimation ; it Inotonly relieves the Tooth-Ache, bui »s of the u most service in eurinft.the Scur\ r y in the Gums, In preventing the disagreeable fintll tjrat is produced from unfenrid teeth, at d occasioning a. sweet breath; likeJe pr*< vents the teeth from decaying, arc' v » be found a general prefer ver of the 1 c el and Gums- Sold in Philadelphia, only at Poyntell's stationary ftorc, No. 21. Second fti ecr, south. °