DAILY E V EN I N G ADVERTISER. [No. 119 of Vol. Vl.] J. M. Bart, No. 170, North Second Street, Refpeftfuily informs the Citizens, that he intends to open an Evening School, From SIX to NINE begin pi nr v. Vi.n>d-y tkofe who witt favour him with niployrr.ent. (» r d FOR SALE, At the STORES of jefle & Robert Waln^ PORT WINE in pipes, hhds. and quat ter caiks LISBON dd.in pipe? md quariercafks Soufliongard Congo TEAS, in quarter cliefl; A quantity of Lifbo* and Cadiz SALT Soft flielled ALMONDS in bales Velvet CORKS, in do. Rnffia MATTS. June 9 <1 JUST PUBLISHED, And to be fold by Benjamin Davies, No. 68, Market ftrret. Price A Dots. 33 cents per doz. and 44 cents Jingle, THE American Repository. This neat Pocket almanack, is fi> li of the kind that hath been executed in Phila delphia, or perhaps, in any of the United States; and conta ns, hdide«, A Compleat Calendar, OR ALMANACK, for the Year 179; I.ids of tlie oa,:er' of the American Go veinmert, Civil aud Mil tßry. The terms of the Fedeial Circuit & Dif- trift Csuvts 7!:e Latitudes and Longitudes fror»«*he Meridian of Philadelphia, of all the Cap', tal Cities in the Uuitm. The dates of the pr od» when each of the S'ates was firft fettled; T'eir re'p.-ftjire Territories and num bers of People; The n«m'jer of Inhabitants of each, in eacli fqns'e mUe—and a brief State of their relative pmg>eft in Population ;to gethcr with various other Articles of In formation. Ornamented ej' 'ITtirj Map wilH>e 26 inches square ; and will be delivered a-. m»y loft suit the pur chafeis, e'tlier i» I'nectj plain or coloured, or canvafted and affixed to rolU rt j or to fit tliem for the poikit, ihey will bc cut and folded in cases. Those who h»re b«en so oWiging, as to receivc Subscriptions for this Plan, are re 1•; forward 'lie names to thi Edito r at Noi 68, in Mavket-Sttect, as above di reffcrd ; as lie intends 'o close the lid in a fliort time, and to fend it to the Prels, to be inserted in ih? fnont of the Pamphlet which will be delivered with the Plan. oa. i - 4w3taw. Whereas an attach ment at the (nil of-tlie adininiftiatoisof all and fr>gufar the £oods and chattels, ri hts and credits, which were of William Bur mt defeated, at the time of his death, hath been iffiiedout of the lo(erio«r Coujt of common pleas, in arid for the Countvof Middiefex, against the Goods and Chatties I ands and Tenements of 7'fnius Martin' late of the county aforeraid, returnable to the thirdTuefday in July last. NOTICE ishereh* given to the said IrenivK Martin, ] that unless he appear and file special bail to tbe said aftioo, on or before the thirdTuef day in January next, judgment will be en tered ajrainft him by default, and tbe goods and chatties, lands and tenements so at tached, fold for the fatisfaftion of such of 1 is c'editors as {hall appear to be justly en. tilled to any demand thereon, and (hal lap pi v for that purpose, according to the form of tlie rtatqte ipfuch cafe madc& provided By order of the Court, DEARE, Clerk. awtf. **4°, ©IB Ctti of tie limitedH> For llojlon, . The Schooner PHOENIX, JasEPH WeekS, Matter. • To fail in four days. For apply to the Captain on board, near Chefuut- eel wharf, or JOHN WELSH, No. 81, South Water-Street. Who has itift received by said veflel, a quantity of 'the best PICKED MACKAREL, And a few barrels of Liver Oil. He lias aifo Salmon, Beef, Pork and Butter, Molafles, A quantity of Men's and Women's Coarse and Fine Shoes, French Brandy, Flax, Mould CaricHes, 50 Hhds. Maryland heavy Tobacco, Whale Bon;, Dry i.iih, iooo Barrels Superfine and Common Flour, 4000 Bushels Lllbon Salt, Ruflia and Salem Duck, Hyson and Souchong Tea, Cloves, and 13 cwt. New Cordage. OiSt. d4t. For Charter, Lady WvlterJlorjf y Jacob Benners, Mafier. BURTHEN about 17.-0 barrels Flour or 8530 bushels grain, fails >emarkbly fad anil wi'l be ready to eceivc a cargo in a 'ew dajsj For terms, apply to (she Captain on board, or to Joseph Sims, Who has ?or Sale. A fc&. 4 For BRISTOL, t-O-v Tbe SHIP JEr .^WILMINGTON, 7- MARINER, Master, Burthen about 260 Tons, has excellent accommodations for pafi'engers, to fail the 2d November, and ii intended to return very early in the Spring, to this Port. For 1 freight or paflage, apply to Capt. Mariner on board, at Stamper's wharf, or ■ JOHN MAYO. oa. 16. For Hamburgh, VERANGE, James IVilliamfon, Majltr. Now ready to receive a cargo on board. This vcflel is completely found,built of live oak and cedar, aiid has 'good accommoda tions for paflengers, to fail with all con venient fp'eed. For freight or- pafiage, apply to the Captain on board, or Thos. & John Ketland. Oift. 11 ' d For Amsterdam, THE SHIP Mm-* HOLLAND, Christopher Franklin, jun. MAS excellent accommodations for passen ger», will f NOTICE. AT THE New Castle Pier Lottery Examining and Regiflering Office, At Mr. SrtMUEL (..HAW tORD's No. 75, north From street, 2 doors from Arch ftreel, Tickets are examined and Regifteied by correct numerical and Re giftsr Bioks, at the following moderate charges, viz. For examining a single ticket i-i6th of a Dollar. For registering a single ticket I —4tfa ol a Dollar. f And notice wilt be sent by letter (if fortunate or unfortunate) to any part of the Continent. < TICKETS In the City of Waihington Lottery, No. 2, (Which will commence drawing very soon) Registered, and the earliest account sent of th«ir fucceis. N. B. TbeEarlieft lot«)ligenc« of each Day's drawing will be received at this Of fice. And the flips thereof will be signed by the Managers to be correct}. therefore to be depended ou. 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 1 0,000 10,000 Sept. 24 TWO or THREE Single Gentlemen May be accommodated with Boarding and Lodging tn a private family, and a central part of of the City. Enquire at this Office. Oft. 14 JO,or O 10, OOP io,qop 10,000 10»000- 10,000 20,000 150,000 , For this Gazette, are hereby refpeftful ly requested [o pay up their Supfcriptions totfiefirft of Janilary next. The Editor will be under the neceflity of confidcring tlwfe who do not then renew iheir Sub scription by paying Stx Months in Ad vaiKe, »s declining to take the Paper any I 400,000 As there ii > considerable Sum due fion emote Suhfcribersfor thelat* half Week ly Paper publilhed by tl'.e Editor, he nio( earnestly requests those who may, be delin quent, to take the earliest opportunity of remitting him the balance they may. ref gate is feverety felt. Twenty Dollars Reward. RAN away from the Ajbfcribers in Woodbury, Gtoncefler County, New-Jer sey, on Sunday morning the iath instant, Two young Negro Fellows, named Jack and lem, each about 20 years of age ; Jack is of a dark black colour and a four look; Tom Is of an open counte nance, of a yellowHb colour, and much difpafed to laugh. They are fprigbtly aflive fellows, and but little (hort of fix feet high ; they were .both well drefTed ; Jack had on » blue bioad cloth coat and different kinds of clothes. Whoever takes tip said servants, and] fecnrcs them in any goal in the United States, fothat their masters may get them again (hall receive the above rewa'd and resfonab'* »xpeno*'- John Sparks, Andrew Hunter. oa. 14 cod if Meg ALSO, jtawiw ALSO eo46t aatvtf A; awv\, [Whole No. 669:] LANDING, \from the Ship Adnata Kicran Fiizpatrici Mojttr, from Atnfltrdam. Holland Sail Duck, Ditto—Sheeting, Ticklenburgh, Ofhaburgh, White arid Brow n Linen, Diaper, fine Checks, BeJtick?, Kair Ribbon, Great Coats, boxes Window-Glass, Ditto Tumblers, I Ginn in pipes, Ginn Cases, Steel, MIU Saws 6 feet, Anchors, from 7 to 14 cwt. Frying Pans, Junk, Oakum, &c. FOR SALE BY Thomas & 'John Ketland. O&ober it. d. Thomas M'Euen, Stock and hand Broker, No. 78, Chesnut-strkst, INFORMS his Friends that during hrj absence from Philadelphia {on the Wtflern Expedition) his Bufinds will be carried en at his Office as usual, !y Mr. Thomas Kale where; Orders in his line will te thankfully received, and eveiy Attention paid to them. "■<) jersey, if not prevtoujly dijpofcd of i by private cent raft, THE FOLLOWING Tracts of Land, Belonging to the America* Iron Company, i situate at Ringwood, Long Pond, and Charlottenbilrg, m the Counties of Bergen audMoriism iUe (aid ftatc ot New Jer fcy, viz. - 12 trads of land, contain ing about 6533 acres, firuate at Ringwood, on part of which the Ringwood Mansion- Heufe and Store are eresed. 4 tra£h of Land, containing about 6156 acres, fuuat* on Long Pond River. 7 tracts of Land, containing about 6165 Acres, aiCharlotxenbui g. I Xhi'fe Estates are well worthy of the at tention of any. Gentleman or Company in clined 10 engage rxtcnfivHy in Iron Works • There are fcveral Buildings a»d some cor.fi derable Improvements on these Lanes; about 250 Actcj of excellent Meadow, are already cleared, and much more mig"ht be added at a trifling Expellee. On the Piermles t here arc feverai tcry convenient Scats for Furnaces, Forges, Mills, See. There are also some very valuable Iron Mines. Mod of the uninuproy Ti r t > * ;*