DAILY EVE N I I G ADVERTISER. [No. i,i 8»of Vol. Vl.] J. M. JJart, No. 170, Ntrih Sfcmtd Slrttb ftdpeWallv Citizens, that he io*rto bpen an Evening School, S/X t« NIN£ oVJ' ck, M«*wiay.- *r?Ji ImT. *vW»c lie wiP ft-uch fW French & Italian languages Ariilimetick and Book-keeping. On the moji l eajunabk Terms. A ftrift attendant:# may'l>e dqpemfetl up-wi l.y ftaofc wbo will favo*r linn w th employment, oa. i 7 ' d FOR SALE, At the STORES of Jefle Sc Robert Wain, PORT WINE in pipes, hlids. and quar tcr calks LISBON du.iii pipes *i>d quariercafil* Souchonga'd Congo TEAS, in quarter chefls , A quantity of Lifbinand CSd'zSALT Soft (helled A LMOXtIS in bales Velvet COiUiS, in-do. Ruflia MATTS. June 9 d JUST PUBLISHED, And to be fold by Benjamin Davies, No. 68, Market street, Price 4 Dols. 33 cents per uoz.and 44 cents Jingle, THE American Repository. This neat Pocket Almanack, is firlt o the kijfcd that hath been executed in Phila delphia, or perhaps, in any of ihc United Slates; and coota'rKS, brfides, A Compleat Calendar, * ALMANACK, for the Year j 795. Lifts of the Officers of the American Go »er>lCi«iit, 'Civil awd Military. " - TJ«e tern* the federal Circuit & Dif triA Courts'. The Lafi (totes a nd Longitudes from *he Vfendwn of Philadelphia, of all the Capi tal Cities in the Union. The. dstej of the prriods when each of ffttlerfj -- Yhfer Teri'itorira -arut nam of Inhabitants of eacb,jn ip?!«r-and a brief State of relafiwe in Population; to - gttohef TarSvnt dther Articles of In, ftMiftii. -ij';'; Ornamented with an elegant Frontis piece, Title Page, and tivehv VIG NETTES, alluding to scenes in Thomp- Jon't Sea/on;, engraved by the mo/1 inge- nious Artijlt in the City. Speedilj will be pubtijhed, and fold at the fame place, A PLAN OF THE City and Suburbs OF PHILADELPHIA. Taken from late and accurate fur-vey. This Map will be 26 inches square ; and wili be delivered as may best suit the pur chasers, either in (beets plain or coloured, or cauvafTed and affixed to rollers ; or to fit them for the pocket, they will be cut and folded in cases. Tfrofe who have been so obliging, as to receive Subscriptions for this Plan, aie re quested to forward the names to the Edito 1 " at No. 68, in Market-Street, as above di rected ; as he intends to dose the lift in a flioi t time, and to fend it to the Prels, to be inferred in the front of (he Pamphlet which will be delivered with the Plan. .: .J \ * — — — \ an attach of . th« adrtHDiflrato/sof *11 J&>°d s and chattels, ri Jits •and credits, wWh were of WWlum Bur- the tithe of h% death, fothbeen iJfcrdotttoi" Irferiimr Coiiit •fr pjMt, ioJrwlfor jbe Goantydf ■ Gftodi-and Land* »ijdT , ciKti)CFtj ef Irr'nius Martin' late «f tbccounty aforeEatd, »eturi»«Me to iii juty last. NOTfOE i*iw«bj/g'»r«i to tbe falrfCrrnitu M«Ttm, that uolefs he appear and file special bxfl f Q tV.£udaAioa, oaat b«4broth« judgment will be en- Xatii*gawft Vmby default, aud tbe goods ■nddMttleiF, l#Dd« and tenement; so at tached; <VM for thr btUfeftfeh ~df Jnth of h« creditor. u Qui) appear , e be j»ft| yen . tkM therein, <nwj Ota) lan- C? '""Wini to thefeto. « *•»««• w focb cafe provided By'order of the Cldtm, : . B£*RE, ClerlcJ Aug. 10, J'° r 80/! on, MotkL. PHOENIX, Wj ' KB, 1 la tier. To fail in tour days. For paflape anplv to the Captain on boird. near Chr/nut — =y. . — No. 8 1, South Water-Street. Who has jufi received by fa id vessel, of the heft PICKED MACKAREL, And a few barrels of Liver Oil. He lias aifo Salmon, Beef, Pork and Butter, Molaflee, A quantity of Men's and Women's Coarse and Fine Shoes, French Brandy, Flax, Would Candles, 50 Hhds. Maryland heavy Tobacco, Whale Bctie, Dry Ei/h, loco Barrels Superfine and Common Fiour, 4000 Bulhels I,i(b'>n Saltj Russia and Salem Duck, Hyson and Souchong Tea, Cloves, and 13 cwt. New Cordage. o£l. 27 d4t. Lady Walterjlorjf^ Jaeob Benrrers, Mafier. BURTHKN about 17-0 barrel? Flour or 8500 liufliels grain, fails remarkably fact and will be ready to eceive a cargo in a few days, For terms, apply to the Captain on board, or to Joseph Sims, Who has 'or Sale, A few Chejh of Red and Pale Peruvian Bark, Of theFirft Quality, Madeira & Sherry Wines, Fit for immediate trie, &c. ice- Oft. 22 H FOR SALE, 'The strong well built f]fi foiling Jloop Defiance, Burthen built two hundred and fifty barrels, bow lying near Market lheet For terms a pply to the Mailer on board. Now Landing from on board /aid sloop A QUANTITY Op CHOICE Rhode-Island Cheese, Which can be recommended for a Superior {Jnality. Apply to Philip Robinson, North Eighth ftre , ore i| oor from Mar ket flreet. (3ft; e4 For BRISTOL, r-O-v. 11,6 SHIP WILMINGTON,' jgMMzL .7- mariner, Master, Burthen about z6o Tons, has excellent accommodations for pafiengers, to fail the id November, and is intended to return very early in the Spring, to this Port. For freight or pafiage, apply to Capt. Mariner on board, at Stamper's wharf, or Oi£t. 16. For Hamburgh, James Williamfon, Mqfltr. 4<»3taw, Now ready to receive a cargo on board. This veflel is completely found,built of live oak and cedar, and has good accommoda tions for paffcngers, to fail with all con venient speed. For freight or pailage, apply to the Captain on board, or Thos. Ess John Ketland. o£t. xi d For Amsterdam, CjJrt THE SHIP feL HOLLAND, Chriltopher Franklin, jun. HAS excellent accommodations for paffen gcrs, wiH fail with ail convenient speed. hav '<»g the greatest pa«t of her cargo ready to go i on board. For ireight or paXTagc, apply to the master on board, to PETER BLIGHT, Aug. 26 Tuesday, Oci>ber 28, 1794. JOHNWELSH, JOHN MAYO. dtf. PRAGERS & CO. A t D IJfcL F L ONDON» The j filing czjtper bot | imwd jbip 4aifiS J nana, fe - 1- v lifter. V. U! jjy. w: K speed. For 1 freight or pafiage, apply tott® Captain on i.board', at Hazlehurft's whaf, or Thomas John Zetland* O&ober 14. \ d. For LONDON, The SHIP Mnm WILLI 4 M PEW, James Josiah, Maftet. To fail with alf convenient speed. F»j freiglt or paflage, apply to JOHN FIELD & SON, Or, JESSE Sc ROBT. WALN. o<ft. 14 d LANDING Fran on board the Birmingham Packe:, L»ckyer, and the Henry and Charles, from Hantburgh, HEMP, Peterjburgb't f.rfi ylUut.j BAR IRON, 'pjjorted TIN, in plates, do. do. GENEVA in hhds. BAGGING, German ajforted GLASS TUMBLERS, and Black Quart Bottles, DEMIJOHNS, Window Glass, Feathers of superior quality, MATTS, "dc. &c. FOR SALE BY Thomas & John Ketland. Aug. 26 d City of .Waihington. SCHEME OF TK£ LOTTERY.; No. 11. FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE FEDERAL CITY, l* A magnificent > 20,000 Dollars, and dwelling boufc, ) cash 30,000 are 1 ditto 15,000 & cash 25,000 1 ditto 15,000 & calh 15,000 j ditto 10,000 & cash 10,000 1 ditto 5,000 & calh 5,000 1 ditto 5,000 & cash 5,000 1 Cash prize ol 2 ditto 5,000 each, are ,0 ditto 1,000 2 ,0 ditto 500 ioa ditto 100 200 ditto 50 400 ditto 25 1,000 ditto 20 15,000 ditto 10 r 6,j39 priz " 33,261 Blanks 50,000 Tickets acß dollari This Lottery will afford an e.egant fpeci men of the private buildings to be ere&td ii the City of Washington—Two beautiful de signs are already fele ftcd for the entire from on two of the public squares ; from theft drawings, it is proposed to erect two centr< and tour corner buildings, as soon as pofUblt after this Lottery is fold, and to convey them when complete, to the fortunate adventurers, in the manner defcribcd in the scheme for the Hotel Lottery. A nett deduction of five per cent, will be made to defray rhe neces sary expences of printing, &c. and the fui plus will be made a part of the fund intended for the National University, to be ere&ecl within the City of Washington. The drawing will commence as fooc as the Tickets are fold, or at all events oc Monday, the 22nd of December next: The money pri7.es will be payable in thirty day after it is finifhed, and any prizes for whicl fortunate numbers are not produced withii twelve months after the drawing is closed in 10 be confideied as givea towards the func for the University, it being determined t< fettle the whole business in a year from th ending of the drawing and to take up th >onds given asfecurity. The r«al.fecijrui(i i gl»eh For thepaymehi >f the Prifti, are held'bythe Prcfidicnt a«d two DlreQart of the Banlcflf_Col*«tthia, aad arc valued it more (has half the atnonot t)t the Lottery... Tbt *yill be uilcjcr the management °f. z 4 gentlemen approved bytfie comlnil&fniert'tpT the City 6f waflj iogtoo, for <il« runt bwirtg, aha- «tiing on Mth.' ' S. BLODGET. * # * Tickets may be had at the Bank of Columbia ; of James Weft 6c Co. Baltimore; of Gideon Denifon, Savannah; of Peter Gilman, Boston; of Joho Hopkins, Rich mond ; and of Richard Weils, Cooper's fer- IV. A«* » A FEW PIPES Of Bejl Ratify Holland* Gin, Will fce lanJed THIS DAY, from on hoars! tha Hoop Maiy, A few very beany hen/heads of Port-au-Prince Sugars, ERANDY y in pipes, And very gocd •' Guadaloupe Melafles, FOR SALE BY Levinus Clark/on, No. 216, foutli Water Stieet. ALSO, A FEW HOGSHEADS OF Prime Antigua Rum, 3d. & qth proof fine flavour. Sep'- 21 'd WOOLLENS. A variety of low priced well aflorted WOOLLENS, in small Boles, for Sale by Run die Murgatroyd, No. 11, Walnut-Street Wharf. Also, Best Lisbon and Liverpool Salt, German Steel, Holicrry, £cc. 0a.6. NOTICE. / T THE New Castle Pier Lottery Examining and Rcgifering Office, At Mr. SAMUEL C.KA\\ hOHD's Nc 75) north From street, 2 doors-from Arch ftrert, Tickets are examined And Regifteretl by correal numerical and Re giftei Books, at the following moderate charges j viz* For examining a single ticket i-i6th of a Dollar. For registering a single tjcklt i-4ih ol a Dollar. And notice wijl be fe»t by letter (if fortunate or unfortunate) to any part of the Continent. ' AL so / TICKETS In the City of Washington Lottery, No. 2, (Which will commence drawing very soon) Registered, and the earliest accountfent of their success. N. B. The Earliest Intelligence of each Day's drawing will be received at this Of fice. And the flips thereof will be signed by the Managers to be correct; therefore to be depended on. 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 j 0,000 Sept. 24 TWO or THREE 10, boo JO,or o 10,000 10,000 Single Gentlemen May be accommodated with Boarding and Lodging, In a private family, and a central part of of the City. Enquire at this Office. OA. 14 10,000 10,000 10,000 20,00 c 150,000 Distant Subscribers 400,0?« i For this Gazette, are hereby refpeftfnl lyrequeftedto pay up their Supfcriptions to ihe firft of January next. The Editoi will be under the neceflity of considering thoTe who do not then renew their Sub scription by paying Six Months in Ad vance, as declining to take the Paper any longer. As there is a considerable Sum due ftom remote Subscribers for thelate half Week ly Paper publilhed by the Editor, he most earnestly requests these who may be delin quent, to take the earliest opportunity of leraitting him tire balance they may ref pe&ivrly be indebted—the sums are indi vidually trifling—the want of the Aggre gate is severely felt. Twenty Dollars Reward. RAN away from the fubfenbers in Woodbury, Gloucclter County, New-Jef fey, on Sunday morning the 12th ioftant, Two young Negro Fellows, named Jack and Tom, each about 20 yeavs of age ; Jack is of a dark black colour and a four look ; Tom is of an open counte nance, of a yellowifli colour, and much disposed to laugh. They art ffrtightty a&ivfc fellows, and but-little bMi rf'{U^Bcrbifb; they Wet* ioth weJldreifiul; Jack bats on » btye broadcloth coat aad difcrent kiqds if clothes. Whoever take« up fait) lervants, add feenres tlflsfii i» afcy goal in- the Uni-tid States, (bthat their maAers may get them agjiin (bill receive the above rtwa d eod reaCoirtb'eCxpence'. John Sparks, jftidfew Hunter. eodif oa. 14 fates [Whole No. 668.] 3taw»w. eo«l6t ,i. . ■ ■ LANDING, from the Ship Adriar.a Kierati Fitzjxitrick Master) from Amflcrdam. Holland Sail DucJc, Ditto—Sheeting, Ticklcnburgh, Ofnaburgh, White arid Brown Linen, Diaper, fine Checks, Bedticks, Hair Ribbon, GreatCoats, boxes Window-Glass, Ditto Tumblers, Ginn in pipes, Ginn Cases, Steel, Mill Saws 6 feet, Anchors, from 7tol4C\vt. Frying Pans, Junk, Oakum, &c. FOR SALE BY Thomas £*f 'John Ketland. .Cypher 1.. J. i nomas M'Euen, Stock and Land Broker, No. 78, Chesnut-street, ! INFORMS M> Friends that dining his absence from Philadelphia (on tie Wt stern Expedition) his Eufinefs wiH be carried on at his Qflice as 11fu.1l, by Mr. Thomas Hale where Orders in his Jine wijl be thankfully received, and eveiy Attention paid to them. Oft. 10 Choice St. Croix Sugar^ JUST IMPORTED, And for Sale > B Y James Yard\ Ally a quantity of RUSSIA Matt". June 24th. d A PARCEL OF Prime Sugar, Received from St. Marks, in the Ihip Fame, FOR SALS Sr Louis Ofmont. Oft. 23 Wanted, A man and woman kitchen Servant. Accustomed to cooking, to whom generous wages will be given. None need - Jply hut luch as can be well lecommenoe'd. En quire ol tile rRINTER . Oc>. 20 d WANTED, Two Apprentices To the Printing Bulinels. Enquire at this Office. To be fold by Au&ion, On Tuejaay the nth day oj November next % at noon ) at the hovjeoj Archer Gtjford, in New * ark, New JerJey, if not prexnoujly djpofed of by private contrary THE FOLLOWING Tracts of Land, Belonging to the American Iron Company, situate at Ringwood, Long Pond, and Charlottenburg, i 0 the Counties of Bergen aud Morns m the said state of New Ter fey, viz. 12 tra&s of land, contain ing about 6533 acrei, situate at Kiiigwcod, on part.of ;ihich the Ringwood Mansion. H#ufe and Store are erefled. 4 tr*£tj oi Land, containing about 6156 acre*, situate on Long Pond River. 7 tr?fts of Land, containing about 6165 Acrei, situate at Charlottenburg. Thrfc Eflass are well wonhy o( the at lention ps any Gentleman nr Company in. dined to engage eXtensively in Iron Woiks; There are several Building, and some coiili. dorable Improvements 011 theft Lands; about 250 Acres of excellent Meadow, are already cleared, and much more might be added at a trifling Expence. On the Premiles t here are feveial »ery convenient Scats tor Furnaces Forges, Mills, Sec. There are also some very valuable Iron Mines. Molt ot the unimprov ed Parts of these Lands are covered with fine healthy Timber. Thcfr Eftatcs will be fhcwn by Captain Joseph Boaid> of Riugwood, and ihf Terms oi Sale made known by applying le him, or to Edward Edwards, In Philadelphia, at the comcr ol Sixth and Race-Sjreets. Sept. 1%, Ephraim Clark, Clock and Watch Maker, I hiladelpbia Has received by the William-Penn and Geoi ge Barclay from London, and Penn- IVlraura fjom Liverpool, Warranted Watches, silver, &c. And an extensive supply nf all forts of >~ol,,Files & Materials, consisting of Clock Movements, Caff Brass & Bells, large and ftnaU Vicr«, Watch Glass and Spiintsi Chains, S>als, and Keys, &c. &c All of wlfjch a'e felKn? at tie u'ual mo del ate Terms, Wliokfale and Retail. i Oil. 24 *^teo£ 2awtf.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers