Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, October 27, 1794, Image 4

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    FOR SALE, ,
In the County of Fairfax a iu ft A • of Vir- j
ginia, a
Tract of kind,
Ti.E Land ms K a >4* f ni. t-oitainij®
ißj acres, lilt ts »!■ about
ten acres of it Tow gmu i<i li; tur meadow.
There ii <*n i' ty"«1 Jarefiiug houses,
llore fcou'.e, (taUly., ki*c)iW», tnd a still
houi» with : w > UrtK, oie of ii 3 a "1 the o
titer 43 giihi.w, n: ouler for immediate
use, theie'aie all;' ■* iod a .V 2 I>v ' i r ac::
oiclurd* nil. A 1 tip? hutrfos a e nt-w ex
cept one of tiu dwell n£ house ;,That misv.
tffc inipleiejy iep tired and in g.od or
er; ■ t is a iooff i'.tuation io< aStore iaverit
and O ItiHery, aiW there is a go .ct Mill feat
on it.
Enqn'reo! the Printer ■
Oct. 21 diw
We the Chief Mate and paf
fjigeri w:«jlted an the Bar ai Little Eyg
Ha'ii nr, o 1 t'le 7tli i nt. in tht thip Sant
FrinnlcoJi P.hi.j of G"ioa, from N'antz
in Fiance, 1) mod !o N'cw Yu k, Nicho
las Cist' line Mist tr uafo tu»at«K drown
,d; rake ti ; | opjioitunii ■ of publicly ac
kiui»ted'4ii« ou: to Ebcotaer
Tinker Efq Surv vor the Curfoms of
t'l iV't "f L> tf " K .g-iiaitKMir, ,0T hls
iiiruane and If.irlted exertions in our be
luff in endeavoring to fee ure a eenver
t'ld ef-'fti <& c'oartij 1 r>f the u il Jnu ate,
Mtr> were plundered by tho
S .ail ip-men-aid Inhabitants 011 {lie
but SVC have to regret that whe>l w<; fir(!
p. .Hjnicd, \l' I'a-kor w.ts absent at Phi
ladelphia tin litiltiefs, u w. have every
ieifo'i to Relieve W< dn'u'd iiavr saved pio
ty from the wteck to a confid 1 abie a
Witnels onr hjnds at the P i't ol Lit
tle £gi? H-ari>ou', this 15th day of
Ofkobe' 1-91-
pi erards, Mate
P. S Aiy n'.r.on who has j»it any as
tb; cirfrt of Aid (hip, and will iMiter
it r 1 11 • 1 Uteri if t 1 Coi'ini of P I*l -'
ladelphia, New York ir Kgi» Harbour,(hall
have a Salvage according to law.
Of*. 22 . 4t__
The Medical lectures
Ti\ tbt U.iiverfiry of Pepiifylvania, will
c > mnehce the tirlt M »nJ y in November
* ' /
fblrtaour to hisMUSfiUiM'
mil uv»wmyVjqw* aa# ofi rattwrfj 8
Pntsrtiinnunt, $na lalifci.'vicnt to the lit*
te*tto of iWefwllcWte, fe*t «n rtwm jjei--
«i'»n and wftlijw' & %'ajamber - of;
Im fWefc w>#i
be jilw.iv* oJpnWf the laffeSipq, «f tliQft"
hVfuth tJ
venfimn, impicnements, fthcme , otlfkr.
v*li<>os, hfnh or
hjs vifttxrij «t
' iiieiv »w»»'
W.III imunsjj. vteijilifhe number®^
..jeoiotim* fr<Mu or,|«p^
.•pcjUfecg it »fiH
jMjjigjttain aWw the ine*«s 4f difletui
' »'" «reful%knaivlfe»tg« f 3A4
"fIBW %feif ;»f enqu^T^^jWflr
'-**Vp»Ae ,ipe«jp'«v,(rf
kIA«U.«r* already fojuiUylUftiogfuJlwrf., ■,■■
■ - -':
In the HouJ'c of liebrefeutatives,
December till* 1793.
WHEREAS the CommtHioivcrs ot pub
lic Account*,h<iv< reported, that they
eanoot pioceed to the investigation of the
Accounts, rt-fpefting special In
cillls, without knowing the outstanding a
mount increot in circulation Therefore,
Refotvcd, Tint all holders ot special 111-
den*be dire&cd, and required, 011 or before
tliv, iii it day of November nrXt,to deiiver the
fp- ciai Indents in their poffeflion 10 one or
other ot the Co-mini {lionets «f the Tteatury,
who ?r« r-ceiws for the fame, and to
)ephi to tlae Co.nmilftohers on public ac
counts, 011 or belore thetcnth day of Nov- :
rmter next, the by them lefpe&ive
1, received, a'nd a'fo to the Legislature, at
tiicir; .0 November next, and that
aii special Indents not rendered into the
Treifu. y da above, on or before the firft day
ot \\>v. 'ni»ei next, ih-ilbe, and the fame
arc hereby bsrrrd.
tvJ,Th*t public notice of thisrefolu
fior. r»e •jwen in the (everal Gazettes in this
Srcitc, once every three weeks, uniihhe firft
o** November iie'xt. And that the Dele
j>«ifsofthuState in theCdngrefs ot the Uui
—— Ji.-d S i!U':s, be rtqueited to cause this rclolu
tn».iiu be publiihed in one or morepaprrs
in the 1 itie» ot Philadelphia and New-York,
;nat provision will be u.ade for the ex-
V'urs attending fueh publication.
Cfderfdy That the refolurion be scot to
the Acinic ior their concurrence.
By «»rderof the House,
In the SENATE,
'<T>~ - - -
~ & MfttA 793.
f(tf*Luei t T*3H*n»"sou[e do concur will
!h«y*pV>rifc ofHejMrfc*tirivc» inihe forego
0> Scftii, 1 hri fir* refolutfovt# be' lent to
:!ie il"tjleo( Repreleataiivi*.
by order of the Seoatr,
rvt N
Fine Liverpool Salfej
To Be Sold
From the Ship Thomas,
The fccond wharf bclov* Pine-tit. ap
ply at l'akl vriiarf, to
Jehu Hollingfvvorth, & Co.
Aug. »6. *5-
Card tff Nail FaElory,
No. 59, north fired,
Webster, Adgate & White,
Have conjtantly for fair,
Cotton, Wool, Tow, and
Machine Cards,
Of all Kindt,
Cat Nails of all sizes,
Floor Bradt, Sprigs and Tacks,
Fullers Shears, Gun Flints and Wool
A quantity of kiln dried Indian Meal in
A new Edition of AHgatc's Pviladflp'xa
Harnjony f contamrug both the firfr »nd fV
conrf parrs, being the m-'ft ap'Oved fvl
tcm o! llules and the bed colt<3ion of
Tunes now iu use,
Also for Safe,
A CO M p LET E set or
Machinery for making Cards
' '" wfes!f
Scheme of a Lottery,
11) r life 39,900 Dollars, on 266,000 Dollars,
btduVin* 15 per Cent. Jrom the Prize- —
7 h-s Lot'ery conjifls -of 38,000 Ticket*, in
u kirll tktl C <ln I'lilCS, (lid 23,461
Bhoks, Irtirig about one ahd an iiatj Munky to
a prize.
TML Drfe&orsof the Sodety forcffablifh
ing Ufeful Manufa&urcs, having refolv
k(\ to v.rcft LOTTRRI £S\ for raffing Ore
Hundr ed Thousand I)'?!, l a R «, agreeably
10 an A& of the Legillmne ol tlv S&te of
Ncw-Jerfey, have appointed the following
perfonsto superintend and dire& tht? draw
ing 0! the iarne, viz. Nicholas Low, Rutus
King, Herman Le Roy, Jair.cs W3tfsm,
Richard Harrifoti, Abijah Hammond, sua
Cornelius Ray, of the city ot New York—
Thomas Willing, Jofcph Ball, Matijuw M'-
Conncl aaJ Andrew Bayard, ol the city of ;
His Excellency Richard Hpu -
c-IL, fcfeti Bondinot, Ceneial Ll,as Day
ion, Jam » Parker, John Bayaio, D ;dor
Lewis Dunham, Samuel W. Stockton, jothua
ft. Wallace, jofcph Bloomfield, and Kliiha
ttoudinot, ot Ncw-Jerfey, who otfei the
iollowing Schcme ot a Lottery, ami pledge
thcmfekis 10 the public, tfiat they will take
every an«i precaution in their yowcr
;o have rhe M->nirs paid by the IvtiniJl >,
troui time to fime, as received, ii;td lie
at New-York and Phitadr Ipkia, 10
iiiniiii for .the parpole ot payiirg fnt s,
which thall be imnn diately difehargeti lyy a
check upon one of the Banks.
Prize of 20,000 Dollats is so,coc
10,000 to.oco
2,000 10.000
i,ccte io,coo
100 10,000
2 o,oo€
:'• s,
\ " '» ,
. tjp'' **-_■,
: 30»k '•■- • v ** ■:'
• toco r '■ 15.
14)539 P f: ' z "* £62,000
•23,461 Blanks. Fir ft drawn rrtmvber, 2,000
Last dia wn amnori, 2,000
38,000 Tickets at 7 Dollars each v* 2{jt>,ooc
The cua.\vin£ will commence, under the
inPde&ion of a Committee of tnfc Super in
tendants, as Toon as the Tickets aie lold, of
which timely notice will be given.
The Superintendents have appointed John
N. Camming, of Newark, Jacoi> ft. Har
denb'erg, ot New-Brunfwick, anci Jonathan
Rhea, oi T renfon, as immediate Managers
thereof, who have given ample fccurjty lor
difchai-giog the tfaft reposed in them.
In order to secure the punftu vl pay
roent of tie Prices, the Superinrendants ol
the Lottery have dsTttted that the Managers
Ihall each emer into bonds in dollars,
with four lufficient fecuritres, to perform ttieu
in ft 1 unions, the fubliance of which :s
I. That whenever either of the Managers
(Tiall receive the ium ot Three Hunrit t d Do!-
lars, he ihall immdiatdy place the liimc ir.
one of the Banks of New-York or Philadel
phia; to the cieditol the Governor of the
Society, and such of the Superintend ants as
'ive in the city where the monies arc placed,
to remain there crnt-il the Lottery is drawn,
for the payment of the Prixes.
11. The Managers to take fufficitftt Je
curity foi any Ticket* they may trufl, wther
wifrto be refponfir-te for them.
111. To keep regular books of Tickets
fold, Monies received and pa>d into th«
Bank, abltrafcls of whicli fhatl be sent,
monthly, to the Governor of the Socvcty.
Paterfon, January 1, 1794.
On application to either of the above gen
tlemen, information will be given where
tickets may be had.
February 24,
The Lottery published by the
"Society for eftablUhing ufeflil manufac
tures/' will commence drawing the firft
Tuei'dav in November next —
An Apprentice
To the
Watch Making and
Repairing Buiinefs,
Ai> r l r to
C. Campbell.
No. 3, south Fourth ftrcet, two doors
from Market-ftre«J
PHILADELPHIA:—Printed bv JOHN FENNO, No. 119, Cmswut Stblxet.—fmc* Si* D®lla*s Ptz Amnvm. '
This day a few pipes of tie Jirfl quality
French Brandy,
Fourth Proof,
Esteemed equal to any that has been in this
citv for a number of years,
Forty ffo?/heruls of firfl quality of
Sr. Croix Sugar,
And a few Tons of
Good Black Pepper,
Lcvintis Clarkfoity
fro. 216, south Water street.
oa. 8 d_
HolT and Derrick,
Have just Published, price 9-I'ths of a
EmbeUiJhed with a neat Engraving:
And to be had of the following Bookie!
lers, viz. MefTrs. T. Dobfon,W. Young
R. Carnpbe'!» }• Ormrod, and H. Kam
A New and Concifc ffisTOßr of the
Revolution in France,
From its Comrneecerclent to rht- F.xecu-
I. Neale & H. Kammerer,
Hate just rOßiisutD,
And now far Sale,
Price half a dollar, neatljr bound, at the
liookftores of Meflrs. T. Dobtcm, R.
Campbell, ami j. Ormfod; alio at H.
Kamm«rtr'», No. 24, north Third
For the injlruflion and amujemcnt of
Touth. Adapted to the use
J of Schools.
From the French of M. Berquin
4< To the honor ui Mr. Be»quirt!s tsfte,
it may befaid, lie has u ;ited ilmpte
elegancewifh interefiiffg variety, but ri-
fepatatcd bothfiom the ftjgi«teit ap
proafh of whatever is ot puerile :
a merit much moreeaiily praised than iini
rated. The art<>f ainuling thiid• e:i,whi Ift
at the fametime the Jnfant Genius is ruif
eii and the lit ait mc-nd* dv apprars from
his works 10 be no contemptible effort »f
the mind. Wherever, theiefore, the uti
lity ot'iuch an undertaking is acknowledg
ed, the reputation of IVif. Beicjuin mull
ever be held ;n tjgferved esteem.
44 Happii> Turn is the a<jrceabte ▼erfatili
ty of Mr. Bei quiu's ltyle and genius, that
it would be dvfpcU'tto pronounee in what
department lie excels : whether in the
lively or the pathetic; the simple language
of narrative, or the animated points of
conversation : whether in ihiewd remarks
upon private life, or in flortd cfefcriptjon
of the beauties of nature.
44 Pieces of every various excel'ence
that is to be found in the writings of Mr.
Berquin, conipoie the fatforftirg voiivtoe,
which, it is hoped, will be thought a vain
able substitute (whe.e such may be prefer
red) to the larger and more *exten£ve
works of the ftrtre author."
At No. north Thh d Jlreety may also be
had the following
New Publications:
SmelHe's Natural Philof-py, i$J~
H story of the French Revolution, t
Life of Howard,
'1 he toalim Nun, 6f
The Mirror, 2 \ oh. i 1/3
The Devil upon two St-.cks, 5f
The Life of Ctiefltfi field, los
Chefterfield's Principles of Politeness,
&c - 5J9
New Robinson Crufot, 6/6
The Beauties of Steroe, 4/6
Baron Tienk, 6/
Hifloryof America, jf
Evelina, aNovel, 2 vols, nJi
The Inquilitor, jjg
Cumpte e Letter-Writer, 4/6
The Travels of Cyrus, 7/0
Meraoirsol Major Gen. Lee, 8/]|
Rural Economy, 7/6
Sefeft Fables of Efop,by R. DoiWey^yiS
Vocal Muse, or Ladies Songster,
Marvelous Works of Naturo, jjj
Sentimental Lucubrations, J/.
Julia, a Novel, 2J6
Catiofrties of Lileratore, jj|f&
Ladiej Literary Companion, 2J9
Miscellanies, moral and inftruttive, 2/4
Louisa, a poetical Novel* 2/6
Courtship and Matriigpny, if 6
Sylvan Letters, iflo
Life of Baion Trenk, abridged, IJiO
Fables for Ladies, IJIO
Letters from Yorick to Eliza, ij~4
Fallen Cottage, Jovial Songster, &c. &c
At the abbve place may he had Blank
Books of diffeient kinds.
October 8
,'r. ;I,
No. 8, North Fiph flreet,
tiou of trie Giromie partyj and
the death of the Duke of
*dj jaw
0«. 16
Seledl Stories,
ExtraS from the Preface.
To be Sold,
The Heafe, Stables, & Lot
of Ground\
In Second meet, between Spruce acd
Onion streets, in iht occupation of his
Britannic MajelH's Miniiter.
The Adjoining Let,
26 feet front, tind i49'6et deep. For
terms of sale, apply to
Wm, Cramond.
Aug. 14
Just Arrived,
And will be landed to-morrow morning at
Hamilton's wharf, the CARGO ot the
Schooner Induftrv, Captain Hj lander,
from Havanoa,
85 hhds. lYlolaiTes,
Of superior full quality.
106 Boxes and Barrels
White & brown Sugar
Parcel of Ox-Hides ;
Peter Blight.
Just arrived in the Hibornia, Captain
Irwin, from Jamaica.
Sept. 13 d
Dancing School.
Wm. M'DOUGALLprefents his com
pliments to the Public —Thanks them for
the great encouragement he has experi
enced these twenty odd years. He will
open his School for this Season on Monday
the 13th October, at Jo o'clock in the
morning, in »hat large and elegant Saloon
in Harmony street, leading from Third to
Fourth llreet, turning the corner of No.
Jo, South Third street.
His Employers may be allured, the ftricfl
order and decorum that has always been
observed m his School) ihall still be pur
futd—and that their children will be taught
in the molt approved and modem stilt
Note —An Evening School for young
,0&. IQ
Life of Howai
. •
J. O R B M RO D,
(Price 75 Cents)
At Franklin's Head, No. 4i> Chefnut
A VIEW of the
Life, Travels and Philan
thropic Labours,
of the late
F. R. S.
Embellished w'rtha striking likenefe of that
CitWrt of tlie World.
To whirl is l\]bjoirted an ODE inlcribed to
John Howa.d, by WiHßim Haylev, Elq.
FROM realm to re'lm, ivith croft or
cejcent crown d,
IVbert'er mankind and misery are found,
O'er burning sands, deep waves, or ivilds
of fnoiv,
Great HOWARD journeying seeks the
bonfe of woe,
Down many a winding step te dungeons dank,
Where angui/h wails aloud.,and fetters dank:
To canes bejlreivd with many a mould'ring
And cells, whose echoes only learn to groan;
—Onward ht mo'Vcs1 —Disease and death
And mttrmring dement hate-him, and ad-
gift. I
" ■ -*-*■
Asfheton Humphreys,
Attorney at Law,
Notary Pubiic & Conveyancer,
AT his Office No'. 65, Walnut ftrtet
Corner of O C K Stre-t, continues
to t anf+rt Wi<ieli in the above branches,
as heretofore, ?nd draws at a moderate
charge, Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, Powers
of Attorney, Bills of Sale, anS Bottomree
Charter Parties, Memorials, Petitions,
and otlier tnftrimierrts in Writing. He al
io continues to buy ar?d fell Fueal Estates,
iipon Comnvifiiott ; and has at preterit a
few valuable Farms, &'C. (or sale.
j October 11. *794 eotl4w.
Stock Brokers Office,
No. 16, Sf. W ;Y'«ll K ' :
THE Sublcribci to ewfiurhim-'
(e!f entirely 16 (U PURCftfISJE and>
BA4.E o> STOCK&H* COW *»l*SiaK> g«i
■\etn te oft r i»ist«»i«:rß to ItHMritoifc and.
*ni>crs, i» ihe Hac«i» Sfcnck Broker. Tt>e(c
who n>ay plcafc to lavor him wiih iheit bu£.
"nos.Jtiiay (frprt'S sV O,t having it trartf»aeilv
4heu>«Ma£ fc<*t4<<y *"<< 4itpMcfc
, Orderfchoni.Pbvledelfyhii-, &<rßo»/or«i.y.
other part of rlie United Staici,'-will be-.
(Ififlly tb. !
Principles and Observations
Pot and Pearl Ajhes.
Infpeilor of Pot and PcarJ-AOies for the
Commonwealth of MsrfThcliufetts.
Published according to Afl of Cortgrefs.
Thei'e obfeTvations relate «o an extettfive
bufinek ; and are Uefigned, in the plameft
manner, to' convey profitable information
to those intcrefted in it, who hove notleif
ur« or opportunity to search for the princi
ples therein c ntained, in the writings of
proieflional Chemists-
itaiui<w laiutf.
o F
t AI-L Per font vrifhmg to fer.d ]rt
' have them conveyed by Exprris every
other day, Sunday excepted, bv bavin'/
them left at the Office of the Scmuiy
of State fur the United States, erriifrly
at nine o 'Clock in the mornLij, , •
day of starting. As this arrang... '
will commence to-morrov.-, and at < t'j
of its objects is the accommodation of
those who have connexions and ,i s
in the Army, punfluality, as t<» 0, 4
time of lodging the letters is reptflkd,
otherwifc they w ill be necessarily dela/.
Ed to the next succeeding Exprcu.
October 24.
John Miller, jun.
No. 8, Chesnut near Front Sir, el,
Hath Imported in the late Vefli.lj
(by the packagf,)
HATTS well ajforted, Boy/coloured, m,l
Mens' black
Manchejler Cotton Goods
Slippers and' Sandals
Flowers and Feathers
Black and White Lace.
Brown and White, by the Box, L'.u , n <
Oa. ij t oadtf
To the Public.
Is opened for Printing the
Theological Writings
o F
Emanuel Swedenbourg,
At Francis Bailey's Book Jtore, Ao. 116,
Market Jtreet, Philadelphia,
WHEN a fnffitient fubfenp'ion til«c»
plice, a meeting wiMbe nrivt-rtired to con
iicler the most eligible nuide for cooduflii g
the ptintingof fuLlitif tiic Wni ki Oi.-.1l
bethought to be of ihegrcatcOl utility m
the firft inllaiice.
The following Treatises may be now had at
Mr. Bailey's :
The Doctrine of Life, or the Spiritml
sense of the Ten Commarilnieiits.
The Univerlal Thee'ngy fcf the New
Church; which was (jreiold ly tl«
Lord in Daniel, chap. 7* v. 5, *4»
and in the Apocalypfc, chap. 2!,' j. i,
2, &c. *
A summary View of the Heavenfy Dod*
trines of the New Jerusalem Church.
As various opinions have been en*
tertairied repeating tlwie**-almMcuritngt
and yet no person by rational argument Iws
been able to refute them, but *ft<ad tfceic
bl, invidious calumnies and gioundJfft re
ports have been induftvioufly propagated
to discredit the honourable and enlightened
Author, as well a* Bit Works, we doubt
not the candid and fiucere mquiiers after
Truths of the highest importance, will se
riously examine tliofe Vuikj jo' tktyjcjvtty
in which it is t jk hoped, thet beirft
putfuit and iove of the Truth lor ihc
of its native eXrelifcnce *rni */si they will
regard them as «hey deierve, and to
the end receive both profit ami dcU&htr.
Otf. 14 eTui2sv
PoyateS's ft ol **
Na. 21. SctimA' wait- •:
os. , 5 .
Alphabetical Lift
Payable by law on all Goods, u '".V "4
Merchandize import m<" tl * ,
Sttte, of,i V , alter
J„#e 1794, diftmgu.mrr K *e , he
otubuie imported in Ihipi ° r ve, * K )f _
United States—a-Hi tbe |(j) .
reign (hips of »«ffels, including
tional duties, towbiclithe rrfpcfl'*
cles are liable. '■>
: ''k