DAILY EVENING ADVE R T IS E R. "[No. .17 of Vol. Vl.] Wanted, A man and ii>oma» kilcbeu Servant. Aceuftomxl to-cookii.R. to whom generous wages wtllbe •!«» Ni ie need apply >>u> fnch as can he well lecomtijentKd. En quire of the Print tit . Oct, 2? d FOR SALE, At the STORES of Jeffe <& Robert Wain, PORT WINF. ill pipes, lihds. and quar rer calks LISBON (lo.in p nes «nd qnnrtercafks Souchong ar.d Congo TEAS, in quarter c hefts A qtiantitv of Liibon and CadizSALT Soft ihelled ALMONDS in bales VelvetCORKS, in do. Raffia MATTS. June 9 <• JUST PUBLISHED, And to be fold by Benjamin Davies y No. 68, MarkMS' ect. Price * Doll. 33 cents per dox.and 44 cents fizzle, THS American Repository. Tbil l»Cit PoCKRT AI.M-AW \C&, is firtt oi the kind that bath been executed in Phila- or perhaps in any of ih<" United States; and coma b-fide c , / A Conipleat Calendar, ALMANACK, for the Y-ear 179 J. Lifts of'tlie OiE. erj of tlie American Go vernment, Civil aud Military. The terms of the Federal Clrcoit& Dif trift Courts. It* Latitudes »r,«fs in Populajlofi; to •gtther »aii»u« other JkrtiCfcs "of In-, .fcrihatifrn. Ornamented , DEARE, Clerk. I awtf. Aug. 10, Burlington Pork. A QUANTITY OF Best Burlington Pork, TO BE SOLD BY Levi Hoilingfworth & Co. of flie |J> JEShT For Charter, i "Jacob Refiners, Master. BUR I HtN >4m»c i 7-.0 barrels Flour or 85 >obn> teVU fact apil will be ready t«-receive a cargo in a lew. day*, For teuns, apply to die Captain on board, or to yofeph Sims, Who has F6* Sa'e. A fnv 'Gbefls of Red and Pale Peruvian Bark, OftheFirft Ouality, Madeira & Sherry Wines, Ft for immediate use, See. 4cr- Oft. 22 ' d For LONDON, The fajl failing copper bot-. Adrian a, K. Fitz Patrick, Maft.'r. Will fail with all convenient speed. For freighter paJ&ge, apply to the Captainori board, at Hazkuuift't wharf, or Thomas & J°hn Ketiand. O&obcr 14. For LONDON, --i-. The SHIP §SSTA WILLIAM PENN, EpfgjSs® James Joeiah, Mailer. To l'sil with all convenient For fraght or pafiage, apply to JOHN FIELD & SON, Or, JESSE & ROBT. WALN. OA, 14 d For BRISTOL, T,,e SHIP WILMINGTON, J- mariner, Masti-r, Burthen about a6o Tons, lias excellent accommodations for pafl'engers, to fail the ad November, and is intended "to return very early in the Spring, to this Port. For freight or pallage, apply to Capt. Mariner' on board, at Stamper's wharf, or JOHN MAYO. dtf* Oft. i6«- For Hamburgh, PERSEVERANCE, James William/on, Majltr. New ready to receive a cargo on board.' This veflel is completely found,built of live, oak and cedar, and has good accommoda tions for paflTengers, io fail with all con venient fpced. For freight or pafiage,' apply to tie Captain on board, or Tbos. Ssf John Ketlahd. Oft. ii d For Anifterdam, THE SH IP gpL HOLLAND, Christopher Franklin, jun. tiAS excellent accommodations fp r paffen will fail with all convenient fpced, Fiav 'TfT the greatest part oi her cargo ready to go on board. Vox freight or paffige, apply to the mailer on board, to PETER BLIGHT, Or PRAGERS & CO. Aug. 26 Virginia Produce, For Sak by the SUBSCRIBER, confijling of 50 hoglheads ficderickftnirgh TOBACCO, 10 ditto Peieilborgh Do. j 5 ditto Richmond Do. 200 birrels sup rfitte and common FLOUR, B>>o l-uflieli WHEAT, 2400 bu(hch COATS, and ' I hoglhead WOOL. Emanuel Walker, WHO WANTS To load in Maryland,-for Falmouth and a Market, A V E SXE L, That will carry ab nt 4 03 hog(head» TOBACCO. OA. aw Monday, October 27, FOR SALE, Iftrong v>tH luih ' fifl faitiiigfl-np Defiance, Burthen alout two hundred and fifty barrels, how lying near Market ftteej.— For te.m;, apply to tie Maftcron board. Now Landing from on board Jaid Hoob A QUANTITY OF CHOICE Rhode-Island Gheefe, Which can be recommended for a Superior QuaJ ty. Apply to North Eighth (ire t, oredwirfroai Mir. ket street. OA. 4 From on board the Birmingham Packet, Lockyer, and the Hemy and Charles, from Hamburgh, Peter/burgh's JlrJt quality BAR IRON, Swedes, ajfortcd TIN, ht plates, do. do. GENEVA in hkds. BAGGING, German assorted GLASS TUMBLERS, and Black Quart Bottles, DEMIJOHNS, Window Glass, Feathers of superior quality, MATTS, &c. iyc. FOR SALE BY Thomas & John Ketland. Aug. 26 d City of Washington. l ditto 15,000 & caih 25,000 1 ditto Sc cash 15,000 1 ditto 10,000 &-Q»(h IOIQOO 1 ditto 5,000 & cash 5,000 1 ditto 5,000 & cash 5,000 1 Cash prize o* 2 ditto 5»ooo each, are ,o ditto 1,000 20 ditto 500 joo dtfto 100 200 ditto 5® 400 ditto 25 i t ooo ditto 20 i£,oOO ditto The SHIP *6,739 P" z « 33,261 Blanks 50,'000 Ticket* at 8 dollars This Lottery will afford an e.egant fpeci- j men of the private buildings to be erect d in the City of W,alhington—Two beautiful de signs arc already fele £led for the entire fronts on two of the public squares ; from these | drawings, it is proposed to ere& two centre i &m4t AND Philip Robinson, LANDI N G HEMP, SCHEME OF THE LOTTERY; No. 11. FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE FEDERAL CITY. 1 A magnificent > 20,000 Dollars, and dwelling house, J cacti 30,000 aie S. BLODGET. Money to be Lent, Oi Mortgage of REAL ESTATES, 7 94- A FEW PIPES Of Befl Quality Holland Gin, Will be landed THSS DAY, from onboard the floof) Mary, A few very heavy bog/heads of Port-au-Prince Sugars, BRANDT, in ptpes, And very good Guadaloupe MelafTes, FOR SALE BY Levinus Clark/on, No. 216, south Water Stieet. a Few hogsheads of Prime Antigua Rum, 3d. & 4th proof fine favour. Sep>. 29 d WOOLLENS. A variety of low priced well aflorted WOOLLENS, in (mall Balesj for Sale by RundU y Murgatroydy No. Ilj Walnut-Street Wharf. Also, Best Lisbon and Liverpool Salt, German Steel, Hosiery, &c. Oil. 6. NOTICE. AT THE New €aftle Pier Lottery Examining and Reg'tflerifig Office, At Mr. SAMUEL (.RAW tORD's No. 75, north From street, 2 doors from Arch street, Tickets are examined and Regifteied by coireft numerical and Re giftei Books, at the follow ng moderate charges, viz. For examining a single ticket i-i6th of a Dollar. For registering a single ticket 1-4111 of a Dollar. And notice will be fe»£ by, letter fortunate or unfortunate) to any part-tof the Continent. - ■ ' • 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 TICKETS In the City of Washington Lottery, No. 2, (Which will commence drawing very soon) Registered, and the eariieft account sent of their success. 10,000 10,000 lo,or o 1 a, 000 N. B. The Eariieft Intelligence of each Day's drawing will be received at this Of fice. And the flips thereof will be (Igned by the Managers to be correlt; therefore to be depended on. 10,000 j 0,000 10,000 10,000 20,000 150,000 X* TWO or THREE ngle Gentlemen 400*000 he icitetertlttdated with - Bwrding- Msl Judging*? la iprirattfaniity* and a central porf ®f (foe • \';;i »■ '£aqui*e tit thirCKfice. ~ fm.-U •••; w Distant Subscribers For this Gazette, are hereby refpeftfoj ly requeued to pay up their Supfcriptions to the firft of January next. The Editor will be under the neceflity of confid ring those who do not then renew their Sub j fcription .by .paying Six Months in Ad vance, as declining to take the Paper any longer. As there is a considerable Sum due fiom remote Subscribers for the late half Week ly iraper publilhed by the Editor, he moTl earnestly requcfts those who may be delin quent, to take the earliest opportunity of remitting liim the balance they may rrf pcftively be indebted—theH'umi are indi vidually liifl.ug—the want of the Aggre gate is severely felt. Twenty RAN away from the fvbfcribeis Woodbury, Gloucester County, New-Jer sey, on Sunday morning the i2thinftant, Two young Negro FellowsJ named Jaik and Tom, each about 20 years of age ; Jack is of a dark black colour and a four look; Tom is of an open counte nance, of a yellowish colour, and much disposed to laugh. They are fprigbtly a£hve fellows, and but little Ihort of fix leet high ; they were both well drefled ; Jack had on » blue bioad cloth coat and different kinds of clothes. eodtf Whoever lakes up said fefvants, and; secures them in any goal in the United States, fothat thsir mailers may get I hen. again (hall receive the above rewa-d antt reafonab:e expence'. , John Sparks, Andrew Hunter. oa. 14 tales ALSO, 3taw2w. ALSO aawtf [Whole No. 667.] LANDING, \ from the Ship Adrian a KtcranFit%patrick Majicr, from Amferdam. Holland Sail Duck, Ditto—Sheeting, Tieklenburgh, Ofnaburgh, White and Brown Linen, Diaper, fine Checks, Be«iticks, Hair Ribbon, GreatCoats, boxes Window-Glass, Ditto Tumblers, Ginn in pipes, Ginn Cases, Steel, Mill Saws 6 feet, Anchors, from 7 to 14 cwt. Frying Pans, Junk, Oakum, &c. FOR SALE BY Thomas & John Ketland. Odlober 21. i Thomas M'Euen, Stock and Land Broker, No. 78, Chesnut-street, | INFORMS hi» Friends that during |ijs ablenre (on tlx* Mfeftern Expedition) hit Business will be carried on at his Office as uftial, by tir. Thomas Hale where Order: in bit )ine »lU Le thankfully received, and every Attention paid to Oft. 10 Choice St. Croix Sugar, JUST IMPORTED, And for Sale, B Y James Yard, Alio a quantity of RUSSIA Malts. June 24th. d* A PARCEL OF Prime Sugar, Received from St. Marks, in the fliip Fame, FOR SALE Br Louis Ofmont. Ocl. 23 d6t wanted, Two Apprentices To the Printing Bufinen, Enquire at this Office. To be fold by Au&ion, On Tuesday the i ith day of November next, as vooHy at the houjeoj Archer Gijford, in New ark, New Jtrfey, if not prevtoujly djpofed of iy private ton t raft, Till FOLLOWING Trails of Land, Belonging to the American Iron Company, fituatc at Ringwood, Long Pond, and Charlotienburg, in the Coumiei of Bergen aud Morns in the said ftdte of New Jer sey, viz. 12 tra&s of land, contain ing about 6533 acres, fituateat Ringwood, on part of which the Ringwood Mansion- Heufe and Store aie erefhd. 4 tiafb of Land, containing about 6156 acres, fituatc on Long Pond River. 7 tracts of Land, containing about 6165 Acres, fituatc atCharlottcnburg. These Estates are well worthy of the at tention of a/iy or Company in clined to engage extensively in Iron Works; There are several Building s a»d some conlil derable Improvements on these Lands; about 250 Acres of excellent Meadow, **.• T — clcarcd, and niui'h more might be added at a trifling Expence. On the Premises t heie are several very convenient Seals for Furnacc*, Forges, Mills, See. There aie also fomc very valuable lion Mines. Most of the unimprov ed Parts of thrfe Lands aie covercd with fine healthy Timber. These Lltates will be (hewn by Captain Joseph Board, of Ringwood, and the Terms of Sale made known by applying to him, or to Edward Edwards, In Philadelphia, at the con er of Sixih and Raoe-Strcets. Sept. I i At a meeting of the citi zens appointed to procure fubfcriptioiis Tor the relief of thr families of persons vho have marched against the Weflern Infur« gents. JOhN BARCLAY, Esq. was appointed Treasurer to the lur.d, ai d to whoin the monies collected will be paid. The foUowjnp persons viere appointed to distribute to the necessitous families of the 1 ' refpeftive WARDS, viz. For New.Market Ward Daniel Smiih, wo r th 1 )«-Ck Ward .jteWwrwiedL JdSiCs*, , gggth. WHI : fritter, Lower Delaware Andrew Bayard, Chefnut Waid, John Stille, Middle Wa>d Ifrafl \7helcn, North Waid Jame» A/h, High street Ward Mahlon Hutchinfoti I'pptr Delaware Wm. IViontgoijiery South Miilbeny Anditw Guyer, North Mulberry Godfre) Haga. Fublifhed by order of the Meeting, ROBERT RALVrOM, Sec'/. » 2awtf,