Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, October 25, 1794, Image 4

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    FOR S VLIt,
In the Cotinty of Fairfax and State of Vir-
Tract of Land,
THE Lind on Bifida f.rd, containing |
tSj icr?s, the Mil is 1 -"n hilly, abou.
ten acre- of it nw ground (u for meadow. 1
Tnere is o.i it tw-rgiod dwelling houses,
Hire f;ou e, (tables, kitchen, and a still
bouli* w~- h two (tills, of 11 3 and the 0
tfier jl gallons, in order for immediate
ui'e, tn<- ■ are alio good apple and peacb
o cha.-di on it. A'! the houses are new ex
«.ep- one df the dwelling houfesjthat how
«ver it completely repaired and in good or
de r; it is a good (ituation foi a Store 1 avern
a-id O itlllery, and there is a good Mill feat
on it.
Enquireof the Printer
CJft. a*
We the Chief Mate and pas
sengers ws« - iced on the Bar of Little E£g
Ha > ton-, oj the.yth inft in the (hip Sant
Francifcod Paul<v> f Genoa, from Nantz
in France, bouud to New York, Nicho
las Cacti line matter unl'd-tunately drown
ed; take this opportunity of publicly ac
k gra itu.le to Eben;2er
Tucker El'q Surveyor of the Culloms of
tllrf Port ot Little E f ',g-Haibour, for his
}iu ivane and fpitited e*ci tions in our be
balt in endeavoi ng to secure and recover
t ie eifrft) & -ioatiict of the unfortunate,
whow-er' plundered by the unprincipled
Siallop Mien and Inhabitants on tliecoaft;
but we have to regret that whjen we firft
grouii ted, Mr. l nck -r was atJfent it Phi*
la lelphia on bufi >ef<, or we have every
reason to beiieve we Ihould h»ve laved pro
perty from tbc '• eck to a confid;rable a
VVitnef>our hauls at the Port of Lit
tle tgg Harbour, this ljth day of
OCtobei 1794-
Pioivme Oherardi, Male
N. Schwighaufer,
P S Amy utrton who lia» any of
th? cargo of faij (hp, and will deliver
it en tii'e «»3i er* it tii: Cu tomj of Phi
ladelphia, Ni'w Voi k or Egg Harbour,(hall
have a Salvage according to U\».
OA- 22
The Medical lectures
In the University of Pennsylvania, will
commence the tirft Mund y in November
S«- pt 5
EVER, foliciious to render his MUSEUM
still more and more an ohjeft of rational
e itertaiiiment, and subservient to the in
tgrefls of ufefrit fci'nce, has on the fli >gef
t, >„ and with the advice of a number of
his friends, provided a Book, which will
be always open for-the infpeftion of thole
who visit his Mufeuin, in .which book it is
pnipofed t<*tnfert all fuel) discoveries, in
ventions, improvements, febeme.-, obser
vations, experiments, proje&s, hints or
qaenes rating to the art* or Icichcesj as
a iy of liis visitors, or correspondents,may
f om time totime co nmunicate.
Such a-, niiy chute ta conceal their names
may eithe'rfend their coMniuyicatiwnj aoo
nvmtiu', or at their delire, C- W. Peale
W II lufifttheir names, with Um numberor
fl;ii.ituie of tlier refpeftivr compmnica
tions in a private book which lie (hill keep
f >'. that pivrpofc.
The advantages ol fucha public register
are obvious. It will iefcue from oblivion
mani tifriuj hints, whic'n might otherwise
have died withtherr authors. It may fe.
Cure to inventors ihcir j'ift andpie
♦ent others frcftrmk'ng the honor or profit
of a d itove'jr ro which they are not en
titled, and as the Mufeuin is now visited
fey per urns frpiii aim.>ll ail parts of tire
world, luce a.iegi'ler, it iSprefumed, will
to on contain and be the means of diilemi
nating tfvail fund of ufeful knowledge, and
promote that spirit of enquiry and inven
tion, for which the people oi United
States are already fojuftly difliuguilhed.
Aug. 22
In the Houfc of Repr<fentatives,
December 2x11,1793.
WHEREAS the Commiflionerh ol pub
lic AccouutSyh<sve reported, that they
Cinnot proceed .0 the imeftigation of the
Trraltwy Accounts, refpefting '.pccial In
dents, without knowing the omttmding »-
moJnt thereof in circulation Therefore,
Rtfofocd % That aii of special In
dents be dirt&'-d', and required, on or before
the fjrlt day oi November next,to delivei the
fp cial Indents in their poffcifion ro one or
ether ot the Commiffioueis ef the Treasury,
who are to give receots for the fame, and to
repxttoibe Com mi flioneri on public ac
counts, on or before thetenth day of Nov
tmber nexi, the amount by them refpe&ive
ly »ecetve"d, and aKo to the Legislature, at
their meeting ;n November next, and that
all (pccial Indents not rendered into the
Treasury a> above, on or before the firft
of November next* lhall be, and the fame
are heiebv barred.
Thai public notice of this refolu
tiofl oe given in the several Gazettes in this
Slate, once every three weeks, until the firfl
day of November next. And that the Dele
gatcsot this.S;a:t- in theCongrefs of the Uni
ted States, be requeued to cause this rciolu
tian to be publifhcd inoneor more papers
in the cities of Philadelphia and New-York,
and that ptovihon will be made for the ex
pences attending such publication.
Ordered, That the refolutiort be sent to
thr Senate for their concurrence. -
By orderot the House,
In tht SENATE,
December 21(1,1793.
Resolved, That this House do concur with
the House of Reprefcntativcs in the forego
ing refblutions.
Ordered, That the rcfolutions be sent to
the Houfeol Reprefentativts.
by order of the Senate,
cwt N
Plug Liverpool
To Be Sold
Front the Ship Thomas,
The fccond whirs below Pine-Street, ap
ply at faiU \rharf, to
Jehu Hollingfworth, & Co.
Aug. »6. d.
Card $5f Nail Faflory,
No. 59, north Front street,
Webster, Adgate & White,
Have conJldnlU for sale,
Cottori, Wool, Tow, and
Machine Cards,
Of all Kinds,
Cut Nails of all sizes,
Floor Brad», Sprigs and Tacks,
Fullers Shear,s, Gun Flints and Wool
A quitjtity of kiln dried Indian Meal in
A new Edition of AHgate's Philadelphia
Harmony, containing both the fir ft- and fe
cond parts, being the mod aproved sys
tem ot Rules and the bed cole&ion of
Tunes now in use.
Also for Sale,
Machinery for making Cards
On an Improved Conttru&ion.
Oft. 2 vrßc*ff
Scheme of a Lottery,
To raise 39,900 Dollar on 266,000 Dollar s %
Deducing 15 per Cent, jrom the Prizts —
This Lottery conftfls of 36,000 Ticket J, in
which there are 14,531 Prizes, and 23,461
blanks, being about wc and an half blanks to
a prize.
r ■ "*HE Direttorsof tlie So'ciety foreftablifb
i ing Ufeful Manufactures, having>
ed to ere6l LOTTERIES lor raising One
litfNDR ed Thousand Dol lars, agreeably
10 an Aft of the Lcgtfljture of thevState of
New-Jcifey, have appointed the following
pcrfonsu) superintend and direst the draw
ing of the fame, viz. Nicholas Low. Ruins
Iviug, Herman Le Roy, James Watson,
Richard Harrifon, Abijah Hammond, and
Cornelius Ray, ol the city ol New-Yo*k—
Thomas Willing, Joleph Ball, Matthew M l -
Cttnnel »nd Andrew Bayard, ol the city of
I'fciladelphia—His Excellency Richard How*
i 11, p;fq. Klias Boudinot, General El«asDay
ion, Janus Parker, John Bayard, Doctor
Lewis l>onham, Samuel W. Stockton, Jolbua
Tl. Wallace, Joseph Bloomfield, and Elilha.
3ou(lu«>t, of New-Jersey, who otter the
'allowing Scheme ol a Lottery, and pledge
ir&infelvts to the public, that they will take
et<» y afi'urancc and precaution in their power
,o have the Monies paid by the Manager.-,
rom 11iv.q to tiiroe, as received, into tlie
»anki a. New-York and Philadelphia, to
remain for the purpofc of paying Priz s,
which (hall be immediately discharged by a
check upon One of the Bariks.
Prize of 20,000 Dollars is 20,000
3 00
2000 15 30,000
3000 12 36,000
8100 10 |Hpih,6oo
14,539 Prize*. v 262,600
23,461 Blanks. First drawn number, 2,000
Laftdrawn number, 2,000
38,000 Tickets at 7 Dollars cach is 266,000
The drawing will commence, under the
infpe&ion of a Committee of tbe Superin
tendants, as Coon as tbe Tickets are fold, of
which timely notice will be given.
The Superintendants have appointed John
N. Cumming, of Newark, Jacob R. Har
denberg, of New-Brunfwick, and Jonathan
Rhea, of Trenton, as immediate Managers
•thereof, who have given ample security for
discharging thetruft reposed in them.
(£3T In order tofecure the pundual
mentofthc Prizes, the Superimendants of
the Lottery have dirc&cd that the Managers
(ball each enter into bonds in 40,000 dollars,
with four fufficicnt fecuritit s,to perfoim their
inftruflions, the fybftance of which is
I. That whenever cither of the Managers
shall receive ths fuin of Three Hundred Dol
lars, he (hall immediately place the fame in
one of the Banks of New-York or Philadel
phia, to the ciedit ol tbe Governor of the
Society, and such of tbe Superintendants as
: ive in the city where the monies are placed,
to remain there uutil the Lottery is drawn,
for the payment.of the Prizes.
11. The Managers to take fufficicnt se
curity for any Tickets they may trust, other
wise to be refpounble for them.
111. To keep regular books of Tickets
fold, Monies received and paid into the
Bank, abftra&s of which (hall be sent,
monthly, to thrGovernor of the Society.
Patcrfon, January s, 1794.
On application to either of the above gen
tlemen, information will be given where
tickets may be had.
February 24.
The Lottery publtilied by the
"Society for eftabiiftiing ufeful manufac
tures,•' will commence drawing the firft
Tuesday in November next —
An Apprentice
Watch Making and
Repairing Business,
Apply TO
C. Campbell.
No. 3, south Fourth street, two doors
from Market-flreet,
PHILADELPHIA:—Printed by JOHN FENNO, No. 119, Chksnvt Street.—Price Six Dollars Per Anwvm.
This day a few pipti of the firfi quality
French Brandy,
Fourth Proof,
Eftetmed equal to any that has been in this
city for a number of years,
Forty Hog/heads of Jirfi qudlity of
Si. Croix Sugar,
5, 000
i oO
1 e
To the
An«i a few Tons of
Good Black Pepper,
FOR sale BY
Lcvinns Clarkfon,
No. n6, south Water street.
Oft. 8 d_
HofF and Derrick,
No. 8, North Fijth flreet,
Have just Published, price 9-1 ths of a
Embelfi/hed "with a vol Engrav'mgi
And to be had of the following Booksel
lers, v'\7. Meflrs.T.Dobfon,W.Young,
R. Campbell, J. Ormrod, and H. Kam
A New and Concifc Hutort of the
Revolution in France,
From its Commencement to the Execu
tion of the Girondc party, and
the death of the Di/kE o£
oa. 16
I. Neale & H. Kammerer,
jl-st publishid,
And now for Sale,
Price half a dollar, neatly bound, at the
Bookstores of Mefirs. T. Dobfon, R.
Campbell, and J. Onrirod ; also at H.
Kanimerer's, No. 24, ngrth Third
Select Stories,
For the inflruflion and amujement of
Tovih. Adapted to the use
of Schools.
From the French of M. Berquin
Extrad from the Preface.
" To the honv>r ui Mr. Berquiu's tsfte,
it uiaybef-aid, that hi ha; united finipte
elegance with interesting but ri
gidly feparatr d liuth from the flijnteft ap
proach of whatever is vulgar or puerile :
a merit much more eafllypraifedthan imi
tated. The art of aniuiing child en,whiltl
at the fame time the lui'mt Genius is rais
ed and the Heart mendtd, appears; from
his works to be no contempt ible, effort of
the mind. Wherever 4 therefore, the uti
lity of such an undertaking is acknowledg
ed, the reputation of Mr. Bvrquin rtiuft
ever be held in deserved efleem.
" Happily filch is the agreeable veffatili
ty of Mr. Berquiu's style and thai
it would be difnru't to pronounce rn what
department he excels : whether in the
lively or the pathetic; the funple language
of narrative, or the animated points of
conversation : whether in ihiewd remarks
upon private life, or in florid description
of the beauties of nature.
ii Pieces of every various excelleoCe
that is to be found in the writings of IVLr.
Bcrquin, compole the following volume,
which, ir is hoped, will be thought a valu
able substitute (whe.e fnch may be £vefe r
red) u> the larger and mote extensive
works of the fane author"
At No. 24) north Thirdfireety may also be
hud the following
New Publications:
Srtiellie's Natural Philof.pv,
H story of the French Revolution, 15/
Life of Hotvard,
The Italian Nunj 6f
The Mirror, 2 vols. 1 ify
The Devil upon two St-cks,
The Life of Clleftcrfield, lQf
Chefterfield's Principles of Pdlitenefs,
&c - 5/9 , „ • j
New Robinson Crufot, 6/6
The Beauties'of Sterne, 4/6 I
Baron Tienk, 6/
Hiftoryqf America,
Evelina, aNovel, 2 vols. 11/3
The Inquisitor, 5/3
Comple e Letier.\Vriter, 4/6
The Travels of Cyrus, 7/6
Memoirs at Major Gen. Lee, Bfa
Rural Economy, 7/6
Seletl Fables of Elop, by K. Didlley
Vocal Mule, or Ladies Songfler, 3/9
Marvell-in Works oj Nature, yt
Sentimental Luf übi ations, 3/.
Ju'ia, a Novel, 2jb
Cuiiofities of Literature, 3/6
Ladies Literary Companion, 2/9
Mil'cellauies, moral and inftru&ive, 2/"4
I.ouifa, a poetical Novel, 2(6
v Courtship and Matrimony, 2/6
Sylvan Letters, if 10
Life of BamnTrenk, abridged, IJIO
Fables for Ladies, IJIO
Letters from Yoriek to Eliza, 1/4
Fallen Cottage, Jovial Songlter, Sic. See
At tbe abow place may be had Blank
' Books of different kinds.
f Oft.ilw 8;
To be Sold,
The House, Stablcs y &
of Ground,
In Second fireet, between Spruc« and
Union streets, in ihe occupation of his
Britannic Maicfty't Minister.
The Adjoining Lot,
26 feet front, snd 149 teet For
terms of sale, apply to
Wm. Cramond.
Aug. 14
Just Arrived,
And will be landed to-morrow morning at
Hamilton's wharf, the CARGO of the
Schooner lndufiry, Captain HyUnder,
from Havanna,
8/j hhds. Molasses,
Of ftiperior full quality.
106 Boxes and Barrels
White & brown Sugar
Parcel of Ox-Hides ;
Peter Blight.
Just arrived iti the Hibsrtiia, Captain
Irwin, from Jamaica.
Septi 13
Dancing School.
V j
Wm. M'DOUGALL presents his com
pliments to the Public~-Tlianks them for
the great encouragement he has experi
enced these twenty odd years. He will
open his School for this Season on Monday
the ijtk (J(Sober, at 10 o'clock in the
morning, in »Ha.t large and elegant Saloon
in Harmony street, leading from Third to
Fourth street, turning the corner of No.
70, South Third street.
*d» law
His Employers may be a flu red, the flri£l
order and decorum that has always been
observed in his School, (hall still be pur
fuccf—and that their children will be taught
in the most approved and modern ftilc
Note—An Evening School for young
,o<ft. 10
Life of Howard.
J. O R M R O D,
(Price 1$ Cents)
At Franklin's Head, No. 41, Chefnut
A VIEW of the
Life, Travels and Philan
thropic Labours,
of the late
F. R. S.
Embellilhed witlia striking likenefj of'that
Citizen 0! the Woild.
,"Eo which is to
John Howard, by William Haysey,Elq.
FROM realm to realm, with cross or
c< ejeent crown d,
Where'er mankind and misery are found,
O'er burning sands, deep waves, or wilds
of /now,
Great HOWARD journeying seeks the
hou/e of woe.
Down many a windingflep tp dungeons dank,
Where anguifb wails aloud,and fetters clank:
T0 caves beflrew!d wjth many a mould'ring
And cells, tuhofe echoes only learn to gri/an;
—Onward he moves !—Difeafe and death
And murm'ring demons hate hitn, aad ad-
Scpi. i
Asflieton Humphreys,
Attorney at Law,
Notary Public & Conveyancer,
AT his Office N . 65, Wa'nut ftrtet
Corner • f DOCK Stre t, continue*
to t. anfatt btifinefs in the above branches,
as heretofore, and draws at a moderate
cluige, D.-eds, B >nds, Mortgages, Powers
of Attorney, Rilis of Sale, and Bottomree
Charter Pat'irs, Memorials, Petitions,
and other I nftr anient* in Writing. He al
to continues tr> buy ard fell Real Estates,
upon Coinmiflion ; and ha* at present a
l'ew valuable Farms, &c. for fa'e.
Oflober It, >794
Stock Brokers Office,
No. i 6, Wall-rtreet, Niw-York.
The Subfcribci intruding 10 coi sim him
fcH entirely to the PURCHASE and
SALE of STOCKS on gs
leave to oft r his'.erviccs to his fiiends and
others, in the line o< a Stock Broker. Those
who may please to favot him u iih their b'ufi.
ness, may depend upon having it tranfa&ed
wi<h th« mmoft fid* liiy ai»d dispatch.
Ort)er»from Philadelphia, Bo{t»e, or any
other p»rt ot the United Stile;, will be
llri&ly aUctwird t«.
Principles and Obfervatiens
Pot and Pearl AJbes.
Infpeitor of Pot and l'earl-Afhes for the
Commonwealth of Maflacbufetts.
Published according to Aft of Congress.
These observations relate to an extensive
bufinefe ; and are defined, is the plainest
manner, to convey profitable information
to those ir.terefted in it, who have not kif
ure or opportunity to fnarch for the princi
ples therein contained, in the writings of
profeflional Chemists.
o F
ALL Persons wishing to fend let
ters to Camp may, until further i
havt them conveyed by Express every
other day, Sunday excepted, by having
them left at the Office cf the Sccretaiy
of State for the United States, precisely
at nine o 'Clock in the morning of the
day of flatting. As this arrangement
will commence to-morrow, and as ore
of its objects is the accommodalioj» jf
those who have connexions and friends
in the Army, pun&uality, as "to the
time of lodging the letters is expefled,
otherwifc they will be necessarily delay
ed to the next succeeding Express.
October 24.. ds t
John Miller, ju n .
No. 8, Chesnvt near Fkont Street,
Hath Imported in the late Vc(Tcl»
(BY THS packagb,) *
HjITTS well cjforted, Boys' cokuiid, ar.i
Mens' black
Manchejler Cotton Goods
Slipfers and Sandals
Flowers and Feathers
Black and White Lace.
Brown and White, by the Box, laid in on
Oft. 15 oadtf
To the Public.
1$ opened for Printing the
'Theological Writings
o F
Emanuel Swedenbourg,
At Francis Bailey's Book Jiore, ho. 116,
Market Jlreet, Philadelphia,
WHEN a fufficient fubfcripiion lakes
place, a meeting will be advertiled to con
lidcr the most eligible mod* for condinfting
(hp pirating of fuih of tiie Works ai (hall
bethought to be of (he grcjteft utility in
the firft inflance.
Tie following Treatises » aj be new had at
Mr. Bailey's :■
The Dofliine of Life, or the Spiritual
ferife of the Trn Commandments.
The Unueilal Theology of the New
Cl urch ; which was foreioht by the
Lord in Duniri, chap. 7, v 5, 13, 14,
and in the ApocaJypfr, chap. 21, v. i f
2, &c,
A summary View of the Heavenly doc
trines of the New Church
As various opinions have been en*
tertained retpefl ng thtfe iuval+abie
and yet no per fan by rational ai ,unv nt
been able to raflire them, but >ift<ad there
of, invidious calumnies ai.d g'oundlef* re
ports have been indjiftvicfeily propagated
toditcredit the horoufiSife and enlightened
Author, as well as his "Woiks, we doubt
not tbe can/id and (mcere inqniiers after
Truths of the highest iirportame*.viil se
riously examine thojfe WciUs jo>
in which it is to be hoped, tint being m the
pu»fult and )6ve of the Truth for the fake
of its native excellence and vje, they will
regard tl»em as they justly delerve, and in
the end receive b<xth profit and delight.
Oft. 14 eTui2w
Essence for the Tooth-ache,
Prepared and fold by Dr. LEE, Golden
Square, London.
THE public are offeird one of iht nioft
efficacious and fafe, that ever
appeared, for that Hioft excruciating pain
The numerous instances of i's happy th
efts in relieving the assisted, have row
brought it into "univerf»l ellinwiion ; it ,
fnotonly relieves the Tooth-Ache, but is
of the u'inoft service in curing the
Scurvy in the Gums,
In preventing the difzgreeoHe
that is produced from unsound teeth,
occasioning a sweet breath; it lilLevnfc
prevents the teeth from decaying* ard v il
be found a general prel'erver of the 1 eeth
and Gums-
Sold in Philadelphia, •nly at
Poyntell's stationary ftorc,
No. 21, Second louth.
Oft. 15 3t
Payable by law on all Goods, V ares, ard
Merchandize imported into the Unit*a.
Spates of Aiiierica, after tbe lart da*
Jurte 1794, diftingnilhingthe rates payat le
on those imported in (hips or vefle's of the
United States—and the rat* wabif in Jo«
reign (hips or vessels, including th* addi
tional duties, towhichthe refpfftive arti
cles are liable.
-h 1 '"l