Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, October 24, 1794, Image 4

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    VOIL SAtfi,
in the County of Fairfax and State of Vir
ginia, a
Tra£t of Land,
THE Land .>n Biunds turd, containing
189 acres, the foil is tgood but hilly, about
ten acres of it low ground fit for meadow.
There is on irtwo good dwelling lionfes,
ftrtre hou e) stables, kitchen, and a ftili
honle *viih two Hills, one ot 113 and the o
tlier 53 gallons, in order for immediate
use, ehere are alio good apple and peach
orchards on it. AH the lioulesare ne<v ex
cept one of the dwelling houles,tliat how
ever is completely tepaired and in good or
der} it is a good lituation fora Store Tavern
and Uiftillery* and there is a good Mill feat
£oq U ircef tlic Printer
- - djLV
Oft. 22
We th« Chief Mate and paf
ferigers wseckedon the Bar of Little Egg
Harbour, on the 7th inft. in the rtiip Sant
Iranci'codi Paulo of Ge oa, frdm Nantz
in France, bouud to New York, Nicho
ls! C iltilins matter unfit' tunately drown
ed ; take this opportunity of publicly ac
oui gratitude to Ebcnezer
Tinker Efq Surveyor ot the Cultoms of
the Port of Littl* Egg-Haibour, fur bis.
humane and fpnited exertion? in our be
half in endeavoi ing to tecure and recover
the eftVfts & cloathes of the uulonunate,
>vha were plundered IjJ the unprincipled
SnaUop-meu and Inhabitant* on the coast;
but we have to regret that when we firll
g.ounded, Mr. rucker was absent at Phi
ladelphia 011 biiftuefj, or we have every
reason to believe we (hould have saved pro
pei ty from the wrbck to a soofiderable a
Vfitnefs ® ur ha n^s at the Port of Lit
tle tg2 Haroour, this ljth day of
October 1794.
Piovime Gherardi, Mate
N. Schwighaufcr,
p S, Any peH'on who ha« got any of
the cargo of laid (hip, and will deliver
it to tne officers of the Cuftomi of Plii
ladelphia, New York or Egg Harbour,lhali
have a Salvage according to law.
oa. 22
The Medical lectures
In tne Univerfityof Pennsylvania, will
commence the firft Monday in November
Sept 5
EVER, folicitoos to render his MUSEUM
Hill more and more an object of rationa'
entertainment, and subservient to the in
terefts of ufeful fci?nce, has on the fu,ge.
tion and with the advice of a number <
his friends, provided a Book, which w
De always open for ihe infpe&ion of tho/c
who visit his Museum, in which book it is
proposed to insert all such in
ventions, improvements, foireme ■, obser
vations, experiments, - projects, hints o
queries relating to the art* or sciences, as
any of his vilitors, or correspondents.may
from time to time communicate. i
Such as may chufe to conceal their names
may either fend" their communications ano •
nvmous, or at their delire, C- W. Feale |
will inferttheir names,' with the number or
of ther refpeftive cemmunica
ti'in! in a Drivate book which he fhillkeep
for that pwpofe.
The advantages ot such a public register
are obvious. Itwillrefcue from oblivion
many uleful himsy which might ntherwife
have died with their authors. It may fe
eure to inventors ihcir juftclaims, andpre
vent others from taking the honoV or profit
of a d Tcovery to whith they ar« not en
titled, and as the Mul'eum i» now visited
byperlons from alinoft all parts of the
world, (tree a,regifter, it is presumed, trill
soon contain and bs the means of diflemi
nating a vast fund of ufeful knowledge, and
promote that spirit of enquiry and inven
tion, for which the people of the United
States arw already fojuftiydiftinguilhed.
Aug. >2
In the House of Refrefentatives,
December 21(1,1793.
WHEREAS the Commiflioners ot pub
lic Accounts,have that they
caonot proceed to the of the
TreaUr.y Accounts, refpetting special In
dents, without knowing the outstanding a
mount '.hereof in circulation Therefore,
Resolved, That all holders of special In
dents be clire&ed, and required, on or before
the firft day ol November next,to deliver the
fpccial Indents in their poffeflion to one or
other of the Commiflioners ef the Treatury,
to give receipts for the fame, and to
report to the Commiflioners on public ac
counts, on or before the tenth day of Nov
ember next, the amount by them refpe&ive
ly received, and also to the Legislature, at
ttieir meeting in November next, and that
all special Indents not rendered into the
Treasury as above, on or before the firft day
of November next, fhallbe, and the fame
are hcieby barred.
Rejdvcd, That public notice of this resolu
tion be given in thefeveral Gazettes tn this
Slate, once every thrift weeks, until the firft
November nrxt. And that the Dele
gates ot ihisState in tKe Congraf& nf the Uni
ted States, be requested to cause ttitT" rriutu
tien to be published in one or more papers
in the cities of Philadelphia and New-York,
and that provision will be made for the ex
penccs attending such publication.
Ordered, That the resolution be sent to
the Senate for theirconcurrence.
By orderof the House,
■ Tn the SENATE,
December 21ft, 1793.
Refohed, That this Honle do concur with
iht House of Reprefehtativej inrhe tortgo
Ordered, That the refolutioni be lent to
the House of Reprefcniativci.
by order of the Senate,
ewt N«
Fine Liverpool
To Be Sold
From the Ship Thomas,
The second wharf below Pine-Street, ap
ply at said wharf, to
Jehu HolliilgfvVorth, & Co.
Aug. 26. d.
Card y Nail FaElory,
No. 59, north Front street,
Webster, Adgate & White,
Have conjlanily for sale,
Cotton, Wool, Tow, and
Machine Cards,
Of all Kinds,
Cut Nails of all sizes,
Floor Brads, Sprigs and Tacks,
Fullers Shears, Gun Flints and Wool
Hats, «
A q[uautity of kiln dried Indian Meal in
A new Edition of Adgate's Philadelphia
Harmony* containing both the firft and fe
cond parts, being the mod aproved fyf
tern o( Rules ani the belt coleftion of
Tunes nirtv in u(e,
Alfa for Sale,
Machinery for making Cards
On an Improved Conftruftion.
Oft. 2 w&stf
Scheme of a Lottery,
To raifc 39,900 Dollars, on 266,000 Dollars,
Dcduttinv 15 per Cent, from the
This Lottery conftfls of 38,000 Tic Aits, in
which there are 14,5.31 Prizes, and 23,461
Blanks, being about one and an half blanks to
a prize.
r Dire&or« of the Society for elfablifli
I Jl ing Ufeful Manufa&ures, having refulv
| ed* to etett LOTTERIES for raising One
HOmpßedThousand Dollars, agreeably
to an Aft of the Lcgiflature of the State of
New-Jeifey, h&ve appointed the following
perfon&to superintend and diie£l the draw
ing of the lame, viz. iSlicholas Low, Rufus
King, Herman Le Roy, James Wat Con, I
Richard Harrifon, Abijah Hammond, and
Cornelius Ray, of the city ot ]Slew-York—
Thomas Willing, Joseph Ball, Marthew M'-
Connei apd Andrew ftayard, ol the city of
Philadelphia—'His Excellency Richard How
ell, Esq. Efi'as Boudinot, General Elias Day
to'n, James Parker, John Bayard, Doctor
Lewis Donham, Samuel W. Stockton, Joshua
M, WalliaCe, Joseph ftloomfield, and Elifha
Boudinot, ot Ncw-Jerfey, who otter the
following Scheme ot a Lottery, and pledge
themfelvrs to the public, that they will take
every allurante and precaution in their p )wt r
to have the Monies paid by the Manager.*,
from time to time, as received, into the
Banks at and Philadelphia, to
remain for the pUfpofe of paving Priz s,
whiich (hall be immediately discharged by a
check upon one of the Banks. *
Prize of 20,060 Dollars iV 20,000
IO,00(2 10,000
14,539 Pr' zes « 262.000
23,461 Blanks. First drawn number, 2,000
Laftdrawn number, 2,000
38,000 Tickets at 7 Dollars each is 566,000
The drawing wilF commence, under the
infpe&ion of a Committee of tf.e Superiri
tendants, as soon as the Tickets are fold, of
which timely notice will be given.
The Superintendants have appointed John
~R« Cuj**mk»g, of New«rk r J««ob R. Har
denberg, of New-Brunfwick, and Jonathan ;
Rhea, of Trenton, as immediate Managers
thereof, who have given ample security for
discharging the trust reposed in them.
(£§" In order to secure the punctual p«y
mentofthe Prizes, the Superintendants of
the Lottery have dire&ed that the Managers
shall each enter into bonds in 40,000 dollars,
with four fufficient fecuritiea, to perform their
iirftru&ions, the substance of which is
I. That whenever either of the Managers
shall receive the sum of Three Hundred Dol
lars, he (hall immdiately plaoe the fame in
one of the Banks of New-York or Philadel
phia, to the credit of the Governor of the
Society, and such of the Superintendents as
'ivc in the city whtre the monies are placed,
to remain thereuntil the Lottery is drawn,
for the payment of the Prizes.
11. The Managers to take fufficient se
curity soT anv Tickets they may trust, other
wise to be refponiible for them.
111. To keep regular books of Tickers
fold, Monies received and paid into the
Bank, abftra£ts of which (ball be ferit,
rrtonthly, to theGovcrnor of the Society.
Pater foo, January l, 1794.
On application to either of the above gen
tlemen, information will be given where
tickets may be had.
February 94.
TH«—Lottery publiflied By" the
44 Society far establishing ufef'ul oianufac
torts," will commence drawing the firft
Tuefdav in November next •-
An Apprentice
To the
Watch Making and
Repairing Business,
Apply TO
C. Campbell.
No. 3, south Fourth street, two doors
from Market-street.
i Sept. 3
PHILADELPHIA:—Printed by JOHN FENNO, No. 119, Chesnut Streit.—Prick Six Dollars Per Annvm.
Esteemed equito any that has been in this
city fc a number of years,
Aid a few Tans of
Good Black Pepper,
rjR sAls sr
/ - l»nus ark/on,
rWt, '-o, .Tit . Wat. r ftrcet.
. Oft. *
No. 8, North Fifth Jlrect,
Have just Publiihed, price j-jfith? of a
* Dollar,
Enbellifbcd with a neat Engraving:
And to be had of the following flookfel
iert, viy. Meflrs.T. Dobfon,W. Young,
H. Campbell. J. Ormrod, and H. Ivam
£,00 O
e, ooo 1
1 #*,000
* A.RIVEti,
bit day a fej pipit of the fn'Ji quality
French Brandy,
Forth Proof,
Forty Hotheads of JirJl quality of
St. >oix Sugar,
aoci Berne!-,
d New and Concise Histort cf the
Revolution in trance,
From its Commencement to the Execu
tion of the Gironde party, and
the death of the Duke of
Oft. 16
I. Neale & H, Kammerer,
Have just published,
And. now for Sale,
Price half a dollar, neatly bound, at the
Bookstores of MclTrs. T. Dobfon, R.
Campbell, and J. Ormrod; alio at H.
KannnStar's, N<3> 14, north Third
Select Stories,
For the inflrufiion and amujement of
Youth. Adapted to the use
of Schools.
From the French of M. Berquin
Extract from the Preface.
To thd honor ps Mr. Bevquiu's tafie,
it may be laid, hat I>2 has united finiple
elegance with iaterefti'ig variety, but ri
gidly feparat d, bfJth si or.i the flighted ap
proach us whatever is vulgar or puerile r
a msrit much more rafih' praised than imi
tated. The art ofamufing chiM.en,whilft
at the fame time the Infant Genius is rait
ed and the Hear; mended, appears from
hit works to be no contemptible cifort of
the mind. Wherever, therefore, 1 lie uti-
lity of such at; undertaking is acknowledg
ed, the reputation of Mr. iScrquiu must
ever be held in deferred efleehi.
" Happily tucii is the agreeable versatili
ty of Mr. Berquin's ftyje aiui genius, that
it wontd be difhiultto pronon.icc in what
department he excels : whether in the
lively or the pathetic.; the limple language
of narrative, or the animated points of
conversation : whether in ihrewd remarks
upon private life, or in florid description
of the beauties of nsture.
" Pieces nl every various excellence
that is to be found in the writings of Mr.
Berquin, compole the following volume,
which, it is hoped, will be thought a valu
able substitute (wheie such maybe prefer,
10 tli« larger and more extenlive
works of the author."
At No. 14, north TiArd Jlreet, may also be
had the folia-wing
New Publications:
Smellit's Natural Philofopy, ij/
History of the French Revolution, 15/
Life of Howard,
The ItaJwnNun, 6f
The Mijrrdff- ? vols. U./j
Devil upon two Sticks, Sf
TheLrfc f-ChefttrfieM, 10/
Chefterfield's principles of Politeness,
& c - sfy
New Robinson Crafoe, 6yK)
The Beauties of Sterce, 4/8
Baron Trenk, 6f
History of America, sf
Evelina, <aNovel, % vols. 11/3
The Inqoifitor,
Golßple e Letter.Writer, 4/6
The Travels of Cyrus, 7/6
Memoirs of Major Gen. Lee, ]
Rural Economy, 7/6
Select Fables of Elop, by R. DodAey,4y"6
■ Vocal Muse, or Ladies Songster, 3/9
Marvellous Works of Nature, 3J6
Sentimental Lucubiations, 3/.
Julia, a Novel, 7,ft> '
Cuiiofitiet of Literature, 3/6
Ladies Literary Companion, i_/9
Miscellanies, moral and instructive, 2/4
Louisa, a poetical Novel, 2/6
Courtship and MatriimStiy, i/S
Sylvan Letters, 1/10
Life of Baron Trcnk, abridged, i/i°
Fables for Ladies, 1/10
Letters feom Yo"ick to Elizx, t/4
Fallen Cottage, Jovial Songiter, fcc. &c\
At/thq ab»n p(ace rn»y be had Blank
JiCeresi kind**
Oftobrr 8.
To be Sold,
The Hoiife, Stables, & Lot
of Ground,
In Second street, between Sprue* and
Union streets, in the occupation of his
Britannic Maiefty's Minister.
The Adjoining Lot,
26 feet front, and i49* eet deep,
terms of sale, apply to
Wm. C-ramond.
Aug. 14
Just Arrived*
And will be landed to-morrow morning at
Hamilton's wharf, the CARGO of the
Schooner Induftrv, Captain Hy lander,
from Havanna, /
85 hhds. Molafles,
Of superior full quality.
106 Boxes and Barrels
White & brown Sugar
Parcel of Ox-Hides ;
Peter Blight.
C O F F E E,
Just arrived in the Hibornia, Captain
Irwin, from Jamaica.
Sept. 23
Dancing School.
Wm. M®OUGALL presents his com
pliments to the Public — A hanks them for
the great encouragement he has experi
enced these twenty odd years. He will
open his School for this Sea Ton oil Monday
the 13th Oiftobtr, at 10 o clock in the
morning, in that large and elegant Saloon
in Harmony street, leading from Third to
Fourth street, turning the corner of No.
70, South Third street.
*d» iaw
His Employers may be allured, the ftrift
order and decorum that has always been
observed in his School, fhull still be pur
sued—and that their children vill be taught
in the most approved and modern stilt
Note—An Evening School for young
Oil. 10
Life of Howard.
f Price 75 Cents)
At Franklin's Head, No. 41, Chefnut
Life, Travels and Philan
thropic Labours,
of the late
jbPIN HOWARD, Esq. L. L. D.
F. R. S.
Embellished witha striking likeness of that
Citizen of the World.
By JOHN AIKEN, m, d.
To whirh is lubjoined an 01>E intenbed to
John Howardj by William Haylev,Elq.
FROM realm to realm, with cross v
cejcent crown'd,
Where'er mankind and misery are found.
O'er burning funds, deep waves, or wilds
of snow,
Great HOWARD journeying seeks the
house of woe.
Down marry a windingfiep to dungeon s dank,
Where anguish wails aloud,and fetters clank:
To Caves bejlrew'd with many a mould riug
And cells, whose echoes only learn to groan;
—OnWard he moves l—Dijcafc and death
And munrt'ring demints hate him, and ad-
Sept. 1
Asfheton Humphreys
Attorney at Law,
Notary Public & Conveyancer,
A T o. 65, Walnut Jlreet, Corner as Dock Jlreet
AT his Office iii South Stcond Street,
the lower corner o4 Norrit's Alley, and
nearly oppoiite the Ci'.y-lavern, continues
to bufinefi in the above branches,
as heretofore, and draws at a moderate
charge, Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, Powers
of Attorney, Bills of Sale, «»d Bottomree
Charter Parttts, Memorials, Petitions,
and Other Instruments in Writii-g. He al
so coMtinues t-> buy and felt Real Estates,
upon Cnmmifiion ; and at present a
few valuable Farms, &c* lor faie.
October n, 179-T
Stock Brokers Office,
No. 16, Wall-street, Nivf-You.
THE Subfcribcr intending to ton fin chi ro
te 1( entirety to the PURCHASE and
leave to off r hiifcrvices to his friends and
others., 111 the line o( a Stock Broker. Thole
who may pleafc lo favor him with their hufi.
nets, may depend upon having it tranfz&ed
with thcuimoft fidelity and dispatch.
Orders I row Philadelphia, Boflon, or any
other part ot the United Stater, will be
ftri&ly attended to.
Principles and Qhjervatitmy
Pot and Pearl AJhes.
Infpeitor of Pot and Pearl-Ashes sot the
Commonwealth of MaffachufettS.
Publtfked according to A<ft of Congress.
These obfervationi relate to an extensive
buGn-efe , and are designed, in the plainest
manner, to convey profitable information
to those interefttd in it, who have notleif
ure or opportunity to search for the princi
ples therein contained, in thje writings of
profeflional Chemists.
A VIEW of the
3ta<w3<u> laivtf.
All persons wiftiing to fend Letter* to
the Army, may, until further notice,
have them fafely conveyed every day,
excepting Sunday, having them left
at the Office of the Secretary of State
of the United States, at 10 o'clock ih
the morning.
Ofiober 16.
Money to be Lent,
On Mortgage of
Within the City and Liberties of Philadel
phia Apply to
Nicholas Diehl, jun.
Attorney Law.
ATo- 19) fcrulh Fourth J}reel.
Aug. 4 mwftftf
John Miller, jun.
No. 8, Chssnut near Front Street,
Hath Imported in the late Vessels
(by the package,)
HATTS ivell ajjorted, Beys' coloured, and
Mens' black
Manchejler Cotton Goods
Slippers and Sandals
Flowers and Feathers
Black and White Lace.
Brown and White, by the Box, laid in oa
OA. 15 oadtf
To the Public.
Is opened for Printing the
Theological Writings
o F
Emanuel Swedenbourg,
At Francis Bailey's Book J! ore, Ao. it 6,
Market Jlreet, Philadelphia,
WHtN a l'ufficient fubfcripiiofi rake»
place, a meeting will be a<l»ertiled to con
lider the inoft «ligiblemodc for conduftinß
ihc printing of such of the Work 1 ; as (hall
be thought to be of the grcateft utility in
the firft inltance.
The following Treat i/es may be now had at
Mr. Bailey's :
The Do<sliint of Life, or the Spiritual
sense of the Ten Commandments.
The Universal Theology of the New
Church j which was foretold by the
Lord in Daniel, ehap. 7, v. J, i?, i 4»
and in the Apocalyple, chap. 21, v. 1,
2, ice.
A luminary View of the Heavenly Doo-
trines of the New Jerusalem Church.
({s* As various opinions have been en
tertained lelpefhng these iuvahaHc writings
and yet no prrfon by rational ar^um 1 "th«
been able to refute them, but instead theie
nt, invidious calumnies and groundlel' re
ports have been induftr'ioufty propagated
todifcredit the honourable and enlightened
Author, as well as his Works, we doubt
not the «annid and sincere inquirer' alter
Truths of the highest importance, will ft
lioufly examine those Works so' thtnjdvti,
in which it 1, to be hoped, thet being m the
puifuit and love of the Truth tor i lie fake
of its native excellence and vji, they will
regard them as ihev justly delerve, and in
the end receive both profit and delight-
Oft. 14 eTuizw
EfTence for the Tooth-ache,
Prepared and fold by Dr. LEL-, Golden
Square, London,- ' .
TBE poblir are offe'Fi! ore of '6e
efficacious and f" a f* e Mediciive*,
appeared, fw that ihoft *xcr*ci»ti«gp®">
The numerous instances of * ,s a PP) c^-
e&s in relieving the aft'ftc-d, hav®
brought it into *u"iverfal eftiroaiioflj
(not only relieves the Tooth-Ache, feat if
of the utmost fevvice i« curing the
Scurvy in the Gums,
In preventing the (Ufagreeable fa ell
that is produced from unsound tefctlv ni
occasioning a sweet breath; likt w ®
pre vents the teeth from decaying* ai <
be found a general prefervci of the Feet
and Gums-
Sold in Philadelphia, only at
Poyntell's stationary store,
No. 21, Second ftnet, loutb.
Alphabetical Lift
Payable br law "n all Goods, Wares, *
Merchandize imporied u>to the
Saatesof America, after the last .
June .-94, difti-J-niftingri" r*t« W«M»
on thole impertod in fliipsor veflelt
United States—ard the rate« pay»b.ein
reign (hipior veflels, including t e .
tional duties, towhichthe refp*ai»e»rtl.
cles are liable.