SJ^ a DAILY EVENING ADVERTISE R. [No. 11 2 of Vol. Vl.] On Thurfdav, The 2.) d ' i/lant, At the Hoiife of Patrick Hoga", No. south Second ' Street, ITHi le SiM iy Public Vendue, At jc o'doek in the Forenoon, ALtms _ Houfhold and Kitchen Furniture, COKStSTING OF Feather-Beds, Bediteads, blanket , Hi ets, Sec. chair., caril-uWes, looking*"filfcs, an eight- day clock, and irort«, (lioveh, and tongs, window and bed curtains, feverai felts 6pen stoves, 3. Biaho»*->y tl* Ik. Ja,)»it'd t>rea! ami contains, befldes, A Compleat Calendar, ALMANACK, for the Year 1795. Lifts of the OAKeri of the American Go vernment, Civil and Military. The terms of the Federal Circuit & Dif trift Courts. ThrXjMtitodei and Longitudes from *»he .Meridian #f Philadelphia, df alllheCaph. Wri Cities io {fee l T uk>n. T»e Attest t>w petiodt whewewrb of firft retted; "KMir NfeAire Territories and nuih fevrtofPeoptet Bomber of Inhabitirrts of each, in Mrb fqnVrd roifc—and a brief State of t)terr relative piogieft In Population ; to gether with varlow other Articles of In formation. Ornamented with an elegant Ffontif piece, Title Page, and twelve VIG NETTES, alluding to scenes iu Thcmp fon'i Seasons, engraved by the mojl inge nious Artijlt in the City. Speedily will be published, and fold at the fame place, APL A N OF THE City and Suburbs PHILADELPHIA. . late and mccurate Jurvty. ■ ""SlSt-Mito will he 24 inche* fijuare ; and will be delivered at may fceft feit the pttr (Tel, Burthen joc Tens, CHARTER, arty PORT Within or Apply to IVho has for Sa/e a few Tons CHIPPED LOGWOOD Just Arrived, Also SuperiorCLAltET in Hogrtieads and Cases. Sept. 4. For Amsterdam, THE SHIP Mpty HOLLAND, Chriftcpher Franklin, jun. Maftr. W)\S p* elltnt accommodations for pdfTth gers, will fiil with all convenient speed, Hav ing the greatest part of her cargo ready to go on board. For freight or paftage, apply to the mailer oil board, to PETER BLIGHT, Or PRAGERS & CO. Aug, id For LONDON, The faji failing copper hot iEy Adriana, IT. FtTZPAtfttCK, Mailer. Will fail with all convenient speed. For freight or palTage, *pply to the Captain on board, at Hazlehurft s wharf, or Thomas & 'John Ketland. October 14. d. Twenty Dollars Reward. RAN away from the fiibfcriberS in Woodbury, Gloucester County, New-Jer sey, on Sunday morning the i2th instant, Two young Negro Fellows, named Jack and Tom,, each about 20 of age } Jack is of a dark black colour and a fottr look ; Tom ts of an open counte nance, of a yellowiih coloOr, and much disposed to laugh. They are active fellows, 2nd but little Ihort of fin feet high j they were both well drefled J lack had on a blue bfoad cloth coat and different kinds of clothes. Whoever takes up (aid fervaflts, and frcuies them in any goal in the United States, fntliat their m.ifiers may grt them again shall receive the above rewa-d and reafonabte expcnce-. 4w3taw. OQ. 14 Tuesday, October *j, Or, JOHN MAYO. dtf. John Vaughan, "John Sparks, Andrew Hnuter. 2au tf A 1* D LANDING Irom m board the Birmingham Packet, Lockyer, and the Henry -an 4 Chmrlej, from Hamburgh, H % M P,' PeterJbiirgb'j firjl quality BAK IROy, Swede], aborted TIN, in pities, do. do. GENEVA in hhds. BAGGING, German ajfortid GLASS TUMBLERS, and Black Quart Bbttles, DEMIJOHNS, Window G/afj, Feathers of superior quality > Mj.rrs, &c. fcv. FOR. SALE BY; Thomas & John Ketland. Aug. 26 , , d City of Washington. SCHEME of -the LOTTERY; No. 11. fnn tub IMPROVEMENT "S ■ !£iß 1 ■ m>" dSSE't PfiDFRAI. -ft. i A magnificent ) Dol!a>«, and dwelling houfc, $ c*£h are 1 ditto 15,000 8c cacti 25,000 1 ditto 15,000 6l ca(h 15,000 1 ditto IOjOOO &£ cacti 10,000 1 ditto 5,000 it c*lh 5,000 x ditto 5,000 & < ash 5,000 1 Cacti priec o| 5,000 each, ate I,o'oo 500 100 50 2 3 20 1O 2 ditto x q ditto 20 ditto jOO ditto 200 ditto 40 Q ditto 1,000 ditto 15,000 ditto 16,739 ' r,2e * 33,261 Blanks 50,000 Tickets it 8 dollars ( 400,000 This Lottcty Will afford ah e'.tgaftt fp*ei mtn of the private buildings to be ere£l d »>» ilit City of Waftungton—Twb beautiful de signs are already feic 6ted for the entire fronts on two of the public fqiijiff4 a hop* these, ii is proposed tkj two c/Wtre and lour coiner buildings, as soon as poflible after this Lottery is fold, and to convey them when complete, to the fortunate adventurers, i«l the manner described in the fchdme for the Hatfel lottery. A nett d port Wine, In Mhds. iS &r. Cajhs Sept. I 9 A FEW PIPES Of Quality Holland Gin, Will be la tided THIS DAY, from on board the ik»op Maiy, A feiv Dtry heavy hogsheads tf Port-au-Prince Sugars, BRANDT, in pipes, Guadaloupe Mfelaffes, £OR SALE BY Levinus Clark Noi 216, (onth Water Stieet. jLso, 50,000 40,000 30, ©CO 20,000 10 000 a FeW hogsheads Or Prime Antigua Rum, 10,oco 10,9C0 3d. Us proof fine flavour i Sep'. 29 lO,o< O 10,000 10,000 i 0,000 10,000 10,000 20,00 c Iso, oco WOOLLENS. A variety of low priced well aflorted WOOLLENS, in small Bales, for Sale by Rtindlt Elf Murgafroyd i No. 11, Walnut-Street Wharf. Also» Best LisbOn and Liverpool Salt, German Steel, Hosiery, See. OA. 6. NOTICE. New Caflle Pier Lottery Examining afid Regijleting Office, At Mr. S.4IWUEL CRAWFORD'S No. 75, north Frem street, 2 doors from Arch ftrecr, ' ' Ticket? are examined and Hegifteieil by eorreft numerical and Re gister B' oks, at the fallowing moderate Charges, vi^. For examiliihg 4 slnqle ticket i-i6th of a Dollar. For registering a Singh ticki* of a Dollar. And notice Will be Tent by tetter (if fortunate or uiiforttinate) to any past of the Continent. TICKETS Ju the City of Waftilngton Lottery, No. a, (Which %fril! commence draWing very soon) RcgMltfed, and thee&rfitft accountfcnt of their f*c«efa. N. B. The Earlitfft Intelligent* of efccb Day's drawing will be reeeivid m litis Ob ficc. And the flips thtriof -ifrill he signed by th* \4*(tagerj 4a hi fcorreff I ffierelbfc to be depended M>» o«ft. 24 TWO or THREE Single Gentlemen May bi accommodated with Boarding and Lodging, In a private family, and a central part of of the City. '-Enquire at this Office. Oil. 14 cod ft eodff Di/laiit Subscribers Forthi> G**etre, are hereby te'fpeflfu!. ly requested :o pay up their StipfEriptionj to the firft of January next. Tne Bditrii will be under the necelfity of cqnlidvring tliofe who d» not theii rene fnawtr at Ring wood, Long Pond, and 1 Charlottcnburg, in the Counties of Bergen aud Morns in the (aid state of New J6-- fey, viz. 12 tta&s of land, contain ing «boui 6533 acres, situate at Rirgwood, on part ol which the Rifigwood Riaitfion l Heufe 1 arid State arc ercfted. 4 trafti of Land, cbritaihtng *bout 6156 acres, futfate on Long Poftd River. 7 tracts of L*nu, containing abotit 6165 Acres, fimate at Chariotteuburg. Thcfe fc/Uas art w< II Worthy of the at tefitioft Of Jfpy man or Company \u clitred to engage cxtenfively in Iron Works : There are fevcra! Buildings and fnfne conti deiable Itnptovt melts or thrfe Lands; about 250 Acies of excellent Meadow, are already cleared, anil touch (note might be ifddcd at a trifling Jixpence. On the Prerptfes t here are several very convenient Seats tor Furnaces, Forges, Mills, Sec. There are at Co some vefy vaNjabfe jroh Mine*. Molt of the unimprov ed Pans ot these Lands are covered with fihe 'fimber. These Estate» will be (hewri by Captain Joseph Board, of Ringvvood, and the Terms of Salt made known by applying to him, or fd Edward Edwards, In Phiiadrlphia, at the coiocr of Sixth and pt. ii At a meeting of the citi zo"» appointed to proeu>e fnbfcriptions lot the relief of thr families of persons who Save marched against the Weftirn Inl'm« gents. JOHN BARCLAY, Esq. was appointed Treaiofer so the lund, and to whom the monies collected wiij be paid. The following persons were appointed to iJiftribute to tlit nectflitons families of jlie'r-efpeftive WARDS, viz. "For fiew.Marlifct Ward Daniel Stniib, Dock Ward Levi Hollinglworth | Waluut Ward James Cox, Southward Nalbro' Frazier, lower Delaware Ahdrew Bayard, Chefnut Ward,' John Stille, Middle Ward Israel Whdleo, North Ward Jgme- Aft, High street Ward Mahlon Hutchin'on I Upper Delaware Wn>; Montgomery j South Mulberry AndiewGuyer, t North Mulberry GcnMVey Haga. PubM/beti by order of the Meeting, . ROBERT RALSTON, Sec*y._ Whereas an attach- ment atthefuit of the admiuiftiatoisof all and Angular the goods and chattels, ri, ht» add cfedifs, which sfrere of William BOr ntt deceased, at the time of his death, liafh'beeft tffu(Fd6u< pi' the lnftrionr Coiut of vi'Wmon pleas, in and for ihe Countyof agatAit the Goods and Chatties i.a>id« and Tenement! of lirnius Martin, late of theootmty aforefaid, returnable to the tfoirdTotffday in July last NOT H E is hereby given to the said Irtnit* Martin, that unless he appear and file special bait» i the said aftien, on or before tlx thirdTuef day in January next, judgint nt will he en tered against him by default, and the good* ind chatties, la"d< and tenements so at tached, fo : d for ihe fatisfaftion of fuels of lis c:editors as shall appear to be juflly cn "itled to any demand thereon, and flia) lap >ly for that purpose, according to the form f the llatute in such cale made & provided By order of the Court, V*ig. Jo, «rwt<" DEARE, Clerk. i iwtf.