PROPOSALS - 3-a^ BY THE PRESIDENT & DIRECTORS 0 F THE INSURANCE COM PANT NORTH "AMERICA. WHEttJEAS by an aft of the Legiflhture of the State of Pehnfyl'udnla ificorporat r ing the blfurante Company of North A mtrica, the Prejtdent and Direftori art authorised to extend their ajjurance to Goods, Wares and Merchandize, or o ther perfonalproperty in Dwelling Hous es, Warehouses or Stores, or to Buildings agd'njl the risk arising from Fire, and having afcirtained that it ii a general defiie that Property of this description Jhould be ajfured from so Jatal a rift, the Proficient and Dirtftors of the Insu rance Company if North America are induced to offer the following TABLE Of Rates and Terms. Tables of Rates of Jlnnua! Premiums to be paid for Affitrance agaitijl Firet No.l Upon commbrt mfurances, or hazards of (He fiVft clifs, uh'n the city of Phifa dclphia and Noithern and Southern Liber tics B ick or Stone Koufes. or St dies. Furniture or M rch&ndiate notbereafter fp£- cified asfx'ra hazardous, contained id Brick or Stone Houses Kot lams not > xceeding 8000 dollars at add after the rite of 30 cent* for every huudred Dollars. , toi Cams »oi ekceedhig rtood at and after the rate of 43 cents for every hun d(ed dollars. • For sums not exceeding 25000 dollars at and afjcrihe rate of 60 cents tor__ejrery hon di d dollars. N, B> As the Neighborhood of framed t>di|diH sud Colourmen, China, Glass and Earthen ware Sellers. Mills and Machinery : Glass ana Pottery Wares in Trade. For sums riot exceeding 8000 dollars at and a her tin: r ate of cents for eveiy hundred dollars. For funis riot extending 16060 dollars at ind after the "rate oi 150 cents for every bun dled dollars. CONDITION& ill A written application must beJcft at the Company V Office ftaiing the sum desired *o be injured, by Whom, and a description ol the kind ot property, whether Buildings or Ooßds j vyHat krfld of goods, and how fnujfc. upon each building, or the goods in each, wh'ihc there areoWl hadfes or ftorei. When Household GooMs are rntended to bt infbred the application Inoulcf as follows, Dollars On Houfeh'ohi Furniture and Linen On Wekrinjf A^partl On China and Glafa On Printed Itooka On L-.quo 13 2nd. The.Premium must be paid when the Order is given and accepted, the Infu.- ■nce to cotri&lnGe tfte inltant it is paid, and continue in force lo long a? the payment shall be annually tnidV; it Hie office before £ o'chfck p. M. on the day when each revolution ot the term is complete*; dr day lhall happen oh a Sunday or 4th July, or afty other Holi day kept at the Office, then oti the day pre ceding. 3d If any other in far ante be exiftingon the fame property notice thereof mtrft be given with (he order,other wife the Policy wiH be void. 4th. Goo'ds hclß in Truftoi ©n Commlf fion, must be declared to be so held, other wise the Policy will not cover fnch Property. sth. This Company will not be accounta ble fo r any Ms or damage caafed by tfrty Fo reign Invasion, or by any Military or Ufurp td Force* or by realon of afry Civil Commo tion. .v, 61 h. Bills o' Exchange, Bonds, Securities, Title Deeds, Money, irid B*nk and "Wlher Protmffory Nores STe not nfcftrtWd tin ker any infufihee. Paintings,Nfedals,-Jewels Gems, Antique Curiosities and Mirrors, a bove iol, e*ch, mfcy be Insured by fpccial A g'eemcnt. /rh. No Irifurance toill br made for a less term than One Year. Bth. Per Tons c hoofing to In Cure for Seven years lhall be allowed On® year's Premium by way of discount ; alio one-third of a year's Premium upon a (riennal Insurance. 9th. When any loss by Fixe is fuftain-ri on property insured at this Office, the iufferer (ball in thirty days furnifh the best docu ments he is able of the value of the Goods damaged or deftroytd ; this ascertained, the loss within the fiuro insured (hall be paid without deduction in thirty days after proof thereof. K. B. It it expected a little experience may authorize the Company to extend aiTur. ance from Fire to other Cities ; at prcfent they confinc this branch of their butinefs to Philadelphia and its Vicinity, in Pcnnfylvfc nh. By Order, EBENEZER HAZARD, Set'ry Oa. 18 Burlington Pork. A QUANTITY OF Best Burlington Pofk> TO BB SOLD BY Levi Hollingfwofth & Co. o6. * d. AT THE Card & Nail Factory, No. ,59, north Front street, WebfteTj Adgate & White, Have conjiantly for sale, potton, Wool, Tow, and Machine Cards, Of all Kinds, Cut Nails of all sizes, Floor Brads, Sprigs and Tacks, Fullgrs Shears, Gun flints Snd Wool Hats, A Quantity of kiln dried Indian Meal in barrels A new Edition of Adgate's Philadelphia Harmony, containing both the firft and se cond fiart«, he tug the nloft apioved fyr. trro of Rules and the best c6leftion of Tunes now in use, Atfo for Shir, Machinery for making Cords On ai IrtiproVfcd Conftru&ion. Oft. 2 w&stf Scheme of a Lottery, To raise 39,900 Dollars, on a 66,000 Dollars, Deducting 15 per Cent, from the Prizes— This Lottery confijls of 38,000 Ticketi, in which there , Rufus King, Herman Le Roy, JanleS Watson, Richard Harrifon, Abijah Harhmorfd, arid Cornelius Ray, of the city of New-York— Thomas Willing, JAfephUall, Matthew M - Cohnel arid Arfdrew Bayard, of the city of Philadelphia—His Ekccllerifcy Rithard How ell, Esq. Elias Boudihot, General EliasDay ton, James Parker, John Bayard, Do&or Lewis Dunham, Sahiu< I W. Stockton, JoOiua #1. Wallace/ jbfeph fel<*OrrtHM<&, and ETifHa Koudirtot, of who offer thi following Schem£ of a Lottery, and pledge themfeiyes to the public* tnat they will take every aflur :ncc and precaution in their power to Have the Monies paicl by the kfanagers, from time to time, as received, into the Bairks at New-Ytifk and Philadelphia, to remain for the pu'rpofe of p*ymg Prizes, which fhali fte immediately dlfchargtd by a elWdt upon one of thfc Banks. SCHEME: Pfize of so,oo'o fjoTlars ft 46,000 '1 10,600 io,bbo a '8,000 5 «,ooa to,doe 10 i,obo <0,000 26 j'o'o in,ooo roe 166 jbjooo god $• tooo J 2000 '3tfder t6 fectfre the ptrtV&ual pfcy nient of the Priies, the 6f the Lottery have dire&ed that the Managers fhaft each enter into bonds in 46,600 dollars, with four fufficient securities, to peffor*m their inftttftion*, the fu&ftattce of which ii I. Thfft whfriever either of the Managers (toall receive the sum of Three Hundred Dol lars, he (hall imifidiatel'y place the Yarfie in one of the Banks of New-York 6r Philadel phia, to the ciedit of the G6reYnorof ttre Society, and such of the Superintendents as Hve in the city whefe the monies are placed, (0 remain fhctfe until the Lottery is drawn, for the payment of the Prizes. 11. The Managers to take fufficient se curity for any Tickets they may trust, other wise to be refponnble for them. 111. To keep regular bdoVs of Tickets fold, Monies received and paid ihto the Bank, abftra&s of Which ftiall be sent, monthly, to the Governor of the Society Paterfon, January 1, 1794. On application to eithev of the at»oVe igen tlemen, information 'Will be given where tickets may be had, February *4. The Lottery publilhed by the •'Society for eftablilhing dfeful manufac tures," will commence drawing the firft I Tuesday in November next PHILADELPHIA:—PriSted by JOHN FENNO, No. 119, Chisnut Strset.—Pric* Six Dollars Per Annum. This day a few pipes of the jirjl quality French Brandy, Fourth Proof, Efteemfed equal to any that has been in this city for a numbfct 6f year 6} ALSO, *eod4t Salt, Good Black Pepper, FOR SALE BT Levinus Clarkfon, No. 416, soUth Water street. 0«. 8 d No. 8, North Fijth Jlreet, Have just Pablifhed) price 9-l'ths of a Dollar, EmbefJifbed tt of the friintl. Wlitrevef, therefore, the uti lity of futh an \indtrtaking is acknowledg ed, the reputation of Mr. Berquin mud eyer be held in deserved efteerii. " Happily fu'ch is the agreeable verfatili of Br. fteiquin's style and that it would be dimctiltto pronounce in what department lie exufck ; wßtth'er i 6 the lively or the pathetic; the simple language of narrative, or the animated points of converfatioh : whether in ihrewd remarks ilpdn private Irfe, <5t in florid description of thte beauties of iraturfc. " Pieces ol evet'y Vflritfufe efccfcHenr'e that is to be found hi the writings of Mi. Berqijin, c'ompofe the volume, wfiich, it is hoped, will be thonght a valu able fubftitutt he e such may b'e p'reler r#d) tothd and Wor6 dxtenlfiye works of the fame authjar.'* At JSfe. nttftb tfbihdfirM, -may dffb It i>a4 tbi fatlo^vi.lg 80,000 36,000 $B>bv6 81, bob The Devil upon two Sticks, jf The Life of Ghefteifreld, '10f thefterfielcl's Principles ot' Politeoefs, &C. 5 /y New RotfinTon CruTof, 6fb "rt'e Btatitfes bf Sterne, 4/S feardti Tienk, (if ♦liftory «*f America, sf ~ Evelina, aNovel, 2 vols, ri/j THi Inqtrffttor, 5/3 Cottiple * tetter.Writer, 4/8 The Travel of Cyru*, 7/6 Memoirs ot Mnjor Gen. Lee, 8/^ RoraH Economy, Ijb Letftfs from Yorfek to ETrza, i/4 Fallen Cottfcge, Jov'fti Sbngftfcr, #c. Brc ALSO, At fhi abovfc place nray be had Blank Books of different kinds. The House, Stables, & Lot of Ground, In Second street, between Spruc» and Jnion street s, in the occupation of bis Britannic Maiefty's Minift«r. J ALSO tn&fif 26 feet front, and 149 feet desp. For ferifis df sale, apply to Win. Cfatfidnd. AkRIVEty Forty Hog/heads of jirjl quality of Si. Croix- Sugar, And a few Toils of HofF and Derrick, merer, Ofl. 16 HATE JOST poßLiiHfO, And now for Sale, Touts. Adapted to the ttfe of Schools. From tht French of M. Berquin Extract from tie Prefttce. New PuWicatidrts: SDtelfie'sNaturkl Ptiihiftpy, ijf History of the Prench KeVblbewh. is/" Life of Howard, Ttie lialisn Nari, (>f The Mirror, 2 v<>ls. 1 \fy Select Fables of Eiojp-, by R. Docffley,4J% Vocal Mafe, or Latties Songster, ofo Marvellous Worki Of Nature, g_/6 Sentimental Lucubrations, y. Julia, a Novel, 2/6 Cui iofities of Literature, 3/6 Ladies Literary Companion, 2/9 Slilceltanies, mora) and inftrn&ive, iso Looifa, a poetical Novel, 2/5 Cburtfhip artd MafitTlbbV iys Sylvan Letters, 1/10 Lift! of Baton Treiik, abridged, j/io Fables for Ladles-, 1/10 Ofiober 8. To be Sold) The Adjoining Lot, Aug. 14 Just Arrived, And will be landed to-morrow morning at Hamilton's wharf, the CARGO of the Schooner Industry, Captain Hylander, from Havanrta, Br y hhds. MolaiTeS* Of superior full quality. 106 Boxes arid Barrels White & brown Sugar AND A Parcel of Ox-Hides ; for sale by Peter Blight. also, A PARCEL OF COFFEE, Jtift arrived in the Captain Irwin, from Jamaica. Sjfet- *3 Dancing School. Wm. M'DOUGALL preltntS his com pliments to the Public —Th*nks them filr the great encouragement he has experi enced these twenty odd years. He will open his School for this Season on Monday ■the 13th October, at lo o'clock in the morning, in that lafge and elegant Saloon in Hartnony street, leading from Third to Fourth street, taming the corner of No. 70, SouthThitd lttect. *dl law His Employers may be a flu red, the ftridl order and decorum that has always been observed in his School, fha.ll still be pur sued—and that their children will be taught in the molt approved and modern stile Note—-An Evening School for young Gentlemen. o(ft. ro Life of Howard* THIS DAT IS PUBLISHES» by J. O R M R O D, (Price 75 Gents) At Franklin's Head, No. 41, Chefnut A VIEW of the Life, Travels and Philan thropic Labours, of the late JOHN HOWARD, Esq. L. L. D. F. R. S. Embellished witha striking likeness df that By JOHN AIKEN, m. Ik To whirh is subjoined *11 ODE inferibed to John Hotvaid, by William Hayley,Elq-I FkOM realm to rmlnt", withtYofs eh cejceiit troturi'd) Wbtre'er manhnd and mifcrjare found<, O'er burning sands, deep iwveJ, tr t»iUh offiimu, Great HOWARD journeying feeSs Ibe house of ivoe. Dtrnvrrmany a winding Jhp tbdungionsdhnk, Whtreanguifh <1 uaUs aloud,and fetters clank: To caVes bejireiv'd with many a mould'ring bone, And cells, whose echoes only learn to groan; —Cthkuard he fridges—-Difei\fe a'tld "dtath retire, And Wurtn'rhtg dentin* hate him, Und ad mire. Sepi' I Asfheton Humphreys, Attorney tit Law, Notary Publid & Conveyances AT his Office in South Second Street, the lotver corner of Nntris'S Atfcy, and nearly oppcfite the Cit'y-Tave'rn, cofttinries to tanfafl bufirffef* in the above branches, as heretofore, and draws at a moderate chsigle, tieetls, Bonds, Mortgages,' Powers of Atrtriiey, Bi : lls bf Rkle, and Bottomree Clvarfe'r •'Parti-s, MeftiKTnts, Petitions, antl other Iftftruhiefits in Writing. Heal fo cogtinues to b\iy-acd—Ggil-R.pal Eftat^c, upon Commission ; and has at present a f£w valuable Farms, &c. Tor fa'e. hfvhehim- X fell cntifcly to (he PUR-CHASE and SALE of STOCKS on COMMISSION,b« gs TeaVc to off r hisfervices to his friends and OtTrc*rsj ?h the line oi i Stotfk Broker, tffitffe who may pletofe to favor hrm withrtfeir tftifi. n4f«, may depend upon having it trferifa&ed with theuiirtoft fidelity and -lifpatch. "Ortfefs frO'itt fedftdn, or any other part of the United States, WFll V* itri&ly aitended to. LfiONAfeD BLfECKEfi. THOMAS DOBSON, Principles atid Übfet*Utitiolhs 2&w2w APM.IED TO THC Htanufacture Pot and Pearl Jijbes. By DAVID TOWNSEND, Infpe&or of Pot and Pearl-Ashes for the Commonwealth of'Maflachufetts. PuMHhed acc'ordiffp tb A eft of C&Tigreis. These observations relate ttran tSrfeiifKt ; and ire (fefigned, Jh the-plaJneft manner, to convey profitable informattMi ] to tbofc interelted in it, who have not leis ure or opportunity to search for the princi ples therein contained, in the writings of profefiional Chemists. w&stf consisting of Street, Citizen of the World, 3teiui, ports have been to (iifci edit the honourable and enligkttiied Author, as well at hU Works, we ivub't hot "At ahd friTtel'fcfnJftitt/i'i Sfser THitlu of (Be •#«!'»- rioirfty examine those Warki ifirtlfnjkha, in which it is to be hopeti, tbet beihg >• the puiluit and love of the Truth for the f*ke of its ria'ti«e eSceflence and Mc, ftey *i 0 rrgard thfclnVi ftlfcy juWyijfcfeVv*, ««61n tie end rtetfvt "bbtli prtfit kbd AMjbf. OA. n Eflence for the Tooth-ache, Prepared aftd fold by Dr. 'LEE 9 Golden Square, London. TTrtTpufctfr; are offered one of the most effic'acions and fa'fe rClec'icines, that ever appeared, for That rtioft ekt rtidating paih the Tooth-Ache; The numerous instances a( its happy ef fc &'s in rettevihg the affl fted, have row biV>iVght ft ifit'o orttVM'lil tflfir'afion ; it snot ndty the Thefto-Ach*, faiit ii of theunfroft ferv'irC in curin? the SeurVy i*i tbe Gums, In pferfentittg the that is produced from übffriJrid tWfh, d occasioning a fwefet breath; it lflcetr»fe prevents the teeth from decaying, arc! wilt "befounci a general prefervei of the Teefb and Gurtir- SoW Mitf Vf PeyMeli's ftattonary fltfrt, ■Jib. 2'r, Sefc6h'd 'ftiVe't, lotrth. oa. , 3» TO fcE SOLt), By THOMAS DOBSON, A N Alphabetical DUTIES Payable aF! GooSj, -end WeffckSntfiit iWf>oVft