Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, October 17, 1794, Image 4

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    John Miller, jun.
No. 8, Chfsnut near Front Street,
Imported in the late Vessels
(by the package,)
HATTS well ajjorted, Boys' coloured, and
Mrns' black
Manchefler Cotton Goods
Slh'xrs and Saidals
Flowers etnd Feathers
Black and White Lace.
Brown and White, by the Box, laid in on
Otf. 1- oadtf
Money to be Lent,
O 1 VI yrti»aje of
W'thin the City ami Liberties Philadel
phia Apply to
Nicholas Diebl, jun.
Attorney at Law.
No. iO« south Fourth jlreet.
Au . 4 mw&ftf
Medical Books.
By Thomas Dob/on, at the Stone Houfc
Xo. 41 j fo'.ith Scc-o d Jireet,
VOL. 11.
Medical Inquiries
O B serVAT lONS.
Froli tfor of the Inttitutcs pt Medicine, and
of Clinical Pratlice in the Univer
fityof Pennsylvania.
1. An inquiry into the influence of phyfica
causes upon the moral faculty.
2. An inquiry iuto the cffetts of fpiritous li
quors npon the human body, and their in
fluence upon the happincfs of society.
а. An inquiry into the causes and cure of the
pulmonary consumption.
4. Obfervafions 011 the fymptumsand cure of
dro plies.
5. An Inquiry inio the caufesand the cure of
internal dropsy of the brain.
б. An account of the measles, as they ap
peared in Philadelphia, in the year 1789.
7: An account of the influenza, as it appeal
ed in Philadelphia in the yeai s 1789,1790,
and 1791.
8. All inquiry into the causes of theincfcafc
of bilious and remitting fevers, in Pertn-
9, An inquiry into the caufes&nd cure of fore
10. Anacconntof the state of the body and
mind in old age, with observations upon
its difcafes and their rt medies.
Price one dollar and a quarter unbound, or
one dollar and a half neatly' bound.
Medical Tranfa&ions
College of Phyftcians of Philadelphia.
VOL. I—p A R r I.
Piicc one dollar in boards.
A Treatise on the Diseases of
With general directions for the management
of Infants from the birth, adapted for
theufeoi physicians and private families.
By Michael Underwood, M. D.
Licentiate of Midwifery in the Royal Col
lege of Physicians in London, and
Physician of the British
L v 1 n £-i n- H ofpit a I.
Price one Dollar.
Tbis is acknowledged to be the bell book
vrhich'has £icen published on the fubjefi, and
is calculated for the of parents, nurses,
and families, as well as for physicians
—The two volumes handfoihely printed in
one, and the price only about one third of
what the imported copies fell for.
Thtf Edinburgh New Dispensatory, two
System of Surgery, extra&ed from the
work* of Benjamin Bell, by Dr. Waters, 2
dols. 50 cents.
Syilem of Anatomy, elk traded from the
Encyclopaedia, with I a copperplates, 2 dols.
System of Cbcmiftry, extracted from the
.Encyclopaedia, exhibiting a view of the pro
gress the fciencee, and the different systems
wmciilwve been puhlifhed, 2 dols. 50 cents.
Brown's Element? of Medicine, 2 dols.
67 cents.
T. Dob/on has in the Prefix
An edition ot the Medical and Philofophi
cal Commentaries of Two v®l
gmes arc printed in one at 2 dol'ars and 50
cents per volume ; he has nearly fViifhcd the
five firft volumes, which contain the firft ten
volumes ot the European edition, which fell
for two dollaiscach. Nine volumes will in
clude eighteen European volumes, which
will briogthc publication uw?o the present
time. /
Like wife for sale a a
Medical A
Cnllen's K ' t>x«f Materia ftfedicj, Phvfi
ologv, andSy* |sis. Bell'sSurgerv, 6vols.
or 4 vols, do.OW&lcers, ttuchan's Domestic
Medicine, Ledran's Surgery,JCbelelden's A
netomy, Hunter on the typical, Swedeca
ver on do. Rolloon Welt India Di (cases*;
Rigby on Istenne Helhurrhagr, Hamilton's of the theory and practice of Mid
wifery, with or without plates; do. on the
management ot Female complaints. Mease
on Hydrophobia, Slc.Scc.
Burlington Pork.
Best Burlington Pork,
Levi Hollingfworth & Co.
oa. 6
Fine Liverpool
To Be Sold
From the Ship Thomas,
The feeoftd wharf below Pine-Strfeet, ap
ply at said wharf, to
Jehu Hollingfworth, & Co.
Aug. 26. d.
Card y Nail Faflory,
No. 59, north Front ftrtTet,
Webster, Adgate & White,
Have conjlantly for sale,
Cotton, Wool, Tow, and
Machine Cards,
Of all Kinds,
Cut Nails of all sizes,
Flrfor Brads, Sprigs and 'fatks,
Fullers Shears, Gun Flints and Wool
A quantity of kiln dried Indian Meal in
A new Edition of AHgate's Philadelphia
Harmony, containing both the firft and se
cond parts, being the most aproved fyf
trm of Rules and the. best coleftion of"
Tunes now in use,
Machinery for making Cards
On an Improved Co-ntrudtion,
Oft. 2
Scheme of 51 Lottery,
To raise 39,900 Dollars, on 266,000 Dollars,
Dcdufttni 15 pea Centl from the Prizes—
This Lottery consists of 38,000 Tickets, in
luhich there are 14,531 l'rius> and 23,461
Blanks, being about one and an half blanks to
a prize.
THE Directors of the Society for establish
mg Ufeful Manufactures, having resolv
ed to ere£t .LOTTERIES for raising One
Hundred.Thousand Dol l a r s, agreeably
'O an Aft of the Lcgiflature of the of
Ncw-Jerfey, have appointed the following
persons 1*) Superintend and dire£l the draw
ing of the fame, viz. Nicholas Low, Rufus
King, Herman Le Roy, James Wat fori,
Richard Harrifon, Abijah Hammond, and
Gorriclins Ray, of the city of New-York—
lhoma> Willing, Jpfeph Ball, Matthew M'.
Connei and Andrew Bayard, of the city of
Philadelphia— His Excellency Richard How
ell, Esq. Elias Boudinot, General Elias Day
tort, Jam s Parker, John Bayard, Do#or
Lew is Donham, Samuel W. Stockton, Joshua
M. Wallace, Joseph Bloomfield, and Eli(ha
Boudinot, of N< w-Jerfey, who offer the
following Scheme ot a Lottery, and pledge
tlujinfelves to the public, will take
every affuranee and precaution in their power
to have the Monies paid by the Managers,
from tinae to ttitic, as received, into the
Banks at and Philadelphia, to
remain for the piirpofe of paying Priz s,
which (hall be immediately discharged by a
check upon one of the Banks.
f 4>539 P r,z es. 262,000
23,461 Blanks. First drawn number, 2,000
Laftdrawn number, 2,000
38,000 Tickcts at 7 Dollars each is 266,000
The drawing will commence, under the
infpeftion of a Committee of the Superin
tendants, as soon as the Tickets are fold, of
which timelv notice will be given.
The Supcnntendants have appointed John
N. Cummiog, of Newark, Jacob R. Har
denberg, of New-Brunfwick, and Jonathan
Rhea, of Trenton, as immediate Managers
thereof, who have given ample security for
discharging the trust reposed in them.
@3" In order to secure the punctual pay
ment of the Prizes, the Superintendants of
the Lottery have dire&ed that the Managers
(hall each enter into bonds in 40,000 dollars,
with/our fufficient fecuriti< s, to perform their
inftru&ions, the substance of which is
I. Tirat whenever either of the Managers
shall receive thefum of Three Hundred Dol
lars, he shall immdiately place the fame in
one of the Banks of New-York or Philadel
phia, to the cieditot the Governor of the
Society, and such of the Superintendants as
•ive in the city where the monies arc placed,
;o remain thereuntil the Lottery is drawn,
'or the payment of the Prices.
11. The Managers to take fufficicnt fe
rnrity for any Tickets they may trust, other
wise to be refponnble for them.
iWjiiUrable number oj
111. To keep regular books of Tickets
fold', Monies received and paid into the
B'nfc, abftratts of which (hall be sent,
monthly, to thcGovernor of the Society.
On application to cither of the above gen
tlemen, information will be given where
tickets may be had.
IfJdT The Lottery published by the
««Society for establishing nfeful manufac
tures," will commence drawing the firft
k Tuesday in November next —
PHILADELPHIA:—Printed by JOHN FENNO, No. 119, Chesnut Street.—Price Six Dollars Per Annum.
Also for Sale,
Piizcof 20,000 Dollars is 20,000
10,000 10,000
5,000 *0,000
2,000 10,000
1,000 10,000
500 if»,ooo
100 10,000
Paterfon, January 1, 1794.
February 24,
This day a few pipes of the jhfl quality
French Brandy,
Fourth Proof,
Esteemed equal to any that has been in this
city for a number of years,
Forty Hog/heads of firfl quality of
St. Croix Sugar,
And a few Tons of
Good Black Pepper,
Levi tins Clarkfott,
No. 2 j6, south Water street.
Oft. 8 d
7'he Gazette of the United
States is now published at No. 119
Chf.snut street —to ivlnch plare thx
OFFICE of the Editor is removed, and
Iwhere Printing Work in general is
performed. ■
,1. Neale & H. Kammerer,
Have just published,
And now for Sale,
Price half a dollar, neatly bound, at the
Bookltores of Meflrs. T. Dobfon, R.
Campbell, and J. Ormrod ; also at H.
Kammertr's, No. 24, north Third
Select Stories,
For the injlruclwn and amujement of
Touth. Adapted to the use
From the French pi M. Berquin.
ExtraCl from the Preface.
■' To the honor of Mr. Berqtiin's taste,
it may be laict, that lie has united simple
elegance with interefti g variety but ri
gidly feparat d both fiftrn the slightest ap
proach of whatever is vulgar or pneiile :
a merit much more calily praised than imi
tated. Tile art of an;uiing child etipwJilUl
at the fame time tlie Infant Genius is rait
ed and the Heart mended* appears from
his works to be no contemptible effort of
the mind. Wherever, therefore, tbe uti
lity of such an undertaking is acknowledg
ed, the reputation of Mr. Bcrquin mult
ever be held in deserved etteeni.
" Happily such n the agreeable rerfatili
ty of Mr. Berqum'sftvleauri genius, that
it would be diSicuittd pronource in what
department he excels ! whether in the
lively or the pathetic; the limple language
of narrative, or the animated points of
conversation : whether in flirewd remarks
upon priva'e life, or in flerid description
of the beauties of nature.
ii Pieces of every various excellence
that is to be found iir the writings of M«.
Beiquin, coin pole the following volume,
which, it is hoped, will be thought a valu
able substitute (whe e fuchjinay be prefer*
red] to the larger and moie extenlive
works of the fame author/'
At No. 24, north ThirdJlreet, may also be
had the following
New Publications.
Smellie's Natural Philof pv, ij\f
History u l . the French Revolution, I$J
Life of* Howard,
1 he Italian Nun, 6f
The Mirror, 2 vols. 11/3
The Devil upon two Sticks,
The Life of Chcftei field, 10f
Chefterfield's Principles of Politeness
&c tfy
New Robin foil Crufoc, 6/6
The Beauties of Sterne, 4/5
Baron T'enk, 6f
History of America,
Evelina, aNovel, 2 vols. 11/3
The■■lnquifitor, 5/3
Com pie e Leuer-Writer, 4f6
The Travels of Cyrus, 7/0
Memoirs of Major Gen. Lee, Bfa
Rural Economy, IJ6
Sek<st Fables of Eiop, by 11.
Vocal Muse, or Ladies Songster, 3/9
Marvellous Works of Nature,
Sentimental Lucubrations, 3/*
Julia, a Novel, 2\Jb
Cuiiofities of Literature,, $JTt
Ladies Literary Companion, 2f<)
Mifceilanies, moral and inftrudtive, 2J4
Louisa, a poetical Novel, 2[6
Courtlhip and Matrimony, 2/6
Sylvan Letters, i/io
Life of Baron Trenk, abridged, 1/1O
Fables for Ladies, \JIO
Letters from Yorick to Eliza, 1/4
Fallen Cottage, Jovial Songiter, &c. &c
At the above place may be had Blank
Books of different kinds.
O&ober 8.
81, coo
To be Sold,
The House, Stables, & Lot
of Ground,
In Second street, between Sprue# and
Union streets, in the occupation of his
Britannic Majesty's Minister.
The Adjoining Lot,
26 feet front, and 149 leet Jeep,
terras of sale, apply to
Win. Cramond.
Aug. 14
Ran Away,
FROIVT the Subscriber a servant Girl,)
namtd Catherine Adam*. Whoever wil
take up and bring back to her Mafler the
said Girl, (hall receive Twenty Cents re
ward, and no charges.
of Schools
2a w 2 w
Caleb Wilkins.
Just Arrived,
And will be landed to-morrow morning at
Hamilton's wharf, the CARGO of the
Schooner Induftrv, Captain Hylander,
from Havanna,
85 hhds. Molaifes,
Of superior full quality.
106 Boxes and Barrels
White & brown Sugar
and a
Parcel of Ox-Hides ;
Peter Blight.
Just arrived in the Hibernia, Captain
Irwin, from Jamaica.
Sept. 23
Dancing School.
Win. M'DOUGALL presents his com
pliments to the Public—Thanks them for
rhe great encouragement he has experi
enced these twenty othl years. He will
open his School for this Seaion on Monday
the 13th Odtober, at 10 o'clock in the
morning, in that large and elegant Saloon
in Harmony street, leading from Third to
Fourth street, turning the corner of No.
70, South Third street.
His Employers may be assured, the ftricft
order and decorum that has always been
observed in his School, fhs.ll still be pur
sued—and that their children will be taught
in the most approved and modern stile
Note—An Evening School for young
o<3. 10
Life of Howard.
( Price 75 Cents J
At Franklin's Head, No. 41, Chefnut
A VIEW of the
Life, Travels and Philan
thropic Labours,
of the late
- F. R. S.
Embelliftied witha linking likeness of that
Citizen of the World.
■To which is fiibjpined an ODE inlcribed to
John Howatd, by William Hayley, Elq.ji
FROM realm to realm, ivith croft or
oejeent crown'd,
Wherever mankind and misery are found,
O'er burning sands, deep waves, or wilds
of /now,
Great HOWARD journeying seeks the
house of woe,
Down many a winding Jlep to dungeons dank,
Whereanguijh wails aloud, and fetters clank:
To caves beflrew*d with many a mould*ring
And cells, whose echoes only learn to groan;
—Onward he moves !—Difeafe and death
And murm ring demons bate bim >
Sept. i
Asfheton Humphreys,
Attorney at Law,
Notary Public & Conveyancer,
AT his Office in South Second Street,
the lower bonier of Norris's Alley, and
nearly oppofile the City-Tavern, continues
to tranfsft. bufir.efs ip the above branches,
as heretofore, u nd draws at a moderate
chatge : Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, Powers
of Attorney, Bills of Sale, and Bottomree
Charter Parties, Memorials, Petitions,
and otlur 1 nfti uments in Writing. He al
so continues to buy ai d fell Real Estates,
upon pommifTiikn ; and has at piefent a
few valuable Farms, &c. for sale.
Oftrtber 11, 1794
Stock Brokers Office,
No. i 6, Wall-street, Nf.w-York.
THE Subfcnbei intending toconfinchim*
fclf entirely to the PURCHASE and
SALE of STOCKS on gs
leave to off r hisfervices to his friends and
others, in the hne of a Stock Broker. Those
\v ho may pleafc to favor him with their bufi.
nels, may depend upon having it tranfa&ed
with the uimoft fidcfiiy and difpaich.
Orders Iroin Philadelphia, Boston, or any
other part of the United States, will be
ftri&ly attended to.
Principles and Observations
o F
Pot and Pearl AJhes.
Infpeilor of Pot and Pearl-Aflies for the
Commonwealth of MafTachufetts.
Published according to A<fl of Congress.
These obfervattons relate to an extensive
business ; and are designed, in the plainest
manner, to convey profitable information
to those interested in it, who have not leis
ure or opportunity to fcarch for the princi
ples therein contained, in the writings of
profeflional Clitmifts.
All persons wiftung to fend Letter# to
the Array, may, until further notice,
have them fafely conveyed every day,
excepting Sunday, by having them left
at the Office of the Secretary of State
of the United States, at 10 o'clock in
the moi ning.
i October 16.
HoiT and Derrick,
No. 8, North Fifth Jireet,
Have just Published, price 9-i6ths of a
Emlelli/hed with a neat Engraving:
And to be had of the following Booksel
lers, v'l7. Meflrs. T. Dobfon,W. Young,
R. Campbell, J. Ormrod, and H. ICam
A New and Concise History ef the
Revolution in France,
From its Commencement to the Execu
tion of the Gironde party, and
• the death of the Duke of
oa. 16
At the STORES of
Jeffe & Robert Wain,
PORT WINE in pipes, hhds. and tjuar.
ter casks *
LISBON pipes and quarter caiks
Souchong and Congo TEAS, in quarter
A quantity of Lisbon and Cndiz SALT
Soft ihelled ALMONDS in bales
in do.
Ruflia MATTS.
June 9
the following
Tracts of Land,
in Virginia, *
ONE tract in Fredenck county, contain
ing 8756 acres, being part of that whereon
col. Thomas Bryan Martin now refdes,
known by the name of Greenway court, a
boMt 12 miles fropi Winchester and 5 from
Newtown. For the Co-ve- ience of pur
chasers, it will be divided into parcels of
dimensions fiom 200 to 600 acres,
which may be viewed by application to col
R. K. Meade, living near theprc-mifes—.
The greater part is very fertile and well
Another tiadt in the fame county on
PafTage creek, containing 230 acres, and
adjoining Jacob Levingoods.
Another tract in Hainpfhire county,con
raining by patent, 699 acres, called Slim
Bottom, situate oit both fides ot the South
Branch and within two miles of the mouth
of it, and is supposed to have a good mill
Another tratt in Hamp/hire county* on
New Creek and Kettle-Lick , containing
5Pi acres.
Another t/aft in Prince William county, I
called Leefylvania, containing upwards of
2300 acres, Poromack river, a
ba-ut 2£ miles below Alexandria, and 28
below the City of Wa/hirgtoi), compre
hending Freestone Point, which appears to
be a quarry of free-ft oik, covering about
50 acres and adjoins the river, where ves
sels of 100 tons conveniently harbour. On
another part of this tr aft it isfuppofed there
is a quarry of slate, convenient to water
carriage. Upwards of two thirds are in
woods. Mr. Enoch S. JLai>c r living on (lie *
premiles, will fhew'tbis trail.
Another true*, in Fairfax county, called
Springfield, containing 2040 1-2 acres, a
bout miles si 0111 Alexandria and lofrom
$ta<w2 ) <w,
Washington ; abounds with fine fpiingjt and
meadow ground, and may be ieen by apply
ing to Mr. John Wood, Jiving on part of
Anothertraft in Fairfax county, con
taining 392 acres, on Turkey-cock Run, a
bont 6 inilesfrom Alexandria.
Another tradt in Fairfax contain
ing about 176 acres, adjoining Mr. J. Wat
son's feat, about four miles from Alexan
Another tract, in Fairfax county, con
tainingsl3 acres, near Occoquan, joining
Mr. Edward Waftingion's.
Anoti'.er tract, in Fairfax county, con
taining 80 acres or thereabout, within a
mile of Pohick Lauding, and within five ■
miles of Mount Vernon, lies level, and is'
well timbered
An undivided moiety in another tract,
containing about 284 acres, in Fairfax
county, about 5 miles from NVafhington, &
9 from Alexandria, where J. Robinson for
merly 4ived.
Another parcel of land, within a mile
of Alexandria,containing about 24 acres,
and to be fold in acre or half-acre lots.
Also, sundry unimpioved lots ofvariouj
sizes, in different parts of tiie town of Al
rodefcribe the premises more particu
larly is deemed unnecessary, ti it is expec
ted every person will examine and view
whatever part he fliaH be inclined te buy.
My only object being to raise a certain Aim
otmoney, by felling so many or luch patts
of the aforefaid tracts of land and lots as
(hall be necefl'ary for that purpose, one half
of the purchase money mult be paid at the
time ot contrast, ancfthe other within a
year from the firft day of* Auguil hext ; and
at the time of delivering poffeflion or exe«
cuting a legal conyeyancc The lands re*
maining unfold, except the tra£t in prin«
William, after railing a limited fun , will
l>e divided into tenements, and leafed for,
a term of years. From the I2thday of Ocvlj
tober next, till the 15th of Decembr, (
(hall be in the city of Richmond, and afttf
that time I (hall remain at home, in Alex
andria, at which places, or elsewhere, t
fliall be prepared to detail particulars, aid
to enter into comrncfK
Alexandria. July 28
Aug. 8 . tawiow j
*il law
• •• V.