PROPOSALS »* THE PRESIDENT V DIRECTORS 6 F THE INSURANCE COMPANT NORTtt ° AMtRIC A. WHEKBAS by an aft of the Legijlature of the State of Pennsylvania incorporat ing tin lnf»ran(t r Company of North A mericU, tin Prcfd-nt and Direflorj ate avthorifid to extend their ajfurante to Goods, Worn and Merchandise, or o ther ptrjbnal property in Duflling Houf ts, Warehouses or Stores, or to Buildings agar ft the njk Ori/htg from Fire, and having ascertained that it is a general d-firt that Property of this defeription Jhould be assured frbm Jo Jat at a riji\ the President and DireHors of the Infu ranee Company of North America are induced to offer the fallowing TABLE Of Rates and TermSi Tahiti of Rates of Annual Premiums to be paid Jor Ajfurance agumjl Firi. No.I Upon conxiN infiirances, or hazards tti the withirth- city of Phila- I clelphu and Notiherm and Southern Liber- - " B. ick Of Storrr houses. or Stores. Furnnurc 01 Mcuti*ndixe not hereafter fpe cified antxua h>«rdOus, contained in Brick or Store Hnufes For sums not i Breeding 8000 dollars *t >110 jrfier ihe rate of 30 cents for every hundred Dot lass. for lunn not rxceo'l g 16000 Dollar! at and after the rate of 45 rents for every him e'-rd dollars. si). lums not exceed ng 250 OO dollars at aod after it* rate of t» cents tor every bun dled du' N. B. As the neighborhood of framed or ft circuniftances, may ren* dera nflt inrlig'blc which is within the let tsr of thi fe proposals, the coiWpany reserve a r nht to rejeff an afoarance at pleafur*. Ko. 11.-— Upcn hazards of lit Jecondclaft' Houses or Stores of wnich the walls are not wholly of Brick Or Stone. FurAiture, of me>chandite, including ex. tra hazardmm Goods, as Pitcn, Tar, Tur. per.tine. Wax, Hemp, Oil, Tallow, Spirit oua L quora contained in houses or ftotes ol which the walls afe not wholly brick or stone. _ These fait recited extra haiardoßS articles in any building whatsoever. Ships wfom > the pteihifes and property therein contained of Carpenters Joiners, Oopcrs, Ta«'nk' epers or Jnhol oera, Stable keepers, gakers, Ship Chandlers ?nd iioat Builders, MaltC'rictSf BicWers, Tallow Chandlers, Sugar Bakers, Apothe caries, Chrmifts, DilkiUers, Printers, Oil and Colotfrmen, Chin". Glass and Earthen ware Sellers. MiWs «sirs Machinery : Porcelain, GHafs ind Pottery Wares in Trade. y ' fvt faros not exceeding Bo©6 dollars at ana after the rate of 75. cents for every hundied 4oll»r«, For fuirtj not exceeding 16000 dollars it itirf atttr 1 ik|it it pa t cover such Property. This Company wilt not be accounta ble any loss or dam.ige caused by any Fo* ffign li'vafion, or by any Military or Ufurp cd Force, or by reason ol any civil Commo -1 ftHI. 6th. Bills o' Exchange, Bonds, Securities, Title Derds, Ready Money, and Bank and other Promissory No'es are not included un- Pointings, Medals, J> wcls Gems, Antique Coriofities and Mirrors, a bove 101, each, may be lofured by special A* greemcnt. yth. No Insurance will be made for a less term than One Year. j h. Peil'oos choofineio In Cure lor Seven years (hall be aHowed One year's Premium fey way of difcoum j also one-third of a year's Prr miura upon a trn nnal Inlurance. gth. When any fofs by Fite it futtaiiied on property irfuied at this Office, the fufterer shall in thirty days furnifh the best docu ments he is able rf the value of the Goods d. maged ot drftroyed ; this afceitained, the )ofs within the sum insured, ffiall be paid withow deduction in thirty days after proof thereof. • N. B. It ia cxprftetl a little experience irav authntite the Company to extend sflur ance from Fn days of per formance from three to five P. M. Where aHo tickets may be had, and at Mr. Brad ford's book-store, No. 8, foiith Front street, and at Mr. Carr's music-store. On Thurfdav, The 23 d Injlant, At the Dwelling House of Patrick Hogan, No. 183, south Second Street, Will be Sold by Public Vendue, ALL HIS Houfhold and Kitchen Furniture, CON S 1 ! ST IK G OF Feather-Beds, Bedsteads, blankets, Arrets, &c. chairs, card-tab)-';, looking-glaifes, an eight day clock, and irons, Hiovels, and tongs, window and bid curtainsj- leveral letts open stoves, a mahogany deik. J.ipan'd bread baikets and waiters, pew ter and Queens plates and dilhcs. A variety of KITCHEN FURNITURE j ALSO, Silver, table and tea-spoons, Soup Ladle* Silver Can and Cream Pur, S its, J'ea Tongs, China Caps and Sau cers, Dilhes and Plates. Footman Iff Odlober 17. dt2j Foreign Intelligence. 7 R A N C £. NATIONAL CONVENTION, 13th Thermidor, July 31, On the motion of Andre Dumont, Hermann and Lhane, two public offi cers, were ordered to be arretted ; as accomplices with Robespierre. On the motion of Tallien & Dumont, Macadret, one of the teachers at the school of Mars, was ordered to be ar retted ; syid the committee of general fafety was ordered to make a general examination of the persons employed in that institution. Barras, representative of the people, Commandant General of the armed force of Paris, to the National Con vention. " The more important the powers in truded to me by the Convention, the more eager I am to resign them, fmce the danger which occasioned my nomi nation is totally dispelled. I have tra versed Paris, have visited all the princi ple ports, and I find the duty done with an exa&nefs truly Republican, I as sure the Convention that all is calm ;— that Paris is in perfeA tranquility. The people saw the deepness of the abyss ditj under French liberty ; the peo,4e applauded the punilhment of the hypo critical conspirators who had usurped their confidence. For to the people the republic is every thing ; individuals are nothing ; and the Convention i« their watch word. " Accept, then, Citizen Colleagues, my resignation of the office of Com mandant General of the armed force of Paris. 1 (hall forever retain a profound sense of gratitude for the confidence which the National Convention repo sed \n the hour of peril; and I (hall ne ver forget the energf and the ztal with which the brave National Guard second ed pay efforts. I pfopofe that yo\i de cree, that the National Guard* of Pa ris have deserved well of their country. " Health and Fraternity. (Jjigned) . , «B ARRAS." Referred to the committee of pub lic fafety. Goupilleau of Fontenay propoied that the chiefs of legions, who are in future to .command the armed force of Paris in rotation, fhonld be attended by two members of the Convention, with the fame powers as the conimif fioners with the armies. This was referred to the committee of public fafety, and the fitting was suspended. PeyiTard wrote to refute an aflertion that there was a magazine ot arms, un used and badly guarded at the mi litary fcliool—none are there but iuch as art neceflary soi 1 the inftruftion of youth; [Disaster seems to ha*e quick ened suspicion beyond bounds'] she commune of Blois, and the department of Loire and Chere address their felicitations ilpon the late occur rence*. JACOBIN CLtf B, July 3'< Collot d'Herbois, Prejidcnt. Every day furnifhes frefli proof* of the ails of despotism extrcifed by the fallen ; tyrants. Couthon had in his neighbor hood some lodgers he did not like, and i lent an order with his own hand to quit in twenty four hours, under pain of incur ring his difpfeafure. Four Or five fathers of families, among whom was* poor fruiter- i er, were obliged to obey this mandate,and ! thus make room for three or four ladies of HiJ Holimfs's acquaintance. The Con vention annulled this order, and referred the petition of the injured parties to the Committee of Domains, to frame a re port lipdn it. ■ received a pension from the French Amongst {he viaims to the momen- j ]j; n g i to enable them to continue their tary power of the rebellious Commune, ■ They were afterwards put un the Convention has discovered the good • dcr thc care of MefTn. Brifon and Cadit, citizen Mathis, Commandant of the |tQ j eanl c j, em ift r y, in which science 3d legion. As fi>on as this pattiot was (} lC y made a great proficiency. They informed of the decree of the Conven- \ were tail gh t drawing and engraving, and tion, he hade,led to traverse the places : f omc Cbinefe landscapes in ac occupied by his legion, from les luva- ( j Ua f ort ; s< They were sent to Lyons to Helen to Pont-fill-Change. In the l ilt i„fp e £fc the silk manufa6)pries ;at St. placc he met with a number of persons Etienne> t h ey tooka ciniofy view of who did not belong to 15 but t^e manner n f arms, and who declared their relpcft for the ] a- werc taught the various ways'of prepar tional Representation, and, "in proof of jng return L.a to Paris, their sincerity, they told him that m jjjejr t(0 ; { some kflons in printing, ex the Mayor's court were some people er ,. ;rtng t h e mfelve* on a lit.le portable they did not know, and of whose fide- , fs> of which the Ffclleh K ;„ g had lity they were fufp.crous. Mute in ; a prefcnt . the instant flew and addreiled himfcit to i , , the traitors, who answered him with 1765, they (.eparted, having re twenty cuts of their sabres, and threw ceived fevernl queries from the Literati him into a dungeon, where he lay wd- Particularly many from Mr. tering in his bfood till five in the morn-, which they proirifed to retum ing, when he was relieved by the pa- answers to, and for near twenty years troleof Gensd'Armes, who sent him ,he ? annually tranfmutcd memoirs to home to have his wounds dreficd. Paris. The Convention ordered honorable mention to be made of the gallant cori duft of citizen Mathis, and charged the Committee of General Safety to bring in a report upon what was expe dient to be done in his favor. LONDON* Aur U (t 22. Offutr Jhct, at Danlury Camp, EJfex. On Saturday morning last, the whole line being, drawn out in honor of the Dukd of York's birth-day, on the feu de joye beiog fired the Adjutant of the Leicester militia fell suddenly ftom his horse in front of his regiment : some officers running to his afiiftance, found to their astonishment that he was wound ed ; on being carried to his tent, the surgeon discovered that he had received a ball a little below the left bread, which no indrument could reach nor has it since been extracted, so that his life is despaired of. The whole regiment were immediate ly ordered to ground their arms, when every firelock and cartouch-box was examined, but nothing was found that could leaf to a difeovery of the despe rate offender. The soldier fufpeftcd of this deliberate villainy is the brother of a private, who with four other men, received 100 lathes the preceding day, for leaving their work as Taylors to the regiment. No evidence had on Thursday morn ing been collected, by which the offen der it likely to be discovered. CHINESE PROCLAMATION. Made by the prefznt Emperor, in the year 1780, when be was 70 yeart of age " I WILL, that one child or rela tion of every man aged 70, be exempt ed from road-work and military service, in order that an old man may always have somebody to wait npon him. 1 give to every man aged eighty, one piece of silk, [Silofeilc] a pound of cotton, ten bushel* of rice, and ten pounds of V,'v • meat. The old mff> from eighty to one hundred, mult receive the double of this ; but those of one hundred I mult be acquainted with myfelf» and the blefiings I intend them." In another proclamation the Empe ror promise* to perform the gieSt Hated facrifice himfelf, but apologizes for not being able, on acconnt of his age, to move the tablet which rcprefents the Spirit of Heaven and Earth, from the place where it is usually kept, to the place of facrifice, and carry it a gain. He Concludes this proclamation by jeclarißg, that on account of his en creafing age and infirmities he wul ab dicate the crown when he (hall have at tained the age of eighty-five. This age he attains next year,' and, admitting that Lord Macartney had madi an ad vantageous commercial treaty with the present Emperor, it doei not seem ab solutely certain that his fucceflor woiild have adhered to it. But as (lability doe* not seem a favorite word with our prefetit sapient ministers, they perhaps contrived thus to time it, that .hey might have tHt pleafuVe of beginning the whole business de novo next year. They could hardly be ignorant of this determination of the Emperor, for it is recorded in a well known, anu authen tic volume entitled, " Memoirs con l'Hiftoire les Science, les Arts les Maeurs, les Ufiges, &c. des Chinoife par les Miflionaires dc Pekin. Tom c quarto." The materials of which this volume is composed, were collected from tht French Missionaries, in Pekin, and from paper* traofmitted by two Chinese, who came to France at the age of nineteen, to inform themselves of the manners and customs of Europe. In 1763, when the Jesuits were banished France, these I the Convent St. Lazarus, and soon after One of the papers which they Tent, contains a very curious order of the College of Religion, fettling how the ceremonies, not performed by the Em peror himfelf, fliall be conduced in any future period, and concludes with a de scription of the Emperoi's reading the Tupee, or piece of satin, on which are written, all the good and bad actions he has committed in the course of the year. This he does with a low voice, or only with the eyes, doing an aft of reverence whenever he acknowledges hirrrfelf to have been wrong, and praying God to enable him to io better. UNITED STATES. PITTSBURGH, Oflober it. A Correspondent observes, that he is happy in having it in his power, from personal knowledge, to announce to his fellow-citizens, that all the inhabitants of Cauorifburgh and its vicinity have signed their names to the terms propoled by the Commifßoners from the government, re quiring peaceable conduit and obedience to the laws. The drubbing General Wayne has giv en the western Indians, has entirely chang ed the tune of the Cornpljnter—He now wiihe* peace as much as he lately did war. .itizens of-the Diftriil of Wafliington and Alleghany Previous to the late convulsion, it was proposed to nie to give my name as a candidate for the Congress of the United States. I accepted the compliment. It is now circulated that I have declined it.—- No—Considering the delicacy of the times, I might wifli I had rot thought of it; but as it is, it would imply a star of sub mitting iny conduifl to inveftig«tion, to withdraw my name from the public. I have ther fore not done it. I may at pre sent have less popularity than I had, but the time will come when I lhall be consi dered as having deserved well of the coun try, in all the delicate conjunctures in which we have been situated. H. H. BRACKENRIDGE. OAober 8, 1794. PHILADELPHIA, OCTOBER 16. ExtraS of a letter from Dr. Gcorg t Buchanan, of Baltimore, to a Phy/ician in Philadelphia, dated OQoler nth 1794. " From the frequent raini that fell in the early part of Summer, all the flats in and about Baltimore were kept wet, and a great quantity of ftagnnnt water was retained in the ponds and hollows into which all the small dead animals wereoccafionally thrown, which occaiioned a conllant putreta&ive fer mentation, and as the season advanced, the weather became dry and hot, so that in every part of the town there were snore or less of Mia/malic Effluvia exhaled, \tfhich produced fluxes, inter- and in a greater number tlian has been known for seve ral years past. But about the lad week in July and the firft week in August, 3 or 4 cafcj of a mofe malignant tendency .occurred, all which in a few days proved fatal, and were finally pronounced to be the coptagi'ous Yellow Fever of the Wdt- Indies, or the fame that prevailed last year in Philadelphia.-*—This report ex cited confidcrable alarm arfiotigft oar Citizens, in consequence of which a Town-Meeting was called, and a Com mittee of Health appointed. Several other cases occurred soon af ter, on Boley's Wharf and on FelPt- Point, where about the Ift of Septem ber the disease became truly alarming, fyi