portunity of prefeitmg our refpecU to a character, so jultly revered and dear to Americans, we cannot but lament that we (hould owe it to an interrup tion of the peacc and prosperity of our country, thofeconftant objedts <>f your public caret. We trust, however, that the jult indignation wliich fires th'ir sphere of a&ion is too •" Em!tcf the 74/s to ctuifc off .the .Delaware, and wait her coring, cut." PHILADELPHIA, OCTOBER 16. COtfNTY ELECTION. ■County of Philadelphia elegit one member oi the Federal Houfi: of Keprefenta tives. Total of Votes exchilivc of ar my' return, - Frederick A. Muhlenbr Samuel Miles, County of Philadelphia fends fixmemb#rs of Aflemb'ly. Total of votes excluflve of army leturn. Jacob Morgan, Th >mas Eon-eft, Jos, M'Gdffin, Thomas Paul, Thomas Biitton, Jos. Tittcrmary, John Holraes, Michael Leib, Counties of Delaware and Chester lend one member of Congress. Total of votes in Delaware exciuli ve of army re turn. Richard Thomas, Thomas Rofs, Statement of tbe.«atw vJEMaware State fpr a member of Ctwigrd's. John P»tton Newcaftlei 6j6 ■ - : Kent, 857 Suflex, 896 ——140J Henry Latimer, New-Castle, 709 Kent > 593 Sullcx, 893 2»Bj Cam?, Carlisi/e, O&ober 4* Extrad of a teller from a refpeSable vo lunteer, in the Jersey Militia, to his friend in 'Trenton. " We arrived at this place after a fatiguing march of 18 miles ; and, ge nerally speaking, 1 cannot but fay, we have experienced a friendly disposition from the inhabitants of mod of the towns 011 our march ; though £ome places thro' which we hav« paifed, ap peared to be more holtile to the present expedition than others. One man at a little Dutch village* called Myer's- Town, between Lebanon and Reading, behaved so imprudently, in a tavern where Ibme of our offieershad (topped, as to huzza for the Whijley Boys, and uttered many other indecent and sedi tious expressions—Our officers desired him to go about his buluicis •, but he still pel lifted, till he was ordered to be taken under guard—ha swore that he would not leave the room till be had (jrank his liquor ; the guard infilled ; and one of them seized him and attempt ed to bring him forward, but the fel low instantly caught hold of the soldiers bayonet and used every effort to wrest it from him. A conteit ensued, in which the soldier dabbed him in such a man ner that he expired in the course of half an hour. This circumstance, as you may readily suppose, soon created the greatest consternation in the town ; a villain immediately dispatched a meflhgg into the country, with what view we did not know, but apprehending that his intention was to give information to others of the fame that an attack might polGbly enf'.ie, the Co lonel determined to feeure him, and for that purpose had him instantly put un der guard, and we marched lum on with us. A flanking party of 16 men was forthwith ordered out, and we (be ing without ammunition) were directed to be\ prepared for an initantaneous I charge in cafe of an attack : The in habitants w.-ie extremely anxious, that the soldier iliauld be delivered up to the civil authority ; and even (cut 011 con il ablet to Harntburgh for that pmpoie ; but, I beiieve (under the circumstances of the cafe) our regiment would have died to a man rather than that (hould have taken place. ' The person who wrf> brought to town yesterday from Carlisle, and committed to jail, is named John Cre/j for some time, accounts of the mortality in the town, and Its vii'initv, alt hough they are of opinion, that it is r»ow reduced to.itj ijfual standard, for this season of the year. Signed by the Committee- Oclober 14, 451 126 The cofnmittcp of health report the following lift of burials for Baltimore town and Fell'*-Point within the latt 24 hours, viz. George Moore, Prevailing fever. A Child of John Cooper's, d». B. Bvown, Dysentery. An Infant, Difcafe arid name unknown. Signed by the Committee. CHARLESTON, Sept. 24. YefierHayl arrived the ftiip Federalist,- Capt. Pratt, who left London July 20th, in whom came paflenpers: Mr. John Barrey, Mr. Wi'liam Trvine, Mr. Ed ward Christie, Mr. William Skrymfher, Master William Austin, Miss 'Ttiorney, and Miss Thornton. 124 NEW.YORK, October 14. A London paper on the 14th of Au gust, dates, that the Earl Spencer has completely succeed in his million : That the Emperor had agreed to continue the war, on condition of receiving a subsidy from Great Britain : Prince Co bourg is to be displaced, and succeeded in the command of the army by Gen. Clairfayt, with General Beaulieu, and Colonel Mack for Qimrter-Ma Iters. It is reported at Aix la Chapelle, that the Commons of Brufi'els aiTembed on the aßth of July, and voted for an incorporation with the French Repub lic. There have been great tumults at Barcelona in Spain, and blood has been (hed by the populace. The Landgrave of Hefie-Caflel has put all his fubje&t in a state of requifi- tlOll. I'h« French privateers continue to be fuecefiftil in capturing English veflels. Thirteen fail of vefTels were reported in one day at Lloyd's Coffee-Houfe, as taken by the French j tbe property of them valued at 100.0001. Iterling, was insured ; bnt the fa£t does little honor to the victorious fleet of the Englilh; or rather the Minister who manages that fleet. A London paper makes merry with the English for their alarm about Jacobinil'm ; by Hating that an eminent Dentiit has lately been examined by the Privy Council on a charge of procuridg the teeth ofFrenchSans Culottes and transplanting them imo the jaws of his majefty'j liege fuhjedts—thus planting the trees of liberty in their very jaw bones. This, if true, seems to be a praflice of cramming Jaccbmifm down their throats in spite of their ttetb. The Elector of Coblentz or Triers has directed hit movables to be packed up, ready to march at a nicments warning. N O T I C E. All porfons wishing to fend Letter* to the Army, may, unjil further notice, have thett fafely conveyed every dny, excepting Sunday, by having them left at the Ortce of the Secretary of State of the Uta'ted States, at 10 o'clock ia the mornitg. O&ober x 6. HoiT and Derrick, No. 8, North Fifth Jireit, Have ju!l PubLifbed, jirice 9-i6ths of a Dollar, EmbcUifhld ■with a mat Engraving: And to be hnd of the following Book fel lers, vi 7. Melt ?. T. Dobl'on,W. Young, R. Campiell. J. Ormrod, and H. Kam merer, A New anil Cnncife HisTOKr of tit Revolution in France, From its Commencement to the Execu tion of the Oironde party, and the d*ath of the Duke of Okleahs. Ort. x 6 For BRISTOL, > The SHIP J. MARINER, Mastir, Burthen about 260 Tons, ha 3 excellent accommodations for pafTerigers, to fail the 2a. n d CIRCUS. This Afternoon, Mr. Ricketts will go through the Manual Exercise. With a firelock, Handing on horseback, the horse in full speed. Mr.- M'Donald, will go though his comic feats. Mr. Ricketts will ride two horses and leap over a handkerchief, Ac. By Particular Desire, Mr. Ricketts will perform the Sailor s Fox-hunting voyage. As Mr. Ricketts's engagement will loon require his attendance at New-Yr:r':, his stay in this City will be but very short. Such Ladits and Gentlemen,, therefore as maybedeiirousofvifiting either the pri vate exercises of the morning or the public entertainments of the Circus will conse quently engage places in the Boxes at the Ciri us, where attendance is given frqm, 10 till 3 o'clock every day. Old American Company. THEATRB—CEDAR STREET. TO-MORROW EVENING, October 17. Will he presented, That Celebrated Musical Satire, nevei performed here, called the Beggar s Opera, Altered, R en'ifed, and Corrected. 111 Aift 3, a hornpipe by Mr. Duraug. To -which will he added, The Elegant COMEDY, in two arts ne ver performed in this of Three Weeks after Marriage On Saturday Evening, Will be presented, a New Serious i >pera, called America Discovered : OR,. The Indian Chief. The dcors will be opened a: half aft r five, and tlic curtain drawn up precisely at half after lix o'clock. BOX, one DoUk—PITT, tixot aw ers—OALX.SKY y half a *da iaw dtf-