DAILY EVENIN.G ADVERTISER. [No. 108 of Vol. Vl.] LANDING, from the Ship Adriana Kieran Fitzpatricl Mnjltr, from Amjlcrdam. Holland Sail Duck, Ditto—Sheeting, Ticklcnburgh, Ofnaburgh, White arid Brown Linen, Checks, Hair Ribbon, Great Coats, Anchors, Junk, Oakum, Window-Glass, Ginn, Ginn Cases, Steel, icc. &c. &c. for sale b r Thomas & "John Ketland. Offtobtr 14. d. JUST PUBLISHED, And to be fold by Benjamin Davies, No. Market street. Price 4 Dots. 33 cents per doz. and 44 cents Jingle, THE American Repository. This neat Pocket iLmanacx, is firlt ot the kind that ha'h been execuieii in Phila delphia, or peihip*, in any 0/ iht United States; and conta'ns, brfider, A Compleat Calendar, OR ALMANACK, for the Year 1795. Lifts of Hie Officers of the American Go »«tMnentv Civil aud Military, The te'ms of tfaa Federal Circuiti& Dif trift Courts; The Latifudes and Longitudes from »»he Meridian of I'biladelphia, of all fchc Cap>- *»1 Cities ia the Union. Tlte dates of the period* When each of the States was firft fettled; Their refpr&ive Territories and num bers of Peoule; The number of Inhabitants of each, in each square mile—and a brief State of tKeir relative progiefs in Population; to getherwith various other Articles of In formation. Ornamented with an elegant Frontif p'tece, Title Page, and twelve VIG NETTES, alluding to fcenet iu Thomp- Jon't Senfant, engraved by the mojl inge nious Artiflt in the City. Stmfii n board. For freight or pafTage, apply to the mailer on board, to PETER BLIGHT, Or PRAGERS & CO. Aug. 26 For Newberri, N. Carolina, jpjSfr WellTfeet. THOMAS' ATWOOD, Master, will fail with all convenient speed. For freight or paflage apply to the Captain on board, second wharf below Walnut- Street, or JOHN WELSH. No. Xi, South Water Street. OA. 10. dßt. Captain M'Clure, TO fail with all poflible expedition. For freight or pafTage, apply to the *1 CJlLfllUk JOHN WELSH. No. it, fonth Water street. oa. 10. d6t For LONDON, The SHIP JVILIJJM PENN, James Josiah, Matter To fail with all convenient speed. freight or paflage, apply to JOHN FIELD & S6N, Or, JESSE & ROBT. WALN. Oft. 14 d fli For LONDON, The fajl failing copper hot lis! Adrians, 4w Jtaw. K. FiTZPATRICK, Master. Will fail with all convenient speed." For freight or paflage, apply to the Captain on board, at Hazlehurft's wharf, or Thomas & 'John Ketland. October 14. d.- TWO or THREE Single Gentlemen Maybe accommodated with Boarding and Lodging, In a private family, and a central part of of the City. Enquire at thie Office. Oft. 14 Ran Away, FROM the Subscriber & servant Girl,l named Catherine Adams. Whoever wil take up and bring back to her Mailer the Paid Girl, (hall receive Twenty Cents re ward, and no charges • Caleb Wilkins. TO BE SOLD, By THOMAS DOBSON, A N Alphabetical OF THE duties Payable by law on ajl Goods, Wares, and Merchandize imported into the United Saates of A.nerica, after the I aft day of June 1794, diftinguifbingthe rates payable on those imported in ships or veflels of the United States—and the rates payable in fo reign ships or veflels, including the addi tional duties, to which the refpeftive arti cles are liable. Thursday, October 16, 1794. Apply to John Vaughan, and Cases. eod6t Lift A » T> LANDING , From on board the Birmingham Packet, Lockjer, and ile flsnry and Charles, from Hamburgh, HEMP, P'.terjburgb's firft quality BAR IRONj Swedes, assorted TIN, in t>lates, ria. do. GENEVA in hhds. BAGGING, German ajforted GLASS TUMBLERS, and Black Quart Bottles, DEMIJOHNS, Window Glass, Feathery of superior quality, &e. FOR. SALE BY Thomas & John Ketland. Aug. 26 d City of Washington. SCHEME OF THE LOTTERY,; No. 11. FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE FEDERAL CITY. 1 A magnificent > 20.000 Dollars, and dwelling houfc, { cash 30,000 arc 1 ditto 15,000 & 25,000 1 ditto 15,000 & cash 15,000 1 ditto 10,000 & cash 10,000 l ditto 5,000 Sc cash 5,000 1 ditto 5,000 Sc caf Wafhipp tgrw-^Twn d<=- rcjJLrc-uLy for' the entire (rnqts on two cit the pubi c ; from these drawings, it is prapofed to cretl two centre and tour corner buildings, as soon as pofiible after this Lottery is fold, and to convey them when complete, to the fortunate adventurers, in the manner described in the scheme for the Hotel Lottery. A nett deduction of five pef cent* will be made to defray rhe neces sary expences of printing, &c. and the sur plus will be made a part of the fund intended for the National University, to be erc6ted within the City of Wafbington, ()The drawing will commence as soon as the Tickets Jre fold, or at all events on Monday, the 22nd of December next: The mone\ prires will be payable in thirty days after it is finifhed, and any prizes for which fortunate numbers are not produced within twelve months after the drawing is closed are to be confidexed as given towards the fond for the Univcrfity, it being determined to fettle the whole bufmefs in a year from the ending of the drawing and to take up the bonds given as security. The veal securities given for the payment of the Prizes* are held by the Prefrdent and two Dire&ors of the Bank of Columbia, and are valued at more than half the afiiount of the Lottery, 'the drawing will be under the management of gentlemen approved by the commiflioners 19t the City of Wash ington, for the time being, and a&ing on oath. For S. BLODGET. Tickets may be had at the Bank of Columbia ; of James Weft it Co. Baltimore; ot Gideon Dcnifon, Savannah ; of Peter Gilman, Boston ; of John Hopkins, Rich mond : and of Richaid Wells, Cooper's fer- IV. Aug. 30 The French Language TAUGHT BT J. M. BART, North Second Street, No. 158, WHO begs leave to inform ..is Friends and the Public, that he intends to iuftruft in that Tongue, a number of Scholars on reasonable terms. Those who will be plea sed to employ him, lhall be exactly attend ed to at their own Appartments. Sept. 17 THIRTY Journeymen Shoemakers. CONSTANT employment, and ge nerous wages will be given to that number, apply to George Kemble, No. 36, South Third-Street Philadel phia. N. B. A -number of apprentices wanted—apply as above. Sept. j 6 Sugar (Id 3 Coffee. A Quantity of SUGAR and COFFEE, Some LIMES and ORANGES, Will be landed this day, at Messrs. Waln'i wharf, from Jamaica, " AND FOR SAL I BY John Crpj£, Who has also for Jaie, Havamah STjGAR, in barrel* HONEY and SWEETWrEATS in Jars SEGARS in boxes port Wine, In Hbds. & $>r. Cajks Sept. 39 • A FEW PIPES Of Befl Quality Holland Gin, Will be landed THIS DAY, from on board the sloop Mary, A few very heavy bog/beads of Port-au-Prince Sugars, BRANDT, in pipes) And very good Guadaloupe Melafles, FOR SALE BY Let/inns Clarkfon, 50,000 40,000 No. 216, (cutli Water Street. 30,000 20.000 A fcw hogsheads OF Prime Antigua Rum, 3*/. north Front street, 2 doors f rom Arch ftreef, Tickets are examined and Registered by correct numerical and Re. giftet Books, at the following moderate viz. For examining a single ticket i-i6th of a Dollar. For registering a single txCk*t l-4ih of a Dollar. And notice will be sent by letter (if fortunate or unfortunate) to any part of the Continent. Tickets In the City of Washington Lottery, No. 2, (Which will commence drawing very soon) Regif}crp^ t a nf j tin '• n — of tEeir foccefs. N. B. The Earliest Intelligence of each' Day's drawing will be received at this Oi-i sice. And the flips thereof will be signed b}i the Managers to be corjeft ; therelorc to be depended on. Sept. 24 d Applications on Business within my Agency for supplying with pro visions the Militia lately called into fervjte may be made in this city to Metfrs. W!ie len and Miller, at the corner of Market and Fourth streets. ' Elie Williams, Agent for the United States in the Provi sion Department. eodtf Dijiant Subscribers For this iJazette, are hereby refpe&ful ly requested 10 pay up their Snpfcriptipui to the firft of January next. The Editoi will be under the neceflity of considering those who do not then renew their Sub scription by paying Six Months in Ad vance, as declining to take the Paper any longer. As there is a considerable Sum due from remote Subscribers for the late halt Week ly Paper published by the Editor, he inoft earnestly requtfts those who may be delin quent, to take the earliefl opportunity of] remitting him the balance they may rrf peftivcly be indebted—the sums are indi vidu tlly trifling—the want of the Aggre gate is feveiely felt. •eodaw The Medical lectures In the University of Pennsylvania, will commence the 6rft November next. eoptf Sept 5 ALSO, 3tawiw. AT THE ALSO egpi»» eo*»o [Whole No. 658.] John WeMh, No. 81,' foulb Water Jivtrt, A quantity of New-England Boards, Ditto Spars, and 14 cords Hemlock Bark. ife has a]fo for Sale, 60 hhds. Molasses, French Brandy ib butts of an excellent quality Coarse Salt, about 3000 bulhels Spaiulh Cannes in boxes ii Bales of Flax Hyl'on and Souchonp fen in cbcftj Mace, Nutmegs, and Cloves in kegs Ruflia and Salem Duck. Beef and Poik in bbls and half bbls Salpim'j Mackarel and Dried Fifli Butter in kegs Shoes of various descriptions, a quantj Spanish Segars, a quantity. Odloher 16. Jrt- Thomas M'Euen, Stock and Land Broker, Ife. 78, CHEgMUT-STREET, INFORMS his Friends that during liis absence from Philadelphia (on the Western Expedition) his wiltbe carried oh at his Office as usual, by Mr. Tliomas Hale where Orders in his line will be thankfully received, and eveiy Attention paid to them. Oft. 10 Choice St. Croix Sugar, JUST IMPORTED, ■rfnd far Sale, By JAMES YARD. Also a quantity of RUSSIA Matt*. June 24th. j The Trtiftees of the Univer sity of Pennsylvania have appointed the EXAMINATION of the Senior Class to [he held on Monday the 20th of Oilcber I instant, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon ; & that degrees be conferred on such a3 rfliall be -- proved of, On Thursday, the 13d of | the fame month. By the Faculty, William E-ogers, Secretary. oa. a To be fold.by Auction, On Tuesday the nth day of November % next, at noon, at the houjeof Archer Gifford r in A J ew arkj New Jersey, if not previously dijiofcd of by private tonlrad. THE FOLLOWING Tracts of Land, Belonging to the American Iron Company, situate at Ringwood, Pond, and Charlottenburg, in the Counties of Bergen atad Morris in the said state of New ]er fey, viz. 12 tracts of land, Contain ing about 6533 acrc *» fitufrte at Ringwood, on part ol which (he Ringwood Marfion- Heufe and Store arc e reflcd. 4 trails of Land, containing about 6156 acres, fituateon Long Pond River. 7 tradf of Land, containing about 6165 Acrcs, fitu ate at Charlottenburg. Tbffe Estates are well w6rthy of the at tention ps any fir-ptleintn or Company fa. VI ere are fevera) Buildings and fojnc con fi lterable Improvcmentson these LarjdS; about 250 Ac»e* of exceJleot Meadow, arc already cleared, and much more might be added at a trifliftp; txpence. Oft the Premises t here arc ffcvrra 1 Very convenient Seats for Furnaces, Forges, Mills. &cc. There are also lome very vaTuable Iron Mines. Mod of the unimprov ed Parts of these Lands are covered with fine healthy Timber. Thrfe Edates will be (hewn by Captain Joseph Board, of Ringwoodt and ihc Tennis of Sale made known by applying 10 him, or to Edward Edwards, In Philadelphia, at ihc corner oi Sixth and Racf-Strcets. Sent. 1 1 At a meeting of the citi zSns appointed to procure fuHfcriptious for the relief of thr families of peifons who have marched against the Wtftern lufur-* rents. JOHN BARCLAY, Esq. was appointed Treafuter to the lui.d, ai d to \i Uum the monies (follefted will be p<-ui. The fqllowinp perfans v. ere appointed to distribute the necessitous lamii:«s of their refpe&ive WARDS, viz For New.Market Ward Daniel Smi h, Dock Ward Levi Ho lirigjfworth Walnut Ward Jumes Cox, South Waid Nalb-v' Fcaz'ter, Lower Delaware Andre" iiayatd, Oheliiut Ward, Jo 1 " Stille, Middle Waid 11 rati V. heler, North Ward Jame. Alh. High ftr'eet Ward M ahlon Kutch'm «n Upper Delaware Wei. Montgomery South Mulberry AniW"' Guyer, North Muit/eriy G«dliey Haga. Published by order of the Meeting ROBERT RALSTON, Sec* Philad. Sept. J5 20tll fcawtf.