Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, October 15, 1794, Image 4

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    Life of Howard*
b v
J. O R M R O D,
(Price 75 Cents)
At Franklin's Head, No. 41, ChefnUt
- ' Street,
A VIEW of the
Life, Travels and Philan-
thrcrpic Labours,
of the late
F. R. S.
fcmbelli&ed wiiba striking likeness of that
Citizen of the World.
To which is subjoined an ODE inferibed to
John Howaid, by William Hayley, Esq.
FROM realm to realm, with cross or
cejeent crown d,
Where'er mankind and misery are found.
O'er burning sands, deep waves, or wilds
Great HOWARD journeying feeki the
house of woe.
JJo*wn manyaiuindingftef todungeons drtnk,
Whereanguifhwails aloud,andfetters clank:
Tp caves hejlrewd with many a mould ring
And cells, luhofe echoes only learn to groan;
—Onward he moves I—Disease and death
And murm'ring demons hate him, and ad
S"pi. i.
Medical Books.
By Thomas Dob/on, at the Stone House
No. 41, south Seoo d Jlreet,
VOL. 11.
Medical Inquiries
ProfelTor of the Institutes of Medicine, and
of Clinical Praflice in the Univef
fiiyot Pennfylvanii.
t. An inquiry into the influence of phyfi'ca
caules upon the moral faculty.
2. An inquiry luto the effe&s of fpiritous li
quors upon the human body, arid their in
fluence upon the happinefa of society.
3. An inquiry into the causes and cure of the
pulmouaty consumption.
4. Ooferva/ioni on the fympturtsand ctrre of
5. An Inquiry imo'the caufesand theeureof
internal dropsy of the brain.
6. An account of the mealies, aa they ap
pealed in Philadelphia, in the year 1789.
7. Arv account of the influenza, aa it appear
ed in Philadelphia in the years 1789,1790,
and 1791 •
8. An inquiry into the causes of the increase
of bilious and remitting fevers, in Peim-
g, An inquiry into the caufesaud cure of fore
to. An account of the state of the body and
m»nd in old age, with observations upon
its difeafcs and their remedies.
Price onodollar and a quarter unbound, or
one dollar and a half neatly bound.
Medical Tranfa&ions
College of Phyftoians of Philadelphia.
Pricc one dollar in boards.
A Treatise cm the Diseases at
With general directions for the management
of Infants from the biTth, adapted for
the uic ot physicians and private families.
By Michael Underwood, M. D.
Licentiate of Mtdwifery in the Royal Col
lege of Phyfxciihs in London, and
Pbyfitian of the Britilfa
Price one Dollar.
Yhis IS atflioowledged to tie the boot
■which ha* been' publimed 60 the fubjeft, aae
is ealcolated for th* ufc of parents. nnrfcs,
and private families, as wella*<or pfyfitians
The two voltimes handsomely printed in
T>ne, and the price ooty «« third of
whM ihe imported copies fell iot.
The fitjinburgh New DifpeuTatory, two
System of Surgery, extrafi'ed from the
wprfei of Benjamin Bell, by Dr. Waters, 2
dols. 50 cents.
System of Anatomy, extrafied from the
fineyclopsedia, with I » copperplates, 2 dols.
System of Chemistry, extracted from the
Encyclopaedia, exhibitmga view of tbepro.
grefs of thefcieneee, and me different fyllemt
whichhairt teen publifhtd, < d 015.50 cents.
. Btfiwn'i EUmtnta. «f Modicjue, 9 dols.
67 cenlt.
T. Dob/an basin the Prefix
An edition ot the Medical and Philofophi
c»l Commentaries of Edinburgh. Two v»l
---uines are printed in ooe at 2 dollars and 50
cents per volume ; he has nearly (inilbed the
five ftrft volumes, which contain the Srft'ten
volumes ot the European edition, which fell
for two dollars each. Nine volumes will in
clude eighteen Europetn volumes, which
will briog the publication up to the present
Likrwife fir fait a cof{fiderable number <*
J Jf. J D-.i..
Medical Books, "viz.
Cullen's Pra&ice, Materia Medici, Physi
ology, and Synopfts. Bell's Surgery, 6vols.
or 4 volt, do. on Ulcera, Buchan's Domestic
Medicine, Ledran's Surgery, Chefelden's A-
Tietomv, Hunter on the Venereal, Swedeea
ver an do. Rollo on Weft India Diseases;
Rigby on Uterine Hemorrhage, Hamilton's
- outhcet of thetbeory and practice of Midi
wtfery, with pr without plates, do. on the
management of Female complaints. Meat
on Hydrophobia, tcc. &c.
Burlington Pork.
Best Burlington Pork,
Levi Hollingfworth & Co.
oa. &
Fine Liverpool Salt,
To Be Sold
Ff-om the Ship Thomas,
The second wharf below Pine-Street, ap
ply at said wharf, to
Jehu Hollingfworth, & Co.
Aug. 26. d.
Card Nail FaEtory,
No. 59, north Front street,
Webster, Adgate & White,
Have conjlantly for sale,
Cotton, Wool, Tow, and
Machine Cards,
Of all Kinds,
Cut Nails of allfizes,
Floor Brads, Sprigs and Tacks,
Fullers Shears, Gun Flint» and Wool
A quantity of kiln dried Indian Meal in
3t*,tv3 w.
A new"Edition of Adgate's Philadelphia
Harmony, containing both the firft and (e
---cond parts, being the most apr oved fyf
tcm of Roles and the bed collection of
Tunes now in u'e,
Machinery for making Cards
On an Improved Conftru&ion.
Oft. 2 w&itf
Scheme of a Lottery,
To raise 39,900 Dollars, on 266,000 Dollars,
Deduamg* 15 pea Cent* from the Prizes—
This Lottery conjifls of 38,000 Tickets, in
which there are 14,531 Prizes; and 23,461
Blanks, being about one and an half blanks to
a poize.
THE Dire&ors of the Society for eftablifh
mg Ufeful Manufa&ures, having resolv
ed to erect LOTTERIES for raifwg One
Honored Thousand Dollars, agreeably
to ah A£t of the Legislature of the State of
New-Jersey, have appointed the following
perfontfto superintend and direst the draw
ing of the fame, viz. Nicholas Low, Rufus
K ng, Herman Le Roy, James Watson,
Richard Hairifon, Abijah Hammond, and
Cornelius Ray, of the city of New-York—
Thomas Witling, Joseph Ball, Matthew M*-
Conncl and Andrew Bayard, of the city of
Philadelphia—His Excellency Richard How
ell, Esq. Elias doudinot, General Elias Day
ton, James Parker, John Bayard, Do&or
Lewis Donham, Samuel W. Stockton, Joshua
M. Wallace, Joseph Bloomfteld, and Elifha
Boudinor, of New-Jfcrfey, who offer the
following Scheme of a Lottery, and pledge
thfcmfelves to the public, that they will take
e*ery •ffdrance and precaution inthfci'r power
to have the Monies paid by the Managers,
frOn\ time to time, as received, into the
Banks at New-York and Philadelphia, to
remain for the puipofe of paying Friars,
which (hall be immcdiately'difcharged by a
check upon pne of the Banks.
S C HE M £:
t 10,000
2 5,000
5 2,000
10 1,000
20 500
100 100
300 5©
1000 20
2000 15
3000 12
8100 io
1 4>539 *6a,cibo
23,461 Blanks. Firfl draw* number, 2,000
Laftdrawn number, 2,000
38,000 Tickets at 7 Dollars each is 266,000
The drawing will commence, under the
infpeflion of a Committee of the Superia
tendants, as soon as'the Tickets are fold, of
which timely notice will be given.
The Superintendants have appointed John
JJ. Camming, of Newark, Jacob R. Har.
denberg, of New-Brunfwick, and Jonathan
Rhea, of Trenton, as immediate Managers
thereof, who have given ample facurity for
difclHHfging the trust reposed in rhem.
(£3" In order to secure the punctual pay
mentofthe frizes, the Superintendants of
the tottery have directed that the Managers
(hall each enter into bonds in 40,000 dollars,
with four fufficientfecurities, to perform t-heir
iofhudltons, the substance of which is
I. That whenever either of the Managers
ftiall receive the sum of Three Hundred Dol
lars, he (hall imnidiately place the fame in
one of the Banks of New.York or Philadel
phia, to the cteditof the Governor of the
Society, and such of the Superintendents as
live in the city where the monies are placed,
to remain there until the Lottery is drawn,
'or the payment of the Prizes.
11. The Managers to take fnfficient se
curity for any Tickets they may trust, other
wise to be refponnble for them.
111. To keep regular books of Tickets
fold. Monies received and paid into the
Bank, abftrafts of which (hall be sent,
monthly, to theGoverpor of the Society.
Paterfon, January 1, 1794.
On application to either of the above gen
tlemen, information will be given where
tickets may be had.
February <4.
103-The Lottery pnblifhed by the
M Society for eftablilhing ufeful manufac
tures," will commence drawing the firft
* Tuefdav in November next
PHILADELPHIA :*-Pristed by
Also for Sale,
a complete set of
Prize of 20,000 Dollars ii 20,000
1 0,000
This day a fc<u> pipes of the JtrJl quality
French Brandy,
Esteemed equal to any that has been in this
city for a number of years,
Forty Hog/heads of firjl quality of
St. Croix Sugar,
And a few Tons of
Good Black Pepper,
Levintis Clarkfon,
No. 216, south Water street.
oa. 8 d
N O T I C E.
7'he Gazette of the United
States it now pubUJhed at No. 119
Chfsnut street —to -which plare th-
OFFICE of the Editor is removed, and
where Printing Work in general is
I. Neale & H. Kammerer,
And now for Sale,
Price half a dollar, neatly bound, at the
Bookstores of Meflfrs. T. Dobfon, I<.
Campbell, and J. Ormrod ; also at H.
Kammerer's, No. 24, north Third
Select Stories,
For the in/lruciion and amujement of
Tqvth. Adapted to the use
of Schools.
From the French of M. Berquin.
Extract from the Preface.
" To the honor of Mr. Berquin's taste,
it may be said, that he has united simple
clegance wi"tb interesting variety, but ri
gidly feparatcd both f.ont the flijtiteft ap
proach of whatever is vulgar or puerile :
a merit much more easily praised than imi
tated. The art of amuling child en,whilft
at the fame time the Infant Genius is rais
ed and the Heart mended, appears from
his works 10 be fin' contemptible effort of
the mind. Wherever, therefore, the uti-
lity of such an undertaking is acknowledg
ed, the reputation of Mr. Berquin mull
ever be held in delierved esteem.
" Happily such is ihe agreeable versatili
ty of Mr. Bei quin's style and genius, that
it would be diHitult to pronounce in what
department he excels : whether >11 the
lively or the pathetic; the simple language
of narrative, or the animated points of
conversation : whether in flirewdYcmarkS
upon privaie life, or in florid description
of the bcautie! of nature.
" Pieces of every various excellence
that is to be found in the writings of Mr.
Berquin, compose the following volume,
which, it is hoped, will)* thought a valu
able fubftitnte (whq : e fucb may be prefer
red) to -the larger and raore «xtesfiv*
works of the fame author.''
At No. north Third Jirtel, may also be
had the following
New Publications:
Smellie's Natural iftiijofupy, 15/"
History of the French Revolution, i<j/
Lite of Howard,
The Italian Nun, 6/
The Mirror, 2 vols. 11/3
The Devii upon two Sticks,
The Life of Ctiefterfield, 10f
ttefterfieWs Principles of Politeness,
&c. 5 f 9
New Robinson Crufoc, 6/6
1 The Beauties of Sterne, 4/8
Baron Tienk, 6/
History of America, 5f
Evelina, aNovel, 2 vols. 11/3
The Inquisitor, 5/3
Complee Letter-Writer, 4/5
The Travels of Cyrns, 7/6
Memoirs of Major Gen. Lee, 8/4
Rural Economy, 7_/6
Select Fables of Elop, by R.
Vocal Muse, or Ladies Songster, 2,fa
Marvellous Works ol Nature, 3f&
Sentimental Lucub'ations, 3/.
Julia, a Novel, IJ6
Cuiiofities of Literature, 3/ f '
Ladies Literary Companion, 2;f<)
Mifs«llanies, moral and inftruftive, 2/4
Louisa, a poetical Novel, 2fb
Court/hip anil Matrimony, 2/6
Sylvan Letters, 1/10 ,
Life of Baton Trent, abridged, iJ\o
Fables for Ladies, 1J(0
tetters from Yorick to Etiza, i/4
Faltoo Cottage, Jo vial So rafter, &c. &c
At the above place may be liad Blank
Books oiTdifferent k'indi.
Oftobef 8.
Twenty Dollars Reward.
MY Saddle Mare w«s flolen from Wye
Mill, Talbot Cjoun+y, Maryland, on the
night of the 30th of Augirft last. Stw is
black, and fi>ppofed tote ten or twelve
years old, under fourteen band': high, com
part and handsome, branded with the let
ter O, on the left ttiouide, a hmlforoe
star on her forehead, a large full eye the
neckcreft fallen, aflat buttffck, lier fore
foot turns in, and one of them while; flie
racks, trots a»d canters, ha? good Ipirits,
and goes very pleasantly. If taken up ont
of the (late, I will give the above reward
of twenty dollars and all reasonable char
ges, if within the Rate and thirty milies
from' Wye Mill, eight do'lan and reason
able charges, and if a fllorter distance in
proportion, to any person *ho will deliver
her to the Subferioer at thr mill.
Wye Mill, Talbot County, Sept. 2
*eod 3W
'HN FENNO, No. 119, Chssnut Strut.—Prici Six Dollars Per Annwm.
Just Arrived,
And v.'ifl be landed to-morrow morning at
Hamilton's wharf, the CARGO o. the
Schooner Indultry, Captain Hylander,
from Havanna,
Nat. Kennard.
consisting of
85 hhds. Molafles,
Of superior full qu nitty.
106 Boxes and Barrels
White & brown Sugar
and a
Parcel of Ox-Hides ;
Peter Blight.
Just arrived in the Hibemia, Captain
Irwin, from Jamaica.
Sept. 23 d
Dancing School* -
Wm. M'DOUGALL presents his com
pliments to the Public—Thanks them for
the great encouragement he has experi
enced these twenty odd years. He will
'open his School for this Sealon on Monday
the 13th Oaober, at 10 o'clock in the
morning, in that large and elegant Saloon
in Harmony street, leading from Third to
Fourth street, turning the corner ot No.
70, South Third street.
Ilis Employers may be allured, the flri£t
order and decorum that has always been
observed in his School, lhall still be pur
sued —and that their children will be taught
in the mod approved and modern stilt
Note —An Evening School for young
OA. lo
Money to be Lent,
V On Mortgage of
Within tlie City and Liberties of Philadel
phia. Apply to
Nicholas Diebl, jun.
Attorney at Law.
No. 19, south Fourth Jlreet.
Aug. 4 vnw&ftf
Asflieton Humphreys,
Attorney at Law,
Notary Public & Conveyancer,
AT his Office in South Second Street,
the lower corner of Norris's Alley, and
nearly oppolite the City-Tavern, continues
to txanfaft business in the above branches,
as heretofore, .nd draws at a moderate
charge, Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, Powers
of Attorney, Bills of Sale, and Bottomree
Charter Panties, Memorials, Petitions,
and other Instruments in "Writing. He al
so continues to buy and fell Real Estates,
upon Oimmiflion j and tm at prelent a
fewvatuable Farms, &c. for sale.
Oflober n, 1794.
Carriages for Hire.
In Pine street, No. 123, between
Fourth and Fifth streets,
BY the Day, the newest faihioned Car
RIOTS and LiGht Waggons., with two
or four Horses, and careful fleady drivers.
The terms reasonable, and all favors grate
fully acknowledgtcl.
August z6,
To be Sold,
The House, Stables, & Lot
of Ground,
In Secorid street, between Sprnee and
Union {beefs, in the occupation of his
Britannic Majesty's Minister.
The Adjoining Lot,
26 feet frwit, and :49feet deep,
terms of sale, ar>r>ly to
Wm. Cramontd.
Aog. 14
Stock Brokers Office,
fijo, 16, Wall-street, New-York.
THE Subfcribcr intending to confine him
fcll entirely to the PURCHASE and
leave to of? r hisfervices to his friends and
others, in the line of a Stock Broker. Those
who may please to favor him with their bufi.
ness, may depend upon fming it
with tbe oimoft fidelity prr»d difpa-tefc.
Ordcisfrom Philadelphie, Boiton, ot any
other part oi the United States, will be
ftriftly attended to.
Principles and Observations
Pot and Pearl AJhes.
Infpeilor of Pot and Pearl-Alhes for the
Commonwealth of MalTachufette.
Publiftied according to Axft of Congress.
These observations relate to an extensive
bufmefs ; and are defigneu, in the plainest
manner, to convey profitable information
to these interested in it, who have notleif
ure or opportunity to search for the princi
ples therein contained, in the -writings of
profeffional Chemists.
At the STORES of
Jeffe & Robert Wain,
PORT WTNE in pipes, hhds. ai d «u,ar
ter calks
LISBON pipes and auariercnlki
Souchong ar.d Congo TEAS, in quaaer
A quantity of Liibon and SALT
Soft flielled ALMONDS in balc»
Velvet CORKS, ijj do.
Roffia MATTS.
J"» e 9 rt
Whereas an attach
ment at tfce suit of the adminiflutorsof a!l
and lingular the goods and chattels, ri hts
and credits, which were of Wii.iam Bur
net defeated, at the time of b<s death,
hath been iffuedout of the lnferiour Con ic
of common pleas, inandfoi the Qcuiitvof
Middlesex, against the Goods and Chatties
Lands and Tenements of Itcniui Martin,
late of the county aforefaid, retuinable lo
the thirdTuetday in July last. NOTICE
is hereby given to the laid Irenius Martin
that unless he appear and file special bail to
the said action, on or before the thirdTuef
day in January next, judgment will be en
tered against l)iniby delault, aid the goods
and chatties, lands and tenements to at
tached, fold tor the fatlsfaftion of fuihaf
his creditors as fliall appear to be juflly en
titled to any demand thereon, and thai lap
ply for that purpose, according to the form
of the statute in such cafe madeSf provided
By order of the Court,
DEARE, Clerk.
i awtf.
Aug. 10,
Two Apprentices
To the Printing Bufineis. Enquire at this
Tra&s of Land,
in Virginia.
ONE tract in Frederick county, contain
ing 8756 acres, being part of that whtrton
col. Ihomas Bryan Martin row reijtle*,
known by the name of Greenway court, »-
bout 12 miles from Winchester and 5 (ruin
Newtown. For the convenience of pur
chasers, it will be divided into parcel, of
various dimenfionsftom 200 to 6so acres,
which may be viewed 1 by application to col
R. K. Meade, living near theprnnifts—
The greater part is very fertile and well
Another ttaft in.the fame county nn
PafTage creek, containing 2J9 acres, and
adjoining Jacob Levingoods.
Another tra«sV in H»raplhire county,cor
taining by.patent, 699 acres, called .Slim
Bottom, situate oti both fides of tKc >utli
Branch and within two miles of the mouth
ps it, audit supposed to have « good mill
Another trafl: in Hampshire coumy on
New Creek and Kettle-Lrck, containing
Another tract in Prince William county,
called Leefylvania, containing upwa-.cis of
2000 acres, lyingupon Pdtojiuck river, a
bout 23 miles below Alrxandria, art! 28
below the City of Wafliington, compre
hending Frecftone Point, which appears to
be a quarry of free-ftone, covering abcut
50 acres and adjoins the river, wliere ves
sels of 100 tons conveniently harbour. On
another part of this tTa& it isfuppofed there
is a quarry of slate, convenient to water
carriage. TJpwaids of two thirds are in
woods. Mr. Enoch S. Lant, living on the
premises, will /hew this tra£t\
Another trad, in Fairfax county, called
Springfield, containing 2040 i-2 acres, a.
bout 13 miles front Alexandria and 10 from
Washington ; abounds with fine Iptrings and
meadow ground, and may be seen t»y apply
ing to Mr. John Wood, Jiving 00 part of
! it
-h —' —
Anothertradt in Fairfax county, con
taining 39 Zacrej > on Turkey-cock Ron, »-
bout 6 miles from Alexandria.
Another tta*sl in Fairfax county, contain
ing about 176 acres, adjoining Mr. J. Wat-
Ton's feat, aboul four miles from Alexan
Another tract, in Fairfax county, con
taißingsi3 acres, near Occoquan, joining
Mr. lidward Waihing>on'«.
Another tract, in Fairfax county, con
taining 80 acres or thereabout, within a
mile of Pohwrfc Landing, and within five
miles of Mount Vernon, lies level, ard is
well timbered.
• An undivided moiety in another trafl,
containing abou' 284 acres, in Fairlax
county, milesfroni Walhington,■&
9 from Alexandria, where J. Robinlom for
merly lived.
Another parcel of land, within a mile
of Alexandria containing about 24 acres,
and to be fdld in acre or half-acre lots.
Also, sundry unimproved lot* ofvarions
sizes, in different parts of the town of Al
Todefcribe the premifee more particu
larly is deemed unnecefTary, zs it is expec-
ted every person will examine and view
whatever part he fball be inclined to bay.
My only cbje<si being to raise a certain fen*
of money, by felling so many or inch parts
of the aforefaid tracts of land and lots as
foall be neccflary for »hat purpose, o»ehfllf
of tbe purchase nwitej miitt be paid at the
time ot contract, and the other within a
year from the firft day of August ne*t,
at the time of deliveringpofiefliorvor e*c
exiting a legal conveyance The lands re.
mjining unfold, except the tra-ft m Pmpc#
William, after failing a limited furr, will
, be divided into tenements, and leafed tor
a term of years. From the 12tbday of Oc
tober next, till Ttie 15th of Decembr, I
ftian be in the city of Richmond, fctdnjtc*
that time I ftiail remain at home, in A'ex*
andria, et which places, or elsewhere, *
shall be prepared to detail particulars,
to enter into contra&ft.
Alexandria. July 28
Aug. 8
th( following
1 awiOW