a ''Uinbet of hands ; for fafl'.on it J. ath to liberty." Sec a pamphlet en tilled the Revolution in France, con sidered it in its progress and effe(U. A great number of similar predicti ons have appeared in this paper, in de fiance of democratic (corn and censure; and wc (hall not fail to remind our de mocratic readers occafioonaily of any fulfilment us our preoptions- About the time the foregoing re marks were publilhediHebert and Dan ttxi, with their friendt weie guillotined. When the news reached America, 0111 democtats were confounded and fur a moment (laud aghall! What Danlou, the bon patriot»the firm Haunch repub lican, turned traitor ! Incredible ! But after humming and shrugging (houldeis a day ur two, the democrats agreed to hi* fate, and f'rom extravagant ptaiie of Danton, their tone was changed into execrations ! Yes ! k must be fo—Dan ton wai a traitor —he had grown armz ingly rich by the revolution—Britift gold ! Ah, that is the caufe—Pitt i at the bottom of it We triftocrav replied, Not at ail? There is no proof of bribery ! the death of Daoton is the work of dcteltable fa&ion. A little knowledge of human nature and of hiilory will explain this bufincfs, and will warrant us in pre dieting that Kobefpierre will foou (hart the fame fate. No, no, said the Democrats, wit) protuuiid Coffee Houfij wiiJom ; Robti picrre i» a very different nv.n—he ii poor—he is a true pit not—a real Sani Culotte—a found republican—he is ho nest, there is no doubt of it. Thli ditty in praise of Rohefpierre has rung in our eais fuHJix weeks ;wlien k>! we learn that Rubefpierre. is de nounccd as a traitor to liberty—lie is his party are arretted and sent full fpeid to the guillotine after Briffot, Hebert and Diiiiton! there is an end oi him and his republicanism. And now what will our long headed Jacobins fay ? Is the bufniets done ! Where wil! they re!t their hopes now > Is Tallien, Bin.ltd Varemj'-s, or BoUi don a true patriot—a found—iirm— l.e ? We pause for an answer and on some future Sunday evening-, when our mighty pure patriots aie ck-.m-fhaved we (hall expect to fee at the coffee houfc collections of wisdom, which will en lighten us Aristocrats—into mom De mocratic blunders and absurdities! One thing however our Jacobins will not learn—which is, that mtu who or patriotism, always have the lea ! l ol it; and that noisy patriots who pay great court to the people, in all coun tries and under every form of Govern ment Kave eventually proved to be ty rants at heart. The really good man patriot;, the Wafhingtons, the La Fayette; of all countries, have uever ir : • -.is of their patriotism. But Democrats are deaf to hints • Am. Miner. KNOXVILLE, §ept. 6. On Monday last the General Aflem bly of this Territory commenced their feifion in thi3 town. General Rutherford, long diltin guifhed for his abilities and faithful services in. the legislature of North Carolina is appointed President of the Legislative Council. Legislative Council and Members of the house of Reprefcntatives convened together, as required by the Ordinance and proceeded to tl>e eledtion of a mem ber to represent this Territory in the Congress of the United States, wheft James White Efq of Davidfou county was duly elected. The votes for James White ti, —for William Cocke STOCKBRIDGE, Oft. i DIED', At Williftonon the evening 1 of the 30th ult. Captain Nathaniel j Stevens of Callleton on the fame evening • his amiable contort, Mrs. Rebecca St«- ! ens both of one disorder. It isfome hing singular to ohferve, that Captain n O lv v, " v ' li.at v iipic:iu i Stevens was taken til about 8 liourt I aftei his wife and died about 8 after i her, altho'they were 70 miles apart, ; 1 after 11 days ill uefs both being in the:' 52d year of their age. PHILADELPHIA, 1 OCTOBER x 5. The Ley den Gazette of August the sth, lays, tbat tlfe Poles have abandoned to the KuiSans,their conqutfts in the dutchy of Couriand.. A merchant of Philadelphia in a Ut ter, dated Hamburgh tiie firft of Au- gnft, communicates the following lilt of American vefTeli in d.fferent ports of France, the 10th of J ily. Brig Samuel, Black, of Providence, at Port Maloe—vclTel damaged. Hero, Blunt, of Portsmouth, N. H. at Cherbourg. . Union, Beard, of Baltimore, d<« Pereg riae, Gerrifh—velitl loft—part of her cargo tived. Benjamin, Brockhoufe, of Salem, at Calais. A fliip, Bernard of Boston, at L' Orieitt. A snow, Tilden, do. do. Ship George, Symes of do. at Mor hix. Strip KcnSngton, Kerr, of Phila delphia, at do. Capt. Cobb, remains—having sent his veifel home. Capt. Jenny, of Bedford, arrived at Httvre de Marat. Harmony» Crombie of Providence, at do. Capt. White of Cii.iricilon, S. C do. Capt. Rogers of Newnuryport, at Brett—fbip retaken to England. Neptune, Woodbury pt Boston, at Brett. Capt Donovan of Philadelphia* at Brett—fhip retaken by the Bntifh. Capt. Johnlton, of Virginia, (10. Hope, Stevens of of S. Carolina) at Port Maloe—(hip dainnged. Capt. O'Brien of Piterfijurg—brig loft. j Meliitablc and Mary, f'urnal of Bos- I ton, ai Havre. Exirafl of alSttt from Hamburgh dale J slugvftf 11.7/ l 794. The French have conquered Br aban' and Flanders—*-thcy are now attacking Holla ml with a gieat anny—the panic is great in thai Country, an i oiir market receives daily supplies of goods from thence. Trade is quite fit a Itami tttere, and tome of our friends at Amllerdarn and Rotterdam have begirt to fend for ward to us the property that arrives to theiraddrtfs—thuo our rnaikft has come the anu la a mun..cr the Haple of the north. ExtraS of a Liter from a ger.lleman of rtfpeSabiiity at Baltimore, dated Oct. 12. " I think your cit!»en» acted pro perly in taking precautious to prevent the yellow fever feting carried from th'j place—however I now hop.- tiiere is but little if any, d;mgcr. In my opinion you need not be under any apprelienfion of danger from the land ltagrs, or perlous on henfe-baek, or in their own carriages, tor the difoi der has been principal!)- conlired to poor people on the Pom;, who do not travel in that way ; the danger is irom in tlje water ftajjes, who may lmvvh<;re there were some traces of the ■ uiiorder, and some died. Since the cold weather for a fortnight past th< disorder has greatly decreafad, even On the Point. Mr. Wignell yes terday told me that Doctor Brown had called on him to inform him that he might with propriety open the Theatre, which will take place to-morrow. Married on Saturday morning lad by Bilhop Albiiry,Mt. Cornelius Comegys Merchant, to Miss Kitty Baker, daugh ter ,of Mr. Jacob Baker merchant, all of this city. Died, Feb. 10th 1794, In Newberry County, 8. Carolina, Ninety-Six Diitrisft. a Mr. Robert Kennedy, a young gentle man, about years old, who was travel ling towards Georgia, said his family (or father) lived near Philadelphia. H< withed it put in a Philadelphia Gazette. By this Day's Mail. BOSTON, Oftobw 8. UNITED STATES FRIGATE. The keel of the Frigate to be built in' this Town, will be laid in a few days —the ways being nearly completed. We are told by those acquainted in na val archite&ure, that (he will be pr.p of the largest 44 gun (hips that will float on the ocean. Her gun deck will be 174 ft-et 10 1-2 inches. Keel for tonnage 145 feet ; moulded breadth of the beam 43 feet 6 inches—main mad Icm feet 6 inches—-fore do. 93 feet 8 i.iehes— mizen do. 93 teet 8 inches—main yard 87 feet—fore do. 8i feet 8 xiches— crotchet yard 62 feet—bowi'piit, 62 feet 6 topmall 60 feet— fore topmast 57 feet 8 inches—mizen topmast 62 feet 4 inches—main top-gal lant mail 48-feet 8 inches—main topsail yard 61 feet 7 inches—main top-gallant yard 43 feet 8 inches^^^^^^^^^^ VIENNA, iiugoft i. Fiom,Turin we learn vtiy bad news relative to our armies in Piedmont. The , French, who conttantly receive fupplics of men and artille.y, by 'lie way of Nice, are in ftich force a 8 is truly alarm ing. Tiiey ate determined to get pof- ' feiliert of Coni, they have taken zoo men and two officers prifouers, whom they found asleep. They arc iaid to ex ceed sixty thottfand nien in point of number, while the PiedtuonU'le do Dot amount to 30,000. The Cviuaders) who marched under the Uandatd of the FLily \'iihave felt their zeal couhderably cooled* ever j hr.ee fix hundred of them were swept a ' way by grape ««rjrvnt» of Gotirland, under ■the c< mniiud of ha.e made nwlters of tlic pvrt rind city of. Libau, in the Baltic. This intelli gence has quite entirely intoxicated the people with joy, and nothing is talked of but the vigorous measures to he ta ken againtt the enemies of our inde pendence. The following persons were guilloti ned at Paris on the day after the execu tion of Robe/pierre, N. Magon de la Balue and his family viz. Mad.la Mare chalede Noailles ; MtfO. la Ducheffe d' Ayen her daughter in law ) Mad.la Vi vomtefle de Noailles, wife of the officer oftliat name who is well known at Lon don and is at present fettled in America. M. le Marquis de Talara, a Cordon Bleti> & Premier Maitre d'hottl du.roi; Mad. 2a Marquifc de T<">izd Girhvind and direHed the Jiorm PLYMOUTH, August 19. Tfiis afternoon failed on a cruize, ... 7 Viee-Adm. Mac- M,notaur 7 +gun..j br . de)Ca p tXoujs Crescent 36 Saumarez. Thalia 36 —<— These ships will be joined ®ff the Sound by the Hebe, Nymphe, aod Druid frigates, which failed from hence on Sunday last, and are now cruizing near the Eddyftone light-house. NEW-YORK, MARINE INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVED. Ship Port Mary, Kennedy Liverpool Liberty, Stanton Jamaica Fanny, Braine Glasgow Brig Ann, Skinner Baltimore Eliv-a, Connor Jamaica The Fanny, Capt. Braiue, was bro't to by Admiral Muriay'9 fqnadrcn, at Sandy Hook, 4nd the second mate, with 7 pai fenf ers pressed on boad the Africa. John Miller, jun. No. 8, Cmesnvt near Front Strict, Hath Imported in the late Vefltls A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF WOOLLENS, BATTS well qfloi-ted, Boys' colourtd, The TRAGEDY of . M A C B E TH. , To which will be added, A COMEDY, never performed here, in two &<3s. Called the Rival Candidates; Messrs. HALL AM & HODGKINSON n fptiflfully acquaint t)ie Citizens in gene ral, that every expence has been chearfrl ly sustained. that might tend to make the jJJ .imtrican Company, worthy a ihare of TTh«< dodr»*Tfl be opened at h*tf after •We, and the airfaib