The bloody O&avius, under the title of Aoguftns, was the theme of the Po et's song, becanfe he hnd cured the diflentions of his country in the peace ful tomb of despotism. Out of the dreadful agitation of the French Revo lution, the Liberty of France and of Europe may yet arise. But the men, who will have contributed to this grand. ob'Tft, by mcnr»i which the end could alone juftify, will all have periflied in the conflict, and their chara&tis will remain doubtful in the page of biitory. Barrere it is evident, is not among the dead, uhlcfs he fell in a popular com motion, as iiis name certainly ftanids in the lift ot the vi&orinus fadion—Bar rere the late dear friend and organ of Ro bespierre ! Th e Convention broke up the Jacobin Club on the 28th : Le Gendre with a pillol at the hend of a tile of fol dievs, turned out the Members and put the kef of the door in his pocket, which he afterwards laid upon the table of the Convention. The whole commune of Paris fay the accounts of the 28th, were in open re- Tolt to the Convention, and in league 011 the tide of Robespierre. —— 1 It Should appear, by accounts fiom Wurfaw d»rc&, that the city had not been attacked oil the JOth ult. though other* from Berlin otthe 29''' a y» '' lat it was nearly reduced in confeqiienec of a severe bombardment. The tail seems to be, that the Pr,k'» are prepared to mate a (lout reiiiUncr. At the Court of St. James's the 6th of August, 1794. E. e&nr, the Kind's inoft Excellent Ma jeft* in Council; WHEREAS in many of his majefly's Vice admiralty courts in the Weft Indies, lentences of condemnation have passed a gaisill (hipa and poods belonging to the lubjecVs of the United States of America : and whereas, from ignorance of the rules reljie&ing the times of appealing, or from inability 'to find the security required, or from other just and reasonable feflpedi ment*, the claimants have been prevented from duly entering and profecutirg their appeals from the said sentences ■ And whereas it bath been repr -lented to histna jetty, on their behalf, that they are de iirous of entering and proltcuting the fame; his majesty is thereupon pleated, by and with the advice of his Privy Council, to order, and it i» hereby ordered, that the said parties (hall be admitted to their reipefltve appeals, cotwithftanding the ordinary times foi entering and prosecut ing the fame may be ehpfed, provided the feme are entered and prosecuted with in a reasonable time, to be approved by Lords Commissioners of Appeal in Prize Causes. DEAL, August 20. A Dutch cutter i« this moment ar rived from Sluys, and brings advicr, that the fleet in Brest water on hearing of Robespierre's death, was immediately dismantled by the men and officers; who determined not to go to sea any longer, and went together on shore. PHILADELPHIA, OCTOBER 14. Samuel Smith, Esq. is re-ele£lec? one of the Member* of Congress for th Kate of Mary-land. John Patton, Esq. is elected Repre. entative in Qongrefs, for the State of i)elawar«. It ha» been reported for some time jnft, that Governor Lee of Virginia, nas appointed commander in chief of the Federal army, dt (lined to quell the infurreftion at the Weilward.—An ano-1 nymoui letter is now published in the i Gazettes which appears to confirm that report—and adds that Governor Mifflin is second in command,, and Gov. How ell, third. The President of the United States has proceeded on his route to the Head Quarters of the Virginia troops at For Cumberland. It **wrk,. ttyfincc it! jmNwilwt-cmairty, tfcu ibc omp w bwWb ifc* OttuMmfif mMmn bi thir : V*»'-* fte wtfito tus «W «orfek far* »nft p9wr tti *II tM*. «*rfc * proceedings held in Court-Houftiy that trie taking off of bats generally follow; the holding up of h.mdt, in order to make rooni sot ea/>i! A correspondent remarks that the petition to the State Leg Mature of the Sugar Refiners and Snuh makers, was nothing Ihort of a proportion, that the Affrmblies of the fevernl States, ftiould form themfclves into Infut gent' Clubs, a la modi de Paris, to oVer-atfe and cou troul the national government. It appears by the lat* aifcounts from France, that the Jacabin Clubs are " done over"—As Ciomwell treated the Parliament, so dne of the members of the Convention reports that he has turned out the Society, locked the Door, and has brought away the key in his pocket. A correspondent who ("eaJ a para graph in the General Advertise* appro bating the efeftion for Congrtfs of per sons of a particular deferiptioiij known ov the 'iame of Democrats* cannot avoid reminding the ele&oi's of the Codnty arid Ci.y, that had it not been foi the encouragement & support derived trom the inflammatory speeches of persons in Congreli, commonly called Democrats, we ftumld not, in all probability have had a Welterii Infilne£iion, the qdel ling of which will add trf- the public debt perhaps two millions of Dollars. A correfjiorident who was at the meeting on Saturday evening, could .lot help noticing, as somewhat portentous the oppolition made by a certain Demo crat. to the holding uj> t/F hands. ' Tho the above meeting really Origi nated with an Antifedetal Janto, yet fueh was the decided majoiitv on the Shew of Hands in favor of" Thomas Fitzlimons, that the vote was at once determined 111 his favor—but lusfrierfds fnppofnig the vote not to have been fully understood, called for a second Ihew, whin the majority appeared to be as three to one. ExtraJt of a Utter from the Ea&tuatdi I . , / ft . . - dated Sept. 19. " It really appears to me that Popu lar Societies ate rlie very mints of Ty ranny ; and if ever a tyrannical govern ment exists in this country, it will flow from that fouree—-■from -which, good Lord deliver vs. But, iiv refpedt to yout Wellern Infurgcncy, I hope bet ter things—that good good' will come ; out of evil—and, like the in furred ion iu Mafrachufetts, tho' ex pet.five, be pro fitable in the end ; for that led the peo ple to be watchful, vigilant and well or ganized—which gave (lability to go vernment, and fafety to life, liberty and property—And, may l not fay, taught the Citizens a wife and true policy, and the absolute neceflity of a Federal Con (litution, without which, what would our situation havp been at this day ?-■*- And, yet (Irange to tell, cabals and in trigues are attempting its fubverlion. How will such conduit appear in the pages of our history to a wife poileri ty? All that I can colled, (ays an Eng li(h writer, then, from the late trar.fac tions in Paris, is this:—That the Re volutionary Government required a per fect unity of tf£b'on among the member; of the Committee of Public Safety, in whom almott the whole power of the date was lodged ; that a schism had tak en place in this Committee, that the parties had been for forte time pre paring for a conflidt; that this conflict mud neceiTatily have been, as it proved to be, deadly to one of the parties. On Monday morning last, departed this life in the 18th year of her age, Miss Susanna Hammill,(alter a lingering illness, which (he bore with fortitude) daughter of Mr. William Hammill, late of this city, deceased. She has left a difconfolatc mother and filler to lament her death. On Tuesday her remains were interred in the burial ground, attended by a refpe&able con course of citizem. Died lately iri Virginia, Captain Na thaniel Sherburne, of Portfinouth, New- Hampshire. In Portfmouth,New-Hamp(liire, Mrs. Eunice Adams, consort of the Hon. Nathaniel Adams, Esq. In Boston, Mts. Mary Gore, wife of Mr. Samuel Gore. By this Day's Mail. » 3 . The fudJen and tremendous fall of Robefpicrte and his adherents, who constituted the late ruling power in the National Convention of France, is an event which caanot fail to produce much (peculation. This man's greatneis had sprung from the rtgrntrating principle in Franc?. It had liounflied, lil—: t'.ie " Green Bay Tree."—~lfi% branches' nrc tar and hi. roots w.Tt numerous, and and Ihung. i'urn from his (landing by a Revolutionary Tornado, the adjacent sorest rnuft iiave lWed larg dy in tiie breach. The breach was sudden and it was speedily supplied. The fair- expc&ations, with equal du ties, will devolve on their Succefiors, who have fallen irt thiscatallrophe, while the altonifhed world will be dinn'd with the replicated enormities of Robespierre, the Tyrant, and his accomplices. But the sagacity of that Nation mutt exceed even their valour, to find those men, whom portir and talerlts may not trans form to the ditpofitlon of those, who, in dreadful fuecefiion. have made their exit on the fatal fcaffold of the Guil- toTISE. Aiftong the difciplea of aristocracy, in Paris, the name of Thomas Pjyne appears. We do not hear that the crime of this great rrian is any other tlian his being an Englilhman. BALTIMOHE, October n. The Committee of health report the following lilt of burialo 'or Baltimore town and Fell's-Poirrt within the last 24- hours, viz. GeOgO Bierly, prevailing fever. Jchn Saw, • do. John Jalbnd's child bl frfiali po*i Mr. Moore's < A frnall infant. Signed by tiie Committee. Octob'.r 10: to The Gomiftil,tee of Health report the following lift of burials for Baltimore tawji and Fell's Point, within the iaft 14 hours, «iz. Capt; Deiiwark, fitfnt a Swedish Ihip, prevailing fever* Sailor belonging to Jo. MK NAL CONVENTION. 10 Therir.idor, Monday July 28. Nine ia the Morning. The department of Paris and the Re volutionary Tribunal came to the bar to congratulate the Convention 0:1 having saved their country. The members of the tribunal were ordered to go and re ceive the orders of the committee of public fafety and'return to their post. Sijas, not being apprehended, was outlawed. Deliega, formerly a member of the legislative aflembly, was appointed Pre iident of the second fedtion of the revo lutionary tiibunal; and the tribunal was ordered to proceed without delay a gainst the conspirators, who being out lawed, to indctitify their persons was all that was neceflary for their condem- nation. A number of addrcfles of congratu lation were received. < Santerre appeared at the bar. He said he had been the victim of Robes pierre's oppreflion ; that hit fetters were now broken ; and that his only ambition was to be ufeful to his country, he cared not in what fituatioo. He was admitted to the honours of the fit tinpr. Dubarrau announced that Henriot was taken. TV minutes of this faf Slid jreftcr 4*yi fitting were oitieflftl tu be printed, and lent to aUthe of the he public. ? Decreed, that the feftiong of Paris tad never ceased to deftrve well of their :ountfy. Barrere made a lofig report on all the lircumftances of the conspiracy, and :oncluded by proposing a proclamation, which was adopted, ordered to be print ;d, and sent by extraordinary Couriers to all the departments, and all the ar mies of the Republic. The convention then proceeded with the ordinary bufinefa till four o'clock, when the fitting was suspended. LONDON, August 13. STATE PAPER. Manifefto of the Emperor of Germany, for letting his troopj enter Poland, difti ibuted by his Majelle(ly'3 order by Count Harnoncourt, Commander in Chief of the Aultrian troops, to the Inhabitants of Poland. Whereas his Imperial Majesty cannot behold with an indifferent eye ths tum bles which have arisen in Poland, which might have dangerous confeqiienccs for the fafety and tranquility of the coun tries belonging to his Majesty. He has given me orders to repair with the troops under my command to the Polish terri tory, in order, that, by so doing, not only all the dangers will be averted from the frontiers c£ but that the tranquility and fafety of the CGUntr.e* of his Mai- ity ihe Emperor be conloli iareJ. Iu cunfcqneiiee the pub! 1 has b.-cn ipprized, that thoie v.-ho (hail be have pe.ueabiy, friendly, inodtitiy ji.d confidently to the Austrian soldiers, will have to expect mighty protection and fafet), both of their peri jus, their eltati-j and property ; those on the contrary, who shall go so far as to render themlelves guilty of an inconil deratd rtfitlaiice, will bring upon them felvesall the severity of martial law. (Signei) JOSKPH COUNT HARNONCOURT Wielowitfch, June 30, 1794. A letter from Bergcu-op-Zoom, Aueuft 11, states— Slavs is (till fafe. Besides batteries of brafsand iron ordnr.nce there is a fuf ficiency of men to command the works. The cannon exceed 400. We daily expert large bodies of Pnjffian and Austrian troops. They are to proceed accoiding to accounts, to I)ois-le-Due. Some have already arrived; " A repoh is prevalent that the Prince (if Cobourg has totally defeated the French near Maeftricht that four thou r .'nd have fallen that there are many prisoners, and that between two and thfee tlioufand of the Liegois were pnt to (Watti—beeaOfe thejr fired upon the Auftrians from the windows, wherf fhey lately (00k the towrt. The if] and of Cadfitnd has been eva cuated by the French. The dysentery mak s fnoh ravages in their army,- Hint from Jo to 40 waggons full of prisoners are sent to the hofpilals of Biuges and Ohent daily. A fimilai eptdetnic disease has broken out at Courtray. This is the natural cotifeCjuence nf pillage, and the \vatit of dtfcipline. Antwerp has been plundered of its mod preribtts effects, and the superb piituves, pninfed by Rubens, are all Jent to France. In Sail FlfindcrS the French patroks have (hewn themselves within a league and a half of and 011 the fide of Bel £«rt-op-Zoom. | Some of the French hstve advanced »to OfTendrecht, where they commit in ! credible excefics. The Duke of York's Head quarters are itill at Nifpen, near Bred;:. The French appear to have their head quar ters at Iloogltraten. Prince Frederick df Orange has efta bliflied hp head qujrte's at Breda. The Prince of HefTe-Darrnftadt hat taken the command of the fortrefs of Hull!, in Flanders where, however 1 none of the enemy h'ave yet appeared, except some patroles at the advanced poll of Sandberg. The inhabitants of Guernsey and Jersey are in a state of perturbation ref pefting an expected invaiion of thpfe ; ifiands, the French have promised to ! vilit and take them into their protection before the end of a month ! Aug tift 19. From our correl'pondent at Edinburgh, we yefter'.ay received a letter, acquaint ing us, that a Ruffian fleet of 10 iiil of the line and 4 frigates had arrived in the mouth of I'l ith of Froth on the 14th inft. An officer was lent on ihore, who on Friday landed at Leith, for the purpose of taking in some freffi provisions Ihe coast of Scotland'was the place of their destination. There they were to wait till they received further order» from the Court of Peterftnirgh. Various fpculations have been made on the ultimate object of this fleet: and one of the following objects seems to be the real one—The Empress either is aware of a rupture with the Porte, and intends this fleet for the Meditrranean, or (he thinks it neceflary to add strength to her naval force in the Baltic. On the eve of her last war with Sweden, Ihe found means to bring 5 line of battle (hips into the Baltic, for which the Court of Stock holm was very much blamed. The present fleet consists wholly of new ships, built at Archangel, and, it is sup posed the Dy Thomas John Ketland. Ceen executed in Phila delphia, or perhaps; in any ot the United States} and contains, bdides, A Compleat Calendar, OR ALMANACK, for the.Year.. 1795. Lift of the Officerr. of* the American Go vernment, Civil and Mil.ta.y. The terms of the Fedcial Couit & Dif tritt Courts. The Latitudes and Longitudes from thte Meridian of Philadelphia, of all the Cspi. tal Cities in the Union. The dates of the periods when each of theS'ateswas firft fettled | Their refpiftive Territories and num bers i.f People; The number of Inhabitants of each, in each quare mile—and a brief account of tlxeir lelative progiefs in Population; to gether with various Other Articles ot In formation. . Ornamented with 6n elegant Frontif. piece, Title Pagr.and twelve V inettes, aI. Hiding to fceries in Thompson's Seasons, en. graved by the most inge 3 ious Artist* in the City. twill be publijhed, and fold at the fame place, APL A N City and Suburbs OF PHILADELPHIA. Taken from late and accurate firt'ey. This Map will be 26 inches square ; will be delivered a-. may heft liiit the pu*"- ctoafers, ether iw thcetj plain or coloured, (mtanvaiTcd and affixed to roller*; or to fit them for the pocket, ihey will l>«? cui and f Uied in cases. Th«»fe who liave been so obliging, as to receive Subfcripr'on< f« ,r this Plan, are re queued to forward to th Editoh a; N'.. 68, in Ma'ket-Sfec-'f, as ab»\ d". record ; as he intends :o close the 'ill in a (licit time, and to fend it to the Prels, to be i I.fcited in tl»e front of he Pamphlet which ivill be delivered witu the Plan. Oil# *4- 4" aw. * SONNET. r* i 1 "■ OF THE