Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, October 13, 1794, Image 4

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    Life of Howard.
J. o RVI R O D,
( Pr'tc; 1J Cmts)
fa Franklin'# Head, No. 4L, Chcfnut
A VIEW of the
Life, Travels and Philan
thropic Labours,
of the late
F. R. S>
**r. *
witha striking tikenefs of that
Citizen of the World.
By JOHN AIKEN, m. d.
To whirli i"! fubjuined an ODE inftribed to
John flowaid, by WilHam Bayley, Elq-
FRO M realm to realms with croft or
crejccnt crown'd,
Where*er mankind and misery are found,
O'c'.* burning fends, deep watles, or wilds
of frio :u, ...
(ireat HOWARD joum(yitig feekl the
boujfe of woe.
Downmany awindingflep todungednsdartk,
Where an 7uifh wails aloud, and fetters dank:
To caves beflre w'd with many a mould'ring
And cells, whose echtes only learn io grotin;
—Onward he moves !—Difeafe dnd death
And murm'ring demons hate him, and ad
mire. '
Seii. t.
Medical Books.
Bj, Thomas Dobfon, at the Stone House
No. 41 j south Seoo djlrcet,
V O L. 11.
Medical Inquiries
Proftffor of the Institutes ot Medicine, and
of Clinical Pra&'ice in the Univer
fjiyot Pennsylvania.
1. An inquiry into the influence of phyffca
causes upon the moral faculty.
2. An inquiiy iuto the efFetts of fpiritous li
quors upon the human body, and their in
fluence upbu the happiness of fo'ciety.
3. An inquiry into the causes and dote of the
pulmonary conlumption.
4. Oblei va/ions on the fyiriptumsand cfrre of
dro plies.
5. An Inquiry into the caufesand the ctfredf
internal dropsy of the brain.
6. An account of the measles, as thfy ap
peared in Philadelphia, in ihc year 17%.
7. An account of the influenza, as it appear
ed in Philadelphia in the years 1789,1790 s ,
and 1791.
8. Auinqrtiry into the causes of the increase
of blliousand remittinrg fevers, in Penn
9. An inquiry into the causes arid cufeof fofe
so. An account of the ft*t* of the body »ntl
mind in old age. with obfervatitfrft upon
its difeaf't and tirtir rfWedies.
Price one dollar and a quarter unbound,' or
one dollar and a half neatly bound.
Medical Tranfa&ions
or THE
College of Phyticians of Philadelphia.
Pi ice aj»c dollar in boards.
A Treafife on the Diseases of
Childrfift. -
With grnrral directions for the manageraenl
of Infants frotn the birth, adapted for
theuleof physicians and private families.
By Michael Underwood, M. D.
jLicentiate of Midwifery in the Royal Col-
lege Pbyficians in London, and
Poyfcciati of the British
Price Or re Dollar.
is acknowledged to be the best bool
which has been' publilhed on the fubjeft, ant
is calculated for' the use of parents, nurses,
and private families* zs wellasfor physicians
—The two volumes handsomely printed in
one, and the price only about one third of
-whatthe imported copies fell for.
The Edinburgh New Difpcnfatory, two
System of Surgery, extra&ed from the
works of Benjamin ReH* by Dr. Waters, 2
dols. 50 cents.
Sylfem of Anatomy, extraftcd from the
Encyclopaedia, with I 2 copperplate?, 2 dols.
System ol Chemistry, extnr&ed from the
Encyclopedia, exhibiting a view of the pro- i
grefs of thefciencee, and the different systems
which have been publilbed, 2 dols. 50 cents.
Brown's Elements of Mcdieine, 2 doll
67 cents.
f. Don/on has in the Prefix
An edition of the Medical and Philofophi
cal Commentaries of Edinburgh. Two vol
umes are printed in one at 2 dollars and 50
cents per volume; he has nearly finifhed the
five firft volumes, which, contain the firft ten
volumes of the European edition, which fcl!
for two dollarseach. Nine volumes will in
clude eighteen European volumes, which
will briog the publication up to the present
Likewise for sale a conftderable number oj
Medical Books, viz.
Cullen's Pra&ice, Materia Medica, Physi
ology, and Synoplis. Bcll'sSurgery, G'vols.
or 4 vols, do. on Ulcers, Buchan's Domestic
Medicine, Ledran's Surgery, Chelclden's A
netomVf Hunter on the Venereal, Swedeea
ver on do. Rollo on Weft India l>ifeafes;
Rigby on Uterine He«iorrhag<\ Hamilton's
outlines of the theory and practice of Mid
wifery, with or without plates; do. on the
management ol Female complaints. Mease
on Hydrophobia, Ac. See.
Burlington Pork.
' a Quantity of
j* Sect
1 .»* «pt®'mT... ; -»
Fine Liverpool
To Be Sold
. From the Ship Thomas,
The second wharf below Pine-Street, ap
ply at said wharf, to
Jehu Hollingfworth, & Co.
Aug. 26. d.
Card. Nail FaElory,
No. 59, north Front street,
Webster, Adgate & White,
Have corjl/intly for sale,
Cotton, Wool, Tow, and
Machine Cards,
Of nil Kinds,
Cut Nails of all lize«,
Floor Brads, Sprigs and Tacks,
Fullers Shears, Gtiu Flints and Wool
A quantity o( kiln dried Indian Meal in
barrels * '
A new Edition of Adgate's Philadelphia
Harmony, containing both the firfr and fc
cond parts, being the mod apr oved fyf
trm of Rules and the be-ft collfcftion of
Tunes now in use,
Machinery for making Cards
On an Improved Conftruftion.
Oft. 2 w&stf
Scheme of a Lottery,
Td raise 39,900 Dollars. on 266,000 Dollars,
Deducting t"5 pea Cent, from the Prizes—
This Lottery consists of 38,000 Tickets, in
which there are 14.551 I'rizes, and 23,461
blinks, being about one and an half blanks to
a poize.
THE Direttors of the Society for cftabiifh
ing Uleful Manufactures, having rcfolv
ed to erc€t LOTTERIES for raiftnij One
Hundred Thousand Dojl lars, agreeably
to an A£l of the Legitf-ature of the Statr- of
Ncw-Jerfey, have appointed tile following
pfcrfonsto ftrperintend and direst the draw
ing of the fame, viz. Nicholas Low, Rulus
Kmg, Herman Le Roy, James Watson,
Richafd Hamfon, Abijali Hammond, and
Cornelius Ray, of the city ot New-Yo'k—
'HiohVas Willing, Joseph Ball, Matthew M'-
Conn*l an'd Andrew Bayard, ot the city of
Philadelphia—-His Excellency Richard How
etV, Efqy Elias Bonding General Elms Day
ton-, jfcrt<s Parker, John Bayard, Do&or
Donhan, Samuel W. Stockton, Joihua
M« Wallace,-JofepW Bloomfield, and Eltiha
BoudinotV of Ncw-Jerfey, who offer the
following Scheme ot a Lottery, and pledge
thlrmfclveS Co the ptrblic, that they will take
e»« y aifur-mce and precaution in their power
to have the Monies paid by the Managers,
from time to time, &s feceived, into the
Banks at New-Vork and Philadelphia, to
remain for the purpose of paying Priz s,
which shall be immediately difchafged by a
check upon one of the Banks.
Prize of 20,000 Dollars i« 20,000
10,00® 10,000
5,000 10,000
2 t OGO 10,000
I,COO 10,000
3 co
23,461 Blanks. Firfl drawn number, 2,000
Laftdrawn number, 2,000
38,000 Tickcts at 7 Dollars each is 266,000
The drawing will under the
infpe&ion of a Committee of the Superin
tendants, as soon as the Tickcts are fold, of
which timely notice will be given.
The Superintendants have appointed John
N. Cumming* of Newark, Jacob R. Har
denberg, of New-Brunfwick, and Jonathan
Rhea, of Trenton, as immediate Managers
thereof, who have given ample focurity for
discharging the trust reposed in them.
( In order to secure the punctual pay
mentofthe Prizes, the Superintendants of
the Lottery have dire&ed that the Managers
(ball each enter into bonds in 40,000 dollars,
with four fuHicient fccurities, to perform their
inftru&ions, the substance of which is
I. That whenever either of the Managers
shall receive the f»m of Three Hundred Dol
lars, he ihall immdiately place the fame in
one of the Banks of New-York or Philadel
phia, to trie cieditof the Governor of the
Society, and such of the Super in: endaots as
five in the city where tbe monies are placed,
to remain thereuntil the Lottery is drawn,
•'or the payment of the Prizes.
11. The Managers to take fufiicient se
curity for any Tickets they may trail, other
wise to be refponnble for them.
111. To keep regular books of Tickets
fold, Monies received and paid into the
Bank, abftra&s of which (hall be sent,
monijily, to the Governor of the Society.
Patcrfon, January 1, 1794.
On application to eithei of the above gen.
•Jemen, information will be given where
tickets may be had.
February 24,
(£jr* The Lottery pobliiKed by the
eitablifhtog uleful Manufac
tures, M will commence drawing the firft
Tuesday in November next —
PHILADELPHIA:—Printeb by JOHN FENNO, No. 119, Cheihut Street Price Six Dollars Per Annvm
Also for Sale f
This Day from on board tbc brig Ami and
Mary, Capt. Corrie, from Antigua,
ninety hogsheads of
Prime Antigua Rum,
ONE thitd of which is fourth proof, the
other third. Also a lew hngfheads leuiain
ing on hand |>f the Brig Sally's CARGO,
Captain Weft from fame place, which fca".
been so much approved of for the finenefs
of its flavour.
Jamaica Spirits,
Genuine Madeira Wine,
By the pipe, quarter calk or gallon.
I. f ,v
By the Morfolk, Captain Art,
Levinus Clarfcfon,
Not ii 6, south comer of Pine and
Water Jlrects.
Aug, 27
I. Neale & H. Kammerer,
have just puansHio,
And now for Sale,
Price half a dollar, ne»tly bound, at the
Bookltores of Messrs. T. Dobfon, U.
Campbell, and J. Ormrod ; alio at H.
Kamnierer's, No. 24, north Third
Select Stories,
For the injlruftion and amujement of
Youth. Adapted to the use
of Schools.
From the French of M. Berquin.
ExtraS from the Preface.
To the honor at' Mr. Berquin's taste,
it may be laid, that he has muted fnuple
elegance with interesting variety, but ri
gidly repai ated both fioni the flighted ap
proach of whatever is vulgar or puerile:
a merit much more easily praised than imi
rafed. The art of an, uling child en,whilft
at the fame Strut tl« Infant Genius is raif
en and the tUzlrs meitdnl, appears from
ilii works to be no contemptible cHbrt of
the mind. Wherevei, therefore, the uti
lity of i'uch an untfertilkiiig is acknowledg
ed, the reputation oT" Mr. Btiquin mult
ever be held in delifrvert elletm.
" Happily fucn u the atjte<able versatili
ty of Mr. Bei q.,ill's style ;ir.d genius, thai
it would be (lithcu tlo pronounce i'i what
department he excels : whether in the
lively or the pathetic}' the li.npia lacgusge
of narrative, or the animated points of
conversation : whether in flnewd remarks
upon privaie lile, or in floiid description
of the beauties of natiue.
" Pieces ol every various excellence
.that is to be found in the Writings of Mi .
Eerquirt, compole the following volume,
which, it ts hoped, will be thought a valu
able substitute (wl;e;e fucb may be prefer
red) to tile larger and more extensive
works of the fame author."
At No. 24, north ThirdJlreet, may also be
bad the following
New Publications:
Smellie's Natural" Philolopy, 15/"
Hiltory of tlie French Revolution, 151
Life of Howard,
I he Italian Nun, 6f
Tne Mirror, 2 vols, 11/3
The Devil upon tvrb Sticks, 5f
The Life of Cheftcifield, 10/
Chefterfield's Pi.ncipiej of Politeness
&c 5/9
New Robii>fon Crufoc, 6/6
The Beauties of Sterne, 4/8
Baron T'enk, 6/
History of America, 5f
Evelina, aNovel, 2 vols. 11/3
The Inquisitor,
Comple-e Letter.Writer, 4/6
The Travels of Cyru*, 7/6
Memoirs of Major Gen. Lee, Bfa
Rural Economy, 7/6
Select Fables of Elop, by R.
Vocal Muse, or Ladies Songster,
Marvellous Works of Nature, 3/6
Sentiinei*alJL.ucub'ations, 3/.
Julia, a Novel, 2J6
Cuiiofities of Literature, 3/6
Ladies Literary Compauion, IJ9
Milcellaniesj moral and inftrnttive, 2/4
l.ouifa, a poetical Novel, 2/6
Courtihip and Matrimony, S/6
Sylvan Letters, t/icj
Life of BaionTrenk, Abridged, ijio
Fables for Ladies, r/to
Letters front Yorick to Eliza, if 4
Fallen Cottage, Jovial Songster, &c. &c
At the above place may be had Blanl
Eooks of different kinds.
Ofmber 8.
Twenty Dollars Reward.
MY Saddle Mare was stolen from Wye
Mill, Talbot County, Maryland, on the
night of the 3°tl> of August latt. She is
black, and supposed to be ten or twelve
yearsold, under fourteen hands high,com
paft and handsome, branded with the let
ter O, on the left ftoulde, a hndforae
star on her forehead, a large full ey« the
neckcrelt fallen, aflat buttock, her fore
foot turns in, and one of them white; she
racks, trots and canters, has good spirits,
and goes very pleasantly- If taken up out
of theftate, Itt'illgiv* the above rewaid
of twenty dollars and all reafortable char
ges, if within the state and thirty miles
from Wye Mill, eight do'lars and reason
able charges, and if a shorter diltance in
proportion, to any person who will deliver
her to the Subfcribc • at thr mill.
Nat. Kennard.
NVye Mill, Talbot County, Sept. 2
Public Notice is hereby
To the Freemen of the City and County
of Philadelphia,
to be held for the city and county atorefaic
or Tueldby the 14th day of O&ober next,
at the State Houfein the city o Philadel
phia, wheie the Freemen of tlic diftriftof
Southwark) and of the townih ps oi the
Northern Liberie , Moy*menliug, Pafi
yunk, Blockiey, .and KjMgkfling, are alio i|
ro hold their eieA:or*. Tre Ftwmtn of
the townfliips of Germantown, Roxbo- -\*7l
rough, and Briltol, are to hold their clec- VtllCfCSlS 311 2ttatil'
toons at the Union Schooi-honfe in Gtr- i.„- :n » , ,
onini ,,f n lfint hpr ment at thefuit ot the anminiiliatofjof aJ
nuntown : And the b leenien ot theotnei
n • . r• i » « »„ M and Angular the goods and chattels ri hfl
■townfliips in die laid count • aie to nolo b « „
L • XX- ► kt~<r nf and credits, which were ot William Bur
!' e L inthe net decealed, at the time of his death
|o n dill ey, in «. " > > iffuedout ol" the Inferiour Couj
tawnlhipot Lower Dublin. Ihe judges ,
I r rv o i ot common pleas, in and tor the Conntvol
n pec ors, 'C. or le P 'J n 5. I . Middlesex, against the Goods and Chatties
holen according to the direction ot the late •' jVn r t
„ .? „ Ol ,j Lards and T encments ol Irenius Martir
ift to regulate the Genera) tleaions; and *- . .
he returns to be made as uinal. Thee !ate of th e cou,,ty a torela,!,etuu,,h t^
eflion to he opened between the hours of the th.rdT uefday in julylaft. NOTICE
I ... .c tpr is liereby given to the laid Irenius Martin,
en in the morn the; ana oru in the atter- ,? 1 , a r r • . « \ 1
, • , r T-I r. ~n r t | lP that unless he appeai and iile Ipeciui b. 4 i to
u)Oi» : at which places the Electors ot the . r ,r • «
the said action, on or before the thirdTuef
:ty-and countv are to choole, ■ , t ,
; . r . ' day in Janpary next, judgment Will be en
r tered against him by default, and the goods
One Ueprcfei tative for the City ot and chilttla6i l an(Js 3(id tenements so at
hiladHphia, and . e taclted, fold tor the fatislacliun of such of
One Keprefentative tor the County o
, , , titled to any demand thereon, anil Ihai lap
"*fity of Philadelphia, for the tor t h at purpose, according to the fotm
">o. WWli'or the county ol Ue a- t | ie st atu te in fucli cal'e madt&r provicitd
By order of the Court,
OEARE, Clerk.
I au tf.
? perrons for Reprefcuta|j*ei ef tbfl
In General sljfemlly-
Six persons for Heprelcntatives for thr
Six pfrfons for Reprefeutatives for the
Two persons for Sheriffs for the City
and County.
One Connniflioner for the City and Coun
And the Constables of the City and
County are required to hold their elections
in their refpeetive Waids and Townships
ou Saturday the nth dayot October next
to ele<ft Tovwu(hip and Ward AiTefl'ors and
Infpedtors, to attend at the laid General
Election at the State House
William Will,
Oft. ,
Just Landed,
From on board the Jhip fVa/biiigton, Capt,
John Collins from Bcurdtattx,
White Wines
111 Hlitls. and Cales—For Sale by
No. 26, 'Spruce, near irontStreet.
August ii, 1794.
Carriages for Hire.
In Pine ftrect, No. 123, between
Fourth and Fifth streets,
BY tlie Day, the newest faftioned Car
riages, as Coaches, Coachees, Cha
riots and Light Wacgoss, with two
or four Horses, and careful (leady drivers.
The terms reasonable, and ail favors grate
fully acknowledged.
August 26,
A LARGE body of LAND on thistrier
andits waters, is now for sale to Settlers on
on moderate terms,acda.t a long credit.
The foil is remarkably fertile, and nu
merous ftreains of water are interspersed
through the whole country.
The main river flows through one trait
of about thirty thousand acres, and is with
he exception of one obftruftian, naviga
ble to the Snfquehaimah.
Spring Brook Creek, which wkh its
branches, waters another trsft of about
tortv tlicuranil acres ot" good Land, emp
ties '.tfell into the Lachawannock, about
twelve m;les from theSufijurhannah.
It affords numerous Mill feats, .& in its
course creatcs largebodies of well water
ed meadowgroiind.
The other tra&s arei«terfe&edby.crf«ks
of C&nfiderable importance.
Several Milk are already eredled for the
accommodation of thelettlers.
Roads are cut in different directions, tD
wards the most convenient markets.
The county tfewn is not more than il
nile> distant from many parts of the set
Tbe Snfquehanneh affords an easy and
fafe navigation to Middlemen, from whence
the Canal to Schuylkill extends the com
munication to the city.
Another means of connexion with Phi
ladelphia, i? by the Delaware, from which
the distance infeyeral places is aboutthittv
The proprietors combining tbeirown in
terest with of the inhabitant, ared,if
pofed to erect works of public utility, o|>eii
uoads, tzc. and in every en miles square a
fraft of one hundred acres is allotted for a
School, and one hundred sctes for thefirft
refidrnt clergyman of arfy denomination of
For further particulars apply to
George Eddy.
Wilkes-Barre, Ltvzerne County,
Pentifylvania r July 9.
Lettersdirerted tn George F.driy, at Phi
ladelphia, or this place, relative to this
bufinefs,will be duly answered. eod3m
In Barrels ; and
At the STORES of
Jefle & Robert Wain,
PORT WINE in pipes, hhds. and quat
ter casks
LISBON pipes and quartet ca/Us
Soucliong and Congo TEAS, in quarter
A quantity of Lilbon and Cadiz SALT V
Soft (helled ALMONDSin bales
Velvet CORKS, iu do.
Russia MATTS.
June 9 d
Aug. 10,
Two Apprentices
To the Prioting Bufinels. Enquire at this
the following
Tracts of Land,
in Virginia.
ONF tract in Frederick county, contain
ing 8756 acres, being part of"that whereon
col. Thoinas Bryan Martin now relines,
known by the name of* Grtenway court, a
bout I 3 miles front Winchester and 5 Irnm
Newtown. For the conve ience of pur
chalers, it will be dividetf into parcels of
variousdimenlionsfiom 300 to 600 acres,
whichmay be viewed by application to col
R. li. Meade, living mar thepre mists—»
The greater part is very fertile and well
Another tiaft in the fame county on
PaiTagc creek, containing 23P acres, and
adjoining Jacob Lcvingoods.
Another tract in Hanipfh're countYjCon—
taining by patent, 1599 acrej, called Slim
Bottom, fitoate op both fidrs of tt.e South
Branch and within two milet of the mfutb
of .it, awdis supposed ta have a good utUJ
feat. -
Another traift in Hampshire county 011
New Creek and Kettle-Lick, containing
joi acres.
Another tra& in Prince William county,
called Leefylvania, containing upwartu ot"
2303 acres, lyingupon river, a
bout 23 miles below Alrxandria, and 28
below the City of Walhington, compre
hending Frecftonc Point, which appears to
be a quarry of free-Cone, covrring about
50 acres and adjoins the river, wheie vef-
I'els ot 100 tons conveniently harbour. On
another par-t oi'tbis tiaft it itfuppofedthere
is a quarty of slate, convenient to water
carriage. Upwaids of two thirds are in
woods. Mr. Enoch S. Lane, living on the
premises, will fl-ew this trafl.
Another tra<st, in Fairfax county, called
Springfield, containing 21340 1-2 acres, a
bout 13 miles ft ont Alexandria and 10 from
Walliington ; abounds with finefprings and
meadow ground, and maybe ieen by appl).
ing to Mr. John Wood, living on part of
Another tract iti Fairfax county, con-,
taming 392aores, 011 Turkey-cock Run, a
bout 6 mile-from Alexandria.
Another ua<st in Fairfax county, contain*
ing about 176 acres, adjoining Mr. J. \V3t
fon's feat, about four miles from Alexan
Another tract, in Fairfax county, cor
tainingsi3 acres, neai Occoquan, joining
Mr. Edward Wa/hingion's.
Another trac>, in Fairfax county, con
taining So acres or thereabout, within s
mile of Pohick Landing, and within fire
miles of Mount Vernon, ties level, and is
well timbered
An undivided moiety in another tract,
containing about 284 acres, in Fairlax
county, abouts mileifrom Walhinjjton, &
9 from Alexandria, where J. Robinson for
merly lived.
Another of land, within a mile
Alexandria about 24 acres,
and to be fold in acfe or half-acre lots.
Also, sundry unimproveUlotx oi'\ ariotis
sizes, in different parts of the town of Al
rodefcribe the premifec more particu
larly is deemed unneceilary, a* it is expfo
ted every perfbn will examine and view
whatever part he shall be inclined to buy.
My only object being to raise a certain
of, money, by felling so many or inch phi ts
of theaforefaid.tratfs of land and lot; a<;
shall be neceflaty for that purpose, one
ol tl-.e pijrcbafe lporey mult be pai'i ; t the
time of contract, and the other within a
*ear irom the <jay of Augnft next, and
at live time of delivering pofiefljoo or ex -
cuting a The lands re
maining unfold, except the tract m Prime
"William, after railing a limited fun:, will
be divided into tenements, and leafed nr
a tcTin of years. From the I atbday of Oc
tober next, tiU the 15th of, I
(ball be in the city ps Richmond, a%id aftex*
that time I shall remain at home, in Alex
andria, at which or elfevhere, 1
fiia 11 be prepared to detail particulars, and
to enter into contra<sK
Alexandria, July 28
Aug. 8