Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, October 11, 1794, Image 3

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    tli- brig Fame, of Cork, bound to this |
put, wliich fhc had captured about two j
hoars btfore : both vefTcls were chafed [
on fhorc, and the brig being immowa- »
blc was bunit, but the La Syrene w'ai
g<i? ess, and brought into port. She
hid httely come out of Aux-Cayes
mounted 16 had i2oi>kh. t
In contradiction to the reports
:-H hare been lately circulated ref
pecling Ihe hazardous filiation of our
pbll* at St, Marc's we can affirm on j
tr; I'JeftioiKibk authority, that they are ■
so i led in falihoods ; no part of St. j
Domingo kerujf more feenre, or the m- ■
habitants of all defcrrptions better fa- j
tfjfi -d fciA the Eritilh government. J
A ' ■ci.r from Port-au Prince or July i
29 intimates, that Brigadier General >
VVnyte was st thit time to ill, that no j
perfori on bitfiucfs wis permitted to fee ■
h!fn. Co'. Lyfaoght, 22<fregiment is
deid. Died at St. Jago dela Vega
XVi. .CuniiTt,
Fro.n the American Dally AJvtrtiJlr of
this moniinj.
• The Tup Heresies ef New York from
Halifax, was 'poke on Tuesday last, by
oneof th Delaware Pilots about nvc
lei»ne to the northward of Cape May
—'j-lie fftrcJUes was oni! of the Ccn"-
convoy. and taptur:d "by the
Britilh fquadrhn. TbeCaptain deliver-'
ed fl.e rwwfaaper, fro-n which ve Biyc
mad; the folkming extra&S; to our in
formant, an i told him that a.M the cap
tured ve(Tb!« faviv.g two or three were
HAIJFAX, Sept. 20.
, On Smidai> last arrived at Liverpool,
the brig Ofor rc and Tracey,from iJcr
mudas, after hiving been captured in
lat. 3-7, by n -privateer from 'Nof'foik 111
Virginia, e vmma.ided by a Captain Pa
ris.— Tins privateer had alfb taken a
fchoonef from Ntw Providence, binind"
to this place.—i brig from juauuca
bound to .Dublin-—a ichaoner from An
tigua, bound to the Island of St. Jrthn ;
and an American brig commanded by
Ine Smith i oitt London to Baltimore.
Smith entered hjinfelf a volunteer on
bjard the privateer, and was ttatiohf®
at 0.-e of the guns.—The piirateer be
ing'Otntn'oded with lb large a number,
of prifo'ocrs, C a .ve them the brig George
ajjpl Fracey, in wiiich they proceeded
to Liverpool, and the privateer lteered
to the ftouthwurd.
V/fdiiefday arrived the Lhooncr
Qjeeu Captain Pryor, in twenty days
i.o.;i,Ss.. Vincent's. Captain Pryor io
-4uiuii, that our troops Rill remain
on the defenfive at Guadulo,upe.—lt
was reported that the French had at
tacked our lines at Guadaloupe, and
l)ad been repalfed with contiderable loft.
• Tii* 19th of Aug. his Majclly's (hip
Rtelinek failed from Martinique, with
a small reinforcement of fojdiers and
failols for Guadakiupe. No reinforce
ments Itad been received from Europe
by either the Britilh or French. About
iiineteetn days iincc, as Captain Pryor
was within iifteenleagues of Gliadaloiipe
lie heard a violent cannonading.
Tuesday arrived the brig' Peggy, from
Greenock, in seven weeks paflage, and
brings papers to the 26 ult.
Wednesday failed his majelly'sPacket
Wetfmoreland with the Mail for Fal
Thursday arrived from a cruize, his
Mujtfty'e (hip Blanche, Captain Faulk
The (hip Hope at rived yeflerday morn
ing at New-York from London,
whL-h place (he left the 23d Augull
—by this arrival, letters were receiv
ed in this city, dated the 20th Au
pttft ; from one of which we are ena
bled to lay before our readers the
Folic \-ing
Important Intelligence :
/. 'of a letter from an American
Centiiman of information in London,
Jaltd the 2Cth of Augvji, 1794, to
his friend in this city.
Another great ctijnge in men has
taken place in Paris ;—Rohcfpterre and
his friends have fallen on the fame fcaf
fold to which he had led so many others:
A change of measures was cxpeCfed
by people here, but none tr.kes place
the people and the armies seem not to
lose th >r confidence in the Convention,
bad as many think them . and no dif
turbaiKt that we bear as yet, has taken
place in any quarter.
Fh« armies of the Allies are in every
place unluccefsful: within a few days
T eves is taken by the French, after
defeating the army of Aullrians, who
ptoltfled it—this lays open the Rhine,
aid vyill oblige the Princc de Cobourg
to fell back, from M . .'flricht, in which
c*fe thai place is the n.sxt to fall, and
llo'land will !>e ex|>..fei!.
Poland although not la a fairujy tj
succeed fcr themlelves, have operated a
molt important direrlion for the French-.
The Fleets of the Baltic begin now to
excite some speculation.
The Hope we are informed failed in
company with the ship George' Barclay
bound to this port, full of pafiengers.
Mokdi;cai Lewis, Esq. is chosen
Prcuiient of the Insurancu Company
M. Levy, Esq. declines fcrVing as a
meraber of the AileniWy tor Phiiatteiphia.
ExlraS (if a utter front 1,-milon■, Aug. 2.
'• Wc are happy to lay there is no
apprehension of a mifund'erftaiiding be
tween the two countries.—Mr. Jay
Teems tj hive ::iet with a favorable re
ception—The very coiiverlation of fs
| queltering British is reiy imp:Ji
tic, ns it "tends, to lelfeu British confi
dence in "ivin" cmrttrri?rcial credit ; at
o .o *
ma/iy of our Merchants will begin to
think their commiiLons unequal to tlie
rifuue, when their property and eila
blilhintnt in life will depend <»n tire ar
bitrary will oj a few coliee-houl*; politi
cians, entering into fnrli violent resolu
tions, when they tfiink our government
has given dffeuc*, imenttonally, or not
so, according to theirinternrvtatwr.''
* O A
ExtraS nf a letter Jrom tin Officer hi the
Jrjl regim.U J Philadelphra Mtiiciu. j
to his friend m Pbiiaileivhii:> duuu
Carhjie, Ottobn- ]k'f i 794-.
" The exjenfive commons that fui
rountl this borough, are callvitflfcd! over
with our RtinJeror.ii tents. We liaVe at
preient, (if 1 mhy' piyl'irtttf to judge
from the ejttest 01 ground occupied)
about three thcuiarrd mt?n in the held ;
and frclh companies are d.tily 'artivlng
Owr troops appear both liealfhy arid 1
gallant, aiid a , e,2<riji'-,d; and accoutred to
the belt advantage.
The army was this day reviewed by
the Prelident of- (he-United States, ac
companied by near p. dozen general Offi
cers. The lcene wm Iplendid and en
gaging'. When the bun oecalionflllv
broke through the fleecy-and, ob!hact
ing clouds, the field in one pVit glitter-,
ed with a foieft of and death
pointed bayiinets, vvtMe iitW>»wcr part'
itreams of iiglumug dallied trom thc
drawn blades oi the goigeous Cavalry.
>\midil ali this reflected blaze of ar
mory, tlie Man <Jf the PnQiz-t, with
a mein intrepid as that of Hector, yet
. graceful as iluu of Paris, moved ilawlv
j onward with fris attending Officers, nor
1 once tinned his. Eagle Eye From t-lie
3 dazzling effulgence at the ftiiel clad
. ban'. J
e> As the Heroic Sage advanced on his
t Light Moving iteed along the line which i
r was mute with admiration and refpeit, j
e our standards involuntarily bowed their j
heads, while their flags chminted to the j
n palling gale, in uniion with the Trump
d ets clangor, and the wild music of the]
martial field—the lcene was augult-j
t ly piftmefque and inspiring. My im-i
1- inagination caught fire, and I thought J
mylelf a second Homer, born to ling
Is the Praises of the American Patriot and
.- Hero. Thus transported, I beheld as
he retired fifteen blazing Suns, encircle
his elevated blows : In the Centre fat
jultice, with her fivord and balance giv
ing place to meek Eyed mercy with ex
tended arms."
"The difaffertion in Cumberland:
County, is beyond yonr conception.
Three Inhirgints have already filter
ed dfath, ant! three hundred more at
' least mull fliate their fate.
Terror is beginning to spread among
them, becuufe they discover a determin
ed spirit in the government, and a zeal
for its support, in the troops which
L> have already taken the field.
We mult advance to the base of the
towering Allegheny, and the line of
march will be taken up about the 10th
, Inft. I fear the honour we (hall gain
wiii be too lmall, becaule the eilemy
' cannot pretend to make any ferioils op
-5 hofitiort. Those which fall in my way,
I am determined to make compolt of,
s to fertilize the barren foil from whence
] the Demon Whisky, born of Rye, firlt
reared his giddy head.
. Block houses are said to be erected by
j the poor deluded wild men of the weft,
. but the report I believe is groundless ;
if not, our Artillery will soon lcatter
; them and their unarmed defenders, to
all the wiuds of Heaven."
, My ik x I hope lliall bff more worthy
your attention. 1
,] Mr. Fenno,
r I have to complain of the partiality
J of the public prints, and to afic why so
, much nuifc is made because my fiiend,
(the little membrr) denounced '»oth th«
Infr gents a:. J the £ xife in, and
t 1 l'Time p'ibhcj;.. I lay tl. si.'n t
b'w in hot a:id coid in tl: fa nc Sr at ,
a* Uvj been iialed, buc u
ttroke, to keep in with all parties ;
Then why this harping always on the
fame string, while no public notice n
taken of the' strange appeal from Con
grefs, to the (late Afiembly, signed bi
the Speakei of Coiijriti, who is nlfo i
candidate, and therefore ns
the otiier gentleman.
Accounts from the aim)' at Carlisle
f-om good authorky, inform that out
friends enjoy in general a remarkable
degree of health—tome fihrht indifpo
fitiont. from colds affect only a few—
that every man in Mc. Pheiton|s blues
is well j that the army prefers the cold
weather, to the warm intervals we havf
had, that they are 1c impatient
to finifh the bnli:ief?> & that it is expe&
ed the greater piift will have to march
tO PittlUltl'jifl.—
A new paper under the title of the
Timet hasjuil made n? appearance in
Bottoii—. Published three times a week
by Moll & Macclintock.
By this Day's Mail.
BALTIMORE, Ock>ber 8,
Extract of a Isttir fr-*lh Philadelphia
d»ledlhe 6/« iijlatit.
" Th; Philadelpiiians, l think are
acting thi? faint part thut your fsltuv*
citizens did last yeat. In fpitc of the
mort > c<M)vint'ii>.<; f-?H ttiey -vVif' <na!n;ai.'
that tncre is 110 inFtdtions fiver here;
and were it not for the ki;id Interposi
tion of "providence Hi fending very cool
weather I fhui'.d have n'd cloiibt of the
kvc. raging as <:s i ijt year.' To
carry on tins dvuepiion, they liave ilup
ped the intercom ft? with Baltimore.
The (to'mtflitfet of health ft port the
fraluwitljj lilt ol U; ials in the dineri
ent plains of interment ttf Baltimore
town and its vicinity, for the lalt 1\
hours, viz,'
Polly, daughter of Job Sniiih, (zd) of
a fore throat.
Sarah Bowen, of a lingering dtfeafe.
A fatlor boy. prevailing fever :
John W.illis, do.
Henry Taylor, (negro) do.
Sarah Smith, do.
Jack, (negro) do;
George Wetbiell, do.
George Ixuth, ('<t sailor in a Danilli
(hip) do.
Robert Tnompfon, (barbev) do.
William Murphy, do.
John I.ebattis, do.
Signed by the Committee.
Baltimore, Oiiober 7, 1794.
OdU/ber 9.
The committee of health comrau moats
to the public, the following lift of buri
als at the different places of intermenl
of this town and Fell's Point, in ths
la It 34 hours, viz.
' Robert Elliott,
Mr. Buchannan, tailor,
A ft ranger,
A sailor from a Swedish ship,
Mary Cannon,
Maria Moore—all of the prevailing fe
Mr. Hardifton's child,
Mr. Bondfield's child—-both of a linger
ing disease.
Signed by the Committee.
Baltimore, October 8, 1794.
NEW-YORK, October id.
Ship Union, Whitlock, Liverpool
Brig Jason, Trior., Turks-IHand
j Shift Charlton, Fitch, New-I..oridon
j Btig Nancy, Ingham, St. Thomas
Ship Merchant, Trace, Boston
WINCHESTER, (Yir.) Odober 6.
During the last week about two
; thirds of this State's quota of troops,
destined against the insurgents in the
! wettern part of Pennsylvania, arrived at
the encampment near.this town.
On Saturday the firft Brigade, con
fiding of about 1500 men, took tip the
line of march for Fort Cumberland—
the remaindei will follow with all con
venient speed.
His Excellency tbe Governor of this
State, Commander in Chief of the arff'y
destined against the itiiurgents, pa.Ted
through Martiiilburgh the beginning of
lalt week for Fort Cumberland. H>s
Excellency was escorted by the Alex
andria troop of Light Dragoons, com
manded by Captain Dick.
The Choice Spirits in the neighbor
hood of Carhfle, Hater's own, &c.
who have been long wilhing for offices
iwter "xhe-'Stjtp aad G«»eral Gawrih
n>*nt», ha'-'S the }jleafnrc to fav, are
now iii a fair way btiug Exali.d.
Ship Atlantic, S\va ; ne,
Brig Esp-Riment, Edwcrds,
Rambler, Jeffyrs,
fichr. Hivrte, Neikey,
v> ' ini-.cT- ; A [\V'uC.U,
M ury,, Anvljoy it
R<;: , Leyk, ~N. lie ;ix>rd f
iiloop - hj.pilin, ivi-C!ee, liol'ton 2t
Tne American Clip Nancy, Capt. Tot
was aUvrrtifed Liverpool the iStfc
of-Atiguft, to fail" fSS» Philadelphia within
10 day; from the 14th of. Augtift, anjjl
the ftvlp Manchester, Capt. Cox, with ajl
exDMliri.'n. '*
T»ie following veflcls/cx* Arcc-rica were
likc'wifV' advert ifcd—Ship'fictfey, A&)orejs
ilup A-ciivf Colycn ; iuip Ai.itiiean
Miccy; iMp Amitcrcfcrn Packet, VVad
dclt; anui 3tue/, I> ticker, -'tVSp
Nc'.v Vofjc
i he Ihip Hazard, Delano, and imp De
light, Bndges, tor BofU)n.
t'or Baltimore, the Baliimore,John
Mr. Ftilro,
Mr. Brawn's paper of ia!l even
nrr, contains the following paragraph :
" la ;.lt the iq-.:abb!c;i and rr. tfucrea
>r the Convention, the army, the city
it P.'it:s, and a very great rr.nprity of
!te re it of the people, have invariably
hnui by t'ie iiK'eef:lul party. Tilts n
adhercixc, and invinun.ty, afford
l strong presumption, that many of
hefe '.'.\ee. tioiis which appear so fhoek
njj, have been grounded on fubllantial
Ilow an adhrente to the fuicefifuJparty
any pto.ft or pfciumiition ihat a:.,'
of tlmfe cx«rui vmh w'.veSl r. n'ly are fho;k
. intj, having beea grounded oa l'umLamial
.'jaftfc* !# rat inr.ny oi
' the vidlims of partv tnry have merited
death 13 dov.bll 'fs troe —but that the cp
; or asquiciLeiice of the pcipie 11
tJ »ej _• i"ii.ll l . i i.i ite o£ ptTibris o
cppo!:te partus, is founded in am* pnnei
I i pje \viiate v er but that of K-iTCT, Cillllll/t
! true/
Lai tain ,
-»r . ' . * . , perm*Uul executions, and'in a mc-re ex tea
» INo\\ rraav to re tivc a cargo on board . , n /u
, • rr ■ ' i i iii n- five lefcl j than ever meant lfcev
ins vcllei iscjrarlcicly round, ! ;u: !t offive • ,• ■.
Foi* apply to
TJjos. If jubn Kciland.
CJ. .1 , d :
For Virginia, the Dafjiih finp Crown
Princess, Sophia, Fret'erSca ; th« thip St.
Tammany* 'Danperfi'-W < fh»p Betfcy,
Hartley, anrt hrig Mar.ia, Cnllaghan.
Sailcdfrom Liverpool, August 12, tht
Union, Wt.itlock, and 1 joint, .Irving, for
New York. The Fortitude, Choatt, for
Mauadiuiitts, failed :he lj'.h.
CjT A General Meeting of the cits
Zfjns is T. II I S E V £N-
I G, at fix o'clock at the City Hall,
to take into ipnSdtraH'ori and fix upon
niiuble pcrions to form a ticket for the
Oiiohcr u.
Asi he tan Hunipjhreys,
Attorney at Lan.\
Notary Public & Conveyancer,
AT his Office in South Second Street,
the lower corner of Norris's Alley, and
neatly opposite the City-Tavern, continues
to t: an fart business in the above bra' chcs,
as hfrctofoiTj and draws at a moderate
charge, Deeds, Bond.i, Mortgages, Powers
of Attorney, Bills of Sale, and Bottomree
Charter Parties, Memorials, Petitions,
and other Instruments in Writing. He al
f<> continues to buy ar.d fell Real Eitatrs,
upon C«mmiffion ; and has at pre Tent a a
iti\v valuable Farms, &c. for iale.
Oftobsf 11, i 794-
Old American Company.
Oa<,Lr 13.
Will be prcfciu d,
A COMEDY, never performed here,
called a
Bold Stroke for a Husband.
Written by tUe Authored of tl«e Belies
Stratagem, <kc.
To which will be added,
Fortlu- lilt time,
A Grand Serious PAIN'X'OMIMIi, in &
Aifls, called
The Danaides.
With new music, dVcfljes, ietueiy, and.
decorat uiis.
In the conrfe of the Pantomime, Monf.
Quenet will dance a I'as Jc Deux ; aiio
dating by Madame Cardie.
ia a<Sl 3, a Grand, betweenl
Mefli'S. Marript and Prigmore.
The Pantomime is.-compbfea by Monf.
The Music by Mr. Pelifier.
And the fcencry executed by Mr. Cicc
Books explanatory «f the i'antomime
will He i'old at the Theatre.
The doors w ill be opened at ha'.f lifter
five,and the curiam drawn up preciieiy at:
bats after fix o'clock.
Places in the Boxes may be had at the
Bfx Office, from ten to one every day
(Sundays excepted) and on days of' per
formance from three to five. P. M. where
also tickets may be had, and a; I. .r. Brad
ford's hook-store, No. 8,- fakth Front
ftrect, andat Mr. Cair'-s mafic-ftorc.
rtfp'.&f.dly acquaint the Citizeus in gene
ral, that every expeiice has been cheaitijl that (Right tead UiUinketht-
Old American Company, worthy a (na»e o.'
their .patronage, during ilie itay tht
nature of their engagement will permit
them to make here.
■Of !
■ Days'.
"CO "
Harbour 3
R.ifland ro
Boston 1}
Op. 14
Frcm -the Ckxrrbtl.
A NJ 1 ' Cff-^P7M&~-voiiTi CjiL4
1. TH-Ib '* , t!le Book »f the gene
ration and down.'" of 'Jacobinism :—
2. Briffot begat tiN' 'Jacobin chibsof
Paris—The Jacobin Cuba of Paris,
begat Genet, and his French Brethren :
3. Genet begat the Democratic Soci
eties in America : 'i'iie Democratic So•
cieiies begat the Piujburgb Rebellion and
its i-enfequ'-'nees :
4. The Pittjburgh Rebellion begat an
armament of Fifteen Th'.ufand men :
5. The Armament of I J.OOO men,
will beeet an expense of near 'f-.uo Mil
lioris of do)!ars ; of which all the people
of the tinijed States nuiit bear a pro
portion :
G. Tjitf espenfi will beget an attention
in the people, to its nlc and origin : arid,
7. That nt/frih-.t! w\Jv"t>isgct tht de
tection and duwurall of,
and ity Clubs ;
18. So iili the from Brif
fot to iii? dsv'ttfali of jacobinism, are
I eight g'cneialioiis.
~1 hu cniiith i/'jejii-jl Political Chapter.
Married lately, in Frederick County,
, Virginia, Jamks Madison, Efcj. Mem
ber of Corgreis, from that itate, to tlic
accompliihe'd Mrs. 1). To'D, of ttiis d
■ty. .
j ALBANY, OA. 6.
f Gu tile night of Satuiway the 27th
' lilt, the ft ore .occupied By Nall.ahicl
' Tolman, in ReiifTelaer-vihc, and the
j houii.W Jonathan Hayton. adjoining,
, were coriromed by fire.
j Mr. Tyijman being absent, Mr. Hay
ton was cuv;ikened by the noise of the
flames, between the hours of 11 and 12
and on running out, difcovered 1 the irr
fide of the ftoietobe in a flame, and
from the wind blowing strong from the
weft, repidly advancing to his houfi ;
he immediately, with the assistance of
his Wife; carried out their children, and
considerable part of their furniture, and
befi n any aid could be had from the
neighborhood, the reft was confnmtd*
In the (lore were a considerable quail
tity of goods ; which, together with
the store—books notes, receipts, See.
were all consumed. As there has been
no fire in the store fur fix months pall,
it is supposed that some malicious, de
signing person has broke in and let
fire to the store.
The Truflees of tbe Univer
sity of Pennlylvania have appointed the
EXAMINATION of the SeniorClafs to
he held on Monday the 2cth of Odlobcr
infiant, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon ; St
that degrees be conferred' oil firch as fhaU
Be approved of, on Thursday, the 23d of
this me month.
By the Faculty,
William Rogers,
Pel. 11 dtacth
This Afternoon,
(Weather Permitting)
The doors of the Circus wilfhe opened
at half palt 3, and the Performances com
mence precisely at half past 4 o'clcck.
The Hand Bills diftribuled ihii day,
will express the particulars of the enter
The Sailor s Fox-Huntivg
: ' '"or the lift time, will conclude tluseven
■ • r
: mgs performance.
As Mr. Ricketts engagement will soon
' require his attcnda»ce at New-Y.rk, his
' stay in this City will be but very short.
Such Ladies and Gentlemen, therefore'
as mavbedefirousofV'ififing either thepri-
V,ir~ ex«"«vfes of the momitfg or the public
e'nt .M taimnents of the Ciren,s will eonfe
' '.|v-ntly engage places in the Boxes at the
Circus.', where atieni'anv* U given from
jo till 3 o\lock every day.
Should the weather continue favor able,
1 there fliall lie ail exhibition on Monday and
Ttidtiay next, as wih he cxprvfied in the
uext advertisement. ,