on ti.cir quarter, an J navigated with between 60 and 70 men. Ou< gun-boat of the above description was in compa ny with tbe (loop of war wbicb the Jane fell in with on her passage over, and both (he and the (loop of war were ftnnding to the wfftward. «< The Captain of the Vengeur is Whanged for Opt. Cotes, of the Thames frigate. pailage to, and at Morfw'*, he behaved in the mjft polite manner la Capt. Paillct anu hi# crrw. , " All along the French coast, the , huflnndmen art jetting in their h:irve(t, which appears to be very plentiful. " A i armed brig was sent from Mor- Uix to escort tlx Jane across the chan nel, and about mid-channel (he parted from her, and Itoori away for France. The Jane came on to this port without any other particular circum.lance oc curring." Extraß of a Utter from Copenhagen, da ted July 28. iS According to the late'l mfoirna tion from the East sea, the Ruffian fleet were lyiutj in the Road of Revel, tho a few (hips were, cruiling at a final! dit tanct. Swe.len, it is said, is to lend us 2000 sailors towards completing the nnmber requii ed for our fleet." Adciralty-Offics, Aug.l6. Copy of a letter from the hon. capt. Paget, of bis majejfy s fin, 1 Romney, te Captain Montgomery," of the lnconflant', dated in Miconi Haj, June li, I/94- I bej leave to acquaim you, that yes terday imrningon my pa(Tag= between file jflandsof Tino : and Miconi (In his ma jefti's (hip Romnev, under my command, *n;! the convoy 1 had the honor of re ceiving charge of-from you the preeeeding day) 1 d'feovered a frigate, under the na tional colours and a broad pendant, at an chor in the (hore, with three merchant men. Judging tho convoy to be in perfect fatety, as you was in fight from the will head, I inade the signal for them to make thebift of their way towards you, hauled my wind, and came to an anchor in Mi coni Road, within a Tittle more than a cable'* length of the French Commodore. I immediately sent to him to desire he would ftrikehis colours, and to surrender to his Britannic majtftv, or thy I should fire into him, He fern me for answer, that he was well acquainted with the force of my (hip, that he was well prepared for me both with men and amunition, and that he had made oath never to ltrike his colours. By this time he bad placed his Ihip between me and the town of Miconi, which obliged me to carry out another an chor, and warp the (hip further a- head, that roy guns might point clear of the town. At one P. M. I got a-breaft of him, and, having secured the fliip with springs on the cables, I gave him a broad fide, which he instantly returned. The adion laded, without a moments inter million, for one hourand fourteen minutes, when I had the fatisfattion of feeing the national colours hauled down, and of tak ing pofleffion of her and the merchant men. She proved to be La Sybille, of for ty-fix guns, and four hundred and thirty men, commanded by Commodore Ron deaux. I have sent on board, to take command ofher, Mr. Brisbane, (irlt lieut. of the Romney ,«n officerofmoftdiftinguilh ed merit, whom I b«g leave to recommend in the strongest manner, and whose very cool, gallant behavior, and prompt obedi ence to my orders during the action, as well Lieutenants Field and O'Bryan, Mr. Patterfon the mailer, and all the other offi cers, with the Ihip's company, I cannot fufficiently commend. lam sorry to conclude with informing you, that I had eight feamcn killed in the aflion, and thirty wounded, two of whom are since dead. La Sybille had fifty-five killed, iitcluding the second Lieut, and Captain of Marines, and one hundred ;md three wounded, nine of whom are Cocc dead. Augufl 1. It it a cimiir.ftance curious enough, thar Barrere lhotild tjuote in the Convention Irom •n Et glifc newlpaper. Fotthe credit of the papert however, well aftVfted to government it Ihuuld be known, thai the paper he q'mted from, was the Jacobin Chionicl'. .Though Loid Nlicuucy'i embafly may not have succeeded 10 the full extent whl, h •*a» promoted when itv>a( undertaken, yei, >1 we observed, o. have been thai will amply iep ,y the trouble and ex pence —That he has nut fuececded to the full ex ent la 10 be imputed solely to the present state of Europe, ot which the Mandarines had heard; and the very idea of the fafbionable rioftrints of France, has revived all that jtaloufy which they have herednari.y enter lined of Euro peans. II'J celebrated M. D'Efprrmeneuil, cover ed With wounds bv the Marl.llou, whom Pe t'on had brought to Paris for the pu.pole ol accompli thin 5 ihc Revolution of the 10th of August, fa l(i who wai .hen at tbr acniih ol his power and popular tavour, »"d fremed to commiserate hit fuuation—"l 100 have heen .dolled by ihe people, they If. 1 / 9 ""J* 1 ' "><• "bout in triumph, Ac. » ( f!'. * b " n prophetical, with relp.£ to Pel lon's fate, whose bodv has Been lately found near Leghorn, half eaten up bv "wortng. r Tw« oty .one offirers belonging to Ihe French j ar u"' b „ V E,rl Howr . been p„t C r eowirdice'on that occa- i-'f-flix.uyy COSTEHOUT, Aug,,ft g. The D.iltc of \ork's head quarters sit at present ar tiiis village—the v I occupies a bleak heath crofling the road t'foin Breda to Dange ; the right to wards this place, and the left towards :he village of Molfchoit. Oar relative tit nation to the Dutch army rentiers this a position of some advantage, but we labour under the inconvenience of a want of water, which we arc en deavouring to remedy by finking wells. The ground we now occupy was a position of Dumourier. We are not much above two miles from Breda, from whence, and this place together, our army is pretty well supplied with provi fiona. our heavy baggage has been orHertd )ack from Bois-le Du^——a circumftancc that induccs us td conclude we are to reman* here jar fame time at least. ; We hear .indeed, that the National Ha* given orders to Piche. gru, |for"the immediate fiegeof Bieda, may probably keep u« here to <$o*r that place till it is in a complete &ate of defence, which the Dutch arc] 4ow effe&ing >with all puffible dispatch. Every thing is prepared for laying the (Lrroundtng country under water, which &>. b* done at plcafure, to a very con 'fderable depth. !. I The -etiemy* we hear th>'s morning lArin'toriTideTaMe force at Achterbrpok fid it« a place about half way ietween ua and Antwerp; but their force w towards Mieltrkht and T.«Wi V' v 'v | We have af&ftcd in garrifomng Ber .«n op-iaOni, Where we have , left a Btittfh Reginwnt,,;.«iid< fofne Hcflian Cavalry. j Since we «wne upon-this grouAdja mod deal of rain has fallen, this is in ferooe of the im*Kfotio»9. Our men $mtique .healthy, aoe} in high fpirita_; eavalryiikewife are in good condkU «M ; and fortunately irt owr preftnt po itit>n, firwa the Op*ni>cfs of the country, Atf could be fcwtfgirt tjj f^kjwith'great ff flifc'FrfrCT are' deteiuimec 'tb lay siege t«Bfe -r, • Matter, will lail with all qorveriieftt fp.-td. Married last enmfig by the Kev. Dr. For frej - or palTagc app i y t0 Ae Captain John Lwing, Mr. William Da- on board, Jecotid wharf below WaI#UT- Vidson, to Milii Awn Ewinc, both Street, or >f ti)is city. JOHN WELSH. (tJ* The tnodeji Editor of the Gene ral Adveitifer is informed that, thcic was no reference to his paper of yefter d?.y, in the article in last evening's Ga zette, refpecking the anlf London fta pcr of 16th Atrgtift—on the informa tion of a gentleman well qualified to what Was fuppoftfd to he a'faft, was asserted. No idea of Rivalfhip in relation to the General Advei tifer, was entertained on the occa!ion->—this pub lication never was, is not, and never fh&ll be a rival to the General Adver tiser. C 3* A General Meeting of the citi zens is requeued TO-MOI' ROW Eve ning, at fix o'clock at the City Hall, to. take'into conftderation and fix upor suitable pcrfons to form a ticket for th« ensuing ele&ion, Oftobei' 10. J 1 - V- 1 (Jj" The Obfcrvations of X. Y. on Popular Clubs, or Satieties, have been so much anticipated by a reccnt re-publi cation in this Gazette, as to render their insertion unnecefijiry. Old American Company. THIS EVENING, O&oltr 10. Will be presented, A COMIC OPERA) never performed in this Theatre, tilled Robin Hood j Or, Sherwood Foreji. To which will be athled, A Grand Serious PANTOMIME, in 3 Acts, never performed but once in A merica, called The Danaides. With new music, drefTes, scenery, and decorations. In the course of the Pantomime, Monf. Quenet will dance a Pas de Deux ; alio dancing by Madame Gardie. In an. a*every m>od iyM %voiil«i *ifh, and to h3ve every b*'i man who diftnrbs the peace here, htought before a court 01 juryj let h:m wear wl.dUy%T coax he may; and it VUJ fn.cfcc MneW arfte between »n<| failois I »i:oit, contrary to 11%y put a ttop trxall between the«n, and kreo :iie fioin curving wfide the j-.tt -5, * ■ ilb ?ul)icos. wherever they meet, (h«»u'd v(|icw Mut yirvc aji'd afftttrou to c. ch ot'rr, that Gad and nature At all evrnt'!, they fta"l 00; quarrel here wi h impunyy. (5i lined) ROBERT EROOK., Sr. JJe-i (u>, Ma\ 2, 1794. John Welfli, Nut §x, south Water jlrett, Has now landing from the Schooner Well fleet, Captain Atwood, A QUANTITY 6t New-England Boards, Ditto Spars, and i 4 cords Hemlock Bark. He has also for Sate, 60 hhds. Molafies, Fiervcfi Br*udy ih butts of an excellent qualify Coai ih Sail, about 3000 baflielV Span ih vin boxes 22 Bale-? pi Flax, Hyson ard Souch' v>z In rhcfM 1 Mace, Nutmegs, ai«d Cloves i»* Jcefc* RufTia and Sa'eui Difck Beet and Po?k m Hbh and half Bl>l* Mackaiel and Dried K«ill Butter rn kegy Shines of various deffcriptions, a quantity Spanilh a quantity* OctoSer 10. o'5 r . For Newberij, N. Carolina* I, Soui oa. io* i DOLPHIN, | captain M'Clure, j TO fail with all pcfiible ekptdttipu- t 7 iir freight or pafiage, apply to the papfairi on , board at Chefnut llreet whar c , or , JOHN WELSH. No. 81, south Water ltrt-et. Oft. jo* 1 «16t Thomas M'Euen, Stock and Land Broker * No. Chesnut-street, INFORMS his Friend-; cbht. during his abfeace from Philadelphia (on the Weftfrnl Expedition) his.Bupr.efs will be carrier! at his Office as usual, by Mr TKopias Hale where Orders in his line wil.l be thunkttliiy received, ana every Attention paid ti> them. OSi. to Dancing School. Will. M'DOUGALL presents his com pliments to the Public-I—l1 —1 hanks th-,:ni for the great encouragement he has experi enced tbefe twenty odd years. He will open his School for this Season on Monday the 13th October, at 10 o'clock in the morning, in that laigc ind elegant Saloon in Harmyriyftreet, leading from Third to Fourth ttreet, turning the corner of No. 70■, SotithThird ftl-eet. His Employers may be iflured. the ftridl order and dccorum that has always been observed in V 3 School, (hall ft ill be piir futd—and that their children will be taught in the molt approved and modern ft)l* Evening School for young Gentlemch. oa. is To the EltHors of the City and County of Philadelphia. GENTLEMEji, AS the prefentSheriff's time of office will expire at the eafuing Elec tion, I take, the liberty to offer myfelf a candidate for said office, and folic it ypur: votes in my favor at the next General Election, in doing which you will confer an obligation, which will he gratefully ac knowledged by she Public's allured Friend* and Httrtible Servant, JOS. COWfERTHWArt. * Oflobei- io, 1794- d4t: Poji OjJic y P p \I P / 9 The mail for Yo^kwvr, iTI I C . dßt. d eodtf f ;K<