mt. * ' > " Life of Howard* THIS DAT IS PUBLISHED, J. O R M ROD, (Price 5 Cents) At franklin's Heid, No. 4i» Cfrcfnot Street, A VIEW of the Life, Travels and Philan- | thropic Labours, of the late JOHN HOWARD, Esq. ULi D. F. R. S. «' -i EmbellilheH *itha striking likenefi of that Oilmen of the World. To which is tubjoined an ODE inscribed to John Howatiij by William Hayley, E(q. FROM realm to realm, with cross or cejcent crown'd, Where'er mankind and misery dre found, O'er bwning funds, deep waves, or wilds of faow, Great HOWARD journeying seeks the house of pfirs. 5. An inquiry into the casfesand the cureot internal'dropf* of the brain. б. All account ol the meaflcs, as they ap peared in Pniladelphia, in the year >789. 7. An account of the influenza, as ii appeal ed in Philadelphia in the years 1789,1790', and 1 791. 8. Aninquiry inis the causes ol the incrcafe of bilious and remitting fevers, in Penn fylvjuia. q, An inquiry into the caufeiand cure of foie legs. 10. An account of the state of the body and in'iid in old age, with obfervatioirt upon iis dili;afU and their remedies. ' Price one dollar and a quarter unbound,: or one dollar and a half neatly bound. , Medical Tranfattions OF THE College of Phyftciatis of Philadelphia. VOL. I—P A R T K Pricc one dollar in boards. A Treatise on the Diseases o: Children. With'general directions for the management of {nfrou front the binb, adapted for the use ol pbyftciana and private families. By Michael Underwood, M. D- Licentiate ol MUdwifery in the Royal Col ,4ei>e of Physicians in London, and *f the BritilK Lying-in-Hospital. Price one Dollar. This i' acknowledged to be the best boo) winch has been publilhed on the fubjeft, ant is calculated for the use of parents, nurses, and private tjrmilies, as well as for physicians The two voltrmes handsomely printed in one, and the price only atout one thfrd of what the imported copies fell for. The Edinburgh New Dispensatory, two dollars. Syftcm of Surgery, extracted from the worksof Benjamin Bell, by Dr. Water*, 2 dols. 50 cents. System of Anatomy, extracted from the Encyclopaedia, with 1 2 copperplates, « dols. System of Chemistry, extratted from the Encyclopedia, exhibiting! view of thepro. grefs of the fciencce, and the different fyflemj which have been publifhod, a dols. 50 Cents. Brown's Elements ot Medicine, 2' dols. 67 cents. T. Dob/on ha 3 in the Press, An edifion of the Medical and Philofbphi cal Commentaries of Edinburgh. Twov*l times are printed in one at 2 dollars and 50 cents per volume; he has nearly finifhed the five firft volumes, which contain the firft ren volumes of the European edition, which fell lor two dollarseacli. Nine volume* will in clude eighfecn European volumes, which will bnog the publication up to the present time. Lik*wife for [ale a considerable number o> Medical Books, viz Cullen'i Prattler, Materia Medici, Phyfi. ology, »nd Synopfu. Bell's Surgery,,6 vol». or 4 vols, do. on Ulceri, Buchan's Domtflic Mcdicinc, I.edrao'a Surgery, Chefeldcn's A netomv, Niintrronthe Venereal, Swedrra »er on (io. Rolloon Weft India Dileafes; Rrghy nn Uterine Hemorrhapr, Hamilion's o»ttir.ei of jhr tho.irv and practice of Mid wif?ry) with or without plates; do. on the management of Female complainta. Meaft on Hydrophobia, Ac. Ac. Burlington Pork. A QUANTITY OF. Best Burlington Pork, TO BE SOLD BY Levi Hollingfworth & Co. Oft. 6 *e©> 10,000 to,ooo 5,000 10,000 Siooa 10,000 1,000 10,000 500 X ft,ooo 100 10,000 & M *5 >3 *• LANDING, This Day from on board the bri£\An» and Mary, Capt. Corrit, from Antigua, NINETY HOGSHEADS OF Prime Antigua Rum, ONE third of which is fourth proot, the other third. Also a fewhogflieads iciiiain ing on hand of tbe Brig Sally's CARGO, Captain Weft from fame place, winch ha been so mucli approved of for the finenefs of iti flavour. Jamaica Spirits, MOLASSES, Genuine Madeira Wine, By the .pipe, quarter caJfc ar.gallvu. * 4* <* 20 TIERCES FRESH RICE, By the Norfolk, Captain Art, # FOR SALE BY Levinus Clarkfon, Ne. %16, fihtb earner ef P'uu Mid Water Jirattt. i Aug. 27 I. Neale & H. Kammerer, Junior. Have just pueliShid, And now for Sale, Price half a dollar, neatly bound, at the Bookstores of Messrs. T. Doblou, R. Campbell, andj. Ormrod; also at H. Kammerer's, No. 24, north Third street, Seledl Stories, For the iifjlruchon and amujement of A 1 . . I - .1 /• J I'ovth. jidaptcd to the use of Schools. From the French of M. Berquin. ExiraS from the Preface. t( To lhe honor of Mr. Beiquiu's taste, it may-belaid, ibat he ha:, united simple elfe'gance with iite retting variety, but ri gidly fepuratcd both iiom the slightest ap prnach of whatever is or puerile 1 a merit much more cafily p; aifed tuan imi tated. The art of ainuting child en,whilll at tl>e fame time the Inl'int Genius is rais ed and the "Heart mended, appears from his works to be ho effort of the minrl. Wherevei, therefore, the uti lity ofiuch an undertaking is acknowledg ed, the reputation of Mr. Bcfquin mult ever be held in deu*rved-eitecm. ifc Happily futh is fire agiecab.e verfatiii ty of Mr. Bei q. inS ityk? a id genius, that it would be dilhcu'tio in what department he excels : whether in the lively or the pathetic\ tie mnple language of narrative, oV the Animated points of couverfaiion : whether in (hrewtf remarks upon private Jile, or in florid description of the beauties oi nature. Pietes of every various excellence that is to be found in the writings of Mr. compose the following volume, which, it ii hoped, will be thought a valu able fabftHste (ww.e fudi may be prettr red) to the larger and mor« textenfive } works of the lame author.'' At No, *4, north ThirdJlreet, may also be had the following New Publications: Smellie's Natural Philolopj, 15/" History of the French Revolution, 1 Life of Howard, 'Jbe li-Gliin Nun, 6f Tbe Mirror, 2 vols. llfy The Devil upon two Sticks, , The Life of Chcftcifield, 10J Chefterfield's Principles of Politeness, &c. New Robinfbn Crufor, 6/6 The Beauties of Sterne, 4ft Baron Tienk, 6f History of America, }if tvi-lina, aNovel, 2 vols. 11yj The Inqutfitor, 5J3 Comple e Lend-Writer, 4/5 The Travels of -Cyrus, tfo j Memoirs «t Major Gen. Lee, By^ Rural Economy, Ijb Select Fables of tliop, by R. Djdfte v ,^/jj Vocal Muse, or Ladies Songster, 3^ Marvellous Works oi Nature, a/* Sentimental Lucubiatioos, y. Julia, a-Novel, 2jo Cuiioiifies of Literature, yt> Ladies Literary Companion, iff Miscellanies, moral and instructive, 2J4 Louisa, a poetical Novel, 2/6 Courtftlip and Matrimony, z/6 Sylvan Letters, 1/10 Life of Baion Trenk, abridged, i/io Fables for Ladies, IJIO Letters from Yorick to Etiza, 1/4 Fallen Cottage, Jovial Songtter, tic. itc v ALSO, At the above place may be had Blank Bo' ks of ilifferent Ofiober 8 so,ooo 30,000 36,000 81,000 Twenty Dollars Reward. MY Saddle Mare was stolen from Wye Mill, Talbot County, Maryland, on the night of the 30th of August last. She is black, and supposed to be ten or twelve years old, under fourteen hands high, corn pall afld handftvne, bifinded with the let ter O, on the left (houlde, a hndfome star on her forehead, a large taal| eye the neckcreft fallen, aflat buttock, her fore foot turns in, and one of them white j Ihe racks, trots and canters, has good spirits, and goes very pleatantly* If taken up out of theftate, I will give the above reward, of twenty doltan and all reasonable clwr ges, if within the state and ihirty miles from XVye Mill, eight do'lars and reason able charges, and if a Ihorter distance in proportion, tJ any person who will deliver her to the Subferiiwr at thr mill. tu&ftf Nat. Kennard. Wye Mill, Talbot Comity, Sept. 1 # eod3W ri r- t given, To the Freemen of the City and County of Philadelphia, THAT a GENERAL ELECTION is to It held for the city and county aforelaid on Tuelday the 14th clay ot October next, lat the State Hout'e in the city o Philadel phia, where the Freemen of the di4tri d C L A R E,T in Hnds. and Ca ( es—For Sale by FRANCIS COPPJNGER, Ho. 26, Spruce, near Front Street. August ij, 1794- Carriages for Hire. GEORGE GREEN, . In Pine street, No. 123, between Fourth and Fifth ttreets, HslS FOX HIRE. BY tfie Day, the newest faihioned Car riages, as Coaches, Coachees, Cha riots and Light Wagcoks, with two or four Horses, and careful steady drivers. The terms reasonable, and all favors grate fully acknowledged. August 26, Lachawannock. A LARGE tody of LA>ID on this river audit! waters,is now'for Tale toStttUrson /i,ori moderate ternn,and at a long credit. The foil is remarkably fertile, and nu merous dreams, of watfrare interspersed through the whole Coimtry. The main river flows through one tract of about thirty thousand acres, and is with lie exception of oiie obftru&ion, naviga bie to the Sul^uehannah. Spring Brook Creek, which with its branche. , \Vatevs another tTaft r>f about forty tlvmfand acres of good Land, emp ties itfelt iMo the Lachawannock, about twelve miles from the Suiqtv hannah. It affords numerous Mill feats, & in its cowrfe creates largebcdits oi" well water ed meadow ground. i Ire other tracts are interfered by cr«eks of confidwable importance. Several Mills are already erected for the accommodation of the fettters. Roads axe cut in different directions, to wards the most convenient markets. The county town is not more than i 2 mles distant from many parts ot the set tlement. The Sufquehannab affords an easy and fafe navigation to MukUeuin, from whence the Canal, to Schuylkill extends the com munication to the city. Another means of connection wftli Phi ladelphia, is by the Delaware, from w+iicfa the distance infever.a).pja*ei >« abeutthtrty mite). The proprietors combining theirown in- Mrril with rliat «f tlie inhabitants, are dil pofed to erect works of public utility,open tioads, &c.*nd in every en miles square, a tract of one hundred acres is allotted for a School, and one hundred «cres for tlicfii ft refid.-nt clergyman of any denomination of CbrHliatis. tor further particular* appiv to George Eddy. Wilkes-Bar re, Limine Coanty, Peiinfylvauia, July 9. Lettersdirefted tn George Eddy, at Phi ladc'.phia, or this relative to this, b\ifiners,will be duly anfwercd. eodym FOR SALE, . At the STORES of Jefle & Robert Wain, PORT WINE in pipes, lihds. ai;d quar ter calks LISBON do.iii pipes and quarelow Alexandria, and 28 below the City of Wafhingto*, compre hending Freestone Point, which appears to be a quarry of free-ftonc, covering about 50 acres and adjoins the river, where vef iels ol iOO tons conven'ently harbour. On another part ofthistraft it isfuppofed there is a quarry of fl«»te, convenient to water carriage. Upwards of two thirds are in woods. Mr. Enoch S. Lane, living on the premises, will tfiew this tract. Another tia on Turkey-cock Run, a bout 6mi)esfrom Alexandria. Another tia& in Fairfax county, contain ing about 176 acres, adjoining Mr. J. Wat son's feat, about four miles fiom Alexan dria. Another tra&, in Fairfax ccmnty, con taining 513 acres, near Occoquan, joining Mr, Edward Washington's. Another tract, in Fairfax county, con taining 80 acres or thereabout, within a mile of Pohick Landing, and "within five mites of Mount Vernon, lies level, and is well timbered. An undivided moiety in another tra&, containing about 284 acres, in Fairfax county, about 5 miles from Washington, & 9 from Alexandria, where J. Ht>binl'on for merly lived. Another parcel of land, within a mile of Alexandria,containing about 24 acres, and to be fold in acre or half—acre lots. Also, sundry unimproved lots ofvarious sizes, in different parts of the town of Al exandria. Todefcribe tlie prcmifesraore particu larly is deemed unneceflary, as it u expec ted every person will examine and view whatever part he (hall be inclined to buy. My, only object bf ing to raise a certa:n lum oi money, by lellir.g so many or such parts of the aforefaid tra&s of land and lots as shall be neccflary for that purpose, one half ot the purcbafe money nuiit be paid at the tsme ol contract, and the other within a year from the firft day of August #ext, and at rhe time of delivering poilWEon or exe cuting a legal conveyance The lands re* maining unfold, except the tract in Pnrte William, after raising a limited fun-, will be divided into tenements, and leaJed for a tenn ol years. From the 12 th day of Oc tober next, till the 1 stb of Decembr, I (hall be in the city of Richmond, and ai'te* that timel shall remain at home, in Alex andria, at which places, or elsewhere, I fha 11 be prepared to detail particulars, and to enter into contra&s. Alexandria, July 28 Aug. 8 By order of the Court, DEARE, Clerk. I awtf. Office. in Virginia. CHARLES LEE. ia\viow