Life of Howard. Tilts DAT IS PUBLISHED, M f J'ri.e 75 Curis) At Franklin's tfeatl, No. 41, Chcfnut | ■ A Vr£W of the Life, Travels and Philaft- H HOWARD, Esq. L. L. D. F. li. S. fcrnbclliihcri wiiha ftrikixg likeness of that By JOHN AIKENj M. v. To which i* an ODE inlcribed to John Howard, by William Hayley, Eiq. FROM realm to realm, Kuijb cross or cejcent crown* d 9 t\ r bere cr mankind and m'lfery are found, O'er burning /lands> deep vUaves, or wilds of fnoixjt Qreat HOWARD journeying seeks the houft of woe* Douj >i many a winding jlep to dungeons dank, Wherean7 t uijh wailsaloud,andfitters clank: fro caves beflre vj d with many a mould 1 ring bone y And cells, whose echoes only learn to groan; —-On ward he moves !—DifeaJ'e and death retire, And murrn ring demons hate him> and ad ire. Sept. 1. to jotm Medical Books. JUST PUBLISHED, By Thomas Dob/on, at the Stone Hou/e JV0.41, fsuih Sao djlreet > V O L. JU Medical Inquiries O B S E RVA T I O N S. liy BENJAMIN RUSH, M. D. frpfeflor oi the In dilutes oi, Medicine,' and of Clinical pWftlice in the Univer sity of Penufy ivania. containing I. An inquiiy intoihe influence of phyfica cagrfes upon ntoral (acuity. t. An intjiriiy iuto the rffjefts of fpiritous li «juors upon the human body, and their in fluence upon the happtnefs of focieiy. 3 An inquiry into the caufc* and core of the pulmonary conlurnpuoii. 4. Oltlet vsifions on the fypiptumsand cure of rtfoplits. 5. An I nqmry into the caufesand thecuvcot interua4 dfo'pl'y of the biain. 6. An account o( Ihc meaOcs, as they ap peared in Philadelphia, in ihc year 1789. 7". An account of the influenza, as it appeal ed in Philadelphia in the years 1789,1790, and 1791. 8. Art inquiry into the caules ot the ipercafe ot bilious and remitting fevers, in Penn- < 1 jyiVAilla. g, Ao y ifUO ttaSe caiifcs;ind cuts of foie tcga. ' Vo. Ah«OeouiH of tbcilattof tne bod>| and m>nd in o!4 age, wilh obfervatioiu lipon 1 n fl Ifc*f- JJ n d ti»eij r r nie41 m . PrieeoiitdoLlir and- » unboand, or doUaVAd » half neaily beimd. Medical Tranfa&ions OF THE College of Phyficiaiu of Philadelphia. V O L. I—P A K T 1. Piicc one dollar in boards. A Treatise on the Diseases o: Children. With general directions for the management oi infants from 'he birth, adapted for thcutcot plvyficians and private families. 13y Michael Underwood, M. D. ZitcntMie ot Mirfwitery in (he Royal Col lege of Physicians in London, and Physician of the Butifh Ly'n^-in-Hofpital. Price one Dollar. This is acknowledged to be the heft boo) which hat been publiftied on the fubjeft, ant is calculated for the use of parents, nurses, and private families, as well as for physicians The two volumes handsomely printed in one, and the pricc only about one third of what the imported copies fell for. The Edinburgh New I>ifpcnfatory t two dollars. System of Surgery, extra&ed from the works of Benjamin Bell, by Dr. Waters, 2 dols. 50 cents. System of Anatomy, f extra&ed from the Encyclopaedia, with I 2 copperplates, 2 dols. System ot Chem.iftry, extra&ed from the Encyclopedia, exhibiting a view of the pro- of the fciencec, and the different fyflems which have l>een publifbed, 2 dols. 50 cents. Brown's Elements of Medicine, 2 dols. 67 cen". T. Dob/on has in the Prefix An edition of the Medical and Philofophi cal Commentaries of Edinburgh. Two vol umes are printed in one at 2 dollars and 50 ceuta per volume ; he has nearly finifhed the five firft volumes, which contain the firft ten v of the European edition, which fell lor two dollarseach. Nine volumes will in elude eighteen European volumes,'which will briog the publication up to the prelcnt time. Like-wise for sale a cyifiderable number oj Medical Books, viz. Cullen'* Practice, Materia Mcdica, Physi ology. and Synopfu. BeH'tSuigeiy, 6 volt, or 4Vola, do. on Ulcrra, Buchao's D"mclhc Medicine, I.f'draii'a Surgery, ChefeUcu's A ortomy. Hunter on ill'* Vciictcjl, SweJcca ver on do. Rolloon Weft India Difeafei; on Uurinc Hemorrhage, Hamilton's outlicei of the theory and practice of Mid w'ttrv, With or without plain; do. on the manage .em o' Femal* compUints. Mease IP Ac. Sc. Tine Liverpool Salt, To Be Sold. From the Ship Thomas, Tiie fccoiitl wharf below Pine-Street, ap ply at said wharf, to Jehu Hollirigfworth, & Co. Aug. 16. d. Philad. 08. 2, 1794- Hiß Britannic Majesty's Coitful General <; r the Middle and South ;c.n States of America, gives this public oticc to the Merchants and Trader*,whom it may concern, that the admiflion <<f*Pro vifion9 and Lumber, in Foreign Veflels, in to the fcreral Ports of the Bahama Ulands will continue until the tft day of April next —and will be further continued, until 3 mouths notice to the contrary Ihall have been pievioully given. Card & Nail FaElory, ' No. 59, rio.rth Front street, Webster, Adgate & White, Have cpnjlantly for fait, Cotton, Wool, Tow, and Machine Cards, Of till Kinds, Cut Nails of all ilzes, Floor Biads; Sprigs and Tacks, Fullers Shears, Gun Flints and Wool Ha s, A quantity of kiln dried Indian Meal in barrels ' 3tav>3it>. A new Edition of" Adgate's Philadelphia Harmony, containing both the fir ft and fe cond parts, being the most ap* oved iyf trm o! Rules and the best collection of Tunes now in use. A COMPLETE SET OF Machinery for making Cards On an Improved Confirmation, Oft. 2 Scheme of a Lottery, To raise 39,900 Dollars, on 266,000 Dollars, Deducing 15 pel Cent, jrom the Prizes —- Tins Lottery covfijis 0/ 38,000 Tickets, in which there arc 14.531 l' r izcs t und 23,461 HlankSi being about one and an half blanks to a pene. THK Dire&ors of the Society for cftahiifli ing Ufeful Manufactures, having refold ed to credit for railing One Hunßk eo Thousand Dollars, agreeably »o an A£l of the Legiflityre oi ihc State oi Ncw-jcrfay, luve appointed the following peiforisto fuprriniend and dire£l the draw ing nf the lame, viz. Nicholas Low, Rufus King, Hernfan Le Roy, James Watson, Richard Hamfon, Abijah Hammond, and Cornelius Ray, of the-city of New-York— I Thomas Willing, Joseph BjJl, Matthew M'- ; Connel and Andrew Bayard, of the city of ; Philadelphia—His Excellency Richard How ell, JEfq. fcltas Bou.l.nnr, General Elias Day ton, James Parker, John Bayard* Do&or Lewis Durham, Samuel W. Stockton, Joshua M. Wallace, J'pfcph' Bloomfield, and Elifha tfoudinot, of Ncw-Jerfey, who offer tfie following Scheme ol a Lottery,- and pledge ihemfelves to the public, that they will take every a (runner and precaution in their power 10 have the Monies paid by the Managers, from 11 1 we to titfic, as received, into the Banks ac New-Yoik and Philadelphia, 10 regain tor the purpofc cTf paying Priz. s, which lhall be immediately discharged by a cfrcck upon one qf the Banks. SCHEME: Prize of 20.000 Dollars it 26,000 t so,ooa io,ooo 2 5)00° 10/000 5 2,000 fo,ooo 10 j,006 *0,000 20 500 .I^,ooo ICO 100 10,000 3CO 50 15,000 1000 20 2000 15 12 10 oCOO B'loo 14,539 262,000 23,461 Blanks. First drawn number, 2,000 Laftdrawn number, 2,000 38,000 Tickets at 7 Dollars each is 266>0©0 The drawing will commence, under the infpe&ion of a Committee of the Superin tendants, as soon as the Tickets are fold, of which timely notice will be given. The Superintendents have appointed John N. Cumming, of Newark, Jacob Har defiberg, of New-Brunfwick, and Jonathan Rhea, of Trenton, as immediate Managers thereof, who have given ample fccurity for dtfeharging the trust reposed in them. In order tofecure punftttal pay mentofthe Prizes, the Superimendants of the Lottery have dirc&ed that the Managers fhiH each enter into bonds in 40,000 dollars, with four fulftcient fecurities,to perform their inili uftions, the substance of which is I. That whenever either of the Managers (ball receive the sum of Three Hundred Dol lars, he shall immdiatcly place the fame in one of the Banks of New-York or Philadel phia, to the cieditof the Governor of the Society, and such of the Superintendants as live in the city where the monies are placed, .0 remain there until the Lottery is drawn, 'or the payment of the Prizes. 11. The Managers to take fufficient se curity for any Tickets they may trust, other wise to be refponnbie for them. 111. To keep regular books of Tickets *old, Monies received and paid into the iank, ar-ft?a£h of which shall be sent, no (hly, to thf Governor of the Society. Paterfon, January 1, 1794. On application to eithci of the above gen lemcn, information will be given where t;ckcts may be had. February 24. tu&ftf (£S" The Lottery publifbed by the Society for eftablifbing ufeful "nanufac lutes," will conitncnq.' drawing the firft Tu 'fojs in November next — » PHILADELPHIA:—Printed by JOHN FENNO, No. 119, Chssnut Street.—Price Six Dollars Per Annvm. 7 > AT THE Also f«r Sale, w&jif 20,000 30,000 36,000 81,000 Applications oh Bufmefs within iny Agency for supplying v.'ih pto vifions the Militia lately cullfcd into fervke —maybe made in this city to Messrs. Wlie len and Miller, at the cornet ot Market and Fourth streets. Elie Williams, Agent for tbe United States in the Provi- . Jon itejwrt&mt? ,w. •<. • ■■ TO BE SOLD, By THOMAS DQBSON, "A N Alphabetical Lift OF THE DUTIES T*y*blebjrlaw <*n a« Giwls, W»«s, «nii Merchandize imported into the Uniter S*«t«s of Ajiirica, ai'Mr the latl day <>f Jane «794, dtftingpiifcing the rates payable •on thoif impfeMed in &ips or veflV's if tie Uni,te<Staj£*--(Ctul tIK ra»e« p«v» iiein to. reigfl Vejfejn, in chiding tlie addi tional dutidj iciA'l'khtbe reljwftiv*; artf cfe» are The French Language TAUGHT Br J. M. BAR T, North Second Street, No. I 58) WHO bfg! leavr toiuftiin it Fri*«dv and the Public, that ha "liiftruA; '.n thil/T8 numtber of Scholars on reafor>ab|e terifts. Thole who will plea-' fydtp employ hi'", ftiall "jitteHd-' ed tojt their own AppartllilM':*' SM£J7 STATE OF SOUTH-CAROLINA In thi House of Reprcftntati r oes, 2liljf7o3* WHEREAS Ihe Conunifliuners ot pub lic Accounts, reported, that they cannot proceed to the in-dliyHKni of the Tre»fury Accounts, rclpeclin# fprcial In dents, without knowing ihe ouiitanding a mount thereof in cm ulatiouTbeuforc, Btfoltcd, That all holders of Ipccial In dents be directed, and require o, on or before ihc firfl. day ot Nowmbcj fu xt^to deliver the fpccial Inden l s in iheir pjffc ifion to one or other of the C-inimilfioners <t>l the*Treafuryj who are to give recc ois ior the fame, and 10 rcp.-rt to ike CorvYmffioncrj. on public ac counts, on jr>r -l>etor£ ihc tenth day of Nov ember ueXi. the ".Mount by them )y received; and affo 'he at their meeting in November next. and that 3JI fpeciaf Indent* not jendeied into jhe Trcafury as above, 06 or before ihc Si r it day of N.<)Vi-mbcr ne?ff, fhaftbe, and the fame are henby baried. Rcjohed/l hat public riot ice of ihisrefolu fiqfl be j»iven m tticilevccal Oaffttcs in this i>*4te, ewe* y tnree w<•<ks, uni ilihe full day of November itcaJ. fitiid «lVat the Dele gaie*of tHnSiate in theCongrcfs o'f the Uni ted States, i.c ferjiWted to taufe fhis rvlotu tion to he pufeJifh<d in-one. or fi/o?c papers in the cities of Philadelphia and New-York, and that provision will toe n.atJc for the ex pence* attending fupfi.publication. Ordcndy Thar the i:f~oluu>n be sent to the •Senate for thrir concurrence. Byoiderot ihc JOHN £ANI OKU DART, C.H.R, In the SENATE, Deck:, uek ft lft, 1793 Rtfflvii, That thu llo.iie do xoncut with the.' Hoiil'e of in ibe fptego ing refofotions. Orda f4, Ttlif ibe refoWtiOiu be lent to the tyoiHeof Rcprele»|»iives. by order of thr Senate, FtLIX WAULKY Clerk fwt N. yVST PUBLISHED, ' And for (hie at Mathtw Cartas Store % N<4 I 18, Market ftreft, Prite half a dollar, cntbellifticd >vitb a flrtkiiv» likßue'sof Mr Margarot, The TRIAL i O F Maurice Margarot, Before the High Court of Juftkiary at Edinburgh, or: am iudicitnini for SEDITIOUS PRACTICES. <k OF rlie many remarkable trials which the pre Tent extraordinary fvftcm ol criuii nal jurisprudence in G. Britain and Ireland has brought before the public eye ; this, ceitainly is most entitled ro universal pe rusal and attention. It develope-s, moie fully than any puMicntinn extant, the lat eit views and objects of the Britifb conven tion ; and proves inconteftibly, that judi cial prosecutions (or perfecutioiu( aiu; de cifionsare now moie the rciult of the pre sent order of things, than any old faftiiori | ed attachment to the laws or tlur conftitu j tion. Add to this, that it hold* up to the wonder and admit ation of mankind, the the firm, manly, and patriotic conduct of this devoted vi<stim—this 4 Second Sydney,' as he has justly and deservedly been called; who in the course of one of the lo.ngeft iri als we know of, unaffiftcd even by a single member of the long robe, evinced such a depth of legal aid cmftitutional know ledge and, in a speech of tour hours length, displayed such a blaze of eloquence and firft rate abilities, as aftm-.ifhed the court—and, ft range to relate ! eve* drew involuntary applause from the venal and time-farviog ct*ature of a corrupt go vernment." Manchester Cotton GOODS, Five Chejls ajferted ; Each Containing velvets, THICKSETTS. QUEEN CORD"?, iTlliot cords, FUSTIANS. Sec. 4c. To be Sold on very low terms, by John Miller, jun. Sept. 3. Public Notice is hereby given, To the Freemen of the City and County of Philadelphia, THAT a dENEKAL ELECTION is i to be heid for the city and county aJarefaid oh Tuelday the 14th day ot Goober next, at the State House in the city o Philadel phia, where the Freemen of the Soutiiwalk, and of the townfh ps ot the North rp Libert ie , Moy*n»enfiug, ?a "/ vunk, Bleckley, and are a!fo to hold their election*. Tic tieenieii of the townlhlps oi' Gei man town, Koxbo- j rough, and Brittol, are 10 hold their t!ec- j tions at toe Union Sch'ool-nou/e in Gti unntown : And the of theothei idwnfbips in the said count 9 aie to hold their elections at the house now or lare ot John Barnfley, in lsnitletown, ir» the township of Lower Dublin. The Judge: inspectors, &c. for the prtfent yea r , tobe clipfeii accoidinj* to the dire&ion of the lata aft to 1 emulate the General Elections ; and Ihe returns xd be made as utnal. The e le&ion to be opened between the hours of teu in the morning and one in the after noon; at which ptaces the Electors of the city and county are to ehoOfiey enpior U Congrtfii . One Reprefeiitative for the City of .hiladelpliia, and One Representative for the County of 1 For the city ©f Philadelphia, fix* tt>e coun ty of Do. aiul for the county of Dela . ware. Four perfiMis for Reprefcmatives of the. Senate. In General jijfcmhlj. Sixpeifoni for Representatives for the City. Six Reprefeutativei for the County. Two persons for Sheriffs for the City and County. One Conimiflioner for ihe City and Coun- •ends'**- ty. And the Constables of the City and County are required to hold their elections in ihiir ref?ec'tive Wards and Townihips on Saturday the nth day of October next to elect Towr.ftiip and YVaid Alienors aud Infpcftors, to attibi at the said General Ekttion at the State Houle afoiefaidi William Will, Oft. i J ust Landed, Front tin board tbe jhif W Cast. 'John Collinj from Bcurdeaux, White Wines CLARET in H!kls. and Caie*—Fur Sale by FRANCIS COPPINGER, No. 26, Spruce, ne&r Fi ont Street. Augult 15, 1794. Carriages for Hire. GEORGE GREEN.\ In Pike street, No< 123, between Fourth arul Fifth lireets, HAS FOX HIRE. BY the Day, the nevreft faftioned Car riages, as Coaches, Coachkhs, Cha riots and Light Waggons, with two or four Uorfts, and careful steady drivers. The terms reasonable, and all favors grate fuijy acknowledged. August 36, Lachawannock. A LARGE body of LAND on this river audits waters, is now for Tale to Settlers Qn l\yofo moderate term^ar.dat a long credit. The foil i~» rt markdbly fei tile, and nu merous ftreann of watcrare interspersed through the whole country. The mam ripet H'-u s through one tract of about thirty thoufa r.d acre*, and is with hgoKCeption us onu obilrutfUon, naviga blc to thr Sufquehaunah. .Spiifig Brook Creek, which with its hranchc , watet s another tiaft of about Iqi fy thouland acir* of good Lard, emp ties itfeii into the Lachawannock, about twc!ve nrles si om the SuJ'qiKlr.innah. It affords numeious Mill feats, &in its courfecreates laigebodies of well water ed meadow ground. The other a yq interfered by crocks of coniiderablc importance. Several Mills a»e already erected for the accommodation of the settlers. Roads are 'rut in different dire&ions, to wards the most convenient markets. The county town is not more than 12 mlcs distant from many parts ot the set tletnent. The Snfquehani>ab affords an easy and fafe navigation to Middleton, f rom whence the Canal to SchuylkiJl extends" the com munication to the city. Another means <<f connexion with Phi ladi Iphia, is by the Delaware, from which the diftanee in<Vveralplaces is about thii ty miles. The proprietors combinir u theirown in ttrcft with that ol' the inhabitants, are dis posed to ereA works us pubMc utility,open uoaiis, Btc. and in every tn miles fqoare, a traflof one hundred acres t-r allotted lor ft Scho»l, and one hundred aces for thefirft refidrntclei gynun of ar.y denomination of Chriftiins. For further particulars apply to George Eddy. Wilkes-Barre, Luzerue County, Fennf>lvania y July 9. LettersdirecVed tn George Eddy, at Phi ladelphia, orthk place, relative to this bulinefs,will be duly anlwcred. eod3m *eod,iOt' Sheriff". rodtE A CARGO OF In iJurrels. ; and d6te©3w FOR SALE, At the STORES of Jeile & Robert Wain, ; ORT WINE in pipes, hlid* ai.d qoar ter calks .JS3ON p'pes rnd quarter casks Souchong and Congo TEAS, in quarter cherts A quantity of Lilbon and Cadiz SALT Soft flielled ALMONDSiii balcj Velvet COKKS, in do. Kuflia MATTS. June 9 Whereas an attach ment at the l'uu of the adminiftiatorso* all and Angular the got ds and chattels, »i hts and credit*, which were of William liur. net decealed, at the time of h'-s death, hatli been iffuedout of the Inferioor Coiut of common pleas, in and for the Count\of Middlesex, against the Goods and Chatties Lands and Tenements of Ircnius Martin, late of the county aforefaid, returnable t" the third Tuesday in July last. NOTICE is hereby given to the laid Ircnius Martin, that uniefs he appe&i and ule fpeiial uu-' to the laid action, on or before the I bird Tues day in January next, judgment will 'ne en tered against him by default, and the goods and chatties, lands and tenements to at tached, /old tor the latisfaffion of such of his creditors as Ihall appear to be jultly en titled to any demand thereon, and fnal lap ply for that purpose, according to thefoim of the fiatute in such cafe niadc&r nrnvidtd By order oi the Court, DEAK£;, Clerk. I awtf. Aug. ro, WANTED, Two Apprentices To the Printing Eulineis. inquire at this Office. FOR SALE, the fallowing Tradts of Land, I in Virginia. ONE tra<si in Frederick county, contain ing 8756 acres, being part of that whereon col. Thomas Bryan Martin now rel'des, known by the name of Greenwa*)' court, a bout 12 miles from Win.c heller and 5 from Newtown. For the conve ieuce of pur chasers, it will be divided^inio parcels of various dimensions fiora 2CO to 600 acres, which may be viewed by application to col H. K. Meacle, living nfcar thepremiles— The greater part is very fcrtiic and, uell timbered. Another ttaft in tlie fame county <, n Paffagc creek, containing 230 acres, and adjoining Jacob Levirgoods. Another trail in Huftpfliire County, con taining by patent, 699 ac'rrs, called Slim Bottom, iituate on both Sits of th? South Brancband within two mile» of' the mouth of it, and is supposed to have a good mill 1 ftat. Anothpr tract in Hamplhire county 011 New Creek arid Kettle-Lick, containing jo/acres. Anotlier tract in Prince William county, Called Leefylvania, containing upwaids of 2000 acres, lyingupon Potomack river, a buut23 miles below Alexandria, ai d2B belnw the Cjty of Wafliington, cujiipre hending Frecflone Point, which appears to be a quarry of free-ftonc, covering -about 50 acres and adjoins the river, wheie ves sel» of 100 tons conveniently harbour. On anotherpart of this tr act it isfpppofed there is a quany of slate, convenient to water carnage. Upwards of two thirds are in woods. Mr. EnochS. Lane, living on the premifcs, will (hew this tract. Arnnhpr !iac% in Fairfax county, called Springfield, 2040 1-2 ar.;eit, » r bout r 3 miles from Alexandria ?nd ro from Wafliington ; about dr. vyith'fine iprirgH and meadow ground, and maybe seen by apply ing to Mr. John Wood, living on port of it Anothertradt in Fairfax county, con taining 392acrer, on Turkey-?ock Run, 3- bout 6 mile',from Alexandria. Another tJaiJl in Fairlax connty,contain ing about 176 ucres, adjoining Mr. J. Wat son's feat, abo*>t JW miles from Alexan dria. Another tract, in Fairfax county, con taining 513 acres, near Occoquan, joining Mr. Edward Walhingion's. Another trarft, in Fairfax county, con taining 80 acres or thereabout, within a mile of ]?ohick Landing, and within five miles of Mount Vernon, lies level, and is well timbered An undivided maicgr, in another trafl-, coataining about aß.f'acres, j n Fairlax county, miles from Wafliington, &r 9 from Alexandria, where J. Ruliinlon for merly lived. Another pared of land, within a mile of A'exandria,containing about 24 acres, and 10 be fold in acie or half-acre lots. Alio, sundry unimproved lots ofvarious fires, in different parts of the town of Al exandria. i odel'cribe the premises more particu larly is deemed unnecefiary, E , it is expec ted every person will examine and view whatever part he (hall he inelired to buy. My only object bring to raise a <ci tan sum of money, by felling so many or luch parts ot ihe aforelaid tracts of land and lots as (hall be nertfiaiy for ihst pnrpofe, one half of tie purchase money inuft be paid at the time ot contract, and the other within a year l'rom the firft of A*j ßu ft «ext, and at the time of delivering politflion cr ext. cutir'g a Icgalconveyai.ce 'J l.e lands re mainiog unfold, ixscept the tract in Puree Willi un, after raifng a limited luir, will be divided into tenements, aid lealed for a term of yeais. Kiora the I2thday of Or. tober next, till the 15th of Drtcmbr, I Ihall be in the city of Richmond, and atte. that time I ftiall remain at hvjjic, in Alex andria, at wUich places, or ellewl tie, I shall be prepared to detail particulais, and to enter into contracts. Alexandria, July 28 CHARLES LEE. Ang. 8 lawiOwr.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers