( our flat* (indeed America) will | from the numberiefs idle, ridicui.v:; ( ports which have been circulated- lo Tie | have so far as to fay -hat there wer-j tlioufands of insurgents in \yafhington for the purpose of ■ ..King our arfenaland magazine; men who aie unacquainted with circumstances, or will not reflett may be milled ; but when they are informed that Wifhing ton county has not more than fitteen or lkteen hundred voters, they will readily conclude that such leports mult be grouudlefs. Events have proved tuem so j some of the gentlemen of your troop have laid from the belt accounts they could get from the mfurgents which they took, the greatest number c.Jle&ed was one hundred —some of them laid kU. Then what danger could our military ftor«sbe ift ? Frcde ritk-l it will be our pleasure to hold out succour to a fellow Creature, because he is a man, evidently in want '*• To arcomplifh the firft of tjiefe ebjefts, it will be requiGte, that the fo es, whet parts of the United States w ill afford the greatest probability of success to mechanics of different descrip tions, and to. persons calculated fpr va rious other employments, and poffefiing certain degrees of capacity and talents ; where and for what purpose the unem ployed are immediacy wanted, and in * ir*- • ■' r-.. * >■ K J ' ; * - order to contribute, as much as pofiible, to the immediate comfort-) of Emigrants in general on their Arrival it will be ne ;tifary to kuo>v the names of the pei lont who keep lodging houses, their places of abode, and terms of accom modations. Any communications upon these par ticular heads will be received with plea- 1 fureby Mr. Thomas Pearce, No. 45, ' South Third-ftrert, who is appointed 1 Register by the committee ; and all in formation of a more general nature by the Secretary. To pursue with effed the extended views of the Institution, ample funds will be requilite —from those convinced of the utility of the plan, the commit-j tee hopes that no additional perfusions will be necelfary to obtain their (hare of aid, in tfiis respect, in such a mode, as may appear mod proper to themselves. It is almost needless to add, that an admission to membership, no other qualificaeiou will be demanded than a character free, (as far as human nature will permit) from the commHfion of vice. By order of the Committee, Wm. TURNER, Sec'y. No. 149, Chefnut-ftreet. AT a large and rYfpetJuble meeting of the Freemen of the county of Philadelphia, held at the Widow Lejher's Germanto'wn, on Thuifday, the 2nd of October, for the purpose of forming a ticket for one lilember of Congress, a Senator, and fix Represen tatives in the State Legiflaturc for J,aid county. The Rev. William Smith, D. D. in the chair, the following gentlemen were put in nomination by a large majority of votes —viz :— For Congrefi, Samuel Miles, Senator, Robert Hare. Metnbifr Thomas Forrefi, Jos. Jacob Morgan, Edward Heejhn, Thomas Briiton,,. Thomas Paid. Resolved, That the above be publi/hed for the information of the county, and that a copy qf the fame be sent to JcUowciti zcns ivho have marcbrd to the n tint, m yti:e auuior i.ever b=.' tbrgutti.ii. " At a meeting of the Inhabitants of Lu zerne County, held at the Court House in Wilkefbarre, 011 Tuesday the twenty third day of Septcinbcij 1794' Mullhias HoUtnback, in the Chair. Lurd iiulitr. Secretary: The following Refolutious tvere ngreed to : Refulved, That it is the lenfe of this i meeting, that as citizens of a free go vernment, where the rij;ht of Univetfal fuffragc is allowed and incorporated with oui conllitution, anJ where the j voice of the majority constitutes the , law of the land, it is ur.qnelHoiiahly our j duly to obey the laws. j 2. Rcfolved, That we revere the ex cellent conllitution of the United Slates, and that we are willing by our personal lervicef to support and carry into exe cution, the laws orf the United States, made Agreeable to that conllitution. 3. Resolved, That we dbhor the idea, that in a Republican government, the few fbould give laws to the many. 4. Rffolved, That being fully im pressed with the sense of the blcffings that daily flow from our government, we believe that thdre is 110 necelfuy of a revolution in the fame. 5. Refvlved, That this meeting high ly reprobate the proceedings ot the people in the wettern counties of this Itate *111 their opposition to government. That we'will at all times, when ne trefTarv exert otufelves in support l>oth of the government of the United States and of the state of Pemifvlvania. Gloccfter Boston 9. Resolved, That ;!ie foregoing re folutious be printed for the information of ourfellow citizen. The meeting closed with three cheers in favour of government. Baltimore ATTEST. I ORD BUTLER, Sec, A SERJEANT of the Guards, now in Flanders, has written as follows to his wife now in London, " Dear Wife fend me as many Newfpapcrs as you can— I want sadly to know how we go on here. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA. Days. Brig Norfolk, Clark, Chavlelton g Vigilant, Smale, Jamaica 36 Sch'r. Rambler, Warren, Edenion 13 Induttry, Edwards, Newbury- Frlendfhip, Teague, Snowhill 5 Sloop Hope, HulTey, Nantucket 6 Fame, Gilbett, N. London tj Lively, Bunker, Nsw-Bedford 8 Dolphin, Rowe, Richmond 6 Hetty, Murray, Snowhill 10 Spery, Virginia 5 Mary Ann, C©y, Norfolk 6 Salem, Elkrtis, N. York 5 Ramfey, Gladden, R. I {land 9 Capt. Cannon of the fchfloner Little Betfv, in 23 days from Jeremie, itiforms that he left there the following veil'els, viz— Brig Fair American, Ash, Philadelphia Mercury, King, do. Sloop Philadelphia, , do. The abovemeiaioned Teffels were to fail for this Port in 7 days. Capt. Bell of the fioop Nancy in 25 days from Guadaloupe, informs that 2 British 74's lay off Point Petre—Two frigates were cruizing in the road, and 2 Hoops of war to windward. He further informs, that a New-Eng land brig, called the George, Captain Rhodes, had lain at Point Petre a con fiderablc time—That the Captain and part of the crew were in a lickly condi tion, and that two American vessels were funk in the bombaidment of Point Pe tre—names unknown. The ship Caroline, and the (hip Wil liam Penn, from London, are said to be in the river. Arrived ctt SaJem. Ship Hunter, Chipman, Bourdeaux Brig John, Millet, do. Schr. Dolphin, Ropes, ~ Estrafl of a lcttir from Capt. Jacob Crvivnin/hield at St. Helena, July 3. " The French privateers have cap tured all the English Count!y fliips— The John, of Boston, Folger, and the Providence, Dean, were both at Calcut ta the 3d April—the former jult arriv ed ; the latter bound for Oltend, Mr. Joseph Morton, of Boston, arrived at Calcutta from Madras, and was well, as was Capt. Folger. ANECDOTE. ARRIVED. port IO Port Louis ExtraS frem the P'lttjhurgh Guze.'te. Many who were, but a few years ago, not known within the cc/ntiafled limits of their refpedive townfhi;:*, and perhaps not worth the spot of ground they then occupied, now ieem to have made a monopoly of all the patriotism and public virtue of the country. Men yf long relklencc and proven integiity, tvho have been greatly inftiuinciilai in promoting population and public happi uefs, are now charged with being ene rgies no this tountry, and thieatiued with definition for only diffeiing in o. pinion wiih this flaming band of patri ots. It is greatly to be lamented that du plicity and deception have been so much . prattiled upon the lets informed dailies j of tlit people in this country ; for riot < withlia: ding the pains thai have been ' taken to increale 'heir opposition and ! cherilhtheif prejudices againit the excise, j yet I can aflat from peiledt knowledge I and late experience, that they are still open to convr'clionj and easy to be te j claimed, where rational arguments'and | juit eij>lanations are applied to our own ! situation, and the prelent mealures of j the national government. I The present government of Poland has publilhed a declaration in tile JLey den Gazette, containing bitter com plaints, that the patiiotifm, on which the Pi.lifh revolution was.founded, had been charged with the crime of Jaco-' binifm, and of not applauding exerti ons ol thole powers, who were leagued againfi the i cat Jacobins. The lame declaration bellows much ptaife on the iufpenlion of the Habeas Corpus Act, adopted by tie English Parliament, at a time whec (he pceleivaiioh of doraef* tic peace and happiness required such an extraordinary mealure- It proitils againltall the conclulitms drawn in firve r l new spapets, iiom the reception it a cM.ain pevfon, named l'Aigle, as A gent of the French Republics who, . hough presented, at Court, had never been ..acknowledged in any public capa city ; and it represents all thereportysof pretended Revolutionary Tribunals, red caps, drefied ala Sar.jtuhttes t &c. See. as fictitious. ' The fame declaration refers to ano thei, published before by Gen. Kojlitifio wherein he denounces as enemies of the country all those who IhouJd attempt to eltablilh clubs and other locwties, in imitation of the French. The Secretary Or War arrived ir> town lalt evening from the Eaftvvard. (Ej* The Bystander to-morrow. Burlington Pork. A QUANTITY OF Best Burlington Pork, 1 TO BE SOLD BY Levi Hollingfworth & Co. oa. i WOOLLENS. A'variety of low priced vrejl • aflortcd "WOOLLENS, in small Bales, sot Sale by - Run die Iff Murgatroyd, No. ii, Walnut-Street Wharf. Also, Best Lisbon and Liverpool Salt, German Steel, Holicry, &c. Oct. 6. Old American Company. THEATRE—CEDAR' STREET. THIS EVENING, Oftolcr 6. Will be presented, A COMEDY, never atfled in PLiladeU phia, called I'll Tell You What j Or The UNDESCRIBABLE THING. Written by the author of Every One has his Fault. Immediately after the Play, by particular', defirc, the favorite gorrijc Song of Four and Twenty Fiddler t, By Mr. Barwick. To Which will be adcTcdf A Musical Entertainment, never ailed in Philadelphia, called the A K E R ; A Or Ihe BENEVOLENT FRIEND. Performed at Drury Lane with the most unbounded applause. The doors will be opened at half after five, and the'dirfain drawn at half after fix o'clock. * *eod4t 3ta#»w.