DAILY EVE N I N G AD [No. 99 of Vol. VI I xNDING, TbiiDM-f-r' an board tlx brig Ann an^ MarJ, Oi -\ Come, from Ant.pu, yiVSXSi'f HOGSHEADS OF i Anrig»» Rum, «» f" urtil pw*d» *• .7«,p,i. -/.iro a few hog/beads i«main» the Brig CARGO, rap,.in Well from fame place, w!,;C>i ha-, been so imich approved oftortli* fiiieneft »l itJ Jamaica Spirits, MOLASSES, Genuine Madeira Wine, Br the pipe, quai !cr calk or gallon Also 20 TIERCES fresh RICE, By the Norfolk, Captain Art, • FOR SALE BY Levifius Chirkfon, JV». »l6,foutb corner of Pine and Wattr Jlreets. An*. -7 Twenty Dollars Reward. v.Y Saddle Marc was stolen from Wye Mill, Talbot County, Maryland, on the nijjhtof the i'ctlj of August raft. Sheis. blacit, and to be ten or twlve vo.-.i s old, u. >l< r fourteen hands h'tgli, ®m pjftaiidfiaMfome, Uandrd withtbe let ter O, 011 the left fh(H»lde, a hndfome liar on her forehead, a full eye the necktreft fallen, aflat buttock, her fo.e foot turni in, and one of them wh'ue ; Hie racks trots and canters, has good Ipirits, ai.ri goes very pleal"ai>tly. If taken up ont us the state, 1 will8 lv « the above reward of twenty dollars and all reasonable char gel, if witliirt the state and thirty miles fiom rvyt Mill, eight dularc and reason able charges, a»d if a (horter diftarce in proportion, t<> 3ny perlo* who will deliver her to the Subftrioer at th, m il. Nat. Kennard. Wye Mill, Talbot County, Sept. I *eod 3W The Medical le&nres lath* Uoirtrfity of P«nftlylvani», will conimacc the firll Moral-yia November MIU. . SfP l 5 War Department, Augufi i, 1794. Information is hereby given to all the military Invalids of the United States, tint the Turn? to which they are en titled for their annual penflon, which will become dueon the fifth day of September 1794, will be paid on the (aid day, by the coiainiffionersot Loans within the States refpettively, under the uftial regulations . Applications of Executors or Adminif trato: smuftbe accompanied with legal e «idences of their refpeftive offices, and also of the time of the decease ol such in valids whose pensions they may claim. By command of the Piefident of the U ■ited States, H. KNOX, Secretary at (Tar. The Printers in the several States are reqnefted to publiih the above in their newfpapris for the (pace of two months Aug. 6 dim To be fold by Au&ion, On Tuesday thrixth day of November next, at noon, at the hovfeof Archer Gijford, in New ark, Neu) Jersey, if n4t prtvioufly dijpofed of by private contrail, THE FOLLOWING Trails of Land, Belonging to the American Iron Company, fituare at Long Pond, and Charlottenburg, in the Counties of Bergen aud Morris in the Uid state of New Jei fey, vir. 12 tradts of land, contain ing ibout 6533 acres, filuste at Ringwood, on put nt which the Ringwood Mansion- Heufe and Store are erefled. 4 trafls of containing about 6156 acres, fituste on Long Pond River. 7 tracts of Land, containing about 6165 Aries, firuate at Charlottenburg. These Eltites are well worthy of the at tention of any Gentleman or Company in clined to engage extensively in Iron Works : There are several Buildings and fnme consi derable Improvements on thtfe Lands; about «jO Acres of excellent Meadow, are already cleared, and tnuih more might be added at a trifling Expeoee. On the Premises t here •rr fcvetal rriy convenient Seatsfor furnaces, Forges, Mills, &c. There are also fomc very valuable Iron Mines. Mod ol the unimp rov . cd Pans ol these Lauds are covered with fine healihv Timber. These Eftatcs will be (hewn by Captain .Joseph Board, of Ringwood, aud the Terms ol Sale made known by applying 10 him, or to Edward Edwards, In Philadelphia, at the coiner of Sixth and e-Streets. Sept. It. A N I> Cadiz Salt, For Sale on board the Swid fh S'wp Gnf tavns Attolphus, Captti:' BLOOMS i. KR, Said Vcffrt, Buv«fen V° Tons, ±%S> For CHARTER, an y within or without ' Apply to Who has for Sale a few T*is CHIPPED LOGWOOD Also SuperiorCLAßF.T in Hogflieads Sept. 4. For Amsterdam, the ship tfSfc. HOLLAND, Christopher Franklin, jun. HAi "excellent for paflen gen, wii] fail with all eonv<*i,H-rr fp?ed, hav ing the «irc»tcft.part of her cargo ready to go on boird. Eof freight or paffa^<, apply to the mailer on beard, to PETER BLIGHT, O. PRAGERS & CO. An*. 96 Jult Arrived, And will be landed to-morro'v morning a,t Hamilton's wharf, the CARGO oi the Schooner Industry, Captain Hylander, from Havanna, '&s'hhds. iVlolafles, Of fupcrior full qnalily. 106 Boxes and Barrels White & brown Sugar AND- A Parcel of Ox-Hides ; Peter Blight. \A 1. s 0, A PARCEL OF COFFEE, eod tO Just arrived in the Hibernia, Captain Irwin, from Jamaica. Sept. 13 Dijlant Subscribers For thi> are he eby refpeftful ly reqn?fted to pay up their Supfcript'ons to the fii ft of January next. The Editor will be under the necessity of confttkring those who do not then renew their Sub scription by paying Six Months in Ad vance, as declining to take the Paper any longer. As there is a considerable Sum due from remote Subscribers for the late halt Week ly Paper publilhed by the Editor, he mo ft earnestly requc-fts those who may be delin. quenf, to take the earliest opportunity of remitting him the balance they may res pectively be indebted—the sums are indi. vidually trifling—the want of the Aggre [ is severely felt. A Frenchman who is well acquainted u it/i mercantile bufwefs, and who un dcrjhndi the French and Latin languages, with a good knowledge of the English tongue, u ouldnrijh to engage with a me) chart :oras u Ihtor to a privatefamily, either in Ton n or Couvtru N. H. He can produce gov 1 recommendation}, both French and English. Enquire at the office oj the Gazette of the United Status. & t. * All pcrfons are here by cautioned not to credit Fanny, wife of the Subscriber, as I will not pay any debt ol l»er contra&ing, from Sedate hereof. Spring Gaidens, Northern Liberties. Sept. 27 *3t THOMAS DOBSON, Principles and Observations MANVFACTURE and INSPECTION Pot a/id Pearl AJhes. By DAVID TOWNSEND, Infpe£tor of Pot and Pearl-Afhea for the Commonwealth of Maflaclmfetts. Publilhed according to Aooo each, arc 10 ditto 1,000 20 ditto 500 100 ditto 100 200 ditto 50 400 ditto 25 i,coo ditto 29 25,< 00 ditto 16>730 Prize * 33,261 Blanks 50,000 Tickets at 8 dollars This Lottery will afford an e.egant speci men of the pi ivate buildings to be ereo the occupation of lii? liruamiic Maieftv's Mtuifter. aLSQ The Adjoinivg Lot, 26 feet front, and 149 fee t deey. tonus oi falc, apj>ly to Wm. Cramond I 4 MIL ITU. Courts of Appeals. THE InfpeAor's ill health preventing his attendance at the Courts of Appeal, 011 the days fpecified in thf notices, he informs thofc concerned that he ml hold thof:- Courts o;i the following days, when they :nav atiend For the Fir/1 Regiment. On Monday the 6tli Oiiloher next, at Major Pancake's, in south Fourth street. For the Artillery and Third Regitncnt. On TucfiuEv the jth October next, at Mr. Michael lvitts'o, in Market street. For the Second Regiihent. On Wednefdqy Bth October, at Mr. M'Shant's, north Third street. For the Fourth Regti.'hut. On Thurfctly 9th October next, at the Ggnof tie White Swan, Race street. For the Fifth Regiment. On Friday io h O&obcr next, at the sign of the Riling Sun in Race street. Each-day at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Lewis Nicholas, Sept. 30 THIRTY yourneymen Shoemakers. CONSTANT employment, and g<. rieruus wskges Wiil bp given to that number, apply to George Kemble, No. 36, South Third-Street Philadel phia. 1 N. 33. A number of apprentices wanted—apply as above. Sept. 26 NOT >5C,«00 40,000 at The 1 New Caftie Pier Lottery Examining and Rtgiftcrirg Qjjict, At Mr. SAMUEL liuWtOKD's No. 7j, north ftres t, 2 doors ii;om Arch ftren, 1 30,000 20,CC0 10 o'co ) 0,000 10,000 JC,O< O 10,000 I 0,000 Tickets are examined and RegVfteted b,» correct numerical and Re gister B' eh', atr 'thc following moderat? cturj»e«, Vii. •" 10,000 J 0,000 10,060 For .minting a sfnoli tiCleT »-i6»h. of a Dalit i". ji'or leyitteri j > siNGLg'TriCXET o( a Dollar. 20,0"0 150,000 And notice will be fejit by letter (il fortunate or unfortunate) to any part ol the Continent. 400,000 TICKETS T» the City of Waihington Lottery, No. 2, (Which will commence draAv»nji very so on) Rogiflered, and the earliest account feift of their success. N. B. The Earliest Intelligence'of each Day's drawing will be receive dat this Of-1 ficc. And the flips thereof will be iigned by the Managers to be conel'; therefore to he depended on, Sept. 24 Treasury Department Revenue Office, jiugvjl 27', 1794. NOTICL is hcieby given that propolals will be received at the Office of the Com rniflioner of the Revenue until the end ot the tourth day of O&ober next, to furnifh by contra# the following articles o! CLOTHING for the use of the army of the Uniiedsia\es in the year 1795- 992 Artillery Hats 992 Artillery Coats 320 Horfemaivs Caps 320 Horseman's Coals 4560 Infantry Hats 4560 Infantry Coats 5872 Stocks 5872 Stock Clasps 23 488 Shuts 5872 V«fls 11,104 paiis of Woollen Overalls 11.104 pairs Linen do. 22,208 Pjir Shoes, 320 I'air Leather Breechj 640 Pair Boots—32o Pair Spurs 640 Pair S'ni kings 11,104 Pair Socks 1520 Rifhr Shuts The Clothing 'st 0 be delivered at the Philadelphia, one foutth part of l * ,e who'e number of Sulrj 011 or befoie the 15'h day of Fehiuary next, one fourth, oh or be foie the 15- h day of April next, and the re maining half on or befoie the 15'h day ot june next. The Articles are to be agreeable to fueh patterns.as (hall br dire&ed by the Secretary for the Department ot War. eodtf wit} be made J» soon as iHe whotf of tb« article* thai I bave bocu dtlivcitd. tAt rs W & stf Ittfpeflvr. be Lent, On Mortgage of REAL ESTATES, Within the City and Liberties of Philadel phia Apply to Nicholas Diehl, jun. Attorney at Law. No. 19, fuuth Fourth Jlrret. Aug. 4 mw&ftf At a meeting of the ciii zens appointed to piocnre fubtfcriptions lor the relief of thr families of persons who have matched againfl the Wcftem In fur« gens;. JOHN BARCLAY, E r q. was appointed Treasurer to the fund, and to whom tie monies collected will be pa-d. The following persons were appointed 10 distribute to the neceflitous families oi* their refpeftive WARDS, viz. For New.Market Ward Daniel Smith, Dock Ward Levi Ho'lir.gfwottfc WiMut Ward James tVx, ' Southward tfalbro' Fiarte.-j Lower Delaware Andrew Bayard 1 , Chefiwit Ward, .John Stjlle, ; Middle Waid Jfrael Wheler, North Wdrd James Aft, High Mahlon rtutchto r o» UpjitrDelnwar* Wirt. Montgomery, ■ Soofh Miifbewy Ai iliew oiiyer, North Mulberry Godfrey Hagai. Publiibed l>y order of IK? i ROBERT RALbTON, Sec'y. Philo*). Sept. 25 Stock Brokers Office, No. 16. Wail-llfcft. Nfw-York. THE Suhfcrihei nnfr.tiing to cnt:fiin him lell entirely to tHe PURCHASE ?nd SALE Of STOCKS on COMM ISSION.b' ps Irate 10 us? rhislervir