Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, October 03, 1794, Image 4

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    Life of Howard.
J. O RM R O D,
(Price 7$ Gents)
At Franklin's Head, No. 41, Chefnut
A VIEW of the
Life, Travels and Philan
thropic Labours,
of the late
F. R. S.
Embellilhed witlia striking likeness of that
Citizen of the World.
To which is iubjoined an ODE inferibed to
John by William Hayley, Elq.
FROM realm to realm, with crtfs or
cejcent crown* d,
Wtie re 1 er mankind and misery are found,
(f er burning sands, deep waves, or wilds
of /now,
Great HOWARD journeying seeks the
houf. of woe i
Do wn many a winding Jlep to dungeons dank,
Where anguijb -jjnih aloud, and fetters clank:
To caves byflrew'd with many a mould'ring
And cells, whose echoes only learn to groan}
—Onward he moves I—Disease and death
And murrn ring demons hate him, and ad
Sepi. I.
Medical Books.
By Thomas Dobfon, at the Stone House
No. 41 y south Seco d
VOL. 11.
Medical Inquiries
Proftffor of the Institutes of Medicine, and
of Clinical Piaftice in the Univcr
filyo! Pcnnfylvania.
f. An inq.uiry into the influence of phyfica
canl'cs upon the moral faculty.
2. An inquiry iuto the cffc£ts of fpiritous li
quors npon the human body, and their in
flucncc upon the happiness of society.
3. Ail inquiry into the caules and cure of tiie
puUnonai v confumptiojo.
4. Obierva/ions on the fytnptumsand curcof
An Inquiry into the caufesand thecurcol
internal droply of the brain.
6. An ac ouni of the measles, as they ap-
peared in Philadelphia, in the year 1789.
7. An a.-count of the influenza, as it appear
ed in Philadelphia fa the years 1789,1790.
and 1791.
8. An inquiry int® the causes of the increase
of piLousand remitting fevers, in Penn
g, An inquiry into the caufcsand cure of fore
10. An account of the stale of the body and
mind in oltt age, with observations upon
its difeafrs and their remedies.
Price one dollar and a quarter unbound, or
one dollar and a half neatly beund.
Medical Tranfa&ions
( ' OF. TH t
College of Physicians of Philadelphia.
v(> L. I PA R T I.
Price one dollar in boards.
A Treatise on the Diseases of
W»th general directions for the management
of Infants from the birth, adapted for
thculc o' physicians and private families.
By Michael Underwood, M. D.
Licentiate of Midwifery in the Royal Col
lege of Physicians in London, and
Physician of th,e British
Price one Dollar,
This is acknowledged to be the best bool
which has l»een published on the fubjeft, ant
is calculated far the nfe of parents, nurses,
and orivaie families, as well as for physicians
—The two volumes haodfomely printed in
one, and the price only about one third of
whatilif! imported copies fell for.
The Edinburgh New Dispensatory, two
System of Surgery,, extratted from the
works of Benjamin Bell, by Dr. Waters, 2
do's. 50 cents.
Syile-n of Anatomy, extra&ed from the
Ency-lo.paedia, wuh I 2 copperplate*, 2 dols.
Syftein of Chemistry, extra&ed from the
£ncyc'*>p*Jia, exhibiting a view of the pro
gress o' the fciencee, and the different, iyftems
which have bf-en published, 2 dols. 50 cents.
Brown's Elements of Medicine, 2 dois,
67 cents.
T. Dob/on has in the Press,
An edition ot the M dical and Philofophi
eal Commentaries of Edinburgh. Two v«l.
utiles are printed in one at 2 dollars and 50
cents per volume; he has nearly finifhed the
five firft volumes, which contain the firft ten
volumes of the European edition, which fell
for two dolUrseacii. Nine volumes will in
clude eighteen European volumes, which
will briog the publication up to the present
Likenxiife for falca conjitlerable number oj
Medical Books, viz,
Ciillen's Prn&ice, Materia Medica, Physi
ology, and Synopsis. Bell's Surgery, 6 vols,
or 4 vols, do. on Ulcers, Buchan's Domestic
Medicine. Ledran's Surgery, Chefelden's A
netomy, Hunter on the Venerea), Swedeea
vcr on do. Rollo on Wert India Difeafesf
Rigby on Uterine Hemorrhage, Hamilton's
outlines of the theory and practice of Mid
wifery, wi:h or without plates; do. on the
management of Female complaints. Mease
on Hydrophobia, &c. &c.
Liverpool Salt,
To Be Sold
From the Ship Thomas,
The second wharf below Pine-Street, ap
ply at fair"
Aug. ■
Principles and Observations
Pot and Pearl AJhes.
Infpe&or of Pot and Pearl-Alhes for th^
1.1 - _rr -
Commonwealth of Maffaehufetts
AO f —
Publiihtd according to Aft of Congref
These observations relate to an extenfiri
business ; and are designed, in the plainef
manner, to convey profitable information
to those interested in it, who have not leis
ure or opportunity to fearchfor the princi
ples therein contained, in ,the writings of
profeffional Chernifts. '■#
Ran Away,
FROM the Subscriber a servant Girl,
named Catherine Adams. Whoever will
take up and bring back to her Master the
said Girl, lhall receive Twenty Cents re
ward, and no charges.
Scheme of a Lottery,
To raise 39,900 Dollars, on 266,000
Dollars, deduSing 15 per Cent, from
the Prizes—this Lottery conjifls of
38,000 Tickets, in •which there are
! 4>539 Prizes and 23,461 Blanks,
being about one and an half Blanks to
a Prize.
THE Dire6lorsof the Society foreftablifh
mg Uleful Manufa&ures, having refolv
ed to erect LOTTERIES for raising One
Hundred Thousand Dollars, agreeably
to an Atl of the Legiflaiure of the State of
New-Jersey, have appointed the following
perfonsto superintend and dirc& the draw
ing of the fame, viz. Nicholas Low, Rufus
King, Herman Le Hoy, J-ames Watson,
Richard Harrifon, Abijah Hainmond, and
Cornelius Ray, of the city of "New-York
Thomas Willing, Joseph Ball, Matthew M l -
Connel and Andrew Bayard, of the city of
Philadelphia—His Excellency Richard How
ell, Esq. Elias Br>udino», General JElias Day
ton, Jamrs Parker, John Bayard, Doctor
Lewis Donham, Samuel W. Stockton, Jolhua
M. Wallace, Joseph Bloomfield, and £lifh a
Bondinot, of Ncw-]erfcy, who offer the
following Scheme ot a Lottery, and pledge
themselves to the public, that they will take
every aflunnce and precaution in their power
to have the Monies paid by the Managers,
from time to time, as received, into the
at New-York and Philadelphia, to
remain for the purpose of paving Priz s,
which (hall be immediatelj* difc&arged by a
cheek npon one of th<- Ranks.
Prizeof 20,000 Dollars is 20,000
10,000 10,000
5,000 10,000
2,000 10,000
1,000 »0,000
500 I^,ooo
* 100 10,000
50 15,000
20 20,000
15 30,000
12 36,000
10 81,000
*" Bxoo
M>539 Prizes. 262,000
23,461 Blanks. First drawn number, 2,000
Laftdrawn number, 2,000
38,000 Tickets at 7 Dollars each is '66,000
The drawing will commence, under the
infpeftion of a Committee of the Superin
tendants, as soon as the Tickets are fold, of
which timely notice will be given
The Superintendents have appointed John
N. Cumming, of Newark, Jacob R. Har
denberg, of New-Brunfwick, and Jonathan
Rhea, of Trenton, as immediate Managers
thereof, who have given ample security for
difchargfng the trull reposed in them.
In order to secure the pun&ual pay
ment of the Prizes, the Superintendents of
the Lottery have dire&cd that the Managers
shall each enter into bonds in 40,000 dollars,
with four fufficient fccurities, to perform their
inftru&ions, the fubflance of which is
I. That whenever cither of the Managers
ftiall receive the sum of Three Hundred Dol
lars, he (hall immdiately place the fame in
one of the Banks of New-York or Philadel
phia, to the cieditof the Governor of the
Socicty, and such of the Superintendents as
live in the city where the monies arc placed,
.0 remain there nntil the Lottery is drawn,
'orthepajmnt of the Prizes.
11. The Managers tf» take fufficient se
curity for any Tickets they may trust, other
wise to be responsible for them.
111. To keep regular of Tickets
fold, Monies received and paid into the
Bank, abftra&s of which shall be sent,
nonthly, to the Governor of the Society.
Paterfon, January 1, 1794.
On application to either of the above gen
tlemen, information will be given where
tickets may be had.
February 24.
Lottery publiflied-by the
Society for eftablifliing ufeful manufac
tures," will commence drawing the firft
Tuesday in November next —;
An Apprentice
To the
Watch Making and
Repairing Business,
Apply TO
C. Campbell.
No. 3, south Fourth Orcet, two doors
from Market-street.
' Sept. 3
LADELPHIA-Printed JOHN FENNO, No. „j, C„,„„ S„L.,._P >lti s„ D„ lt „ s P,,"^.
fworth, & Co.
Caleb Wilkins.
Applications on Business
within my Agency for supplying with pro
virions the Militia lately called into service
—may be made in this city to Messrs. Whe
len and Miller, at the corner of Market
and Fourth street*.
Elie Williams,
Agent for the United States in the Proiii-
/ton Department.
to be Sold,
Alphabetical Lift
Payable by law on all Goods, Wares, and
Merchandize imported into the United
Saates of* A.nerica, after the 1 all day of
June 1794, diftinguiihing the rates payable
on those imported in ships or veflels of the
United States—-and the rates payabe in fo
reign (hips or veflels, including the addi
tional duties, to which the refpedive arti
cles are liable.
The French Language
North Second Street, No. 158,
WHO begs leave to inform . is Friends
and the Public, tliaf he intends to inftru&
in that Tongue, a number of Scholars on
reasonable terms. Thole who will be plea
sed to employ him, (hall be exafily attend
ed to at the:-own Appartments.
Sept. 17
In the HouJ'e of Representatives,
December 2lit. 1793.
CX7HEREAS the Commifliom r* oi pub-
V V lie Accounts,have reported, that they
annot ptoceed 10 the investigation of the
TrcaUiry Accounts, refpc£ting special In
dents, without knowing the outstanding a
mount thereof in circulation Therefore,
That all holders of ipecial In
dents be dire&ed, and required*on or before
the firft day of November next, 10 deliver the
fppcial Indents in their poffeflion to one or
other of the Comnulfioncrs «f the Treasury,
who are ro give receipts for the fame, and to
report to the Commiflfi oners on public ac
counts, on or befoie the tenth day of Nov
ember next, the amount by them icfpeftive
ly received, and also to the Legillaturc, at
their meeting in November next, and thai
all special Indents not tendered into the
Treasury as above, on or before the firft day
of November next, ft»all be, and the fame
are hereby barred.
Rcfolv(d) That public notice of thisrefolu
tion be given 1 n the fevcra! Gazettes in this
State, once .every three weeks, until the firft
day of November next. And that the Dele
gates of this State in theCongrefs of the Uni
ted States, be lequeited to caufc this relolu
ti«>nio be publifhrd in one or more papers
in the cities of Philadelphia and New-York,
and that piovifion will be made for the cx
pences attending publication.
Ordered, That the resolution be sent to
the £cnare for their concurrence.
By ordcrof the House,
la the SENATE,
December 2*11,1793.
Rcfohcd. That this House do concui with
:he House of Representatives in the forego
ing refoluttons.
Ordered, That the resolutions be lent to
he House of Reprefentativ, s.
by order of the S<*nate,
ewt N.
.And for (ale at
Matbew Carey s Store,
No 118, Market ftreef,
Price half a dollar, enlbelliflied with a
ftrikirt® iikepefs of Mr Margarot r
The T R IA L
Maurice Margarot,
Before the High Court of Jufliciary at
Edinburgh, on an ir.diSment fir
" OF the many remaikable trials which
the present extraordinary system of crimi
nal jurifprudcnce in G. Britain and Ireland
has brought before the public eye ; this,
certainly is most entitled to universal pe
rusal and attention. It devclopes, more
fully than any publication extant, the lat
est view« and obj<as of the Britilh conven.
tion ; and proves inconteflribly, that judi
cial prosecutions (or perferutionsf and de
cifionsare now more the result of the pre
sent order of things, than any oldfafhion
ed attachment to the laws or the constitu
tion. Add to this, that it holds up to the
wonder and admiiation of mankind, the
the firm, and patriotic conduct of
(his devoted viftim—(his ' Second Sydney '
as he has justly and deservedly been called';
who in the course of one of the longest tri
als we know of, onailiftcd even by a iingle
member of the long robe, evinced such a
depth of legal and constitutional know.
I«dge and, in a speech of four hours
length, displayed such a blaze of eloquence
and firft rate abilities, as aftoniflied
the court—and, ftranfre to relate ! even
drew involuntary applause from the venal
and time-serving creature of a corrupt go
Manchester Cotton
Five Chejls ajfnrted ;
Each Containing
FUSTIANS, &c. &c.
To be Sold on very low terms, by
John Miller, jun.
Sept. 3- *cod,iOf
Public Notice is hereby
To the Freemen of the City and County
of Philadelphia,
to be held for the city and county aforelaid
op Tuelday the 14th day ot Q&ober next,
at the State House ia the city o" Philadel
phia, where the Freemen of the diilri<st of*
Southwark, and of the townihipi of the
Northern Liberties, Moyanienfiug, Pail
yunk, Blockley, and Kmgfefling, are also
:o hold their ele&ions. The hreemen of
the townihips of Germantown, Roxbo
rough, and Bristol, are to hold their elec
tions at the Union School-house in Ger-
Mantown : And the Freemen of the other
Lownftiips in the said count , are to hold
their elections at the house now or late of
John Barnfley, in Buftletown, in the
townfiiTp ot Lower Dublin. The Judges
Infpettors, &i- for the pr< lent year, tobe
chosen according to the dire&ion of the late
aft to regulate the General Elections ; and
the returns to be made as usual. The e
kftion to be opened between the hours jfof
ten in the morning and one in the after
noon ; at which places the Electors of the
city and county are to choose,
In Cong reft.
One Representative for the City of
hiladelphta, and
One Keprefentative for the County of
For the city of Philadelphia, lor the coun
ty <»f Do. and for the county of Dela
Four persons for Representatives of the
In General Jljjemlly.
Six persons for Reprelentatives for the
Six persons for Reprefeutatives for the
Two persons for Sheriffs for the City
and County.
One Coinmiffioner for tbeCity and Coun
And tlie Conftsbles of the City and
County are required to hold their elections
in theii retyeftive Waids and Townships
on Saturday the 11th day of October next
to elect Townlhip and Waid A|£ (Tors and
Infyt ftors, to attend at the said General
Election at the State House afoi efaid.
William Will,
Oft. 1
Just Landed,
From on board the Jhip WaJhington, Capt.
John Collins from Bcurdeaux,
White Wines
In Barrels ; a»*J
in Hlids. and-Catei7-.For Sale by
No. 26, Spine-, near FrontStr
/I li ~ nit ( J, 1794.
Carriages for Hire.
In Pine flrcei, No. 123, between
Fourth and Fifth streets,
BY the Day, the newest fnftioned Car
riages, as Coaches, Coacnees, Cha
riots and Light Waggons, with two
or four Horses, and careful steady drivers.
1 he terms reasonable, and all favors grate
fully acknowledgtd.
A LARGE body of LAND on this river
and its waters, is now for sale to Settlers on
ly, 011 moderate ternjs,and at a long credit.
The foil is remarkably fertile, and nu
meious ft reams of waterare interspersed
through the whole country.
The main river flows through one tract 1
of about thirty thousand acres, and is with
he exception of one ohftruftion, naviga
ble to th»- Sufquehannah.
Spring Brook. Creek, which with its
branches, waters another tract of about
forty thouland acres ot* good Land, emp
ties itieif into the Lachawannock, about
twelve miles from the Sufqn< hannah.
It affords numerous IVtiH feats, & in its
course creates 'argebodies of well water
ed meadow ground.
The other tracts areinterfefted by creeks
of considerable importance.
Several Mills are already erected for the
accommodation of thefettlers.
Roads are cut in different directions, to
wards the most convenient markets.
The county town is not more than 12
mtes distant from many parts o< the set
The Su'quehannah affords an easy and
fafe nav.gation to M.ddleton, from whence
the Canal to Schuylkill extends the com
munication to the city.
means <>f connexion with Phi
lad,lpl.,K, 1S by the Delaware, from which
the d, places is aboutihirty
The proprietors combininc, theirown in.
terett with that of the inhabitants, are dif
uolrf l ere<^ V -" rkSOf Pub ' ie «i«»y,open
uoads, Sic. and tit every en miles square a
Srh I hoßd . r,d acres *ilo« cd for a
School, and one hundred acres for tl efirft
For farther particulars apply to
/ George Eddy.
Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne Coimtv
Pennsylvania, July 9. '
Lettersdirefted t„ George Eddy, at Phi
ladelphia, or this place, relative to this
bufinefs,w.ll be duly syiiwered. eod 3 ni
1* mites, will frew this tra&.
f\ not her tratt, in Fairfax county, caJJed
Odefcribe the premises more partieu
<Y is deemed unnccefliry, as it i s expec
every person will examine and view
Htever part he shall be inclined to buy.
J'only ob,eft being to raise acerta.n sum
oioney, by felling ft, n;any nr r , lch
ohe aforefaid tratfh of land and Jots as
Ji <° r 'hat pnrpofe, o,,ehaJf
purchase money must be paid at the
- of contract, and the other within a
- irom the firft day of Aug,uft next, and
he time of deliveringpoflVfiion or exe
ng a legal conveyance The lands rc
mng unfold, except the tract in Prince
mm, after raising a limited furr, wiH
"'Vided into tenements, and iealeri for
ill ol years. Trout the !2thdavofOc
■r next, till the ,sth of Deccmbr. I
■ be mthe city of Richmom!, „.J -At*.
- time I ihall remain at home, m Alex
|ta, at which places, or elsewhere, I
■ oe prepared to detail particulars, and
liter into contra&s.
wxandrfa, Juiy 28
At the STORES of
Jefle & Robert Wain,
LISBON pipes and quarter calks
A quantity of Lilbon and Cadiz SALT
Soft ihelled ALMONDS in bales
Velvet CORKS, in do. ti
Kuffia MATTS.
June 9 d
an attach
ment at the suit of the adminifhatorsot all
andjeredit?, which were of William Bur
net; deceased, at the time of his death,
hath been ifluedout of the Inferiour Coiut
of jcommon pleas, in and for ti7e Countyof
Lands and Tenements of Irrnius Martin,
late of the county aforefafd, /etu;nableto
that unless l eiippear and file special tall to
the said afiion, on or heftre tht tbirdTuef
day in Ja'miary "ext, judgment will be en
tered against h mby default, ant 1 the goods
tached, ftlo toi the fatis'a&ion of such of
his creditors as ftlatl appear tote jiilily en.
titled to any dem: rid therion, anc! dial bp,
ply for that purpofej accordir. ; to the form t
of the ftatutc in Inch ctJe m.~Ht& ; .rovidid
By order of.the Cot;r ,
" DEARE, Clerk.
Aug. io, i awtf.
Two Apprentices
To the Printing Buiir/els. Enquire at this
the following
Tra£ts of Land,
in f r ir^irtia. i
Vnothertraft i„ Fairfax county, con-
U,nff392acre., on Turkey-cock Run, a
bjt 6 mile-,lron, Alexandria.
Another tract in Fairfax county, contain,
"about 176 acres, adjoining Mr. J. Wat-
s leat, about f our mi ) es j rom Alexan .
Iqother trad, in Fairfax cminty> con .
.nn&isacres- 9 near Occbquan. joining
IS. Edward Wafhingiorr's. J g
mother tract, in Fairfax county, con
n r>°, acre ' or thereabout, within a
nt 't La " di "g> within five
n-s ol Mount Vernon, lies level, and is
wl timbered.
>n undivided moiely in another tract,
ckainmg at>out 284 acres, in Fairfax
ctity, about 5 miles iron, VVafhington, &
9om Alexandria, where J. Robinson for
" ly lived.
_nother parcel 0 f land, within a mile
W'exandna,containing about 24 acres,
-1 to be fold in acre or half-acre lots.
lie, rundry unimproved lots ofvarious
' ' m Afferent parts of the town of Al
ng. 8
* ' X , "t
.. . 4
, ■)