\No. 97 of Vol. VI. ■ J 3 ,"ooo lb. Weight of Coffee, Ts APPLY TO Deblois & Breck, B i-vjcen Walnut and Ckejiiut Jireet 'lubarvej. An Handfqme well fini(hed oufe to Let, 1 in an airy pleaTant part of The Medical le&ttres Situated ♦ ■' In the University of Pei'nfylvania, will! m commence-'- VI u — l full Monil-y Sept J LANDING, 7bit Day front on board the trig Ana anil Mary, C.a -nCarric, from Antigua, Prime Antigua Rum, OtfE third of which is fourth pi the other third. Alio a few hogsheads reinain iogoobai'dof tW fit'S Sully's CARGO, Captcii* Weft from fame pjace, which liar been so much approved of for the finentf of its flavour. Jamaica Spirits, i Sf Genuine laauira Wine, Bytbepipe, quaver calk or gallon* '4. 9 "" * 20 TIERCES FRESH RICE, By the Norfolk, Captain Art, FOR SALE BY Levinus Clarkfon, Pine and No. ol6> foitth corner of Water Jircets. Aag. "7 To be fold by Au&ion, j On Tuefany tljf I ith day of November next at neon at the house of Archer G fford in ** X zva v:, New Jerfey> if not preinouf ly dtfpofed of bjprivate contrary THE FOLLOmNG Tra&s* of Land, Belonging to the American Iron Company, A(n»rr- a- Ringwood, Long Pond, and in the Counties ot Bergen aii" Morris is the said state of New Jer fe\> t. 12 tracts of land, contain ingaboul 6533 acres, Ri»igwooa, on part of wt ich the Ringwood ManAon- House and S'orc are erected. 4 trails of L.<nd f containing about 6156 1 J tract* of I.and, containing about 6165 ! Thcfe Eftafs are W' II worthy of the at- Dljlailt SubscriberS (entfoft of am G < ntleman or Company in- Por thi , Gazette, are hereby refpeftful- TJ y IT rk y ly requested ,o pay up the>r Supfcriptions THercaie fcvcra. Buildings and some crnilt- / « r , ' • J,. J,,. 4eraMe Improvements on .hefc Lands; ahoot f °. '? fifft J f Uary , The r^ d,to ' 1 5 0 Acies of excellent Meadow, are already " J "* u "df the "J*™* of "nfidenng cleared, and mu. !, more mi E ht be added at ' h ° re wh ° d ° not ' he,r Sub " Jt.iflugExpeuic-. On the Premise, there by pay.ng Six Months in Ad. are fevrra I, , v convenient Seals lor Furnace,, va,lce > as declining to take the Paper any Forces, Mills, See. Xhe-t are alio some very 'onger. valuable I.on Vines. Most ot the unimprov. A« there is a confideraWe Sum due from td Parti Ot these Lands are cqvered with remote Subscribers for thelate halt' Week fine healthy Timber. ly Paper published by the Editor, he most .These fcft.tes Will be (hewn by Captain earnestly requtfts thofi; who may be delin. Joseph JJ iaid, of Ringwood, and the Terms quent, to take the earliest opportunity of of Sale made known by applying to him, or remitting him the balance they may res. •° peftively be indebted—the sums are indi. Edward Edwards »jWu»Hy •wflhig—the want of the Aggre t miii ' &»te is severely felt. at coiner Rarf-Strtitj. Sept. li. sawtf War Department, Augujl i, 1794. information is hereby given «o all the military Invalids of the United , States, th« the fumj to which they are en titled for their annual pension, which will become dueon the fifth day of September >794, will be paid on the laid day, by the commiflionerso! Loans within the States refpeflHrely, under the„f U al regulations . Applications of Executors or Adminis trators muftbe accompanied with le K »l e .idences of their refpeftive offices, and alto of the time of the decease of s uc h in valids whole pensions they may claim. By command of the President of the tr ailed States, H. KNOX, Secretary at War. 63T The Priatersin the fev ral States are requeued to publish the above in their mwlpapeitor tbefpace of two months Aug. 6 of tfje limfeii 0^ fall %■ ■■■mm L Y EVEN ING ADVERTISER. D A I eocf tO fltt Hamburgh^. * Waft anted to lail by tS^Jth 0 0 *N CO R D y Capt. Johm Thompson. An almost new Ihip. About 50 tons of heavy goods only are Wanted as freight.—> She is to take in no provisions on freight. Apply to Capt. Thompson, or Peter Blight. Sept. 2% djiw Cadiz Salt, For Sale on board the Swedifli Ship Guf tavns Adolphufc, Captain BLOOMSTtR, Said Vcffel, Burthen Tons, CHJR7E &, any PORT within or withoiittheMeHifenancan. Apply to John Vaughan, ' Who has for Sale a few Tons CHIPPED LOGWOOD Just Arrived, Also SuperiorCLAßET in Hogftieads and Cases. Sept. 4. For Amsterdam, THE SHIP H, HOLLAND, Christopher Frankfin, "jun. HAS ex cllrnt accommodnion« for pjflen gers, will fail with all convenient speed, hav ing the greatest part of her cargo ready to go on board. For freight or paffagr*, apply to the mailer on board, to PETER BLIGHT, PRAGERS & CO. §. Just Arrived, , ind will be landed to-morrow morning at Hamilton's wharf, the CARGO of the Schooner Induftrvi Captain Hylander, from Havanna, CONSISTING OF 85 hhds. Molafles, Of fupcrior full quality. 106 Boxes and Barrels White & brown Sugar AND A Pared of Ox-Hides ; FOR SALE BY Peter Blight. \A L S 0, A PARCEL OF COFFEE, Just arrived in the Hihornia, Captain Irwin, from Jamaica. Sept. 13 d To be Sold, The House, Stables, & Lot of Ground, In Second street, between Spruce and Union streets, in the occupation of his Eritannic Maiefty'a Minister. also The Adjoining Lot, 26 feet front, and 149 feet deep. For terms of sale, apply to Wm. Cramond. w&stf Aug. 14 Money to be Lent, On Mortgage of REAL ESTATES, Within the City and Liberties of Philadel- > — —rrv - Nicholas Diehl, jun. Attorney at Law. No. lg, soul h Fourth Jlreet. I Aug. 4 raw&ftf FRrDAY, October 5, 1794. LANDING tram on board tht Birmingham Packet, Lockjer, ar.d the Henry and Charles, from Hamburgh« HEMP, Peterjburgb's firft quality BAR IRON, Swedes, ajfortei TIN, in plates, do. da. GENE FA in hhds. BAGGING, German ajforted GLASS TUMBLERS, and Black Quart Bottles, DEMIJOHNS, H'indixw Glass, Feathers of superior quality, MATTS, &c. &c. FOR SALE BY Thomas & John Ketland. Aug. 26 d City of Washington. SCHEME OF THE LOTTERY,; No. II FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE FEDERAL CITY. 1 A magnificent ) 20,000 Dollars, and dwelling house, { cash 30,000 are 1 ditto 15,001 ■ »"• cacti 25,000 1 ditto 13,000 a. calh 15,000 1 diuo 10,000 & cath 10,000 1 ditto 5,000 & cafli 5,000 1 diuo 5,000 & c»(h 5,000 j Q>Sk piue ot 2 diuo S'ooo eaeh, are 10 ditto 1,000 20 ditto 500 too diuo 100 200 diuo 50 400 dilto 25 1,000 ditto 10 25,000 ditto 16,739 Prlzcs 33,261 .Blank* 50,000 Tickets at 8 dollars This Lottery wfll afford an e.egant speci men of the private buildings to be ereA-d in the City of Waftiington—-Two beautiful dc figns are already feie £ted for the entire fronts on two of the public squares \ from thcie drawings, it is proposed to erect two centre and four corner buildings, as loon as poflible after this Lottery is fold, and to convey them when complete, to the forturfote adventurers, in the manner described in tUc scheme for the Hotel Lottery. A nett dcdu£tion of five per cent, will be made tadefray rhe neces sary exptfnees of printing, &c. and the fui plus will be made a part of the fund intended for the National University, to be erected within the City of Washington. The drawing will commence as soon as the Tickets are fold, or at all events on Monday, the 22nc? of December next: The money pnr.es wiJl be payable In thirty days after it is finifhed, and any prizes for which fortunate numbers are not produced within twelve months after the drawing isclofed are to be confidcred as given towards the fund for the University, it being determined to fettle the whole bufwefs in a year from the ending of the drawing and to take up the bonds given as security. The real securities given for the payment of the Prizes, are held by the President and two Dire&ors of the Bank of Columbiajand are valued at more than half the amount of the Lottery. The drawing will be under the management of 24 gentlemen approved by the commissioners lor the City of VVafh ington, for the time being, dnd a&ing on oath. S. BLODGET. * # * Tickets may be had at the Bank of Columbia ; of James Weft & Co. Baltimore; ot Gideon Denifon, Savannah; of Peter Gilman, Boston ; ot John Hopkins, Rich mond : and of Richard Wells, Cooper's fer ry. Aag. 38 Choice St. Croix Sugar y JUST IMPORTED, And f«r Sale, By JAMES YARD. Also a quantity of RUSSIA Matts. June 24th. d' Dancing School. Wm. M'DOtJGALL presents his com pliments to the Public—Thanks them for the great encouragement he has experi enced these twenty odd years. He will open his School for this Seafonoti Monday the 13th O&ober, at xo o'clock in the morning, in that large and elegant Saloon in Harmony street, leading from Third to Fourth street, turning the corner of No. 70, South Third street. His Employers maybe a {lured, the ftrift order and decorum that has always, been obtyrved in his School, (hall still be pur sued —and that their children will be taught in the moll approved and modern stile. Note—An Evening School for young Gentlemen. Phil. Sept. jo. Militia Muster. NOTICE is hereby given to the Mili tia remaining in the City, that on Monday the 6th of O&ober next, is the Company Muster Day according to law. The Companies are to afiemble in the Centre Square, and form in that and the contingent part of Broad ftrcet, at nine o'clock in the morning. Lewis Nicholas, Infpeßor. Sept. 30 MILITIA. Courts of Appeals. THE lafpecflor's ill health preventing his attendance at the Courts of Appeal, on the days fpecified in the notices, he informs thole concerned that he will hold those Courts on the following days, when they may attend. For the Fir/1 Regiment. On Monday the 6th O&ober next, at Major Pancake's, in south Fourth street. For the Artillery and Third. Regiment. On Tuesday the 7th Otftober next, at Mr. Michael Kitts's, in Market street. For the Second Regiment. On Wednesday Bth October, at Mr, M'Shane's, north Third street. For the Fourth Regiment. On Thursday 9th Oflober next, at the sign of the White Swan, Race street. For the Fifth Regiment. On Friday 10th October next, at the sign of the Riling Sun in Race street. 50,000 40,000 30,000 Each day at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, Lewis Nicholas, Infpeßor. 20,000 10,000 10,000 10*000 Sept. 30 IC,Of o 10,000 Journeymen Shoemaker*. CONSTANT employment, and ge> nerous wages will be given to that 10,00 a 10,000 10,000 10,000 number, apply to 90,'00e I^o,ooo George Kemble, No. 36, South Third-Street Philadel phla. N. B. A number of apprentices wanted—apply as above. Sept. 26 400,000 NOTICE. AT THE New Castle Pier Lottery Examining and Rcgiflcring Office, At Mr. SAMUEL CRAWIOKD's No. 75, north Front street, 2 doors from Arch ftren, Tickets are examined and Registered by correct numerical and Re gister Books, at the following moderate charges, viz. For examining a Single tiClet i-i6th of a Dollar. For regifteringt siHgle ticket i-4ih of a Dollar. And notice will be Tent by letter (if fortunate or unfortunate) to any part of the Continent. TICKETS In the City of Washington Lottery, No. 2, (Which will commence drawing very soon) Regiflered, and the earlielt account sent of thrir success. N. B. The Earliest Intelligence of each Day's drawing will be received at this Of fice. And the flips thereof will be signer by the Managers to be correct; therelorc to be depended on. Sept. 24 Treasury Department Revenue Office, -dugujl 27, 1794. NOTlfcE is hereby given that propoidlsl will be received at tbe Office of theCom miflioner of the Revenue until the end of the fourth day of O&ober next, to furnifh by contract the following articles of CLOTHING for the use of the army of the United States ift the year 1795. 992 Artillery Hats 992 Artillery Coats 320 Horseman's Caps 320 Horseman's Coats 4560 Infantry Hats 4560 Infantry Coats 5872 Stocks *8-72 Stock Clasps 23.488 Shirt! 5872 Veils 11,104 pair s of Woollen Overalls 11.104 pairs Linen do. 22,208 Pair Shoes. 320 l'air Leather Breechs 640 Pair Boots—32o Pair Spurs 640 Pair Stockings 11,104 Pair Socks 1520 B-'fle Shirts The Clothing is to be delivered at the City of Philadelphia, one fourth part of the whole number of Suits on 01 before the 13th day of February next, one fourth, on or be fore the 15th day of April next, and the re maining half on or before the 15th day of June next. The Articles are to be agreeable to such patterns.as (hall be dire&ed by the Secretary tor the Department of War. Payment will be made as soon as the whole of the articles Ihall bave been delivcted. aawtO eodtf *4t dtfiO dtioO THIRTY eoptf *t jo [Whole No. 647.] A FEW PIPES Of Brjl Quality Holland Gin, WiiJ be landed THIS DAY, from on board the (loop Mary, A few very heavy bogjhead* of Port-au-Prince Sugars, BRANDT, in pipes, And very good Guadaloupe MelafTes, FOR SALE BY Levinus Clark/on, No. 216, (ruth Water Stiect. ALSO, A FIW HOGSHEADS OF Prime Antigua Rum, 3d. & proof Jine flavour. °ep'- 29 d Sugar <tf Coffee. > A Quantity of SUGAR and COFFEE, Some LIMES and ORANGES, Will be iandcd thisilay, at MeffVs. Waln'i wharf, from Jamaica, AND FOR SALE BY John Craig, Who has also for sale, Ilava.nah SUGAR, in barrels HONEY and SWEETMEATS in- Jars SEGARS In boxes port Wine, /# Hhdu & Qr. Cajht Sept. 29 The Ground Plan OF THE City and Suburbs PHILADELPHIA. takKn from actual svzrsr. IT is with pleasure that the publilher has to inform his subscribers and the public in general, that the plate is now under the hands of the engraver, and in gieater for wardnfsthan was at firft contemplated. At the fame time he begs leave to them, thit subscription papers areftill o pen at molt of the noted Uook-ftores in the city i and that he hopes from the whole of them to be enabled to form such a ref peftable catalogue of names, as will do a credit to the work, as well as afford a reasonable encouragement to tMfc under taker. Those who are desirous of further infor mation arerequefted to call on Benjamin Davies, No. 68, Market iireet. April 14. Insurance Company of Pennsylvania. The Stockholders of the Insurance Com pany of Pennsylvania, are informed ihat an Election for the pufpofe of choosing thirteen Direftorsj will be held agreeable to law, at the ffores of Gurney & Smith, in Front-Street, on the fiift Monday in Oc tober nexty at ten o'clock in the morning, Sept. 29. d6t. At a meeting of the citi zens appointed to procure fubferiptions for the relief of tlir families of persons vho have marched against the Western Infur. gents. JOHN BARCLAY, Esq. was appointed Treaf'urer to the fund, and to whom th» monies collected will be paid. The following persons were appointed 10 distribute to the necellitous families of their refpeflive WARDS, viz. For New.Market Ward Daniel Smith, Dock Ward Levi Hollingfworth Walnut Ward James Co*, South Ward Nalbro' Frazier, Lower Delaware Andrew Bayard, Chefnut Ward, John Stille, Middle Ward Israel Whelen, North Ward James Ash, High llreet Ward Mahlon Hutchinfon UppcrDelaware Wm. Montgomery South Mulberry Andrew Guyer, North Mulberry Godfrey Haga. Publiflied by order of the Meeting, ROBERT RALSTON, Sec'y Philad. Sept. 2j Stock Brokers Office, No. i 6, Wall-ftrcet, New-York THE Subscriber intending to cor. fine him felt entirely to the PURCHASE and SALE of STOCKS on COMMISSION,b(gS leave to offer hisfervices to his friend* and others, in the line of a Stock Broker. Thofc who may pleafc to favor him with their hufi. I ness, may depend upon having ic tranfatted with the mmoft fidelity and difpa'ch. Orders fiom Philadelphia, Boston, or any -nher part of the United Statcj, will b« flri&ly attended to. LEONARD BLEECKER. m&thtf JB&thtf
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers