Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, October 02, 1794, Image 4

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V .
Treasury Department,
Revenue Office, Aug. 20, 1794.
Notice is 'hereby g'ven, that
Will be jeenvtri at tin OiVice of the Com-
tolffijher of ttfc: ftovenue until the ex pi
noon of ti\c%s4»yfo
-the fapoiy- ol t attluftojva,,. wbicts roatbi
mjifired ftirt^<l^<^^OnPM ,
ot' *
tf)e plater,
tcj inVmto&dj Vfe, •* *l> ' "'X
*. Atgm
•nil <iirim.',4ij iric
fcitfljiirgtri jfcid # ''-Sp. ani
. Carliflc.. ,', •*. .V* • - k" ■ -
, *«•
ir»'tfc« mni.ilt 6f ftigßjf•> /? rilfc f-f®*
insfVH rtf Jt*ef Crtrck, - .
3. At thSfoia
nv>»ith to thetiF>p«rfstH» Ot lbfiWd Bjg
Bea«r ( -anrt W». y„- ; . '"
4. At JhV pbeityr placts fr«MK the bid up
per falls to fcttd at'MaEton 1 tig.";
'. • ■SAr ft
1w ;t>vatxrv iKe. of
the river CavaK«a fe »ud. »t th* jaid Be*d
£»'♦** r ■
6. At »ny jliHjt br pU«» said
H 'ati to=lbcrouuth foid
liver Cay»lu>£»j.»«fj4>*3l.l heta d nfbjjtjtn -
' - 7- At th«
rtinu'.h 'iff th> tTT"'Be Sver'Crcek ~1 o"ibi moutti
-bf : y6flftng(Mif#tld sip theftid river
tj4i,hi T*riai«^»h
(tic'iiee Ho#nrtt(»W rats 10.lit tnoinbi. ■"
8. At any placr be places Sjtwecn*
fnonthrif th*r^!J)a , > jV»ad-»bemouih
>)1 the Sci<M",^iMr, : And at I lie rfldi/th oi tt*
feid ri**l , ' .V' ';\ . , ' .
mouih ol Sr ijjoVltfcr and-tljfc ytfofttfa ' tu'
aiui, r»« the
falHjtrf rtr«.(StK<>, «t>4»r t+t» frid ripids.' ~
. 10 -A< an)fepi»w,"W
frwuth cf rtic t»fMt "W'V "id
tq'and at rtqoj? Town". r, J ■ •
11 At any pffce'or placAVvomToft Wnih
inffton 10 Fort 4ir>d it-PortHamil
ton. At pijaff' H>-
mdton to Ctaify 2t fort Sr. Clair.
is., At Bf»y poi*<!oV -pta<r(«s from Tr>rt St.
CJair t<j f prf j .toa-W if" r » r(an
13; Atiwfy jrjr pliees from T'po..jei-
Vrf'.iii-rt> KMorery Ihe fi«d of
vf the 4th of Na»«ifibdr srid'it tfi>
aid field df-tftioh.. . f&' , '
j4. At'any piace-f>r-places f-om
ie|<TofraSioa ro an<
! the Miami ViUaoej. ' *" *
or ices f'°rn the fail
t/Yinndu V'i'aircs to ihe falls o! the Mia in
ivcr, ft nv into Lake Rrie, and a
he (Vid talis, and from thencc, to its mtfuth
i:v'. .11 irs month.
16. At any place or pl-ares from the moutl
if lr-fii<l Mnmi river of Lake Ejic to San-
Su(k,V Lake, and at s>ar»dufkv Lake.
17. At any placc or places from the faic
ifk/ Lake, to the mouth of the rivei
18. At any place or places from the moutl
of the f/ld river Cayahoga to Prefque fft?
and at Pr:fque Ml\
10. A; any pl-ice or [ilaces from she FVefqot
jo. t+tc ftre.u>i rurmmg into Lh'<r Krit
from toward* the L*ike, & thcrttc
over to ami at the fa id Ja'Vghq'ie Jialve, and
thcnce oown the Aliegl.Miy river to ForJ
2 \ At anv olacc or places from Prefque
tflc to Le Bacuf. and at Le Bceuf.
21. At any placc or places from Le Bofcul
to fori Frapklin, and as Fort Franklin, and
from thencc 10 Piufbur^h.
22. At any place or pi ices from the rapidj
of the Ohio to the mouth of the Ouabache
river, ,y Irom the mouth of the said Ouabache
river t«> the mouth of the river Ohio,
23. At any pipe- or places on Lhe East fide
of tire river MiTfiGppi, from the mouth of
the Ohio river, to the mouth of the Illinoil
24. At anv place or places from thr mouth
of the U\ O labacKe river up to Fort Knort,
and ,-it Fou Knox.
At any place or places from Fort Knox
Dp the laid Otiabachc to Ouiuanon, and at
26. At any place or places from Ouittanon,
up the said Ouabache io the head navigation
of a branch thereof, called Little River, and
at the said head navigation of L'ttle River.
27. At anyplace or places from the said
head navigation of Little River over to the
Miami Village.
28. At any place or places from the moutl
of the rivet TencHee to Oecochappoor I|«i
Creek, on the said river, including the farfie.
20. At any place or places from the moutli
of the rivet Cumberland to Nashville, on the
..faro river, and at Nashville.
30. And At anv place or places within
thirty miles of fatd Nashville to the South
•&ard, Weftrvard or Northward thereof.
Should any rations be required at any pla
ces, or v/ithin other diftritts, not fpecified in
these proposals. the price .of the fame is to be
hereafter agreed on between the United States
and the contractor.
The ratrom to be supplied are to consist o4
lhe following articles, viz.
One pound of brea,d or fiour.
One pouiid of beef, of a pound of pot k,
One quart of fait. }
Two quarts of vinegar,f - ~
* 111 '> per xoo rations.
Iwo pourds of soap, f r
One pot>nd of candles,)
The rations are to be furnifhed in fnch
quantities, as that there shall at all times,
during the said term, be fufftcient for the
tonfumption of the troops at each of the
said polls, for the term of at least three
months in advance, in good and wholesome
*py>viftons, if the fame shall be required.
It is to be understood in each cafe, that
all lofles sustained by the depredations ofl
the enemy, or by of the troops of the
United States, ftia 11 be paid for at the prices
of the articles captured or destroyed, oti
the depositions of two or more persons
of creditable characters, and the certificate
of a coinmilfionffd officer, ascertaining the
circuniftatices of the loss, and the amount
- ofthe articles for whtcb c x ompenfation shall
' he claimed.
The contract for the above supplies will
be made ei her for one year, or for tro
ye%rs* as may appear eligible. Persons
ditpofed co contratfi will therefore confine
their off. rs to one year, as they may form I
their'prnpofitions so as to admit an elc&io" I
of the term 'A two years.
The offers may cmnprife all the place- I
1 which have been or a part ol
ihein only.
It is dlfo Desired,
that propofak may be otft . ed for supplying
at the two posts of Fort Washington and
t Pitt/burgh a!) the rations neceifa< y for the
() main Army, its detachments and tne Gar
y rifons above mentioned during the said year
,t '795- The provisions &c. which will ttfef
eteived at Pittsburgh will be those which
Ihall be neceifary for the troops at that
;>lace and at the posts north, no'tn-weft
and, in the vicinity, on the weft therco*.
The provisions which will be received at
F.»ri Waftiington will he. thofs which
, rhall be reqnired for the remainder of the
K . potts,for the principal detachments and tor
the main Army. The expenfeand troubie
of £ife keeping unpacking and iiluing the
/ provisions deliverable under thi* second
° form of the propofnions, wjll be saved to
p_ the Coma&ors. The exa& proportion of
the whole supplies, which will l>e required
d at each of the two Poft<? of Fort Wafning
of , ton ami Pirtiburgh will be determined it
id the time of extenting the contrail.
Aug. 21 tawtiO
id Fine Liverpool Salt,
he To Be Sold
,th From the Ship Thomas,
't r r
as, The fecou*! wharf below Pine-Street, ap
nd ply at said wharf, to
h _ Jehu liollingfworth, & Co.
jth A "S- d - _
Scheme of a Lottery,
To ratfe 39,900 Dollars, on 266,000
Dollars > dcdu cling 15 per Cent. from
the Prizes—this Lottery conjtjls of
-38,000 Tickets, in which there are
.14,539 Prizes and 23,461 Blanks,
about one and an half Blanks to
| a Prize.
THE Dire&ors of (tie Society for establish- !
ing Ufcful Maoufa&utjfi, having resolv
ed to erect LOTTERIES for raffing One
Hundr ed Thousand Dollars, agreeably
10 aft Aft of the Legiftature o< the vState ol
New-Jersey, have appointed the following
perfonsto superintend and dired the draw
ing ol the fame, viz. Nicholas Low, Rufus
King, Herman Le Roy, James Watlon,
Richard Hauifon, Abijah Hammond, and
CforncKus Ray, of the city oi New-York —
Thomas Willing, JoTtph Ball, Matthew M'-
6ohnrl ?nd Andrew Bayard, ot the city of
Philadelphia—Hn Excellency Richard How
ell, Esq. Julias Boudinot, General Elias Day
ion, Jam s Parked, John Bayard, Doctor
Leuris Donham, Samuel W. Stockton, Jolhua
M. Wallace, Joseph Blnomfield, and Elifha
lioudirtot, of N'-w-jerfey, who dffer (he
following ol a Lottery, and pledge
themfelvcs to the public, that chry will take
every aTToranfce arid .prccant ion in their powrr
to have the Monies paid by the Managers,
Irorn time to time, as received, iueo the
ISarrks at New-York and Philadelphia, to
it main for the purpose of paving Prists,
which (Hall be immediately difeharged by a
chesk npon one of the Banks.
Plizcof 20,000 Dollars is 20,000
10,000 * o,ooc
5,000 IOCOO
2.000 10,000
r,ooo 10,00 c
coo ir«,000
J 00 10,000
r© I 5
20 20,000
15 30,000
12 Q6,000
2 0
*$f Q
14,539 P r ' 7eß » 262,000
23.461 Blanks. First drawn nomber, 2,000
Laltdrawn number, 2,000
38,000 Tickets at 7 Dollars each is 266,000
The drawing will commence, mirier tL>e
infpe&ion of a Committee of the Superin
tendants, as soon as the Tickets are fold, of
which timely notice will be given.
The Si*perintendants have appointed John
N. Cummillg, of Newark, Jacob R. Har
denberg, of New-Brunfwick, and Jonathan
Rhea, of Trenton, as immediate Managers
thereof, who have given ample fccutity lor
diicharging the trust vcpolrd in them.
In order to fecurt the pun&ual pay
! mentofthe Prizes, the Superintendanis of
I the Lottery have dire&ed that the Managers
shall each enter Into bonds in 40,000 dollars,
with four fufficicnl (ccuruicS, to perU>rm their
ioflru&ions, the fnbftance of which is
I. That whenever t ither of the Managers
shall receive the Cum of Three Hundred Dol
lars. he (Hall immdiately place the fame in
one of the Banks of New« York or Philadel
phia, to the cicditof the Governor of the
'Society, and such of the Superintendants ay
live in the city where the monies ate placed,
to remain there nntil the Lottery is drawn,
'or the paymnt of the Prizes.
11. The Managers to take fufficient so
curity for any Tickets they may trust, other
wise to be refponnble for them.
111. To keep regular books of Tickets
fold, Monies received and paid into the
Bank, abftrafls of which (hall be sent,
-nonthly, to the Governor of the Society,
Paterfon, January 1, 1794.
On application to either of the ahove gen
tlemen, information will be given where
tickets mav be had
February 24.
(£3T The Lottery published by the
"Society for eftaMifhing ufefnl manufac
tures," will commence drawing the firft
Tuef-lay in November next —
An Apprentice
To the
Watch Making and
Repairing Bufmefs,
Apply TO
C. Campbell.
No. 3, foutfi Fourth street, two doors
from Mirket-ftreet. jjfc
Stpt. } rawtf
PHILADELPHIA Printed by JOHN FENNO, No. 119, Chesnut Street.—Price Six Dollars Per Annum.
Applications on Bufinels
within my Agency tor supplying wiih pro
vifions.tbe Militia lately called »nto fervite
—may be made in this city to Meifrs. Whe
len and Miller, at the corner ol Market
: and Fourth itrccjs;
Elie Williams,
Agent for the United States i/i the Pro'Vi-
Jwn Department,.
Sen*. 16 copiot
Alphabetical Lift
Payable by law on all Goods, \Vares, and
Merchandize imported into the United
Saates of A.oerica, after the lait day of
June 1794, r<it.*s payable J
on thoie imported irr/Flips or v€lTt"S of rhc
United Spates—and tUerates pavab ein 10-1
1 ei«n ships or velfeiSj including the 'addi
tional duties, to whici.the reiprftive arti
cles are Rati!*.
_ . , - - —
The French Language
taught sr
North Second Street ± No. 158,
"WHO begs leave to inform .is Friend |
I and the Public, that he intends to infiroft |
| in that T*ongue, a number of Scholars on
f reasonable terms. Those who will be
i fed to employ him, fnall b? exa&!y attend
j ed to at their own Appartinents.
Sfpt. 17
In the House of Reprefcntati-Ms,
DKE.VBF.R. 2 lit) 1 793.
WHEREAS ihc QommiflioncTf ot pub
lie Ar.cp<ints,hivi reported, that they
cannot proceed to tiie tn'-'t ot the j
Treasury Accounts, refpc£ling tpreial In
dents, the outliandiitg ?-
mount the rrof in circulation :—lhcrtfore,,
Hejolvtd, r That all holders ot special In
dents be dirf&ed, and 1/fjnirrf*, on or before
the firft day ot November n xt, to deliver the
special Indents in their poflVlWn to one or
01 her ot the ConimifliOTte;s the Treasury,
who arc to fjivc receipts lor the lame, and to
rcAurMotlSr CoaVmrflsorwHri. on pobbe ac»
or before thettnth day of Nov
ember n.eftl, the .>#?>ount by thei» rcfpe£tivc
ly received, and alCo to the Legnfr-iiure, at
; their mmrng in November next, and time
all special Indents not rendered into the
j Treasury as above, on or belpie 1 he,ft *41 day
j ot November ncxr, Ihali be, and the fame
! arc heieby barred.
Rc/oivedi That public notice of this refolu
nqn, be given in (evcral Gczrttes in this
State, once every three weeks, untll the fitll
'lay of Novejnber next. And '''at the Deb
ate* ol this State in thcC oogfeijs oi the Uir
tcd States, be rcqucUed to raufe this rclafop
;is>nto be publilhed in one or more p*pr»a
in the cities of Philadelphia and New-York,
and that provision will bc.rr,2de for'lhe cx
pencrs attending; inch publication.
Ordered, That ib< tefoinlion be sent to
the "Sendit tn 1 t Ivir concin ence.
By ordcrpf tl\e House,
■ In the SENATE, .
December 21ft. 1793.
Refotved, That this Motile; do concur with
the House of Reprefeatatives in the forego
ing resolutions.
Ordered, That tbe resolutions be lent to
the House of Rcprefrntarives.
by order »t the Senate.
ewt N*
And for file at
Mat hew Carey s* Store,
No. i 18, Marker Greet,
Price half n dollar, eiriheUtfhed with a
striking likcrsjefs of Mr JYlargarot,
The T R I A L
Maurice Margarot,
Before the High Court of JuJliciflry at
Edinburgh, on an indidrrienl for
<4 OF the many romaikable triah which
the present extraordinary fyltem of crimi
nal jurisprudence in G. Britain and Ireland
has brought belore the public eye ; this,
certainly is mod entitled to universal pe
rufal and attention. It devdopes, more
fully than any puMicationextant, the lat
elt views ar.d qbjefts oi the British conven
| tion ; and proves mconteftibly, that jnsii |
( ctal protecution? (or and de- !
| cifions £re now more the refuJt of the pre- '
fcrvt order of things, than any old fafliion
ed attachment to the laws or the conftitu
tion. Add to this, that it hold", up to the
wonder and admiration ps mankind, the
the firm, manly, and patriotic conduct of
fhis devotrd victim—-this 4 Second Sydney,'
as he has justly and deferv?dly been caljcd;
who in ti»e course cf one of the longed tri
als we knoW of, unafnfted even by a fmgle
of tire long robe, evinced such a
depth of legal and conftitntional know
ledge and, in a speech of four hours
lejpgth, displayed such a blaze of eloquence
and firft rate abilities, as astonished
the court—and, ftrarge to.relate ! cvew
drew involuntary applause from tHe venal
and time-serving creature of a corimpt go
ver nrrent." r
Manchester Cotton
Five Chejls ajforted;
Each Containing
FUSTIANS, he. &c.
To be Sold on very low terms, by
John Miller, jun.
Sept. 3.
information & assistance j
% OF
WHOEVER reflets upon the various
causes of emigrations from Europe to the
United States of America, must be con
vinced ; —Whoever Las the opportunity
of appealing to his own experience mutt
know —that many of those who emigraf-, -
although frequently e&Sued with talents J
and virtues the molt valuable, jU'rivng on I
an unkaown Ihore, bereft of the means';n
of fujiport, and destitute of friends to a
whom to apply for advice or affiftanee, are »
loft for a time to society and to themfeives. n
With a view to lessen, or totally to ob- "
vlate these iuconveniencies, (which from
present appearances, are likely to increase) 1
—to render emigration as advantageous as
possible, both to the emigrants themfeives,, (
and to the country ttiat affords them re- ■,
fugeto give them every infonnation & t
affiftanee in our power ; —ill short, to sos- t
ten the asperities of the ilranger's fituati- ,j
on, at his firji-cut-fet in a new country, t
we, the fubferjbtrs have aflociated our- a
selves under the title of . t
/ h
" The Philadelphia Society for the t
Information and j\ffflanc( of Pcrfons e-. [
migrating from Foreign Countries."
And have adopted the following ,
l. THE officers shall consist of a Presi
dent, Vice-Prtfident, Treafnrer, Secre
tary, and a Committee of Conference and
Correspondence, to be elecfkd (by ballot)
every fix montTis.
а. The President, and in his absence,
the Vice-President lhall prefidc in all the
meetings ; and fubferibe all the public acts
of the Society. If neither of them are
present, a Chairman (hall be chosen for the
time being.
3. The Treafufe'r ffiall take charge of
al)'the monies and securities belonging to
the Society ; and (hall pay alloiders figfn
ed by the President, Vice-President, or in
their abfccnce, by the Chairman of the
Committee; which orders Ihr.ll be his
vouchers for his expenditures. He shall,
before he enters upon his office, give such
security as the Society m?.v require.
4. T1 - Secretary shall keep fair records
of the proceedings of the Society, and
also of the Committee.
5. The Committee of Conference and
: Ctrrefpondtnce, shall confHt of seven
members; of whomthe Secretary, for the
time being, shall be one. 1 hey lhall tranf
a<ft fuchbulinefs as m*y occur in the rcceis
' of the Society ; be empowered to draw
upon the Trerlurer for such aims oi mo
ney as may be to carry 011 the
bulinefs of their app'»n r ment: and call in
> aid of a Phvfician when ne'eeffary.
б. Every person, previous to his being
admitted a member, shall be proposed at
a monthly meeting ; and be ballotted for on
the ensuing. On his admiffiou, ht ftiall
fubferibe the conlutution of the Society,
1 and pay into the hands of the treasurer not
' less than the f-ira of one dollar : fubferibing
3 annually one dollar, at quarterly payments
towards the expeuces of the So
ciety. The Secretary shall give notice to
each member who may be more than one
quarter in arrears, requesting payment;
" which, if he neglect for more than one
year, he shall, upon due notice being given
him, otaft to be a memlier.
7. The Society shall meet en the ftuft
fourth day, called Wednesday, in every
a month, at such place as may be agreed
upon by a majority. Quarterly meetings
fhail be held on the fame days in January,
April, July, and OAobcr; when each
member his fubfeription ; and all
accounts of the society shall be adjusted. —
I Qb the requisition of fix memliers, the
President shall calJ a-fpt-cial meeting. All
which meetings shall be advettifed in the
public papers. No less than ten members
:l > shall be a quorum.
' S. No law, or alteration of the confii
tution shall be made, without being propof-
5 > ed at a previous meeting. AU queftioits
" shall be decided, where there is a divifionj
e by a majority of votes ; when the Society
1 is equally divided, the presiding officer
shall havea calling vote.
e- It will apbear evident, that the uftful
e- ness oft/.vs tnjlitulicn, can only be propor
n tinnate to its numbers aud reJ'pettabilitj ;
a the present Members therefore solicit the
le J>S>iat"res and fubferiptions of those Citi
'' zens, <whose sentiments and ivifhes upon this
j f"bjeft are in vnijon qultb their o<wn ; for
' which purpose, a Book is now left at Mr.
Pearce's, No. 45, South Thirdfireet.
Vatliw .
MEETING ivill be held on Wednesday
Evening next, at Jix o'clock, in Sbarplef/s
School Room, Fromberger's Court* North
Second Jlreet, at which time the Society
' ivill proceed to the tletiiot) of the Officers.
IV. T. BIRCH, Chairman.
Pro Tempore.
September 29.
Just Landed,
From on board the Jhip IVafhington, Capt.
]'John Collins from Bordeaux,
White Wines
in Hiids. and Cases—For Sale by
No. 26, Struct-, near Front Street.
August IJ, j794. d.
# «>d,iOt
In BarreT? ; ami
At the STORES of ,a
jeffe & Robert Waiii>
PORT WINE in pipes, hhds. ai d ijtinr
ter caflcs
LISBON pipes and quaner casks
Souchong and Congo TEAS, in quarter
A quantity of Lifton and Cadiz SALT
Soft ftellfed AJLMONDSin bales
Velvet CORKS, In do. /
Ruflia MATTS.
June 9 d
Whereas an attach
ment at the fait of theadnrinift- torso aJI
1 and fngular the goods aad cliot:ei«, ri hts
and credits, which were of William Bur
net deceased, at the time firs death,
hath been iffuedfrut o( the Inferior Cmut
common pleas, in and for the CotmUof
Middlesex, agaioft the Goods and Cha'tles
Lands and Tenements of licnius Martin,
late of the cotinty aforefaid, letunable so
the thirdTuefday in July last. NOTT'~E
is hereby given to the fa id Irenins Martin,
that uniefs lie apjjgar and file fpeual b-iu to
the fatd action, on or before the third Tues
day in January next, judgment will be en
tered agaiuft liiinby deiault, and the fioods
and chatties', lands and tenements In at
tached, fold for the fatitUAimi of Inch of
his Creditors as fliall appear to he jnfiiy rr
titled to any demand thereon-, and (Hal lap
ply for that purpose, according to the form
of the statute in foci) cafe made& provided
F.y order of the Court,
DEARE, Clerk.
Aug. lis, i awtf.
Two Apprentices
To the Printing Bufinets. Enquire at this
the following
Tra&s of Land,
in Virginia.
ONE tra<fl in Frederick county, contain
ing 8756 acres, being part of .that where cm
col. Thomas Bryan Martin now refictes,
known by she nam/ of Greeiway couir # a
bout 1 2 miles from Wincheftcr and 5 from
Newtown. For the convenience of pur
cliar e;ts r jt will he divided into psjech of
various dimciifions fioro 200 to 600 acres,
which may be vie wed by application to col
R. IC. Meade, living near t heprcmif* s~-
The grea;er part is very fertile and well
Another tiaft in the fame county on
Paflage c. r cfJk, containing 230 acres, and
adjoining Jacob Lc vingoods.
Another in Hampftiire county, cer
tain in g by patent, 699 acres, called Slim
Bottom, fitnate on both ftdes of the South
Branch and within two miles of the mputh
of it, and is supposed to have a good mill
Another tra<st in Hampshire coujny 011
ew Creek and Kettle-Lick , containing
i acres.
Another t;raft in Prince William county,
called Leefylvauia, containing upwards of
230 D acres, lyinpupon potOrjTrack river, a
bout 23 miles below Alexandria, aid 28
below the Ci'y of "Waftiington, compie
hending Freeftonc Point, which appears to
be a quM . y of, coyrring ;,bont 4
50 acres and adjoins the river, where vef
feis of iDO tons coiivemeiitly/fearbnur. On
another part of this 11 a it'fcfuppofrd there
is a quany of fljte, convenient to water
I carriage. Upwards of two thirds are ii
I woods. Mr. E <>ch S. Lane, Jiving on th<
j premiCi-s, will (hew tins tra-ft.
«••%*» Wilis % < lA.I,
Anoriter ir»A, in FafrStWotiotyj'cs.Heci
WafkiogtoV j ,«bp«pdi \j'itliiß^ijn{ri^wdl
meadow ground, anefroayte apply-,
ing to Mr* "John Woatf, living. oil part of
Anothertraft jn Fairfax connty, con
taimng392acre?, on Turkey-cock Run, a
bout 6 inilesfrom Alexandria.
Another tract in Fairfax county, contain
ing about 176 acres, adjoining Mr. J. Wat
son's feat, abouc four miles from Alexan
Another tract, in Fairfax county, con
taining s>JVes, near Occoquan, joining
Mr. Edward.Wafhingion's.
Ailotlier tract, in Fairfax county, con
taining So acres or thereabout, within a
mile of Poliiclc Landing, and within five
miles of Mount Vernon, lies lerel, and is
I well timbered
An undivided moie'v in another trgft,
containing about 284 acres, in Fairla*
couijty, sl>mit 5 tnilesfrom Wafhirgton, fe
9 from Alexandria, wti&re j. Robinson for
imerly lived.
Another parcel of land, within a mile
of A exandria ,containing about 24 acres,
and 10 be fold in acie or half-acre lots.
Also, sundry unimproved lots nfvarious
sizes, in different parts of the town of Al
lodefcribe the premiftw more particu
larly is deemed unnecessary, 2S it i> expec
ted every person will examine and vi?w
whatever part lie (ball be inclined to buy.
My only object being to raVfe a certain fwm
of money, by felling so many or such pai ts
of ihe aforelaid tracts ot land and Jots as
(hall be neceffaty for that piirpofe, one half
of the purchase money nioft be paid at the
ttme d» fontrsft. and'the other wit-kin «
year the firft day of Aug'ufl next, and
as i4ie time of deUvwvngpoffefijon er *xe.
cuting a legal conveyance The lands re
maining enfold, except the tr«rft in Prirce
Will am, after raising a limited sum, will
be divided into tenements, and leafed f»»
a t rm ofyeais. From the I2thday ofO<.
tober next, till the ijth of Decembr, I
shall be-in the city of Richmond, andafte*-
that time I shall remain at home, in Alex
andria, at which places, or eljewhere, I
shall be prepared to detail particulars, and
toemerinto contrasts.
Alexandria, July 2S
Ang. 8
;t • i,