fumsr of twenty mflliomof her manu factures : and which is yet to pay her foi old and new engagements above thirty million more ? Will they telyon the continuance of so hasty an engage ment from your brethren of the United States, or on your voluntary, adharing to them, as either allies or dependants; and mud it not follow that in whichever chara&er you should present yourselves, they would conceive, that d'iltant as you gre from them, you could only be retai ned by an iroti coercion ? Nor can this be expedted by the British, that kinder! feelings, or greater confidence will exist on your part towards their nation. No diftri&ofthe United States runs high er in political sentiments unfavourable to their sentiments and form of govern ment. Witness the publications, and public fpecchcg of the popular societies and individuals, i n the weftarn coun ties. It would also be well, fir, to consider vliether Spain would be likely to yield he navigation of the Miffippi to you, he sooner because you had become illied to, or fubjeft to the king of En fland, the present pofTcfTor of the great »f the ftrongefl fleets in Europe. Let he little history of Nootka Sound be onfidered, and we (hall not doubt the iffc&s of the vigilant jealousy of Spain, n such an event. Is it not more proba te, that this navigation will be yielded to the United States, which are really lifinclined to obtain new territories by lnjuft. and expensive wars. It is hardly neceiTary for me to observe hat the continuance of the law re!ls .vkh Coiigr.fs : but before I conclude you, t : . : 331 knew not that a procla mation was contemplated, until it was nrffioners untill they were nominated, so Ism now unable so communicate any thing further about itic measures which areimen 'edtobepurfued,than whatmay be inferred from those two a&s of the federal executive. There remain several ideas in your let ter, on which I could wilh that time and circumilances permitted me to re mark. But it may appear more , fit that I (hould apologize to you for the length, to which my earned: foiicitude for our tranquility and national charac ter have already led me. Nothing I hope has escaped ray pen inconliftent with a true regard for all my fellow citizen*, in the nd devoutly hope, that my error may not escape the observation of one o£ our countrymen. PHILADELPHIA, SEPTEMBER 47. Extraß of a letter from Baltimore, to a person in this city, dated September 15. I returned last evening from a ten days excursion, with the troops of horse of this place, by a requisition of the executive of this state, to the south & north mountains, to quiet the Insur gents in those quarters, which we have effected without opposition, by bring ing 100 & odd of the principal actors to Hagers-Town, some of whom, were admitted to Bail, others remained in confinement when we marched from that place on Monday last. On our march out, we were joined by two troops, one from George-Town, and the other from Frederick, yhich increased our number, to 90 odd effec tive horse, and on the day of our re turn, were joined by another troop from Annapolis. A considerable body of In - fantry from this place, and other parts of the state, marched to Frederick- Town, but as no oppolition took place, they were not ordered further, and are now returning. We were altogether volunteers who marched on a few hours notice. So much for military matters. ExtraS of t letter from Bojlon to a mer ihant in this City dated September 21. " It seems not to be a favor able juncture for the purchase of public paper from the prices you quote —and I foall defer it till the price is reduced, which however I hope will never happen from any public calami ty, and particularly from any fuceefs that may attend the wicked and wanton at tempts of the Pennsylvania Insurgents, against the mild and equitable government of the union ; which 1 am very happy to find receives the spirited support of the State and of the City of Philadelphia. The Insurgents and their cause are execrated here almost universally. Even our Jaco bins dare not publicly abet the infurreftion. The result will, I hope, open the eyes of the public to the machinations of the lat ter, and render them as generally despicable as J.hey are deservedly contemptible to all who know the characters and views of the individuals who compose their cluW Extract of a letter from Kinjfton, ) Jam.) dated Auguft~is. " The fever Jlill continues with increafid mortality ; and the hot months th he met With a heavy gale to the eaitward ot the commanders. Arrived at Jamaica the 16 th August, th- Bng Nabby Capt. Smith of New-.London. Sailed from Jamaica on the r6th ult. thj Schooner Three Friends Johnson for 801 l m" a " d Charrain g Saily Holt for Moutego-Bay. Dijiant Subfcriben F»r trm Gazette, are l«.ebv refpc«f u L ly rc que (led to, pay up thiir S;ipfcript, or , to ilie firft of January ncx,j o. 4 J y or period at which they may intend to Aif continue; their fublcriptioo. The Editor wili beunf)pr the necefliry of conlid, ■ in» thole wh,, do not then rn.fcw their Sub. Icnption by paying Six Month, in _ vance, at drtlining to take Ihe Patxjr a * longer., ' ' At tliere is a confuleratrfe Sum due from , remote SukfcriUerj fqr tbelate hail' M'-v 1 ly Paper pnhrflied by Hie Editor, he roost earnestly rcqucfts Cliofe who may be delin. qpent, to take tbe earliest opportunity of remitting him the bal»nce> they may rrL peftivify be mdebied—*the funis aie indi vidually .rifling— the »ant of th« Are re. gate is leveieiy felt. All perfbni are here by cautioned not to credit Fanny, wii'erf the Subscriber, as I will n dt pavauy ° ° ei tootfa&nnj, fr-tm ilu-'date hs, v>J, He%ekiah Lfrwis.- Spripg Gardens, Northern LiUi t ej.f Sept. 27 Old American Company. THEATRE—CEDAR STREET, On MONDAY EVENING; Sept, 29. Will be presented, A TRAGEDY, called, the Fair Penitent. End of the play, Mr. Marriot will recite an Ode on the Revolution of France, writteuby Mr*. Marriot. After whieli the Band will play the Federal Overture. To which wili be added the celebrated COMIC OPERA of No Song No Supper. The doors will be opened at half after five, and the curtain CTawn up precisely at half after fix o'clock. Mefl'rs. HALLAM & HODGKINSON refpe£tfully acquaint the Citizens in gene ral, that every expeDce has been chearfuU ly sustained. that might tend to make the Old American Company, worthy a snare of their patronage, during the short flay the nature of their -engagements will permit them to make here. Places in the Boxes may be had at the Box Office, from ten to one every day (Sundaysexcepted) and on days of per formance from three to five P. M. where , also tickets may be had, and at Mr. Brad ford's bock-store, No. 8, fonth Front street, and at Mr. Carr's music-store. Ricketis's Equeftrran CIRCUS. THIS EVENING, Sept. 27. WEI be performed a great variety of new and Surprising Feats of Horfem^nftiip. In addition to the great number of Kquejirldli Performances, Mr. will introduce, several Feats of Horfemanlhip never yet perform-, ed. He will lor this evening perform tlie Sailor s Voyage a Fox hunt ing. Mr. Uickefts will dance a Hornpipe, in the character of a failor,and will perform the Whimsical Metamorphosis, Master F. Ricketts will perform several pleasing Feats, on a fmgle horse in full speed. Mr. M'Donald will perform his Comic Feats and Surprising Leaps. Mr. Ricketts will ride two Horses in full speed and carry his young pppil Master Long, on his ihoulders, in the attitude of a young Flying Mercury. . With a variety of other feats too nume rou» for insertion. The whole to conclude with A Sailor Priding in a Sjck. Mr. Ricketts has provided a grand Band of Music, under the d:re