DAILY EVENING ADVERTISER. [No. 92- of Vol. Vl.] FOR SALE, 33,000 lb. Weight of Domingo Coffee, Contained CR follows :■ 29 Hogsheads, 50. Barrels, 35 Ba K s - St. APPLY TQ Deblois & Breck, B t fresh RICE, By the Norfolk, Captain Art, FOR SALE BY Levinus Clarkfon, pio. 216, south corner of Pine and Water fireets. Aug. 27 To be fold by Au&ion, On h"uef/tay the 1I tb day of November next at noon at the hou/e of Archer Gfforil in Newark, Ne 20,000 DpUflftf*, and dwelling houifc, ycafh 30,000 aie l ditto 15,000 & csfli 23,000 1 ditto 15,000 & cath 15,000 1 ditto 10,000 & cadi 10,000 i diito s,®oo&calVi 5,000 i ditto 5,000 & cath 5,000 1 Caftt pn« Ot 2 ditto s'cno each, are jo ditto 1,000 500 100 5° 2 5 to 20 din v JO© ditto 200 di'to ditto t.ooO ditto 2 5 ,000 ditto 16,739 33,261 Blanks Sjc,ooo Tickets at 8 dollars This Lottery will afford anr>e.egant fpeci roen of the private buildings to beerett d in the Cily of Washington—Two beautiful de signs are already fele fted for the entire fronts on two of the public fquaics ; froih these drawings, it is proposed to ere& two centre and tour corner buildings, as loon as pofftble alter this Lottery ttYoJd, and to convey them when complete, to the fortunate adventurers, in the manner described in Uie fchemc for the Hotel pottery. A nett dcdu&ion of five per cent, will be made to defray rhe necef ia'ry expences of printing, &c. and the fun plus will be made a part of the fund intended for, the National Univerfuyi to be ere&ed within the City of Waftiington. The drawing will commence as soon as the Tickets arc fold, or at all events on Monday, the 22nd of December next: The money pnr.es will be payable in thirty days dftcr it is finifbed, and any prizes for which fortunate numbers ate not produced within twelve months after the drawing isclofed are to be confidcted as given towards the for he Unverfity, it being determined to fettle.the whole business in a year from the ending of the drawing and to take up the bonds given as security. The real securities given.for the payment of the Prizes, are held by the President and two Diteaors of the Bank of Columbia, and are valued at more than half the amount of the Lottery. The drawing will be under the management of 24 gentlemen approved by the commiflioners for the City of Wafh ington,-for the time being, and a6ling on oath. S. BLODGET. %• Tickets may be had ai the Bank of Columbia; of Jarne's Weft & Co, Baltimore; of Gideon Denifon, Savannah ; of Peter Oilman, Boston; of John Hopkins, Rich mond ; and of .Richard Wells, Cooper's fer- A-»S- 3° TO Bt SOLD BY THOMAS DOBSON, Principles and Observations APPLIED TO THE MANUFACTURE and INSPECTION For Pot and Pearl AJhes. By DAVID TOWNSEND, Infpe&or of Pot and Pead-Afhes for the Commonwealth of Maflkdiufetts. Pijblifhed according to A<3 of Cortgrefs. These observations relate to an extensive business ; and are designed, in the plainest manner, to convey profitable information to those interested in it, who ha*e not leis ure or opportunity to search for the princi ples therein contained, in the . wrings of profeflional Chemists. Treasury Department Revenue Office, JluguJlz'jy 1794. NOTICE is hereby given that propolajs will be received at the Office of the Com missioner of the Revenue until the end of the fourth day of O&ober next, to furnifh by contfaft the following articles of CLOTHINO for the use of the army of the United States in the year 1795- 992 Artillery Hats 992 Artillery Coats ' 320 Horferoan'-s Caps 320 Horseman's Coat* 4560 Hats 4560 Infantry Coats 5872 Stocks 5872 S i. Carriages for Hire. GEORGE GREEN, In Pine ftrect, No. 123, between Fourth and Fifth llreets, HAS FOR BIKE. BY the Day, the newest fsfhioned Car riages, as Coaches, Coachefs, Cha riots and Light Waggons, with two or four Horses, and careful steady drivers. The terms reasonable, and al! favors grate fully ;u;] fmaltor large quant it its, ' For terms apply to J. M. Stillman, South-\Teft corner of" Arch and Third Streets. ✓ d BERGAMOf, From Naples, for sale. Sept. Journeymen Shoemakers. CONSTANT employment, and ge nerous wages will bo given to that number, ajjply to George Kemble, No. 36, South Third-Street Philadel. phia. -N. B. A number of apprentice* wanted—apply as above. Sept. 26 NOTICE. New Castle Pier Lottery Examining arid Rcgifteritig Office, At Mr. SAMUEL CRAWFORD'S No. 75) north From street, 4 doors from Arch ftrect, Tickets are examined atid Registered by correct numerical and Re giftei B 'Oks, at the following moderate viz. For examining a single tiCleT i-i6tu of a Dollar. For regillering a single ticket l-4tb of a Dollar. sawtO Ami notice will be sent by letter (if fortunate or unfortunate) to any part ot the Continent. TICKETS In the City of Washington Lottery, No. 2, (Which will commence drawing very soon) Kegiftored, and the carlieft account sent of their success. N. B. The Enrlieft Intelligence of each Day's drawing will be receivd ai this Of fice. And the flip l ! thereof will be signed by the Managers to be correct; theielpre to be depended on. Sept. 84 Eflence for the Tooth-ache. Prepared and fold by DotloA LEE, Gol\ den-Square, London. THE public air off ted one of the mod efficacious and sale Medicines, that ever ap pearcd, for that Dlolt excruciating pain, the Tooth-Ache; numerous instances of its happy ef. fe&s in relieving the affii&ed, have now brought it into uniyerfal cftimation ; it not only relit ves the Tootji-Ache, but is of the utmost fci vice in curing the Scurvy in the Gums, In preventing ttte disagreeable fmeJl that is produced from unfouud teeth, and occa fidning a sweet breath J it likewise prevents the teeth from decaying, and will be found a genei al preserver of the Teeth & Gums. Sold in Philadelphia, only at Poyntell's stationary store, No. 21, Second Jlrect, south. Sept. 22 3f Twenty Dollars Reward. MY Saddle Mare was flolen from Wye Mill, Talbot County, Maryland, on the night of the Jotli of August last. Slic is black, and fupbofed to be ten or twelve years old, u> dcr fourteen hands high, com pact an11 reafonablc char ges, if within the state and thirty milet from Wye Mill, eightdo'lars and reason able charges, and if a (horter di(lance in proportion, t»#ny person »ho will deliver j her to the Sub r criber at th. mill. Nat. Kennard. Wye Mill, Talbot County, Sept. 2, *«od3«r 3 Stock Brokers Office, No. 16, Wall-street, New-York. THE Subscriber intending to confinrhim (elf entirely to the PURCHASE ami SALE or STOCKS on COM MISSION,b. gt leave to offer bis(er»icr» to his lrieuds and others, in the line oU Stock Broker. Thofp who may pleafi to favor httn with their bufi. ness, may depend upon taring it tranlafied with the uimolt fidelity and dispatch. Orders trow Philadelphia, Boflon, or any other part of tV United States, will b« llriftly attended to. LtOMAKD BLEECKER. aoo WEIGHT OF THIRTY eoptf AT THE ALSO