Fine Liverpool To Be Sold From the Shiji Thomas, the second wharf below .Pine-Street, ap ply at said wharf, to Jehu Hoilingfworth, & Co. Aug. 25. d. Ground Plan OF THE City and Suburbs PHILADELPHIA. TAKE ft FROM ACTUAL SURfST. lTis with pleasure that the publisher has to info m his subscribers and the public in general, that the plate is now under the bands ot the engraver,and in greater for warduls than was at firft contemplated. At the fame time he leave to remind them, th t fubfeription papers areftill o pen at irioft of" the noted ftuok-ftores in the city ; and that he hopes from the whole at rt. mto be enabled to form such a ref pj&abie catalogue of names, as will do a credit to the work, as well as afford a re.ifonable encouragement to the under, tiker. Those who are desirous of further infor niation arercquefted to call on Benjamin Davie s, No. 63, Markci itreet. April 14, Scheme of a Lottery, To raise 39,900 Dollars, oh 266,000 Dollars, deducting 15 per Cent, from the Prizes—this Lottery confijls of 38,000 Tickets, in which there are 14,539 Prizes and 23,461 Blanks, being about one and an half Blanks to a Prize. HPHE Dircftor j of the Society for eftablifh® JL ing Ufeful Manufactures, having refold ed to erect LOTTERIES for raising Ont Hundred Thousand JJolLars, agreeably to an A& Of the Legislature of the State of New-JeVfey, have appointed the following persons to superintend and direst the draw ing ol the fame, viz. Nicholas LOW, Rufus King, Herman Le Roy, James Watson. Richard Harrifon, Abijah Hammond,' and Cornelius Ray, of the city of New-York— Tnomas Willing, Joseph Ball, Matthew M'- Connel and Andrew BayaVd, of the city of Philadelphia—His Excellency Richard How ell, Esq. Kiia« Bdudinot, General EliasDay ton, Jam<-s Paiker, John Bayard, Ho£lor Lewis Doniiam, Samuel W. Stockton, Jpfhua M. Wallace, Joseph Bloomfield, and Slifha B'oudinot, of Mcw-Jerfey, who offei thf following Scheme of a Lottery, and p)ed£fc themft-lvcs to the public, that they will take every aflurance and precaut ion in their power to hav the Monies paid by thfc Managers, from to as received, into f|»e Banks at New-York and Philadelphia, to remain for the purpose of paying Priz s, which lhall be immediately discharged by a cheek npon one of the Banks. S CH E M E: Prize of 20,000 Dollars is 20,000 10,000 5»ooo 10,000 2,000 10,000 1 ,GOO i 0,000 500 IrtjOOO 100 10,000 5° 15,000 20 20,000 Ij 30.C:. ;; 12 - i - if 5 ' - 20 100 300 1000 ■2000 3 0C0 h°?, 14,539 662,000 23,<|6f. B:Kfuks. First drawn number, 2,000 Laftd'ravfrn number, 2,000 38,000 Tickets at 7 Dollars each is 266,000 The drawing will commence, under the infpc&ion of a Committee of the Superin tcvidants, as soon as the Tickets are fold, ot which timely notice WTil be given. The Supenntendants have appointed John N. of Newark, Jacob R. Har denberg, of New-Brunfwick, and Jonathan Rhea, of Trenton, as immcdiate'Managers thereof, who have given ample security for discharging the trust reposed in them. tar > order to secure the punctual pay ment of the Prizes, the Superintendants of the Lottery have directed that the Managers shall each enter into bonds in 40,000 dollars, with four fufßcient fecuiitics, to perform their tnlhu&ions, the fabftance of which is t That whenever either of the Managers shall receive tbc sum of Three Hundred Dol lars, (hall imnidiatcly place the fame in one of the fianks of New-York or Philadel phia, to the credit of the Governor of th< Society, afnd such ot the Superintendants ai live in the city where the monies are placed to remain there nntil the Lottery is drawn (or the paymrtt of the Prizes. 11. The Managers to take fufficicnt fe curity for any Tickets they may trust, other wife to be responsible for them. Hi. To keep regular books of. Ticket old, Monies received and paid into th ii3nk, abftra&s of which shall be sent monthly, to* tbcGovernor of the Society* Paterfon, January i, 17^4. On application to either of the above gen tlemen, information will be given wherl tickets may be had. February 24. Thtf Lottery publilhed by the — 0ut.1117 Hojrtc- lv manufac tures," will commence drawing flie firir Tuefdav in November next — WANTED, An Apprentice To the Watch Making and Repairing Business, Apply TO C. Campbell. io. 3, south Fourth street, two doors froir^larket-ftreet. Set. 3 NO. 69. Diftrid of Pennsylvania, ■TO WIT: Salt, BE it lemcmbercd that on the fourth day of 1/ (henineteenth year ol the in dependence oftheXJnited States of America, Thomas Dobfon of the said Diftrift, hath de polited in this Office the Title of a Book, the right whereof he claims a$ the wolds foliowmgj to wit: " An Account of the Bilious Remitting " Yellow Fcvci, as it appeared in lhe c\- 44 ly of Philadelphia in fhr year 1793, by " Benjamin Rufti, M. D. Profeilbr of the <4 Inltiuites and of Clinical Medicine in " the Univtrfity of Pennsylvania." In conformity to the aft of Congress of the United States intituled u An Aft for the encouragement of Learning, by securing the copies of Maps, Charts, and Book*, to the Authors and Proprietors of such Copies,dur ing the times therein mentioned." Saniuel Caldwell, Clerk of the D'tftriti of Pennjylvania. Aug, 27 NO. 71. .1 Diftrioo BE it remembered that on the fourth day of August in the nineteenth yeai oftlie Independence of the United States of America, Joseph Priestley of the said dif tritt hath deposited in this Office the title of a book the right whereof he claims is Author in the words following to wit r *' An appeal to the serious and candid " ProfefTors of Chriftiasity on the sol " lowing fubjefts viz, j. The use ot " reason in the matte's of religion—2. " The powers of man to do the- will of "of God—J. Original Sin—4. Election, " Reprobation. 5. The Divinity of " Christ f and 6. Atonement for Sin by " the death of Christ. By Joseph Prieft -41 ley L. L. D. F R. S. &c. To which are " added a concise History of the rife of " 'hose doctrines and an account of the 44 Trial of Mr. Elwall for Heresy and 44 Blasphemy at Stafford Aflues. To us 14 there is one God the Father and one " Mediator trie Man Christ Jesus. i. «' Cor. VIII 6. Tim! 11. j." In conformity to the Aft of Congress of the United States intituled" An Aft for the encouragemen of learning by 'iectiring the copies oi Maps Charts and Rooks to the Authors and Proprietors of such copies du ring the times therein mentioned." Samuel Caldwell, Clerk of the Dijlr ill of Pennfylmania. Aug. 27. Whereas an attach ment at the suit of the adminifttatorsof all and lingular the goods and chatteh, ri hf s and credits, which were of William Bur. net deceased, at the time of his death hath been iffuedout of the Inferiour Com. j>f common pleas, in and for the Countyo. Middlel'cx, against the Goods and Chattlesj and of Ircnius Martin late? of the county r»turnabic t•> Ith-■ thirdTuefday in July last. NOTICE is hereby given to the said Ircnius Martin, that nnlefs he appear and file special bail to the said a&ioo, on or before the thjrdTuef day in January next, judgment will be en tered against him by default, and the good: and chatties, lands and tenements so at tached, fold for the fatisfaftion of fucli of his creditors as lhall appear to be justly en titled to any demand thereon, and dial lap ply for that purpose, according to the so.m of the statute in such cafe made& provided tu&ftf Aug. 10, iawtf PHILADELPHIA; Prjsteb BY JOHN FENNO, No. 119, CHESNUT STRE " Terence." NO. 72. NO 70, By order of the Court, DEARE, Clerk. I awtf. Fo'k SALE, About 103 000 lb. of Good coffee, Landing, from on board of the fliip Stdgley, Captain Hodge, at Cuthbert's wharf. .Apply to Philips, Cramond, & Co. Sept. 16 d TO BE SOLD,. By THOMAS DOBSON, Alphabetical Lift OF THE DUTIES Payable by law on all Goods, Wares, and Merchandize imported into the United Saates of A.nerica, after the lait day of June 1794, diftinguiffiingthe rates payable on those imported in lhips or velfcls of the United States—and the rates pay able in fo reign (hips or velTelS} including the addi tional duties, to which klip reflect, ve arti cles are liable. reach Language •TAUGHT Br J. M. BAR T, North Second Street, No. 158, WHO begs leave to inform . is Ki'i?nds and the Public, that he intend-! to inftruft in that Tongue; a number of Scholars on reasonable terms. "Thole who will be plea sed to employ him, ftiall be exaaiy attend ed to at their own Appartnients. Sept. 17 To the Eledtorsof the city and county of Philadelphia. Okntlemin, THIS being the latt year of the pre sent Sheriffs time in office. I take the liberty to offer ntyfelf a Candidate, and solicit vonr votes and interests in rily favour, to plare me on the recurn at the next general Election, as his fucceflor for fald office; in doing which, you will confer an obligation that will be gratefully re membered, by Your most obedient, and humble servant, JOHN BAKER. Mav 3, STATE OF SOUTH-CAROLINA In the House of Representatives, l 3 E C t M B £ R 2111, 1793* WHEREAS the Comuiiflioners ol pub- Jic Accounts,have reported, that they cannot proceed to the investigation of the Trealury Accounts, refpetting special In dents, without knowing the outstanding a " mount thereof in circulation;— Therefore, Rtfolvtdy That all holders of special In dents be di retted, ind required, On Or before r the firfl day of November nt xt } to deliver the special Indents in their poflcflion to one or 1. other of the Commiflioners the Treafiiry, who are to give receipts for the fame, and to . report to the CommiflTionerx on public ac counts, on or before thetenth day of Nov ember next, the amount by therw refpe&jve ly received, and also to the Legislature, at their meeting in November next, and that all special Indents not rendered into the Treasury as above, on ot before the firfl day of November ntxt, /hall be* and the fame are hereby barred. Rcjolvcd-, That public notice of this resolu tion be given >n thafeveral Gazettes in this State, once every three weeks, until the firft clay of November next. And that the Dele gates ofthisState in the Congvefs of the Uni ted States, be requested to cause this relolu* tion to be publi{bed in one or more papers in the cities of Philadelphia and New-York, and that provision will be msidt for the ex pends attending such publication. That the refolillion be sent to the Senate for their concurrence. Bv order of the House, JOHN SANFORD DART, C.fl./?. In the SENATE, Deckmbir 21 ft, 1793. Rejoined % That this Houfedo concur with tht House of Repi efentatives in the forego ing resolutions. Ordered, That tbe resolutions 'be lent to the House of Representative*. * by order of tbc Senate, f*ELIX WARLEY Clerk, ewt N. JUST PUBLISHED, And for sale at Mathew Carey s Store, No. 118, Market flreet, Pijce half a dollar, eirtbellifhed with a ilrikirg likenefsof Mr Margarot, The r R IA L O F Maurice Margarot, Bef. •re the High Court of J ujl'iciary at Edinburgh, on an hididrnent for SEDITIOUS PRACTICES. " Ob' the many remaikable trials whjch theprefent extraordinary fvftem of crimi nal jurifpt udeace in G. Britain and Ireland has brought before the public eye ; tips, c?i tainjy is most entitled to universal pe ru'al and attention. It developes, more fully than any publication extant, the lat est viewt jjod objects of the Britifli conven tion J and proves incoiircftibly, that judi cial protections for perfecntions( and de cifionsare now more the result of the pre fect order of things, than any old fafliion ed attachments tlTe laws or the conftitu tion. Add to this, that it holds up to the wonder and admitation of mankind, the the finn, manly, and patriotic conduct of this devoted victim—this 1 Second Sydney,' as he has justly and deiervedly been called; who in the course of one of the Jongelt iri. als we know of, unafiiftcd even by a (ingle member of the long robe, evinceil fufh a depth of legal and constitutional know ledge and, in a speech of four hours length, dilplayed such a blaze of eloquence and firft rate abilities, as astonished the court—and, ftraugc to relate ! even drew involuntary applaule from the venal and time-serving creature of a aorru&t go vernment." - Lachawannock. A LARGE body of LAND on this river artd its waters, is now for sale to Settlers on tyi on moderate terms,and at a long credit. The foil is remarkably fertiie. and nu merous streams of waterare interspersed through the whole country. The main river flows through one tract of about thirty thousand acres, and is with he exception of one obftru&ion, naviga ble to the Sufquehannah. Spring Brook Creek, which with its brauches, waters an >tijer tra distant from many parts oi the set tlement. The Sufquehannah affords an easy and lafe navigation to Middleton, from whence the Canal to Schuylkill extends the com munication to the city. Another means of connection with Phi ladelphia, is by the Delaware, from which the distance infeveralplacesis aboutthirty miles. The proprietors combining theirown in terest with that of the inhabitants, are dis posed to ere ft works ot" public utility ,open uoads, &c. in every tn miles square, a tract of one hundred acrts is allotted for a and one hundred acres for thefirft resident clergyman of any denomination of Christians. *eodiw For further particulars apply to George Eddy. Wilkes-Bartej Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, July 9. Lettersdire&ed tn Geoige Eddy, at Phi ladelphia, or this place, relative to this, bufinefS,will be duly anfn-ered. eodgni THIS DAY IS PUBLISHED, And to be lold by Robert Campbell, No. 54, south Second Jlreet, second door below the corner of Chefnut Jireet, A.ENTORIA ; The Young Lady's Friend, Mrs. Rowfon, Of ihe New Theatre, Ph larielpliia; au thor of ihe InquiJitor, Kille de Chainbre, Victoria, Charlotte, ? States ir now publijhed at No, 119 Chesnut STREET: —to which place th- OFFICE of th( Editor is removed, and where Printing Work in general is performed. ' C. W. PEALE. EVEH foljcitQns to render his MUSEUM more and more au object of rations entertainment, and fubferv ent to t'>e inl terefts of 1 ufeful fti'nce, lias on tie fugged tion and with the advice of a number o. his friends, provided a Book, which will he always open for the infptffec of tliofe prjjp vjfit his M.ufeum, in which book, it is proposed to insert all such difepveries, in ventiwis, improvements, I'chome?, oblefc experiments, prujefts, hints or queries relating to the arts or fcie»ces, as ki)jj U' Ilis visitors, or correfpondcßts,H)a,v iTrom time totime communicate. J Such as lmy chufe to conceal their, imraes hiay cither fend their communicatiejis ano hyinou?, or at their C- W. jwij) iwferiihttir names, with thsnumbei or. of ther refpe&ive culjwi) ;i')u:'3- (ions in a privatebook wljitb be (WIJ keep for that pnrpofe. i The advantages ot such a public register tire obvious. 11 willrefeue from oblivion Jnany u.'eful hipts, which might othenwife liave died with iheir antl:ois. It may f<', :ure to inventor-, il.cir just claims, andp e-._ vent others from tailing the honor or pro&t pt a dilcovery to which they are not en titled, and ai the Mu r rum is now visited byper fans horn alrnoft; all part>i ot' Vhe vqrld, luce a,regifter, it isprefumed, will 'ooq contain aril b» .the means of difle.nii latinga vast fund of uifeful knowledge, and >romote lhat r pirit of enquiry and inven ion, for which the people of the United >tat£s ar« already fojuftl^diftinguifhcjt.. Aug. 22 . —Price Sik Doilars Per Annum. O R B Y FOR. SALE, At the STORES q{ Jefle & Robert Wain, PORT WINE in pipes, lil.ds. and qHar ter calks LISBON do. in pipes and quarter calks Soucliongand Congo TEAS, in quarter cliefts A quantity of Lisbon and Cadiz SALT Soft lhelied ALMONDS in bales Velvet CORKS, in do. Russia' MATTS. J line 9 H THIS DAY IS PUBLISHED, And to be fold by the following Buokfellns viz. John Ormrod, N0.41, Che£i:ut lirect Thomas Dobfon, No. 41, fouU, Sceood street, Jofepi, Cru'.(hank, No. 87 H i e h street, and Wm. Young, No. J2, south 4- cond street, A Discourse Delivered July 17, 1794. 1 N The African Church, Of the Citit of Philadelphia. On the oecafion oi'opening the raid ihurcb and l\oldin(f public worfiiip i n it the firft tune, By Samuel Magatu, D. 23. Re<&or of s«. Paul'*. Divine Service, introduced with feleft Scripture passages, and a fpet ial pr.yer and then proceeding iu its ui'ual offices' having been performed By James Abercrombie, A. M. Second Assistant Minister of Christ Chu»cb and St. Peter's. " Ethiopia Jhall soon Jlretch out her hands unto God." Aug. 16 FOR SALE, the following Trails of Land, in Virginia. ONE trait in Frederick courtty, contain ing 87J6 acres, being part of that whereon col. Thomas Bryan Martin now r»fid«* known by the name of Greenway courr a bout 12 milts from WinchclUr and 5 [ ro m Newtown. For the convenience of pw ehafers, it wiJ] be divided imo parcels- of various dimenfionsfjom 200 to 600 acres which may be viewed by application to col R. K. Meade, Jiving near tlieprcmifts The greaier part is very fertile and well timbered. Another tiafl" in the fame county on* ; railage creek, containing 239 acres, add adjoining Jacob Levii £oods. , Anotli r tract iii Hanipffiire county, con taining by patent,. 699 acres, called Slim Bottom, situate on both Mcs o( the South Blanch and within two miics of the mouth •of it, a«4 is I'Uppofed to have a good mill • teat. Anottfer tract in Hampfliire county on New Creek and Kettle-Uck, containinjr joi acres. Another fra& in Prince William county called LeefylVania, containing upwards of 2000 acres, lyingnpon Potomack river, a- Ij»ut23 miles below Alexandria, and 28 below (lie City of compre hending Fretftone Poinc, which appear*to be a quarry of free-ftoric, covering about 50 acres and the river, w-heie vef fcls of iC>o tons conveniently harbour. On another part of this trait it isfnppofe/d there is a quarry of flite, convenient to water - carnage. Upwards oi'two thirds are in woods. Mr. Enoch S. Lane, living on the premises, will ffiew tbis tract. Another traiftj. in Fairfax county, called Springfield, containing 2043 1-2 aires, a . bout ij.milfs from Alexandriaaiid loiVoua Wafti-ngton j abounds ttithfine Iptings and meadow ground, and maybe seen by apply. ingtfaMr. John Wood, living on part of Arjothertraft in Fairfax county, con taining 392 acre«, oil Turkey-cock Run, a bout 6 miles from Alexandria. Another tratt in Fairfax county, contain ing about 17& acres, adjoining Mr. J. Wat fon'sfeyt, a bom four mile 5 f,oia Alexan dria. Another tract, in Fairfax county, con taining 513 acres, near Occoquan, joining Mr. Edward Wafhingtorj'j. Another tract, in Fairfax county-, con taming Ho acres or thereabout, withm-a: mile of Pohick Landing, and within five miles of Mpunt Vernon, lies level, and is' well timbered. An undivided raoietv in another iraft, containing about 284 acres, in Fairfax county, abcmts miJesfroni Washington, k 9 from Alexandria, where J. R< binfon lur- lived. Another parcel of land, within a ini!» of Alexandria,containing about 24 acres, Snd 1 q be fold iu acre or lots. Alio, sundry unimproved lots ofvaJimis (izes, in different parts of the tq»*n of Al exandria. Fodeloribe the pre m ties more partit'O larly is deemed unneccilLry T as it is expec fed.every pcrfen will enamine and view Whatever part he lliai! be; inclined to buy.,. My only object being to raise a certain fun» of money, by felling so many or such parts pt tbe aforefeid tra&s of land and lot? as Jlwll be neceitary for ibfc.t purpafe, one halt' 61 the purcbaie money mnft be paid at the itme-ol contract, and the other wltbin a irom the iirft day of August next, otul at (lie time of deliveringpoffeflion sir ex*, iuti/ig a legabconveyance 7he lands re. rosining unfold, except the tract in Prii ce William, after jailing a limited sum, win lie divided into tenements, and leafed for BMm ol years. From the I2tl)day of Or. tober next, till the 1 jth -of I>eccmbr, I (ball be in the city of Richmond,-,aiKl aire, jhat, time I Dia'l remain at home, ji> Alex andria, at which plates, or elfejvhere, I jliall be prepared to detail particulars, and to enter into com rafts. 1 Alexandria, Juty 28 CHARLES LEE. * Ang. 8 *ja*. 13WIOW