/ DAILY EVENING ADVERTISER. [No. 90 of Vol. Vl.] Manchester Cotton GOODS, Five Chejls assorted; Each Containing VEI.V F.TS, THJCKSKTTA Qj'EKN CORDS, KLI.IOT ( f'KDS, FUSTIANS, &r. ire. To be Sold 011 verv low terms, by John Miller, jun. Sept. 3. _ *rOd,lOt AVolunteer Rifle-Company of Militia. IS now { rming to support the Confticu tton and Laws o? the United States. A 1) citizens who a?*e friends to good order,and difoofed to enroll thnnfelve-, a»e invited t° call as fbon a*; at George Hill's, the sign o» the Buck, No. 13°, north Second Itieei. (jCT S\ich decent orderly mechanics and others as may find it inconvenient to pro \&c their own uniform*,- (hall be accom modated by a fubfc-riptioji which i> alrea dy raised for that pii'po»e, hefides the bounfv, pay and rations allowed by law to the militia refpeftively. Their arms and accoutrements for the tour of duty mall be fomid by the rnMir;. LANDING, 7'bis Dtp from on board the brig Ann and Mary, Capt. Carrie, from Antigua, NINETY HOGSHEADS O* Prime Antigua Rum, ONE third of which is fourth proof, the other tlii'd. Also a few tiogfheads remain ing on liard of the Brig Sally's C&.3.G0, Capt in Weft from fame place, which ha beer> fomaeh approved of for the finenefs of its flavour. Jamaica Spirits, MOLASSES, Genuine Madeira Wine, By the pipe, qpai tercafk or gallon, ALSO 20 TIERCES FRESH By the Norfolk, Captain Art, FOR SALE BY Levinus Clarkfon, No. 416, foutb corner of Pine and Water Jlreets. Aue. 2 7 To be lold by Auction, On Tuefiiay the lith day of November next at noon at the bouse of Archer G fiord in Newark, Netu Jersey, if not previouf h diftxfed of by private contrail, THf FOLLOWING Tracts of Land, , Be longing to the American Iron Comf>anv. fHuare at Ringwood, Long Pond, and Charlottenburg, in the Counties of Bergen aud Mortis in the said state of New Jer sey y viz. 12 tra&s of land, contain ing about 6533 acres, situate at Ringwooi , on part ol which the Ring Wood Mansion House and Store are erefied. 4. trails ol Land, containing about 6156 acres, fitnite on Long Fond River. 7 tuffs of Land, containing about 6165 Arret, fnuafe at Charlottenfcrurg Thtk Eftdtrs are well worthy of the at tention of any Gentleman or Company in clined to engage cx'enfivel y in Iron Works : There are several Buildings and some conli tlerable Improvements on these Lands; about SSP Acres of excellent Meadow, are already cleared, and much more might be added at a trifling Expcnce. On the Premises t here are several very convenient Scats for Furnaces, Forges, &c. There are also some very valuable Iron Mines. Most of the unimprov ed Parts of these Lands are covered with fine healthy Timber. These F.ftates will be (hewn by Captain Joseph Board, of Ringwood, and the Terms of Sale made known by applying >o him, or to Edward Edwards, In Philadelphia, at the comer at Sixth and Race-Streets. Sept. It, War Department, Augujl i, 1794. Information is hereby given to all the military Invalids of the United States, that the sums to which they are en titled tbr their annual pension, which will become doe6irthe fifth day of September 1794, will be paid on the (aid day, by the commiffionwrsof Loans within the States refpeftively, under the usual regulations . Applications of Executors or Adminis trators muftbe accompanied with legal e vidences of their refpiflive offices, and alio of the time of the decease of such in valids wbofe pensions they may claim. By command of the Piefident of the U- nited States, H. KNOX, Secretary aI War. ftST The Printers in the fevcral Staie? are reqotfted to pubfiih the above in their ncwlpapeu o# ihifpace of two months Aug. & d2ra For Sale on the S.vedifh S' ircGuf taviu Adolphus, Captain ISLOOMSTI-R, Said V 1 flVJßurthen 300 Tous, r|l\ For CHARTER, any PORT within or the Mediterranean, Apply to John Vaughan, Woo has for Sale a fenv Tons CHIPPED LOGWOOD Also SuperiorCLAßET in Hogsheads Sept. 4. For Amsterdam, THE SHIP HOLLAND, Christopher Franklin* jun. M/iS &xi ellent accommodation* for pafTen £Crs, will Tail with all convenient fpecd, hav ing the greatest part of her cargo ready to go on hoard. For freight or passage, apply to <>n bo»rd, to PETER BLIGHT, Or PRAGERS & CO. Ah p. 26 For Hamburgh, Warranted to fail by the sth ipll| C 0 *N C O R D, Capt. John Thompson. An almatt new ihip. About 50 tons of heavy goods only are wanted as freight.-— She is to take in no provisions on freight. Apply to Capt. Thompson, or Sept. 32 RICE, And will be landed to-morrow mornitig at Hamilton V wharf, the CARGO of the Schooner Industry, Captain Hylander, from Havanna, Bfy fihds. Molasses, Of superior full quality. 106 Boxes and Barrels White & brown Sugar AND A Parcel of Ox-Hides ; Peter Blight. \A L S 0, A PARCEL OF COFFEE, Just arrived in the Ilibarnia, Captain Irwin, from Jamaica. Sept. 23 Havannah Sugars, MOLASSES This day landing at Pine street wharf, from on board the brig A&ivr, Samuel Holt matter, from the Havannah, Ox Hides, Honey in jars and demijeans, Segars in boxes, ConfeSionary, and a small Quantity of Tortoise (hell, TO BE SOLD BY John Craig. Sept. 22 The House, Stables T & Lot of Ground, In Second itreet, between Spruce ard Union streets, in ihe occupation of his Britannic Majesty's Minister. ALSO sawtf. 26 feet front, and 149 feet deep. Fot terms of i'ale, apply to Win. Cramond. w&stf Aug. 14 Money to be Lent, On Mortgage of REAL ESTATES, Within the City and Libert.es of Philadel phia Apply to Nicholas Diehl, jun. Attorney at Law. No. 19, south Fourth Jireet. Aug. 4 raw&f,f Thursday, September 25, '794- Cadiz Salt, Just Arrived, and Cases. Peter Blight. d2w Just Arrived, CONSISTING OF FOR SAL» BY AND ALSO To be Sold, The Adjoining Lot, AND LANDING From on board the Birmingham Packet, Lockyer, and the Hehry and Charles, from Hamburgh, HEM P, Peterjburgb's firji quality BAR IRON, Swedes-, ajfortei TIN, in platej, -do. do. GEKE FA in hUs. BAGGING, German afpirted GLASS TUMBLERS, and Black Quart Bottles, DEMIJOHNS, Window Glass, Feathers of superior quality, MJTTS, &c. life. tOR SALE BY Thomas & John Ketland. Aug. 26 d Ran Away, FROM the Subscriber a feivant Girl, named Catherine Adams. Whoever will take np and bring back to her Mailer the laid Girl, shall rteceive Twenty Cents re ward, and no charge*. Caleb Wilkins. Sept. lrt TO HE SOLD RY THOMAS DOBSON, Principles and Observations APPLIED TO THE MANUFACTURE and INSPECTION O F Pot and Pearl Afozs. By DAVID TOWNSEND, [nfpeitor of Pot and Pcarl-Alhes for the Commonwealth of Maflachufetts. Published according to AifY of Corigrefs. Thel'e observations f elate to an extensive business ; and are designed, in the plainest manner, to convey profitable information to those interested in it, who have not leif lire 6Y opportunity to search for the princi ples therein contained, in the writings of profeffiottal Chemists. City of YVafliington. SCHEME LOTTERY*No. 11. FOR. th£ IMPROVE Mi NT OF THE FEDERAL GITY. x A magnificent f 20,000 Dollars, and dwelling houte, y ca(h 30,000 axe t ditto t J,600 & ca'H 25,000 l ditto 15,000 & cadi 15,000 1 ditto 10,000 & cash 10,000 1 ditto 5,000 & cash 5,000 1 ditto 5,000 cadi 3,000 1 Cash P rl * e °t 2 ditto s*cob each, art jo ditto 1,000 20 ditto 500 100 d'fto 100 200 ditto 50 di*** ljooo d ' lto s * ditttf >6, 7 J9 P" zis 33,1-61 Blanks 50,000 Tickets at 8 dollars 400,000 This Lottery wfll afford an e.cgant fpeci me» of the private buildings to be erek of Columbia, and are valued at more than half tb amount of thre Lottery< The drawing will be under the management of 24 gentlemen approved by the commissioners lor the City of VValb ington, for the time betng, and atting on oaih. S. BLODGET. « * Tickets may b<" had at the Bank of Columbia; of James Weft & Co. Baltimore; ol Gideon Deriiton, Savannah ; of Peter Gilman, Bolton; of J° hn Hopkins, Rich mond ; and of Richard Wells, Cooper s fer. ; r». Aog. g* Carriages for Hire. GEORGE GREEN., .n Pine ftrcet, No. 123, between Fourth and Fifth itreet6, HAS FOR HIRE. BY the Day, the newest falhioned Car riages, as Coaches, Coachees, Cha riots and Light Waggons, with two or four Horses, and careful Heady drivers. The terms reasonable, and all favors grate fully acknowledged, August 26, Choice St. Croix Sugar, JUST IMPORTED, Slnd fsr Sale, • fey JA&IES YARD. Also a quantity of RUSSIA Matts. June 24th. d' Treasury Department Revenue Office, Augufl 27, 1794* NOTICE is hereby given that piepoftls will be received .at the Office of the Com miftmner of the Revenue until the end ot th (> ffotifth day of October next, to furnifli fry cotitraft the following articles of CLOTHING for the life qj: the army of the Untied States in the year 1795. Artillery Hats 99 >. Anilltry Coa'.s 320 Horft rn-ni r s 320 HoHeinan'S Coai* 4560 InfantiyHats 4560 Infantry Coats 5872 Stocks 58-". Stock Clasps 23 4SB $bu"t* 5872 Vcfts 11,104 of Woollen Overalls 11,104 pairs Linen do. 22,208 Pair Shoes. 320 Pair Leather Breech? 640 Pe filled up in writing, so the sum may be more or lets at pleasure. No ftut Poft.-Notcs of the alphabetical mark, above fltferibed, have been lately if (ocd, very few are n' AV in circulation. The above i eward ol One Thouland dol lars will be paid to any person, or peifona,, who Ihall difcovtr, or piofecuteto cuuvtfiion, the fcverel offenders, «r any of thr*m, of the following defcripnon, vi/. The person or persons, who engraved the late. The printer. Or printers of the fiid bills. Evrry peifon who has a£led as ptiucipalin a ny way in the counterfeiting and uttcnng ftc fain bills. WILLIAM PATTERSON. President. of the Han.r ot Matyland. Bm», April 8, i?9t- « fc - 3 f f