Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, September 20, 1794, Image 4

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    line Liverpool
To Be Sold
From the Ship Thomas,
The second wharf below Pine-Street, ap
ply at said wharf, to
Jehu Hollingfworth, & Co.
Aug. 26. d.
The Ground Plan
City and Suburbs
1 T ii -v ith pleasure that the oublifher star*
to info m his fubfcriberi and the public in
general, that the plate »s now under the
h«nds of the engraver, and in greater for.
wardnfs than Was at firft contemplated At
thefame time he begs leave to r mind
the.n, rli f fubfcript:on papers are (till o
pen at moft<«f the noted book-ftoies in the
city ; $nd that he hopes from the whole
oft ! ie ;wob; enabled mi Inch a ref
p?ft:ii>leca'aiogwe r.( as will do a
credit to the work, as well as afford a
reasonable encouragement to the under,
Those. who are dt* (irons of further infor
mation ai e tt qu-'fted to call on
Benjamin Davies,
No. 68, iV!ark« 1 street.
April 14.
Scheme of a Lottery,
To ruife 39,900 Dollars, on 266,000
Dillars, deducting 15 per Cent, from
the Prizes—this Lottery confijls of
58,000 Tickets, in which there are
14,539 and 23,461 Blanks,
being about one and an •if Blanks to
a Prize.
THE l)nc£lors oflhc Society foreftabiifh*
nig Uft tut M inutatturesj having refolv
cd to erect LO I'l'EK lES tor One
Hundred Thousand Dollars, agreeably
to an Aft t>f ihe L gifliture of thr State of
Ncw-Jfifey, have appointed the fallowing
person* to superintend and direst the draw
ing o! the fame, vz. Nicholas Low, Rufus
King, Herman Le Roy, James Watforij
R iehard Hanifon, Abij'sh Hammond, and
Cornelius R;>y, of the city of New-York*--
Tfiovnas Willing, Jofepb Ball, MatthtW M*.
C >nnel an«t Aadrew Bayard, of the ci *y of
Philadelphia—His Excellency Richard How
ell, tfej. Elias Boudinot, General El as Day
ton, Jam s Pi'ker, John Bayard, D"ft< r
Lewis Donham, Samu< I W. Stockton, Joshua
M. W .ll ict , J >feph Bj«•■omfield, and Ehfha
Boudinot, of N w Jtifey, who offer the
following Scheme of i Lottery, and pUMge
thamfelves to tntr public, that they will tike
every a(Turanee and precaution in their power
to have thitf Monies paid< by the Managers,
from tirwe to time! as received* into the
Banks ai New-Yo k and Philadelphia, u>
remain for the puipofe, of paving Priz s,
which lhall be imnndia'ely difchargCd by a
cheek npon one of ill Banks.
Prize of 20,000 Dollars is 20,000
10,000 10,000
5,060 10,000
2,000 10.000
1,000 io,ooo
500 in,ooo
1 so 10, coo
3° 15,000
20 20,000
15 3.0,060
12 36,000
10 81,00©
14,539 Prizes. 262,000
£3,461 Blanks, First drawn number, 2,000
Laftdrawri number, 2,000
38,000 Tickets at 7 Dollars each is 266,000
The drawing will commence, under the
infp-tlion ut a Committee of the Superin
tendants, as loon as the Tickets are fold, of
which tinieiy notice will be given.
The Suponntendants have appointed John
N Curnmtng, of. Newark, Jacob R Har
denberg, ot New-frrunfwick, and Jonathan
Rhea, o l Tienton, as immediate Managers
thereof, vth<r have given anple feeurity for
discharging T hc trust repofi din them.
* In order to secure the pun&ual pay
rr»em of the Prizes, the Superimendants of
the Lottery have dire£\ed t hat the Managers
Utail each enter into bonds in dollars,
with foiir fufliciem fecurui s,to perform their
inftrudlions, (he fybftance of which is
T. That whenever either of the Managers
shall receive the sum of Three Hundred Dol
lars, he Iba-U imnidiately place the fame in
one of the Banks of New-York 01* Philadel
phia, to the ciedit ol the Governor of the
Society, and such of the Superintendants as
live in the city where the monies are placed,
to remain there nnril the Lottery is drawn,
for the payront of the Prizes.
11. The Managers to take fufceient se
curity for anv Tickets they may trull, other
wise to be responsible foi them.
III„ To keep regular books of Tickets
fold, Monies received and paid into th<
Bank, abtt»a£U of which (hall be sent,
monifily, to of the Society.
Paterfon, janoary 1, 1794-
On application to either of the above gen
tlemen, information will be given where
tickets mav he had.
February 24.
QTf" The Lottery publiflied by the
Society for eftabiifhing ufeful "nanofac
tures," will commence drawing the firft
TTnefda> ir. November next «-
An Apprentice
To the , 1
Watch Making and
Repairing Buiinefs,
Apply TO
C. Campbell.
No. south Fourth street, two doors
fro, a
Sept. 3
NO. Cj.
Diftrift of Pennfylvaniaj
70 HIT:
BE if lemembered that on ihe fourth day
of Augult, in the nineteenth year or the in
dependence of the Uft'ied Stats of America,
Thomas Drtbfon of the fa id Diftnft, hath de
posited in (Irs Office the Title of a Book, the
right wheieof he claims as Proprietor, in the
words following, to Wit:
" An Account of the Bilious Remitting
*' Yellow Fcvei, is it appeared in'hc £1-
" t) of Philadelphia in the year by
" Benjamin Rush, M. D. PlO effji tin
tl Intimites and ol Cluneal M -diciue in
'• the University o» Pennsylvania."
In conformity to the aft of Congress o'
"lit" U«itcd States intituled 41 An Aft tor the
encouragement of Learning, by fecunng hu
copies of Mdps, Chans, and Books, to tht*
Authors and Proprietors of such Copies,dur
ing the times '.hrrein mentioned." '
Samuel Caldwell,
Clerk of the Dijlrift of Pennfylwinia.
Aug, 27
NO. 71.
District of Pennsylvania,
t BE it Tcrrienibcred that on the fourth day
of Augyft ,n 'lie nineteenth year of rhe inde
pendence ot the United States of Ainetica,
jofeoh Pi i eft ley of the- fa id Diftrift, hath de in H)«s Qifice the Tide ol a Book, the
' iglit w.hueof he clnras as Author in the
wOl dsjfo] lowing, to tyvr,
44 Letters addreUVd to the Pbilofophcrs
(i and Politicians of France oh the fuhv si
uof Religion. To which are p»vfixe<i
41 Observations ifelatfng ro 1 he causes 0' the
4< gvncial prevalence of Infidelity, by Jo
-44 ft ph Pricftley, L L. D. F. R S. &c.
il Tantamne Rem tarn negligenter.
In conformity to the adt of the C ingrcfs
of'.he United Slates intil'uled 4i An A& for
the encouragement 01 learning by fccurin ;
the copies ot Mjpa Charts and Books to th-
Awthors and Proprietors ot such copies du
ring the times 1 herein mentioned"
Samuel Caldwell,
Clerk of the Diltricl of Pennfyliian'ia.
NO. 72.
Diftridt of Pennsylvania,
3E it remembered that on the fourth day
ofAugnft in the uineteenh year of th« Indr
uriidtiice of ihe United States <>f Ametjda,
|joleph Priestley Hf the said diftrift haib d»-
pofued in this Office the title of a Book the
ight vvhereof he claims as Anthtfr in the
words following to wit : i
" Two Sermons, viz. i. The preterit
'• ftjte of fcuropp compared with an<~ien
'• PfopheCies, prearhed on the FafUrfay
" *794> with a Preface containing flu
" realons for the Authors leading England;
" 2. The ufc ol Chriftiaritty efpeciallv in
44 difhculr belrig the Auihojs Fair-
41 well difr.omfe io his Co ".juration at
<k . Hacknev, by jofepli Prefti \ L. L. t).
" F, R, S. &c.
!.n conformity to the Aft of the Congrefi o*
the United States ifitituled tl An Aft tor rfte
cncouragf-metU oI learning bv fecurinu; rhf
copies of Maps Charts and Book- to tht
Authors, and Proprietors of such copies du
ring thetimes'herein nuir : cwH **
Samuel Caldwell,
Clerk qf the Di/iriß of Pennfylvariia.
Diftrid; of Pennsylvania,
BE it remembered that on the fourth
day of Augtift in the nineteenth yeai ofthe
Independence of The United States of
America, Joseph Priestley of the laid dif-
hatij depoiited in this Office the title
of a book the right wheieof he claims as
Author in the words following to wit:
44 An appeal to the serious and candid
44 P ofeflbi s nt' Chriftiauity On the fol
-44 lowing fubje£ts viz, i. The use of
14 reason in the matte- sos religio 2.
44 The power sos man to do the will Of
< 4 of God—3. Original Sin—4. Election,
44 Rep r ot?at»on. 5. The Divinity of
4t Christ ; ad 6. Atonement for S> ri by
44 the death of Cbrift. By Joseph Prieft
-44 lev L. L. D F R. S. &c To which are
44 added a Concise H'ftory of the rife of
44 ihofe do&nnes and an accouut ofthe
44 Trial of Mr. EUvall for Heresy ai d
44 Blasphemy at Sraffo d Aflizes. To us
44 the* eis one God the Fat-he' and one
" Mediator the Man Chnft Jesus. 1.
<■ Cor. VIII. 6. ~ Tm ! IT. 5."
In conformity to the Act of Congiefs of thr
United Statts intitu'ed " An Aft for the
encouragemrn of learning by fecoring
the copes ol Maps Charts and Book- to the
Authors and Proprietors offuch copies du
ring the times therein nv ntioped."
Samuel Caldwell,
Clerk of the Dijlrift of Pennsylvania.
Whereas an attach
ment at the fiiti of the adminiftratoisof all
and Angular the goods and chattel?, rj ht s
and credits, which were of William
net deceased, at the time of his death
hath been ifTuedout of the lnferiou Coiu
of common pleas, in and for the Countyo,
Middlesex, against the Goods and Chanties,
Lands and Tenements of Junius Martin,
late of the county aforefaid, returnable to
the thirdTuelday in JuJy last. NOTICE
is hereby given to the said Irenius Martin,
that unless he appear and file special ba to
the said action, on or before the third Turf
day in January next, judgment will be en
tered against him by default, and the goods
and chatties, lands and tenements so at
tached, fold for the fatisfa&ion of such of
his creditors as (hall appeer to be justly en
titled to any demand thereon, and (hal lap
ply for that purp fe, according to thefoim
of the itatute in such cafe made& provided
Aug. ro,
PHILADELPHIA:—-Printeb by JOHN FENNO, No. 119, Chesnut Street.—Price Six Dollars Psr Annum.
J il
NO 70,
By order of tlie Cosn,
OEARE, Clerk.
I awtf.
Philadelphia. September 17, 1794'.
General orders.
THF Governor t»kes the earliest oppor
tunity «f txpreffi'ng his sincere thanks
to the quotis of the brigades of the city
and county of Philadelphia militia, for
their puhdlual and general attendance at
the cimp this day. In a particular man
ner he acknowledges his obligations to Col.
Gurney and his regiment, to Captains
Dilnlap, Singer, and M'Connell, and the
cavalry under their command ; —to the
coi ps of Artillery ; to the several corps
of OreAadicrs arid light infantry, attach
ed 011 this occasion to Colonel Gurney's
regiment; to the volunteer company of
light infantry under the command of Ma
jor M'Pherfon ; And the corps from South
ward A condridV To honorable, and so
fpi'rited, cannot fail to excite a patriotic
emulation thro'-out tli? state ; and the
Governor, with heart-felt fausfailion, an
ticipates a correfpohdent effect, in profit
ing our conftitutlon and laws from the
threatened violation anrl fubverflon. —
Wherever the question, thkt occaC;ns the
present armament; has beer-
and understood, the citizens of l'ennfyl
v.Miia have manifefted their zeal to. mairi T
ta : ri the public peace and order, and even
enemy of the Republic, internal, as well r T s
external, will eventually find, thit thoi'e
who have fought to obtain a free govt ril- I
ment, will as cheers ully fight to prefervc J
In addressing citizens, who have advan
ced under a sense ps duty, for the purpose
of reftoriug the violated authority of the
laws, it is fuj>erfluous to recommend a
constant attention to fo:)ri.:ry and rder, a
ftridl refpeift to the rights of perfeme ami of
private property, in the course of the
march. The Governor is confident that
the conduit of his fellow-citizens, will in
that, as well as in every other ivfpeift,
command the eileeiii, conciliate the d'fpo
fitions, and invite the afliftance and fnend
ftiip of the country thfough which they
The commanding officers of the respec
tive corps ire requested immediatly to re
port to the adjutant-general, a roll of their
dfficfers, men and equipments ; and, like
wise to prepare atid furniih the advance
antt j ay' rtolls. Such of Ihe militia as wiih
any part of their cav.i:ice or pay be given
to their ftmilk-s during their abfencc, will
pleaie to state the faiie to the commanding
officer of the. proper torps, who will make
a report to the aiijutliit-general, and pro
tifion will accordingly "be made for en
suring a compliance.
'i lie following order of inarch is to b?
observed by th( quotas of the city andcoun
ty of Philadelphia Brigade.
1. Capt: Dimlap's ")... ~. ,
2. Capt. M'Cauiwll'f J- lro °P°> Ll £ !u
Capt. Singer's )
to allemble on Friday morning in Mar
ket ilreet call of twelith ftrcct and to
hiarch with the baggage in the rear by the
way of Norris-towri Reading and Harrif
burgh to Carhile.
On Saturday morning at 8 o'clock.
1. Tlie light infantry corps,
i. The grenadiers,
3. '1 he baggage of the infantry grena
diers and battalion, '
4. The Governor's ftaff tad waggons
with flores,
z. The battalion,
To march from their present encamp
ment by the middle ferry bridge to the
ridge road and thence by Noiris-towu,
Reading, and Harriibu, gh to CarKfk.
By order of the Governor,
Adjutant-genera! 0 { the mi
lit i* ot Eeanfylvania.
The F. each language
taught tir
J. M. BAR T,
North Second Street, No. 158,
WHO begs leav< to inform is Kriends
and the l'ublic, that l.e intends to inftruft
in that Tongue, a number of. Scholars on
reasonable terms. TliJle who will be plea
sed to employ him, fliall be exadly attend
ed to i-.t their own Appartments.
Sipt. 17
And for fate at
Mathcw Carey s Store,
No 1 iB, \lavker ilreet,
Price liall' a dul ar, embeUiftud with a
ftrikinq likene'sof Mr Margarot,
Maurice Margarot,
Before the High Court of J ujliciary at
*"■»•» f • )•«. . r>
Edinburgh, on an indictment for
" OF tne many ri'maikac.le trials wine
the present extraordinary fyftetn ot crimi
nal juril'prudence in G. Britain and Irelani
has brought belore the public eye ; this
ceitainly is most entitled to univerlal pe
ru'al and attention. Jt devtlopes, rami
fully than any publication extant, the lat
ell viewt and of the British conven.
tion ; and proves iiiconteftibly, that judi
cial profceurioni (or pertecutionsf anjl jjg.
cifions are now more the relult of tbr pre
lent ovdei* ol* things than any oid fafliion
ed attachment to the laws or the conftitu
tion. Add to this, that it huldi up to the
wonder and admitation of mankind, the
the firm, manly, and patriotic condnft of
this devoted victim—this ' Second Sydney,'
as he has justly and defervedlv been ca'lid
who in the course of one of the loogeft tri!
, als we know of, unaflifted even by a ffnclf
! member of the long robe, evinced fucli a
depth of legal and conilittrtionai kiiow.
[ edse and, in a fpceeh of four hours
length, Ciifplayed such a blaze o{ eloquence
and firft rate abilities, as aft.iniflied
the court—and,- ilrange to relate ! even
drew involuntary app!., u fe from the venal
and time-serving' creature of a oorrupt go
Lachawannock. i
A LARGE body ol LAND on this river
and its waters, is now for sale to Settlirs on
ly, on moderate terms,and at a long credit.
The foil is rrinarkaoly fertile, and nu
merous flreami of waterare interspersed
through the whole country.
The main river flows through one trart
of about thirty thoulajid acres, and is with
'ie exception of ole obftruftion, navi&a
---■ e to th.- Sufquehaiinoh.
Spring Brook Creek, which with its
branches, waters an th?r tract ol about
forty thousand acres of good emp
ties itfclf into the Lacbawannock, about
twelve Hides from the Su quehaimah.
It affords nu'n-ious Mdl feats, & in its
course creates largebodies of well water
ed meadow grotind.
The other "tracts art?interfeftedbycrcaks
jf considerable importance.
Several Mills are already erefled for the
accommodation of the settlers.
R'»ads aie rutin different to
■ ards the rtioft convenient market-.
® The county toWn is not move than iZ
mle, J (tunc from many parts.ol the fct
« The Su'queljannah affords a;i easy and
Tafe navigating to Middlcton, from whence
the Canal to Schuylkill extends the com
ill iniftation to the city.
A*ither means of connexion with Phi
ladelphia, is by the D. laware, from which
r be Jillance in reveral places is about thirty
The proprietors combining theirown in
rereft with that of the aredif
,»>fed to erecst works of public utility,open
"load's, &'c. and in every en miles square, a
1 1 aft of one hundred acres is allotted for a
Scho 1, »nU one hundred acie* for thefirft
jefdtn: cleigynun of any denomination of
For further particulars apply to
George Eddy.
Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne County,
Pennsylvania, July 9.
Lctterbdii *cte<l tr> (Jeorge Eddy, at Phi
ltdeiphia, or this placf, relative to thii,
bafirtefs,will *'e ttulv anfry-'reri. .
An.i to be lold by
Robert Campbell,
No. 54, south Second Jlreet, second door
belolv the corner of ChefnutJlreet,
The Young Lady's Friend,
Mrs. Rowfon,
Of ihe Mew Tbeatie, Ph la<ie)phia;
thot of the Inqui/Itor, Fille de Chatwbrfe,
Charlotte, &c.
Price neatly bound 7$ cent:.
Detefled be tlx per. luhofe baneful influ
Could to the youthful docile mind convey
Pernicious prccepts, tell loose tales,
Andpahit illicit pajjion infuch colours,
As might niiflead the unfufpeSing hearty
And -vitiate the young, unfzttled judg
1 would not for the riches cf the Bafl
Aifu/e the uoLleJl gifts cf Heaven thus,
Or Jink my Gmiits to fucb pru/litutiou.
Aug. 21 tmvim
Just Landed,
From on board thejlnp Wajhinvton, Capt.
John Collins from Bordeaux,
White Wines
Ui Barrel* ; and
in Hlids. and Cases—For Sale by
No. 26, Spruce, rc-ai t-rontStreet.
Aiiguft ij, i7Q4 d.
The Gazette Ijf the United
States it now pullijhed at No. 119
Chrsnut street —to which place thr
OFFICE .of the Editor is removed, and
where Printing Work m general is
EVER folicitotis to Milder his MUSEUM
dill more and more an ©fj v£l of" rationa
entertainment, and fubfery.ent to tlie inl
terefts of ufefui fci-nce, has on the fu/gel
tion and with the advice of a number o
his friends, provided a Book, which will
be always open for the infpc&fon of those
who visit his Museum, in which book it is
proposed to insert all such difcovcries, in
ventions, fclicme , obser
vations, expeiiments, projetts, hints or
queries relating to the arts or J'eiences, as
any of his visitors, or coi refpornclentSjmay
from time totime communicate.
Such as may chufe to conceal their names
may either fend their communicalrons ano
nymous, or at their desire, C W. Peale
w,H ipfert tl.eir names, with the number or
figoature oi ther refpe&ive conimunica
fons in a private book which he Ihillkeep
for that purpose.
The advantages ot fbch s ptth&c remitter
are obvious. It wiUrefcue ftou* oblivion
many ufeful hints, might ntjjfcrwife
have died with their authors. It may se
cure to inventors their just andp e
vent others Jcoin taking the honor or profit
cl a d fcovery f,o which thev arc not en
'itied, and as the Mufcum is iww visited
by per Cons from ahmift all pa-ts of the
wr>rl.d* face a,regi(ler, ir isp c wLT]
icon contain and he the mean"> of ctillemi
nating a vast fund of ufefnl knowledge, and
promote that spirit of enquiry and inven
sion, for which the people of the United
; states are already so joftly tMinguifhcd.
Aug. 22
At the STORES of
Jeffe 8c Robert Wain,
PORT WINE in pipes, lihds. and <. uar
ter caflts
Souchong and Congo TEAS, ir, quarter
A quantity of Liibonanri C»d iSALT
Soft Aelitd ALMONDS in bales
Velve t COHK-S i' do.
Russia MATTS.
J»"« 9 d
And to be foldb' the following Bo.>kf«!!ers
viz. John Ormrod, No. 41, Ciiefnut it-eet,
Thomas Dobfon, No. 41, f ou Hi S <ond
ftree-, Jofep;, -Ciiiklhank, No. 87, H igh
street, and Wm. Young, No. J2, lb uth Se
cond street,
A Discourse
Delivered July 17, 1794.
The African Church,
Of the City of PHitADKLPAH.
On the occasion ot'opening the (aid church
and holding public worlhip in it the
By Samuel Magaw, D. D.
Rector of St. Paul's.
Divine Service, introduced with feleft
Siripture paflages, and a fpecinl pmyer,
and then proceeding in its usual offices'
having been performed
By James Ahercrombie, A. M.
Second Assistant Minister of Christ Chu'Ch
and St. Peter's.
" Ethiopia Jhall soon Jlretch out her
hands unto God."
the following
Trails of Land,
in Virginia.
ONE tract in Frederick county, coimiir»
ing 8756 acres, being part of that whet-too
col. Thomas Biyan Martin now /elides,
known by the name of Greenway court 5-
bout 12 miles frqm Winchester and 5 tr'ent
Newtown. For tbe convenience of pur
chasers, it will be divided into parcels of
variousdinienfionsfioni aoo to 600 acie;
which may be viewed b., application to Vol
R. K. Meade, livmg n. ar the preinif<s—
The greaier part n very fertile ar.d well
Another t»a& in the fame county on
Paflagc eirek, containing 230 acres, and
adj.lining Jacob Levingoorfs.
Another tract in Himptti iiif chanty,-'con
taining by patent, 699 acres, tailed Mint
Bottom, situate on IwtH RdfS Of t .e South
Branch and within two miles of the mouth
of it, and is foppofed to have a good niiH
Anotfier tract in Hampltiire conmy on
New Creek and &ettfe-Lick, contaiD'ug
J3l acres. . ' -
Ao'it'isr trad in Prince William county,
called Leefylvania, containing upwauls of
2003 acres, lying upon I'oioniack river, a
bout 23 miles below Alexandria, a'id 28
below the Ciiy of Washington, compre
hending Frccftone Point, appears to
be a quarry of frre.ftoue, pavoing about
57 acres and adjoins the river, wlieie vef
t'els ot joo tons conveniently harbour. On
another part of this tract ii isfnppoicd there
is a quarry of fla»e, convenient to water
carriage. Upwaids of two thiids are in
woods. Mr. Enoch S. Lane, living on the
premises, Will ftiew this tr»6i.
Another tract, in Fairfex coun-y, cslk-d
Springfield, containing 2040 1-2 acres, a.
bout 13 miles fioin Alexandriaand 10 from
Wafbington ; abounds with finelprings and
meadow ground, and maybe seen by appi\-
ing to Mr. John Woods living 011 pai t of
Another (raft in Fairfax eounty, con
taining 35'2acre? f on Tnrfcey-eock Kan, a
bouf 6 miles from Ale*andi»a.
Another tr;nSjr in Fail lax county,contain
ing about 176 acrcs, adjoinrngMr. J. Wat.
lon's feat, about fuiir iniies from Alexan
Another rra<sl, in Fairfax county, cou
tainin" 513 ncres, near Occoquan, joining
Mi. Edwaid on'i.
Anotler tract, in Fairfax county, eon.
taming 80 acres or thereabout, within a
mile ot Pohick Landing, and within five
miles of Mount Vernon, lies level, and is
well timbered
An undivided moiety in another iraiS,
containing about 284 acres, in Fairlax
county, about miiesiroin Wafliingfon, Ke
9 from Alexandria, where J. for
njcrly lived.
Another parcel of land, within-a mil*
of Alexandria 24 acres,
and to be fi»h) in acre or half-acre lots. .
Also,' sundry unimproved lots ofvariaas
sizes, in diflereat pacts of the town of Al
Todefcribe the premises more particu
larly is deemed unnecefTary, as it i> expec
ted every perfojj. will examine and view
whatever part he shall be inclincnJ to buy.
My only object being to rarfe a certain si.m
of*money, by felling so many or fnch parts
of ihe aforefaid tracts of Land : IJ- lots f&
shall be neceffaiy for rhatpurpoie, oneiialf
of the pur chafe money mirib be paid at
time oi contract, and the other within a
from tjic firft day of August next, ami
at the time of delivering poifefuon or exe-i
tilting a legal conveyance The lands re
maining unfold, except the tra<st in Prince
Will-am, after railing a limited urni, will
be divided into tenements, and leulei- for
a term of yeajs. From the r2tli'duy ol Oc
tober next, till the 15th of Decesnbr, I
(lialfbe in the city of Richmond, and aite.
that time I (hall remain at home, in A ex*
andria, at which places, or elfifwhrre, I
Hial 1 be prepared to detail particulars, and
to enter into contract*.
Alexandria, July 28
Anq;. 8