Fine Liverpool Salt, To Be Sold From the Ship Thomas, The wharf below Fine-Street, ap ply atfaid wh;trf, f539 Prizes and 23,4.61 Blanks, ieinir 'tbout one and an half Blankt to a Prize. Du irs of 'he for eftabiifh* X ing Ul'Mul M,i iuFaus 'o and drrcft the draw ing *1 the Ume, viz. Nicholas Low, Rufus K J*?, Herman Le Roy, James l4£atfori, Ku hard Hi-nfon, Abijah Hammond, and Cornelius Ray, of the city of New-York— Thomas Willing, J>feph Ball, Matthew M'~ C nnr an f Andrew Bayard, of the city of Philadelphia—Mis Excellency Richa/d How ell, Esq. Elias Boudinot, General Elias Day ton, Jam s Pafker, John Bavard, Do£V r Lewis Donham, Samuel w. Stockton, Joflhua M. Wjil'.ce, J->feph BioomSeid, and B.»udmor, of N: w-Jerfey, who offer the following Scheme itery r and pledge tbt'tnfejve* to the public, that they will take every alFurmcc -and precaution in their power to have the M>n»es patd by the Managers, from u»»e to time, as received, into the *»»Banks %r New-Yoik and Philadelphia, to re.nam foi the purpose of paying Priz s which (nali be i'miTjrdiau Iv discharged by a cbeek npon one of the Banks. SCHEME: > f' % Prize ot 20,000 Dollars is 20,00 c ic,ooo 10,00 c 5,000 10,000 2,000 10,000 s '5 to 20 ICQ 300 1000 2000 I.COO S CO 100 59 2b *5 le id 3000 8100 1 4 >5 3 9 Prizes. 262,000 23,461 Blanks. First rjrawn number, 2,000 Latl drawn number, 2,000 38,000 Tickets at 7 Dollars each i* 266,000 The drawing wilK commence, under the of a Committee of the Superin tendants, as Toon as toe Tickets are fold, ol Which timely notice will be given The Superintendants have appointed John N. Cummmg, of Newark, Jacoh R. Halr denberg, ot New-Hrunfwick, and Jonathan Rhea, of Trenton, as immediate Managers thereof, who have given ample security for discharging rhe trust repoTed in them. {fdf* In order to lecure the punctual pay mem of th-; Prizes, the Superintendants of the Lottery have dire&ed that the Managers Hull each en-er into bonds in 40,000 dollars, with f ur lutficieni l- cui iti s, to perform their initiunions, the fuMtance of which is I. Thjt whenevt-r either of the Managers shall leceivc the sum ot Three Hundred Dot lars, he shall tmmdiately place the fame in one ofthe Banks of New-York or Philadel phia, to the ciedit ot the Governor of the Society, and such ot the Su&ertnrendants as live in the city where the monies are placed, to remain there nntil tl»e Lottery is drawn, for the paymnt ot the Prizes. 11. The Managers to take lufficient fe- Curity for any Tickets they may trust, other •wifeto be refponiible for them. 111. To keep regular books of Tickets fold, Monies received and paid into the Bank, at>{b*fts of which (hall be sent, monthly, ro th?Govcrnor ol the Society. Paterfon, January 1, 1794. On application to either of the above gea tlemen, information will be given where tickets may be had. February 24. The Lottery flied by the Soc : fty for eftiiblilhing ufefiil nanufac tunes," will commence drawing the fiift Tuefda\ ih Novemf-e' next — WANTED, An Apprentice To the Watch Making and Repairing Bufmefs, Apply TO C. Campbell. No. 3, Couth Fourth Greet, two doors Irom Market-street. j Sept. 3 NO. 69. Diftritt of Pennsylvania, TO wtt ; BE i! lemembeied (hat oil the fourth dav f Auguit, in Ihe nineteenth year o» the in d p; nrkircc of ihc Un.ied Slat, s of America, 1 iiom.s Dobfon of the (aid Diftiift, hath dc pofitid in this Office the Tulcol a Bonk, th< right vvheeof he claims as P.OJjrictor, in the words following, to wit ; _ ; " Ati A .cuunt«f the Bilious RetnitNnu '» Yeliow Fever, as it appeartd in the ci. *• tv <»f Philadelphia in thr veai 1793, bv " Benjamin Rufb, M. D. P.orrltir ot tltc fnlhttrtes and o! Clinical M dieiiac jn, lJ the Univrrfity 0 f Pcuafylvanin." In confer mity to the aft of Congrel's o1 the United Stales intituled " An AEifoi the cncOTnagt-ment of Learning, by fcctiring h' topics of Maps, Charts, »nr> therein mentioned," Samuel Caldwell, Clerk of the Dijlrift of Pertnfyl r vania» Aug, 27 Diftridl of Pennsylvania, 'TO WIT: BE it rememncted that on ihe (odrth Mowing to wit, li Let e;s adHrefl'cd to the Phi lof. .pht-r: " and Politicians of France on the fybj 6> *of Religion. To which are tin fixc«« ' O(Y»v3tions relating to rhc csuT. 0 ; r/<, i prevalenceo< fry p> 'H&rtlif' " fcph Pritftloy, L. L. D. F. R.s! gee. * l Tantamne Rent tam negligcfiter. In conformity to the a& of the Con* reft of'.he United Slates intituled 14 An Ad for , the encouragement of learning by fc*curinsj tlic copies of Mapa Charts and Books to th Authors and Proprietors of frch copies du ring the times 'herein menti- nd " Samuel Caldwell, Clerk of the Di/tricl of Pennsylvania. NO. 72. Diftridt of Pennsylvania, TO WIT: 3E it ffcmembered that on - the fourth H a y oPAugtiftin the utneteerith year of th< rri ol M:«ps Charts and Book to the Authors and Pi op> ieto- s'of such copies du ring the times the r ein u> n'ioned." Samuel Caldwell, Clerk 'ofthe D ift rift of Pennsylvania. Whereas an attach ment atthefuit of the adminiftratorsof all and fingnJai the goods and chattels, ri ht and credits, which were of William Bur 5 net deceased, at the time of his death** hath been iff.edout of the loferiour Couj of common pleas, in and for the Countvo, Mi-idlefe*, against the Goods and Chattier, Lands and Tenements of I -nius Martin, late of the county aforefaid, returnable to the thi.dTuefday in July lalt. NOTICE is hereby given to the said Irenius Martin, that nnlefc he appear and file (pedal ba to the said action, on or before the thirdTuef day in January next, judgment will be en tered against him by default, and the goods and chatties, lands and tenements Margarot, The TRIAL OF Maurice Margarot, Before the High Court of 'Jufliciary at Edinburgh, on an indiclment for SEDITIOUS PRACTICES. " OF the in any rema.kable trials winch the pre fen t extraordinary system »if crimi nal jurisprudence in G. Briiain and Ireland bas'brought belore tlie public eye ; this, certainly is ltjoft entitled to univerf'al pe ru al ann attention. It devrlopes, moie fully than any publication extant, the ]at eft views and objects of the British con veil, tion; and-proves inconteftibly, thatjudi cial prosecutions (or persecutions( and de cisions nre now more the remit of tlir pre f.nt order of things, than any old fafhioir ed attachments the laws or the ennftitu tion. Add to this, that it holds up to the wonder and atfiilbation of mankind, the the firm, manly, and patriotic conduct of this devoted v'wftim—this ' Second Sydney ' as he has justly and deservedly been calkj who in thecourse of one of the longest tri! als we know of, unaflifted even bv a Angle member of the long robe, evinced Inch a depth ot legal and constitutional know edge and, in a fprech of four hours length, dilplayed inch a b aze of eloquence and fir It rate abilities, as aftoniflied the court—ft Pa)l) , c t0 , e | ate I even drew involuntary appl-ufe from the venal and time-serving creature of a aorrup, „ 0 . vernment." Lachawannock. I A LARGE body ot LAND on this river and its waters, is bow for sale to Settlers on A, on moderate term*,and at a long credit. Thie foil is remarkably fertile, and nu merous streams of ur&tcrare interspersed through the who 1 *"■ ■ ough the whole country. ; ,*'j Tha main river flows through one tract , if about thirty thoufandacres, and is with ie exception as one obfti uftion, tMtviga ■le to the 3urqueharm»h. r „ Spring Broi>k Creek, which with iti watttrsami>('i.-r rraft of abuot Party thousand acres o»' Laj-.d, emp ties itfclf ihto the Laclrawanrtock, aboot .twelve miles from the"Stifqwhan«ah; . ' It affords numerous Mill feats, St"w its 'coiirfe creates iargeboditsol' well Vater-, ed mcifdowijjTOund. , *•« ; Wafts ar? i nte rfe&edby crftks »f £ce|pr®veral places ri abouuhirty ■ nik-s. The proprietors combining their own iti with that of the inhabitants, aredif oofed to erect ks or" pub! cui ility,open .:oads, &c. ami in every en TnUes square, a of one-hundred acres is allotted for a Scho. ], and ore hundred acres for thefirft refid nt clergyman of any denomination of Christians. For further particulars apply to Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, July 9. Lettersdire&ed tn George Eddy, atPhj luleiphia, or this placi* relative to this, ba(inefs,\Vill hr duly an!\rered. eodgm THIS DAT IS PUBLISHED, Aftd to be iolfi by Robert Campbell, No. 54, south Second Jireet, second tfbar Ltlovi the corner of Chef nutJlreei, MEN TORI A The Young Lady's Friend, B Y Mrs. Rowfon, Of the Nc'.t T ie itre, plvladclphia j au thor of tlie Inqn fitor, Kitie de Chambre, Victor^V:r : . lottr, Src. Price neatly bound 75 cents. Detejled be the pen luhofe baneful influ ence Could to the youthful docile mind convey Pernicious precepts, tell loose tales, And paintillicit tnffionin fuehcolours, As might mi/lead the unfufpefling heart, And vitiate the young, unf tiled judg ment. I would not for the riches of the Eajl Abuse the ncblejl gifts of Heaven thus, Orfmk my Genius to such pro/litutiou. Aug. 21 taswim Just Landed, From on board the ship' Washington, Capt, John Collins from A CARGO OF White Wines In Barrels ; and C L A RE T in and Ca'c;—For Sale by FRJNCIS COPPINGER, No. 26, Sprucp, near front Sheet. A-.ignft 15 . 1794, NOTICE. j The Gazette of the United States h now pui/i/hed at No. 115 Chkenut street—to which place th- OF FICE of the Editor is removed, ahd where Printing Work in general is performed. *eod2W c. W. PEALE. EVER lolicitous to rt-nd. i his MUSEUM still. more and more an object of rationa fntertainment, and Tubfervient to the in] terefts of ufcfui fci nee, has on the fu ;ge£. lion and with ttic advice of a number o. his friends, provided a Book, which will he always open for the infpeftion of thole whoviflt his Museum, in which book it is proposed t*o iniert all ftich dlfcoveries, in ventions, impi ovements, fcliomc , ofeTer vations, experiments, projects, hints or queries relating to the art« or Sciences, as any of his visitors, or correrpondents.rnav from time totime communicate. Such as cbnfe to conceal their names may either fend their communication* ano nymous, or at their desire, C- \v. Pe a ! e will insert their names, with the number or Signature of ther refpe£live communica- tiooi in a private book which he (liillkeep for that purpose. The advantages ot fuctiapublic rej»i(le r are obvions. It willrefciie from oblivion many u-tefol hints, which might othevwifo have died with their authors. It may se cure to inventors their juft«Ui ras a „d p V vent othSis from taking the honor or profit of a to which they are not en. '"led, and a* the Mufrum is now vifittd byperfons from almost all parts of the world, fnce a,regWler, .It is prc!\:med, will ■ oon contain and be the means of diflehii nating a vast fund of „f e f„| knowledge, and promote that fpii it of enquiry and invrn r '' ,or which.ihe people of the Unitrd Stares are already fomftlydiftinguifbed. Aug. 22 > - -rv. ' ■ ' George Eddy. O R Choice St. Croix Suvar JUST IMPORTED, And fer Sale, By JA.WKs YAIiD. Alloa quantify of RUSSIA Ma«s. June 24th. *5? w > - 1 he 1 üblic are cautioned tq beware of counterfeited Fine Hollar Bills of the Bank of the United States, ,wa Twenty Dollar Bills of the Bank of North America,feveral of which btrve tiptrareA in circulation within a few days p a ]hilei are good general imitation of :Z Sills, hut may be diflmgui/ht d hj the sol■ owing MARK s. Five Dollar Bill> of the Bank of tL. United States. ALL that have appealed have [Tie lei it F. for their Alphabet tal Mark. The Texture of the Pap*!- u thkk r a,„ whiter and it takes the ink moiv f ric tlian the genuine paper. The O. 111 the word Company is liroj'e than the M.and other.letter; ol tivi u , r{ r'ower and closer together than th« reft c the bill. The 1 and /in the word promise are no parallel, the/inclining much roorcfeiwar, than th? i. The engraving is badly executed; iT, ltrokesot all the I.etters are a «v the devi e in themargin particularly i smuc coa frr and appeals darker than in ih e ln, bills. Some el the counterfeits hear date i, I 791 Wliereas the Bank was not ie opera tiOH till December, and no five dolla. bill were inueri in ihar year. Twenty Dollar Bills of the Bank of Sort, America. ALL that have appeared have the letter I. lor their alphabetical mark. They are priced on a paper nearly fimj. ai to that of the counterfeit- Five Dollar $ote3 above delcnbedf the engraving is letter executed, and they approach nearer o tiie appearance of the genuine hills. r e e riiled lines through the word uvtrlyi m the body of the bill, a*e in nun.. |er th i teen in the genuine b.Us, and but welve in the counterfeits. i be word Company is much like! the fame vord in Dollar Bills as described ibove, the v being less than the wi, and o* :he< <; following. .There is no stroke to the / in the word vbrth whereas in the genuine bills theftroke is well deiJned. The letters ent in the word I mtnt)) to > he left hand at the bottom, do .Tu'H come jown to the line, hut are lb cut as to give i in irrogular appearance to the *void ; the Tw and hey going below them. The f\£naturc | Nixon, h3sthe appear ance of Wing written with lami>.bl|a< k and 01, and differs Irorn oihtr uvks used in printing th bills aud the cafiiiei ,, i signa ture. It i» supposed these forgeries were c pmroit ttd in lome of ihe Sousht i n States, a.' all the counterfeits that have appeared, Bavi ccnie prehended i n Virginia,on suspicion ol being the author of them. The reward of ONE THOUSAND DOL LARS will he pa'd to any Pet lon or l?crfon* wlio shall dilcover and jArofccuie to convic tion the fevcial offenders of the following deWiptions or any of them, viz. The prrfon or pcrfons, who maml-'£Uir» ed the paper on which the Bills are primed. i he person or per tons, who engra\rd the plates. or printers, of the bills. Every person who has a&ed as a principal "lonyothcr way. >n the counterfeiting and «^ f -ring the fa id bills. Philadelphia, »ch 28, 1794 ■April 22, 1794, Other counterfeit bills ofihe Bank o< the United States have ap pea red in circulation. •he denomination is of TV/EIVTY DOLLARS, and the alphabetical in2