Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, September 18, 1794, Image 4

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    Fine Liverpool
To Be Sold
From the Ship Thomas,
The second wharf below Pine-Street, ap
ply at laid wharf, to
Jehu Hollingfworth, & Co.
Aug. 26. d.
c The Ground Plan
City and Suburbs
: , IT is with (jleafure that rhe pabliiher has
tpinfo m hir fubfcribern ami ttte public in
genrrak, that the plate 5 how under the
tufxis of rhe in greater for
tyardrifs than was at firft'contemplated At
the Tame time he beg l * leave to
them-, thit ftibfcription papers are (till o
pen at id oft nf the norediinofc-ftoves in the
city'; irtS that he hope* from the whole
of them to bt enabled to so m such a ref
peftable catalogue of namefj Ss will do a
cricli't to the work) as well as afford a
reafonabte encourageftitm to the under-
Ttiofe wh > are flcfirotis of farther infor
mation are ro call on
Benjamin Davies,
N«>. 68, Market Ureet.
April 14.
Scheme of a Lottery,
To taife 39,900 Dollars» On 266,000
D'Jlars, deducting 15 fre? Cent. from
the Prizes—-this Lottery confijls of
38,060 Tickets, in which there are
14,539 Prizes and 23,461 Blanks 9
king about one and an half Blanks to
a Prize*
THE Directors of the Society fo!r eftabiifh*
»ng Ufetul-M.inuta'£lures, having refold
ed r t) crest LOTTERIES for tailing One
Hundred Thousand Dollars, agreeably
to an Aft of the Legislature of the Stat'fe of
New-Jersey, haVc appointed the following
persons to superintend and direst the draw*
ingot the fame, vifc. Nicholas Low, Rufna
King, Herman Le Roy* James Watson,
Richard Harrifon, Abijah Hammond,
Cornelius Ray, of the city of New-Yoik-i—
Thomas Willing, Jo.feph Ball, Matthew M -
Connel and Andrew Bayard, ot of
Philadelphia—His Excellency Richard How
ell, Esq. Ellas Boudinor, General Elias Day
ton, Jam s Parker, John Bayard, Doltof
L<wis DOnham, Samuel W- Stockton, Jolhua
M. Wallace, Joseph Bloomfield, and Elifha
Biudmot, of who offer the
following Scheme ot a Lottery, and pledge
to the public* that they will take
every and precaiition in their poWer
to have ttye Monies paid by the Managers,
from as received, into the
Banks at New-York WL Philadelphia, to
remain for the pur pore of pitying Prie. s,
which ihall be immediately discharged by a
cheek npon one of the Bdnks.
Prize of 20,006 Dollar* is 20,000
1 iCyOOQ io,ooO
2 £»000 10,000
5 2,000
10 1,000 10;000
20 500 10,000
* 100 ioo 10,000
300 . 50 15,000
1000 20 20,000
2000 15 30,000
3000 12 36,000
8100 10 81,000
14,539 Prizes. 262,000
23,461 Blank*. Filft drawn number, 2,000
Last drawn number, 2,000
■ -■ - 11 V
38.000 Tickcts at ClollJirS each is 266,000
The drawing will cortirtience, under the
tnfpc£\ii>ii of a Co'rrlVnittce of the Superin
tend jntsj as Tdoft as the Tickets are fold, of
•Wh'rh timely notice \Vill be givert
Tlit Sup'ehiltenflartts Have appointed John
N. Gumming, of Newark, Jacob R. Har-'
denbtrg, of New-Brunfwick, and Jonathan
Rhea, of Trenton, as immediate Managers
thereof, who have given ample security for
discharging thetruft reposed in them.
(JdT In order to secure the puuftual pay
ment ot the Prizes, the Superintendants of
the Lottefy have dire&ed that the Managers
shall each enter into bonds in 40,000 dollars,
with sou 1 fufficientfecunti s, to perform their
inlfiunions, tlie fubflance of which is
I. That whenever either of the Managers
(hall receive the sum of Three Hundrt d Dol
lars, he (hall immdiately place the fame in
one of the Banks of New-York or Philadel
pbia, to the ciedit of the Governor of the
Society,,and such of the Superintendents as
hve in the ciry where the monies arc placed,
to remain there nntil the Lottery is drawn,
for the paymnt of the Prizes.
11. The Managers to take fufficient fe
enrity for any Tickets they may trust, other
wise to be refponnble for them.
111. To keep regular books of Tickets
fold, Monies rec- ived and paid into the
Bank, ahlbafb of which (hall be feni,
ntonthly, to tht Governor of the Society.
Paterlon, January 1, 1794.
On application to either of the abore gen
tlemen, information will be given where
tickets may be had.
February 24.
The Lottery publilhed by the
«Society for eftablifliing ufeful nanufac
tures," will commence drawing the firft
TVielda in Novemnfr next —
W A N T £ D,
An Apprentice
To the
Watch Making and
Repairing Bulinefs,
A P fL Y T0 :
C. Campbell.
No. foutli Fourth street, two doors
from Market-street,
Sept. .3
tu&f f
PHILADELPHIA;—Printed »t JOHN FENNO, N«. up, Chesnut Street.—Price Six Dollars Per Annvm.
Treasury Department,
Revenue Office, Aug. 20, 1794.
Notice is hereby given, that
Will be received at the Office of the Com
nv.fli ner of the Revenue until the expi
ration of the firlldayof next) for
the supply of ail Rations, which may be
required for the ufc of the United States,from
the fiift day of January to the thirty-firit day
of Decemoer 1795, including both days, it
.he places, and within the diitri&s hereinaf
ter mentioned, viz.
i. At any or placet between York
-ad Carlisle, in the State of Pennsylvania, and
Putfbuigh, and at Pittsburgh, York, and
2. At any place or places from Pittsburgh
to the mouth ot Big Beaver Creek, aud at the
inou h of big Beaver Creek.
3. At any place or places from the faia
mouth to the upper falls of the (aid Big
Beever, and at the upper falls.
4. At any place o» places from the said up
per falls to Mahoning, and at Mahoning.
5. Ai any place or places from the said
Mahoning, over to the H:ad Navigation of
the river Cayahoga, aud at Che said Head
6. At any place or places frorn the said
Head Navigation to the mouth of the said
river Cayahogay and at the said mouth.
*/. At any place or places oetw en the
mouth Of the Big Beaver Creek, to the mouth
of the fiver Mufkingum, and np the said river
to the Tufcaiowas, and at the TufcaroWas,
and thence over to the Cayahoga aud
thence down the said river to it* mouth.
8. At any place 6r place* between the
month of the river Mufkingum and the mouth
o< the Scioto river, aud at the mouth of the
f--d 1 vet Scioto.
9. A< any place or places between the
mouth ot Scioto river and the mouth of th<.
Great Miami} ar the.mouth of ihe Great Mi
amil, and from thence to the Rapids 011 the
falls of the Ohio, and at the said rapids.
10. At any place or places between the
mouth cf the Great Miami, upon the said
Miami, to and at Pique Town.
Ii At any place'or places si om Fort WnAi
ington to Fort Hamilton, and at Fort Hamii
ton. At any place or places from For; Ha
milton to Fort St. Clair, and at Fort St. CUtr.
12. At any place Or places from Fort Jt.
Clair to Fort Jefferfon, and at Fort JcfFeifou
13. At any place or places from Foit Jet
ferfon to Fort Recovery the field of a&ion
of the 4th of November 1791, and at the
said field of a&iort.
14. At arty place of lac f• »> the said
field of a&ion so the Miami Villages, and
at the Miami Villages.
i£. At any place or places from the said
Miami Villages to the falls ot the Miami
river, which flow into Lke Etie, ana ai
the said falls, and from thence, to its mouth)
and at,its mouth.
16. At any place or places from the motiih
of . he f.iid Miami river of Lake Erie to San
dufkv Lake, and ai Sandufky Lake.
17. At any place or places from the said
Sandufki- to the mouth of ihe river
18. At any place or places from the mouth
of the said river Cayahoga to Prefque isle,
and at Pitfqur Jflr.
19. At any place or places from the Prefque
Isle to the ftrearti running into Lake £»ic
from tOWittdA t-hg-thcncc
over to and at the laid Jadaghquc Lake, aud
thence down the Alleghany river to Fort
to.- At any place or places from Prtfqtie
IHeto Le Beeuf, and ai Le Bceuf. /
21. At any plaee or places from Le Boeuf
to Fort Frankln, and at Fori Franklin, and
fiom thence to Pittlburgh.
22t At any place or ph-ces from the rapids
of the Ohio to the mouth of the Ouabache
river, & irom the mouth of the said Ouabacne
riv r to the mouth ot the river Ohio.
23. Ai any place or places on the East fide
of the river Miflifippi, from the mouth of
the Ohio river, to ihe mouth of«»the Illinois
24. At any plact? or places from the mouth
of the faia Ouabache river up to Fort Knox,
arid at Fort Knox.
25. At any place or places from Fort Knox
up tjie (aid Ouabache toOuinanon, and at
26. At any place or places from Ouittanon,
up tne said Ouabache 10 ihe head navigation
of a bianch thereof, caUed Little River, and
at the said head navigation ot Little River.
27- At any place or places from the said
head navigation of Little River over to the
Miuni VilJage.
28. At any place or places from the mouth
of the river TeaefTee 10 Occochappoor Bear
Creek, on the said river, including the fame.
29. At any place ot places from the mouth
of the rivet Cumberland to Nashville, on the
said river, and at Nashville.
30. And At any pjace or places withirv
thiny miles of said Nashville to the South
waid, Westward or Northward thereof.
should any rations be requited at any pla
ces, or within other difti *6ls, not fpecihed in
ihefe proposals, the price of the fame is to be
heiealter agreed on between the United Slates
and the contractor.
The ration* to be supplied are toconfift of
the following articles, viz.
One pound of bread or flour,
One pound of beef, or £ ot a pound of pork,
One quart of fait. }
Two quarts of vinegar. I
Two pounds of soap, ( P cr 100 rl "° n, •
One pound of candles, J
The rations are to be furnifhed in such
quantities, a? that there (hall at all times,
during the said term, be fufficient for the
t onfumption oi the troop? at each of the
said poits, lor the term of at least three
months in,in goodand wholesome
provisions, if the fame (hall be reqnired.
It is to be undc flood in each cafe, that
all losses fultained by the depndations of
(he enemy, or by means of the troops of the
United States, shall be paid for at the prices
of the articles captured or destroyed, on
the depositions ot two or more persons
of creditable characters, *i.d the certificate
ot a eomntiffioned officer, ascertaining the
circumstances of the loss, and the amount
of the articles for which compensation ffial!
be claimed.
The contract for the above supplies will
be made ei'her for one year, or for t*o
years, as may appear eligible. Persons
disposed to contract will therefore confine
their offers to one year, as they may form
their propositions so as to admit aft election
of the term oft two yeacs.
The offers may comprifs all the places
which have been fpecified, or a part of
them only.
It is aljb Deftred,\
that propoials may be offered tor supplying
at tiie two posts of Fort Washington and 1
Pittsburgh all the rations neceflary for the
main its detachments and the Gar
i ifons above mentioned during the fa id year
1795. The provisions &c. which will be
received at Pittsburgh will be those which
shall be necessary for the troops at that
place and at ihe posts north, horth-weft
and, in the vicinity, on the weft thereof.
The provilions which will be received at
Fort Washington will be those which
ihall be required for the remainder of the
posts, for the principal detachments and for
tne main Army. The expense and trouble
of fafe keeping Unpacking and illuing the
provisions deliverable under this second
form of the propofnions, will be saved to
the Conra&or*. The exa<sfc prop rtion of
the whole supplies, which will be required
at each of the two Posts of Fort Washing
ton and Pittsburgh will be determined t
the time the contra#.
Aug. 21
Twenty Dollars Reward.
MY Saddle Mare was flolen from Wy
Mill, Talbot County, Maryland, on the
ght of the 30th ,nf August last. She is
i 'ack, and to be ten or twelve
years old, under fourteen hands high,com
jlaAandbandfome, bianded with the let
ter 0, 011 she left (hnuider, a hndfome
star on her forehead, a larte full eye, the
neckcreft fallen, aflat buttock, her fore
foot turns in, and one of them white; (he
racks, trots and canters, has good spirits,
ind goetvery pleasantly- If taken up out
of theftaie, I will give the above reward
of twenty dollars and all reasonable char
ges, if within the state and thirty miles
from Wye Mill, eightdollars and reason
able charges, and if a fliorter dift&nce in
proportion, any perlon »ho will deliver
her to the Su&fcriber at the mill.
Nat. Kennard.
Wye Mill, Talbot County, Sept. 2
Principles and Observations
Pot and Pearl AJhes.
fnfpeitor of Pot and Pearl-Ashes for the
Common wealth of Maflachufetts.
Publifheti according to A£l of Congress.
Tliefe observations relate to an extensive
bufinel's ,• and are designed, in the plaincfl
manner, to convey profitable information
to those interested in it, who have not leif
ilre or opportunity toTearch for the princi
ples therein contained, in the writings of
profeffional Chemists.
Aug. *
Whereas an attach
ment at the i'uit of the administrators bt all
and lingular the goods and chattels ri hts
and credits, which w«re of William Burt
net deceaied, it the time of his death
hath been iffuedout of the Inftriour Couj>
of common pleas, in and for ihe Count jot
Middlelex, against the Goods and Chattles>
Lands and Tenements of lienius Martin
late of the county aforefaid, returnable to
the tliirdTuefday in July last. NOTICE
is hereby given to the said Ireniiis Martin,
that uniefs he appear and file special bail to
the said action, on or before the thirdTuef
day in January next, judgment will be en
tered against him by default, and the goods
and chatties, lands and tenement} To at
tached, fold for ihe fatistaftion of such of
his creditors as lhall appear to be justly en-,
titled to any demand thereon, and fhal lap
ply for that purpose, according to the form
of the liatute in such caie madeSf provided
By order of the Court,
DEARE, Clerk.
Aug. 10, I awtf.
And for sale at
Mat hew Carey s Store,
No. I *8, Market street,
Price hall' a dn):ar, errlbellilhed with a
striking ftkenefs of Mr Margarot,
Maurice Margarot,
Before the High Court of Jvfiiciary at
Edinburgh, on an \ndidmtnt sot
" OF tlie many remaikable trials which
the present extraordinary system of crimi
nal jurisprudence in G. Britain and Ireland
has brought before the public eye; this,
certainly is moll entitled to universal pe
rufaland attention. It developei, more
fully than any publication extant, the lat
est viewi and objtfts of the Britifti conven.
tion ; and proves inconteftibly, that judi.
cial prosecutions (or persecutions( and de
cifionsare now more the result of the pre
sent order of things, than any old fafliion
ed attachment to the laws or the conftitii
tion. Add to this, that it holds up to the
wonder and admiration of mankind, the
the firm, manly, and patriotic conduct of
this devoted vidtim—this' Second Sydney,'
as he has justly and deservedly been called;
who in thecourfeof one of the longest tri.
als we know of, unaflifted even by a single
member of the long robe, evinced such a
depth of legal and constitutional know
ledge and, in a speech of four hours,
length, displayed such a blaze of eloquence
and firft rate abilities, as aftonilhed
the court—and, strange to relate ! even
drew involuntary applause from the venal
Snd time-serving creature of a corrupt go
August 16.
A LARGE body of LAND on tbii river
and its waters, is now forfale to Settlers an
<y,on moderate terms,and at a long credit.
The foil is remarkably fertile, and nu
inerous ft reams of waterare interspersed
through the whole country.
The main river flows through one trafl
of about thirty thousand acres, and is with
he exception of one obftruftion, naviga
ble to the Sufquehannah.
Spring Brook Creek, which with its
branches, waters a tract «f about
forty thousand acres of good Land, emp
ties itfelf into the Lachawannock, about
twelve miles from the Suiquthannah.
It affords numeious Mill feats, &in its
course creates largebodics of well water-
Ed meadow ground.
The other traftsareinterfeftedbycroks
of considerable importance.
Several Mills are already erected for tbe
accommodation of the settlers.
Roads are cut in diiferent directions, to
wards the most convenient markets.
The county town is not more than i 2
mle • 111 many parts of the set
The Sufquehannah affords an easy and
fafe navigation to Middleton, from whence
the Canal to Schuylkill extends the com
munication to the city.
Another means of connection with Phi
ladelphia, is by the Delaware, from which
the distance infe vera places is aboutthirty
The proprietors combining theirown in
rereft with that of the inhabitants, are dif
>ofed to ere ft works of public utility,open
uiiads, See. and in'every en miles square, a
rraft of one hundred acres is allotted for a
School, and one hundred acres for thefirft
'efidrnt clergyman of any denomination of
For further particulars apply to
George Eddy.
Wilkes-Bsrre, Luzerne County,
Pennfytvania, July 9.
Lettersdi'efted tn George -Hdv, atPhi
lidelphia, or this place, relative to this,
buftuefs,will be duly answered. eod3m
Antl to t>e I'ild by
*eo gw
No. 54, fnuth Second Jlreet, second door
below the comer of ChefnutJlreet,
M >tUA ;
The Young Lady's Frienc 1 ,
Mrs. Rowfon,
~)f the New Theatte, Philadelphia; a>;
thor of the Inquisitor, Filie de Chambi t
Viftoiia, Charlotte, &c.
Price neatly bound 75 cents.
Detested be the pen subofe baneful infi'u
Could to the youthful docile mind convey
Pernicious precepts, tell loose tales*
And paint illicit pas/ion in such colours,
As nr /" m'Jlcad the heart,,
And vitiate the young, unsettled judg-
livould not for the riches of the Eajl
Abuse the noblejl gifts of Heaven thus,
Or fink my Genius to such pro flit utiou.
Aug. 21 taiulm
Just Landed,
From on board the /hip Washington, Capt.
John Collins from Bcurdeatex,
White Wines
In Barrels; and
in Hhds. and Cases—For Sale by
No. 26, Spruce, near Front Street.
Angnft 15, 1794.
The Gazette of the United
States is now publifhecl at No. 119
Chesnut street—to which place th-
OFFICE of the Editor is removed, anil
■where Printing Work in general is
EVER folicitons to render his MUSEUM
still more and more an object of rationa
entertainment, and subservient to the inl
terefts ol ufefu! fci 'nee, has on the
tion and with the advice of a number o
his friends, provided a Book, which will
be always open for the infpe&ion of those
who visit his Museum, in which book it is
proposed to insert all such discoveries, in
ventions, improvements, scheme.«, obser
vations, experiments., projc&s, hints or
queries rtlating to the arts or sciences, as
any of his visitors, or correfpondents,may
from timetotime communicate.
Such artnay chufe to conceal their names
may eitherfend their communications ano
nymous, or at their desire, C- W. Pea'e
will inferttheir names, with the numberor
signature of ther refpeSive communica
tions in a private book which he lhillkeep
for that purpose.
The advantages ot fucha public register
are obvious. 11 willrefcue from oblivion
many ulefuf hints, which might otherwise
have died with their authors. It may fe
cureto inventors their juftclaims, andpre
vent others from taking the honor or profit
of a discovery to which they are not en
titled, and as the Museum is now visited
by perfpns from almost all parts of the
world, fuce a.regifler, it isprefumed, will
soon contain and be the means of difTemi
nating a vafl fund of ufeful knowledge, and
promote that spirit of enquiry and inven
tion, for which the people of the United
States are already fojuftly distinguished.
Aug. 22
Choice St. Croix Sugar %
And fer Sale, fS.
A:fo a quantity of RUSSIA Matto.
June 24th.
The Public are cautioned to
be<ware of counterfeited Five Dollar Bills
of the Bank of the United States, at.d
Twenty Dollar Bills of the Bank of North
America, Several of which have appeared
in circulation within a few days pajl; they
are good general imitation of the genuine
Bills, but may be diflingui/hed by the ftl
Five Dollar Bills of the Eut.k of the
United States.
ALL that have appeared have the letter
F. for their Alphabetical Mark.
The Texture of the Paper is thicker and
whiter and it takes the ink more freely
than the genuine paper.
The O. in the word Company is fmalltr
than the M. and other letters of that word
so that a line extended from ihe top of the
O, to touch the top of the M wouldextend
confiderab'y above the range of the whult
In the word United the letters are nar
rower andclofer together than th* reft 0 f
the bill.
The i and /in the word promise are not
parallel, the/inclining much more forward
than the a.
The engraving is badly executed, the
ftiokes of all the Letters are stronger and
the devi e in themargin particularly ismuch
coaifcr and appears darker than in thetrue
bills'. Some ol the counterfeits bear date in
I Whereas the Bank was not in opera,
tioii* till December, and no five dollar bills
were iflued in jhat year.
Twenty Dollar Bills of the Bank of North
ALL that have appeared have the letter
B. for their alphabetical mark.
They are printed on a paper nearly fimU
lartothat of the counterfeit Five Dollar
Notes above described; the engraving is
better executed, and they approach nearer
to the appearance of the genuine bills.
The fine ruled lines through the word
Twenty, in the body of ihe bill, are in num
ber thirteen in the genuine bills, and but
twelve in the counterfeits.
The word Company ismtjchlike the fame
word in the Five Dollar Bills as described
above, the 0 being less than the and o
thers following.
There is no stroke to the t in the word
North whereas in the genuine bills tlieftroke
is well defined.
The letters ens in the word Twenty > to
the left hand at tne bottom, do not come
down to the line, but are so cut as to give
an irregular appearance to the word/ the
Tw and hey going below them.
The signature J Nixon, has the appear
ance of being written with lamb-black and
Oil, and differ* from other inks, used in
printing th bills and the caftiiei's figna-
It is supposed these forgeries were Commit
ted in/ome of the Southern States, as all the
counterfeits that hav<* appeared; have come
from rhence, and two persons have been ap
prehended in Virginia, on suspicion ol being
the author of them.
The reward of ONE THOUSAND DOL
LARS win be pa'd to any Person or Perfouj
who dial 1 discover and to convic
t'on the several offenders of the following
descriptions or any ot them, viz.
The person or pcrfons, who manufactur
ed the paper on which the fiiih are printed.
The person or persons, who engraved the
The printer orprintcrs, of the bills.
Every person who has acted as a principal
m any other way, in the counterfeiting and
uttn ing tUe said bills.
Philadelphia, March 28,1794
jlpril 22, 1794,
Other counterfeit bills
of ihe Bank of the United States have ap
peared in circulation.
The denomination is of TWENTY
DOLLARS, and the alphabetical maik is
the letter B.
They may bediftinguifhed from the ge»
nuinc by the following MARKS :
The paper of the counterfeits is of a
more tender texture and glofley furface
than the genuine, and there is no water
mark in them.
The letter C. in the word Cafliier, in
lie true Mils is strongly marked, whereas
in the counterfeits, the whole letter is a
fine hair llroke, evidently in an unfinifhed
(Lite. The letters in the word demand,
is badly formed and the whoJe word ill done
and there is no comma at theend of* it, as
there is in the genuine bills.
The marginal device, is much darker
in the falfe, than in the genuine bills ow
ing to the shade strokes being coarser, much
nearer together, and consequently nnich
more This difference ft» ikes the
£ye at firft view.
The fame reward of ONE THOUSAND
DOLLARS, wiH be paid for
& prosecuting to ton vision the several
above described Offenders in refpeft to this,
as to the laftdefcribed bills.
of the Banit United States.
JOHN NIXON, President of the
Bank of North America.
By order of the Committees of the Ref
peftive Boards.
At the STORES of
JefTe & Robert Wain,
PORT WINE in pipes, hhds. and qnar
ter calks
LISBON pipes and qnarier calks
Souchongand Congo TEAS, in quarter
A quantity of Ltlbon and Cadiz SALT*
Soft flielled ALMONDS ib bales
Velvet CORKS, in do.
Russia MATTS.
June 9 d
. **•"