DAILY E VENING ADVERTISER. [No. 8 i of Vol. Vl.] Bivifipn Orders, September JO, 1794. Such lieutenant colonels, Commandants, -or Commanding Officers of Corps belonging to the fir it Division of the Militia of Fciu.fylvauia as not, y< formed the fame into classes, arc order ed immediately to do it 5 and should ajiv of the officers, non-commiffiojied 9fficers, or privates belonging to the refpeftive bat talions or cc-"ps ( vhofe turn it is to march) be so loft to the duty they owe theirgovern ment as to ret'afe going a# the present ler vice, it is <xp©£led such officers will im mediately resign their commiffiocs, the noa-cominrffioned officers be disgraced, and every exertion made by the commanding officers of the corps and company to sup ply the defaulters place with volunteers. The disums and fifes belonging to the federal battalions will parade with their Drum and Fife-Majors daily, and practice through the citv, or in such parts .of the country as may he fixed on by the /com manding officer; their pay will he made good by the State, until Wednesday the 17th instant, on which day the refpe&ive commands will march from'this city and parade at the Governor's Marquee. WALTER STEWART, Major-General of the lit Division of the Militia of Pennsylvania. - d 4t To be fold by Audlion, OnTuefday the nth day of November next at noon at the boujje of Archer Gjfordin Newark, Ne<zv Jersey, if tiot pre viouf lj disposed of by private control, THE FOLLOWING Tracts of Land, Belonging to the American Iron Company, fitnatr at Ringwood, Long Pond, and Charlottenburg, »n the Counties of Rergen aud Moms in the said state of New jer- fey, viz. 11 tra&s of land, contain ing abou' 6433 acres, filuate at Ringwood. <ut part oi wiiich the Ringwood Mansion- Uoufe and Store are erefied. 4 trafb ot Land, containing aboi»t ,6156 acres, (iui»ie on I»nng Pond River. * 1 trafb of Land, containing about 6165 Acre*, si liate at Charlotttivburg. Thefc Kftatrs are Well worrhy of the at tention of any (J*nt{eOffais or Company in [tenfivel y in Iron Works ; Tw» ( Com- conli derable Improvrmenfs on ffieit?-Lands; abut.: 230 Ac«« of excellent Meadow, arc already cleared, and r.iu h more irtgi t L* added at a trifl ng Ex-pence, On the Prerrifcs there -are several vciy convenient Sears tor Furnaces, Forges, Mills, See. There are also some very valuable Jron Mines. Most of the unirnprov-j ed Pari* of these Lands are covered with fine healthy Timber. These filiates will be (hewn by Captain Joseph Boards of Ringwood> and the Term?- of Sale made known by applying to him, or to Edward Edwards, In Philadelphia, at the coincr of Sixth and Race-Strerts. Sept. 11 LANDING, This Day from on board the brig Attn awl J Mary, Capt. Cor tic, from Antigua, NINETY HOGSHEADS OF Prime Antigua Rum, ONE third of which is fourth the other third. Also a few hogftiends remain ing on hard of the Bng Sally's CARGO. Captain Weft from same t .plaoe, wh.ch ha been so much approved of fdr the iinenefs of its flavour. Jamaica Spirits, mot ASSES, Genuine Madeira Wine, By tbe pipe, quitter caflc or gallon, - AJ. t-0 20 TIERCES FRESH By the Norfolk, Captain Art, FOR. SALE BY Levinus Clarkfon, JVo. 216, south corner of Pine and Water Jlreets. Aug. 87 War Department, Augujl I, 1794. Information is- hereby given to all the military Invalids of the •United States, that the funis to which they are en titled for their annual penlion, which will become dueon the fifth day of September >794, will be paid on the said day, by the conim>fljon«rsof Loans within the States reflectively, under the usual regulatfons . Applications of Executors or Adminis trators nmftbe accompauied with legal e vidences of their refpeftive offices, and also of the time of the decease of such in valids whose pensions they may claim. By command of the Piefideit* of the U nited States, H. KNOX, Secretary at War. rr The Printers in the several States areiequefted to publilh the above in their, newspapers or thefpace of two months Aug. 6 d2m For Public Sale, On Tuesday next, at tlie ® CofTee-Iloufe,at 7 o'clock %l the £v«ning—The re roarkable fait failing NEPTUNE, Xyifig at Hamilton's Wharf. She is a good ftron'g Vefiel, well fitted, burthen about 500 Barrels, and may be sent to lea at a small expence. Wharton & Lewis. HARMONY, AS she arrived from feji. For terms apply to Philips, Crammond & H'ho hcfve also for Sale, A few Hogsheads of Muscovado sugar and Lis bon WINE, I In quarter calks, five years old. | Sept. 11 Lying at Anthony & Sans V/harf If jjot Sold then, (he will taUe'Freight for Boston. For terms apply to Deblois & Breck, betiueen Walnut (if Che/nut-ftreet Wharve* [ PETERSBURG HEMP Will, be landed from on board said vessel To-morrow, and a Qjiautity of BOSTON BEEF, in Whole and Half Barrels. For terms apply as above. Sept. 11, 1794 For Sale on bond the SwedUli Ship Guf tavns Adolpl us, Csptiin BLOOMSTtH, Said V.ffel, Bortben Joo, Toi-s, F " r CHARTER. any PORT within or Jfofr without the Mediterranean, Apply to ■ John Vaughan, Who has for Sale a fe<w Tons CHIPPED LOGWOOD Also Superior CLARET in Hogflieads and Cases; Sept. 4. tawtf. For Amsterdam, THE SHIP HOLLAND, Christopher Franklin, jun. -excellent accommodations for paflVn ffers, wi)]-fail with all convenient fpced, hav ing the greaicft part of her cargo ready to go on hoard. For freight or pafTtgc, apply to the maftcr on board, to Aup. 26 For Liverpool, The Niiv Ship Neptune, James Jeffries, Matter. RICE, ABOUT 300 tons burthen; she has very compleat accommodations for palTen gers, and is intended to fait on or about the 14th of this month. For freight or paf faee apply to Capt. Jefferies on boaid, or John Mayo. diot Sept. For Cape Nichola Mole, The very fajl Jai 'ingjhip ■ ms>j BETSEY, Of Philadslphia, George Lowther,Majler. For freight, or paflage apply to Louis Ofmont, No. 117, north Second street. Sept. 8 dlot FROM the Subscriber, a lervant Girl, named Catherine Adams. Whoever will take up and bring back to her Matter the laid Girl, ffiall receive Twenty Cents le ward, and no charges. Caleb Wilkins. Sept. 10 MONDAY, 15, 1794- Schooner >t. -13- FOR SALE, If appliedJ or in Four Days Tffß SLOOP CAPT AIN SAY WARD, About 14 Tons Cadiz Salt, Just Arrived, PETER BLIGHT, PRAGERS & CO. Ran Away, i N » LA HDI N G , From on boarl the fymnngbam Packet, Lockyer, and the Hairy and Charles, from Hambufeh, "»■« M P, Peterjburgb's firjl quality BAR IRON, Swedes, ajforted TIN, in plates, dc. do. GENIVA in hhdt. • \ BAGGING, German ajforted GL/SS TUMBLERS, and Black Quart Bottles, DEMIJOHNS, Window Glass, Feathers of superior quality, MATTS, &c. &c. FOR SALE BY Thomas & John Ketfcmd. d Aug. 26 The Medical lectures Co. In the UniverCty of Pemifylvania, will commence the firlt Moudiyin November next. 5 Now Landing, From thejhtp St. Marks, Capt. Hay/ell, at Majly's <u;harf, Lisbon Sc Port wine, In pipes u-.n1... .. r cujks Florence oil, box & jar Raisins • Figs Iff Joft JMl'd Almonds, Currents, Frejh Lemons, velvet eortks, and A few cajks Vr.egar, uiith a Clean Lisbon SALT, FOR SALE Br Joseph Anthony Sis Son. diw Sept. 8 City- of Wafliin-gton. SCHEME OF THE LOTTERY,; No. 11. FOR THE IMPROVEMENT •FEDERAL CITY. I A } frying Hnllarr. —.-A 3C.000 are i dit'o 15,000 & caih 25,000 1 ditto 15,000 cacti 15,000 1 ditto 10,000 & cash 10,000 1 ditto 5,000 & cash 5,000 1 ditto 5,000 & cash 5,000 ! Cash prize of S ditto s'ooo-each, are 10 ditto 1,000 20 ditto 500 \OO ditto 100 200 ditto 56 40 o ditto 2£ 1,000 ditto 29 2,5, 000 ditto *6,739 p,lzes 33,261 Blanks 50,000 Tickets at 8 dollars This Lottery will afford an e.egant fpeci mcH of the buildings to be erect* d in the City of Washington—Two beautiful de signs are already fele £ted for the-entire fronts on two of the public fqtlares ; from these drawings, it is proposed to erect two centre and lour corner buildings, as soon as poflibit after this Lottery is fold, and to convey them when complete, to the fortunate adventurers, in the manner described in the scheme for the Hotel Lottery. A nett dcdu&ion of five per cent, will be made to defray rhe'necef fary expences of printing, Sec. and the iui pkis will be made a part of the fund intended for the National University, to be ere&ed within the City of Washington. The drawing will commence as soon as the Tickets are fold, or at all events on Monday, the 22nd of December next: The money pri7.es will be payable in thirty days after it is finifhed, and any prizes for which fortunate numbers are not produced within twelve months after the drawing isclofed arc 10 be confidcied as given towards the fund for the.Uni.verfi.cy, it being determined to fettle the whole business in a year from the ending of the dra-wing and to take up the bonds given as security. The real securities given for the payment of the Prizes, are held by the President and two Direttors taf the Bank of Columbia, and arc valued at more than half the amount of the Lottery • The drawing will be the management of 24 gentlemen approved by the commifßoners ior the Cis of Wash ington, for the time being, and a&ing on oath. * # * Ticket! may be had at the Bank of Columbia ; of James Wctt & Qo. Baltimore; of Gideon Denilon, Savannah ; of Peter Gilman, Boston; of John Hopkins, Rich mond : and of Richard Wells, Cooper's fer r*. Aug. 30 wanted, Two Apprentices To the Printing Bufmels. Enquire at this Office. iaw4w eodrO QUANTITY OF OF THE 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 *C,OC O 10.000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 20,000 150,000 400,<««0 S. BLODGET. eodtf ** - Carriages for Hire. GEORGE GREEN., In Pine ftrcet, No. 123, between Fourth and Fifth streets, HAS FOR HIKE, BY the Day, the newest faftjioned Car riages, as Coaches, Coachees, Cha riots andLiGHT Waggons, with two or four Horses, and careful Heady drivers. The terms reasonable, and all favors grate fully acknowledged. August 26, Life of Howard. THIS DAT IS PUBLISHED, B Y O R M R O D, (Price 7J Cents) At Franklili's Head, No. 41, Chefnut Street, A VIEW of the Life, Travels and Philan- thropic Labours, of the late JOHN HOWARD, Esq. L. L. D, Emtwllilhed witha ftrikinj likeness of that Citizen of the World. BY JOHN AIKEN, m. D. To. whi h is subjoined an ODE inlcribed to John Howard, by William Hayley, Elq. FROM realm to realm, with crtfs or cejcent crown'd, Where'er mankind and misery are found, O'er burning fatids, deep waves, or wilds affnow, Great HOWARD journeying seeks the . houji <jf rwoe. Doivn many a windingJlep to dungeons dank, Whereenguifhtbails aloud,andf Hers dank: To caves bejlreiu'd ivith many a mould'ring bone,, And cell], isjhofe echoes only learn to groan; —Onward he moves !—Difeafe and death retire, And mmm' ring demon*,bate him, ar.dad- mire. Sepi. I. TO RE SOLD, By THOMAS DOBSON, A « Alphabetical Lift OF THE DU¥ IE S Payable by law on .all Goods, Wares, and Merchandize tmponed into the United Saates of Aaierita, after the iail day of June 1794) dilfcinguifh'mg the rates payable on thole imported in fliips or veftels of the United States—and the rates payable in fo reign (hips or vefTels, including the addi tional duties, to which the refpclhve arti cles are liable. From the Columbian Herald. Obferiing in your paper different modes of j Faith y especially Tom Paine's—if [ you think the following creed worthy ■ of your infer lion, it is at your service. J CREED. 1.-THAT it is the moral interest of man to be good, as it is his physical one to be found. 2. Whatever may tend todeftroy his physical or moral will, hurts the display of his goodness. 3. Man being a rational display of Divine essence, it ought to ftimulateall his anions to that harmonious spring. 4. Our endeavors to that end must be grounded on fads, and not on im plicit faith. 5. Therefore as a rational and found being, let us enquire into the liabi lity of solids, and wave the immersion of fluids. 6. The way to wisdom is to examine the five senses, and whatever is musical with them is nigh to harmony. Laftty. Let us try to keep every dis cordant found from the law of reason, and then truth will operate of herfejf, and lvrarmt iaH wilTbcar the lifceneis of his Creator. UNITED STATES. CHARLESTON, (S. C.) Auguit 25. A curious circuraftance happened off thjs bar a few days fincc—a privateer from Port-au-Paitf, fell in with one of the Britlfh cniizers, who took her after [Whole No. 6si.] a few (hot—the only accident that hap pened, was the Captain of the priva teer's leg (which- was a wooden one) curried away. Ship Pacific, Kenedy, Port-Royal, (Spain) 8z day; brig Margaretta, Ohlffen, Bremen, 82 days. BOSTON, Sept. 6. From the Chkonicie. The contemptible insinuation in thi" Centinel refpedting the Republican So cieties, as influencing the French in the late capture, are too derogatory to be seriously noticed; such remarks shew evidently to what an infamous situation they were reduced. As to the names of the citizens whocompofe the Repub lican Society, and their proceedings, they may be known to any man who will call on the Secretary for a perusal of the books. The honcit mei chant, indullrious tradesman, and independent citizen who have fubferibed to the arti cles, are willing to meet their oppofers face to face—whenever it is nectflary- d6teo3W This the public may be assured of, tK*.* ili*, lie} .bl«w>- -So«eties do not consist of Teaeral" ~Ufficefs7 vvfrcfTlave four times what they earn ; or a group of Bankers, Sharpers and Speculators, who would facrifice the honor and hap piness of the people, to promote their awn private nuereft. BALTIMORE, August 49. The following extraS ef a letter from a gentleman in France, dated July ijl, •tvas obligingly handed to us, by a ref~ peel able charaSer ef this town. " The French convoy arrived the 14th of June, in the belt state, not a vefix'l miffing, with 15 rich prizes, most Indiamen—Atone inllant, couriers were sent to all the different towns of France with eivic clowns —Joy was uuiverfal. 3ta<wi<w. " The army of the north confiits of 160,000 men. The English have been cut-lo in. the vicinity of Oftencl. 'life French take no priloners. No quarters arc receivedfrom the Englilh. The French troops are encamped within a few leagues of Mayenee. The king of Prufiia has notified England he could no longer keep the field, it he did not receive from them full pay for 32,000 men—this is positive. " Ten (hips of the line have failed from Toulon, and are cruising in the Mediteranean. The Poles have slain 10,000 Ruffians in the field, and made 7000 pri Toners at Grodno—-ihe fame fate followed them in the Ukraine. A convention is meeting at Warsaw—they copy the French entirely. The Turks take a part with the Poles, and have four great armies in full march to the frontiers of Russia and Austria. Sweden and Denmark are iaid to declare in fa vor of Poland next spring. " The Nancy, Capt. Smith, of Bal timore, is brought into port. Twenty new fail of the line and twenty frigates will be ready by the end of this year. Mr. Munroc, in the Cincinatus, is ar rived fafe." T. M. LANCASTER, Sept. 10. Beware of Counterfeit BANK NOTES On Thursday last were apprehended in this boiough several persons, for paffiijg Counterfeit Bank Notes, in imitation of the Notes of the Bank of the United States. They are of the denomination of Five and Ten Dollar Bills ; the paper and engraving part are done tolerably well and filch as would deceive even a close observer, but the writing or filling up part and the fig natures of Thomas Willing, and John Kcan are performed cltimfily, and may be easily diltinguifhed by a comparison with the genuine bill. The persons apprehended and in goal are five all of whom had a hand in pafiing or attemptiEg to pafg some of the bills ; But- it lEemTtiiat a Robert Hancock and one Willium Shaw, among them are more principally concerned in the bullnefs : Hancock is from Birming ham in England where he resided for upwards of 36 years ; about three year* ago he came over to this country, bit lately went over to revisit his native Country and returned about fix weeks ago. The circumllam.es are strong to suppose that he has brought with him a quantity of Bank Notes, to be fitted Arrived. Communication. Ijit " " >■*»«
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers