Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, September 13, 1794, Image 4

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    Fine Liverpool Salt,
To Jit Soldi
From the Ship Tho mas,
The fc'cond wharf below Fiiie-Street, ap
ply at said wh-iVf, to
Jehu HoHingfworth, & Co.
26. d.
'The Ground Plan
vt the
City and Suburbs
. OF
1 I' is yrirh that tfie publisher has
to iiilo-in l|ls fubfcdbers and the public in
general, that tihe plate is now under the
hands df the engraver,and in greater fof
wardnfs than was at firlt contemplated. At
the fame lime he, begs leave to remind
them, til t fubferifition papers are ftlll o
pen at mpft of the rated book-stores in the
city ; and that he hrtpes from the whole
<tf bt enabled'tolforßs such a ref
peftabltf catalogue ol names, as will do a
credit to. the work', well as ifford a
real'onable encouragement to the under
Tfiofert lio are d. firous of further infor
mation are reqneffed to call on
Betijamin Davits,
No. 68, Market flreet.
April 14. m&rthtf
An Apprentice
To the
Watch Making and
Repairing Business*
A r )• l v to
C. Cahipbell.
No, 3, fauth Fourth ftrect, two dopri
Sept- 3 iiwtf
i- • ' f
Scheine of a Lottery,
7c raift 39,900 Dollars, on 266,000
Dollars, deducing 1J per Cent, from
the Prizes—this Lotttry confijls of
38,000 Tickets, in which there are
1 +>539 Primes and 23,461 Blanks,
being abotit 01c and an half Blanks to
a £rize. V
T&S. Diteftorsofthe Society for eflablifh
nig yftiul Manufactures, having refolv
fcd to ere£t LOTTERIES for raiting Ox£
Hu.ndred Thousand Dolj. a r s, agreeably
loan Ae> of the Lcgifl.iture of the State of
New-Jet ley, have appointed the flowing
jfierfomto fuperi'nkbd and direst the draw
ing of tlit fame, vii,-{-Jicholat L6w, ftufui
King, Herman Le Roy, James Watson,
Kichard Hariifon, Abijah Hamrtiorid, and
Cornelius Ray, of tlie city of New. York—
Thomas Willing; Joseph Ball, Matthew M'-
Connel and Andrew Bayartf, of the city &
Philadelphia—His Excellency Richard How
ell, Esq. Elias Boudinor, General Elias Day
ton, Jam s Parker, John Bayard, Doflor
Lewis Doohatn, Sarnu' I W. Stockton, Joshua
M. Wallace, Joseph Blnomfieid, and E/ifh a
Boudinot, of iSjiw-Jerfey, who offer the
following Scheme of a Lottery; and pledge
themfelycs to the public, that they will take
e»erv tJKtranee arrd precaution in their power
to have die Monies paid by the Managers
from tiiKe to time, as received, into the
Banks at New-York and Philadelphia, to
remain for the purpose of paying Prizes
which til all be immediately discharged by a
eheek npon one of the Banks.
Prize of 20,000 Dollars it 20,000
10,Q00 10,000
s» oDt> 3 0,000
2,00 b 16,000
1,000 10,000
a go
1 oo
2 2
i 4)539 Prizes. 262,000
*3,461 Blanks. Fivft drawn number, 2,000
Laftdrawn number, 2,0c0
38,000 Tickets at 7 Dollars.each is 266,000
The drawing will commence, under the
inipeth°n of a Committee of the .Superin
tendants, as soon as the Tickets are fold, ol
which timely notice will be given.
The Superintendants have a-ppointed John
of Newark, Jacob R. fiar
dpnberg, of New-Brunfwick, and Jonathan
fthea. of Trenton, as immediate Managers
thereof, who have given ample fccurity for
difcharginrg the trust reposed in them.
qiyder to fee u're the pun&ual pay
ment oftfie Prizes, the Superintendants of
the Lottery have diTeiled that the Managers
ihali each efi'er into bonds in 4P,000 dollars,
with four fufficient TecuritieS, to perform their
io{liu£hions, rhe ftibftance of which is
I. That whenever either of the
shaH receive the sum of Three Hundred Dol
lars, he (hall immdiatcly place the fame in
«ne of the Banks of New-York or Philadel- i
phia, to the cieditof the Governor of the
Society, and such of the Superipfendants as !
live in the fcity Where the monies are placed, ; i
to remain there nntil the Lottery is drawn,
for the paynmt of the Prizes.
ll* The Managers to take fufficjent se
curity for any Tickets they may trust, other
wise to be reCpoufible for fhem.
111. To keep regular books of Tickets
Told, Monies received and paid into the
Bank, ahltrafts of which (hall be fcnt,
moMhly,- to thcGovernor of the Society.
Pateflon, January 1, 1794. ,
On application to either of the above gen.
llemcn, information will be given where
tickets may 1 be had.
February 24.
(J3" The Lottery published by the
**. Society for eftablifbVng ufeful jnanufae-j
tares," will commence drawing the firft
Yuefdayin November next —
TVeafury Department,
Rruertue OJJice, Aug. 20, 1794.
Notice is hereby given, that
Will be icceived at the'CHtice of the Cem
miflionei of the Revenue until the expi
ration of the firftdayof O&obei iux:» for
the supply of all Rations, which may be
required for the use of the Uuited States,liom
the firft day of January to the thirty-firft day
of December i795> including both days, =u
ihe places, aud within the diftri&s hereinaf
ter mentioned, viz.
1. At any place or places between York
and CarlifU, in the State of Pennfyivatiia, and
Puifturgh, and at Pittfourgh, York, and
2. At any place or places from Pittfliurgh
to the mouth of Big Beaver Creek, and at the
mou h of big Beaver Creese.
3. At any place or places from the said
mouth to the' upper falls of the said Big
B<»ver, and at the upper falls.
4. At any place or places from the said up
per falls to Mihouing, and at Mahoning.
v 5 At any place or places said
Mahoning, over 1 to the Head Navigation of
the river Coyahoga, aud at ihe said Head
6. At any place or places from the fjid
Head Navigdtion to tfie mouth of the laid
river CayaliOjjaJ" and at the said mouth.
• 7. At any plate or places between the
mouth of the Big Beaver Creek, to ihe mouth
of the river Mlifkingum, and np the said river
to ihe Tufcarowas, and at the Tufcarowas,
and thence over to the Cayahoga river, and
thence down the said river to its mouth.
8. At any place or places between the
mouth of the river Mufkingum and the mojih
of the Scioto river, aud at the mouth of the
said rivei Scioto*
9. At any place or places between the
mouth ol Scioto river and the mouth of the
Great Miami, at the mouth of the Great Mi
ami, and'from thence to the Rapids on the
falls of the Ohio, and at the said rapids.
10. At any place or places between the
cf the Great Miami, upon the said
Miami, to and at Pique Town.
11. At any place or places from Fort W»(h
itrgioit to Fort Hamilton, and at Fort Hamil
ton. At any place or places from Fort Ha
milton to Foit St. Clair, and at Fort St. Clair.
12. Atanyplaccor places from Fort St.
Clair to Fort Jcfferfoa, and at Fort Jcfferfon
13. At any place or places from Fan Jci
ferfon to Fort Recovery the field of a£Fion !
of the 4th of November" 1791, and at the I
said held of afticn;
14. At any place or places from the said
I field of aflion to the Miami Villages, and
at the Miami Village^.
15. At any place or places from the said
Miami Villages to the falls of the Miami
river, which flaw into Lske Erie; and at
the said tails, and from thence, to its mouth,
and at its nlouth.
16. At any place or places from the mouth
of the said Miami liver of Lake Erie to San
diifky Lake, and at Sandufky Lake.
J7. At auy place or places from the said
Sandufky Lake, to the mouth of the river
18. At any place or places from the mouth
of the said fiver Cayahoga to Prefque Isle
and at Prefque isle.
it). At any placeorplSceafromthe Picfque
J (If to the Aream running into Liike Erie
from towards the Jadajhque Lake, & thence
over to and at the said Jadaghque Lake, and
thebce down the Alleghany river to Fort
20. At any place or places from Prefque
Isle to Le ScEuf, and at Le Bceuf.
Si', At any place or places from Le Bceuf
to Fort Frahklin, and at Fort Franklin, and
from thence to Pittsburgh.
' M. At any place or,places fiom the rapids
of (he Ohio to the moiith of the Ouabache
fiver, & from the moiith of the said Ouabache
rtwer to of the river Ohio. *
23. At any place or places on the East fide
of the river M'fTifippi, from the mouth of
the Ohio river, to the mouth of the Illinois
24. At any place or placMfrlm the mouth
o. the said Ouabache river up to Fort Knox
and at Fort Knox.
25. At any place or places from Fort Knox
up the said Ouabache to Ouittanon, and at
e6. At a n y place.or. plage* from Ouittanon,
up the said Ouabache to the Head navigation
of a bianch thereof, called Little River, and
at the said head navigation of Little R<ver.
27- At any place or piaccs from the said
head navigation ol Litile River over to the
Miami Village.
28. At any place or places from the mouth
of the river Teneffee to Occocluppoor Bear
Creek, on the said river, including the fame.
29. At any place or places from the niouth
of the rive: Cumberland to Nafhvilie, on the
said river, and at Nafhvilie.
30. And At Btiy place or places within
thirty miles ol said Nashville to the South
ward, Wefhvard or Northward thereof.
Should any required at any pla*
ces, or within other diftritts, not fpecified in
these proposals, the price of the fame is to be
hereafter agreed on between the United States
and the contractor.
The rations to be supplied are to cOnsist of
the following articles, viz.
One pound of bread or flour,
One pound of beef, oi* of a pound of pVft!kl
One quart of fah.
Two quarts of vinegar, (
Two pounds of soap, f P er 100 ratlons -
One pound of candles,)
The rations are to be furnifhed in such
quantities, as that there (hall at all times,
during the said term, befufficient for the
consumption of the troops at each of the
said potts, for the term of at lead three
months in advance, in good and wholesome
provision«, if the fame (hall be reqnired.
It is to be understood in each cafe, that
all losses sustained by the depredations of
ihe enemy, or by means of the troops of the
United States, fliall be paid for at the prices
of the articles captured or destroyed, on
the depositions of two or more persons
of creditable chnrafters, and the certificate
of a commissioned officer, ascertaining the
circumstances of the loss, and the amount
of the articles for which compensation shall I
be claimed
The contrast for the above supplies will
be made eiiher for one year, or for two
years, as may appear eligible.
difpoledto contradi will therefore confine
PHILADELPHIA;-*,,,,.,,, .v JOHN FENNO, N.. S„„,^, ICI s „ ~
tlieir ofF rVto one year, as they nitey fdrm
their proportions so as to admit an election
oi the term of tu*> years.
The offers may coniprife all tlie places
which have been fpecified, or a part of
them ohly.
It is also Dejired\
tliat pr. pofals may be offered for l'upplying
,3 the two posts of Fort Washington and
P ttfburgh all the rations necessary for the
main Army, its detachments 3i?d the Gar
i»Tons above mentioned during the (aid year
1 795• The provisions &c. which will be
received at Pittfbnvgh will be those wftifch
fliail be nccelfary for the troops at that
p]dce and at the posts north, north-weft
and, in the vicinity, on the wed tliercqf.
The provisions which will be received at
s'ort Washington will be those which
frutllbe reqimtd syr the remainder of the
poltSj'Tor the principal detachments and tor
the main Army. Th& ex;)enfe and trouble
ot fafe keeping; unpacking and iffning the
,p«ovi lions deliverable . under this fecorid
form of the propohtions, will be favtd to
the Contadtors. Theexaft of
the whole supplies, which will be required
at each of tie two Posts of Fort Washing
ton and Pittsburgh will be determined jt
the tiifte of executing the contrail.
Ang. 2 1 tawtiO
Twenty Dollars Rev-aM.
MY Saddle Mare was flolen from Wv
J Mill, Talbot County, Maryland, on Ar
night of the 3oth as August la ft-. She'is
b'ackj and supposed to be ten or twelve
years old, under fourteen hands high,com
p i<st and liandfome, branded with the fet
ter O, on the left ftiouMer, a handfom
star on her forehead, a large full dy*, liee
neckc.ert: fallen, buttock, her fore
foot turns in, and one of them white; me
and centers, has good spirits,
and goes very pleasantly. If taken up out
of the ftnte, I will give the above rewar
of twenty dollars and all reasonable cha
ges, if within the state and thirty miles
from Wye Mill, eight dollars and reason
able charges, and if a fh'orter distance in
proportion, to any per Ton -who will deliver
hr to theSubfcriber at the mill.
Nat. Kennard.
Wye Mill, Talbot Comity, Sept. 2
- *fcoosW
Principles and Obfervatkns
Pot and Pearl AJhes.
nfpe&or of Pot and Pearl-Ashes for the
Commonwealth of Mafiachufeits,
Published according to A& of CongreS.
These observations relate to all exterifive
business ; and arc defrgned, in the plaifieft
manner, to convey profitable informatiori
to thofeintereft'ed in it, who have not leif*
ure or opportunity to fearrh for the princi
ples therein contained, in the writings of
profeilional Chemists.
Aug. 2
Whereas an attach
ment at the suit of the adfniniftratorsof ali
and lingular the goods avid chattel", rights
I a id credits, which werfc of William Buri
j net dpcealed, at the time of his death
h.ithbeen iffuedout of the InFeriour Com,
of common pleas, in aiid for ihe Countyo,
Middlele*, against the Goods aiid Chatties,
l ands and Tenemunts of Itinios Mhrtin
late of tlie county aforefaid, returnable to
the third Tuesday in July la-ft. NOTICE
is hereby given to the laid Irenius Martin,
than Linlels he appear and file special bail to
tfe said action, on or before the thirdTnef
day in January judgment wiH be en
tered against him by default, and the goods
and chatties, lands and tenements (o at
tached, fold for the lafisfaftioTi of Tuch of
his creditors as appear to be j lift I y en
titled to any demand thereon, and thai lap
ply for that purport, according to the form
ol the flatute in such cafe made&r provided
fey order of the Court,
DEAH'E, Clerk.
I awtf.
Aug. le,
A r.d wr (ale ut
Matbcw Carey s Store,
No 11&. Market firm,
Price ii#lf a d .liar, embefliffied with a
ftrikin;! likenelsof Mr Margarot,
Maurice Margarot,
Before the High CdUrt of JitJiicitiry at
Edinburgh, on an ihrlißrrient for
" OF the many remaikiible trials which
the present extraordinary system of crimi
nal jurisprudence in G. Britain and Ireland
has brought before the pubjic eve ; this,
certainly is mcftentitled to universal pe
rural and attention. developes, mote
fully than any publication extant, the lat
elf vitv» and objects of the Britiih conven
tion ; and proves inconteftibly, that judi
cisl pi'ofecut ions for perlecution-( ami de
cifiiins are how more the result of (l, e nre
fent order of things, than any old falhion
ed attachment to the laws or the conftitu
tion. Add to this, that It holds up to the
wonder and adnlitation of tnanfernd, the
the firm, manly, and patriotic tortduft of
this devoted yitftim—this' Second Sydney '
as he has justly and deservedly been called
who in the course of one of the longest n'i!
ah we know of, unaflifted even by
rrvmber 0 f t i le | ong robC) evinh?d ff|th a
depth of legal and conftimtional know
edge and in a fptcch of four hours
length, di (played such a blaze of eloquence
and firft rate abili t ,es, as astonished
the court—and, ftraiige to relate ! e-<>en
drew involuntary apph u f e from the venal
and timeserving creature of a corrupt no
veriiment." °
August 16.
J-uflt Landed 1 ,
From on board the Jhip Wq/hington> Capt.
yohn Collins from Botirdeamty
White Wines
In Barrels ; and
in Hhds. and Cases—For Sale by
No. 26, Spruce, near front Street.
Augoft j 5. 1 794.
The Gazette of the United
States ;V now published at No. 119
Cht.snut street—to which place th:
OI'FICE of the Editor is removed, and
where Printing Work in general is
EVER solicitous to render his MUSEUM
still more and more an obj>es: of rationa
entertainment, and fulilei vient to the inj
terefls of ufefql fci*nce> has on the
tion and with the advice of a number o
i his friends, provided a Bodk, which will
be ahvays open for the itWJlc&ion of those
whovilit ins Mufeuin, in which book it is
proposed to irtfert all fticft difedveries, in
ventions, imptovement", fcheitie>, obser
vations, experiments, projects, hints or
queries Mating to the arts or sciences, as
any of his visitors, or corre!'pondents,may
from time totime cornmunicare.
Such as may chufe to conceal their names
may either fend their communications ano
nymous, or at their desire, C- \V. Peale
will in fen their names, with the number or
signature of ther refpe&ive communica
tions in a private book which he fhillketfp
for that purpose.
The advantages ot fuch-a public register
are obvious. ItwiUrefeue from oblivion
many ul'eful hints, which might otherwise
have died with theirauthors. It may se
cure to inventors their. just claims, andpie
vent others from taking the hoiiOl or profit
of a dtfeovery to which they are not en
titled, and as tlie Mufeuin is now vrfited
byperfons from almost all parts of the
world, fuce a,regifter, it isprefumed, will
loon contain and be the means of di Gemi
nating a vast fund of ufeful knowledge, and
promote that spirit of enquiry and inven
-1 ion, for which the people of the United
States are already fojuftly d'frtiriguiflied.
Aufr. 22
One thousand Dollars
Some tew Counterfeit Pott-Notes of the
Bank of Maryland, having been lately difco
veired in circulation, and on tracing the fame
were found so come fioin »he back parts of
Virginia, where they probably fir ft iflued ; to
avoid imposition it is though t neceflary to
give the following of them,\y
which they may readily be dete&ed.
They have the letter D ; for their alphabeti
cal matkj at the left hand fide oft be Note.
The paper on which thtv arc printed is
mere folt and lender, the ft'rokes of the letters,
in the engraving are in general stronger, and
have a darker appearance than in the bills.
The fig'nat tire Wtllianr PatteHon, is badly
done, the strokes of the Letters, ltiff and
labpred, and appear to be,painted over wrth
the pen, as well as the flourishing of the name.
The value is left blank in tf>c engraving, to
be filled up in writing, so -the sum may be
more or leis at pleasure.
No true Poft.Note3 of the alphabetical ;
mark, above drferibed, have been lately if
nicfl, and Very fcV/ are nr>w ?n circulati-m.
The above reward of One Thousand dol
lars will be paid to any person, or persons,
wholhal! difcoveiyor prolecute to convi&ion,
the several offenders, or any "Of theft], of the
following description, viz.
The person or persons, who engraved the
I&fe. '
The printer, or primeval th* s a id bills.
Every person who has'afte-d as principalin
h Y'' £ '' e countcr ' c and uttering
of fee Barrkijl tflai'ylaitti.
Bm«», April 8, i
In the Hovfe of Reprefentativts,
i.}> CL:.:r.f!R ui-U, etna,
TXTHEREAS the CommiflioDcrs ot pub
* lrc Accounts, Have reported, that they
CSnnot protfeed to the ol the
AccoOnti,fpecial lu
' without knowing the ouiflanding a
mount (hereof in emulation';— Therefore,
Kcjohtd, That all holders bT special In
• e and required, on or before
the hi It of Nov.-mbe! xu xi.ioxtelivcr thr
Ipectal Indents , n ihjeir potT.flion to'one or
other ol the Commiffionm <»| (lie Trealury,
who areto'gUe receipts f<j r the'faine, and to
report to the CommiHiooers on public 3c.
cpMi»}e, ori or before then-nth day of Nov
emoei next, the amount by thej» refpeaive
ly itceivcd, and" also ,o the I.egiflature, at
t inr meetiing tn November next, and that
all Ipccial Indents not rendered into the.
I reaiury , s above, pn qr before the~firfl day
ol November next, Iball be, and the fame
are hetefty naned.
Xifihtd, That-public notice of this resolu
tion be given in the several Gazettes in this
State once every three weeks, until the
(lay of November next. And ihat the Dele
fates of this State In IhcColigrefs of the Bul
led States, ber»r|iiefled to caule this refolu
ion to be publilhed moneot more papers
'n the cities of Philadelphia and Ncw-Yoik,
" no ,hat proviAon will be made for the ex.
pences attending TnTfi publication.
rdittd, Thai the tefolotiwn be sent to
ttie J«nate for their cnncui reucc.
Uv order of the House,
In the SENATE,
Dr, , DtctMarß 21(1,1793.
cfotvrd. That this'Hmife do concurwith
: he Houlcol Repicfemativcs in the forego
inp rclolutions.
I hat tne reWutiors : be lent to
the House ol Reprelentaiives.
by order ol the Senate,
ewt N
At the STORES of
Jefle & Robert Wain
PORT WINE in pipes, fcl,ds. and ~uji
ter casks
LISBON do. in pipes and quarier calks
Souchong and Congo TEAS, it. quarter
A quantity of Liibon and C»diz SALT
Soft flielled ALMONDS in bales
V.Wjtcoasg, in do.
ltuflia MATTS.
June 9
Choice St. Croix Sugar
And far Sale, . ,-w.
Also a quantity of RUSSIA Matt*
June 24th. j.
1 he Public are cautioned to
beware of counterfeited Five Dollar BUI,
of the Bank of the United States, and
Twenty hollar Bills of the Bank of]\', irth
America,fe-veral of which hai e appeared
in circulation within a few days fajlpthly
, are g«od general imitation of the gem, we-
Bills, but may be diflingui/bnl by )/ JC: f ol _
five Dollar Bills of the Bank of the
United States.
ALL thai have appeared have the letter
r F. for their Alphabetical Mark.
Thfe Texture of the Paper i» tlVickcr 2nd
whiter and it takes the ink more freely
than the genuine paper.
The O. in the word Company is smaller
than the M. and other letters of that word,
so that a line extended from the top of the
O, to touch the top ofths ]VI. wouklcxteid
canfiderably above the range of tlie whole
In the word United the letters are nar.
rower andclofer together tiian the reft 0/
the bill.
The 1 and /in the word promise are not
parallel, the /inclining much more forward
than the t.
The engraving is badly executed, the
uj!i S . , e tetters are stronger and
t ie devi e in themargin particularly isnurch
Coarfcr and appears darker than in the tr ue
bills. Some el the counterfeits brar dale i„
'■ 79 '~M Vhereas '. h ® ® aß ' t ,ras not '» opera
tion till December, and no five dollat bills
were iflueri in-ihat year.
Twenty Dollar Bills of the Bank of None
An) eric a.
ALL thatAave appeared have the lette
B- 'or their alphabetical mark.
1 hey are printedpn a paper nearly simi
lar to that or the Counterfeit Five Dollar
Notes above described; the engraving is
tO ~J e ®PP eara ' l fe of the genuine bills.
The fiiu ruled lines through the word
tbcnty, in the body ot the bill, are it> num
ber tn rteen in the genuiiig bills, and but
twelve in the counterfeits.
IVie word(ontfltrny is much like the fame
word in the Five Dollar Bills as delcribe.
above, the C being les s than the », aud o
...TJWrc is no#r»)JfVft>' tile*
North whereas in ih* gfentiibeWllsThritycie
's well defined. ' 1 V *■'
The letters ent in the," wjjrd .Twfiik, to
, the left Hand at the. bottom, ivot
ao«rn to the )ine,.bii't are {bciif
«*i irr W rte
■ftu and 'tAsy going 'frcfdw t'he*i..
The lifnaigie] NkVon, hiSitic
jiince ol being written with lampblack »nd
oil, and diners from ortVej-trik» 'Mi ln
pnmingth brlh rtfe
tiire. ■ ""
It IS supposed thcfc forgerifs *tit commit,
led 111 lomeofthc Sonthern Slates, as alt ihe
counterfeits i!i a i Tiave appeared, ha»fc enme
r °'» thcrrce, and rwo pcrfons Hsve been sp
■prchendrd in Virgrnii.on fafpicion ol i ting
the author of* th^m.
I j T »t rewa ' d ol ONE THOUSAND BffL.
' „ w ;, ' be P a ' d 'oany Perlon or Fcrfonj
w'° *" 8 " tfifc6ver and piofccute to convfc
t'vti ttrc fevcral offenders of the following
c ' r: P t,o ivs or any of them, viz.
per foil or prrfens, who manufaflur*
cd the paper on which the "Bills afc printed,
plat S C PCrf ° fl pc ,^n «> who engraved ihe
I he printer orpririiers, of the bills.
fcvciy. per f on w ho lias as a principal
n any ot h tr way)in , he counterk (, in d
uticrmg the Paid bills. b
Philadelphia, March z8, 1794
Other counterfeit bills
of the Bank of the United States, have ap
p*ar«lin«ircnfeth)n. •
■Pfae- denomination ■is of TVWfMTv
They may be didinguid.ed from the ct
nutne by tUe folloiving M AiJiKS ;
Ihe paper qf ihe toi»nfeifeitj is of a
more remUr tcxhire and gloiTey furface
than die genuine, and there is no water
mark in them.
Tlielet_terC. -in the word iCafltier„ in
he true bills is ftrDngly marked, ivherras
10 the counterfeits, rh'e' Wf.f,# letter Ts «
hn* hair Ur#ke, evrrfi«nt9y'in <ab ffnHnifted
T etror " '"t)ienrt»d <d#raai-d,
is baoly formedand the ividlcyivordil] der.e
and there is no tjwend of it, at
there is m the genuine bills,
The marginal device, is 'fliuch darker
in.tie falfe, than in tfte genuine bills ftw«
mg to the fla'ade ftrokes;being coarser, moclj
nearer together, and coiiieoueatlv muck
more numerous. This dljfewce ftrifces the
The fame reward of ONE THOUSAND
DOLLARS, Villbe paid"for apprehending
& prosecuting to couvi&ion the ftvcra!
above described Offenders irviefpeft to this
as to the last described bills.
of the Bank-United Stares
JOHN NIXON, Prrf.dentoftbe
Bank q! North Amcttc».
By order of the Committees of the Re|.
pe&ive Boards.
•i -X