Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, September 13, 1794, Image 1
* ■> DAILY EVENING A DV'ERTISER. [No. 80 of Vol. Vl.] Division Orders, Sepiemlitr JO, 1794. • - Such lieutenant colonels, Coßimandams, or Commanding Officers of Corps belongsrcg to the firft Division of the Militia of IVimfylvania as have not yet formed the fame into claflfes, are order ed immediately to do it; and (hould any cf tfce officers, non-commifiloned or privates belonging to the refpecftive baf laliccs or corps (whose turn it is to march) be sb loft to the duty they owe theirgqvern- 1 merit as to refufe going on the present ser vice, it is ft<pe<sted Inch officers will im mediately resign their commissions, the won commissioned officers be disgraced, and e»ery exertion made by the commanding officers of the ccrps and company to sup ply the defaulters place with volunteers. The drums and fifes belonging to the fcveral battalions will parade with their Drum and Fife-Major's daily, pjadtiee through the city, or m f'ucti parts of the country as may be f xed on by the com manding officer ; their pay will be made pood by the State, until Wednfefday the 17th juftant, on which day the refpeiflivc commands will march from this city and parade at the Governor's Maruuee. WALTER STEWART, Major-General of the ift Division of the Militia of Peniifylvania. • d 4t To be fold by Auction, On Tuesday the lit b day of November next at noon at the house of Archer Gjford in Newark, New *ferfey, if not prcvicuf h Sfpofcd of hyprivate contrail, THE FOLLOWING Trails of Land, Belonging to the American Iron Company, lituate at Ringwood, Long 'Pond, and Chailottfiiburs, m the Counties of Bergen aud Morris in ihc said ftaie of New jcr. fe<y, viz. 12 tracts of land, contain ing about 8533 acres, situate at Ringwooid on part o which the Ringwood Majifion- House »nd Store arc rufled. -v 4 irafti of Land, containing about 6156 acrcs, situate on Ling Pond River. •j tracts of Land, containing about 6165 Acrcs, ■fvuatr at Cnarlotteiiljurg.' . Thvfe Efbtes are wcM worthy' of the at tention ofany G f nJ)emfrn o> Company in cliued to engage fxteniively in Tron Works ; *There afe fevers! Bulfdingi and some cortli- LnprovcmenUo-n these Larvds; about j 2£<j Acres of t xeelleot Meadow, art- airead\ .cleared, cjii d 0 uoh nv">re irrghr > e at a t'ifling Expfnce On the Prefun st hcic J arc {<■ vera! vcrv cor;verr;rut Scaulor I':irnaees,l Forges, MiUs, Sec. Inhere are aifo fo,me vtery | valuable Iron Mines. Most of the umin-provJ ed Parts ot thrfe Lauds are cohered wic-hj fine health y Xiu.brr. j Thcfe will be shewn by Captaii | J-ofeph Board, of- Ringwood» and .the Terms of Sale nii-de knowu> by applying io.Jiim, or 1 1° ] Edward Edwards, j 11l llle tdrnbr R»ee-Str«tn. 'Sept. 1 1- LANDING, .This Day from on board the brig Ann axJ Mary, Cast. Carrie, from Antiguq, KINi-TY HOGSiiEADS OF Prime Antigua Rum,j ONE'tbird of which is fourth proof, the. other third. Also a lew tefuain-i ing on hand of the Brig Sally's CARGO, Captain Weft from fame place, which ha been so much approved of for the finenefs l of its flavour. Jamaica Spirits, MOLASSF.S, Genuine Madeira Wine, By the prpe, qnaiter cask or gallon. A L S ,0 20 TIER C E S FRESH-RICE, By the Norfolk, Captain Art, FOR SALE BY Levinus Clarkfon, No. ai6, foiith corner of Pine and, IVater Jlreets. War Department, Augujl I, 1794. Information is hereby given to all the military Invalids of the United State;, that the sums to which they are en titled for their annual pension, which will become dueon the fifth day of September 1794, will be paid 011 ihe said day, by the commiffionersof Loans within the States refpe&ively, üßderthe usual regulations . Applications of Executors or Adminis trators muftbe accompauied with legal e vidences of their refpe&ive offices, and aKo of the time of the decease of such in- pensions they may claim. By command of the Prefkleivt of the U rated States, H. KNOX, Secretary at War. fcr The Printers in the several States are requested to publifli the above in their 'sewlpapers or thffpace of two months Aug. 6 dim ©a.Hltr of ii;t (Umloi) HARMONY, AS she arrived from sea. For terms apply to Philips, Crammond & I4 r ho have aljo for Sale, ( A few Hogsheads of Muscovado sugar and Lis bon WINE, In quarter calks, five years old. Sept. 11 d VQppl'td fir in Four Days HA RRTO T, CAPTAIN SATWJRD, Lying at Anthony (sf Sons Wharf. If nor Sold then, flte will take Freight for Boftoii. For terms apply to Dehlois & Breck, 'between Walnut & CheJnut-Jireet Wharves j AfeouT 14 Tons PETERSBURG HEMP Will be landed from on board laid velTel To-mOrrow, and a Quantity of BOSTON BEEF, in Whole and Half Barrels.. For terms apply as above. Sept. ii, 1794. 4t The remari able fajl fail- N E P T U N E, ( Lying at Hamilton's wharf,) IS a good strong reflsl, well fitted, bur then 500 barrels, and may be sent to sea at a '/mall expence. For particulars, apply to Wharton & Lewis. d Sppt, io Cadiz Salt, For Sale on board the Swediih SlnpGuf ravus <Ado!pluis, Captain BLOO iYTSTi.iI, ——Said VefleJ, Burthen 3?b -Tons, For CHARTER, To an y PORT within or the Mediterranean, Apply to John Vaughan, Who has for Sale a feiv Tons CHIPPED LOGWOOD AMo SuperiorCLA R ET in Hogsheads and Cases. Sept. 4. ,/g'aytf. j\ For Amftcrdam, fin THE SHIP f jj|ff% HOLLAND, . I Chriflophtr Franklin, jun. ? | WAS ex client accommod «tions for paflen-j wiil fail with ail convenient speed, -hav-j r, £ greateftpart of her cargo ready to go' on board. " For freight or passage, apply to the mafter'| on boaid, to PETER BLIGHT, Or PRAGERS & CO. Aug. 26 . For Liverpool, Tbe Ne<w Ship .&&**&&. Neptune, i James Jeffries, Master. ABOUT 300 tons burthen; (he has very compleat accommodations for paflen-. gers, and is intended to fail on or about the 14th of this month. For freight or pas sage .apply to Capt. Jefferies on bofcid, or John Mayo. Sept. 2 For Cape Nichola Mole, £"3bl The very faji fai'ingjhip dffc. BETSEY, Of Philad*lphia, George Lowther,Majler. For freight, or paflage apply to Louis Oimont, No. 117, north Second street. Sept. 8 diot Ran Away, FROM the Subscriber, n ieivant G rl, named Catherine Adams. Whoever will take up and bringjback to her the raid Girl, (hall receive Twenty Cents re ward, and no charges. Caleb Wilkins. iaw4w Sept. 10 Saturday, September 15, 1794. Jdst Arrived, a n » To be Sold, The House, Stables, & of Ground,, In Second ttreet, between Sprae# and Union streets, in ihe occupation of bis Britannic Majefty'i Minister. Co. The Adjoining Lot, 26 feet front, end 149 feet deep. For terms of sale, apply to Wm. Cramond. Aug. 14 L AN DING From on board the Birmingham Packet, Lockyer, and the Henry and Charles, from Hqmburgh, HEMP, Peter/burgh's firjl quality ' BAR IRON, Swedes, ajforted TIN, in plates, do. do. GENEVA in bbds. BAGGING, German ajforted GLASS TUMBLERS, and Black Quart Bottles, DEMIJOHNS, JT*** G!f/s, Feathers of superior quality, MATTS, &c. &c. FOR SALE BY Thomas & John Ketland, d Aug. 26 The Medical lectures In the "Jniverfity oi Pemifylvania, will commence the fir ft Monday in November next. 9 -Pt 5 , City of Washington. Scheme OF THE LOTTERY; No. 11. FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE - FEDERAL CITY. i A magnificent / 20,000 Dollars, dwelling cacti 30,000 arc i ditto 15,000 & cafc 1 ditto 15,000 & c*fh »5,000 1 ditto 10,000 fecalh 10,000 i ditto 5,000 & calh 5,600 1 ditto 5,000 & calh 5,000 j Cacti pnze o\ 2 ditto s*ooo each, are 10 ditto 1,000 20 tfitt° 500 100 ditto 100 200 ditto 50 400 ditto 25 1,000 ditto 2# 25,000 ditto '6.739 P 33,261 Blanks 50,000 Tickets at 8 dollars This Lottery will afford an e.cgant speci men of the private buildings to be erett d in the City of Washington—Two beautiful de-I signs are already fele 6ied for the entire fronls : on two of. the public squares ; from these drawings, it is proposed to ere£l two centre and iour corner buildings, as soon as poflible after this Lottery is fojd, and to convey them when complete, to the fortunate adventurers,' in the manner described in the scheme for the Hotel Lottery. A nett dedu&ion of .five per cent, will be made to defray rhe necei fary expences of printing, See. and th« sur plus will be made a part of rhe fund intended for 'the National University, to be ete&ed within the City of IVafhington. ' (]The drawing will commence as soon : as the Tickets are fold, or at all events on Monday, the 22nd of December next: The .money will be payable in thirty ckiys after it is finifhed, and any prizes for whichj fortunate numbers are run produced within twelve months after the drawing is closed are! o be confideied as given towards the fundj for the Univerfiry, it bang determined toj fettle the whole bufmefs in a year from the. ending of the drawing and to take up the bonds given as fcciirity. The real securities given for the payment of the Prizes, aje held by the P-refident and two Dire&ors of the Bank of Columbia, and are valued at more than half the amount of the Lottery. The drawing will be under the management of 24 gentlomen approved" by the commiflioners lor the City of Wash ington, for the time being, aod a£ling on oath. i-\ S. BLODGET. %* Tickets may be had at the Bank of Columbia; of James W<*ft & Co. Baltimore; ot Gideon Denifon, Savannah ; of Peter Oilman, Boston ; of John Hopkins, Rich mond : and of Richard Wells, Cooper's ter- ty. Aug. g* WANTED, Two Apprentices To the Printing Bulinets. Enquire at this Office. Lot ALSO W&Jtf eodrO 50,000 40,000 30,006 20,000 10,000 1 0,000 10,000 JO,or p J 0,000 1 O,OOQ 10,000 10,000. ID,OCO 20,000 150,000 400,0©0 codtf Carriages for Hire. GEORGE GREEN,\ la Pine street, No. 123, between Fourth and Fifth streets, HAS FOR EIRE. BY the Day, the newest fafhioned Car" riages, as Coaches, Coachees, Cha" riots and Light Waggons, with two or four Horses, and careful steady drivers. The terms reasonable, and all favors grate fully acknowledged. Auguit 36, Life of Howard. THIS DAY IS PUBLISHED, by O R M R O D, (Price 7 5 Cents) At Franklin's Head, No. 41, Chefnut Street, A VIEW of the Life, Travels and Philan- thropic Labours, of the late JOHN HOWARD, Esq. L. L. D F. R. S. Embelli!hed withaftriking likeness of thai Citizen of the World. BY JOHN AIKEN, M. D. To whirh isfubjoined an ODE inscribed to John Howard, by William Hayley,Elq. FROM realm to realm, with cross or cejcent crown'd, Where'er mankind and misery are found, O'er burningfunds, deep waves, or wilds of Jhow, Great HOWARD journeying seeks the house qf woe. Down many a windingto dungeons dank, IVhereanguiJh wails aloud, andfetters clank: To oatves befirew*d with many a mould?ring bone, And cells, whose echoes only learn to groan; —Onward be moves !—liifmfe and death retire, And mum?ring demons hate him, and ad- mire. Sep:. 1 TO BE SOLD, By THOMAS DOBSON, A N . Alphabetical OP THE DUTIES Payable br law on all Goads, Wares, and Merchandize imported into the United Saates at* A.nerica, alter the last day of Jime 1794, diftinftuifliing the rates payable on thoie imported in Hiips or veflels of the United States—and the rates payable in io reign (hips or veflfcls, including the addi tional duties, to which the 1 efpcftive arti cles ate liable. Treasury Department Revenue Office y jtiugujlz*], i 794. NOTICE is hereby given that proposals will be received at the Office of theCoin miflioner »f the Revenue until the end o< the fourth day of October next, to furnifh by contrail the following articles of CLOTHING for « he u£e of the army of the United Slates in the year 1795. 992 Artillery Hats 9g2 Artillery Coats 320 Horseman s Caps 320 Horseman's COatS As 66 Infantry Hats 4560 Infantry Coats 5872 Stocks 3872 Stock Clasps 23 488 Sh>its 5872 Vests 11,104 paiis <jf Woollen Overalls pairs Linen do. 22,2c8 pair Shoes. 320 l'air Ltarher Breechs 640 Pair Boots—32o Pair Spurs 6ao Pair Stockings t 1,104 P»if Socks 1520 Rifle Shuts The CVotiiing is to be delivered at 4he City of Philadelphia, one part of the' whole number of Suits on or before the 15'h; day of February next, one fourth, on or be fore the 15' h day of April next, and the re maining half on or before the 15th day of June next. The Articles are to be agreeable to such patterns,as (hall be direffed by the Secretary for the Department of War. Payment will be made as soon as the whole of the articles (hall bave been delivered. 23WtO —- — —,J Money to be Lent, On Mortgage' rtf REAL ESTATES, Within tli€ City aod LiipertiesrOft' IHiiLadel fh'a Apply to Nicholas Diebl, jun. Attorney at Law. No. 19, foulh Fsvrth Jlrcet. Aug. 4 mw&ftf [Whole No. 65#.] A 4^' A /vS h Mxindtr M4iJax U . ryof the iounly ,oJ Allegheny, at PWlurzk, beptemier xfi i 7g4 .* , 'f THE alarming and awful Situation of this country, at this time, is tod welh known to require a flatement.—On the pai t of government, wc «ie now offered a forgivenefs of ail that is past, on condition that we fjneerely submit to the Excite law, and all other laws. The quelUosi now is, whether we will accept of the terms pro posed or not. The decifipn of this 'oueftion is of fudi importance, that lam sure it will receive a solemn consideration frftm every citizen of a sober mind. If we accept of the terms, we fliall have peace. If we rfjeft them, we shall have mar. There is no tne» dium between these extremes. For, in the oref&nt ftateof this country, it is unpoilw ble to expert from government a repeal of the excise law. Government is the whole people acting by their representatives. The will of these reprefentativ£s must not be extorted by force or fear ; otherwi/e those, who thus constrain th'em, exercise tyranny over the reft of the people. We are " little more than a seventieth part of the United States. We ought not therefore to p"etend to didlate laws to the mhole. But whatever portion we may be, if one Jaw is repealed, at the call of armed men, go vernment is destroyed j no laW will have any force : every law will be disobeyed, in some part of the union. Government is therefore now compelled to enforce fubmi£ fion to this j,;w, or to none. The whole force of tbe United States rnuft be exerted tofupport its authority now, or the go vernment of the United States must cease to exist. Submijfion «r uar 9 therefore, if the alternative. J6teo3w War is so dreadful a calamity, that no thing can juftify it* ad million, but an evil against which no other remedy remains. That the colonies, to relieve febemfelves from the tyranny of Britain, fhftuld have roused to war, no man will wonder. They had to acquire rhe firft princfple of liberty, an equal voice in framing their laws. The fame was the cafe of Fiance. Itsconftitu tion was overthrowu, and one man had, by inheritance, acquired a power which he could transmit to his lucceflor, of making Jaws for the whole nation. But our consti tution has already secured the mofi demo cratic principles of repnblicanilmr put~ ■ ■■infil.iiit* the ordinary ex ercise of legislation. We have now more than a just proportion of reprefentativey.To fill o*ir just proportion we may choose whom We please. And we ought rot yet to pairj that, in a legal manner, we (ball re ceive redress for every just complaint. The principles of liberty are completely eftablilhed in oUr constitution. Those principles are, that the will of a majority should contron'the/fti'. We tvilh now for a liberty deftru&ive of those principles, wh : ch we formerly fought, and the French now fiftht, to eftablilh. Our complaint is, that the ntany, have not yet repealed a law at the requeftof the few } and therefore we ra (hly propose war. 3taiui<w. Lift If we determine on war, look forward to the consequences. Either we (hall defeat the United States ; or the United States w\\\ fubducus. If the United States subdue us ; we {hall at the «nd of the war, be cer tainly not in a better situation, than we are at present j for the fame necessity, the preservation of the authority 6f govern ment, will exist for enforcing the law then, which exists for enforcing it new. We flisli he in a worse condition; for government will then be under no" obligation to grant us the favorable terms which are now of fered : but may exact purifhtnent for past offences, penalties for past delinquencies, compensation for pad damages, and reim biirfementof theexpenfcs of thewjir. To these I might add the miseries attending the war. But as these will attend the war in either evint, I (hall particularly allude to them, in the /tippofition of our defeating the United States. To trtp this event appears improbable to the last degKe. A train of unfortunate delusions (for such I dscm them) seem to occupy the minds of many in this country. It is raid, that no militia will come out a gainst us j that if they do, we are so much superior tn arms, that ye {hall cafily defeat them ; that we can intercept tliem in tile mountains, and prevent their paflage ; that if they should come, they will march psacepbly along, and not diftmb thr citieen engaged in the lawful occupations of life ; and that, at the worfl, we can throw our selves unrfer the protefftion of.the Bntifh. On Inch notions, these are my remarks. —From all thju 1 have heard or <een, thejw is a refrntment in the people of the fide of the mountains agairil our v^rduft, on two grounds ; as being contradictory to the principles o* democracy, which Squire obedience to a constitutional law-j and as refufing to bear any part of tt burden, to which they have fnhinitbC This resent ment will not vajl numbers of them to comply with the regular call of the militia, But to step forward as volunteers. Supposing fwhich may yet be dpubted) that they may at firft he inferior to u<, in the art of fighting ; the interests of the United States are so deeply involved in our fubmif. fion, that no expence will be spared to ac- *The above feutimntSi oj peace and oleiienee te the laws, mould have received the fanflion of the Grand Jury \ but as members dee/itud their ajfent. silence was thought better than an ap probation not unanimous. A 5