Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, September 12, 1794, Image 4

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    X -
Fine Liverpool Salt,
To Be Sold
From the Ship Thomas,
The second whirs below Pine-Street, ap
ply at laid wharf, to
Jehu Hollingfworth, & Co.
Aug. 16. d.
The Ground Plan
City and Suburbs
IT is with pieafu'e that the publisher has
to info in liis t'ubfcribers and the public in
geucial, that the plate is now under the
hands of the engraver, and in greater for
wardnfs than was at ft' ft contemplated. At
the lame time he begs leave to r mind
them, th t fubferjpnon papers are still o
ftn at moftof the noted book-stores in the
city; and that he hopes from the whole
pt* them to be enabled to f<» hi fucli a ref
pe6la"blc catalogue of name , as will do a
credit to the work, as well as afford a
re.ifonable en courage me ok to the under,
taker. .
Thafe who are cl (iroilß of further infor
mation are requested to call on
Benjamin Davies,
So. 68, Market street.
April 14,
An Apprentice
To the
Watch Making and
Repairing Bufinel's,
Apply TO
C. Campbell.
No. 3, south Fourth street, two dobri
from Market-street.
Sept. 3 *
Scheme of a Lottery,
To ratfe on 266,000
Dollars, deducting 15 per Cent, from
the Prizes—this Lottery conjijls of
38,000 Tickets, in which there are
14-'J39 Prizes and 23,461 Blanks,
being about one and aft half Blanks to
a Prize.
I *HE Directors of the Society foreftablifh*
X ing Ulcful Manufactures, having resolv
ed to crest LOTTERIES for railing One
Hundred Thousand DollarS, agreeably
to an Aft of the Legislature of the State of
Ncw-J rfey, have appointed the following
•Perf< >ns 10 (tfperiniend and direst the draw
ing of the lame, viz. Low, Ru-fus
King, Herman Le Itny, James Watson,
Richard Harnfon, Abijah Hammond, and
Cornelius Ray, of the city ot New-York—
Thomas Willing, Joseph Ball, Matthew M'-
Conm 1 and Andrew Bryard, of tiie city of
Philadelphia—His Excellency Richard How
ell, Eiq. Elias Boudinot, General Elias Day
tort, Jam s Parker, John Bayard, Do£l*r
Lewis oniiim, Samu< 1 W.. Stockton, Joshua
M. \VaiTjcbf J>feph Bloom field, and Elifha
Bdudwiidt, of N w-Jerfey, who offer the
following Scheme of a Lottery, and pledge
themfclvts to the public, that they will take
e*ery affunnce and precaution in their power
to have "Monies paid by thtf Managers,
from ti:»e to time, as deceived, into the
Banks at New-York and Philadelphia, io
remain Tor the purpofc of paying Prizes,
which (Kail be immediately discharged by a
fcheek npon one of the Banks.
Prize of 20,000 Dollars is 20,00^
i 10,000 10,000
1 5»oo'o « 10,000
5 . 2,000 10,000
10 1,000 10,000
20 500
IGO 100
3°° 6 Q
•icoo 20
2000 15-
3000 * 12
8100 10
14'539 Prize!?. 262,000
23,461 Blanks. Fir ft drawn number, 2,000
Laitdrawn number, 2,000
38,000 Tickets at 7 Dollars e*ch is 266,000
The drawing will commence, Under the
infpeftion of a Committee of the Superin
tendents, as soon as the Tickets are fold, 0i
which tiinCly notice will be giveft.
The Supe.nntendartts hnve appointed John
N. Cummin#, of Newark, Jacob R. Har
denberg, of New-Brunfwick, and J-onathan
Rhea,-of Trenton, as immediate Managers
thereof, who have giVeo ample security for
discharging the trull reposed in them.
Pr In order to secure the pun£tual pay ]
Hicnt of the Prizes, the Superintendents of
the Lottery have dire&ed that the Managers
ftiall each enter into bonds in 40,000 dollars,
with four fufficient Securities, to perform their
fnftruflions, the substance of which is
T. That whenever either of the Managers
shall receive the sum of Three Hundred Dol
lars, hf (hall irinndiately place the fame in
one of the Banks of New-York or Philadel
phia, to the cieditol the Governor of the
Society, and such of the Superintendents as
live in the city where the monies are placed,
So remain there nntil the Lottery is drawn,
tor the paymnt of the Prizes.
IV The to take fufficient fe
eurity for any Tickets they may trust, other-
Wife to be refponiible for them.
111. To keep regular books of Tickets
fold, Monies received and paid into the
Bank, abft/a&s of which (hall be sent,
monthly, to the Governor of the Society.
Paierfon, January 1, 1794-
On application to either of the above gen
tlemen, information will be given where
jicketis may be iad<
Feb* uaiy 2s.
PT The Lottery hy the
** Societ\ tor etlablilhing uteful manufac
tare*," \* ill coinmciice c! raving the firft
Ti:eftfay ivi Novenr er next —
Treasury Department,
Revenue Office, Aug. 20, 1794-
Notice is hereby given, that
Will be received at the Office of the C»m
mifliomer of the Revenue untl the expi
ration of the firftdayof Ottober i*xt, for
the supply of ail Rations, which may be
required for the ufc of the United States,trom
the firft day of January to the thirty-firlk day
of December \795; including both days, at
the places, and within the dilirifts hereinaf
ter mentioned, viz.
1. At any place or places between York
and Carlifl.*, »u the State of Pennsylvania, and
Pittsburgh, < and at Pittlburgh, York, and
«. At any "place or places from Pittfaurgh
to the mouth of Big Beaver Creek, and at the
mou.h of big Beaver Creek.
3. At any pfoee or plates from the said
mouth to the upper falls of the said Big
Bo%ver, and at the upper falls.
4. At any place or places from the said up
pet falls to Mahhning, and at Mahoning.
5. At any place or places from the' said.
Mahoning, ovcr'io the Head Navigation of
«he river C«yahOga, aud at the ft id Head
6. At any place or places from the said
Head Navigation to the mouth of the said
riverXayahoga,'and at the said mouth.
7. At any place or places oetwren the
mouth of the Bigj Beaver Creek, to the mouth
of th£ river Mufkingum, and tip the said • ivcr
to the Tufcarowas, and at the Tufcarowas,
and thence over to the Cayahoga river, and
thence down the laid river to its mouth.
8. At any place 01 places between the
mouth of me river Mufkingum and the mouth
of the Scioto rivei, and at the mouth ot the
fa id river Scioto*
9- At any place or places between the
mouth of Scioto river and the mouth .of the
Great Miami, at the mouth of the Great Mi
ami, and from thence to the Rapids on the
falls of the Ohio, and at the said rapids.
10. Atany'place or places between the
mouth Gf the Great Miami, upon the said
Miami, to and at Pique Town.
Ii At any place Or places/rom Fort W«fh
ington to Fort Hamilton, and at Fort Hamil
ton; At any place or places from Fori Ha
milton to Fort St. Clair, and at Fort St. Cl«ii.
12. At any plaee or places from Fort St.
Clair to Fort Jefferfon, and at Fort Jefferfon
13. At any place or places from Fott Jei
ferlon to Fort Recovery the field of aftton
of the 4th of November 1791, and at the
said field of a&ion.
14. At ariy place or places from the said
field of a£lion to the Miami Villages, and
at the Miami Villages.
15. any place or places fro/n the said
Miami Villages to the falls of the Miami
river, which flow into Lake Erie, and at
the said fails, and from'thtncfj to its mouth,
and at its mouth.
16. At any place Of place* from the mouth
of the said Miami river of Lake Erie to San
dufky Lake, and at Sandufky Lake.
17. Ar any place or places from the said
Sandufky Lake, to the mouth of the river
18. At any place or places from the moith
of the said river Cayahoga to Pre/qite jffle,
and at Prefque Isle.
to the Hream running into Lake Erie
trtfra towards the Jadaghque Lake, & ihence
ovejr to and at the said Jadaghque Lake, and
thcnce down the Alleghany liver to Fort
20. At any place or places frorh Prefque
fle to Lr BdSuf, and at Le Bceuf.
21. At any place Or places from Le Bfleuf
to Fort Franklin, and Fort Franklin* and
from thence to PitUburgh.
22. At any place or places from the rapids
of the Ohio to the mouth of the Ouabache
river, & from the mouth of the said Ouabache
river to the mouth of the riVer Ohio.
2s. At any place or places #n the East fide
of the river Miffifippi, from the mouth of
the Ohio river* to the mouth of the Illinois
£4. Ax any place or place* from the mouth
of the said Ouabache river up to Fort Knox,
and as Fort Kfrox.
25. At any place or places from Fort Knox
up the said Ouabache to Ouittanon, and at
* 10,000
81, GOO
26. At any place or place® from Ouittanon,
up the laid Ouabache to the head navigation
of a b»anch thereof, caUed Little RiVer, and
at the said Head navigation of Littic River.
27. At any place or places from the said
jhead navigation ot Little River over to the
Miami Village.
28. At any place or places from the mouth
of the river Teneflee to Occochappoor Bear
Creek, on the said river, including the fame.
29. At any place or places frotu the mouth
of the rivei Cumberland to Nashville, on the
said river, and at Nashville,
$0. And At any place or places within
thirty miles of said Nashville to the South
ward, Westward or Northward thereof.
Should any rations be required at any pla
ces, or within other diftn&s, not fpecified in
these proposals, the price of the fame is to be
he tea iter agreed on between the United States
and the contractor.
The rations *0 be fuppited are to consist ol
the following articles, vkc.
One pound of bread or flour,
One pound of beef, or J of a pound of pork
One quart of fait. "J
Two quarts of vinegar,!
Two pounds ol soap, > P cr 100 r,Uon ''
One pound of caudles,)
The rations are to be furnifted in such
quantities, as that there shall at all times,
during the said terra, be fufficient for the
tonfumption of the troops at each cf the
laid polisj for the term of at least three
months in advance, in good and wholesome
provisions, if the fame (hail be reqnired.
If is to beunderfteod in each cafe, that
all losses sustained by the depredations of
the enemy, or by means of the troops of the
United States, shall be paid for at the prices
of the articles captured or destroyed, on
the depositions of two or more persons
of creditable and the certificate
or a commilfioned officer, ascertaining the
ciicumftances of the loss, and the amount
of the articles for which compensation ihai!
be claimed*
The contrast for the above* supplies will
be made either for one year, or for two
years, as may appear eligible. Persons
disposed to contratt will therefore confine
PHILADELPHIA: Pmnteb by JOHN FENNO, No. 119, Chesnut Streit.—Price Six Dolia&s Per Annvm.
- -f|"
: / '
their off rs to one year, as they mly form
their proportions so as to admit an e 1 eclio n
of the term ol two years.
The offers may comprise all the places
which have been fpecified, or a part of
them only.
It is also Defired\
that proposals may be offered for iupplying
the two posts of Fort Walhington and
Pittsburgh all the rations neceiTary for the
main A' my, its detachments and the Gar
, lions above mentioned during the said year
1795. Thp provifipns &c. which will be
received at Pittsburgh will be those which
Pnall h«> neceirary for the troops at that
place and at the posts north, north-weft
and, in the vicinity, oji the weft thereof.
The provisions which will be received at
'Fort Waflimgton will be those which
(hall be required for the remainder of the
posts, for the principal detachments and tor
the main Army. The expense and trouble
of fafe keeping unpacking and iffau g the
provisions deliverable under this second
form of the propofiiions, will be saved to
the Com a&ors. The exact propo-tiow of
the whole supplies, which will be required
at each of the two Posts of Fort Wafhirg
ton ancf Pittsburgh will be determined at
the time of executing the contract.
Aug. 21
Twenty Dollars Reward.
MY Saddle Mare was stolen from Wye
Mill, Talbot County, Maryland, on the
night of the 30th of August last. She is
black, and supposed to be ten or twelve
years old, under fourteen hands high,com
pact and handsome, branded with the let
ter O, on the left flioulder, a handfom
ftaT on her forehead, a large full eye, hee
neckcreft fallen, a flit buttock, her fore
fool turns in, and one of them white ; Ihe
racks, trots and canters, has got d spirits,
and goes very pleasantly. If taken up (Jut
of the (late, I will give the above rewat -
of twenty dollars and all reasonable char
ges, if within the state and thirty miles
from Wye Mill, eight dollars and reason
able charges, and if a ftiorter distance in
proportion, to any person who will deliver
her to the Subscriber at the mill.
Nat. Kennard.
Wye Mill, Talbot County, Sept. 2
Principles and Vbfervations
Pot and Pearl AJhes.
[nfpeitor of Pot and Pearl-Ashes for the
Commonwealth of Maflachufetts.
Publiihed according to AA of Congress.
These observations relate to an extensive
business ; and are designed, in the plainest
manner, to Conxejrprofitable information
to thofc intereftedm n, who have not leif
ura or opportunity to search for the princi
therein contained, in tlie writings of
profeffional fhemifts.
Aug. 2 '
Whereas an attach
ment St the ftiit of the admiriiftl ators of all
arid lingular the goods and chattels, ri ihtS
and credits; which were ot* William Burl
net deceased, at the time of his deafh
hath been iiTuedout of the lnferiour Coiu,
of common pleas, in and for the Ccuntyoj
Middiefex, agalnft the Goods and Chattles>
Lands and Tenements of lienios Martin
late of the county afo'refaid, returnable to
the thirdTuefday in July last. NOTICE
is hereby given to the said Irenius Mai'tin,
that un-left lie appear and file special bail to
the said action, on or before the thirdTutff
day in January next, judgment will be en
tered agaiift him by detanlr, and the goods
and chatties, lands and tenements (o at
tached, fdd for the fatisfa&i'on of luch of
his creditors as (hall appear to be justly en
titled toaiy demand thereon, and fhal lap
ply for that purpose, according to the form
of the statute in inch cafe imde& provided
By order of the Court,
DEARE, Clerk.
I awtf.
Aug. io,
Mat be no Carey s Store,
No 118, Market street,
Price half a dollar, enibellifiicd with a
ftrfking liketiefs of Mr Margarot,
Maurice Margarot,
Before the High Court of JtiJliciary at
Edinburgh, on an indiflment f»r
" OF the many remaikable trials which
the present extraordinary fyflem of crimi
tial jurisprudence in G. Btitain and Ireland
has brought before the public eye j this,
ceitainly is most entitled to universal pe
rusal and attention. It developes, more
fully than any publication extant, the lat
elt viewi and objects of the Britifli conven
tion ; and proves inconteftibly, that judi.
cial prosecutions (or persecutions( and de
cisions are now more the result of the pre
sent order of things, than any old falhion
ed attachment to the laws or the conftitu
tion. Add to this, th*t it holds up to the
Wonder and admiration of mankind, the
the firm, manly, and patriotic .condurt of
this devoted vktim—this 4 Second Sydney,'
as he has justly and deservedly been called
who in the course of one of the longest tri.
als we know of, unaflifted even by a single
member of the long robe, evinced such a
depth of legal and constitutional know
ledge and, in a-fpeech of four hours
length, displayed such a blaze of plocjuence
and firft rate abilities, as astonished
the court—and, strange to relate ! even
drew involuntary applause frqrn the venal
and time-serving creature of a eorrupt go
i August t6.
And for Tale at
for sale,
At the STORES of
Jeffe & Robert Wain
POUT WINE in pipes, bbds. . cirfj,
ter caflts
LISBON do. in pipes and quane
Souchong and Congo TEAS, i.. , -» rtel .
A quantity of Lisbon and Cadiz ! VLT
Soft ihelled ALMONDS ih bales !
CORKS, in do . •
Kuflia MATIS.
June 9
The Gazette of the United
States it now publt/hed at No. 119
Chesnut street —to which place thi
OFFICE of the Editor is removed, and
where Printing W»rk in general is
Just Landed,
From on board the Jhip IVaJbington, Capt.
John Collins from Bourdeaux,
White Wines
In Barrel; ; and
in Hhds. and Cases—For Sale by
No. 26, Spruce, near front Street.
August 15, 1794. d.
One hundred dollars
WfIErtEAS there were de!iveredinthe
Month of October laft,from the Stores of
the Subscribers, Two Cherts and nine Half
Chcfts of Bohea Tea, marked, numbered
and weighing, its under, to funie perron or
' drfo-l with pretended orders from Mr
ISAAC QLASON of this City, butwhich
he did not receive; whoever will give in
formation so that adiicovtrr may be made,
who got the said Tea, (hall receive the
nbo-e reward ; and it isrequefted that the
Dealers in the Article will be careful in
Examining the Marks and, Numbers of the
Cheftj that have parted through their hands
fiuce the period"above-mentioned, and give
the desired information.
New-York, July 31ft, i 794.
William and James Conjiable.
Ship Wajhingtoii.
C. q. lb. Tare
n f No. 3 a 16 60 ) Whole
' 3 » '4 64 J Chefls
W f 177 1 3 H 39 '
B. 177 1 4 23 39
198 137 41
Sl3 1 3 18 37
a 47 1 3 7 40
I *87 1S 9 38
f 3°l '3 is 40
379 1 3 iS 4i
I 4*4 « 3 14 39 J
Aug. 6
One thousand Dollars
Some tew Counterfeit Poft-Notcs of the
Bank of Maryland, haviag been lately disco
vered iu circulation, and on tracing the fame
werefouudtj Cdmc fiom the back parts of
Virginia, where they probably firft issued j to
ivoid imposition it is thought neceflary to
give the following dcfcriptipn of them, by
which they may readily be dcte&ed.
They have the letter D, for their alphabeti
cal mark, the left hand fide of the Notp.
The paper on whiefi rbey »rc printed V
more loft and tender, the ftr ekes of the letters,
in the engravingare in general ftronge'r, and
have a darker appearance than in the bills.
The signature William P.atierfon, is badly
done, the strokes of the letters, aVe (tiff and
labored, and appear to be painted over'with
the pen, as well as the fiourifhingof the name.
The value is left blank in the engraving, to
be filled up in writing, so the sum may be
more or less at pleasure.
No true Post-Notes of the alphabetical
mark, above deferibed, have been lately if
fucd, and very few are now in circulation.
The above reward of One 'Thousand dol
lars will be paid to any person, or persons,
who (hall discover, or profecutc to convi&ion,
the several offenders, or any of them, of the
following description, viz.
The person or perlons, who engraved the
The printer, or printers of the said bills.
Every perfun who has atted as principal in
anyway in the counterfeiting and uttering
he said bills.
of the Bank of Maryland.
Bm«, April 8, 1794.
In the House of Refirefeiitatives,
December 21ft, 1793.
WHEREAS the Commiflioners of pub
lic Accounts,have that they
cannot proceed to the investigation of the
Treasury Accounts, refpe&ing fpeciai In
dents, without knowing the outstanding a
mount thereof in circulation:—Therefore,
Rcfolvtd, That all holder* of fpeciai In
dents be dire&ed, and requireo, on or before
the firft day of November next, to deliver the
fpccial Indents 111 their pofteflion to one or
other of the Cojnm'Hfioncrs ©f the Trcafury,
who are to give receipts for the fame, and to
report to the Commiflionerx on public ac
counts, on or before the tenth day of Nov
ember next, the amount by them refpe&ivc
ly rtccived, and alio 10 the ' Lcgiflature, at
their meeting jn November next, and that
all fpccial Indents not rendered into the
Treasury as above, on or before the firft day
of November next, /hall be, and the fame
are heieby barred.
Rcjclvcd, That public notice of this resolu
tion be given ia the several Gazette* in this
State, oncc every three weeks, until the firft
day of November next. And that the Dele
gates of this State in the Congrefj of theUui
tcd States, be requested to cause this relolu
tion to be published in one Or more papers
in the cities of Philadelphia and New-Vork,
and thut provision will be made for the ex
pellees attending such publication.
Ordered, That the resolution be sent to
the seuate for their concurrence.
Bv ordei of the House,
In the SENJTE,
December 2ift>t793'
Rcfolvcdy That tTTis House do concur with
tht House of Repreferitatives in the forego*
ing resolutions.
Ordered, That the refolutions]be (ent to
the House of Representatives.
by order of the Senate,
ewt N»
Choice St. Croix Sup ■
And fer Sale,
Also a quantity of RUSSIA M;
June 24th. J.*
The Public are caution* to
beware of counterfeited Five J,oik, -, " j
of the Bank of the United State -i ni i
Twenty Dollar Bills of the Bank of -,'r
America, fe-veral of which have cq
in circulation within a few days f
are good general imitation of '- e
Bills, but may be diflingui/hedby ,t
Five Dollar Bills of the Bank :.j tlx
United States.
ALL that have appeared have the letter
F. for their Alphabetical Mark.
The Texture of the Paper U thicker ari<T
whiter and it takes the ink more free! -
than the genuine paper.
The O. in the word Company is fmal'ef
than theM. and other letters of that v, < M > y
lb that a line extended from the of t?*
O, to touch the top of the M. extend'
considerably above the range cf the whole
In the word United the letters ar , r .
rower andclofer together than the eft of
the bill.
The i and fin the word promise ne not
pi.- adlelj theyincJining much more for v. *r •
than the?. *
The engraving is badly executed, th*
ftrokesof all the Letters are ft longer am!
the device in themargin particularly is.
coarfcr and appears darker than in tbeuue
bills. Some of the counterfeits bear dare in
l the Bank was not in opera
tion till December, and no five dollar
were iflued in ihat year.
Twenty Dollar Bills of the Bank of KcrilA
ALL that have appeared have th letter
B. for their alphabetical mark.
They are printed on a paper nea
lartothat of the counterfeit Fiv< j Jar
Notes above described; the.-engrs.ving is
better executed, and they approach carer
to the appearance of the genuine! » »
The fine ruled Jines through th «ord
Twenty, in the body of the bifl, arei 1 •
ber th.rteen in the genuine bills, s but
twelve in the counterfeits.
The word Compaq is much like the fame
word in the Five Dollar Bilfs fas described
above, the 0 being less than the w, and o-
There is no stroke to the / imhe word
Nrftk whereas in the genuine bills theftroke
is well defined.
The letters (Tit in the word Twenty, to
the left hand at the bottom, do not corn*
down to the line, hut are so cut as to give
an irregular appearance to the word, the
Ttv and the v going frelow them.
The (ignature | Nixon, has the appear
ance of being written \Vitfy lampblack and
oil, and differs (rom ochcr inks used "wi
printing th bills and the cafhier'* ligna
It is supposed these forgeries were commit
ted in foineof the Southern States, as all »he
counterfeits that haVe appeared, have come
from thence, and two persons have been ap
prehended in Virginia, on suspicion oi being
the author of" them.
The reward of ONE THOUSAND DOL
LARS will be pa'd to any Person or Persons
who shall (Hfcover and profccute to convic
tion the leveral offenders of the following
defrriptions or any of them, viz.
The person or persons, who rtianufa&ur*
ed the paper on which the Bills are printed.
The person or persons, who engraved the
plates. *
The printer or printers, of the bifta.
Every person who has acted as a principal
in any other way, in the counterfeiting and
uttering the said bills.
Philadelphia, March 28,1794
jiprtl 22, 179
Other counterfeit bills
ofthe Bank of the Uniied States have ap
peared in circulation.
The denomination is of TWENTY
DOLLARS, and the alphabetical maik if
the letter B.
They may be diftingui/hed from the ge»
nuine by the following MARKS :
The paper of the counterfeits is of a
more tender texture and glofley furfaee
than the genuirie, and there is no watrr
mark in them.
The letter C. in tlie word Calfcier, in
he true bills is ftrorigly marked, vheieas
in the counterfeits, the whole letter is'a
fine hair thoke, evidently in an unfiniflied
state. The letter a in the word demand,
is badly formed amf the Whole word ill done
and there is no comma at ttieend of it, as
there is in tbe genuine bills.-
The marginal device, is much daiker
in the falfe, than in the genuine bills ow-'
ing to the shade strokes being coarser, much
nearer together, and cotifequently in tie h
j more numerous. This difference strikes Uie
eye at firfl: view.
•The fame reward of ONE THOUSAND
DOLLARS, will be paid for apprehending,
& prosecuting to convi<slion the levcral
above described Olfenders in refpeft to this,
as to the laftdefcribed bills.
of Uflited Stares. -
JOHN NIXON, Prefideot of the;
By order of the of the Set
peftive Boards. .