Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, September 11, 1794, Image 4

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    4 s -..- • •
■ ' v.-*. ,V
Fine Liverpool
To~Be Sold
From the Ship Thomas,
The second wharf below Pine-Street, ap
ply at (aid wharf, to
Jehu Hollingfworth, Sc Co,
Aug. 26. d.
The Ground Plan
City and Suburbs
IT is with pieafure that the publiiher has
to inform hi». t'ubfcriherj and the public in
genera], that the plate ii now on<der the
hands of the engraver,and in greater for.
wardnfs than was at firft Contemplated. At
tile fame time he begs leave to remind
them, that subscription papers are (till o
pen at moftdf the noted book-ftorei in the
citv ; and that he hopes from the whole
of them to br enabled tofo 01 fiicti* a ref
peftable catalogue of names, as will do a
• credit to rlie work, as weH as afford a
reasonable encouragement to the iindtri.
Those wba are dcfirous of further infor
mationarerequpfled to call on
Benjamin Davies^
N». 48, Market iirect.
April 14.
An Apprentice
To the
Watch Making and
Repairing Buftnefs,
Apply -TO
C. Campbell.
No. 3, south Fourth ftrcetj two doors
from Market-street.
Sept. 3
Scheme of a Lottery,
To raise $9,900 Dollars, on 266,000
Dollars, dedußin9 15 /wr /rem
:/jr A-u«r—Mii Lottery eonfifts' of
38,000 Tickets, in 'which there are
J 4>539 and 23,461 Blanks,
being about one and an half Blanks te
a Prize.
THE Directors of the society for efiabliOj.
ing Ufeful Manufafturea, having resolv
ed to erect LOTTERIES for railing 0»t
Hund kld Thousand Dol laki, agreeably
to an Aft of the Legislature of the State of
New-Jersey, have appointed the following
petfoni to superintend and direst the draw
ing of the lame, vil. Nicholas Low, Rufus
King, Herman Li Roy; James Watson.
Richard Harrifort, Abijah Ha'mmond, and
Cornelius Ray, of the city ol New-York—
Thomas Willlhg, jdiefiH Ball, Matthew M'-
Conriel and Andrew Bayard, of the city of
Philadelphia—His E*eellericy Richard How
ell, LTqw Elias Boudihoti General Eliaa Day
ton, Jam « Parker, John Bayard, Do£l<j r
Lewis Don ham, Samuel W. Stockton, Jolhua
M. Wallace, JoCepH Bloomfield, and Elilha
Boudioot, of New-JeKey, *ho offer the
following Scheme ol a Lottery, and pledge
themselves to the public, that they will take
e»ery aflurnnee and precaution in their power
to have the Monies paid by the Managers,
from tiiae it> time, as received, into the
Bankj at New-York and Philadelphia, to
i*emain for the purpose of paying Prixtj
which (hall be immediately dtfeharged by a
sheek npon one of the Banks.
Priaeof so,ooo Dollars is 20,000
i io,ooto io,oo®
* .5,000 10,000
6 10,000
a 00© •
Id ,
J4,539 Prices. 462,000
*3,461 Blinks. First drawn number, 2,000
Laftdrawn numbtr, 2,000
98,000 Tickets at 7 Dollars each is 266,600
The drtwing will commence, under the
infpe&iun of a Committee of the Superin
tendants, aa soon a» the Tickets are fold, of
■which timely notice will be given.
The Superintendants have appointed John
N. Cummirtg, of Ne' ark, Jacob R. Har.
denbeig, of New-flrunf*ick, and' Jonathan
Rhea, of Trenton, as immediate Managers
thereof, who have given imple fecuiity for
discharging the trust reposed in them.
£T 1 n order tofecure the pflnftual pay
ment of the Prizes, the Superintendants of
Ihe-Lottery have directed that the Managers
fball each enter into bond! in 40,000 dollars,
with four fufficient securities, to perform their
Irllruftions, the substance of which is
I. That whenever either of tbe Managers
shall receive the fuin of Three Hundred Dol
lars, he (hall iirtmdiately place the fame in
one of the Banks of New-York or Philadel
phia, to the cieditof the Governor ps the
Society, and such of the Superintendants as
live in the city where the monies are placed,
lo remain there nntil the Lottery is drawn,
for the paymnt of the Prizes.
11. The Managers to take fulßcient ft*
eurity for any Tickets they may trust, other,
■wife to be responsible for the>p.
111. To keep regular books of Tickets
fold, Monies received and paid into the
Sank, abftrafls of which (hall be sent,
monthly, to the Governor of the Society.
Palerfon, January i, 1794.
On applicatiim to either of the abor'e gen
tlemen, infnrmaiion will be given where
tickets may be had.
February *4,
The Lottery published by the
"Society for establishing ufeful manufac
ture;," will commence drawing the firft
T 11' PJav in November next —
Treasury Department,
■Revenue Office, Aug. 20, 1794.
Notice is hereby given, that
Will be received fit (he' Office of the C»m
tpiflionrr of the Reventrc unt l the expi
ration ot trie ftr(tday as O&obet" next, for
the tupply of all Rations, which may be
required for the ufc ot the United States,fiotn
the fiift day of January to the thiriy-firlt day
of December 1795, including both d^ys t at
the places, and within the diftri&t hereinaf
ter mentioned, via.
1. Ac any place or places between York
md Carlisle, in the Slate of Pennsylvania, and
Pittsburgh, and at Pittsburgh, York, and
i. At any place or placet from Pittsburgh
to the muuih ol Big Beaver Cttek, kno ai tic
iflouch of big Beaver Creek.
g. At any place or placet from the laid
mouth to the upper fallt of the said Big
Beaver, and at the upper,falls.
4. At any pUee or places from the said ap.
per UIU to Mafcmiioi;, and at Mihoning.
5. At any place or placet from the said
Mahouing, over toAhc Head Navigation of
At rivet Cayahoga, aud at the said Head
6. At any place or places from the said
Head Navigation to the mouth of the said
river Cayahoga, and »t the said mouth.
7- At any" place or placet between the
mouth of the Big Beater Creek, 10 the mouth
of ilic nver Mutkingum,and np the said livn
to the Tufcarowai, and at the Tufcarowas,
and thence over to the Cayahoga river, a<id
thence down the said river ta its mouth.
8. At anv place or places between the
mouth ot the river Mulkingum and the-mouth
of the Scioto river, and at the mouth ot the
Tatd ri»et Scioto.
9. At any place or places between the
mouth of Scioto river and the mouth of the
Great Miami, at the mouth of the Great Mi
ami, and from thence to the Rapids «'n the
falls of the Ohio, and at the said rapids.
10. At any place or places between the
mouth cf the Great Miami, upon the Jafd
Miami, to and at Pique Town. '
ti. At any place 01 places from Fort W*(h
ingioti to Fort Hamilton, and at Fort Hamil
ton. At any place or places from Fort Ha
milton to Fott St. Clair, and at Fort St. Clair.
t2. At anyplace or places from Fort it.
Clair to Fort Jeffcrfon, and at Fort jeffcrfon
13. At any place 6r placet from Foit Jef
fcrfon to fort Recovery the field of a£lion
of the 4th of November and at the
said field of a&ion.
14. At any place or places from the said
field ot a£tion to the Miami Villages, and
at the Miami Villages^
>5. At any pl*ce or places from the said
Miami Villages to the falls of the Miami
river, which flow into Lake Erie, and at
the said falls, and frdm thence, to its mouth,
and at its mouth..
16. At any place *>r place* from the month
of the said Miami mer of Lake Erie to San
duflty Lake, and at Saodtiflcy Lake.
17. At any place dr places from the said
Sandufky Last) to the mouth df the river
18. At any place or place! from the trtouth
of the (aid river Cayahoga to Pifcfque' lfle
and at Prefque lfle.
19. At any placeer places frdto the Prcfquo
Hie to the ftrcanj running into Lake Erie
ffora towards the Jadaghque Lake, & thence
over to and at the said Jadaghque f,ake, and
thence down the Alleghany river to Fort
Jo. At any place or places from Prrfqtie
Hie to I,e floauf, and at Le Bceuf.
at.- At any plate or placet from Le Basuf
to Fort Franklin, and at Fort Frinklin, and
ftom thence to Piltfburgh.
aa. At any place or placet fiom the tapids
of the Ohio to the mouth of the Ouabache
river, 4 frdm the mouth of the said Ouabache
river to the mouth of the river Ohio.
33. At any place or placet on the East fide
from the mouth of
the Ohio river, to the mouth of the Illinois
iafrtf _
44. At any plac* or places from the mouth
tl >e Laid Ouabache river up to Fort Knox
and at Fort Knox. '
»j. At any place or places from Fort Knox
up the said Ouabache to Ooittanon, and at
«6. At any place or placn from Ouittanon,
up the said Ouabache 10 the head navigation
of a branch thereof, ca'led Little River, and
at the said head navigation of Little River.
s7- At any place or places from the said
hepd navigation of Little River over to the
Miami Village.
28. At any place or places from the mouth
of the river Teneffee to Occochappoor Bear
Creek, on the said river, including the fame.
29. At any place or places from the mouth
of the rivei Cumberland to Nafhvillej on the
said river, and at Nashville.
30. And At any place or places within
thirty miles of fa,d Nashville to the South
ward, Wefhrard or Northward thereof.
Should any rations he required at any pla
ces, or within other dilfri&s,notfpecincd in
Ihefc proposals, ihe price of the fame is to be
hereafter agreed on between the United States
and the contra&er.
The rations to be supplied are to c<m£(t of
the following articles, vi»;
One pound of bread or floor,
One pound of beef, or j of a poulid of pork. ,
One quart of fait. }
Two quarts of vinegar, f ,
Two pounds of - soap, r 100 ""'"w.
One pound of candlc.4, J
The rations are to be furnifhed in such
quantities, as that then: shall at all times,
during the said term, befufficient for the
consumption of the troops at each of the
said polls, for the term of at least three
months in advance, in good and whelefome
provisions, if the fame fball be reqnired.
It is to be underfteod in each cale, that
all losses sustained by the depredations of
the enemy, or by means of the troops of the
United States, fball be paid for at the prices
of the articles captured or destroyed, on
the depositions of two or more persons
of creditable characters, and the certificate
of a commissioned officer, ascertaining the
circumftancts of tbe loh, and the amount
of the articles for which corapen&tion shall
be claiiqed.
The contract for the abort fuppliet will
be made either for one year, or for two
years, as may appear eligible. Persons
disposed to contrast will therefore confine
* 5.000
J N., Pmcs S,« D 9 P« Auh.
Maurice Margarot,
Before the High Court of Juftifiary at
' Edinburgh, on an indißment ftr
" OF the manwremaikable trials which
the present extraordinary system of crirni
nal jurisprudence in G. Britain and Ireland
has brought before the public eye j this,
certainly is most entitled to universal pe .
ru lat and attention. It devclopei, more
tully than any publication extant, the lat
est view, and objefti of the Britifli conven.
turn j and proves inconteftibly, thatiudi
ciat profecutionj (or perfecutions{ and de
cisions are now more the refuk of the pre
sent order of things, than any old faihion
ed attachment to the laws or the conftitu
tion. Add to this, th»t irlioldj up to the
wonder and admitation of- mankind, the
thehrm, manly, an*i patriotic |conduct of
this devoted »i(slini— this « Second Sydney '
as he has justly and deferredly been called
who in th. course of one of the longelt tri!
w * n °" of > unadifted eten by a finale
th ® lo "g r "l*, evinced fueh a
depth of legal and constitutional knew.
i u 'ft' af s eech 0{ W hours
inTfi ft' splayed fu L ch » bl'ie of eloquence
thecal, m IS A l "'"' 3S «ft°n><hed
tbe court—and, strange to relate ! eve*
drew involuntary applause from the
«rnten e ;» mni ' 8°"
Augnft 16.
-L- - *"Wt
'theiroff rs to one year, as they may form
their prfepofitions so as to admit an ele&ion"
of the term of two years.
The offers may comprise all tbe places
which have been fpecified,-or a part of
them only.
It is alfor Deftrtdy
that prnpofals may be offered for fiipplving
jit the two pods of Fort Washington and
tLt rations neceflary for the
main Army, its detachments and the Gafr
tcfoni above mentioned daring thefaid year
< 795■ The provisions. Sec. which will bo
received at will be those which
(hall be necefTary for the troop> at that
place and at the posts north, north-weft
■md, iu the vicinity, on the weft .thereof.
The provisions which will be received at
Fort Washington will be those which
lhall be required for the remainder of the
pvfts,for the principal detachments and tor
t|.e main Array. , The exp'enfe and trouble
offafe keeping unpacking and iffumg tbe
provisions deliverable under this second
form of the propofn'tom, will be saved to
the Com aftort. The exact proportion of
the whole supplies, which will be required
at each of the two Posts of Fort Walhing.
ton and Pittibnrgh will be determined at
the time of executing the contract.
Aug. si
Twenty Dollars Reward.
MY Saddle Marc was stolen from IVye
Mill, Talbot County, Maryland, on the
night of the Joth «f August latt. She'is
black, and supposed to be ten or twelve
vearsold, under fourteen hand)
patt and handsome, branded with the let
ter O, on the left Ihoulder, a handfom
star on her forehead, a large, full eye, hee
neck crest fallen, aflat buttock, her fore
foet turns in, and one of them white; (he
racks, trots and canters, has good spirits,
and goes very pleaf'antly. If taken up out
at the state, I will give the above re war
of twenty deUars and <11 reasonable char,
ges, if within the state and thirty miles*
from Wye Mill, eight dollars and reason
able charges, anel .if a shorter distance in
proportiort, to any person.who will deliver
her to theSubfcriber it the mill.
Nat. Kennard.
Wye Mill, Talbot County, Sept. 2
Principles and Observations
o F
Pbt and Pearl AJbes.
Infpeaor of Pot and Pearl-Adieu for the
, Commonwealth of Maffachufetti.
I 5 Publilhed according to Aft of Congrefa.
? These observations relate to an extensive
buiinefs ; and are designed, in the plainest
ftianner, to convey profitable information
to thole interested in it, who have not leif-;
Ore or opportunity to search for th? princi
ples therein contained, in the writings of
profeflionaJ Chemists,
Whereas an attach
! nient at the I'uit of the adminiftratorsof all
and Angular the goods and chattels, rights
and credits, which were of William Burt'
oct deceased, at the time of his death
hath beeh iiTuedout ol" the Inferiour Couj,
<)f common pleas, in and for the Csuntyo,
Middlele*j agaiolt the Goods ami Chattles>
Lands-and Tenements of lirnius Martin
late of the county aforefaid, returnable to
the thirdTuefday in July last. NOTICE!
is hereby given to the said Vrcnius Martin,
that unlets lie appear and file special bail to
the foid action, On or before the third Tuef.
day in January next, judgment will be en
tered against him by default, and the goods
ind chatties, lands and tenements to at
tached, fold for th« fatisfattion of such of
his creditors as (hall appear to be justly en
titled to any demand thereon, and (hal lan
ply for that purpose, accoedin* to the form
oi the ila'tute in such cafe made& provided
By order of the Court,
DEARS, Clerk.
I awtf.
"g- to,
And for sale at
Matbcw Carey * Store,
No. JlB, Market street,
Price hall a dollar, enlbelliihed with a
ftrikiog likeness of Mr. Margarot,
The T R I A L
Tbe Gazette of the Ukiteb
States is now publi/hed at No. 119
Chmnut street—to which plate tbi
OFFICE of tbe Editor it removed, and
where-Pr«nt4»& W*rk m general it
Just Landed,
Frtm on board tbejhip Washington, Caps.
Jobrr Collins from Jhsurdtaux,
White Wines
in Hhds. and Cases—For Sale by
No. 26, Sprucc, near front Street. *
August 15, »794- d.
One hundred dollars
WHEREAS there were deliveredinthe
Moritii of O&ober lafl, from the Stores of
the Subscribe 1 *, Two Cheftsand oine Half
Chcftsof Bobea Tea, marked, numbered
and weighing, as under, to fume person or
ertbnt with pretended orders from Mr
SAAC CLASON of this Citv t butwhich
lie did not leceive j whoever will gj v e in
formation so that adifcovrry may be made
who got the said Tea, (hall receive the
aboe reward ; add it xrequefted that the
Dealers in the Article will be careful in
examining the MaUcs and Nurobers.of the
Chests that have puffed through their hands
since the pe'iod above-mentioned, and give
thedefired information.
New-York, July 3;ft, 1794,
William and fames, Conftpblt*-
Ship Wajhinptoti *
C.q.Jb. Tare
g CNo. 3*7 3 » 16 60
' \ 473 3 » »4\ 64
w r 177 1 3 «»' 39
B- '77 M »3 39
I 198 13? 41
I »3 MiS *37
f aa;
I a«7
I 404
Aug.. 6
One thousand Dollars
R E fV A R D.
Some lew Counterfeit Pot-Notes of the
Aank of Maryland, haviag teen lately difco
vared in circulation, and on tracing ihcfaitgt
were found to come fiom the bick parti of
Virginia, where they probably ftrft issued ; to
avoid impolition it it thought necessary to
give the follaftving defcriptios of thrts, by
*hich they may readily be drtefted.
Th«y have the letter D, fori heir alphabet!
caltiqark, at the left hand fide of the Note.
The paper on which they aje printed ia
mare foft and tender, the ilroke* of the leturt,.
in »he engraving are in general and ■
I k»te a darker appearance than iothe bitli.,
; , Thefignature William Fatterlon, u badly
•Tone, the-flrbkei of the letters, arc ftiffand
Üborcdvand-appear to be painted over w»lv
theptik, as well as the flourilhingafth^atne.
Th'c value it left blank in the engr*vjng,jto'
Be filled up in writing, so the sum may be
fcflre 0r less at pleasure, '
No. true Pott-Notes of th» 'alphabetical
Mark,-above deferred, hare been lately if.
hied, and very few are now in circulation.
, The above reward of One ThOusand dol
l Jl'" 'o any petfon,-or persons,
who (hat) discover, or profecuteM conviftisn,-
the several offend c» or any ofthem>of the
follow lag defcriptiun, via.
I prtfon or persons, who engraved the
The 1 printer, or printers of the (aid bills.
Every pcrfen who has a&cd ai principal in
anyway in the counterfeiting and uttering
he (aid bills. b 6
of the Bank «f Maryland.
, Bm», April 8,
In the House of Reprefentativet,
• " T\ * J
WDiclmbe* eift.i7Q»
HJEREAS the Comroiflioners of pui
tic Accounts,have reported, that th»
canaot proceed to the investigation of th
Treafary Accounts, refpefling special In
dents, without knowing the outstanding a
mount thereof in circulation Therefore,
Refolvid, That all holders of fpeciaMn
uc *J C "'rested, required, on or before
tnc firft day oi November m xt, to deliver th«
special Indents in their pofffflioo to one or
other of the Commiflioners ef the Treasury,
who «re to give receipts for the fame, and to
report to tb» Commiflioners .on public ac
counts, en or before thetcnth day of Nov
ember next, the amount by the™ refpe&ive-
H in <l »lfo to the Legislature, at
their meeting in November next, ami that,
all special Indents not rendered into the
Treasury as akove, on or before the firft day
of November next, (hall be, and tke fatne
are neieby barred.
Rejelvti, That public notice of thisrefolu
tion be given ia thefeveraliG.xxtte» in this
Mate, once every three week., until the firft
lay ol November next. And ihat theDele
° !n the Gongfc(»of the-Uni
tftd States, be requeued tocaufe. this .refoUl
-51 on to be published in one or more paper*
in thf cili.s of Philadelphia and New-Ydrk,
»mi that proviiion will be made sOs the e*~
pencei attending such publication.
. c '■» Tha t the refotation be (cut to
tne Senate for their concurrence.
By orderof the House,
j I* th, SENATE,
Pr, j >*«■ Oac*«t«»a.*iftvt79S.
Refched, That this House da consur with
tni House of Rcprefentativei in tbe. forego
ing refolutlont.
Ordertd, That tbe' rcfolution»]bc 'en' to
he Ho Luc of Rcprefentativct.
by order of the Senate,
ewt N.
In Barrel* ; and
Chrft* I
'3? 40
13 9 3*
' 3'»J 40
I 3 18 41
1 3 14 3?
dim 3*.
• •«. -
At the STORES 0 f
Jefle & Robert Wain
PORT WINE in pipes, hhd s . a„d '
, ter. caflcs
USBON pipej and^aner^.
C "*>WU
Sr.^ U A. n M t)f of *"'kon »nd Cadiz SALT
Soft flielled ALMONDSi. baje,
zsrs?*** «*>•
Russia MATIS. *
,■Choice St. Croix Sugar
And for, Sale,
£:;x Dtit ' orßmsiA^i
The Public are cautioned to
beware of counterfeited Five Dollar Bill,
of the Bank of the United States, and
Twenty Dollar Billj of the Bank of North
America, federal of which have epptartd
ta circulation within a few days j,ajf ■ the*
are gofd general imitation of the genuine
Btllj, but may be difimgui/hed by the sol.
owing J
Five Dollar Bills of the Bank of tbi
United States.
ALL that have appeared have the letter
F. for their Alphabetical Mark.
The Texture of the Paper is thicker and
whuer and it takes the ink more freely
than the genuine paper.
The O. tn the word Company is Cnaller
than the M. and other letters of that word,
ft that a line extended from the tr.p of the
o,to touch the top of the M. would extend
confidtrabiy above the range of the whole
In the word United the letters are nar
rower and closer igether.than the«ft of
tha bill.
The i «nd /In the word promise are not
parallel, the/inclining much more lorward
than the «i
The engraving is badly executed, the
Itrokes of all the Letters are stronger and
the device in themargiß particularly ismuch
coarfcr and appears darker than in the true
bills. Some et the counterfeits bear date i 0
l79t—Whereas the Bank was not in opera.
Hon till December, and no five dollar bills
wore i(filed, in ihat year..
T-WMty Hollar.Hills of the Bank.of Nortf,
ALL tbat4iave appeared have the letter
B. for their alphabetical mirk.
They are printed on a paper nearly simi
lar to that of the counterfeit Five Dollar
Notes above defcribedj the engraving is
octterexecuted, and they approach nearer
to the appearance of the genuine hills.
The fine ruled lines through the word
wtntf, in the body of the bill, are in num
ber thirteen in the genuine bills, and but
twelve in the counterfeits.
The word Comftny is much like the fame
word in the Five Dollar Bills *s d«fcribed
$bove, the o being let's than the m, and «•
tuer» following.
There is noftroketo the t inthe w«id
"trill wliereaj in the genuine bills theftrok<e>
R well defined.
1 The letters ml in the word to
Jheleft hand at tire bo<ti>m, do not com* •
down to the line,, hut art so cut as to give
an irregular appearanro to the woid, The
Ttu and they B"' r, g below them.
The figuaiore J Nixon, has the appear
|nce of being written with lamb-black and
• 11, and diffors from otiier in '
priming th bills, and th« calhier'j Signa
It is fappofed theft forgeries were commit
ted in fomeofthe Southern States, as all the
counterfeits that have appeared, havic come
from thence, and two person*. .have been ap
prehended ii> Virginia, on suspicion ol being
the author of thern.
• TJ ,e reward of ONf> THOUSAND SOL.
Z/WJS will be pa'd to any Perlon or Perfom
who fliall rfifemer and profccutc io convic
tioa the several offender* of the following
defrriptions or any of them, via.
The person or pcrfons, who manufafltH*-
■rk '"P er on - which the Bills are .printed.!
The person or persons, who engraved the
The printer or printer!, of the bill*.
fcvery person who has afled as a principal •
in my other way, in the counterfeiting and
uttering (he said bills.
•Philadelphia, March sB, >795,
2J, 1794»,
Otbercounterfeit bilis-*
of the Bank of the United States h«ve ap
peared in sireulfltioa.
The ■.denomination ris of TWENTY
DOLLARS, and the alphabetical mark is
the letter B.
They may be distinguished from the ge»
nuine by the following MAHKS !
of (he counterfeits is of 3
more tender texture *and glofley furface
than the ,aud there is jk> water
n,-trie in tbem.
The letter C. in thi word Cafhler, in
he true bills is strongly marked, whereas
io the counterfeit!, the whole- Jetter is a
fine hair flroke, evidently in an unfinilhed
The letter* in the word demand,
is badly formed and the whole word ill done
»nd there is no comma at theend of it, as
there is in the genuine bills.
The marginal dens'ee, is much da, ker
m the, falfe> than -in the genuine bills own
ing to the ihade strokes coarser, mvc2»
nearer together, and consequently much
more numerous. This ikes the
eye at fir ft- view*
The, fame rcwiwdof ONE THO USANI>
DOLLARS, wiH be paid for appreheuding,
Hi prosecuting to convi&ion the fewer si 1
above tiefcribed Offenders in refpeft to this,
as t» the laftdefcribed bills.
of the Bank United States.
JOHN NIXON, President of the
Bank of Notch America.
By order of the Committed of the Rel
peftive Boarda.
1 '2*.. ,
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