Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, September 09, 1794, Image 4

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    - .J.-
The Ground Flan
City and Suburbs
i r i 3 with p.eafuie ihe-puUlifiier lias
to info m his iubfcritter* and the public in
gelvcr'a], that tlie plate .s now under the
hands of rhe engraver,and in greater for
wardnfs than wan at fii ft contemplated. At
thi fame riine he begs leave to r< mind
them, th.-t iubfcj ipt'on papers are still o
pen at mofl of the noted book-stores in the
cify ; and t!ir he hope-, from the whole
of them to Ik enabled to so m finch a ref
pectahic ca aloove of, an will do a
credit to the work, as well ar, afford a
reasonable encouragement-to the under
Th >fe wha are d< firoiis of Further infor
requeued to call />n
znjatnin Davies,
No. 68, Market ilreet.
April M- m&tht'F
An Apprentice
To the
Watch Making and
A f P fc-f TO
C. Campbell.
No. south Fourth street, two doors
from Mirket-ftreet.
Sept. 3
Fine Liverpool
To Be Sold
From the Ship Thomas,
The second wharf below Pine-Street, ap
ply at laid wharf, to
Jehu Hollingfworth, & Co.
Aug. d.
Seheme of a Lottery*
To raise 39,900 Dollars, on 266,000
Dollars, deducting 1 5 per Cent, from
the Prizes—this Lottery confifls of
38,000 Tickets, in which there are
14,539 Pruih and 23,461 Blanks,
being about one and an half Blanks to
a Prize.
TH k Directors of the Socirty for eftablilh
ing Ulefyl .Manufactures-, having rtfolv
ed to ere6t LOTTERIES for raising One
.Hundred Thousand Dql lars, agreeably
to an Aft of the L'rgiflitufe of th, St. te of
New-] fey, have appointed the following
per Pons to fupermtend and direst the draw
ing of tiie fame, viz. Nicholas Low, Rnfus
King* Herman Le Roy, Junes Wat lon,
Richard H m-ifon, Abij;rh Hammond, arid
-Cornelius R; yj of the city Of New-York
T'i rndb Willing, Joffph liall, Matthew M'-
Connel and Andrew Bayard, of the city of
Enilodefphia—-His Excellency Richard How
ell, Esq. Elias Bouriiaot, General EliaS Day
ton, Jam s Packer, John Bayard, Do£t > r
Lewis l>Otiham, Samur 1 W. Stockton,, Joshua
M. Wallace, Jr>feph ftloomfield, and Elifha
Boudinot, of Niw-Jerfey, who offer the
following Scheme o\ * Lottery; and pledge
theinfeivcs id tre uuulic, that they will tjkr
every afliitance Sod precaution in their power
to hive the Monies paid by the Managers,
from to time, as received, into the
Banks at New-York and Philadelphia, to
remain for ihc purpose of paying Priz j,
■which (hall be immediately discharged by a
cheek npon one of (he. Batiks.
fuze of 20,000 Dollars Is 20,000
10,000 10,000
5»ooo io,oo<">
2 ; 000 10,000
IjCOO 10,000
500 in,ooo
too 10,000
50 15,000
20 20,000
l o
M>.539 P r ** c? <
33,461 Blanks. First drawn number, 2,000
Laftdrawn number; 2,000
38,000 Tickets at 7 Dollars each is 266,000
The drawing will commence, under the
infpeftion of a Committee of the Superin
tendants, as soon as the Tickcts are fold, of
which timely notice will be given.
The Superintendents have appohited John
Cumming, of Newaik, Jacob R. Har
<fenberg, of New-B« unfwick, aYid Jonathan
Rhea, of Trenton, as immediate Manogers
thereof, who have given ample security for
discharging the trust reposed in them.
(JdT In order to fccure the pun&ual pay
mentofthc Prizes, the of
the Lottery have direftcd tiaat the Managers
ftiall each enter into bonds in 40,000 dollars,
with four fufficient fecuriti s, to pexform their
inftiu6lions, the fubllance of which ift
I. That whenever cither of the Managers
shall receive the sum of Three Hundred Dol
lars, he (hall immdiately place the fame in
one of the Banks of New-York or Philadel
phia, to the ciedit ot the Governor o? the
Society, and such of the Supcnnicndants a,s
Jive in the c»ty where the monies are placed,
to remain there nntil* the Lottery is drawn,
for the pay mat of the Prizes.
11. The Managers to take fufficicnt fe
eurlty for any Tickets they may trust, other
wise to be refponfiblefor them.
111. -To keep regular books of Tickets
fold, Monies received and pai'd into the
Bank, - abftra'fts of which (hall be .sent,
monthly, to the Governor of the Society.
Pater son, January l, 1794.
On application to either of the above gen
tlemen, information will be given where
tickets may be had.
Jebruary 24.
(t3T The Lottery published by the
« Society for eftabliftiing ufeful nanufac
tarei,'* will commence drawing the firft
Tuefda'y in November next —
NO. 72.
Diftrift of Pennsylvania,
BF. it remembered that on the fourth day
of Ai^nft ;n tire nineteenth year oTthe inc/c
---pehdence of the United States of America*
Joseph Priestley ot the laid diitrift hath de
pouicd in (his Office the title of a Hook the
whereof sic claims a& Author in ~ the
woids following to wit :
u Two viz. l. The prefeni
*• state of Europe compared with ancient
*■ Pi ophtcies, preached on the F<tft*day
<l *794) with u Preface containing the
41 <01 the Authors leaving England.
u 2. The ufc of Chriftianily efpecilily in
44 di.fccuk times, being the Authors Fate
" well discourse to h»s Congregation at
4< HdCKiie). by Joseph Pneftlcy L. L. D.
F. R, S. See.
In conformity to (lie Aft of the Cougrefs of
the United States intituled " An Att tor the
encuujagemeot of learning by fct'uiing the
copies ol Maps Charts and Book, to thw
Authors and Proprietors of such copies du
ring thfe times therein mentioned.'*'
Samuel Caldwell,
Clerk qf the- DiSriS. of Pennjyl'vah a.
NO. 71. *
Diftridl of Pennsylvania,
BE it remembered that on the fourth day
of Aogtift 111 the nineteenth year of the inde
pendenee ot the United States ol America,
Jwtf pli JJrieftJcy ol the fjid Diftrift, liaili dc
pofiud in this OiHce the Title ot « B jolC.lhc
right wlicieof he claims as Author 111 tlu
to wit,
44 Letters addrefTcd to the Philosopher*
u ami Politicians oi France on the fu'oje&
"of Religion. To which arc prefixed
" Oi-fervdLions relating to the causes ofrhe
<4 general prevalence of Infidelity, by Jo
-14 feph Priestley, L. L. D. F. R. S.*&c.
" 'Kantamtle Rem tam negligeiiter.
In conformity to the aft of the Congress
of the United States intituled u An A6t for
the er couragemcnt o: learning; by securing
the copieiof Map* Chart* and Books to the
Authors and Proprietors of such copies du
ring the times therein mentioned."
Samuel Caldwell,
Clerk of the DiflriSt of Pennsylvania.
NO 70,
t)iftridt of Pennsylvania,
BE if remembered that 011 the fourth
day of Augult in the nineteenth yeat oftlie
Independence us the United States of
America; -JofcjSli Priestley of thefaiddif
tuit liatu deposited in this Office the title
of a book the right whereof he claims as
Author in the words Following- to wit:
" An appeal to the fcrious and candid
" PiofefTors of Chriftiauity 011 the sol
" lowing fubjetts viz; i. The use of
'< reason in the matte>s of
'' The powers of man to do the will-os
<< of God—3. Original Sin—4. Election.
" Rer.i iration. .5. The Divinity of
<l , C'li ijf ; a.>d 6. Atonement fi»r Sin by
" tlu" death'of Christ, By Jnfeph Priefty
il le\ L. L. D F R. S. &c To which are
4i added a concise H'ftory of the rife of
u those doctrine'; and an account of the
u Trial of Mr. Elwalf for Heresy and
" Blasphemy at Stafford AfTues. To us
•• there is one God the Father and one
" Mediator the Man Christ Jesus. n
Cor. VIII. 6. i. Tim.: If. 5 "
In conformity to the Acb ofCongreft %f the
United Stater, intituled 44 An Aft for the
of learning by feouing.
the Copes o' Maps C>a ts and Book' to the
Authorstmt P' op ieto s of such copies du
ring the times therein mentioned."
Samiiel Caldwell,
Clerk of the DiJlriEl of Pennfylv am a.
lirr n
NO. 6q.
Diftri£t of Pennfylvaniaj
'to iriT.-
BE it lemembered ihat on the fourth day
of August, in the nineteenth year of the in
dependfnee of the United States of America,
Thomas Dobfon of the said Diftrift, iiath de
pofitrd in this Office the Title of a Book, the
right whereof he claims as Proprietor, in the
words following, to wit :
" An Account of the Bilious Remitting
" Yellow Fever,-as it appeared in the ci
-4t tv of Philadelphia in the year 1793* by
«• Benjomin Ruih, M. D. Profelloi of the
(t Inflitntes and of Clinical Medicine in
«' the University of Pennsylvania."
In conformity to the of of
the United States intituled " An A6Pfor the
encouragement of Learning, by the
copies of Maps, Charts, and Books, ro the
Authors and Proprietors of such Copies,dur
ing the times therein merit loner!."
Samuel Caldwell,
Clerk of the Diftriß tf Pennfyl'vania.
Anp, 27
Two Apprentices
To the Printing Bufineis. Enquire at this
From the Paflure of the Subscriber," the
evening of the 30th ult.
A Brown Horse,
ABOUT 14 1 2 hands higli, trots nim
ble and attive, nine ycais old, has a lump
raiftd'oya collar op each ftioulder; the
hoof of his offUind foot split up to the hair.
—Twenty dollars reward will I e given los
the horse and apprehending the thief, or ten
for either, and reasonable charges
will he paid.
A man of ftiort stature and light colored
rloaths, who said he was from Weftmore
land in Pennsylvania, and called himfelf
Thomas Moore, left this city on Saturday
evening, and was seen carrying a saddle
and bridle on his hack when he left it.
tu&f. f
James Schurefnan.
N. Brunl'wick, Sept. 3
PHILADELPHIA:_P r ,nted ev JOHN FENNO, No. 113, Chbsnut Str SST ._P r , (B S.x Dollars Per Annvm.
NO. 6*.
D 'ljlritt of Pennsylvania,
to wit.
HE it remembered that on the twenty
third day of July in the nineteenth year ol
the independence of the United States ot
America, JOSEPH BOCt+S, of the said
diftrift hath depo£t«tfu this office, the ti
tc of a booktlie light whereof be claims
is author 111 the words following, to wit.
" The Philadelphia Direßo
ty, lor the year 1795 —by Joseph Boggs."
In conformity to the a<st of the Congress
of the United An aft for
the encouragement of learning by securing
"the copies of maps charts and books to the
authors and proprietors of such copiesdur
ing the times therein mentioned.
Clerk of tDiiiriftof Pmnfylrania.
July Jo d
Principles and Observations
Pot and Pearl AJhes.
fnfpeftor of Pot and Pearl-Alhes for the
Commonwealth of MaiTachufetts.
Publilhed according to A£l of Congress.
These observations relate to an extensive
business ; and are designed,- in the plainest
manner, to Convey profitable information
;to thole interested in it, who have not leis
ure or opportunity te search for the princi
ples therein contained, in the writings of
profelfional Chemists.
Aug. 2
14 Terence."
Robert Campbell,
No. 54, south Second Jlreet, second door
below the corner of Chef nutJlreet,
The Young Lady's Friend,
Of; the New 1 l.eatre,' Philadelphia ; au.
thor of the filie dei<Jhambre,
-Viftoii'A, Chai lotfe, &c.
Price neatly bound 7 5 cents.
Detejied he the pen <whg/e baneful influ
Could to the youthful docile mind convey
Pernicious precepts, tell loose tales,
And paint illicit pajjion in Juch colours,
As flight mijlend the unjitfpeciiitg hearts
Arid vitiate the young, unfitted judg
I Would not for the riches of the Eajl
Ab'ufe the noblejl gifts of Heaven tuns,
Or Jink my Genius to such profl:tutiou.
Aug. 21 tawlm
Whereas an attach^
raent at the suit of the adminitlratprsot all
and Angular the goods and chattels, ri hts
and credits, which were ot' William liurj'
net decealed, at the time of his death
liath been ilfredout of the lnferiour Cotu
of common pleas, ui and for the Countyo;
Middielexj agninft the Goods and Chattles f
Lands and Tenement- 1 , of Irenius Martin,
late of the county aforefaid, returnable to
the thirdTtiefday in Jiily last. NOTICE
is heieby given to the (aid Irenius Martin,
that unlets he appear anfl file special bail to
the said aftib'n, on or before the thirdTuef
day in January nexty judgment will be en
tered against him by delaulr, and the goods
and chatties, lands s(nd tenements lo at
tached, fold for the fatisfa&ion of such of
his creditors as (hall appear to be justly en
titled to any demand tiiereon, and thai lap
ply for that purpose; according to thefoim
of the statute in such cafe made& provided
-Ug- ioi
And for sale at
Matheiv Carey s Store,
No. 118, Market flreet,
Price half a dollar, etrtbellifticd with a
striking likeriefs of Mr Margarot,
Maurice Margaret,
Before the High Court of J uJHciary at
Edinburgh,. on an Ind'iHment for
" OF the many remaikable trials which
theprefent extraordinary system ot crimi
"at jurisprudence in G. Britain and Ireland
has brought before the public eye ; this,
ceitainly is mod entitled to liniverfal pe
rn al and attention. Ic developes, more
fully than any publication extant, the lat
elt viexvi and objects of the Britifli conven
tion } and proves inconteftibly, thatjudi
cial prolecutions (or perfecution<( and de
cisions are now more the refute of the pre
sent order of things, than any old fafliion
ed attachment to the laws or the conftito
tion. Add to this, that it holds up to the
wonder and admiration of mankind, tlje
the firm, manly, and patriotic icondudt of
this devoted victim—this' Second Sydney '
as he has justly and delervedly been called'-
who in the course of one of the longest tri!
als we know of, unallifted evqn by a single
member 0 f the long robe, evinced such a
depth of legal and constitutional know
ledge and, in a speech of four hours
length, displayed such a blaze of • lnquence
and firlt rate abilities, as alloniihed
the court—and, itrange to relate ! even
drew involuntary applause from the venal
and time-serving creature of a eorrupt go
Aug nft 16,
Sam. Caldwell,
o F
And tobefoid by
Mrs. Rowiorij
By order of the Court,
DEARE, Clef*.
I awtf.
Just Landed,
From on board the ship fVaJhihgton, Capt.
John Collins from B&urdeaux,
White Wines
la Jhuiei* j and
in Hbds. and Cases—For Sale by
No. 26, Spruce, near front Street.
August 15, i 79- d.
Tie Gazette 0/ the United
States is notu publjjhed at No. 119
ChKsnXjt street—to which place thi
OFFICE of the Editor is remtrved, and
where Printing W«rk in general is
One hundred dollars
WHrCREAS there were de!i veredlnthe
Month of O&o'oer Ia(l, from the Stores of
;the vSiibf'cribei s, Two Cherts and nine Half
Chests of Bohea Tra, marked, numbered
and weighing, as under, to forae person or
erlons with pretended orders from Mr
iS AAC CLASON of this City, butwhich
i,e did not receive ; whoever will give in :
foimationfo that a difcoycry may be made,
rwfto got the said I~ea, (ball receive the
above reward ; and it isrequefted that the
Dealer s in the Article will be careful in
examining the Marks and Numbers of the
■Chefti that haye pasTed through their hands
fines the pciod above-mentioned, and give
thedefired information.
I New-Yo'k, July 31ft-, i 794.
William and "James Conjlable.
Ship Washington.
C. q. lb. Tare
g CNo. 327 3 2 16 60
' t 473 3 * 24 64
Wf 177 1312 39
B. 177 I 2 23 39
198 137 41
213 1 3 18 37
227 137 40
/ 287 139 it
301 1 3 15 40
379 1 3 18 41
404 1 3 14 39 J
Aug. 6
One thousand Dollars
R E W A R D.
Some tew Counterfeit Poft-Notcs of the
Bank os-Maryland, haviag been lately difco
vcred tn circulation, and on tracing the fame
were found to come fiom the back parts of
Virginia, where they probably full iflued ; to
rfvoid imposition it is thought necefla'ry to
give the following description of them, by
which they may readily be detc&cd.
They have the letter D, for their alphabeti
cal mark, at the left hand fide of the Note.
The paper on which they are printed is
morefofiand tender, the of the letters, !
in the engraving aie in general stronger, and
have a darker appearance than in the bills.
The William Patterfon, is badly
done, thoftrokesof the letteis, are ftiff and
labored, and appear to be painted.over with
the pen, as well as the flourifhirigof the name.
The v ilue is left blank in the engraving, to
be filled up in writing, so the sum may be
more or iels at pleasure.
No true Post-Notes of the alphabetical
mark, above deferibed, have been lately if
(Uf d, and very few are nnw'in circulation.
The above reward of One Thousand dol
lars will be paid to any person, or persons,
who {hall discover, or prosecute to convittion,
the several offenders, or any of them, of the
following description, viz.
The person or persons, who engraved the
"the printer, or printers of the said bills.
Every pcrfon who has a£led as priocipalin
anyway in the couaterfeiiing and uttering
he fatd hills.
of the' Bank ol Maryland.
Bm», April 8,
In the House of Reprefcntatives,
December 21ft, 1793.
WHEREAS, the Commiflioners ol pub
lic Accounts,have reported, that they
cannot proceed to the investigation of the
Treasury Accounts, refpe&ing special In
dents, without knowing the oulftanding a
mount thereof in circulation :—Therefore,
RcJolvzd y That all holders of special In
dents be dire&ed, and required, on or before
the firft day of November next, to deliver the
special Indents in their poffeflion to one or
other of the Commiflioneis ©f the Treasury,
who are to give receipts for the fame, and to
report to tfoe CommilTioners on public ac
courits, on or before the tenth day 'of Nov
ember next, the amount by therw refpe&ive
ly received, and also to the Lcgiflature, at
their meeting in November next, and that
all special indents not rendered into the
Treaiury as above, on or before the firft day
of November next, fha 11 be, and the fame
are hereby barred.
That public notice of this resolu
tion he given io the feveral,Gazettes in this
State, once every three weeks, until the firft
day of November next. And that the Dele
gates of this State in the Congxefs of the Uni
ted States, be rcquefted to cause this relolu
tion to be published in one or more papers
in the cities of Philadelphia and New-York,
and that provifioxi will be made for the ex.- attending such publication.
That the resolution be sent to
the Senate for their concurrence.
Byordcrof the House,
In (he SENATE,
December ? 1(1,1793.
Rcfolved, That this House do concur with
tht House of Reprcfentatives in the forego
ing resolutions.
Ordered, That the resolutions T be lent to
the liouleof Reprefentarivcs.
by order of the Senate,
ewt N
The Public are cautioned to
beware of counterfeited Fine lJuiar Bills
»/ the Batik of the United States, and
Twenty Dollar Bills of the Bank of North
■America, fcveral if which have appeared
in circulation within a fe<w days fctjl; they
are good-general imitation of the gen time
Bills, but may be d'lftinguifhtd by t-he fob
owing " f
ma r k s.
Fine Dollar Bill, of the Btai of the
United States.
' ALL that have appeared have the letter
F. tor their Alphabetical Mark.
The Texture of the Paper is thicker anil
whiter and it takes the ink more freely
than the genuine paper.
The O. in the word Compa y is fmaper
than the M. and other litters ul tlUt uord
fo that a line extended from the trp of the
O, to touch the top of the M. wouldcxtend
conftderably above the range of the whole
In the word United the letters are nar
rower andclofer together than the reft of
the bill.
The j and/in the *ord promise are not
parallel, the/inclining much moVe lor\v*rd
than the i.
The engraving is badly executed, the
strokes of all the Letters are stronger and
the devi e in themargin particularly ismuch
coarser and appears darker than in the true
bills. Some «1 tic counterfeits bear date in
1 "9 1 —Whereas the Bank was not in opera,
tion till December, and no five dollar bills
were i(fueii in lhat year.
Twenty Dollar Bills of the Bank of North
ALL that have appeared have the letter
B. for their alphabetical mark.
They are pnntedon a paper nearly fimi.
lar to that of the counterfeit Five Dollar
Note? above described; the engraving is
better executed, and they approach nearer
to the appearance of the genuine bills.
The fine ruled lines through the word
Twenty, in the body of ihe bill, are in lium*
her,th-i teen in the genuine bills, and but
twelve in the counterfeits.
The w&rd Company is much like the fame
word in the Five Dollar Bills as defer ibed
the o being less than them, and o*
thers following.
There is no flroke to the / inthe word
North whereas in the genuine bills theftroke
is well defined.
The letters' ent in the word Twenty, tQ
the left hand at the bottom, do not come
down to the line, but are so cut as to give
an irregular appearance to the word, the
Tw and going below them.
The (ignature. 1 Nixon, has the appear
. ance of being written with lamb-black and
oil, and differs from other inks used in
< printing th bills and the cashier's figna
, trure.
It is supposed these forgeries were commit
ted in some of the Southern States, as all the
counterfeits thai have appeared, have come
from thence, and two persons have been ap
prehended in Virginia,on fufpkion ot being
the author of them.
The reward of ONE THOUSAND DOL
LARS will be pa'd to any Person or Persons
who fhail (fjfeover and prosecute to convic
tion the feveial offenders of the following
deWiptions or any of thetn, viz.
1 he person or persons, .who manufaftup*
ed the paper on Bills are printed.
The person or persons, who engraved the
The printer or printers, of the bills.
Every person who has a£led as a principal
>n any other way, in the counterfeiting and
uttering the said bills.
Pniladelphia, March 28, 1794
April 22, 1794,
Other counterfeit bills
of the Bank of the United States have ap*
pearcd in circulation.
The denomination is of TWENTY
and the alphabetical mark is
the letter B.
They may be diftinguilhed from the ge*
nuine by the following MARKS :
The paper ps the counterfeits is of a
more tender texture and glofley fur face
than the genuine, and there is no water
nark in them.
The letter C. in the word Cafbier, in
he true bills is strongly marked, whereas
in the counterfeits, tfie whole letter is a
fine hair stroke, evidently in an unfinifhed
(late. The letter a in the word demand,
is badly formed and the whole wore! ill done
and there is no comma at theend of it, as
there is in the genuine bills.
The marginal device, is much darker
in she falfe, than in the genuine bills ow
ing to the /hade ftrbkes being coarser, nuich
nearer together, and consequently much
more numerous. This difference strikes the
eye atfirft view.
The fame reward of ONE THOUSAND
DOLLARS, will be paid for apprehending,
& prosecuting to convi&ion the several
above described Offenders in refpeft to this,
as to the Jaft described bills.
ot the Bank United States.
JOHN NIXON, Prefrdentof the
Bunk of Notth Artierica.
By Order of the Committees <">f ihe Ref
pe£fcive Boards.
At the STORES of
JefTe & Robert Wain,
PORT WINE in pipes, hlids. and qnar
ter calks
LISBON do. in pipes and qliaricr ea<ks
Suuchongand Congo TEAS, in quarter
A quantity of Lisbon and Cadiz SALT
Soft {helled ALMONDS in bales
Velvet CORKS, iu do.
Rnffia MATTS.
June 9 d
Choice St. Croix Sugar,
And fer Sale,
Also a quantity of RUSSIA Matts.
June 24th. ■ d'
■r ■*
f, '•< Srf
s IL " '**■
•» f ~
\ " \