- .J.- •• The Ground Flan OF THE City and Suburbs PHILADELPHIA. TAKJiN H3)U ACTUAL SVKfFT. i r i 3 with p.eafuie ihe-puUlifiier lias to info m his iubfcritter* and the public in gelvcr'a], that tlie plate .s now under the hands of rhe engraver,and in greater for wardnfs than wan at fii ft contemplated. At thi fame riine he begs leave to r< mind them, th.-t iubfcj ipt'on papers are still o pen at mofl of the noted book-stores in the cify ; and t!ir he hope-, from the whole of them to Ik enabled to so m finch a ref pectahic ca aloove of natr.es, an will do a credit to the work, as well ar, afford a reasonable encouragement-to the under taker. Th >fe wha are d< firoiis of Further infor requeued to call />n znjatnin Davies, No. 68, Market ilreet. April M- m&tht'F WANTED, An Apprentice To the Watch Making and Repairing A f P fc-f TO C. Campbell. No. south Fourth street, two doors from Mirket-ftreet. Sept. 3 Fine Liverpool To Be Sold From the Ship Thomas, The second wharf below Pine-Street, ap ply at laid wharf, to Jehu Hollingfworth, & Co. Aug. d. Seheme of a Lottery* To raise 39,900 Dollars, on 266,000 Dollars, deducting 1 5 per Cent, from the Prizes—this Lottery confifls of 38,000 Tickets, in which there are 14,539 Pruih and 23,461 Blanks, being about one and an half Blanks to a Prize. TH k Directors of the Socirty for eftablilh ing Ulefyl .Manufactures-, having rtfolv ed to ere6t LOTTERIES for raising One .Hundred Thousand Dql lars, agreeably to an Aft of the L'rgiflitufe of th, St. te of New-] fey, have appointed the following per Pons to fupermtend and direst the draw ing of tiie fame, viz. Nicholas Low, Rnfus King* Herman Le Roy, Junes Wat lon, Richard H m-ifon, Abij;rh Hammond, arid -Cornelius R; yj of the city Of New-York T'i rndb Willing, Joffph liall, Matthew M'- Connel and Andrew Bayard, of the city of Enilodefphia—-His Excellency Richard How ell, Esq. Elias Bouriiaot, General EliaS Day ton, Jam s Packer, John Bayard, Do£t > r Lewis l>Otiham, Samur 1 W. Stockton,, Joshua M. Wallace, Jr>feph ftloomfield, and Elifha Boudinot, of Niw-Jerfey, who offer the following Scheme o\ * Lottery; and pledge theinfeivcs id tre uuulic, that they will tjkr every afliitance Sod precaution in their power to hive the Monies paid by the Managers, from to time, as received, into the Banks at New-York and Philadelphia, to remain for ihc purpose of paying Priz j, ■which (hall be immediately discharged by a cheek npon one of (he. Batiks. SCHEME: fuze of 20,000 Dollars Is 20,000 10,000 10,000 5»ooo io,oo<"> 2 ; 000 10,000 IjCOO 10,000 500 in,ooo too 10,000 50 15,000 20 20,000 *5 52 IO * 5 l o »to JjOO toob- M>.539 P r ** c? < 33,461 Blanks. First drawn number, 2,000 Laftdrawn number; 2,000 38,000 Tickets at 7 Dollars each is 266,000 The drawing will commence, under the infpeftion of a Committee of the Superin tendants, as soon as the Tickcts are fold, of which timely notice will be given. The Superintendents have appohited John Cumming, of Newaik, Jacob R. Har s of '' The powers of man to do the will-os << of God—3. Original Sin—4. Election. " Rer.i iration. .5. The Divinity of d 6. Atonement fi»r Sin by " tlu" death'of Christ, By Jnfeph Priefty il le\ L. L. D F R. S. &c To which are 4i added a concise H'ftory of the rife of u those doctrine'; and an account of the u Trial of Mr. Elwalf for Heresy and " Blasphemy at Stafford AfTues. To us •• there is one God the Father and one " Mediator the Man Christ Jesus. n Cor. VIII. 6. i. Tim.: If. 5 " In conformity to the Acb ofCongreft %f the United Stater, intituled 44 An Aft for the of learning by feouing. the Copes o' Maps C>a ts and Book' to the Authorstmt P' op ieto s of such copies du ring the times therein mentioned." Samiiel Caldwell, Clerk of the DiJlriEl of Pennfylv am a. lirr n NO. 6q. Diftri£t of Pennfylvaniaj 'to iriT.- BE it lemembered ihat on the fourth day of August, in the nineteenth year of the in dependfnee of the United States of America, Thomas Dobfon of the said Diftrift, iiath de pofitrd in this Office the Title of a Book, the right whereof he claims as Proprietor, in the words following, to wit : " An Account of the Bilious Remitting " Yellow Fever,-as it appeared in the ci -4t tv of Philadelphia in the year 1793* by «• Benjomin Ruih, M. D. Profelloi of the (t Inflitntes and of Clinical Medicine in 30,000 36,000 81,000 262,000 «' the University of Pennsylvania." In conformity to the of of the United States intituled " An A6Pfor the encouragement of Learning, by the copies of Maps, Charts, and Books, ro the Authors and Proprietors of such Copies,dur ing the times therein merit loner!." Samuel Caldwell, Clerk of the Diftriß tf Pennfyl'vania. Anp, 27 WANTED, Two Apprentices To the Printing Bufineis. Enquire at this Office. STOLEN,; From the Paflure of the Subscriber," the evening of the 30th ult. A Brown Horse, ABOUT 14 1 2 hands higli, trots nim ble and attive, nine ycais old, has a lump raiftd'oya collar op each ftioulder; the hoof of his offUind foot split up to the hair. —Twenty dollars reward will I e given los the horse and apprehending the thief, or ten for either, and reasonable charges will he paid. A man of ftiort stature and light colored rloaths, who said he was from Weftmore land in Pennsylvania, and called himfelf Thomas Moore, left this city on Saturday evening, and was seen carrying a saddle and bridle on his hack when he left it. tu&f. f James Schurefnan. N. Brunl'wick, Sept. 3 PHILADELPHIA:_P r ,nted ev JOHN FENNO, No. 113, Chbsnut Str SST ._P r , (B S.x Dollars Per Annvm. NO. 6*. D 'ljlritt of Pennsylvania, to wit. HE it remembered that on the twenty third day of July in the nineteenth year ol the independence of the United States ot America, JOSEPH BOCt+S, of the said diftrift hath depo£t«tfu this office, the ti tc of a booktlie light whereof be claims is author 111 the words following, to wit. " The Philadelphia Direßo ty, lor the year 1795 —by Joseph Boggs." In conformity to the an any other way, in the counterfeiting and uttering the said bills. Pniladelphia, March 28, 1794 Whole Chests Half Cheftt; dim April 22, 1794, Other counterfeit bills of the Bank of the United States have ap* pearcd in circulation. The denomination is of TWENTY and the alphabetical mark is the letter B. They may be diftinguilhed from the ge* nuine by the following MARKS : The paper ps the counterfeits is of a more tender texture and glofley fur face than the genuine, and there is no water nark in them. The letter C. in the word Cafbier, in he true bills is strongly marked, whereas in the counterfeits, tfie whole letter is a fine hair stroke, evidently in an unfinifhed (late. The letter a in the word demand, is badly formed and the whole wore! ill done and there is no comma at theend of it, as there is in the genuine bills. The marginal device, is much darker in she falfe, than in the genuine bills ow ing to the /hade ftrbkes being coarser, nuich nearer together, and consequently much more numerous. This difference strikes the eye atfirft view. The fame reward of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS, will be paid for apprehending, & prosecuting to convi&ion the several above described Offenders in refpeft to this, as to the Jaft described bills. THOMAS WILLING, President ot the Bank United States. JOHN NIXON, Prefrdentof the Bunk of Notth Artierica. By Order of the Committees <">f ihe Ref pe£fcive Boards. FOR SALE, At the STORES of JefTe & Robert Wain, PORT WINE in pipes, hlids. and qnar ter calks LISBON do. in pipes and qliaricr ea