DAILY EVENING ADVERTISER. [No. 76 of Vol. Vl.] Just Arrived, For Sals Br Peter Blight, The Cargo of the Schooner John, Copt. SoLLirAN from yamaica ; Confining of 150,000 lbs. Coffee, in 80 Hogsheads, 30 Barrels, 460 Bags. Alfa For Sale, PORT WINE, la Pipes, Hogsheads and quarter Cases, Madeira do. and a Cargo of St. Übes SALT, Just arrived about 6000 Barrels. Aug. 26. War Department, yfvgujl 1, .1794. Information is hereby giveti ta sli the military Invalids of the United States, that thr sums to which they a r een titled for their annual pension, which will become dueon the fifth day of September '794, will be pa d on the said day, by the omnnffionars of Loans-within the States refpe-etively, undei the uiiial regulations . Applications of Executors or Adminis trators muftbe accompanied with legal e vidences of their re-fpeftive offices, and alio of the time of the decease of such in- Talidswhofe pensions theV may claim. By command of the President of th« U uited States, H. KNOX, Secretary at War. The Printers in the several States are requested to publifli the above in their newfpapei sor thefpace of two months . Aug. 6 d2m THIS DAY IS PUBLISHED, And to be fold by the following Booksellers viz. John Oimrod, N0.41, Chefnut street, Thomas Dobfon, No. 4'» south Second ftree', Joseph Crukftiank, No. 87, High street, and Win. Young, .No. 52, south Se cond street, ADISC O U R S E Delivered July 17, 1794. 1 N The African Church, Of the City of j'h ladelpaia. On the occasion of opening rlie said church ' holding public worship in it.the firft „. . thne, , '' By Samuel Magaw, D. D. Rector of St. Paul's. Divine Service, introduced, with felefi Scripture palftges, and a special pruyer, and then proceeding in its usual offices, having been performed By James Abercromhie, A. M. Second Afliftant Minister of Chfift Church * and St. Pete-'s. ' ' " Ethiopia Jhall soon Jlretch out her hands unto God" Aog.i6 Lachawannock. A LARGE body of LAND on this river and its waters, is now for sale tosctt}ers on ly, on moderate terms, and at a long credit. The foil is remarkably fertile, and nu merous dreams of water are interspersed through the whole country. The main river flows through one tratf of about thirty thousand acres, and is witli he exception of one obftrudlion, naviga ble to the Sufquehannah. Spring Brook Creek, which with its' branches, waters another tract of about forty thousand acres of good Land, emp ties itfelf into the about twelve miles from the Sufquehannah. It affords numerous Mill feats, &in its course creates large bodies of well water cd meadow ground. The other traftsarsinterfe&ed bycr#aks of confiderabJe importance. Several Mills are already eretted for the accommodation of the settlers. Roads are cut in different dire&ion.s, to wards the most convenient markets. The county town is not more than 12 Biles distant from many parts ot the set tlement. The Sufqu«hannah affords an easy and fafe navigation to Middleton, from whence the Canal to Schuylkill extends the corn municatiSn to thfcity. Anothermeans of connexion with Phi ladelphia, is by the Delaware, from wnich places is aboutthirty The proprietors combining theirown in «rett with that of the inhabitants, are dif po ed to erect works of public utility,open uoads, &q. and in every en miles fqnare, a rj' a " d one hundred acres for thefirfl cThriftians C '" ot any denora 'nation oi George Eddy. U ilkes-Barre, Luzerne County, fennfylvania, July g. tA Geor g e Eddy, at Phi mi- r> ia ' T' pia "' reiative mfinefsjwil — duly anfw«red. eod3m 4' of tl)i I®t For Cape Nicholas Mole, The very fajl fat "trigJhip Mi BETSEY, Of Philadelphia) Sms^zsiGeorge Lowther,Majler, For freight, or paflage apply to Louis Ofmont, No. 117, north Second street. Sept. 2 diot Cadiz Salt, For Sale on board the Stvedilh Ship Guf tavus Adolphus, Capfciin BLOOMSTER, 1 1 Said V<"flel, Burthen 300 Tons, For CHARIER,, any PORT within or without the Mediterranean, Apply to John Vau-ghan, Who has for Sale a few Tons CHIPPED LOGWOOD Just Arrived, Also SuperiorCLAßET in Hogsheads Sept. 4. Fop Am ft er dam, i-Jr. THE SHIP g®. HOLLAND, Christopher Franklin, jun. HAS excellent accommodations for pz'ffen gers, will fail with ail convenient fpced, hav ing the greatest part of her cargo isady »o go on hoard. For freight or passage, apply to thr mailer on board, to For Liverpool, The New Ship Neptune, James Jeffries, Master. ABOUT 300 tons burthen; {he has very compleat accommodations for paficn gers, and is intended to fail on or about the 14th of this month. For freight or pas sage apply to Capt. Jefferies on boaidv or John Mayo. diot Sept. 2 LANDING, This Day from on board the brig Attn and Mary, Capt. Corricy, from Antigua, NINETY HOGSHEADS OF Prime Antigua Rum, I ONE third of which is fourth proof, the I other third, alfp a few hoglheads remain ing on hard of the Brig Sally's CARGO, Captain Weft from fame place, whrch has been so much approved of for the finenefs of its flavour. Jamaica Spirits, ' MOLASSFS, Genuine Madeira Wine, *i»w4w By the pipe, qua» ter cask or gallon, ALSO 20 TIERCES FRESH By the Norfolk, Captain Art, Levinus Clarkfon, No. 116,"south corner of Pine cmd Water Jlreeti. Aug. 27 Now Landing, From the ship St. Marks, Capt. Hayfetl, at MnJfej's wharf, Lisbon & Port wine, In pipes and quarter cajks Florence oil, box & jar Raisins Figs & foft Jheird Almonds, Currents, Frejh Lemons, "velvet corks, and A few cajks Vinegar, with a OUANTITY OF Clean Lifboa SALT, FOR SALE BY yofeph Anthony Son. Sept. 8 dlw Stock Brokers Office, No. I§, Wall-ftrcct, New-York. felt entir«ly to the PURCHASE and SALE of STOCKS on COMMISSION,btgs leave to off.r histcr»ices to his friends and others, in the line ol > Stock Broker. Thofc who may please to favor him with their bull, ness, may depend upon having it tranfa&etf with the intnoft fidelity and tfifpateh; Orders from Philadelphia, Boston, or an) other part of the United States, will b' ftriftly attended to. , -V - $ Tuesday, September 9, 1794. and Cases. PETER BLIGHT, Or PRAGERS & GO. R I C E, FOR SALE BY LEONARD GLLECKER. m&thtf AND i34Hogflieads prime 20 ditto Triage 3 ditto Superfine tierces prime a 19 bags do. Say 110,000 ib 9. French wt. ALSO, Some Cotton, And Six Hhds. Jamaica Rum, Of a particular good quality, for Sale oul of the Ship American. LOUIS OSMONT. N0.117, North » d Street. 3*. Sept. 5. This is to forwarn all Persons frQirt trulling my wife Mary Bird on on my account, alter the -date hereof, as I am determined to pay no debts of her con tracing. William Bird. Aug. 28 The Medical ledtur es In the University of Pennsylvania, will commence the firft Monday in November next. Sept s To be Sold, The House, Stables, & of Ground,, In Second ttreet, between- Spruce and Union streets, in the occupation of his Britannic Majesty's Miniftcr. ALSO The Adjoining Lot, 26 feet front, and 149 feet deep. For terms of sale, dpply to Wm, Cramond. W<f Aug. 14 City of Wafhingtoji. S C H EM E OF THE LOTTERY,; No. 11. FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE FEDERAL CITY. 1 A magnificent f 20,000 Dollars, 4od dwelling house, { cash 30,000 ate ' 1 ditto 15,000 i cash #510i Jp 1 ditto 15,00 a 4 feafi»-j slo oo -o 000 > ditto cacti 16,000 fio'ooo 1 ditto 10j000 1 ditto 5.000 10,000 . i C.fl> pr««^p 10,eoo i ditto .. io.oro ditto i,0c6.., 10,000 at) ditto 500 10,000 is* ditto 100 to,eoo 200 .ditto 5© 400 .ditto ~ H . . i0,060^ I,o*oo fates Money to be Lent, On Mortgage of REAL ESTATES, Within the City and Liberties of Philadel phia. Apply to Nicholas Dichlyjun. Attorney at taw. No. IQ, south Fourth Jlreet. Aue. 4 nnv&ftf COFFEE Life Howard. THIS DAT IS PUBLISHED, b y (Price 7 5 Cents) At Franklin's Head, No. 41, Chefnut Street, A VIEW of the Life, Travels and Philan thropic Labours, of the late JOHN HOWARD, Esq. L. L. D. F: R. S. Embellished witha striking likeness of that Citizen of the World. BY JOHN AIKEN, M. D. To whir h is subjoined an ODE infcHbecl .to John Howard, by William Hayley, Elq. eodtO FRO M realm to realm, with cross or cejcent crown'd, Where'er mankind and misery are. found, O'er burning sands, deep waves, or wilds offnow, Great HOWARD journeying seeks the house of woe. Down many a winding step to dungeons dank, Where anguijh wails aloud, and fetters clank: To caves beflrew'd with many a mould'ring bone, And cells, whose echoes only learn to groan; —Onward he moves I—Disease and death', Lot retire, And murm'rlng demons bate him, and ad- mire. Sepi. t. Carriages for Hire. GEORGE GREENy In Pine street, No. 1,23, between fourth and Fifth streets, HAS FOR HIRE. BY the Day, the newest fafhioned Car riages, as Coaches,- Coachees, Cha riots and Light Waggons, with two i or four Horses, and careful steady drivers.'! The terms reasonable, and all favors grate--! fully acknowledged. August a 6, TO BE iSOLD, By THOMAS DOBSON, Alphabetical DUTIES Payable by Taw on all Goods, Wares, and Merchandize impor;ed into the United Saates of A.nerica, alter the last day of June 1794, diftinguifl)in£ the rates payable on thole-imported in ships or vefftUof the United the rates payable in fo reign ships 01 veflels, including the addi tional duties, tohia, one fourth part of the whole number of Suits on or before the 15th day of February next, one fourth, on or be fore the 15.h d«y of April next, and the re maining half on or before the 15th day of June next. The Articles are to be agreeable to such patterns,as {ball be dire&ed by the Secretary for the Department of War. Payment will be made as foot) as the whole of the articles ftiall bave been delivered. 2awtO •odtf •« .; O R M R O D, 2 taw 2*w. i(6teo3w A N Lift OF THE [Whole No. 626.] LANDING From on board the Birmingham Packet, Lockyer, and the Henry and Charles, from Hamburgh, HEMP, Peteijbfrgh's f.rjl quality BAR IRON, Su/edes, ajforted TIN, in tsiatej, do. do. GENEVA in hhds. BAGQING, German aJTorted GLASS■ 'TUMBLERS, and Black Quart Bottles, DEMIJOHNS, Window Glass, Feathers of superior quality, MATTS, ~dc. &c. FOR SALE BY Thomas & John Ketland. Aug. 26 d FOR SALE, the following Tracts of Land, in Virginia. ONE tract in Frederick county, combin ing 8756 acre!,- being part of that Whereon col. Thomas Bryan Martin now reJides, known the name of Greenway court, a bout li miles from Wincheftcr and j from Newtown. For the convenience of pur j chafers, it will be divided into parcels of varinus'climenfionsfroiH 200 to 600 acres, which maybe viewed by application to col R. K. Meade, living near the premises— The grea.er part is very fertile and well * timbered. Another tiaft in the fame county 011 PaiTage creek, containing 230 acres, and adjoining Jacob Levingoods. Another tract in Hamplhire county, con taining by patent, 699 acres, called Slim Bottom, situate on both (ides ol the South Branch and within two miles of the mouth of it, and is supposed to have a good mill fe a t. Another tract in Hamplhire county 011 Mr* Creek and Kettle-Lick , containing 50j acres. Another tract in Prince William county, called Leefylvania, containing upwards of 2003 acres.' W'mgupon Potomuck river, a bout 23 miles below Alexandria, and 28 below the Cify of Washington, compre hending Freestone Point, which appears to be a quarry of frre»ftonr, covering about 50 acrfs and adjoins the river, where ves sels of 100 tons conveniently harbour. On another part ofthiitraft ii isl'uppofed there is a quarry of slate, convenient to water carriage. Upwards of two thirds are in woods. Mr. Enoch S. Lane, living on (he preinifes, will (hew this tract. Another craft, in Fairfax county, called Springfield, containing 2040 1-2 acies, a bout 13 miles from Alexandria and 10 from Waftiington ; abounds with fine springs and meadow ground, and maybe seen by apply ing to Mr. John Wood, living on part of it Andthertraft in Fairfax county, con taining 392 acres, 011 Turkey-cock Knn, a bout 6 mile .from Alexandria. Another '.raft in Fairfax county, conta'n lng'abouti76 acre'n, adjoining Mr. J. Wat fon'sfeat, about four miles from Alexan dria. Another tract, in Fairfax county, coil, taining 513 acres, nea> Oocoquan, joining Mr. Edward Washington's. Another trart, jn Fairfax county, con taining 80 a.cre* or theieabout, within a mile of Pohick and within five miles of Mount Vernon, lies level, and is well timbered... • An undivided moiety in another tract, containing about 284 acres, in Fairfax county) about g miles from Wafhingtoi:, & 9 from Alexandria, wliere J. Robinson for merly lived. Another parcel of land, within a mile of Alexandria, containing about 24.acres, andjto be fold in acie or half-acre lots- Alio, sundry unimproved lots of vario u sizes, in different parts of the town of Al exandria. Todel'cribe the premises more particu larly is deemed nnnetefTary, as it i expec ted every per ion will examine ard view whatever part Tie (hall be inclined to buy. My onlvobjeft being to raise a certain sum of money, by felling so many or such parts of the aforefaid traces of land and lots as fha!l-be neceifary for that purpose, one half of the purchase money mult be paid at the time of contract, and the other within a year from the Hi ft day of August next, and at the time of delivering polfeflion or exe cuting a legal conveyance The lands' re maining unfold, except the tra