Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, September 08, 1794, Image 3

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    «. ia the month of October 1774,
declared " that you are
to the imposition of Excises,
the horror of all free States ; thus wreft
your property from you, by the
"Baft odious of taxes, and laying open
"ta .nfalerit tax-gatherers houses the
" Scenes of domestic peace and comfort,
«anJ cslLd the Castles of Englift fubjeas
«in the books of their law."
AJ f.-etjiett vour mernorialifts thus in
fiia»Se<i da mot hesitate to aflert their hor
ror of the recent a'. nipt to impose with
out rite'pretext ot'x want of more eligible
rrfearces, an excile system upon the peo- j
pJe, although vhev w,U forever dif- |
cMMIUJfcLB« a law lei's opposition to the
they cannot fuoprefs their !
MgsrA-afett that mealurcffof this nature!
gavff that conndence and at- j
ticiuK'Jst to the cunliituvioa and laws of s
tte wion, which would eventually be I
fawi dEeati J> to their profpenty and j
of ftcprefllng |
your fern tEments 011 ti>e occation maybe |
memorial!ftsbeg leave to j
oPjlcttc that what is right to be done j
l»y aa individual citizen cannot be j
■cirejng whert it becomes the aoof a -
calleded body po&tfyig a knowledge of
tnc iutt'efts, and appointed to tranfatt
tlic boo ft import 1 1 'fFi 1 1 s of the com
maaity. iiti. ti>e huufe of Repiefen
taicTOi has already set an example on
this wy fuhjeft by the vote which they
-pafll'd on the 22d of January 1791,
ami tKitcfs a difference of tne fill>K-'ct
makes x difference in the right your me
morwitfts confidently referto t'le autho
ritative precedents,eitablilhed by the Le
gi3atures,of various dates in the union,
who have made the proceedings, and
ads of Confjrefs matter of deliberation
and animadversion. —To those legisla
tures, indeed, the public is indebted for
the access which has at length been
obtained to the debates of the Senate
of the United States, & for the measures
taken to dedai e that the judiciary power
of the Supreme* Court, (hall not extend
to render a state amenable to the suit
of an individual citizen of another state.
That ifader these circumstances and im
pressions, your memoriahfts confidently
expeA pour aid, to rcllo. c them to the
equal rights of citizens, to prote<£l their !
families from impoverilbment, and tc fhel- j
rer the infant manufa&ories of the United 1
States, either faom ruin, or from acotrlpe
tition, in which the honest man must yield
to the knave. By a feaftmable interposi
tion, likewise the harmony and qrder of
society may be preserved ; and when it is
recolle&ed that in other nations even del
pots, and parliaments as tyrannical as des
pots, hive been obliged to consult the feel
ings of the people, and to abandon a tax
■which (to repeat the lauguage of Congress ) '
is the horror of ill free states, it is to be j
hcpedthat the general government, upon j
a falfe notion of power and dignity, will
not persevere in the pernicious and op-'
preffive course which it has unhappily com
menced by the imposition of an odious
Excif:. '
Thomas Leiper, & Co. Hamilton & Son,
John Hankart, Ifaacjones, Jacob Benning
hove, Conrad Beatcs, John ami Jacob
Rhelie, Frederick Beates, Christian Gaily
& Son, Jacob Benflinghove, jun. Philip
J>imble, George Brown, John Hill, Frede
rick Hyle, Casper Farner, Henry Millar,
"William Miller, Christian Cemp, Mary
Rechncr, Richard Brown, Philip Varner.
Sugar- Refiners.
Mnh'enberg and Lawerfwyler, Isaac
and Edward Penn ;.gtcn, Charles Schaffer,
OomnuD and Lav. ler, J. Bartholomew and
J. Dorfey, Morgan and Douglafe, Peter
and Henry Miercken.
ExtraS of a letter from London, dated
July 2> 1794.
"The Embargo laid on by your
States, gave us much alarm; to me, and
every person poffefling property in the
Weft-Indies, particularly ; but 1 am
happy to learn with some degree of cer
tainty, that. Mr. Jay has fettled every
thing with our admi migration in the :no!t
amicable manner, so that I hope the
L'effing of peace will be preserved be
' tween ns and the States—-Did you but
know the accumulated diltrefles the war
hat occafiofied in Europe, it would and
ought to be the wist of every good Ci
tizen among yon to remain neuter, and
avoid the horrors attending on war."
By this Day's Mail.
BOSTON, September *.
Yesterday information was circulating in
town, relating to Restitution for cap
tures of American veflels, Relea'e of
Prifonei s in Algiers, &c. said to be re
ceived by a veflel arrived at Marblehead
from Halifax. The Editors conceiving
it their duty to correit and authenticate
ftich importanttnformation if wellfound
cd—immediately repaired to the above
place, and obtained the following par
ticulars, which may be depended on.
ON Sunday arrived at Marblehead a
frnall schooner, in 12 days from Halifax.
Ihe ftevard of the Pigou, who came in
this vefiel informs, that the day before
♦hey failed from Halifax, a iloop of war
arrived with the July Packet from England.
He endeavored to procure some of the late
papers to bring them to Boston, but could
not : However from an attentive perul'al,
he is enabled to fay, they contain a Com
mercial Treaty between Great-Britain and
the United States, and signed by Mr. Jay
on the American part, That among the
articles* of this Treaty, ov.e provides for
the reltitution of all property captured
from the Americans by British fuhje&s du
ring the present war, the circumstances of
capture and ratio of allowance to be confi
deredand determined by fix CommifTioners
three to be chosen on the part of tlie.United
Sutes, and three oji the part of Great-
Britain —Another article mentions, that
all American fubj'fcjjr, wliertfoever un
lawfully detained by his Britarinic Majes
ty's fubjefts, shall be restored, and it is
t xpi ei'.-ly declared that the release of the
American prisoners in Algiers (hall be pro
cured. And further, lii the boundary lines
between the United States and the British
dominions, those fixed by the Treaty of
Peace (hould be faithfully oblerved on their
par .
A Sloop of War was to be dispatched
immediately tb the Bvitilh Minister at
New-York with these advices —Probably
I to be by him communicated to the Ame-
The veflH that brought the above gen
tleman from Halifax, was chartered for
the ptirpofeof carrying Capt. Lewi? there
—his attendance being ai-fefPary, from the
prob.• ility of the reltife of his ship, no
evidence of conference i.aving appeared
againlt her.
* Preliminary Articles <we suppose.
The Resolution, of 7.1, Africa, 64, Ar', 64, and two frigates of 36 guns,
were lying at Halifax.
Yesterday arrived, and anchored in this
harbor, a French brig of 16 guns, one of
the late ei'cort which lailed with the Con
corde, &c. and which were met by Admi
ral Murray. Also arrived yefterdaya brig
from Alicant.
SALEM, September 2.
The Sele&men of this town have,
agreeably to authority vested in.them,
executed a deed of ccfiion to the United
States, of land necessary for t lie erertion
of fortifications for the defence of the
port and harbor.
Last week, at a lcpp.l and very fu'l
neeting of the inhabitants of Marble
lead, it was iinaiiimm'.fiy voted, to make
i cefllon to the United States of land
: or building tor;llications 1 for the de
fence of that port ; ai.d the Selectmen
were authorized to execute' a deed, in
jiurfuance of this patriotic vote.
The Town of Gloucelter lias also
pafled a similar vote, for the like piib
lic-fpirited pilrpofe,
Capt- Murphy, from Petetfburg, on
the 20th of July, off Fair Iflartdv fell
in with a French ftjuadron bound on a
cruise into the North Sea, confiiting of
five,frigates and t\t'o (loops of war. One
of them boarded Capt. Murphy, but
did not detain him ten tnimif.s, They
informed him, that Oftend and Bruges
were taken by the French, the latter
part of June, without firing a gun ;
and that neither place was deitroyedj as
has been reported of the latter. The
fqnadron will probably make a great
cruise, as there was no British ship of
force in the Baltic, and Capt. Murphy
left 100 fail of Englifbrn'-n at Peterf
buig, many of them about failing—
besides what were at other ports in the
Baltic. Capt. Murphy tailed from El
(ineur with a large Engli(h fleet, having
only one frigate for a convoy, the whole
of which mult have fallen into the pow
er of this squadron, had the latter been
a few days earlier. The fleet, however,
are supposed to have all fafe arrived.
PROVIDENCE, August 30.
Thtirfday last Capt. Coates arrived
here, in 36 days from Jamaica. On his
pafTage, he took from the Dolphin's
Head (a dangerous reef off Cuba) the
crew of the (hip Sophia, Capt Cold
ftream, from Jamaica, bound for Lon
don, 16 in number—also a Lady* Mrs.
Reeves, of London, who was paflen
ger. The Sophia had been wrecked
about 24 hours when he fir ft saw her,
vessel and cargo loft. On the Bth inft.
heput the Captain, Lady, and •'5 others,
on board the ftiip Emerald, bound for
London—off the Havannah, 4 more
of the Sophia's crew, took her long
boat, and \yent afnore—the remaining
5 were brought in here.—A tribute of
praifc is due to Capt. Coates, for the
exertions he made to save these diftrefTed
people ; he spent 4 days in getting them
on board, and the weather being bad,
his fails were split to pieces in effecting
NEW-YORK, Sept. 6.
By various communications from Lon
don, by the July mnil, we learn that Mr.
Jay has succeeded in- accommodating all
differences with the Court of Great Bri
tain, and that a durable peace will be se
cured to the United States.
Lord Howe, with 30 fail of the line,
was to fail about the uth July.
LONDON PRINTS to the yh of
July, we have receiver by the arrival
of 'he English July vail ; -which i!o
not afford later advices than those by the
Prudence from Londonderry. The
following paragraphs, however, we
have copiedfrom papers of the 3d and
LONDON, July 5. *
Late on Wednesday night, a M-f
---fenger arrived at the lionfe of one of
the foreign minilters, from Biuflels;
which we trull will now be preserved,
alt ho' the governAnit has many dap
linee evacuated the place.
Betides the remuneration which his
majesty was pleased to make to the Tai
lors of every {hip, he prelented two
thousand guineas to the men in the
Dock-Yard; he likewise gave an hun
dred and fifty guineas to the poor of
Portsmouth, and fifty to the poor of
On this fubjeft, it may aot be impro
per to mention, that L ird H*>we and
every admiral of our victorious fleet,
have resigned their fliares of prize-mo
ney for the benefit ps their refpedlive
half p a u .
The numerous and liberal donations P.M. ;T>TV
made by individuals in this country du- ~ Qftcnd is now taken indeed !Th
ring tlie present war, will be an eter- Trial cutter is just arrived, and the dil
nal monument of British liberality, patches are forwarded from hence. Th'
We do not recoiled, in the history of ' FreMch ma ,. c h cc j i„ on Thursday. On
any former war, to have had fnch im- troQpg are a u f a f e l y embarked, and gon
menfefums fubC'ribed for different pub t0 Holland. Almost, if not all, tin
lie purpofevas during the pad: year and f n jppj l)g gwe out ; one l arg e one rui
half the present one. it is the moll ashore in coming out, to which they fe
certain and substantial proof of the wil- ; and as the French had but on
lingnefs of all ranks of pebple to flip- f ma U boat to cross with, one of our sri
port the government of the country in g ates ann oyed them very much in pail
tile meafuies they have pursued. ing. Th'y were not permitted to ftri
In our paper of, l uefuay it was (la- into the town, or they could havG dom
ted that fcrious alarms were entertained much mifcilief to it."
for the fofcty; of Captain Hutt : that , f . Uur from an c rr icer m loar[
brave office. is (rape dead. c/}ar/olte> at Port r mouth
1 tie remains or Captain lieryey j ; j-r
- XT , r , T. . ... 1 anted June 28.
were on Wednetday carried in military > _ . . .
precession, attended by" Earl Howe", " 1 have been assured that during
Sir Alexander Hood, admirals Gardner the I«e aft.on the Frer.fch officer, pu ,
and fir Peter Parker, with all the Cap- j ™ n y « thc " nien so death for cefert
tains of the channel fleet, to the gates ! ln ß the.r quarters—l, he pnfonen hk:
of Portsmouth, with every honorable jt,ue }' rench men, appear very well re
solemnity, where it was put into J '-oncned to then-luuat.on. I hey feerr
hearse to be conveyed to Sandwich. ; make V /'T b g ht °f the
Captain Hutt was buried at Gofport « he y us of not fight,r,g thtmjairly,
with the like folemmW \b7 co , m '"S si them '• a " d al " d g e >
Three officers of the Sjnnifh Navy, t that had lt , n °V b " n { or the numberleh
lecomtedeCafa Montata, don Fran- ; f "dents that befel them, they should
cifcode Arango and don Joseph Lequei- j bave g* ,r ' ed the day. One thing lob
ra, are arrived at London from Madrid ; : d very general among them, they
charged, it is said, with an important! lhe ' dea of returning to France,
million to our court. j ll . n ' ,l ( . the government .s in a more set-
Major Congrcve has tranffnitted a \ date.
copy of the thanks of the Emperor to ] ■ _ " . . , .
the British Artillenft.on the Continent, I J he Portuguese, although they aece
which was on Thursday publicly read at ! ded t ,° the f.™ ,d aU " ; noe ' ba * Icorn,n
---.u i i r buted verv little to this war in defence
the head ot the artillery companies at . ' n ,, , ,
Woolwich of rtl, gfon. lhe veafb " P c 'hapß is,
Befoie the evacuation of Oftend, a that they have so much of what
number of veffcls, both British and nro"ly called rel.g,on .n thm count.y as
prizes, were burnt for want of seamen to b< "' abk „ to lose a SS od deal > aild havc
to work them out. The underwriters er ' rt - , .. . .
are pledged to the amount of 5 0,0001. . A Th f f m P eror a " d Mack,
the fate of which, by this evacuation, ,n <M of visiting the Allied army on
they do not know. Several vessels were ! be Rll i nt ' aswas ba ve;hought
got out, but it is still doubtful what is 11 to P"[ sue the d,rea road
become of them. to t V ' eni ' a ' w,th " l,t , ' , tO , tbe
The y.'hole force of Sir Sydney Smith, »g ht ba " d .' " r to the left. I l.eir haste
with which he gops immediately on some to thither, is supposed to nave
secret expedition, is said to confill »f near been occafiqned V V their eager desire
50 gun boats, two floating batteries of un- to fit down in quiet, and chalk out a
usual strength, two (loops, and sri , lcw roa d to Paris, all the old roads
gates ; that in which he goes is the be ; ng founc] ; mpra aicable.
Di "™r d V, n . f ajm* u The Marquis Comwallis followed
Wednesday a Court of Admiralty wa» * *- * 1
held in Doctors Commons, when the trial them a good part or the way, piotelting
of the Britannia came on. TJrs was the with all his might, that if they would
cafe of a {hip and cargo, claimed to be pro
perty of American merchants.
The (hip failedfiom St. Lutia at the time
that island was in the hands of the French,
and was laden partly with provisions, the
produce of the Fren h Weft-India islands.
It was bound for Bourdeaux in France,but
ir.ftead of dire&ly failing for that place, it
went to Bolton, where the goods were
landed and put into ware-houses. The
cargo was then fold, and afterwards re
(hipped into the fame vefTel, and set fail
for Bourdeaux, when it was captured.
The vefiel was corre<stly documented ;
and it was sworn by the witnelTes for the
claimants, that it was bonS fide fold at
Boston, and was a neutral American (hip,
bound to Bourdeaux on a lawful voyage.
Three mariners were examined on the
part of the captors, who said they had
heard and verily believed, that the said (hip
haci been captured by an Englifli privateer,
and carried bito St. Kitt's; that while It
was there under legal process, the master,
in the absence of the Englifli captors, cut
the cable, and piratically carried the veflel
to Boston, from whence it failed again for
The Counsel for the captors contended,
that the cafe, on the part of the claimants,
was marked with great fuipicion. It ap
peared, they said, that the sale at Boston
was merely colourable, and the circum
stance of running away with the Ihip at
St. Kitt's amounted to a confeffion, that it
was !i»ble to confifcat'ron. —T hey said the
ship came within the law contained in the
inftrudtion of the English government,
which declared all neutral veil'els carrying
the produce of the French Weft-India
iilands to any port in Europe to be liable to
After counsel was heard on the other
fide, the learned judge fa id, t hat the
:afe was pregnant with fufpieion, and
therefore ne could not order rcftitution,
without further prouf.—The King's in-
Iruftions could easily be evaded, by
unning into some American port, rhak
ng a colourable sale, and then (hipping
he cargo for the enemy's port. Undei
11 the circuinftances, he felt, it his du
todifailow I'lechim, both of the fit
ty .. .iallow the claim, doiu j
and cargo, without farther proof beinj
Saturday night three of the Freni.
prisoners broke out of Portfea Caltle at
Portsmouth—they proceeded immedi
ately to the (hore, mid taki.ig pofleffion
of a fiihing smack, they put off to
fca, taking with them the master and a
boy, whom th?y found in the smack.
On Monday last a horse belonging to
Mr. Jones (which won at Eplom on
Friday) was engaged to gallop 11 miles
in half an hour, for fifty guineas, which
he performed, on. Sunbury common,
two minutes and a half within the tifr.e.
j The following letter was yefteiday
I morning received by the master of
Lloyd's Coffee-Houfe:
•' Margate, July 3, at
half past 11 o'clock,
but stop, they might hear of fame thing
greatly to their advantage } b lit the
■smacking of the poftillidn's whips, the,
rattling of the carriage wheels, and the
roaring of the cannon in Flanders, made
fiich a noise that they could not hear
MADRID, June 16.
The news from the frontiers are most
alarming : and our fears are aggravated
by the general didruft and want of co
operation, both in our armies, ana a
mong the members of our cabinet.
Our lofles on the lft of June are
attributed to ihe mifconduft of M. de
Solano, who commanded one of the di
vifious of our troops, and the cowardice
of our militia, who were panic struck
by thefirft fight of the French.
Our Generals affirm, that Collioure
would not have been loft, if our gun.
boats had had the courage to come
near enough to impede the operations
of the beliegers, and if Admiial Gra
vina's squadron had not been thiity-fix
hours too late.
Notwitliftanding these disasters, our
troops, we ate told, have not 101 l their
confidence in M. de la Union. We are
even allured, that he has taken two bat
teries, erected by th# French before
Bellegarde, and that he has opened the
communication between Bellegarde and,
the army. We dread, Lovrever, that
the French, in their usual manner, wili
ioon return to the charge with great
reinforcements ; that we should not be
able to check their progress ; and that
they will enter Catalonia, the pafles to
wl-.ich are difficult, hut weakly guarded.
To add to all this, the.French" have pe
netrated into Navarre with 14,000 men,
and taken pbfleffion of a post, which we
thought impregnable. The Court endea
vours to conceal this, but we know the
French have made a road for their artil
lery over the'mountains, and believe the
report of the ihvafion to be true. The mi
litia, the only troops to oppose them', are
very ill officer* d, and not much animated
by religious zeal.
As we mull ascribe none of our misfor
tunes to minilters, we fay they are all the
conlequences of trcafons and conspiracies.
The comt has removed from their
offices, and banished four counsellors of
Castile. A cleik ill the office for fo
reign affairs, fufpe&id of correspond
ing with M. D'Aranda, lias fuflered
the fame punishment,
The friends of ministers fay, that
grand discoveries have been made from
M. D'Aranda's papers, and that he is
to be taken into cullody at St. }e;tn, the
place of his exile.—ln Spain, as in
other countries, whatever the court
pleaseS may be diftweitd in the papers
of a man whom the court is pleated to
prosecute ; and M. D'Aranda will pro
bably be tried and condemned to die by
a tribunal of the Miniiler's own ap-
We are fully convinced of our own
inability, either to repel a foreign ene
my, or to suppress internal discontents ;
jbut fortunately the progress of the al
lies in Flanders will soon restore a go
vernment in France, upon which in all
cases, we can rely for support.
Yesterday dispatches were received fi-om
the Commissioners at Pittffiurgli.—We
hear that "the information is in j'ubftance,
hat forty-feven only of the Corvnittee of
SiJty, voted in favor of acceding to the
propositions. This is cortlidered as an un
favorable result of the bufinel~6.— : We learn
that the CommilTioners are on their return.
The Ship Willikm Penn arrived in Lon»
don the second of July.
, I)ay*
Ship Concord, Thotnpfon, Amfter-
Brig Rose, Meariy, :
Flora, CalTin, do.
Sch'r Delight, Weft, Noitli-Caro-
Set.flower, Tillet, do. 4.
Dolphin, Cunningham, Boston 1
Rambler, Denton, Virginia 7
Slfiop Three Friends, Tice, da. 10
Salem, Elkins, New-York f
Ranger, Diinn,
The (hip Concord failed from Am
(terdam the Bth of July. Captain
Thompson fpokc the following veflels }
July 11, in the Streights of Dover,
was brought too by the Childers brig,
belonging to his Britannic Majesty, who
after examination, permitted us to pass;
July I2j at 8 A. M. Portland, N. I s !.
E. live leagues diflant, spoke the /hip
Minerva, Captain James Scott, of and
from Boilon, bound to London.
July 25, in lat. 48, long. 21, 30*
was brought too by his Britannic Ma
jesty's Hoop of war Lynx, Captain Peri
rofe, destination not known.
Anguft 16, in lat. 43, 30, long-. 51,
30, spoke' the brig Hannah,' Captain
-s— —from Baltimore, bound to'
Falmouth, out 15 days, all well.
August 19, fpojv the Maria Wilfbn,
Captain John Hafkins, from Baltimore,
bound to 58* lung. 54,
Now Landing,
j From the Jhip St. Marks, Capt. Hayfell,
at Majfey's wharf,
| Lisbon &c Port wine,
In jripes and quarter eajks
Florence oil, box Iff jar Raisins
Figs £3° foft JhelPd Almonds, Currents,
Frefl) Lemons, v. Ivel to, is, and
A fe<iv tajks Fin/gar, with a
Clean Lisbon SALT,
yofepb Anthony & Son.
Sept. 8 chw
For Cape Nicholas Mole,
bcver yf a ftf aiw sft"?
,#s& BETSEY,
Of Philadelphia,
b£h£2£2o?Georg« Lowther, Master,
For freight,, or paflage apply to
Louis Ofmont,
No. 117, north Second f.reet.
Sept. S diet
dam 6q
Hav«nna 16
lina, 10